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[center][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="7"][B]An MAW Story[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="4"]Starring Erin Bray[/SIZE][/center] Hi. Erin Bray. You may have heard of me from this little computer game called "Extreme Wrestling Revenge." It was big among who was both a wrestling fan and an internet nerd, and let me tell you that there's a huge amount of crossover between those two demographics. Anyway, the game contained the more or less complete rosters of a bunch of lesser known promotions, even this one that avoided all corporate responsibility by technically having a mentally deficient mouse as a CEO. And, lo and behold, I was on that list. They made me out to be a pretty great wrestler too. But here's the problem: I'm not a wrestler. I never have been, and I never will be. I was, at best, a backstage gofer for a couple of promotions you could most charitably call "small." One night I put on a mask so I could run interference when one of our guys didn't show up, and the next thing I know some wrestling fan has put me in his game with stats higher than anyone on the actual roster. Turns out there are real-life, honest-to-goodness wrestling promoters who play EWR. Some of these geniuses even use their saved games to predict trends in the industry, and you can imagine about how well that goes. A subset of those guys then use the game's roster in place of any sort of actual talent scouting: "Well, golly, if this game says he's got a 76 in Brawl and my main eventer only has a 74, I need to hire this guy!" That's when the offers started to come in. Day and night, clueless heads of no-name independent companies were ringing my phone off the hook wanting to know how quickly I could be in Connecticut, whether or not I'd accept payment in airline peanuts, and one night instead of a person on the other end of the line there was this weird, wet chittering noise like someone had pressed a rat up against the receiver. I had a real job, and I couldn't do it on three hours of sleep. So I did some investigation, called up this "Adam Ryland" character who had destroyed my life, and demanded to be taken out of hsi game. Nice guy, even if I couldn't understand half of his island nation witchmouth. But like most such stories, it really began with a phone call. "Mmmmnnnn affff," I said. Badly. "Erin? That you?" The voice on the other end was familiar. "Yuh?" It's my charm that got me where I am today: a minimum-wage job and a virgin at twenty-three. "I want to talk to you about a job. In wrestling. Pleasedon'thangup, I know you're not [i]that[/i] Erin Bray." He sounded more familiar, but... "Whuzzzis?" "It's Jean. Cattley. Remember? From a few years ago?" "Uh-huh. YoohidmewiddaCHAIR." "Yeah. I did. But you got your twenty bucks, so quit your whining. This new job wouldn't require you to get hit with anything." "-ckoff." Stupid dry throat. "See, it's just that kind of eloquence we were looking for in a booker. Rip is going to be absolutely thrilled to know you're not interested in running a promotion." "... ... ... ...WHA? Rip?" Yeah... awake now. "Rip Chord." "I'm trying to get my pants on right now. Where should I meet you?" "Slow down. We'll deal with everything tomorrow. I just need to know if you're interested." "Of course I'm interested. Who wouldn't want to work with a legend?" "So far? Karen Killer. Sheik Mustafa. Alex Braun. Me. He's... hard to work with. You'll see." "See where?" "Stanley Hall. I think it's an hour's drive from where you are." "Cool. I'll be there when I'm conscious." Five hours 'til destiny.
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[B][SIZE="6"][CENTER][FONT="Impact"]Welcome To Heck[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] If you ever meet one of your childhood heroes, I guarantee you'll remember what he first said to you and carry it to the grave: [color=red]"Erin. With an E. With a name like that I expected you to have tits."[/color] [color=purple]"I did, up until a few months ago. Treadmill helped."[/color] Rip laughed and slapped me on the back. [color=red]"Jean told me you were an *******. So, what do you think of MAW Headquarters?"[/color] [color=purple]"I think it's a warehouse with some old high school bleachers and a ring with less support than my futon."[/color] [color=red]"Sorry we couldn't break out the red velvet carpet for Your Highness. Door's that way if you don't like it."[/color] [color=purple]"Hardly, sir. This is a step up from the places I used to work."[/color] [color=red]"Sorry to hear that."[/color] He leaned against the ring. I did, too. Awkward. Just then Jean walked through the front door. [color=blue]"Sorry I'm late. The kid missed her bus so I had to get her to school before I came here."[/color] [color=red]"In all the years I've known you, this is the first time you've been here at exactly the right time. You're forgiven. Besides, it gave Erin and me a chance to bond."[/color] [color=blue]"What do you think of him, Rip?"[/color] [color=red]"I think you're right. He's an *******. But we didn't get around to discussing what other qualifications he might have."[/color] [color=blue]"I've got an idea, if you don't mind. We tell Erin the plans for this year's Invitational and see what he thinks. When we hear his suggestions we'll have a better idea whether or not he's the kind of guy we want booking MAW."[/color] [color=red]"As good an idea as any other. Okay, see, we thought that we'd start off with...[/color] They ran down every detail of the show as it had already been booked. Erik Strong and Jean Cattley would battle it out in the main event, while in the semi-main the classic character of Masked Patriot would fight Chord protege Antonio. [color=red]"So what do you think, kid?"[/color] [color=purple]"I think... I really hate it."[/color] They both looked like they wanted to kill me. It was time for some explanation. [color=purple]"The card is almost identical to the shows you did at the same time last year and the year before. And Antonio... well, I like Antonio and all, but this would be his third appearance at an Invitational. I'm afraid that he looks too much like a guy who chokes when it comes time for the tournament, and the fans won't buy into him taking the trophy because of that."[/color] Rip let out a short grunt. I wasn't being kicked out of the building, so I figured that I had his ear. [color=red]"Well, what you do?"[/color] [color=purple]"We need some new guys. I've been watching the indy scene and I have a few in mind. I guarantee you that by the first of February you'll have a new main event star and a new direction for the company."[/color] [color=blue]"I'm kinda thinking we should give Erin a chance. Or, at the very least, listen to what he has to say. He's kinda got a point about the Invitational card, at least."[/color] [color=red]"Fine. You get to book the Invitational, and we'll go from there. But if this show bombs you're out the door without so much as a pat on the back or gas money to get home."[/color] [b][size=5][center]The Rip Chord Invitational III[/size] [size=4]First Round Matches[/size][/b] Ace Youngblood vs. Evil Spirit [i]Ace Youngblood's first match in MAW, and Evil Spirit's first match in the United States![/i] Max Mayhem vs. Davis Wayne Newton [i]Davis Wayne Newton's MAW debut![/i] Riley McManus vs. Dermot O'Logical [i]Can the rookie McManus beat an indy standout?[/i] The Masked Patriot vs. Ricky Douglas [i]Truth, Justice and The American Way vs. a member of the nefarious Firm![/i][/center]
