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Royal Rumble & Randy Oroton


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Is it just me or I was rooting for Orton by the end of the match, because no way I wanted to see trips pick up the win.


To be honest it got down to Big Show, Undertaker, Triple H, and 3rd gen guys, and I was like, Orton's got to pull this out!


I never root for the evil guy, but I didn't want Taker to win, because I think he derves some huge spectacle of a match to continue his Win Steak


Big Show just doesn't have it any more in my view which left H and Orton. And to be honest a Triple H main even just didn't do it for me. But a you can't fire Orton because he won the Royal Rumble sounded awesome.


no i don't watch the weekly stuff so this maybe way off. but i just wanted to say. Bravo E for making root for Randy Freakin Orton! :cool:

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See, that's the problem. The only way they can convince anyone to cheer for Orton is if he's in a "lesser of two evils" situation.


Randy Orton is one of the biggest reasons I don't watch the E more than once or twice a month these days. He's just so... generic and boring. They do a good job booking him, I'll admit, but it seems like there could be a more entertaining worker out there somewhere who could fill the same gap.

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When it came down to the final 6, I was cheering for Orton too. It came down to how much I related to the characters in the ring.


Big Show is really, really big. He's physically gifted and uses that to his advantage as a fighter. I am not physically gifted, so I can't really support him (although I'd love to see him live)


The Undertaker is magic. That makes him invincible. While I can enjoy watching an invincible undead man kicking ass, and get goosebumps for his entrance, there's little vulnerability there. Not enough for me to truly care for him.


Triple H is successful. Really successful. I am not. Plus he got to nail Stephanie. That might be worth a fist-pound should I ever meet him, but inside I'm seething with jealousy.


Randy Orton on the other hand... He is a man who has exploded out of the shadow of his father. I have a father. He set certain goals that I deemed beneath me, so I can relate. He's not an unbeatable fighter (he often cheats to win matches) and in real life, I'm not an ultra-talented anything. I'm pretty good at a few things, but I'm no world beater. Every success I've ever had has come from some sort of lucky break or mild foul play.


... and he appreciates teamwork. In the Rumble match he teamed up with Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase Jr towards a common goal. There's something noble about that to me. This "every man for himself" is such an American concept, similar to all those action movies where one man on his own saves the world. When I see people put their differences aside and team up, that's what I relate to. Being man enough to admit you need help, and classy enough to accept it. I find it Heroic.


That being said, when it came down to the last 6 and Randy & Co were huddled in the corner, part of me wanted to see Show, Taker and Trips temporarily team up and take them out. Could have been a cool moment.

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..... I'm pretty sure WWE don't WANT us to cheer Orton. They wanted us to cheer Triple H.


trips lately has been likable enough, but I just didn't like his build in that match. and Orton just seems hungry.


the E wants him to be seen as a Heel but any one that stands up to Vince is a hero In my book!

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Yeah. Kicking your boss in the head is the ULTIMATE babyface move. It was true 10 years ago when Austin did it, it's still true now. Vince McMahon, despite how he's booking himself, will never be loved as a character. He's the boss, and most fans don't like their boss.
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trips lately has been likable enough, but I just didn't like his build in that match. and Orton just seems hungry.


the E wants him to be seen as a Heel but any one that stands up to Vince is a hero In my book!

Personally I haven't liked Triple H for a long time. Outside of his feud with Cena (truly a lesser of two evils), I've found him boring and just going through the motions.


The first Edge vs Triple H match had almost NOTHING to do with Triple H, except that he was there to collect the belt at the end. No build for him, he didn't even seem like he wanted the belt like he used to.


Then he couldn't even drop the belt to Jeff, Edge had to be the transitional guy once again, but of course he also wouldn't step away from the limelight, inserting himself into the Armaggeddon match - 'coz surely Edge vs Jeff Hardy wouldn't sell on it's own, right? ;)


Given, I haven't been watching much of Raw lately to see Orton vs McMahon, but everything I have seen points to him being booked as a heel.

