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DOTM Cornellverse

DOTM Cornellverse  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM Cornellverse

    • Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicals: The CGC Era!"
    • McShamrock's "Pittsburg Steel Wrestling: Dave's not here
    • Greg2511's "SWF: The Dangerous Years"
    • d_w_w's "HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!"
    • Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0"
    • James Casey's "MAW: 10 Simple Rules..."
    • Actarus's "Jim Force Returns"
    • maskedpropaganda's "Establishing The Undergound"
    • Rathen4's APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You

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[U][SIZE="3"][B]Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:[/B][/SIZE][/U] [list][*][URL=""]Dragonmack's "The David Mack Chronicals: The CGC Era!"[/URL] [*][URL=""]McShamrock's "Pittsburg Steel Wrestling: Dave's not here[/URL]" [*][URL=""]Greg2511's "SWF: The Dangerous Years"[/URL] [*][URL=""]d_w_w's "HGC (Cverse97): Hollyweird meets Hollywood!"[/URL] [*][URL=""]Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0"[/URL] [*][URL=""]James Casey's "MAW: 10 Simple Rules..."[/URL] [*][URL=""]Actarus's "Jim Force Returns"[/URL] [*][URL=""]maskedpropaganda's "Establishing The Undergound"[/URL] [*][URL=""]Rathen4's APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You[/URL] [/list] Honorable Mention: [URL=""]Nevermore's " MoSC: The Worst Of British Wrestling"[/URL] [URL=""]ShipShirt's "Championship Wrestling from Boston Lives Again"[/URL]
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Without a doubt I think the best three diaries on the board are James Casey's MAW, McShamrock's PSW, and NoNeck's SWF. I can understand NoNeck's diary not getting nominated this month because it doesn't get updated very often and so it's easy for it to slip through the cracks, but choosing between Casey's and McShamrock's diaries? That sucked. In the end I went with 10 Simple Rules because of the great payoff on the building Chord family feud backstage. But McShamrock's diary is still great enough that I felt bad about casting my vote.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;473474]Without a doubt I think the best three diaries on the board are James Casey's MAW, McShamrock's PSW, and NoNeck's SWF. I can understand NoNeck's diary not getting nominated this month because it doesn't get updated very often and so it's easy for it to slip through the cracks, but choosing between Casey's and McShamrock's diaries? That sucked. In the end I went with 10 Simple Rules because of the great payoff on the building Chord family feud backstage. But McShamrock's diary is still great enough that I felt bad about casting my vote.[/QUOTE] I actually found myself torn between Rathen4s APW diary and McShamrock's PSW. Ultimately I decided to go with APW, but the truth is there's several here I consider top notch work.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;473496]I actually found myself torn between Rathen4s APW diary and McShamrock's PSW. Ultimately I decided to go with APW, but the truth is there's several here I consider top notch work.[/QUOTE] Internet hugs :D I don't imagine I will ever win the prize (until everyone but me is eligible), but just hearing nice things said makes it all worth it. :) Thank you
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Yep there is a really strong field out there but having nominated McShamrock I felt obliged to vote for him too. I agree about NoNeck and hope he gets nominated next month as his work is top notch. Good luck everyone and don´t forget to vote for the rookie diary! Even if it isn´t for me it is an excellent motivator.
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[QUOTE=Bolton;473605]I vote for Jim Force Returns, it's hilarious and constant.[/QUOTE] I'm still saddened that no mentioning of that form of Jim Force in any form in 08s data. Sometimes I really wish Ryland would incorporate some of the cooler ideas in the dynasties... but hey, its his universe :-) And I'm also shocked that "Jim Force Returns" is down towards the bottom in votes. I think the biggest problem is the shear number of good diaries these days. Even Jim Force doesn't have the Forcechlorians to make people ignore "PSW: Dave's Not Here" and "MAW: 10 Simple Rules...", along with all the other awesome diaries.
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Congrats on McShamrock winning diary of the month, despite some really strong competion, he was the one I stumped for this month but I was pretty torn between that one and d w w's HGC diary. I was also tempted to give maskedpropaganda's the vote, because hey he did vote for me :) But despite not getting a vote, his is a really good diary with a pretty original format, so go check it out. Anyway I think McShamrock's strength lies in his backstage character development, it's the best since Monkeypox's legendary Mark Cuban does DaVE. I think someone else might of stated this already but I wouldn't be surprised if he is Monkeypox in disguise. :D