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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][FONT="Impact"][B]MAW Rip Chord Invitational III[/FONT][/SIZE] The last Friday of January 2008 Stanley Hall Attendance: 117[/CENTER][/b] [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]Opening the show with two newcomers was admittedly a gamble, and in this case it was one that didn't pay off. These two both have a lot of latent talent, but they'd each be better served by being put in the ring against more experienced opponents. Throughout the match Evil Spirit kept going for his kendo stick, and referee Jay Fair kept taking it away. Without his stick Spirit was lost, and Youngblood got the pin.[/i] Winner: Ace Youngblood (F+) After the match, Citizen X makes a big show of heading to the front row and taking a seat. Duke Hazzard on commentary mentions that Citizen X isn't scheduled to be here tonight. (F+) [b]Max Mayhem vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/b] [i]Mayhem is so inexperienced that he can barely even do a proper back bump, but Newton somehow dragged him kicking and screaming to a decent match despite clearly having his mind elsewhere. DWN locks in an STF and ends the match before the ten minute mark.[/i] Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (E+) [b]Riley McManus vs. Dermot O'Logical[/b] [i]Talk about a mismatch of styles. Dermot O'Logical was brought in on a short term deal mostly because of his name value (by MAW standards), but his in-ring style would obviously be better suited to USPW or SWF. Despite the style clash McManus and O'Logical nonetheless put on a watchable match, McManus stealing a surprise win with a roll-up pin.[/i] Winner: Riley McManus (E) [b]The Masked Patriot vs. Ricky Douglas[/b] [i]This was perhaps the only first round match where I had trouble deciding on a winner. The two men put on the match of the night, with a series of near falls and a chain wrestling sequence I never would have expected from a big guy like Patriot. Douglas' experience won the day, when he locked in the Figure Four and then twisted to turn it into a pin. After the match he limped to the back, the Figure Four variation obviously having done more damage to Douglas than his opponent.[/i] Winner: Ricky Douglas (D) [b]Riley McManus vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/b] [i]After seeing what Newton did with Max Mayhem we were expecting even greater results when putting him against Riley McManus, but sadly that wasn't the case. Both men gave it their all, but things never really clicked. Davis Wayne Newton won the match with a Fisherman Suplex a couple of minutes earlier than planned.[/i] Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (E) A couple of minutes go by and the next match hasn't yet started. A cameraman goes backstage and right on the other side of the curtain, surrounded by several of the tournament participants, is a bloodied and beaten Davis Wayne Newton. (F) Jean Cattley pushes his way past the other wrestlers and steps over the fallen Davis Wayne Newton. He heads out to the ring, the cameraman following, and then goes into the ring with a microphone. [color=blue]"Rip, look, I know I wasn't supposed to be here today, but it looks like we've run into a little bit of a problem. The new guy, Davis, he's backstage and pretty well beaten up."[/color] Rip sneers at him. [color=red]"I'm sure you had nothing to do with that, right?"[/color] [color=blue]"Hey, I'm not saying I did it and I'm not saying I didn't. You're not going to believe me either way. But the bottom line is that you owe these people a main event, and all of a sudden you're out one Rip Chord Invitational finalist."[/color] [color=red]"And you think that you should be the replacement in the main event."[/color] [color=blue]"I am a two-time Rip Chord Invitational finalist. And who else is going to stand in?"[/color] He gestures to Citizen X in the audience. [color=blue]"That freak? You?"[/color] [color=red]"This stinks to high heaven, but it's not like I've been left with a lot of choices. You're in, new guy's out. Newton gets a title shot against Erik Strong next week as a consolation prize."[/color] Cattley does a mock bow. [color=blue]"Pleasure doing business with you, Rip."[/color] (E+) [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Ricky Douglas[/b] [i]This match was the first pleasant surprise of my tenure as booker. Youngblood was just as rough and unpolished as in his earlier match, but Ricky Douglas knew his way around a ring well enough to provide a good balance. The two wrestled like they'd known each other for years rather than a couple of hours, and what was initially a semifinal by necessity ended up getting the crowd on its feet. Youngblood took to the air with a Flying Tomahawk Chop and got the pin.[/i] Winner: Ace Youngblood (D-) Ace Youngblood already in the ring, Cattley comes back out with a microphone. [color=blue]"Ladies, gentlemen, worthless scrub I'm about to beat--"[/color] He's cut off when Evil Spirit comes out from the back and shoves him to the side. The Masked Patriot is in hot pursuit. [color=red]"Don't let him get away!"[/color] Patriot said. [color=red]"I'm think he's the guy who attacked Davis!"[/color] Cattley climbs into the ring and tries to break the two apart, but Evil Spirit gets ahold of the kendo stick he had left at ringside earlier and begins to swing it around. With a loud CRACK, he catches Cattley in the temple. Jean Cattley, three-time Rip Chord Invitational finalist, falls to the ground. Evil Spirit runs out the arena door with Patriot on his tail. At ringside, Rip says [color=red]"Aw, hell. There goes our main event."[/color] (F) [color=orange]"I wouldn't say that, [i]boss[/i]."[/color] Citizen X has stepped out of the audience and picked up Jean Cattley's microphone. He rolls Jean out of the ring. [color=orange]"You've still got one trained wrestler in the building who hasn't been eliminated from the tournament."[/color] [color=red]"Wait just a second,"[/color] Rip says. [color=red]"Aren't you the guy who refused a spot last month because tournaments went against the tenets of anarchism, or some crap like that?"[/color] Citizen X makes a sad face when he says [color=orange]But [i]boss[/i], I just want to do right by my company. I'm the only person here who can give you a main event, and as you can see I was sitting right there the entire time. I couldn't have had a thing to do with what happened to Davis or Jean."[/color] Rip sighs. [color=red]"Okay, fine. This has been about the strangest night I've seen in ten years, but go ahead. Three announced main events and only one actually goes off. What's the world coming to these days?"[/color] (D) [i]Rip Chord Invitational Finals[/i] [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Citizen X[/b] [i]Youngblood has already wrestled in two matches tonight, and so is at an immediate disadvantage against Citizen X. He manages a few hope spots, but X's experience and freshness are too much. He quickly puts away Youngblood with a Flaming Anarchy.[/i] Winner: Citizen X (E+) [b]Overall: E+[/b]
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]Afterglow[/b][/center][/size][/font] [color=blue]"Could someone get me an ice pack?"[/color] Jean asked. He lifted himself up to sit on the same table as me, and I could already see the welt on the side of his head. [color=purple]"Jeez. That thing on your head looks awful."[/color] [color=blue]"I've had worse. Much worse. Your show doesn't seem to suck as much as everyone thought it would."[/color] [color=purple]"Who's everyone?"[/color] [color=blue]"You know... everyone. From Rip down to the camera guy whose name I can never remember. Expectations weren't high. The new guys I've had a chance to talk to seemed pretty happy about the paychecks, though."[/color] I could hear Dermot O'Logical shouting in the locker room. [color=orange]"Bull****! This is bull****!"[/color] [color=blue]"Well, most of the new guys. How many more shows is he signed for?"[/color] [color=purple]"One."[/color] [color=blue]"Good. And look, everyone's attitude toward the show, don't take it personally or anything. We all care about how this company does, and seeing a new guy with hardly any background in the industry book a show... people are gonna get worried."[/color] [color=purple]"I know. Crowd doesn't seem to be taking to the storyline like I'd expected."[/color] [color=blue]"These are old school fans, though. They're not used to anything much more complex than me running down their hometown so I can get beaten up by somebody like Mainstream Hernandez. If you want to do more complex stories the fans will follow, but you've got to train them a little bit. Get them to expect this sort of thing on a regular basis."[/color] [color=purple]"Huh. You're talking like I'm going to be booking more shows for you guys."[/color] [color=blue]"You've got my vote. Or, you would if we were voting. It's Rip's call, but to be honest I'm sick of dealing with him. If you book the shows I can just concentrate on wrestling."[/color] [color=purple]"Thanks for giving me a shot. And the vote of confidence thing, too."[/color] On the other side of the curtain a bell rang. Citizen X lifted the trophy over his head. The show was over. A few minutes later, Rip came through the curtain. [color=red]"Bray."[/color] Here's the big moment. [color=purple]"Yeah?"[/color] [color=red]"I figure we can keep you around a few more months. Just don't expect me to pay you much. Gotta drain the lizard. Be back in a minute."[/color] [color=purple]"That didn't sound too enthusiastic."[/color] [color=blue]"Relax. That's the traditional Rip Chord 'welcome to the company' speech. Except for the lizard thing. I think he just had to take a leak."[/color] [color=purple]"Fantastic. So, what's next?"[/color] [color=blue]"The hard part."[/color]
