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Any word on the C-Verse 1975 mod?

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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;556630]I think it's gotten to the point where I'm the only member of the 2007 mod team with enough free time to give any time to this project. Up until November we had put in some good work on it and I'm fairly happy with the changes we'd made. We were working on expanding Japan to have a couple viable smaller promotions, but I think SadisticBlessings must have simply gotten too busy. However, the continued interest in this mod has kind of inspired me and I'm going to put a few hours into it right now and see where it's at then. I'd like to put up an official "Help/Hype Thread" this Monday, as I'll have some free time then to converse with people over graphics, logos, renders, and even some database work that I could use a hand with. I'll probably give a couple long-time fans a chance to beta test it, as I like to focus on long-term sims and I'd like some feedback on how individual promotions go. As far as a release goes, it may still be as far off as March, depending on how much help I can get. I know Sadistic and I both want this mod to be as excellent as we can make it, and so I won't release it until I feel that it is truly up to that standard.[/QUOTE] i have always loved the 1975 mod and am sooo looking forward to playing it on 08.....ill throw my hat into the testing ring
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Quick update, I've been putting in some serious hours into the mod and mostly working on the smaller territories- Europe, UK, and Australia, along with importing new workers that weren't in the last one- and getting some of the well known new workers original names so that they can be given alter egos for the appropriate gimmick changes in their careers. I've started to get a list going of the renders that will be needed... Official thread should be up Tues. or Weds.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;558994]Quick update, I've been putting in some serious hours into the mod and mostly working on the smaller territories- [B]Europe[/B], UK, and Australia, along with importing new workers that weren't in the last one- and getting some of the well known new workers original names so that they can be given alter egos for the appropriate gimmick changes in their careers. I've started to get a list going of the renders that will be needed... Official thread should be up Tues. or Weds.[/QUOTE] I hearby nominate myself for the position of official 1975 Europe tester. I'd love to try and take a Euro company from the 70s and see what I can do with it. I mean, I'd love to test this mod... To see that its up to snuff. Yeah. Or.... Yeeeeees.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;558994]Quick update, I've been putting in some serious hours into the mod and mostly working on the smaller territories- Europe, UK, and Australia, along with importing new workers that weren't in the last one- and getting some of the well known new workers original names so that they can be given alter egos for the appropriate gimmick changes in their careers. I've started to get a list going of the renders that will be needed... [B]Official thread should be up Tues. or Weds.[/QUOTE][/B] It's Thursday. Obviously, the T stands of "Truth? NEVA!"
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