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Destined to Fail 2008

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Dude i love the bikers bonfire, but i must admit i was a little disappointed at the fact i just kinda show up with no mention of me whatsoever on this or any other show, or no explanation on why is was aligned with the 1 percenters, but on the other hand its also pretty comical, and at the end of the day you cant argue with a main event debut, and the fact im a giant one percenters mark even before this match makes me een happier. The first blood match was awesome every aspect from storyline leading up to the finish was just plain fantastic. The rest of the show was totally solid as usual keep up the good work.
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Loved the LNO team meeting and the Biker's Bonfire, especially since it was the One Percenters who got roasted! Big ups to my man Big Dave and of course the Lynchpin of LNO, Tom Lynch! I almost want to record an LNO skit with a video camera, some booze, and a couple friends... I just don't think I could live with (more) video evidence of my nerdiness existing.
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[QUOTE=edisraw;493694]Dude i love the bikers bonfire, but i must admit i was a little disappointed at the fact i just kinda show up with no mention of me whatsoever on this or any other show, or no explanation on why is was aligned with the 1 percenters, but on the other hand its also pretty comical, and at the end of the day you cant argue with a main event debut, and the fact im a giant one percenters mark even before this match makes me een happier. [/QUOTE] Yeah, there was due to be an encounter segment to shed light on your alignment and background (Jimmy didn't get one, but you did) but it was fifth or sixth on the list of What To Cut Next 'Cuz The Card Is Wayyy Overloaded. The thing is, I'm probably one of the bigger Percenters marks on the board, and I think even my tag partner would agree that, sooner or later, they have to pretty much kill us. I'm trying to get the follow-up feuds positioned ahead of time - in every situation, actually, which is why no feud ended last show. So expect to see a change of focus over the next few shows as we head into 2009. Home Net Status: Still down. I'm on today definitely, tomorrow and Thursday definitely, hopefully thereafter but depending. Tonight I book the show - Maxx's request for a title challenger will have to wait for Get Messy in January, as I've yet to receive it - and tomorrow, deo volante, the poster goes up during my lunch break. To allow prediction time, Advent of Madness will [i]not[/i] be posted until after the weekend but, as always, feel free to cut promos, come up with matches, and call the LNO a big pile of girly crap that needs a good kicking. I'll likely end up using it. And to round the year off, among other things... I'm thinking an LNO/1%ers strap match along the theme of biker chains.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/destinedtofail/DTFPosters/BWAAOM1.jpg[/IMG] Prediction Guide For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles The Cowboy & ???? vs. The Gentlemen's Club Dr. James Casey vs. Richy G Jaffa vs. Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo Mr Canada vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol Astil vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. The One Percenters BWA UK Championship Prime © vs. Panix Storm[/CENTER]
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles The Cowboy & ???? vs. [B]The Gentlemen's Club[/B] [I]Whilst the mystery partner factor can't be overlooked, The Cowboy is a rock-soild midcarder, whilst The Club have the feel of a higher-up tag team[/I] [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G [I]So you can fly, G-boy...but everone's gotta follow the Doc's 10 simple rules (Rule #1: You cannot beat the Doc, so don't bother trying)[/I] Jaffa vs. [B]Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo[/B] [I]The Cake man is officially this week's biotch. DIG, SUCKA?[/I] Mr Canada vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [I]These guys are gonna go to a draw-no way to distinguish between these two quality wise[/I] [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler [I]Because Pretty Amazing is Pretty Much a Girl.[/I] Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. [B]The One Percenters[/B] [I]The One Percenters are all fired up here, so I could see them just steaming straight through LNO, Big Dave and all[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]Pretty Amazing may have girl parts, but Domina and Mistaken might just be able to slow Storm down.[/I]
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles [B]The Cowboy & ????[/B] vs. The Gentlemen's Club [I]Always vote for the mystery partner.[/I] [B] Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G [I]Why not?[/I] [B]Jaffa[/B] vs. Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo [I]Former champ.[/I] Mr Canada vs. [B]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/B] [I]I guess Canada is the next stop on Idol's world tour...[/I] [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler [I]My boy Thomas Tyler will let Astil go through to the next round...[/I] Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. [B]The One Percenters[/B] [I]When have I ever picked against the 1%'ers?[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]I'll certainly give Mr Storm a reason to panic...[/I]
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Prediction Guide For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles [COLOR="White"]The Cowboy & ???? vs. The Gentlemen's Club[/COLOR] yet again no winner or ??? but by some dq Dr. James Casey vs. [COLOR="White"]Richy G[/COLOR] Jaffa vs. [COLOR="White"]Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo[/COLOR] [COLOR="White"]Mr Canada[/COLOR] vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol Astil vs. [COLOR="White"]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/COLOR] Sorry partner, but Astil has more power than a double sledge shot, so to pick up the win we are going to have to cheat, which i fear will get you disqualified :( Chained Together Match [COLOR="White"]Lad's Night Out[/COLOR] vs. The One Percenters BWA UK Championship Prime © vs. [COLOR="White"]Panix Storm[/COLOR] Panix has must be mistaken if he thinks stepping in the ring with the boss is a wise decision.
