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Team 3D Back To The WWE

The Stallion

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The story says Survivor Series, but I wouldn't put much stock in it yet. The source is a "Fan" who supposedly talked to them, not very reliable. 1. While Team 3D's contract is up shortly, they are still under contract, so D-Von saying he is going to WWE would mean there was contract tampering. D-Von also might have been working the guy, assuming the guy is telling the truth. 2. WWE doesn't even know what they are going to do next Monday on Raw, how are they going to have any idea that in 3 months they will want the Dudley Boyz on Raw. 3. That being said, I haven't heard of Team 3D resigning, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see them end up in WWE. 4. I keep going back to the first point, D-Von Dudley is going to break a major wrestling story to a fan at a house show? I don't buy it. The fan is either lying or D-Von was working him. Or, D-Von said something to the effect of, "If we went back to WWE it would be..." and its being reported as NEWZ. I keep pretty good tabs through pwinsider, which imo, is one the two most reputable sites on the internet for wrestling news. I don't believe anything until they report it.
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Team 3d's contract expires tomorrow and word is that no negotiations have even started between them n TNA. Rumor also has it that there are some in power at TNA that say it's time for them to go they can be of no further use to the company. If i find out anything more i will post it here stay tuned.
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[QUOTE=Dischord;491568]If it's true, that sucks for TNA. But a lot of people in WWE don't like Bubba from what I understand, so I have my doubts.[/QUOTE] Really?! That amazes me! I thought he was one of the best loved guys in ECW. What did he do to piss Trips off? Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;491587]Really?! That amazes me! I thought he was one of the best loved guys in ECW. What did he do to piss Trips off? Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Orton and Batista both have made their dislike public after working a match with Team 3D in which young Randall had his foot broken (or did Batista get injured :confused: ).
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;491588]Orton and Batista both have made their dislike public after working a match with Team 3D in which young Randall had his foot broken (or did Batista get injured :confused: ).[/QUOTE] Both, and one of the Dudleys, can't remember which. Almost destroyed the building Evolution storyline, but Orton came back quickly enough to salvage it. Was on Heat, I remember hearing about it and thinking 'Three injuries? Must've been some match!'
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;491587]Really?! That amazes me! I thought he was one of the best loved guys in ECW. What did he do to piss Trips off? Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] My understanding is that D-Von isn't the problem but that Bubba rubs a lot of people the wrong way. I know I watched a shoot interview with them and Bubba did seem really arrogant while D-Von seemed really humble. But then again a lot of it seemed to be D-Von hyping Bubba and Bubba hyping himself.
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Yeah Bubba certainly LOOKS like someone I wouldn't like. He looks like the "Look at me the wrong way and I'll confront you" sort of person while D-Von seems to be much more laid back. As for their return? I'm totally indifferent as I've been bored with them since they were last in the E.
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I love The Dudleys. Their promo work on Impact has been some of the only stuff I've been able to stand of that show for the last few months. Seriously dig them. Although I can see how Bubba could grate. He has this 'dickish' quality to him. Then again, so do Randy & Batista.
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`at's weird. My friend's girlfriend's uncle's brother is actually friends with D-Von, and he told me that Bubba Ray and D-Von are actually the same person, and plan on quitting wrestling to become a ballerina. His exact quote ... "this isn't ballet, but what I want to do ... is." So who knows?
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More dirtsheet BS. If you read 3 or 4 different websites... they're claiming ALL former WWE talent near the top of the card are jumping back in November. Remember folks, these are the same websites that put up posts like; "HBK is slated to win tonight's PPV match but things could change before the show hits the air and he might job." Or; "It's been heard that Christian's contract will end sometime within the next 42 weeks. We're not sure but since Cage isn't TNA World Champ he would be considering going back to the WWE where when he left a few years ago he had a worse win/loss record than The Dicks and no one saw him perform The Un[prettier for almost a year since he was always staring at the lights. How ever since WWE made Cage... one would assume he'd go back if TNA doesn't hand him the World Title and lick his scortum." Get the picture?
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[QUOTE=panix04;492310]my friends sister actually is Bubba Ray and she claims that she is taking up a contract with West Ham, the manager doesn't want to sign her, but the board make the transfer decisions.[/QUOTE] Well of course the manager doesn't want to sign her.... well, ok, there is no manager at the moment. But hey, you could always get Pardew-das back... I would love to see Cage back at the 'E, but I just don't think they would know what to do with him and he would end up as glorified jobber to the likes of Batista and Trips. I would hope that it is undeniable that in wrestling skill, the top of the card at TNA is far more talented than WWE, and I rate Cage as a talented wrestler so surely he would want to work with people he can trust and put on a good match with, rather than freaks he has to try and make look good.... JUST MY OPINION. I love the 'E, but I am also realistic about them. Have a good 1 all.
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[QUOTE=Nevermore;492260]So... in fact, your girlfirends dad? Or maybe just her uncle? :D Sorry... Quote The Raven Nevermore[/QUOTE] Is this a riddle? Like if a rooster lays an egg on a roof, facing north, and the sun in baking the west side, which way does the egg roll? `cause I fried a good deal of my brain trying to figure that out. :p
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