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Any word on the C-Verse 1975 mod?

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[QUOTE=shipshirt;479375]Being a huge fan of the territory system I really enjoyed playing the Cornellverse 1975 mod. Will there be one coming out for TEW08?[/QUOTE] There was a cornellverse mod that started in 75:eek: Did it like run from 75 and allow you to progress up to current day?? If so yea i hope they make one for this version of TEW I got on board the TEW bandwagon late 07 so the only mod i really played was DOTT besides playing the Cornell Verse.
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[QUOTE=mike b;479481]There was a cornellverse mod that started in 75:eek: Did it like run from 75 and allow you to progress up to current day?? If so yea i hope they make one for this version of TEW I got on board the TEW bandwagon late 07 so the only mod i really played was DOTT besides playing the Cornell Verse.[/QUOTE] To get in the proper mindset for the 1975 data, think of it as a Cornellverse version of the period right before Death Of The Territories. It was a good enough mod that Adam edited parts of the default data to better be in sync with it.
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[QUOTE=alden;479489]wasen't it stated that the 97 and 75 data are going to "official" tew mods now or something? Like adam is saying they are part of the official history of the c-verse and such.[/QUOTE] They aren't yet an official part of the Cornellverse, but sometime in the next couple of months there's supposed to be some movement toward making the two mods canon.
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SadisticBlessings and I are hard at work on it, but this time around we're really focusing on maximum quality, so it's still a ways off. The hype thread will probably go up when we complete the active workers and promotions, but I couldn't give a timetable on that at the moment. Hoping to complete the U.S. within a couple weeks or so, if people would stop making me go out and drink with them. To answer your question mike b, we did have a majority of the default C'Verse workers set to debut in the '07 version, so it was entirely possible to go up to the current day.
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It's a fantastic mod. It was one of the few mods I played and I really enjoyed it. Glad to hear that it will be released for 08 MRTJTM!! I also LOVE Sadisticblessing's character designs...kind of cartoony and so distinctive. His Cheif Two Eagles is one of my favorite ever and made me want to use the character over and over. I would like to see even more of a territory feel to it (a lot of the guys were on written contracts which seemed odd due to the time period) with guys jumping around before SWF takes over everything :)
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;479559]SadisticBlessings and I are hard at work on it, but this time around we're really focusing on maximum quality, so it's still a ways off. The hype thread will probably go up when we complete the active workers and promotions, but I couldn't give a timetable on that at the moment. Hoping to complete the U.S. within a couple weeks or so, if people would stop making me go out and drink with them. To answer your question mike b, we did have a majority of the default C'Verse workers set to debut in the '07 version, so it was entirely possible to go up to the current day.[/QUOTE] So no new worker s(or few new workers) but more fleshed out would be the expectation we should set for ourselves? BTW, is/was there a NWA analog int he cornellverse? I haven't really found one and that is something I would love to see...
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I really enjoyed the 75 and 97 mods last year. Very much enjoying the 97 mod right now (although, I can't seem to motivate myself to write for my diary :rolleyes:), and very excited about the 75 mod. I'll definitely download it and play. Depending on where the 97 diary goes, it's certain that I'll do a 75 game and very likely I'll do a 75' diary down the road.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;479891]So no new worker s(or few new workers) but more fleshed out would be the expectation we should set for ourselves? BTW, is/was there a NWA analog int he cornellverse? I haven't really found one and that is something I would love to see...[/QUOTE] It'll be set in September of 1975, so there will be a few new workers in the main promotions, along with several new workers in some minor promotions that are being added to round out the data. Characters that misrepresented the time period, mainly ex-shoot fighters, are being redesigned to have more suitable backgrounds, and the bios are extensive. There never really was a banner under which multiple promotions were united a la the NWA, but from the title histories it seems like talent moved around fluidly between them.