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles The Cowboy & ???? vs. [B]The Gentlemen's Club[/B] [I]The Cowboy's choice of partner can't be fixed yet - I foresee his comrade-in-arms getting a swift kick in the goolies from TGC.[/I] [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G [I]Doc Casey? You just watch yourself, man. Keep winning, and you'll end up somewhere you're not ready for... The Prime Time![/I] [B]Jaffa[/B] vs. Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo [I]Ooh, I know! Maybe you can stun him by taking photographs! BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO OTHER OFFENSIVE MOVES![/I] Mr Canada vs. [B]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/B] [I]I think that Hyde Hill The Holland Hitman will Hand out a Hell of a Hard Hammering, and will Hound Him to the Hesperides![/I] Astil vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] [I]Lose? Me? Do you know who I am? Do you have the faintest idea what you're getting yourself into? Have you developed sudden Hammer Blindness? Sorry, man, but you've got even less chance that that manky Scot McAllister! I mean, seriously. The only way I'll lose here is if I get bored with beating you and walk out to give him yet more of a kicking.[/I] Chained Together Match [B]Lad's Night Out[/B] vs. The One Percenters [I]Oh, I think they've got more dirty tricks up their beer-stained sleeves yet.[/I] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime ©[/B] vs. Panix Storm [I]So, when one man has the power of the PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME on his side, and the other is the sworn enemy of a Norse God... who wins?[/I]
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[QUOTE=Regis;495392] Astil vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] [I]Lose? Me? Do you know who I am? Do you have the faintest idea what you're getting yourself into? Have you developed sudden Hammer Blindness? Sorry, man, but you've got even less chance that that manky Scot McAllister! I mean, seriously. The only way I'll lose here is if I get bored with beating you and walk out to give him yet more of a kicking.[/I] [/QUOTE] :rolleyes: You got a beasting lil man. Watch your back ;)
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;495393]:rolleyes: You got a beating lil man. Watch your back ;)[/QUOTE] Please. I've been jumped from behind by better men and women than you. Listen, babe, the only way you're getting the drop on me is if I'm so stunned by your twisted, disfigured face that I can't even bring myself to touch you, let alone hit you! Oh, no, wait, scratch that. Still got a sledgehammer. Touching not necessary.
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[QUOTE=Regis;495392] Astil vs. [B]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/B] [I]Lose? Me? Do you know who I am? Do you have the faintest idea what you're getting yourself into? Have you developed sudden Hammer Blindness? Sorry, man, but you've got even less chance that that manky Scot McAllister! I mean, seriously. The only way I'll lose here is if I get bored with beating you and walk out to give him yet more of a kicking.[/I] [/I][/QUOTE] your overconfidence shall be your undoing. and that is a promise!
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[QUOTE=Regis;495392][I]Ooh, I know! Maybe you can stun him by taking photographs! BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO OTHER OFFENSIVE MOVES![/I] [/QUOTE] And yet I still do more damage than your sledgehammer. Trust me, the only thing that's Pretty Amazing about you is that everyone still thinks you're a boy.
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles The Cowboy & ???? vs. [b]The Gentlemen's Club[/b] -Despite my Robert Oxford-like tag ability I think the "familiarity" Gentlemen's Club have with one another will carry the day. This is good though, the blood-letting has begun and once a partnership is eventually settled it will be straight to the top! ;) [b]Dr. James Casey[/b] vs. Richy G -His pic is just too awesome. Jaffa vs. [b]Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo[/b] -Tainted win. ;) Mr Canada vs. [b]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/b] -Canadians like fart jokes too much for my liking. Astil vs. [b]'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler[/b] -I liked his bit of trash talk in his predictions. :) Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. The One Percenters -Draw... they'll all knock themselves out at the same time. I think one from LNO picks up an injury too. BWA UK Championship Prime © vs. [b]Panix Storm[/b] -Coin flip... came up tails.
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;495983]And yet I still do more damage than your sledgehammer. Trust me, the only thing that's Pretty Amazing about you is that everyone still thinks you're a boy.[/QUOTE] while the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, you are plainly mistaken! And unless i'm NOT Mistaken I see a two for one beat down in your future.
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles [B]The Cowboy & ???? [/B]vs. The Gentlemen's Club [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G Jaffa vs. Jimmy the [B]Hardcore Paparazzo[/B] [B]Mr Canada [/B]vs. 'World Tour' Tyler Idol [B] Astil [/B]vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. [B]The One Percenters[/B] BWA UK Championship Prime © vs.[B] Panix Storm[/B]
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles [B]The Cowboy & ????[/B] vs. The Gentlemen's Club [I]And ??? turns out to be a returning Don Phoenix, who now goes under the moniker 'Shadow Phoenix' and proceeds to kick major arse! :D[/I] [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G Jaffa vs. [B]Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo[/B] Mr Canada vs. [B]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/B] [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler Chained Together Match [B]Lad's Night Out[/B] vs. The One Percenters BWA UK Championship Prime © vs. Panix Storm [B]DRAW[/B] [I]I call shenanigans![/I]
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;495983]And yet I still do more damage than your sledgehammer. Trust me, the only thing that's Pretty Amazing about you is that everyone still thinks you're a boy.[/QUOTE] So when you get your arse kicked by a girl... what does that say about you, eh? [quote=mistaken]while the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain, you are plainly mistaken! And unless i'm NOT Mistaken I see a two for one beat down in your future.[/quote] Unless I'm mistaken - and I know I'm not - my friend seems to have turned into a fortune cookie. It seems my lucky colour is blood red. [quote=darthsiddus2]you are now next on my hit list. be prepared for you will never see me coming.[/quote] Of course I won't see it. You'll have your back to me, after all. :p
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For the Vacant BWA Tag Titles The Cowboy & ???? vs. [B]The Gentlemen's Club[/B] [B]Dr. James Casey[/B] vs. Richy G [B]Jaffa[/B] vs. Jimmy the Hardcore Paparazzo Mr Canada vs. [B]'World Tour' Tyler Idol[/B] with an assist from who else? [B]Astil[/B] vs. 'Pretty Amazing' Thomas Tyler Chained Together Match Lad's Night Out vs. [B]The One Percenters[/B] BWA UK Championship [B]Prime[/B] © vs. Panix Storm
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