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Nevy's Radio Show


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Hello all. Haven't been around much, namely because I'm now Head of Production at my uni's radio station and it's created a shedload of extra work. Anyhow, my first show of the new year is on tonight 10pm-midnight (GMT) or 5pm-7p (EST). Like last year, there's a challenge involving the theme and the odd one out. The playlist for tonight includes Hendrix, A Perfect Circle, The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, Chuck Berry, Machine Head and a load of other cool stuff. Please give it a listen if you feel so inclined. [url]www.insanityradio.com[/url] Quote The Raven Nevermore
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...Four to nil in favor of Nevvy. Not my best night. Well played, sir. I'm not going to make this an official guess, I've already been thoroughly beaten. If "Sir Duke," "Corn Liquor," and "Harlequin Forest" are not the Odd One Out, and it's not the last song (by your own admission), then I simply give up. I'm just going to pick at random and say "Emerald" and will kick myself if I'm right. No need to count this as a guess though. EDIT: Oh, for the love of...very cerebral, sir. The game is yours this week.
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;724809]...Four to nil in favor of Nevvy. Not my best night. Well played, sir. I'm not going to make this an official guess, I've already been thoroughly beaten. If "Sir Duke," "Corn Liquor," and "Harlequin Forest" are not the Odd One Out, and it's not the last song (by your own admission), then I simply give up. I'm just going to pick at random and say "Emerald" and will kick myself if I'm right. No need to count this as a guess though. EDIT: Oh, for the love of...very cerebral, sir. The game is yours this week.[/QUOTE] :D Very well played, though. Cheers for listening! Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=Wallbanger;725611]/waves to Nevvy Good to hear you're back behind the microphone (and apparently doing some other stuff too!) I'll try to catch the stream when I can. As an aside, are you too busy at this point to keep up with our Mexican Civil War game, or can you still get shows in?[/QUOTE] Oh crap, yeah. Meant to ask about that. Might well have time but you'll have to give me the link again. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;729694]You off this week, Nevvy?[/QUOTE] Yeah, man... I was sick as a parrot and didn't see your post, sorry. Back on this week, though, and I think it's a very fun theme with some good tunes. So, please check it out if you can: [url]www.insanityradio.com[/url] 10pm-midnight (GMT) ; 5pm-7pm (EST) Cheers all ;). Quote The Raven Nevermore
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[QUOTE=ShadowedFlames;734292]By law, I have to throw this in. *ahem* "This parrot is no more! It has ceased to be! This...is an EX-parrot!" :p Will be listening in tonight.[/QUOTE] Legened. Cheers man. Clocks have gone back over here; don't know if that affects things (such things confuse me - or rather I just don't pay attention) its 19:04 right now if that helps. Quote The Raven Nevermore
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