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Cverse Draft 2009: Frontier Combat Kingdom

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FCK Title Match: Harry Allen vs Johnny Blood ©

Allen's got this far, but Blood really is on a different level when it comes to skill.


Jeremy Stone vs Steve DeColt

Draw. These two do not resolve their issues yet.


Steve Gumble vs Melody Cuthill

I go for the Face win, possibly as other women mob the ring and Gumble gets the beating of a lifetime.


Raul Hughes & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

The full-time team manages to survive the attacks of the temporary partners.


Debbie Rose vs Kate Lilly

...I honestly don't care. Who does Cat want to win? I'll stick with the consensus thus far.

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FCK Title Match: Harry Allen vs Johnny Blood © - I'm guessing Faith didn't actually retire, so that still has to blowoff


Jeremy Stone vs Steve DeColt - Some way that keeps the heat on the feud

Steve Gumble vs Melody Cuthill - Clean, then epic beatdown from the women.

Raul Hughes & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

Debbie Rose vs Kate Lilly - DDQ when Grumble attacks them both. :)

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FCK Title Match: Harry Allen vs Johnny Blood ©

-I'm not sure if this is ending due to 2010, but if so, Harry bringing in the gold is a fitting end.


Jeremy Stone vs Steve DeColt

-As much as I see this going to a no contest, I think Awesome is thicker than blood and DeColt gets the win.


Steve Gumble vs Melody Cuthill

-Melody's reasonably cool, but a steel chair ends this one emphatically.


Raul Hughes & Maverick vs The Dirty White Boys

-The LEFT HOOK! can't fell Lead Belly, but Grease Hogg could still go down.


Debbie Rose vs Kate Lilly

-I don't see the point to this match, so I'm agreeing with whoever said no contest via Gumbrr!

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Jerry Eisen “Welcome to ‘FCK Once Upon A Time’! A night for scores to be settled and fairy tales to come true. I‘m Jerry Eisen and tonight I have been reunited with my former broadcast partner, ‘The Cat’ Catherine Quine, in what I am sure in a dream come true for her.”

Catherine Quine “Ugh. Don‘t flatter yourself, Jerry. The last thing I ever wanted was to share a commentary booth with you again, but seeing as this pesky knee injury is keeping me out of the ring for another couple of weeks, I thought I‘d give the viewers the benefit of my wisdom.”




CHRISTIAN FAITH is sitting at ringside with his son MATTY. They wave to the camera. Christian looks sad, but lights up when he sees the joy on his son’s face.


Jerry Eisen “Check it out. Christian Faith is in attendance. A few weeks ago he was forced to retire from professional fighting in order to regain custody of his son, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to stay away from this fine night of action.”

Catherine Quine “Not sure I’d consider bringing a child to this den of depravity “good parenting” but it’s a step in the right direction.”

Jerry Eisen “Can’t imagine my father’s too happy to see his arch-rival here, but Faith is a paying customer. Not much he can do about it.”






EDD STONE sits in a wheelchair, pushed by STEVE DECOLT.



You know, you really didn’t have to be here tonight.



What? And miss you totally kicking my brother’s ass? Are you kidding me?

Even if I had that Umbrella chick, drunk and tied up in my bed, I’d still

be here, ready to watch you rock and rule.



I figured as much, so I got you a little present to keep you busy. I know

hanging around backstage without a fight can get kinda dull, so…


Steve DeColt opens the door to the ‘Awesome Alliance’ locker room. Inside are two incredibly hot women in skimpy nurses uniforms.



Dude. This is gonna be the best night ever.



Totally. Who Rules?



You rule



Don’t you forget it, little buddy.




Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by The Agent to the Stars; Adrian Garcia.

Hailing from Vancouver, British Columbia and weighing in at 263lbs.“The Silent Threat”


... and his partner, from Chicago, Illinois. A former Burning World Champion,

weighing in tonight at 290lbs, The Demolition Expert...



... and their opponents, accompanied by the Blonde Bombshell. They hail from Fontana,

California. At a total combined weight of 615lbs, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg...



Jerry Eisen “Raul Hughes wants to knock out Lead Belly. Adrian Garcia wants Raul Hughes to join his agency. The Dirty White Boys always want to fight. Therefore; tag match.”

Catherine Quine “Very succinct. I for one can’t believe Lead Belly has managed to survive so many Left Hooks in the past, but I think tonight will be the night he finally goes down and out.”


The D.W.B. take control early with quick tags and smooth double team maneuvers. Their experience as a team making a mockery of Raul and Maverick, who argue and get in each other’s way. Eventually Adrian Garcia manages to distract Grease Hogg long enough for Maverick to score The Mother Of All Chop Blocks. The makeshift team just barely manage to keep Hogg isolated in their corner as they work him over.


Raul gets bored and lets Hogg make the tag. Lead Belly runs wild with clubbing blows and charges into the turnbuckles until…LEFT HOOK! Lead Belly goes down... but not out. Raul watches with fury as Lead Belly clamours to his feet after only a few moments. LEFT-Big Boot! Raul is kicked out of the ring. Maverick sneaks up behind Lead Belly and locks in the Deadly Silence (Dream Hold) Lead Belly fades... fading... fading... LEFT HOOK! Raul knocks the groggy White Boy out cold.


Raul Hughes is ecstatic as he stands over Lead Belly’s unconscious body. So ecstatic that he doesn’t notice as Grease Hogg rolls up Maverick for the 1... 2... 3!




As Grease Hogg tries to revive his partner, Raul Hughes looks at his, shrugs, and leaves. He did what he came to do.






JEREMY STONE and VICTORIA STONE march through the corridor.



I know you’re angry, but I’m sure he’s punishing himself enough. Try

not to be too hard on him.