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[font=impact][size=6][b][center]MAW Wrestling Classic[/font][/size] The last Friday of February 2008 Stanley Hall Attendance: 79[/b][/center] [i]The pre-show featured Citizen X going over Jefferson Stardust (E) and Antonio going over Max Mayhem (E+)[/i] [b]Slim V vs. Ricky Douglas[/b] [i]The match started out with some nice back and forth brawling action between Douglas and the debuting Slim V, but at about the eight minute mark the other members of the firm, Jean Cattley and Casey Valentine, made their appearances. Cattley distracted the referee while Valentine slid in under the bottom rope and delivered a vicious Deep Impact to... Ricky Douglas. Their work done, Cattley and Valentine walked to the back while Slim V got the pin. I was really impressed by Douglas' professionalism here, as even though he was upset with this match's finish he was still willing to put on a good show for the fans.[/i] (E) Winner: Slim V Casey Valentine walks into the locker room, where his tag partner Cameron Vessey is waiting. He tosses one of The Firm's t-shirts at Vessey. [color=purple]"Good news, Cam. We just got a new opening. Welcome to The Firm."[/color] [color=red]"About time,"[/color] Vessey says. [color=red]"But at least Cattley's proven that he knows talent when he sees it. Even if it does take a couple of years for him to make up his mind."[/color] [color=purple]"Try and relax. So long as you play by Cattley's rules you'll see a whole new world of opportunities. Just try not to lose too many matches or we'll both pay the price."[/color] (E) [b]Riley McManus vs. Dermot O'Logical[/b] [i]Rematch! This is the second time O'Logical has complained about jobbing to McManus, but I'd pay more attention to him if he could bring more to his matches. Things were kept short because someone we won't name can't go ten minutes without starting to wheeze. Riley McManus got the pin on someone we won't name with a crucifix pin.[/i] (E) Winner: Riley McManus [b]The Masked Patriot vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]These two... were impressive. Spirit hasn't been able to get much of a reaction from the crowd yet, but he was at least able to hold up his end of the match against the raging Masked Patriot. Patriot kept using his puro-inspired power moves, with Evil Spirit occasionally stealing control of the match through cheap tricks like low blows, eye gouges, and in one case twisting Patriot's mask. Truth and justice won out in the end when Patriot hit the Inverted Piledriver.[/i] (D-) Winner: Masked Patriot While The Masked Patriot celebrated in the ring, Evil Spirit bailed to the outside and grabbed his kendo stick. Patriot turned around and walked into a nasty kendo stick shot, getting laid out. Spirit then ran out of the arena, much like last month. (F) [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Findlay O'Farraday (with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume)[/b] This got messy, in a good way. Rather than wrestling these two just started brawling in the middle ofthe ring, and didn't stop until the twelfth minute when Sayeed Ali's superior footwork prevailed. (D-) Winner: Sayeed Ali [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Jean Cattley[/b] [i]It's become pretty obvious to Rip, Jean and I that Ace Youngblood is definitely a work in progress. The fans have taken to him, but if you don't stick him in the ring against a talented opponent things just start to fall apart. Fortunately enough, Jean is something of a miracle worker and could probably even get a decent match out of me. Jean of course wins, while we try to figure out a proper place for a guy who's popular enough to main event but not skilled enough to be a midcarder.[/i] (D) Winner: Jean Cattley Citizen X makes his way to the ring, holding the Rip Chord Invitational trophy in one hand a microphone in the other. [color=orange]"I'd call this trophy a false idol... but aren't they all? The state, the church, this promotion... they all get in the way of what's really important: Me. In a just world anarchy would reign, and a man like me could climb to the top without so much as a second look back at all the others who fell along the way. This trophy, marble and gold and trash that it is, will serve as a tool. Any time before January 2009 I can exchange this ornament for a shot at your belt, Erik. And when that bright and glorious day comes, I will finally have ascended to my rightful place as the greatest athlete in the Mid-Atlantic."[/color] (D) [i]Mid Atlantic Championship[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/b] [i]Okay, it's settled. Davis is going to be somebody. Despite this being only his third match with the company he constantly had the fans on their feet, and seemed to be a serious threat for the Mid Atlantic Championship. While a Strongsault won the day for the reigning champion, there wasn't a person in the building who doubted the ability of Davis Wayne Newton. This isn't the last time he'll be fighting for gold in North Carolina.[/i] (D) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: D-[/b]
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[center][b]MAW Super Showdown[/b] V & Ali vs. The Canadian Blondes in an MAW Title Match The Masked Patriot and a partner of his choosing vs. The Firm (represented by Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey) Max Mayhem vs. Evil Spirit Riley McManus vs. Findlay O'Farraday PLUS Erik Strong and "Mean" Jean Cattley in action![/center]
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[B]V & Ali[/B] vs. The Canadian Blondes in an MAW Title Match The Masked Patriot and a partner of his choosing vs. [B]The Firm [/B](represented by Casey Valentine and Cameron Vessey) Max Mayhem vs. [B]Evil Spirit[/B] [B]Riley McManus [/B]vs. Findlay O'Farraday
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[b][size=6][center][font=impact]MAW Super Showdown[/font][/size] The last Friday of March 2008 Stanley Hall Attendance: 83[/b][/center] [b]Max Mayhem vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]Who's the dumb**** who thought this match would be a good idea? Right, me. This was a complete disaster from start to finish, as even with extensive instruction from Rip beforehand the whole thing lacked any sort of flow and was full of botched spots. In hindsight, checking to see if Evil Spirit spoke a word of English would have been a good idea before telling him how things were supposed to go down. Still, Spirit takes the win because the fans seem to love Mayhem and he'll quickly bounce back from a close loss.[/i] (F+) Winner: Evil Spirit Davis Wayne Newton's music plays and he heads down to the ring. He starts stretching while he waits for his opponent to come out. Newton seems surprised when Mean Jean Cattley comes through the curtain with a microphone. [color=blue]"Sorry to get everyone all worked up, but there's not going to be a match between Davis and me tonight. I've got something for you that's an awful lot better than a beating."[/color] Jean demonstrates the advantage of an all-denim wrestling ensemble by pulling a t-shirt out of his pocket. [color=blue]"Now I know that traditionally The Firm has been a three man operation, but we're looking to expand our horizons a little bit. And going off of some of the great performances we've seen from you in the last two months, you'e definitely Firm material."[/color] Davis makes a motion to the camera man, who brings him a microphone. [color=green]"Yeah, Jean, that's a fantastic idea. I'm going to team up with the guy who screwed over one of his own friends less than a month ago. I'm going to team up with the guy who bashed in my skull and cost me a tournament win."[/color] Cattley looks... irate. He gets into the ring and starts shouting in DWN's face. [color=blue]"That's a lie and you know it! You told Rip that you didn't see the guy who ambushed you January. It could've been me, it could've been Erik Strong, it could've been Bruce The Giant for all you know!"[/color] [color=green]"I didn't see my attacker's face, sure. But I got a great look at what he was wearing. But I'm pretty sure 1992 was the last time Bruce The Giant wore a denim jacket."[/color] "Machine" Jean Cattley suddenly flips out. He throws a series of punches in Newton's face, then slams him chest-first into a turnbuckle. As he's putting his boots to Newton's face and back PSW's own Nelson Callum comes running from the bleachers, climbs into the ring, and throws Cattley over the top rope. [color=blue]"North Carolina is The Firm's territory! What do you think you're doing, you garbage-wrestling scrub?"[/color] Callum picks up the fallen Newton's microphone. [color=red]"Righting a wrong. And seeing as how you were scheduled to wrestle a match tonight anyway, how about I make a proper MAW debut by beating you in a match tonight?"