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[QUOTE=Mr T Jobs To Me;479991]It'll be set in September of 1975, so there will be a few new workers in the main promotions, along with several new workers in some minor promotions that are being added to round out the data. [B]Characters that misrepresented the time period, mainly ex-shoot fighters, are being redesigned to have more suitable backgrounds, and the bios are extensive[/B]. There never really was a banner under which multiple promotions were united a la the NWA, but from the title histories it seems like talent moved around fluidly between them.[/QUOTE] I'm really excited about that as I noticed that in the previous mod, stuff like MMA not even really being around then (in that context). Changing the guys bios from reading cruiserweights to jr. heavyweights (which is what they were called then) and don't have any curses in team names! haha American Badasses I'm looking at you! :)
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Ah, I figured with the '97 mod out the question would be asked eventually. I suppose the proverbial cat is out of the bag now, so no harm in releasing some details... The main issue right now is that the mod is still a long way off. Nothing has been cleared with Adam, for starts, and given his statements about trying to canonize the historical mods we'll probably seek his approval before any sort of release. Since we're trying to make sure there's a limited number of things we have to change, though, special attention is being paid to make sure the mod feels true to the era. Last time I didn't really see anything outside of my Japanese scene until after release, but this time our process is allowing for lots of peer review. I'm hoping that between us we'll be able to catch most of the flaws Shipshirt points out, all of which really bothered me in last year's data. Naturally, to make the mod meet the 'standards' of the real CornellVerse, a whole lot of overhauling is being done. For one thing, we're cutting a lot of the renders that don't measure up and replacing them with some of my new stuff - that includes the old generic renders along with some of my older ones that I thought didn't make the grade, so this version should have a much more polished look overall. Basically, if you want a clear idea of how this version will stack up quality-wise against the first version... well, I honestly thought most of what I put into the old mod was pretty mediocre. So if you thought [i]that[/i] was a good mod, this one will blow your f'ing mind. :p T's got the most up-to-date build at the moment, so he can back me up on how drastically improved the writing and renders are compared to last year. There's really no contest. ... and hey, I didn't want to give anything away just yet, but to titillate you a bit, here's a taste of the updated renders. I hated the way the Streets family looked in the old data, and so I re-did them for the new version. From left to right, Rocky, Dusty, and Sid Streets: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/rockystreets-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/dustystreets-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/sidstreets-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]These renders are the exclusive property of the 1975 CornellVerse mod; please don't release them as part of any other mods without our permission.[/b]
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[QUOTE=SadisticBlessings;480287] ... and hey, I didn't want to give anything away just yet, but to titillate you a bit, here's a taste of the updated renders. I hated the way the Streets family looked in the old data, and so I re-did them for the new version. From left to right, Rocky, Dusty, and Sid Streets: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/rockystreets-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/dustystreets-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/zerohourxx/75-2/sidstreets-1.jpg[/IMG] [b]These renders are the exclusive property of the 1975 CornellVerse mod; please don't release them as part of any other mods without our permission.[/b][/QUOTE] See?! That's what I'm talking about! Already excited for the mod guys and take your time to make it the best it can be.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;481698]So was I the only guy who liked the way the Streets looked then?[/QUOTE] Well, I guess I wouldn't necessarily say they looked [i]bad[/i]... I just felt like the mod had a lot of renders that stood out way more. I figured for a family so important to the game world, they really should have a bit more personality or character in their portraits. Oh, and I admit, there was a secondary reason for the re-rendering - I didn't have the old save files from the original Streets family, and I felt that since they're still around in the 1997 mod that I should have them around to do '97 versions of them once we finish up. Better continuity is a good thing, right? :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
I'm sorry to bump this post seeing that it hasn't been active in a while, but I did a search and since it appeared to be the latest one speaking of the 1975 mod for TEW 08 I thought it would be a good idea. Are there any development on this mod? (I've not played it on 07, but I converted it for 08 and it looks really good and I think it would be really a great one to play.)
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So 2 quick question's. 1: How is this mod coming along. 2:How far will you have new workers debuting up to.Or i should say will you take the workers from the 97 c verse and the regulare cornellverse and add them to the 75 data as future workers as well as those workers in the regular c verse that are set to debut later on. If so that would be cool.I could really get into some thing like that:)
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I think it's gotten to the point where I'm the only member of the 2007 mod team with enough free time to give any time to this project. Up until November we had put in some good work on it and I'm fairly happy with the changes we'd made. We were working on expanding Japan to have a couple viable smaller promotions, but I think SadisticBlessings must have simply gotten too busy. However, the continued interest in this mod has kind of inspired me and I'm going to put a few hours into it right now and see where it's at then. I'd like to put up an official "Help/Hype Thread" this Monday, as I'll have some free time then to converse with people over graphics, logos, renders, and even some database work that I could use a hand with. I'll probably give a couple long-time fans a chance to beta test it, as I like to focus on long-term sims and I'd like some feedback on how individual promotions go. As far as a release goes, it may still be as far off as March, depending on how much help I can get. I know Sadistic and I both want this mod to be as excellent as we can make it, and so I won't release it until I feel that it is truly up to that standard.
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I understand were you are coming from MRT.I think a lot of players would rather wait and play a good 75 c verse then a so so one.Also i would try posting the help wanted:rolleyes: on monday i think aot of people would love to help.Anyways goodluck on this.
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