Fine. I just want to check he’s okay, then I’ll leave you to it.


They enter to the “Awesome Alliance” locker room and enter to find… EDD STONE getting a sponge bath from the ‘nurses’.





Okay. He’s fine.


Victoria leaves, but Jeremy stays.



Listen. I’m not here to argue. I just want to say that no matter what’s

happened in the past, and no matter what happens here tonight, I’m

still your brother, and I will always have your back. No matter what.



Wow. Jeremy. I’m surprised to hear you say that… I mean I know

you’re terrified to have to fight Steve DeColt later, but trying to get

me to turn against my tag team partner? That’s low. I thought you

were better than that… not much better, but dude. Once again

you’ve like totally underestimated how little I care for you, and how

much I care about the most awesome alliance in Canadian

Wrestling history.


Tonight, Steve DeColt is going to destroy you. You want to know why?

Because of me. Everything you taught me in the House of Stone, he

now knows. The good, the bad, the insanely boring. I know how you

think, bro, and even though it bores me to tears I’ve remembered it

for just such an occasion. I put on my teaching hat and taught Steve

DeColt everything he needs to know to beat you. He’s totally got your

number, bro. So tonight you’re going to find out exactly WHO RULES?

DeColt Rules.


Jeremy’s heart breaks as he turns and leaves. As he does so, he hears a ‘CRACK!’ from around the corner. Jeremy sprints to the noise to discover Victoria laying on the floor in agony, clutching her back. He looks around for her assailant, but finds no one.


Catherine Quine “Looks to me like the ‘Texan Bitch Killer’ Steve Gumble has claimed another victim. I like his style.”






Jerry Eisen “With the ‘FCK Women’ division in tatters, Cat, you organized this Exhibition Match between your two protégé's.”

Catherine Quine “Steve Gumble has done my crusade a great favor, clearing out the trash and allowing my flowers this chance to shine. This will be a respectable contest between legitimate fighters.”


The Delicate Flowers kick off exchanging wristlocks and hammerlocks, with Rose taking control until Lilly breaks free, running the rope, using her speed to her advantage. Rose slaps her. Lilly slaps back. The Delicate Flowers start shoving each other, pulling each other’s hair, and go down to the mat, rolling around with each other, groping and tearing at each other’s clothes.


Catherine Quine “No no no. This isn’t right! Exhibition over! RING THE BELL!”


As the Delicate Flowers continue to writhe around on the canvas, Quine frantically badgers the timekeeper until he rings the bell.






Catherine Quine hits the ring and tries to separate the two girls, but to no avail. The Flowers look like they’re having fun ripping each others clothes off.




STEVE GUMBLE moseys on down the ramp and rolls into the ring, steel chair in hand. The Delicate Flowers stop fighting and back away, until Kate Lilly takes a chance and throws a Crescent Kick. Gumble easily blocks it and CRACK! Gumble nails her with a thunderous chairshot! Debbie Rose charges and- CRACK! Rose is out cold!


Gumble advances on Catherine Quine, who scrambles for a microphone.



Whoa, whoa, wait a minute Stan-Steve! Steve! Sorry! Wait a second!

I know what you’re doing. You want to rid the Frontier Combat Kingdom

of all of the painted whores in the ‘FCK Women’ division. I want that too.

We’re a lot alike. We’re both real fighters, screwed over by these pathetic

excuses for competitors. Our methods may be different, but we want

the same thing. We could be friends. We... um... could be... ‘good’ friends.


Visibly terrified, Catherine Quine sidles up to him as seductively as she can, and drops to her knees, reaching for Gumble’s zipper. Steve Gumble rolls his eyes and lifts her up for the Union Valley Driver (Burning Hammer)...




MELODY CUTHILL sprints down the ramp to confront him. Gumble drops Quine, who frantically crawls over to Melody and clings to her legs. Full of rage, Melody doesn’t have time to drink in the irony.





Introducing first, hailing from Union Valley, Texas and weighing in at 218lbs...



And his opponent, from Omaha, Nebraska. She is a former 2-time

NOTBPW Women’s Champion, “The Excellence of Sexecution”



Jerry Eisen “Ever since the break up of The Young Guns, we’ve seen a different side of Steve Gumble. The self-proclaimed “Texan Bitch Killer” has been cutting a bloody path through the women of the Frontier Combat Kingdom, including Melody Cuthill. Unlike the rest of his victims, the ‘Excellence of Sexecution’ is fighting back.”


Melody attacks with fury as soon as the bell rings. Gumble catches her with a stinging slap, but Melody responds with a Spinning Wheel Kick and continues the assault. Arms Drags. Dropkicks. Ranas. Gumble manages to telegraph a flying head scissors and power her into a sidewalk slam.


Gumble overpowers her and bullies her to the mat, enjoying his physical superiority. Powerslam. Press Slam. He repeatedly attempts the Union Valley Driver (Burning Hammer) but Melody wriggles free. He hurls her into the corner and charges with the Double Knees, but Melody does the splits. Gumble crashes into the turnbuckles and spills out to the floor. Melody follows up with a plancha.


Back in the ring, Melody fires up and takes control with a flurry of offense. Melody tries the Melody Maker (Rocker Dropper) but Gumble turns it into a Powerbomb for 1... 2... Kick out! Grumbling, Gumble throws the Quick Draw Kick, but Melody ducks, rocks him with an enziguri, hits the ropes and…Gumble floors her with a desperation clothesline. Exhausted, he leans against the ropes to catch his breath.




CHITOSE KUMASAKA suddenly crawls out from under the ring, steel chair in hand, and CRACKS it over Gumble’s head behind the referee’s back. Gumble staggers into the Melody Maker for the 1... 2... 3!