[/color] Furious, Cattley throws down the microphone and walks back behind the curtain. (E) [b]Ash Campbell vs. Curtis Jenkins[/b] [i]This was Curtis Jenkins' last month with the company, and we decided not to renew his contract. In his three years stateside he's shown almost no improvement in his in-ring technique, and his willingness to work for cheap wasn't enough to save his spot on the card. Still, we made lemons out of lemonade and used his farewell match as a chance to debut new signing Ash Campbell. The match was about as awful as MAW fans have come to expect from anything involving Jenkins, and we kept it quick.[/i] (E-) Winner: Ash Campbell [i]MAW Tag Team Championship Match[/i] [b]V & Ali (Slim V and Sayeed Ali) vs. The Canadian Blondes (Oscar Golden & Flash Savage)[/b] [i]This match served as further proof that I'm batting .000 tonight. While the two teams put on a decent effort, there were certainly better choices for the ending. The double countout didn't go over well with the fans, but the mostly positive reaction to this match ensures they'll be facing off again soon.[/i] (E) Winner: None (Double Countout) [b]Riley McManus vs. Findlay O'Farraday (with Ernest Forthdyke-Hume)[/b] [i]Again with the bad matchups. The planned story behind this match, in which the plucky underdog gradually wears down the big man but just barely fails to put him away, didn't survive ten seconds past the bell ringing. Sloppy, ugly, and entirely my fault for sticking two guys this green against each other.[/i] (E-) Winner: Findlay O'Farraday The Masked Patriot heads out to the ring, microphone in hand. Another man walks a few steps behind him, wearing a second Masked Patriot mask. [color=red]"I was told that tonight I was going to fight two members of The Firm. Now, we all know that Vessey and Valentine are both a couple of no good cowards and bullies, so a guy like me should have no problem fighting them myself. But ol' Rip insisted that we make this a tag match, and he told me I could pick any partner I wanted."[/color] The second man takes off his mask, revealing the face of Ricky Douglas. [color=red]"So I thought to myself, 'Who's got beef with The Firm?'"[/color] (F+) Before Vessey and Valentine make their way to the ring, Antonio of all people comes out and grabs the microphone away from The Masked Patriot. [color=green]"I am here to discuss an injustice! We are approaching the end of March, and I realize that I have yet to be given a match. First I was told I would not be allowed to participate in this year's Rip Chord Invitational. Then I am told that I cannot wrestle in February. And this month I am not given the courtesy of a phone call. I am Antonio, the biggest star of MAW, and I must inform you Mr. Chord that you are making an... unwise business decision by refusing me opportunities in your organization."[/color] Erik Strong comes through the curtain and into the ring, and it's his turn to take the microphone. [color=blue]"Cut the threats, Antonio. If you want a match, all you've gotta do is ask. You want a match? Rip gave me permission to pick my opponent tonight. And if it'll shut you up and let the show go on, I'll face you tonight in the main event."[/color] [color=green]"Your terms are acceptable."[/color] (E-) With Antonio out of the ring, the tag match can finally start. [b]The Masked Patriot & Ricky Douglas vs. The Firm (Cameron Vessey & Casey Valentine)[/b] [i]Finally, a decent match! I'd learned from a year of watching his matches on YouTube that The Masked Patriot always gives 100% in the ring, but Ricky Douglas might be one of my new heroes. And the two representatives of The Firm could each have much bigger futures than working in Stanley Hall, but I'm hoping it takes them a while to figure that out. Rip decided to take a hands-off approach, thinking that his studen Casey would be able to direct this match, and he was right. Fifteen minutes of slow-paced, methodical tag wrestling got punctuated at the end by a vicious Back Drop Driver to Cameron Vessey, but before he could make the pin Evil Spirit came through the crowd and ran a lap around the ring. With Patriot distracted Vessey had enough time to tag out, letting Casey Valentine get a handful of tights and a rollup pin.[/i] (D-) Winner: Casey Valentine [b]Nelson Callum vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]Once again Jean did his part to put on a good match and save my job. I'd say that he made Nelson Callum look like a star, but Nelson wasn't doing a shabby job of that himself. Things ran a little too long, and Jean put a quick end to the match before Callum's exhaustion could do too much to dampen the fans' enjoyment.[/i] (D-) [i]MAW Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Antonio[/b] [i]Some people say that Erik Strong got the title because he's a poor man's Mainstream Hernandez and Antonio only has his spot on the roster because Rip has a soft spot for guys he's trained. Both of those claims have some basis in reality, and hearing them has caused these two men to push themselves very hard over the last year or so. These two put on the match of my very short booking career, and the match had a fluidity I wouldn't have expected if they'd faced off a dozen times before. We're not quite sold on Antonio as main event material, but if he keeps putting on matches like this one he could have gold around his waist by the end of the year.[/i] (D) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: D-[/b]
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[b][size=6][center][font=impact]The Storm[/font][/center][/size][/b] It's been said that there are irreconcilable differences between capital (the bosses) and labor (everyone else). It's the basis for socialism, it's the basis for trade unions, and it's the basis for that headache I had for two weeks. The wrestling industry is at its lowest point in years, but it doesn't seem to be stopping the expansion of North America's two power players. Supreme Wrestling Federation is now unquestionably the largest promotion in the world, and Total Championship Wrestling is doing its absolute best to keep up. And as TCW entered this new period of growth, Cornell did what any sensible business owner would do and hired more help rather than overworking his current employees. This is where we get into the capital/labor division. When one of the Big Two starts hiring it's like Christmas for every wrestler, manager, referee and road agent on the indy scene. If you've been good this year, one morning you wake up to a fat check and national recognition. If you've been bad, you're lucky to get a lump of coal. But if you're a booker, Big Two hiring season means that there's a better than decent chance that one of your top guys is going to leave the little league and never look back. And so I had a headache for a full fortnight. My usual prescription, tequila, made things worse like it always does. But in the end, Mid Atlantic Wrestling weathered the storm. Jay Fair went west, and with the amount they were offering I couldn't blame him. But in comparison to FREEDOM or the Coastal Zone, we got off easy. FCW lost their road agent and locker room leader Rico Santana, and their head booker Shawn Gonzalez will now be wrestling part-time in TCW. CZCW lost Mikey James, a prospect they'd built for the last year, and perennial indy star Black Eagle. I knew Jay was going to leave the second he told me that he'd been given an offer. Out of politeness he took about a week to accept the job, but in the meantime I'd already hired Bret Graveson. It's kind of rough celebrating that so many of the talented young guys on the roster aren't going to have their talents recognized on a national level any time soon, but I've learned in the last couple of weeks that it's only one of many ugly sides to the business. [center][size=6][b]MAW Americana[/b][/size] Ace Youngblood & Erik Strong vs. Antonio & Citizen X Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs. Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey Sayeed Ali vs. Flash Savage Riley McManus vs. Mean Jean Cattley Ricky Douglas vs. Huey Cannonball Ash Campbell vs. Jefferson Stardust[/center]
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[QUOTE]Ace Youngblood & Erik Strong vs. [B]Antonio & Citizen X[/B] [B]Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] vs. Flash Savage Riley McManus vs. [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. Huey Cannonball Ash Campbell vs. [B]Jefferson Stardust[/B][/QUOTE] If there's one thing I love, it's a good MAW diary, and this has definite potential - just don't go sharing your tequila with Rip :p Nice write up on The Storm, too - it's good to see a little flesh beyond the bones of the shows themselves.
