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Raw 7/28/08 (spoilers)


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Guest Ransik
I can honestly say I never heard one bigger collective fart.... than the end of RAW. Sure wasn't Vince Russo... sure smells like his booking though!
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But when the tag announcement change happened, and then he appeared at the desk after the break, it all made sense. Did it bomb? Sure, but everything he's done thus far has bombed. I just hope it means he won't be wearing a headset anymore. Bits and pieces I think I can take, but a whole hour of him stuttering and stammering is enough to make me want to put my head in a microwave.
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Yeah that is the reaction fans should give him none guarnteed he will then go away no matter how much money they are paying him. What a way to bury Kanes momentum as well have John Cena pin him clean in a nothing tag match. What was wrong with JBL losing if anyone had to lose on that team, THE INDESTRUCTABLE MONSTER is beaten by the firemans carry.
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Guest Ransik
[QUOTE=mjdgoldeneye;470801]I wonder if the WWE knows this is a awful idea... Complete silence upon the GM announcement...[/QUOTE] Of course they know it... You even look at Shane and he looked pissed when he said it. I wanna know what the heck is the boner someone has for Adamle... after the way WWE has improved the last few weeks they pretty much walked all the way backwards with that horrible decision.
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Isn't he a friend of a friend of Vince's? Like someone got to Vince and said "hey, this guy was the voice of American Gladiator's in the 90's. And you have fans that were alive in the 90's. It's perfect! Give him a 3 million dollar contract, so you're saddled with him for the next so many years, and watch as he systematically destroys your company from the inside out. It'll be awesome!" Deep down, I was really hoping it'd be Joey Styles. I dunno why, but the idea of Joey as the authority of Raw seems to make me feel warm n' fuzzy inside.
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i can honestly say WWE has lost it. not only do they give the most clumbs mouthed man on the whole of WWE a place at the announce desk they give him a microphone and a place on raw every week? lets hope this marks the return of joey styles and a short run for adamle as the gm:D:D:D and if youre not down with that (then you need to be) lol. i got to words for ya, FIRE ADAMLE
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Guest Ransik
You know how everyone has that theory that McMahon sent Russo to WCW to destroy it? Well... Matt Morgan is on American Gladiators right? And AG is on NBC.... and SNME is also on NBC... Morgan in TNA. There's your new theory.... Gladiators and TNA have sent Adamle to the WWE to make an even more horrible destruction than Russo caused in WCW. Cause honestly... I could stand about half of everything Russo did... Adamle was annoying in the 90s on Gladiators and he's worse trying to pretend he knows what a suplex is. And yes.... the theory is a joke.
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Mike Adamle as the GM could be awesome. Kayfabe, he already changed the tag match in order to injure Michael Cole. Give the guy a chance. Plus thought WWE lost it when they named Vickie as the GM of Smackdown. And until last week, she was the one of the top heels in the business.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;470825]WTF.... Just when you thought they were on the right path..............[/QUOTE] Because the 10 minutes of each show where a trained announcer (whose lack of wrestling background isn't really going to be a problem anymore) is going to actually effect anything.
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Jesus, people... you all complain that Cole and JR traded places. So we make Adamle GM of Raw, and he trades JR for Cole (and possibly someone to be named later); someone replaces him on ECW, and everyone's happy with their announcers again. Instead, you're all bitching about Adamle as GM? It probably means he's not announcing anymore, and you were all bitching about his announcing before!
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The problem that people have, and the reason I turned off raw pissed, is that we just got Paul Roma as the fourth horseman. All this buildup for weeks, and they give us the third string announcer? WWE had the chance to make a huge splash and instead they gave us fart bubbles.
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Maybe they had big plans and they fell through at the last minute, when Arnold remembered he was already govenator of of California. Maybe they had big plans, and then the Rock Got Smart about his movie Career and Walked the the Line away from the deal. Maybe they had big plans, and then Kevin Sulivan remembered that they don't let TNA talent straight into the big time. Or maybe, Vince was just vince and blew yet another major opportunity to re-elevate his company.
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