Not quite satisfied, Melody and Chitose each take a chair and deliver one more thunderous blow apiece to Steve Gumble, before celebrating their revenge.






RICHARD EISEN comes out to the ring, surrounded by security and looking none too pleased. His eyes are locked on MATTY and CHRISTIAN FAITH.



I know you’re all looking forward to the rest of the show, but before we

continue the action, I have the unpleasant task of removing an undesirable

from the arena. Christian Faith. When you left the Frontier Combat Kingdom

it was the happiest day of my life, and I’m not going to let you waltz

back in whenever you feel like. So I’m kicking you out. You and that brat

of yours. Security! Do your jobs!


Security nervously advance on the Faiths. Christian Faith is furious, teeth-clenched, hands balled into fists…



What are you going to do, Faith? You going to fight? You lay one hand

on these fine gentlemen and the courts will take your son from you. I

know you don’t want that. That’s why you left in the first place, and that’s

why you’re going to leave again right now. Security. Get him of here.


Humiliated and helpless, Christian Faith allows himself and his son to be escorted from ringside by Security as Richard Eisen looks smug..



Take a good long look at your father, Matty. That’s what happens

when you try to go up against Richard Eisen. You become a weak,

pathetic, impotent loser.







Introducing first, the challenger, accompanied by Chitose Kumasaka. Hailing from Dallas, Texas

and weighing in at 214lbs. The Vigilante...



... and his opponent, weighing in at 230lbs, and hailing from Battleford, Saskatchewan.

He is a former NOTBPW Champion and the current, reigning and defending

Frontier Combat King! The Submission Demon!



Jerry Eisen “Ever since coming to the Frontier Combat Kingdom, Harry Allen has been on a roll, and never so much as in these last few weeks. He beat Jeremy Stone. He beat Christian Faith. He won the 20-man Supreme ClusterFCK. Harry Allen has been unbeatable. Will he continue the streak tonight?”

Catherine Quine “I think not. For months, Johnny Blood has been a Richard Eisen‘s dominant champion, and he’s not going to let a pint-sized cowboy take his crown.”


Blood tries to take him to ground, but Harry is too fast, ducking, dodging, rolling, striking out with hit & run tactics to quickly frustrate the Champion. Blood throws a Raging Elbow (Discus Elbow Strikes) but Harry easily ducks and kicks things into high gear, running the ropes, springboarding, hitting The Submission Demon from every angle with a high-velocity assault. Reeling, Blood bails outside and goes nuts, throwing a fit. Relentless, Harry nails him with a somersault plancha.


Harry tries to pick up his foe and throw him into the ring, but Blood suddenly snaps him over with an Overheard Belly to Belly Suplex that sends the Vigilante into the front row. Blood gets the fight back to the ring and goes to work, angrily wrenching Harry in a variety of exotic and excruciating submission holds. Harry refuses to tap, infuriating Blood, who starts stomping and stomping and stomping and… Harry suddenly kips up into a Rana for a 1... 2... Kick out!


Blood goes berserk with a wild, predictable assault that The Vigilante easily avoids. Driving Knees. Tornado DDT. Harry Allen is on fire! Harry goes for the Driving Knees to the corner again, but Blood dodges. Harry crashes into the turnbuckle, and Blood rolls him up for the 1... 2... Kick out! Blood tries a BloodStone’s Throw (Angry Exploder) but Harry holds on an counters into a huge DDT for the 1... 2... Kick out!


Harry jumps up top, but is cut off. Blood goes for the Super BloodStone’s Throw (Super Angry Exploder) but Harry counters with a Gunslinger’s Revenge (Cutter) driving Blood face-first into the top of the turnbuckle. He springboards in with the Fistful of Dynamite (Flying Fistdrop) for the 1... 2... Kick out! Blood uses his ring awareness to get outside and go ballistic, snatching the FCK Title. Harry chases him out with a suicide dive, but Blood raises the title just in time, clouting The Vigilante in the head. Blood drags him into the ring for the 1... 2... Kick out! Blood can’t believe it.


Going berserk, practically foaming at the mouth, yelling at Referee Sam Sparrow for the ‘slow count’ Blood eventually tries to apply the Bloodrage Mutilation (Modified Camel Clutch) but Harry has enough time to recover, slips out and lands the Gunslinger’s Revenge for the 1... 2... 3!








Exhausted, barely conscious, HARRY ALLEN takes a microphone as an ecstatic CHITOSE KUMASAKA gives him his newly won FCK Title.



This is for everyone who was ever told they weren’t good enough.

For those who have yet to achieve their dreams. For those who weren’t

born to be champions. For those who didn’t have success handed to them.

For the people stuck in dead end jobs. For the guys who never get the girl

Don’t give up... You can be champions too.




Introducing first, weighing in at 235lbs and hailing from the House of Stone,

Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is a former 4 time NOTBPW Champion.

“The Canadian Wrestling Machine”...



Weighing in at 260lbs and hailing from DeColt Country, Calgary, Alberta.

A former 3-time CGC Champion. The Raging Bull...



Jerry Eisen “Finally… a match we’ve been waiting for decades… DeColt versus Stone. The ultimate showdown between Canada’s greatest wrestling families.”


Jeremy Stone stares a hole in Steve DeColt, who picks up a microphone.



Hold up, Stone. Before we get started, I want to make sure everybody

knows just how monumental this is. This isn’t about you and Edd. This

isn’t about me and Edd. This isn’t even about you and me. It’s about

DeColts and Stones. Which one is the best? Jeremy, this isn’t the House

of Stone. This is DeColt Country,




NINO DE ORO comes out of nowhere, slides into the ring, nails Jeremy Stone with a Leg Lariat, and rips off his mask.