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Ace Youngblood & Erik Strong vs. [B]Antonio & Citizen X[/B] Nelson Callum & Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey[/B] [B]Sayeed Ali [/B]vs. Flash Savage Riley McManus vs. [B]Mean Jean Cattley[/B] [B]Ricky Douglas[/B] vs. Huey Cannonball [B]Ash Campbell[/B] vs. Jefferson Stardust Always nice some good none card segments keep it up! PS you forgot to bold some matches and one red is screwed up. happens to me all the time and I usually don't notice untill a fair while unless people tell me. Not criticism just trying to help.
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]MAW Americana[/size][/font] The last Friday of April Stanley Hall Attendance: 68[/b][/center] [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Huey Cannonball[/b] [i]It was do or die time for Huey, as his contract would be up for renegotiation a week after this match. Huey didn't tear down the house or anything, but he and Ricky Douglas managed to put on a passable match and that's about all we can ask right now. We'd be happy to have him stick around a while longer. Douglas' push continued, and he defeated Cannonball with a figure four.[/i] (E) Winner: Ricky Douglas Jefferson Stardust, accompanied by the lovely Kristen Pearce, walks through the curtain. [color=blue]"Rip Chord is trying to... to... supplant me! It's a fact of life that I'm the most talented man in the Carolinas both musically and in wrestling ability. I'm the most athletic, the sexiest-"[/color] At this point Stardust notices the look he's getting from Kristen. [color=blue]"Present company excluded, dear. You're [i]h[/i]ott with two Ts and an italicized H. But the point remains that God broke the mold when he created me. And now we have an imposter in our midst. Some no-talent loser from Philly thinks that he can take my place as MAW's rock god. But Ash Campbell is a false idol. Did you know that [i]he doesn't even play his own instruments[/i]? Relax, everyone. I'll knock him back to the land of crappy chairshots and then you can all continue worshiping me."[/color] As he walks to the ring, Campbell comes running through the curtain and throws Stardust under the bottom rope. The match is on. (F+) [b]Ash Campbell vs. Jefferson Stardust[/b] [i]While I'd never say it to his or his father's face, Campbell is pretty limited right now. He's got a couple of nice spots, like this great split-legged moonsault, but he seems to struggle at working them into a proper match. And Jefferson Stardust is more limited than him. So you understand my surprise when these two put on a nearly watchable match. Chemistry turns up in the weirdest places sometimes. Stardust of course does the job to Campbell, who wins with the aforementioned split-legged moonsault spot.[/i] (E) Winner: Ash Campbell V & Ali gave a promo talking about how Sayeed would be facing Flash Savage this month and Slim V would be in a match against Oscar Golden the next. I'd go into further detail, but it was really just awful. I blame Slim V, who made the crowd very uncomfortable by using the n-word more times in a thirty second span than I thought was physically possible. It was like being in a room full of genetically enhanced Richard Pryors. (F) [i]Hardcore Match[/i] [b]Slim V vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]We'd planned on scheduling some sort of resolution to the Masked Patriot/Evil Spirit storyline, but Patriot got a job with WLW and will spend our next few shows in Japan. To bide time we planned on putting Evil Spirit in a series of hardcore matches to showcase how vicious he can be... but the crowd still doesn't buy into Evil Spirit or Slim V as legitimate threats even when they're fighting each other. Both guys gave it their all but the fans couldn't have cared less.[/i] (F) Winner: Evil Spirit [b]Riley McManus vs. Jean Cattley[/b] [i]Yay, a match rating higher than my Trig scores from back in high school. Cattley continued his long and storied record of putting on good matches with anyone who can walk, while McManus held up his end of the match as well. Cattley won with the Mood Swing, because he's Cattley.[/i] (D-) Winner: Jean Cattley Jean Cattley then signals for a microphone. [color=blue]"I'm getting tired of this, Rip. Every month I continue my winning streak, and every month you put me up against some no-talent scrub instead of giving me the title shot I deserve. You're obviously more interested in protecting your golden boy to let me have what's mine, so I think that instead I'll just stay here until Erik is willing to answer my challenge."[/color] Ricky Douglas walks out instead. [color=red]"You're not getting a title shot until you take care of some unfinished business: me. Rip already signed off on the match, so next month it looks like you'll get to pay for kicking me out of your little club."[/color] (E) [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Flash Savage[/b] [i]Out of everyone on the roster right now, Sayeed looks to be the one on the fast track to stardom. His work in 4C is turning a lot of heads and it's only a matter of time until he leaves for greener pastures (tundras?), but I'll be happy to see him drag decent matches out of the Canadian Blondes until then. He gets the win, for being the talented one in this match.[/i] (E+) Winner: Sayeed Ali Citizen X & Antonio get in the ring. Antonio speaks first. [color=green]"The business between us is not over, Mr. Strong. I deserve the belt that is around your waist, and I will do whatever is necessary to obtain it. Even if that means teaming up with a rather unsavory character like Citizen X."[/color] [color=red]"It seems that Antonio and I will be uniting against you and your partner, Erik. Ace Youngblood does not worry me. I've beaten him before, and I will beat him again. Just as entropy moves the universe toward its eventual breakdown, so will I lead to your downfall. Whether it's Antonio or me beating you tonight, I don't care. Whether it's Antonio or me taking away your title belt in the future, I don't care. What is important is that these people learn that no man is above the chaos in our world."[/color] (E) [b]Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs. The Firm (Casey Valentine & Cameron Vessey[/b] [i]I almost scheduled the Ali/Savage match for the semi-main, but I'm glad that Rip told me not to worry about running two tag matches in a row. Any of these four men could easily be the future of wrestling itself, and they gave the fans their money's worth. Newton and Callum played the underdogs due to their lack of experience as a team, but in the end DWN got the hot tag and landed the Fisherman Suplex on Valentine for the win.[/i] (D-) Winner: Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum It's time for the main event. Ace Youngblood is the first one to the ring, and he carries with him a microphone. [color=red]"As a modern day warrior and representative of the Sioux nation, I was proud to advance so far in the Rip Chord Invitational my first night performing in front of all of you. It is my deepest regret that I was not strong enough to overcome the trickery of Citizen X, but tonight I will make amends. Tonight, Citizen X will learn what it means to face a Sioux warrior on an even field."[/color] (F+) [b]Erik Strong & Ace Youngblood vs. Citizen X & Antonio[/b] [i]The "Give Ace A Chance To Improve" project continues with this match. He spent most of his time in this match on the apron or on his back, but in the last stretch of the match Erik gave Youngblood the hot tag and he really got his offense going. Eventually all four men were in the ring and the match turned into a straight up fight, but things ended when Erik landed his Strongsault on Antonio. Eagle-eyed fans would note after the show that Strong wasn't the legal man.[/i] (D-) Winner: Erik Strong [b]Overall: E+[/b]
