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Why all the historic mods?

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Before I start this is not a dig at anyone as I admire people who makes mods as it is something I would never have the patients or ability to do well. I was just wondering why there are so many historic mods and scenarios out there and no really good real world updates. I know there are a few beta versions around but they are not good enough for a long term game and just a base i guess for more releaes over time. Is it because people do no like current day wrestling or is it because it is easy to make an historic mod rather than a current day one due to less wrestlers needed in a historic one? Like I said I am not having a go at anyone just curious there seems to be mods for alot of years appart from current day.
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I think people like some era (year, maybe two) more than the real life, and indeed, it they can have smaller work load. People just like different ages of wrestling, and some think it's not the current day. But in my opinion, it's good that people make mods from different era's, so everyone can edit to make their own mod (like if someone does 2003 mod, and someone wants a 2004 mod, he can edit it) and play different mods.
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A number of reasons I think. Current day real world is harder to do because of the nature of wrestling, by the time you get your data done there would be a dozen workers change companies, get sacked, change gimmick, change alignment etc and it is hard to keep up with workers from many promotions as they are at this moment. A current day real world mod is never truly completed and becomes obsolete about a week after release as people start complaining about having to make their own changes to the data (because it's so hard to change a few gimmicks and contracts yourself :D). I admire the people who do make current day mods, but they are often too big and too inconsistent for me to enjoy in the long term. Also some people such as myself find different eras of wrestling more appealing. I'm making a 96 mod because I can think of a good 10 or so promotions which were really interesting and exciting at this time as opposed to wrestling now which I don't follow as much because I just think it's in a bad state. Also creating a historical mod is a little more interesting in some ways, rather than just trying to create something that represents who is working where and how good they are ... you try to recreate scenes from the past, set up a game and see if you can make it follow history or take history in another direction. The way you build your stats has a huge influence on how well the game plays and how close to history you can make it while still trying to keep it fun to play and not too predictable.
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Im working on a 'historic mod' because I know ahead of time what workers are where and exactly what needs doing.. in a current day mod, I can plan for a certain day - but by the time ive worked on even a small portion of the workers all the planning is out of date and essentially needs constant changes.. Its not like a transfer window in football where changes stop being made after a certain deadline - everything is always changing and for me, I cant keep up with that when making a mod.. For me it has nothing to do with my perceptions about todays wrestling.. I dont think it sucks.. yeah its not the best its ever been, but its not the worst either..
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Interesting discussion so far. My personal taste runs more towards the present-day, I think because I look at the industry and (like any good armchair quarterback) think I could do better. TEW gives me the chance to do that, and that's why I've been playing it and its predecessors for close to a decade now. I like some of the historical mods, too, mind you. It's kinda fun going back and seeing if I could have saved ECW or the NWA. But that's just a change of pace. The present-day is what I get the most enjoyment out of.
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I grew up in the beginning of the monday night wars, and so that is what has my interest. Apart from me not really watching wrestling anymore and thus aren't in to th current workers the way I was in the mid nineties, I also like the dynamics back then a lot more. We had two major companies (WCW and WWF) struggling for dominance, both roughly equal in size and importance, constantly with momentums shifting. Not to mention the presence of ECW, who was kinda caught in the crossfire of this battle of titans. Nowadays, there is no competition. There is only WWE. Sure, TNA is exciting and all, and is fairly big - but it's just not the same...
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Present day mods are generally a disaster. No offense to those working on them but they nearly ALL suffer from crippling bloat and inconsistency. The problem of start date, could easily be solved by selecting a date and sticking with it. January 2008 would be a good place to start, and then just do annual updates NEXT January. The fact that they actually try to keep up with live changes with DataBases that include >2000 workers and >1000 gimmicks is insane. It doesn't help that the editor is EXTREMELY clumsy, and doesn't allow you to have a global view of the stats you are assigning. No wonder these larger DBs are often so bad. Historical mods often have smaller, more meaningful rosters (They avoid the mistake of include every minor jobber from random indy feds... because no one remembers them). There is also the VERY great appeal of re-writing history. Finally there is the DOTT effect. The best, most consistent mod out thereis a historical mod... it follows that others would see that and model themselves after the best. Maybe once DOTT:Generations is done, we will have a model of a current day mod to act as a guide too...