Jerry Eisen “Oh my god. Nino De Oro is Ricky DeColt!”


Ricky and Steve DeColt hug. Jeremy gets up but...




JACK DECOLT and ALEX DECOLT wipe him out with a Lariat-Chopblock Combo. Ricky jumps in and the trio of DeColts lay in a beatdown on Jeremy as Steve stands back and watches. Ricky DeColt hits the DeColt 45 (Roll Inverted DDT).



Where Stones shatter apart, DeColts stick together like family are supposed

to. All our careers, people have been comparing our two families, wanting

to know which was best… and for eight long months we’ve been working

towards answering that question once and for all. We have been moving the

members of the Frontier Combat Kingdom around like pawns, working

towards this very moment. This show of force.


Alex DeColt hits the DeColt Driver (Straightjacket Drop).



Who brought in Christian Faith to distract Richard Eisen? Us. Who fixed the drug test

and bankrolled his ex-wife's lawyers, retiring Christian Faith? Us. Who convinced

Sam Strong to make the cowboys "go solo for a bit"? Us. Who took out Victoria

Stone earlier with a steel chair? Not the 'Texan Bitcher Killer', it was us. Granted,

a few things went different to how we expected, Harry Allen winning the FCK Title,

man, never in a million years would we have guessed, but it doesn't matter. It's all

come down to this perfect moment. Funny story, Dan DaLay came surprisingly

close to figuring it all out. Shame I had to throw him off of that stage and take him

out of action.


Steve DeColt kneels down beside Jeremy Stone, locked in Jack’s End of Days (Bow and Arrow Lock/Dragon Sleeper).



Do you hear that, Stone? That’s the sound of no one coming to save you.

Where are the other Stones, huh? Where is this “legendary family” I‘ve

been hearing about? Together, you’re strong, but you’re never together,

are you? That’s our point. Dan Jr’s nowhere to be found. Duane’s in

Japan. Victoria’s on her way to hospital… and Edd…You have no idea how

much I loathed pretending to be friends with that little twerp, but it was

worth it to see the look on your face. The pain in your eyes as I pulled

your brother even further away from the ‘Stone Way’. He hates you. He

really, really hates you. I barely had to do a thing. It was so easy, I even

had him reciting my catchphrases, and it was no problem at all giving

him the drugs that caused his ‘little accident’.


Jeremy explodes! Levelling Jack and Alex with punches, hurling Ricky across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex and charging at Steve… Who stuns him with a DeColt Thrust and nails the DeColt Stampede (Running Bulldog).



It was never about you and me, Jeremy. I don’t know which of us would win

one-on-one, and I don’t care. It wasn’t about that. It was about family. I

know some of you in the crowd might disagree with what we’ve done

here tonight, but it is a necessary show of force. I came to the Frontier

Combat Kingdom with one goal, to prove that the DeColts are the best

family in wrestling. I think what you’re seeing right here proves that.

Here we are. All four DeColts. Together. Triumphant. Standing over one

lone, broken Stone. WHO RULE???









EDD STONE stares at the monitor... utter shock turning to fury. He struggles out of the hospital bed, takes a few tentative steps and rips off his hospital gown to reveal his wrestling trunks.






CHRISTIAN FAITH sits, dejected and humiliated. MATTY FAITH stares wie-eyed and stunned at his phone. Matty nudges his father, who looks at the phone. Fury. Rage. Fists clench. A hint of reluctance as he glances at his son.



It’s okay, Dad. Go.


With a smile, Christian ruffles his son’s hair, and heads for the arena. Surrounded by Security, RICHARD EISEN blocks his way.





What do you think you’re doing?


Matty Faith knocks out Richard Eisen with one big punch.



That’s my boy.


Christian Faith heads inside as Security back away.






HARRY ALLEN watches the scene in the ring on a monitor, in utter disbelief. A Medic tries to patch him up after his earlier war. A giddy CHITOSE KUMASAKA, carrying his newly won FCK Title, tries to drag him away to go celebrate.



Sorry, darlin’. I ain’t done yet.


Harry shrugs her off, struggles to his feet, and heads to the ring.






EDD STONE, CHRISTIAN FAITH and HARRY ALLEN charge to the ring, coming to JEREMY STONE's rescue by attacking THE DECOLTS. Christian Faith and Alex DeColt go toe-to-toe, blow-for-blow, brawling out of the ring. Harry Allen throws Jack DeColt over the top, and wipes him out with a plancha.


Ricky throws a clothesline at Edd, but the 24 Hour Party Animal ducks and takes him out with the Edd-Reneline Shot (Super Kick).



Edd! Slow down. This is what you wanted. This is what you-


Edd decapitates Steve DeColt with the Edd-Reneline Shot, before helping his brother to his feet.


The Stone Brothers embrace.




Awesome Alliance Arrive... B


Jeremy Stone talks to Edd... B-


Texan Bitch Killer Strikes... C


The Faiths ejected from ringside... A


Harry Allen victory speech... B


Post Match Beatdown... B

Edd Stone gets out of bed... C+

Christian Faith makes a decision... B+

Harry Allen ain’t done... B-

Edd, Faith and Harry make the save... B


'The Marksman' gives this show a B-

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Sad, sad that this is ending. I've been a silent follower since I joined the board, and it's up there for my favourite diary on my board (with James Casey's offering). But great ending all the same, good to see Faith giving ol' Richy a good hiding, and the whole Stone/DeColt thing was incredibly writen, though it's a shame you didn't give us the epic Stone/DeColt showdown that was promised. Congratulations on a great diary, I'm looking forward to any other project you may do in the future.

