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WWE goes PG

Irish Wolf

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From [URL="http://www.twnpnews.com/messages/20370.shtml"]twnpnews[/URL] [QUOTE]WWE will be moving ECW on Sci Fi timeslot one hour ahead to 9PM EST on Tuesdays as on September 30, 2009. This move was made to have the program under PG ratings.[/QUOTE] From [URL="http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/80934/More-WWE-News:-PG-Rating,-More-Stars-Set-For-SNME,-Essential-Starrcade-Voting.htm"]411mania.com[/URL] [QUOTE]WWE will be announcing tomorrow that all of its programming in the U.S. will now be rated TV-PG.[/QUOTE] [URL="http://www.wrestling-edge.com/wwenews.php?subaction=showfull&id=1217273460&archive=&start_from=&ucat=1&"]WWE explains New Rating[/URL]
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Yeah, I can see this working out well. Didn't we just get the graphic footage of Y2J opening up HBK's eye a couple weeks ago? Maybe that, and the JBL/Cena conc-ar-to were done as a 'last gasp' before they changed over... Wonder if the divas' outfits will change...
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[QUOTE]From twnpnews Quote: WWE will be moving ECW on Sci Fi timeslot one hour ahead to 9PM EST on Tuesdays as on September 30, 2009. This move was made to have the program under PG ratings. From 411mania.com Quote: WWE will be announcing tomorrow that all of its programming in the U.S. will now be rated TV-PG. WWE explains New Rating[/QUOTE] Looks like the WWE is about to get a lot more boring soon. We need an ECW. A small company that delivers more adult programming (and not TNA because while they try some times.... I can't stand most of their angles).
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speaking of things being PG I found this posted somewhere without a link or a source quoted can anyone confirm. [QUOTE]Believe it or not, WWE has hired actor Freddie Prinze, Jr. (Scooby-Doo, She's All That, I Know What You Did Last Summer) as a new member of the creative team. He was at the RAW/Saturday Night's Main Event taping last night and has attended several WWE events over the past few months including WrestleMania. He has been a big fan for awhile and has also been a "celebrity blogger" on the WWE Fan Nation site. Prinze is married to actress Sarah Michelle Gellar.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;471263]speaking of things being PG I found this posted somewhere without a link or a source quoted can anyone confirm.[/QUOTE] Its true, it was reported on PWInsider.com. I'd give you a link, but I'm an elite member and don't go to the free site.
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[QUOTE=Eisen-verse;471238]Looks like the WWE is about to get a lot more boring soon. We need an ECW. A small company that delivers more adult programming (and not TNA because while they try some times.... I can't stand most of their angles).[/QUOTE] I completely agree WWE is turning in USPW. We need our DAVE... or at least PSW....
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[QUOTE=tristram;472159]Does this mean WWE will have to give more thought to getting a cheap pop out of fans than flashing a set of plastic titties in front of the audience?[/QUOTE] I hope so. Last time I was at a house show, they had a Diva dance contest, and... I've been to strip clubs, but I've never been to one surrounded by 9 year olds. Inappropriate.
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[QUOTE=Self;472169]I hope so. Last time I was at a house show, they had a Diva dance contest, and... I've been to strip clubs, but I've never been to one surrounded by 9 year olds. Inappropriate.[/QUOTE] LOL I'm hearing you. I've had times when I've been at the mates house and his young daughters are going from room to room and you almost feel obliged to change it when certain things are happening. Does that mean WWE will have to start get creative now? (I joke).
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=tristram;472184] Does that mean WWE will have to start get creative now? (I joke).[/QUOTE] Creative being Creative? [IMG]http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l266/Revolos55/Macros/GuinnessBrilliant.jpg[/IMG] BRILLIANT!
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