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Inappropriate subject/gimmicks/names/etc.

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I am running a real world mod at the mo and plan to create a stable of 3 workers that are great together. My problem is the name. Due to the workers involved there is 1 very obvious name that could be used, but it is a bit on the inappropriate side of the line. I am struggling now because I know that I would not be using it in a negative way, I do not have the beliefs/whatever that the name would suggest and at the end of the day it doesn't affect anyone because I am the only person who will know about it, but I still can't help but feel that it may be innapropriate.


What do you guys do in this situation?


I would love to give an example, but with the internet being what it is, it isn't worth the risk. I am sure you will understand.

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You could always give the group a more PC name, but give the workers the proper gimmick anyway. The Nation of Domination as a Black Panther-like racist group for example, or Savio Vega's group from the same period as Puerto Rican Gangsters, or The Illuminati up here in the pacific northwest which started as a pseudo-Neo-**** group. Look at it as a challenge to get close to that line as you can without stepping over and you can really have fun with it (unless your promotions gimmick is to be over the line, in which case break out Crazy Ivan or hire Viking, or both and make a tag team out of them, it's your game dude ;)).
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Wow self-policing dilemmas, that's definitely not I see every day on the internet (excluding pron discussion of course). In the case of booking a personal game, I personally think do whatever. But of course it's ultimately got to be your decision since you're the one who has to see and live with it, and we'll have absolutely no contact with it outside of this thread.


I guess a more important question is why do you feel uneasy about using the name, if it is just for your own personal use, and would not be meant in a negative way?

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Ask yourself if it will work in the context of your promotion. Do you have a more family oriented product, or are you edgy and limit-pushing?
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