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While the release of TEW2010 did have a major impact on my decision to end this project, it didn't change the actual ending. For the past six months, this was the point I was working to. If Adam had taken 3 more months to release TEW2010, I would have spent 3 more months getting here. It was a little bit rushed at the end there, but I'm happy that I told the story I wanted to tell... Although I wish I'd been able to finish telling it before the bulk of my readership went up North.


As a sidenote, before I came up with that ending I had two others in mind. One was a Zombie Attack. The other was an Angel Attack. In both, the members of the Frontier Combat Kingdom would be brutally massacred in a bizarre wrestling/horror combo. Both would have ended with Jeremy and Edd Stone, finally reunited, fighting shoulder to shoulder against the hordes. Going down swinging.


Sad, sad that this is ending. I've been a silent follower since I joined the board, and it's up there for my favourite diary on my board (with James Casey's offering). But great ending all the same, good to see Faith giving ol' Richy a good hiding, and the whole Stone/DeColt thing was incredibly writen, though it's a shame you didn't give us the epic Stone/DeColt showdown that was promised. Congratulations on a great diary, I'm looking forward to any other project you may do in the future.


I can see the disappointment, but that was sadly necessary. Essentially, I never wanted to have to decide who was better. DeColt vs Stone is one of those C-Verse rivalries that I don't think should ever be settled. I certainly didn't want to take it upon myself to settle it. So in those terms, I couldn't have them fight. I just couldn't.


Wow ... That was Awesome, very well written a perfect ending in a way but ... I totally want more ;)


.. and here was me thinking NINO DE ORO would be a Stone.


Here's hoping you kick start a diary on TEW10 soon.


As the old saying goes "Always leave them wanting more". I'm glad I was able to do that while still telling everything I wanted to tell.


As for kick-starting something soon... I have ideas, but I'm not rushing into anything. FCK took two months of planning and pre-writing, and I still felt like I jumped in with a half-formed idea. Any new projects will be a long way off I'm afraid.


I don't know how many people are interested in my ramblings about this project, but I spent a year posting kayfabe, so I imagine I have a lot to say. Character arcs. Stat increases. "The Ones That Got Away". Other regrets. It all depends if folks are interested... at least down here I won't be bumping currently active diaries off the front page.

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Wow. Over. Happy and sad at the same time. Disappointed to see it end, yet happy that it did have an actual end point. So many diaries just trail off or cut off mid-story (guilty!). So its nice to see you hit the point that wrapped things up.


I know what you mean about a DeColt-Stone showdown. How do you pick the winner there? And having a messy non-ending isn't really satisfying for the reader, either. Probably the best choice to just not go there...


As for some ambly ramblings about unrealized plans, etc, I would definitely read. I can't say I have specific questions I really want answered, off the top of my head at least, but I'd love to know more of your process and your intentions.

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Man, and I thought I had turned Steve DeColt evil when I had him kidnap Hotstuff Marie from his brother Jack, sick a twisted sadistic Larry Wood on Jack and even get Ricky to turn on Jack in my CGC diary, but you raised Steve to a J-silver Darryl Devine level of lowlife! :eek:


Of course I always knew Alex was a bastard! ;):D

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This is for everyone who was ever told they weren’t good enough.

For those who have yet to achieve their dreams. For those who weren’t

born to be champions. For those who didn’t have success handed to them.

For the people stuck in dead end jobs. For the guys who never get the girl

Don’t give up... You can be champions too.


Dude seriously. Stop it. Heartstrings tugged, dude, heartstrings tugged.

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I was going through my old files and found this, the order I drafted my starting roster. I had thought about posting it at the very beginning on the project, but I personally don't like diaries that have half-a-dozen posts before getting to the first show. Color-coded "Roster Pages" also rub me the wrong way, with blue meaning Babyface and red meaning Heel... Bothers me for some reason. It's the C-Verse equivalent of being cheered/booed depending on whether you walk out of the Heel or Babyface locker room... but I digress.


The draft was run by Derek_B, an all around good chap. If I hadn't taken part in that draft, I probably never would have written a diary, so I guess he deserves some credit for my awesome success.




1) Jeremy Stone - Probably my least favourite Stone, but to begin with I was drafting for stats, and with Dan Jr and McFly gone, he was the best choice.

2) Johnny Bloodstone - I always liked him, and his skills made him a perfect opponent for Jeremy.

3) Sam Strong Everyone else were drafting wrestlers, but I saw potential in this retired Authority Figure. Great Popularity, even in Canada.

4) Edd Stone - At this point, I had ‘diary’ on my mind rather than drafting for a personal game, so I wanted the character I had roleplayed as in the past.

5) Raul Hughes - I was into UFC at the time, and wanted an 'MMA Guy'. It was him or Mike Watson. I think Watson got poached.

6) Blonde Bombshell - I put her with the DWB in every personal game I run. I knew I was going to do likewise here.

7) Dan DaLay - Was never a fan, but had good overness

8) John Maverick - Simply because of his tag experience with DaLay

9) Richard Eisen - Again, folks were drafting wrestlers and leaving skilled non-wrestlers alone. Couldn't resist.

10) Adrian Garcia - Ditto. With this, I had the beginnings of the "Going To War" three-way-stable war planned out.

11) Sam Sparrow - Needed a referee. In hindsight, I didn't need one this good or expensive.

12) Mystery Box 246 - No idea what was in this. Damn Derek and his mystery boxes.

13) Shingen Miyazaki - I thought he'd be a great midcarder. He was originally going to be in Team Deathstrike with Akinori. However, as the draft came to a close I needed more women, so traded him for Chitose Ariwara/Kumasaka. I think it was worth it.

14) Nate Johnson - No idea why I picked him so early. He's talented, in my current TEW2010 CGC game he's like number 2 heel, but I never had plans for him here.