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[b][center][size=6][font=impact]Missed Opportunity[/font][/center][/b][/size] [color=purple]"Well **** you too!"[/color] I threw the phone at the wall, or at least tried to. The landline only allowed it to go about a foot and a half before catching, falling, and catching me in the knee. [color=purple]"****!"[/color] Rip came into the "office," looking a little irate. [color=red]"Why the hell are you making so much noise in here?"[/color] [color=purple]"Blame your crotchstain of a son. Seems that he's a lot more interested in working for Cliff Anderson than working for you."[/color] [color=red]"Watch what you say about Jay. He's still my son. And if you used that tone talking to him I can understand why he turned us down."[/color] [color=purple]"He hasn't even wrestled his first match yet and he's already demanding more money than Jean, a title reign, a share of the merchandise, and for us to cover his travel expenses. Business class or better."[/color] Rip laughed. [color=red]"That's my boy. He must think he's selling my name instead of his. Give him a few months getting stiffed at the Coastal Zone and he'll probably mellow out a little."[/color] [color=purple]"I'm glad you think this is funny, Rip. But Jay not wanting to work with us has done a number on the plans I'd worked out for the next few months."[/color] [color=red]"I'm sure you'll figure out something. Or get fired. Either way, the problem fixes itself."[/color] [color=purple]"I appreciate your concern. Fortunately I'd been working on a Plan B with a couple of the guys from Puerto Rico. And, uh, one other big name."[/color] [color=red]"How big?"[/color] [color=purple]"Fifteen hundred a show."[/color] [color=red]"And you expect me to sign off on something like that?"[/color] [color=purple]"Of course not. I did it thirty-five minutes ago."[/color] It looked like Rip couldn't tell whether he wanted to laugh or punch me in the face. [color=red]"You got balls, Bray."[/color] [color=purple]"It's only for one show, don't worry. But there's one more thing I wanted to talk about..."[/color] [color=red]"What now? You want to sell the promotion for a bag of magic beans and a special appearance by Sam Strong?"[/color] [color=purple]"I think we should work on changing up the image a little bit. Half our roster tends more toward high flying than traditional wrestling. And I'm not saying we should ignore the traditional stuff... just that we could probably bring in a bigger and more appreciative fanbase if we started promoting ourselves as the home of wrestling's future stars rather than the Southern version of NYCW."[/color] [color=red]"I'll sleep on it."[/color] [color=purple]"You have to admit some of my other ideas are already paying off. Remember how I said we could bring in other demographics by signing Sayeed Ali and Slim V? Last month we [i]tripled[/i] the number of black audience members at our show."[/color] Red laughed. [color=red]"Yeah, about that. I found out after the show that two thirds of our black viewership is Sayeed's parents."[/color] [color=purple]"Oh."[/color]
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[b][center]MAW Old School Rules[/b] Erik Strong vs. A Mystery Opponent Ricky Douglas vs. Mean Jean Cattley Max Mayhem vs. Antonio Slim V vs. Oscar Golden Nelson Callum vs. Casey Valentine Davis Wayne Newton vs. Cameron Vessey Sayeed Ali vs. Jefferson Stardust Riley McManus vs. Huey Cannonball ...and Evil Spirit continues his hardcore reign of terror[/center]
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[b][center][font=impact][size=6]MAW Old School Rules[/font][/size] The last Friday of May Stanley Hall Attendance: 72[/center][/b] [b]Sayeed Ali vs. Jefferson Stardust[/b] [i]By the standards of a squash match and especially a Jefferson Stardust match, the audience response was spectacular. Whether this was because of Sayeed Ali's talent or our recent Chord-approved change in marketing is still up in the air, but either way Ali got an entertaining ten minutes out of Stardust before putting him away with a nasty-looking piledriver.[/i] (E+) Winner: Sayeed Ali [b]Riley McManus vs. Huey Cannonball[/b] [i]This was a bad match by any standard, but it's at least giving these two more experience in front of a crowd. McManus' mini-push is coming to an end after a couple of subpar performances, so Cannonball gets the win despite showing a bad attitude backstage before the show.[/i] (F+) Winner: Huey Cannonball [b]Slim V vs. Oscar Golden[/b] [i]Perfectly acceptable wrestling... which by the standard set by Slim V since his debut is actually pretty good. Slim V tried a little bit of powe wrestling, but Golden's technical acumen allowed him to be out of the way of the worst of V's offense and land an inside cradle at around the nine minute mark.[/i] (D-) Winner: Oscar Golden Findlay O'Farraday's manager, Ernest Forthdyke-Hume, is seen walking into the locker room. He sits next to Ash Campbell. [color=blue]"All decked out in your wrestling regalia and no one to fight, Campbell?"[/color] [color=red]"I guess not. Jefferson Stardust called in and told Rip I wouldn't be able to make the show. But he got to fight Sayeed Ali instead, so the way I see it he's already paid his karmic debt."[/color] Forthdyke-Hume laughs in that insincere way that only a British man wearing a monocle can. [color=blue]"Capital, capital. I'm actually here on business. You see, my client, Findlay O'Farraday, he's found himself on a bit of a bit of a winning streak of late. O'Farraday feels that as his winning streak grows, so will his chances of winning a title shot. So he asked me to seek out a smallish, rather defenseless wrestler against whom he would be guaranteed victory. Do you understand where this is going?"[/color] [color=red]"Well, golly, Mister Forthdyke-Hume, I needed my mom's help just to lace my boots tonight. But if Findlay wants a match, I know that I could use the experience. I just need to see if Mom can give me a ride to the arena next month."[/color] [color=blue]"O'Farraday will be elated to hear your answer. I shall take my leave and inform him of the news. Good day!"[/color] Forthdyke-Hume gets up off the bench and leaves the locker room. [color=red]"Dumbass."[/color] (E) [b]Max Mayhem vs. Antonio[/b] [i]Antonio walked to the ring holding a sign with Erik Strong's face on it that read "Dead Man." The match itself was a by-the-numbers glorified squash, with Max Mayhem being allowed a few brief hope spots before eventually falling to the DDT.[/i] (E+) Winner: Antonio [b]Nelson Callum vs. Casey Valentine[/b] [i]Callum once again gave us a better performance than he's ever given to PSW. I'm flattered, but that can't be good for his career. The match itself was down to the wire, with plenty of near-falls being traded and neither man having control of the match for more than a few seconds at a time. But in the end it was Valentine's training from Rip Chord that allowed him the upper hand, when he springboarded off the ropes and landed a beautiful DDT variation, allowing Valentine the pin. [/i] (E+) Winner: Casey Valentine [b]Ricky Douglas vs. Mean Jean Cattley[/b] [i]...and Ricky Douglas just had the match of both his career and mine. These two had the MAW fans on their feet from one bell to the other, exchanging hold and counterhold for more than fifteen minutes. The rarely-seen finish came when Douglas locked in the Figure Four and Cattley reversed it into an Indian Deathlock. Douglas held out for a full minute before the pain became too much and he was forced to tap.[/i] (D+) Winner: Mean Jean Cattley The crowd went absolutely nuts when Rip Chord introduced MAW's special guest for the evening... Madman Boone. [color=blue]"I gotta tell you, it's been too long since I last got to wrestle in front of a Southern crowd. You guys know how to make a broken down old guy feel welcome."