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Official proudest effort thread

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Now to explain the topic a little more. Proudest effort: meaning the wrestler you're proudest of improving. Playing as PSW my crowning achievement at 1.2 years into the game is none other than Brimstone. I seen a lot of potential in him and have managed to increase his popularity as well as his skills by at least +1 across the board. I even created a new title just for him(not like the FTW title tazz had in the real ECW) that has seen a slight rise in prestige since its debut a mere 2 months ago. So i was just curious to see what other "lowly" competitors others have risen or have on the rise towards super stardom.
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Dermot O'Logical!! :D In TEW07 with my SWF game, I managed to get him ranked #4 in the end of year rankings (in the second year) thanks to his part in the major storylines between Jack Bruce and Squeeky McClean. Dermot started as Squeeky's assistant as he tried to get Jack into "rehab" and away from his rock star life style, which eventually worked after a long feud. They then formed a group, with Squeeky being in control and actually helping Jack get into even better shape and eventually winning the huge 64 man Iron Man tournament I set up, shortly before Squeeky got legit injured three days before Jack won the World title from Remo at Supreme Challenge 2008. From there, Squeeky (with his assistant Persephone, great chem) tried to keep Jack on the straight and narrow, with amusing results... and after winning a mere 4 matches all year with the SWF, some of which I'm fairly sure were dark matches, Dermot was up to A overness across the US and had the #4 ranking in the world. Man... I was so proud of that that I almost actually gave him a main event push as a result, but he was mostly siphoning overness onto my other guys cos his angles with Jack were nailing A and A* all the time. :D
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Mine would have to be [B]Eric the Bull[/B] I gave him a manager and just gave him a mini push just Lower card- Mid card fueds and with in a year and a Half he was an uppercard worker his skills improved heaps to the point where he was putting on C+ matches he also become pretty decent on the mic.
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I'm going with Dermot as well. He may not be at the top of the pecking order in my fed, but he has had great chemestry with just about everyone on my roster. I currently have him teaming with Max Shock (a repackaged Paul Steadyfast) and their chemestry as a tag team has resulted in a Tag Championship win for him so far. He will go on to get a mid card singles push and most likley will win my mid-card title (All American) and keep it for awhile.
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C.H. Threepwood, without a doubt. I dumped his lame Irish tag team, hired his mentor and First Strike tag team partner Acid, stuck one of those rad Acid alt pics on him and renamed him Burn. Acid and Burn. Awesome right? And no it's not in reference to that movie Hackers.. well.. maybe. Created a stable called The Congregation (Acid, Burn, Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel) and started feuding them with Sean McFly. A year later, without really noticing, Threepwood has become a damn fine wrestler in his own right. Also making really good strides with Ted Brady, believe it or not. I'm slowly drawing his stamina up, and thanks to a great chem note with Sean McFly and Ted's already awesome performance stats, he's coming along really well. One of my go to midcarders.
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[QUOTE=Ping von Erich;526819]C.H. Threepwood, without a doubt. I dumped his lame Irish tag team, hired his mentor and First Strike tag team partner Acid, stuck one of those rad Acid alt pics on him and renamed him Burn. Acid and Burn. Awesome right? And no it's not in reference to that movie Hackers.. well.. maybe. Created a stable called The Congregation (Acid, Burn, Johnny Bloodstone and Dark Angel) and started feuding them with Sean McFly. A year later, without really noticing, Threepwood has become a damn fine wrestler in his own right. Also making really good strides with Ted Brady, believe it or not. I'm slowly drawing his stamina up, and thanks to a great chem note with Sean McFly and Ted's already awesome performance stats, he's coming along really well. One of my go to midcarders.[/QUOTE] I think it only would've been a Hackers reference if you renamed Bloodstone and Angel to Razor and Blade, and had them come out to Halcyon (And On And On). Oh, that movie makes me feel old. Though, to be honest, I would've opted for renaming him Base and calling them Chemical Reaction. :D Anyway, I was getting to a point. Yes, I have a point! It's awesome to see you're using Ted Brady. He's my new favourite.
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[B]Namboku Makuda[/B] in my long GCG game. He's not anywhere near main event material, but with great chemistry with other workers and having matches with them, he really improved in the course of just two years, rackin up B to A matches with other main eventers at the time.
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I have gotten Jack Griffith, The Big Problem, Madman Boone, Vin Tanner, Paul Steadyfast, Stevie Grayson and Fumihiro Ota to B+ popularity so they won't resign with me and go on to be Superstars in TCW and SWF (who i have pacts with) On the plus side they let guys go that i can mold into stars of the future. . I have Ben Williams, Ace Youngblood, Warren Technique, and Air Attack Weasel are all jobbers but they all have at least C- popularity. To be honest the hard part is the begining once you get someone over its alot easier to get other people over. I use the 5 hot prospects and make sure I have them on every show Those 4 guys and stan the man manna were on the list but stan has not caught on yet but he also has had injuries.
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Grandmaster Phunk in USPW...once so low in popularity NYCW dumped him, a year and a half later he was A across the board in the US and on his way to SWF. He was TV champ within two month of signing with me and held onto it until the day he left. He signed with SWF the week of the PPV where I was going to give him the world title, so that was good timing.
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I got two, first Remmy Skye. I was SWF and hired him at developmental level and now he is the most popular guy in America. But my favouritist is Dusty Bin. As CGC I got him from enchancement talent to Upper Midarder in three years. Not just that, with specialised training he is a proper hardcore brawler, capable of shaming Runaway Train! He is holding the top title at the moment.
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[QUOTE=Thriller;527446]Oh, right. Silly me. :o What are your finances like, Mr. Stranger?[/QUOTE] Around $8 million, right now. I'm hoping I can maintain that - Sammy's goals have me looking to stay over $7.5m around the tail end of 2014. The current project is running shows in the US, non-broadcast, to bring my overness there to a point where I can look at better TV deals.
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