15) Mystery 108 - Your guess is as good as mine. I know I really wanted to draft a TV deal... this probably wasn't it.

16) Harry Allen - Wow... How did I wait this long?

17) Steve Gumble - Figures I picked Harry before him.

18) Jerry Eisen - Needed an announcer. Family ties interested me, although I don't think I took advantage fully.

19) Grease Hogg - I'd grabbed B.B. early, but I could afford to wait for these dudes.

20) Lead Belly - I can't believe I drafted Hogg before Belly. Hogg can't survive a- LEFT HOOK!

21) Dharma Gregg - I wanted a sexy interviewer

22) Melody Cuthill - At this point, I decided I wanted a small Women's division, and needed a babyface anchor

23) Catherine Quine - The other anchor... It wasn't until later I decided to have her start on commentary.

24) Mystery Box 71 - I think this was a free Written contract, with which I chose Danger Kumasaka. Why? Because he's awesome! Originally was going to be a veteran bad-ass babyface, but with Shingen traded for his daughter, he needed to be bad.

25) Bobby Thomas - Because I forgot to draft him with Nate earlier.

26) Akinori Kwakami - Skilled guy. I never pushed him hard, but I loved having him on my roster.

27) Harrison Hash - I love him... more on that later

28) Harrison Hash - Drafting someone twice turned it into an 'Exclusive Contract'... A big mistake in hindsight.

29) Ed Monton - Performance skills to round out the roster.

30) Robert Oxford - Performance skills to round out the roster.

31) Miss Information - Women's division... Never quite worked out for her.

32) Mystery Box 164 - /shrug

33) Boo Smithson - I LOVE THIS GUY!!!!

34) Aristocrat - Originally set to play 'Uriel' but bombed with the gimmick and did nothing after. Was also set to play a "Beaver Buzz Representative" at one point, but it never panned out.


Could have sworn there were 35 picks, but there you go!


Notable by his absense is Steve DeColt. There's an easy explaination for this. I never drafted him. I think he went down to Australia between the time I drafted Jeremy Stone and Johnny Bloodstone. Anyway, I needed another big name in the opening tournament (to feed to the doomed Uriel) so I decided to get DeColt in a talent trade. I planned to write him out quickly, but the son of a gun got over with his damned stupid catchphrase.


Luckily, his written contract was short, so I was eventually able to get him on a PPA. I shudder to imagine what FCK would have been like if he'd been randomly assigned a longer starting contract. No DeColt Rules. No Awesome Alliance. No ending.



Dude seriously. Stop it. Heartstrings tugged, dude, heartstrings tugged.


That's what I was going for.

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Dude. Greatest Diary I've ever read! I've posted on here a few times about the specifics, so I wont really get into it again, but ya got a lot of talent, Self. The character development = Amazing.


But I can't help but ask for some kind of BONUS CHAPTER/CARD down the line... only because to be COMPLETELY Honest it just doesn't FEEL Over, it felt more like you were setting up for the end, as apposed to the actually ending. Ya know?


I think its mostly just because it seemed so primed for an impromptu 4 on 4 match, Old School ECW Style.. that didn't come that makes me feel that way... Oh well, I guess you're right, Always want them leaving more.


Fantastic read.

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Speaking of the draft aspect, Self.. How'd AK37 make out in your save?


Quite well. They went from D+ popularity around Japan (with C+ in Kanto) to C popularity around Japan (with a B- in Kanto). They are the third biggest Japanese promotion, behind Derek_B's J-Pro and Dross' NHPW. The AK37 Kavalier Champion is, has, and forever has been Sensational Dragon, who has managed 12 successful defences. The AK37 King's Own Champion is Conrad Morris... also know as Connie Morris... you know... before the sex change.


I actually have a Working Agreement with them, which I used to borrow Cherry Bomb early on. The main reason I kept it going is because you had Duane Stone on your roster. Several times I thought about bringing him in for a short spell. He would have been a "happy medium" between Edd and Jez. A High Flier with his life in order. He could have been fun, but when Victoria Stone became available, I had to choose. Victoria would help the Women's Division and be a long term character, while Duane would have only lasted a few shows. Still... What might have been?







When I began this diary, I only had one story mapped out in full. This was that story. I knew it all. Gumble getting taken out by a car to allow Harry to shine solo. Being on opposing sides at "Going to War". The failure in the tag team tournament. Gumble blaming Chitose for ruining the team, leading to his misogynistic tendencies. Harry winning… okay… Actually, I didn’t know Harry was going to win the big belt from Day 1. That just sort of worked out along the way, and was a good way to end on a high note.


At it‘s core, it was a typical tag team break up. One would rise to exceptional heights. The other would fall to crushing depths… So far, so Rockers. However, I didn’t want to tell the old story of jealousy or callousness. The key component to me was Love. The babyface wouldn’t begrudge his partner for his shortcomings. The heel would genuinely want his partner to succeed, but would be so terrified of losing him he’d be driven to make irreparable mistakes.


During the draft, I had many choices for the roles. High Concept (Elmo Benson & Groucho Bling) were high on my list, but got snapped up quickly by another draftsman. Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) were another strong option. I forget exactly why I eventually plumped for the Young Guns, but I‘m glad I did. Harry Allen has this Teen Idol element that was perfect for a rising star, and Steve Gumble was born to be overshadowed. Boring look with a horrible name. Plus, the cowboy gimmick was a great anchor for their characters. In hindsight, Youth Energy may have come off too bland, and High Concept would have been a bit too goofy, perhaps too similar to Edd Stone.


