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Good Chemistry - in announcing?

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I didn't realize that you could have a good announcer/color chemistry. I'm trying a self-run fed and I had a main event heel (Madman Boone) who I couldn't book for the initial show so I shoved him into position as my 'third' chair for announcing, and he's been clicking with Rock Downpour. Now Boone's mic skills are meh - straight c's except announcing where he's an F. My question is this - is the chemistry boost worth keeping him as a color commentator worth it (and the PPA cost) for every show? Will fans get tired of seeing him if I use him in this capacity AND throw him into matches as well?
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;469829]Announcing skill doesn't matter for color commentator, and C's are fine for a regional and smaller fed. And having him as a color commentator and a wrestler shouldn't affect the crowd seeing him as long as he is still pushed as a wrestler.[/QUOTE] Not to mention it should give him a nice boost to his Entertainment skills. I say give it a try.
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This happened to me when Jerry Lawler got injured (I know, how, right?) in my last 067 game, so I subbed in CM Punk and he seemed to be better for the matches than the King was. So I kept him on for a while. I didn't go much further in that game, so, no long term effects. Not to mention, chemistry wasn't in that version. But, anyway.
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Member of the syndicate turned out to have good chemsitry with both my anouncer and regular Colour Comentater Guess who is in the third chair when the syndicate have a match? hehe. And no no detrimental effects as long as the said wrestler isn´t being pushed as an colour comentater when he doesn´t want to be one. You can use him as one as much as you want.
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I'm not entirely sure about the following yet... But as good as the 3rd place is for upskilling your workers, I also experienced negative side effects on the wrestlers. In my game 2 of my workers, who were used as 3rd man at the desk decreased significantly in my main areas overness, - while gaining overness in all contries I aired my shows. So, if you use a Main Eventer or one of your more important guys, make sure, that it doesn't ruin his short term use as a wrestler (in terms of popularity)!
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;469907]yep a workers entertainment skills excluding announcing need to be at least close to his overness without incurring that detremental effect.[/QUOTE] That still doesn't sound right. I put (actually) 3 guys on the position, who already had very good entertainment skills (B and above) and were at the C/C+ overness at max. Even the two guys, who were only around D overness decreased to ~E overness, before they slowly increased again (best scenario: to D+) in all areas (I aired especially my PPVs all over the world).
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hmm wierd, you didnt use all three at the same time I assume but rotated between them. Then I wouldn´t really know what the problem is. Maybe anouncers and colour commentators gain popularity based on overall show quality but that is just a stab in the dark.
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In my TCW game Sam Keith retired from wrestling fairly quickly but I had him continue as a Manager with the Syndicate for a while but eventually put him as Heel colour commentator and he has great chemistry with both Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes!
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every time I play MAW I put Rip on the announce team and he always has chemistry with Marv. Also in my from scratch game I hired Marty Papin as my main announcer and Reese Paige as my Commentator/Road Agen, then I hired Lee Bambino as a third announce in training for when Marty retired and Lee has pretty good chemistry with both Resse and Marty.
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