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;469599]Finally there is the DOTT effect. The best, most consistent mod out thereis a historical mod... it follows that others would see that and model themselves after the best. Maybe once DOTT:Generations is done, we will have a model of a current day mod to act as a guide too...[/QUOTE] We already do have a model of a good current day mod, it's the same model used previously for DOTT and being used currently for DOTT & Generations. Called the Cornellverse and/or Default Database. :p
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[QUOTE=Sartagis;469680]We already do have a model of a good current day mod, it's the same model used previously for DOTT and being used currently for DOTT & Generations. Called the Cornellverse and/or Default Database. :p[/QUOTE] To some poitn I see what you are saying, but the Cornellverse is so completely unlike the real world in so many ways that it doesn't serve as an effective example, especially for understanding how to consistently rate real world workers against each other. Hell even DOTT classic is a better model to follow in that respect...
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Like everyone said, a modern day mod is hard as hell to do. The historic mods have generally been fun to play. I have been simming a MA 1997 game and the way the game world looks it is intestering. It's 2000 and La Parka beat Ric Flair for the ECW World title. Put in the fact that Robert Gibson has revived his career in WWF, the game has been great to watch so far. Only thing I wish I would have done different is wait on opening my promotion because alot of workers are not avilable
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I am simming the 1992 mod and have gone 5 years into the future where WCW and WWF are no longer the top promotions. Its great seeing how the game world has developed I plan on simming through until 2008 then trying to get a job. I take it this game doesnt have an add user option like football manager.
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[QUOTE=Supermercado;470981]I'm shattered there aren't more historical mods. Would love to see a decent one for every couple of years from 1990 onwards.[/QUOTE] Join the revolution! Make one! I am looking forward to Forlan's 1993 mod myself, as well as my own 1996 one coming eventually. Already got 91/92 and 97 done. A solid late 90's one would be pretty awesome.
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once I get some time on my hand I plan on expanding a beta that I have (author: Chriswok & Mesh) by adding FCW first. Then a plethora of free agents of recentley released WWE talents or people who have gotten tryouts recentley, thus creating a "WWE-verse" at least with likely RAW (global), SmackDown! (global), ECW (cult), and FCW (small) all acting as individual promotions with other promotions set to debut over time, maybe based on pased WWE shows, be it Velocity, Heat, Shotgun, ext. I think thats the easiest root. Then keep that as an up to date mod while also working on TNA, ROH, and say Chikara on the side. When those are done go on an combine RAW/SmackDown!/ECW into one promotion and add the three other promotions creating somewhat of a "North America-Verse" while also adding some recentley released and on show talents from those promotions. Now thats just if I get time on my hands which wont happen for a couple weeks because of a new job and a wedding coming up. However I think the only feasable way to do a stat update for the real world is that way. Start at the top and work down and out. So get North America done to the point there are several promotions that can run effectivley (since North America is the most important, like it or not) then from there you can include Japan & Mexico in that order. As time permits slowly add Britan, and Europe, and finally try and do something with Australlia. I dont think it should be THAT difficult. If you use 2007 data as an import base, most of the work is done besides having to redo lineage, moves, and such. The sad thing is most of the "period" mods thus far have been less then spectacular despite the effort put into them. They arnt all really playable, or maybe its just my problem with the fact I hate re-writing history.
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I too am totally sick of the historic mods. 1991 is one of the great ones, and there are a few others that are quality, but I'm fed up with the constant throwbacks. This is not helped by the fact that there really isn't a single current day mod out there (that's quality anyway).
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