[/color] The crowd of course gave the expected cheap pop. [color=blue]"But I'm sorry to say that I'm here for business, not pleasure. Turns out that you've got a problem with some maniac in a mask, calls himself Evil Spirit. Rip asked me if there was any chance I could come down here and teach Evil Spirit a thing or two about how he should stop going all hardcore on people like The Masked Patriot when they don't even know he's there... and I told him that I'd rather hit this kid in the face with a steel chair. So get ready, Evil Spirit. Tonight I'll show you what it's like to go hardcore on someone who's going to fight back."[/color] (E) [b]Davis Wayne Newton vs. Cameron Vessey[/b] [i]I was expecting the Callum/Valentine match to be the better of these two matches, but I'll take a pleasant surprise any day of the week. Newton took the credit for "best finish of the night" when he backflipped out of a German Suplex, landed on his feet, and then caught Vessey with a Fisherman Suplex for the pin.[/i] (D) Winner: Davis Wayne Newton Citizen X heads to the ring with a microphone. [color=red]"If any of you have ever wondered why I advocate anarchy over rule of law, last month should be a perfect example: Any rule, any law, can be selectively enforced to create a privileged class. Last week I lost a tag match against Ace Youngblood and Erik Strong because my partner was pinned... even though Erik Strong wasn't even the legal man! Don't believe me? Go back and watch the video. It would seem, [i]boss[/i], that you didn't seem to include a vision plan in Bret Graveson's contract. I will deal with him later. I will deal with Strong later. But the man of the hour, the man who really disgusts me right now, is Ace Youngblood. You can call yourself a warrior all day, you can talk about how honorable you are all you want, but none of that is true. You ally yourself with an establishment dedicated to holding down the best and the brightest, and you do it for your own personal gain. If you want to show me that you have even a little bit of that honorable nature you've claimed in the past then you'll meet me in the ring next month. And if you don't? Well, I can't say that I expected better."[/color] (D-) [i]Hardcore Match[/i] [b]Madman Boone vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]I fully expected this to be the MAW match of the year just because of Boone's inclusion, but I could have saved myself a thousand dollars and stuck an underachiever like Slim V in here and gotten the same result. Boone dominated throughout the match, and was taking some obvious liberties with Evil Spirit in the form of some stiff chair shots. Boone went for the kill, but before he could perform a DDT onto a chair Evil Spirit grabbed his kendo stick, brought the handle across Boone's temple, and then jabbed it into Boone's kidney. With Boone down he launched a flurry of kendo stick shots, and then made the cover.[/i] (E) Winner: Evil Spirit [i]MAW Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Bradford Peverell[/b] [i]FCW standout Bradford Peverell made his debut, and while the match wasn't quite as good as I would have liked he stayed in character throughout the match, several times going outside and putting Strong in a rest hold so he could flirt with a girl at ringside. One of those trips may have cost him the match when Erik Strong powered out of the headlock and then whipped Peverell into a ring post. Strong pulled off a very narrow win when he dodged Peverell's left hook and was able to get a miraculous rollup pin.[/i] (D-) [b]Overall: E+[/b]
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[center][size=6][b][font=impact]Evaluation[/center][/size][/b][/font] Today I dealt with my first backstage incident. Evil Spirit instigated a shouting match with Casey Valentine, which was made even more interesting by the fact that the only English Evil Spirit speaks is the word "************." The language barrier made it impossible to explain to Spirit that I didn't approve until Jean gave me a great suggestion: I showed Evil Spirit what his paycheck was this month, and then I showed him what it would be next month. He got the hint. Even though he hasn't had a drink in years, Rip spends more time at bars than anyone I know. As an alcoholic he integrated himself into the social scene of every prestigious drinking establishment in the Carolinas and the Virginias, and even without the allure of beer or wine Rip finds himself hanging around these places just to be with old friends. And so it was that my meeting with Rip was at Bibbowski's. [color=red]"Attendance has been in the crapper since you started booking,"[/color] he said as I sat down. He was trying to get me on the defensive early on. He wasn't going to take me out to one of his favorite places if he was going to fire me, so this must have been a test. The home court advantage bit was a nice touch. [color=purple]"Attendance has been in the crapper since [i]you[/i] started booking. My tenure has just been part of an ongoing trend. Read any of the dirt sheets and they'll tell you that attendance is down throughout the country."[/color] Rip grunted, then took a sip of his ginger ale. [color=red]"Critical approval of our shows hasn't been the best either."[/color] [color=purple]"I'll take part of the blame for that, but the promotion's roster when I took the job was not in any way suited for the kind of promotion I was expected to run. The change in emphasis, which you approved, by the way, has led us to some of the most acclaimed matches in MAW history. The problem was in our target audience, not the shows themselves."[/color] [color=red]"And would you care to explain why you spent fifteen hundred dollars of my money on a guy who wrestled at the same level as Jefferson ****ING Stardust?"[/color] [color=purple]"The match itself wasn't good, but did you see the fan reaction afterward? People are accepting Evil Spirit as a threat for the first time since his debut. And the impromptu training session he did with Stardust before the show has helped the guy along too. He's been talking about all sorts of new things he'd like to try with his character."[/color] [color=red]"You can get a trainer for less than fifteen hundred a night."[/color] [color=purple]"That's... not a bad idea. Need to look into that."[/color] [color=red]"You put up with my third degree pretty okay, kid. I'll let you stay on board, but if you pull another stunt like you did with Boone you'll be out the door before I finish annulling whatever deal you made."[/color] [color=purple]"Understood."[/color] [color=red]"One more thing. We've got a main eventer who got offered a development contract. He's gonna take it."[/color] [b][center]MAW Fan Festival[/b] Erik Strong vs. Antonio in a [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] Citizen X vs. Ace Youngblood Masked Patriot vs. Evil Spirit in a [i]Hardcore Match[/i] Ricky Douglas, Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs. The Firm V & Ali vs. The Canadian Blondes in an [i]MAW Tag Team Title Match[/i] Ash Campbell vs. Findlay O'Farraday[/center]