Key to the story was making Harry Allen a star, which I believe I succeeded at in many ways. Not only in the game (went from E+ to A* popularity across Canada) but with my readership too. He didn’t reach Edd Stone levels of fandom, but you seemed to accept his push and believe he was too good to be teaming with Steve Gumble.


Steve Gumble became quite possibly my favourite character in FCK. For so long he was a low key presence that I just knew was going to explode. He lost a lot, but that was the point. He didn‘t get much promo time, but that was the point. Originally I was just going to have him ‘less successful’ than Harry, but I quickly realised that the bigger a loser he is, the more sense the story made.


I toyed with the idea that Steve Gumble was gay and in love with Harry. In the end, I didn’t think it was a necessary addition to the story, however, I never contradicted it, and in his ‘Texas Bitch Killings’ I made a point not to add a sexual component to the assaults… at least not from him. Steve might be gay. He might not. It doesn't make a difference.


When they got down to fighting, Harry always won. Some of you predicted even-steven booking, but that’s not how I roll. Harry is the better fighter, therefore Harry wins. I like to keep certain things simple. They could have feuded more, done another PPV match, but I wanted a fast blow-off. They aren’t mortal enemies, but friends who hit a rough patch.


Besides, they had awful chemistry fighting each other.




I have a few. Harry’s character never quite clicked. He had the cowboy thing. He had the Vigilante name. He had the girl on his arm. He had some cool promos. He had the push. He just never quite had the ’Edd Stone’ level personallity the rising star needed. Ideally, you would have been quoting his lines and hoping, praying, pleading for him to win the day. I never got him there, although I think, in the end, I tapped into something with promise in his feud with Johnny Blood. Blood is basically built to be a Champion. Harry is an everyman. If I’d had time, I think I could have done something there... but that would have been gravy. His story was with Gumble.


As for Steve Gumble… I wish he’d had one more Chapter to be the ‘Texan Bitch Killer’ before losing to Melody. I probably would have had him retire Victoria Stone in a proper PPV match (perhaps sprinkling in some mysterious DeColt-esque foreshadowing shenanigans). By losing in his first inter-gender match, he came off like a bit of a punk. He should have been more deadly once he embraced his dark side.



I never planned to continue past this point, but if I did… Harry would get a decent title reign, feuding with Johnny Blood. He would also join the Stones against The DeColts for the initial surge. A match with Ricky could be pretty good, and he’d probably defend the FCK Title against Jack.


Ideally, Gumble wouldn’t have lost to Melody, but nonetheless he’d continue destroying the ‘FCK Women’ division. PPV matches with Melody, Nightshade and maybe Alicia Strong if I could get my mitts on her. Eventually, in a year or two, I think Harry and Steve would reunite. They’d never be "The Young Guns" again, but a more rugged, dysfunctional team.



I won’t write this much for the other characters (I don’t think) because I’m extra proud of what I did with The Young Guns. They aren’t "usual suspects". Their skills don’t make them obvious future stars. I pushed them anyway and got them over. Success.

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I can see the disappointment, but that was sadly necessary. Essentially, I never wanted to have to decide who was better. DeColt vs Stone is one of those C-Verse rivalries that I don't think should ever be settled. I certainly didn't want to take it upon myself to settle it. So in those terms, I couldn't have them fight. I just couldn't.


Yeah, I guess, but there aren't many writers who I'd rather have settle that particular debate.

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I don’t like how WWE books gives away so much on free TV these days. Undertaker fought Chris Jericho for the first time ever the other day, and where? Not on PPV. It was on Smackdown. For free. That, to me, is back-asswards, and I hate seeing the same trends in diaries. I feel TV has to be weaker than PPV. TV should be the teaser. The free sample that gets you addicted enough to spend money on the product.


I’ve found with TEW that my Show Rating is usually the same as the rating I get for my Main Event. Blood and Stone did a B? I’m getting a B overall. Maverick and Raul did a C? I’m getting a C this week. I don’t need to load up my card with quality matches, I just need one good fight. The rest can be used to build stars for the future. Squash matches and the like. Therefore, I can keep the ‘first time ever’ and Main Eventer vs Main Eventer matches for PPV, where they should be.


Speaking of Main Eventers. I don’t think they need to wrestle on every show. Seeing Jeremy Stone fight should be a special treat. Seeing him fight a world class opponent should be something you have to pay for. It’s different for rising stars and rookies, they should be showcased on a weekly basis, but the established guys shouldn’t be given away too much.. particularly if they can cut promos instead. In this project, I gave away too much for free. Christian Faith vs Harry Allen? Jeremy Stone vs Harry Allen? Even Sam Strong vs Steve Gumble. Those were PPV calibre matches, but in my haste to get through storylines, I gave them away for nothing. Bad form.


Only Losers Lose. Television is a place to make your top guys look like giants. LIKE GODS! Getting your shoulders pinned to the mat is a step in the wrong direction. Stars shouldn’t lose on free TV. I hate this even-stevens booking they have in wrestling these days. Win-some. Lose-some. No one gets over. The only reason stars should lose on free TV is if you’re going to make a MASSIVE deal out of it, for storyline purposes. I don’t book matches then decide the winners, I decide who I want to look like winners, THEN book the matches to showcase that.


Again, I didn’t quite nail this concept in FCK. Kicking off with a tournament, was in this regard a mistake. In 4 weeks I showed that 15 of my best guys were beatable. I even abandoned the win-loss records half way through the project, simply because no one had an impressive win-streak any more. I know that eventually everyone gets pinned, and that when PPV comes around, someone’s gotta lose, but... I could have held out longer on a lot of guys and built up the “can he be beat?” mystique.