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I haven't watched much RAW either (schedule conflicts) but I'm sure Orton is supposed to be the heel, which is why they've backtracked on Orton's bad-ass-ness recently. The kick to the head was far too much of a babyface move, so they've resorted to having him bring his shrink to the ring and taking beatings from Shane O Mac. They went a little far perhaps, but the kick, awesome though it was, was clearly a step in a direction they didn't want to take.


As for Trips not wanting to lose the belt to Jeff... I'm convinced that had nothing to do with malice on Triple H's part. I just think they wanted to reintroduce Edge with a BANG! Having him win the title was the best way to do that.


Wow. That Smackdown belt has bounced around a lot recently. Did Jeff even defend that title once before losing it?

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When I watched Royal Rumble (match) I knew all the time Orton is going to win.. And that's bad, when you have 29 -other men in the match.


I am not sure who out side of the last 6 men in that ring they would have wanted going to the main event at wrestlemania.


That is the problem with the current rumble. the winner has to be ready to head line the biggest event in you company. . . that keeps most of the mid card or upper mid card from using it as their break out performance.


I think Orton did well in the rumble, I like him as a heel (even though I know I am not supposed to) I think he can have that austin kind of love hate thing if they work it right. Just and arrogant prick that you want to see win simply because he is sticking it to the man.


Can't think of anyone since austin that I have wanted to see actually beat a baby face, just to see him win.


the JBL title run from a few years ago, where he had to cheat to win and Orlando Jordan was always doing his dirty work. I think Orton and the boys could be dominate like that, BUT not have to have every win be a cheat.


A Guy you just hate, and want to see loose the title but is just that damn good to keep holding it. Especially if he gets to beat the likes of Triple H, and Cena along the way. I could actually start watch weekly E again not just the PPV's

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Yeah. Kicking your boss in the head is the ULTIMATE babyface move. It was true 10 years ago when Austin did it, it's still true now. Vince McMahon, despite how he's booking himself, will never be loved as a character. He's the boss, and most fans don't like their boss.


And that's where they get into trouble. In my world, this right here is a ludricous statement. Brutally kicking another human being in the head no matter who or why is anything but a babyface move. The hated boss angle doesn't even play into the equation. The line crossed by punting him far exceeds the likability or lack thereof in the boss. Problem is the WWE crowd doesn't live in my world anymore. The writer may have visited there based on past reactions to Randy's legend punting. But the crowd would probably just as soon have the E booked by a Christian fundamentalist as they would to have it booked in my world.

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Seeing as this is a show for kids, the Orton Punt should be condemned as a bad thing, particularly when done to a non-wrestler. If he had done it to Linda, or Shane, or J.R, or King or any of the likeable non-wrestlers, then it would have been a great heel move. Hell, it has been a great heel move for quite some time.


However, he did it to Vince, and I've never been given any reason to like Vince McMahon as a character. He's on par with Vickie Guerrero in terms of punt-ability. Vince McMahon was getting in his face, telling him to apologize, telling him to get on his knees and beg for his job, humiliating him in public. I've been in situations like this before, and a big part of me wanted to say "screw it" and punt my boss from here to Nantucket. But I don't live in a world where I can do that. Randy does (to an extent) so that whole angle was wish-fulfillment for me, and it made me cheer for Randy in the Royal Rumble.


After John Morrison was eliminated of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched No Way Out, um yeah Randy Orton is like my new Flavor of the month wrestler.


I have not been this stoked about story line potential since cena hooked up with Cryme Tyme (yeah that was a let down)


The ASS, Randy Orton, had real concern on his face after the coast to coast on Cody Rhodes. it was a look of concern that said hey Randy's not a monster, he really just has a problem with the Mcmahon's and I really don't have a problem with that.


with Trips having the title on his shoulder now, and probably headed back to RAW, I am looking forward to an Orton/ HHH main event at Mania, and hopefully the 3rd gen taking over after he picks up a huge win at the gran-daddy of them all wrestlemania.


I hope that the E is ready for this positive response to Orton, cause this kid is making me want to go see E live, and I haven't had that urge in a decade.

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