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;475068]Congrats on McShamrock winning diary of the month, despite some really strong competion, he was the one I stumped for this month but I was pretty torn between that one and d w w's HGC diary. I was also tempted to give maskedpropaganda's the vote, because hey he did vote for me :) But despite not getting a vote, his is a really good diary with a pretty original format, so go check it out. Anyway I think McShamrock's strength lies in his backstage character development, it's the best since Monkeypox's legendary Mark Cuban does DaVE. I think someone else might of stated this already but I wouldn't be surprised if he is Monkeypox in disguise. :D[/QUOTE] Agree with all that - but he's definitely not Pox - after all McShamrock posts his shows more than once every six weeks! :p ;)
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Congrats to Shamrock! His work is exceptional and deserves victory. No worries Tiger, nomination is honor enough! Hopefully it alone will have sent a couple eyes perusing that would have normally overlooked. If so, I hope they enjoyed!!!! My greatest appreciations to yourself and Actarus for showing me the love! I am not in the league with yourself, Actarus, Hollyweird, Greg, and our champion Shamrock in my personal honest opinion. Rathen has given Australia a face and it is quite a face! It is well put together visually and keeps your attention well. (I am afraid I have not read our other nominations in Casey's MAW or Dragonmack's CGC, but both are #2 & #3 on my 'To Do' list when I find time. #1 of course being finish off that 3rd battel royal that has been sitting unwritten for two days! :)) Again, congratulations goes to Mokeypox in his leperchan mask!!! For real though Shamrock has to be Pox's apprentice or SOMETHING cause the comparable greatness is uncanny! :p Oh, and PS I see I am reading this thread with the TrekkieMonsta who everyone should watch for NEXT month since he has gotten over his little "burn out" period and has returned to the World Level!!!! MONSTA IN AUGUST! I am starting his campaign now!!!! :D
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Congratulations to the winner McShamrock, and it is heartening to see that the quality of diaries is still strong even without J Silver or Monkeypox, or even Marcel Fromage having a diary out there currently. While all three of those mentioned are missed, and we all look forward to if and when they grace the boards with their work again, there is no doubt that they will have very stiff competition from the authors that are currently here! :D
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[QUOTE=maskedpropaganda;475100] Rathen has given Australia a face and it is quite a face! It is well put together visually and keeps your attention well. [/QUOTE] Cheers man - that means a lot. People seem to say a lot about my graphics and it's basically a publisher document converted to .png , so now I've got that down I need to focus more on character development which is where I've been lacking. Would be nice to hear from people who don't use Australia who are getting an insight from my diary :)
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[QUOTE=maskedpropaganda;475100]Congrats to Shamrock! His work is exceptional and deserves victory. No worries Tiger, nomination is honor enough! Hopefully it alone will have sent a couple eyes perusing that would have normally overlooked. If so, I hope they enjoyed!!!! My greatest appreciations to yourself and Actarus for showing me the love! I am not in the league with yourself, Actarus, Hollyweird, Greg, and our champion Shamrock in my personal honest opinion. Rathen has given Australia a face and it is quite a face! It is well put together visually and keeps your attention well. (I am afraid I have not read our other nominations in Casey's MAW or Dragonmack's CGC, but both are #2 & #3 on my 'To Do' list when I find time. #1 of course being finish off that 3rd battel royal that has been sitting unwritten for two days! :)) Again, congratulations goes to Mokeypox in his leperchan mask!!! For real though Shamrock has to be Pox's apprentice or SOMETHING cause the comparable greatness is uncanny! :p Oh, and PS I see I am reading this thread with the TrekkieMonsta who everyone should watch for NEXT month since he has gotten over his little "burn out" period and has returned to the World Level!!!! MONSTA IN AUGUST! I am starting his campaign now!!!! :D[/QUOTE] Bah, you're a good read, and don't give yourself enough credit (and methinks give me too much!) I think overall these votings are showing a strong quality in dynasties overall, with lots of individual interpretations and styles to choose from. Congrats to McShamrock!
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Congrats to McShamrock. I haven't had to time to read your diary yet, as I've been pretty busy as of late, but I'll put it on the old to-do list. Maybe take a look at it this weekend. We have a good pool of diaries out there, I had a hard time picking one to vote for. I went with tigerkinney this month, as I've really been enjoying his shows (even if I have kind of been off in the predictions lately). Thanks to all that voted for me. It's much very appreciated :)
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