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[font=impact][size=6][b][center]MAW Fan Festival[/font][/size] The last Friday of June Stanley Hall Attendance: 65[/b][/center] Rip Chord is our color commentator for the evening. Forgot to mention it, but Duke Hazzard left after the April show and Marv was working solo last month. Before the show proper, there's a pre-taped segment. Ricky Douglas is getting ready in the locker room when a man we haven't seen before bursts into the locker room. [color=red]Ricky! Thank God I found you."[/color] Douglas looks confused. [color=blue]"And you would be?"[/color] [color=red]"Dave, the new guy. But that's not important. It's... it's your mom."[/color] [color=blue]"What's wrong?"[/color] [color=red]"Rip got a call, and got all of us to look for you... your mom... she's dead."[/color] Douglas holds his hand in his head. [color=blue]"Oh God. Oh God."[/color] He runs out of the locker room. (F) [i]Mid Atlantic Tag Team Title Match[/i] [b]V & Ali vs. The Canadian Blondes (Flash Savage & Oscar Golden)[/b] [i]I've been building to this match for a few months, and in the end the result is different from what I'd planned. Slim V just doesn't seem to work a style that the crowd can get behind, and that carried over to this match which was decent but not in any way exceptional. Only a few minutes into the match the Blondes land a vicious spike piledriver on Slim V, and Ali is forced to wrestle the rest of the match alone. He puts up a valiant effort but can't wrestle for two, eventually falling prey to a full nelson suplex from Oscar Golden.[/i] (E+) Winners: The Canadian Blondes [b]Ash Campbell vs. Findlay O'Farraday[/b] [i]In the opening minutes of the match Campbell plays it off as if he's as helpless as a kitten, not getting in any offense and running around the ring rather than wrestling. O'Farraday eventually gets ahold of Campbell and tries ending the match early with a powerbomb, but Campbell turns it into a facebuster and the match begins in earnest. Campbell keeps working O'Farraday's knees, and by the eight minute mark it's obvious that the Irishman can barely walk. Campbell takes his time finishing off Farraday, and when he finally goes in for the kill he gets surprised by a jackknife powerbomb and a quick pin.[/i] (E-) Winner: Findlay O'Farraday [b]Davis Wayne Newton & Nelson Callum vs. Mean Jean Cattley, Casey Valentine, and Cameron Vessey[/b] [i]Ricky Douglas hasn't shown up, and so The Firm is at an obvious advantage from the start. Davis Wayne Newton starts out against Cattley with a nice chain wrestling sequence, but when he looks to be getting the upper hand Cattley brings a double axe handle over Newton's head and changes the tone to that of a fight rather than an athletic competition. Newton plays babyface-in-peril for a few minutes as The Firm trade tags for a while, but he manages to get the hot tag and Callum cleans house. He exchanges blows with Valentine, but when he gets Valentine in the corner and tries for a clothesline he instead gets a drop toehold and goes face first into the turnbuckle. Callum's nose is bloodied and he looks disoriented, so The Firm take control again. Callum somehow manages to make the tag to Newton, but Newton just finds himself caught in a series of Rolling Germans by Jean Cattley. On the third German he somehow manages to backflip out... which Cattley seems to expect, turning around and immediately delivering a superkick and getting the pin. [/i] (D+) Winners: The Firm After the match "Dave, the new guy" comes into The Firm's locker room in the middle of their celebration. Cattley hands him an envelope. [color=blue]"Thanks, Dave."[/color] [color=red]"Call me Weasel. Everyone else does."[/color] (E+) [b]Ace Youngblood vs. Citizen X[/b] [i]I'm not nearly as high on Youngblood as I was when I brought him in, but he nonetheless allowed Citizen X to drag a very watchable match out of him. It was obvious to any smark that X was the one leading the match, but Youngblood still got in a nice bit of offense. When he tried to deliver his Flying Tomahawk Chop Citizen X took a step to the side and then turned it into a truly horrific face plant. Bret Graveson counted to three while Citizen X shouted at him to get it right this time and half the audience members wondered whether or not Youngblood was still breathing.[/i] (D) Winner: D [i]Hardcore Match[/i] [b]Masked Patriot vs. Evil Spirit[/b] [i]Patriot has missed a couple of shows because of his WLW tours, and he's quickly becoming a big star overseas. I'm glad for the guy and if anyone in the company deserves recognition it's him, but it's doubtful we'll be able to hang onto him much longer. The match had a weird flow to it, as the All-American football player was the one acting like a puro star and the Japanese guy with the wacky gimmick was the dirty brawler. Evil Spirit offset the size difference with judicious use of his kendo stick, but couldn't pull the same trick as last month due to Patriot being a much more agile foe than the older Boone. Evil Spirit's kendo stick won the day, but not the match. He busted open Patriot and was about to deliver a piledriver onto the concrete floor when Davis Wayne Newton ran out, grabbed the kendo stick off the ground, and broke it over the back of Evil Spirit's head. He shouted [color=blue]"That was for January!"[/color] and then rolled The Masked Patriot on top of Evil Spirit.[/i] (D-) Winner: Masked Patriot Antonio passed The Masked Patriot as he limped to the back, and he got in the ring with a microphone. [color=red]"My opponent for tonight has been exposed on tape as a dirty cheater. While some of my business practices have proven in the past to be unsavory, I believe I can safely say that they have not been dishonest. Any time I have wronged a man it is because he has wronged me first. What did I do to you, Eric? What did I do to deserve a betrayal of trust in the middle of a legitimate athletic competition? Are you that afraid to face me like a man? Tonight I feel that it is certain I will prove to be the better athlete and the better man. I will be the Mid Atlantic champion, and Erik Strong will be just another loser."[/color] (E) [i]Mid Atlantic Championship Match[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Antonio[/b] [i]Once again, these two have put on a respectable main event. Erik Strong played the whitebread face while Antonio, now having been "wronged," felt no moral compunction about cheating through the match like his life depended on it. At the end of the match he went for a blatant kick to the groin but Erik caught his foot, delivered a three-part Dragon Screw, and then hit the Strongsault before Antonio could recover.[/i] (D) Winner: Eric Strong Erik sat in the ring exhausted and the lights around the ring dimmed as they do at the end of every show, but then Citizen X came to the ring with the Rip Chord Invitational trophy and a microphone. He sat the trophy on the commentator's table. [color=red]"Here, [i]boss[/i]. I think you know what this means."[/color] Rip nodded. [color=red]"It means that the forces of entropy have finally brought an end to Erik Strong's title reign. And soon, they will tear apart his body."[/color] Citizen X takes off his jacket and gets in the ring. [color=red]"This shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Ring the bell."[/color] (D+) [i]Mid Atlantic Championship[/i] [b]Erik Strong vs. Citizen X[/b] [i]Strong was of course exhausted by his previous match, and that allowed Citizen X to take advantage from the start. Citizen X toyed with Erik for about five minutes, delivered a Flaming Anarchy, and then went for the pin. Two count. Strong got in some token offense on the shocked Citizen X, but X was able to quickly regain control of the match. Around the ten minute mark he went for a second Flaming Anarchy. Two count. Erik made a massive babyface comeback, going ballistic on Citizen X with some uncharacteristic high impact offense. Erik went for the Strongsault, but Citizen X rolled out of the way. Citizen X went for the Flaming Anarchy a third time, but Strong reversed it into an inside cradle for the miraculous win. After the match, even as the lights around the ring dimmed and the audience filed out of the arena, Citizen X pounded his fist into the mat shouting [color=red]"It's not fair!"[/color][/i] (D+) [b]Overall: D-[/b]
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Entropy works both ways, X - and I guess he's off to Eisen-land? He really is way too good for a small fed like MAW. Interesting take on Rip to have him still hanging out in bars and the like. And good to see Antonio's getting some love - I can never do anything with the guy, but I still like him.
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