Remember him? He did some jobs in a couple of early episodes before disappearing without a trace. There’s a story there. In the draft I made the mistake of hiring him to an Exclusive PPA contract, so when a prestigious Japanese promotion offered him a tour, he ditched me. It’s a shame, because I had plans for him. He would have started as a gatekeeper character, a bit lower down the totem pole than Maverick, losing a lot and tormented by fans reminding him of his old “Panda Mask” character. Signs. Face paint. The ‘Panda Shuffle’ (a dance similar to the Charleston) Eventually he would have gone crazy, turned into "Panda Hash" and maybe have started a Cult. I know his entertainment skills don’t lend themselves to that role, but some of my blander guys learned how to cut promos super-fast. Jeremy Stone for example.


Hash may have occasionally aligned himself with Johnny Blood, which in hindsight may have been a bad move (is Blood the type of guy who would have a friend?). He probably would have been on Team Eisen at ‘FCK Going To War‘. May have replaced Dan DaLay in the tag team with Maverick. There were a lot of things Harrison could do, but he went off to Japan, so we’ll never know what he could have been.

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I don't know about Panda Hash, but for me, one unforgettable character came out of the Young Guns feud and break-up:


Danger Kumasaka! GUMBRRRRRRRRRR!


The loss of the cowboy gimmicks did neither of The Young Guns any favours in singles stardom. A Tag Team with a shared gimmick is fine, even if it's a bit silly. Their exercise routine with Sam Strong, the banjo-picking business at the beginning, that was fine, got them over for me. I liked those characters. But then Harry Allen went from a decent but not spectacular tag worker to singles stardom, and his character didn't get more interesting, it got less interesting. DeColt had his catchphrases, Johnny Blood was very, very angry, JEZZA! is a Canadian Wrestling Legend, even Dan DaLay had his smugness and giant mystique. Harry Allen, by contrast, was... not that great. Steve Gumble as The Texan Bitch-Killer was interesting, a true Heel., but it took him a while to get there.


The characters that worked best for me:


Steve DeColt.

Edd Stone, obviously.

Christian Faith, and I'm very glad that Faith at least took one show to retire for the sake of his son.

Troy Tornado. I'm totally buying that album in April. Well, downloading it. Y'know. It is a bit crap, after all.

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Dammit, just remembered to check on this, and I find out it's over?!


Great, great ending to a great, great dynasty.


Favourite characters? For me...


The Awesome Alliance - Obviously. A tiny bit of me is glad Ed and Jezza are reunited, though.

JEZZAAAAAAAAAA - Stat machine, but actually became an interesting character through this dynasty as well.

Harry Allen - I don't agree he got less interesting. I think as a pure babyface, he was amazing.

Steve Gumble - By the end, I would have paid good money to see the Young Guns face off.

Cat Quine - Brilliant heel.

Raul Hughes - Perfect stuff, loved the finish to that tag match.

Danger and Chitose - Both really good fun.


Too many others to name...


TEW2010 dynasty coming soon?!

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Harry Allen - I don't agree he got less interesting. I think as a pure babyface, he was amazing.


Potentially interesting thought. I've always been slightly sickened by WWE's cookie-cutter babyfaces, who are always nice and "like fun" and are hopelessly generic. Yet I think I understand why that happens now. I was so adamant that Harry be babyface that I was afraid to give him any rough edges. I felt I could take risks with others characters, like Edd Stone and Steve DeColt, and they usually paid off. With Harry I pruned away any smugness, arrogance etc. and maybe he became les interesting because of that. I still dug him, and I liked writing his promo's. I don't know how they read, but the voice in my head was very cowboy.


Other musings. Been meaning to post these for a while...



I originally wanted Mike Watson as my “MMA Guy” because his stats were better, but I’m so happy I got stuck with my second choice. His character was such a contrast from everyone else. DeColt, Stone, Faith, Blood, DaLay... All white guys who were trained by the best in the world. Raul was different, and had that- LEFT HOOK! The problem with Raul is that the story was never about him. He was a side-character, albeit a powerful one. He bounced from feud-to-feud, losing more than most, but was ultimately directionless. I also struggled to tap into his character’s issues. He’s just so different from who I am, I risked drifting into cliche and stereotype.




Danger was a mix of “Dirtiest Player In The Game” Ric Flair and Tekken’s Heihachi Mishima. An ultra-tough Japanese veteran who cheats, cackles and yells at his daughter. I always thought he was one of the more colourful underneath guys, and I was so happy when the Japanglish got him over. I thought it was a cool line, but I came very close to cutting because it seemed like ‘cheap comedy’. I think the intensity saved it from becoming a Kaientai “me choppy peepee” thing. I liked his mini-feud with Gumbrr. I had watched “Taken” around that time and thought the idea of a father avenging his daughter was an awesomely powerful motivation for a character.


I don’t know what I’d do with Danger had I continued. He’d probably spend a chapter ‘feuding’ with Akinori, testing his protege until things got violent and ugly and breaking up the team. Maybe a push up the card. Fight Raul. Fight Maverick. Fight Blood again. He’d get some great matches out of the DeColts. Retirement was always looming around the corner though. I’m sorta shocked he’s still Active to be honest.




The Giant Amongst Giants... I liked his size, which stood out amongst the middleweight technicians in the Main Event. He didn’t recieve that much screen time, but I always felt it was more important to make you like the babyfaces he was fighting, rather than hate him. It was a mistake to put the belt on him. He didn’t have the wrestling skills to main event pay-per-views OR the promo skills to hype them OR an interesting enough character to carry the show. Plus, ‘King DaLay’ was too gimmicky for the main belt. Originally, he and Maverick were going to win the tag team tournament (Dalay = King of tournaments) by taking steroids. The timing didn’t quite work out though, and the drug angle went in a different direction.


DaLay’s injury was a work. He came out of that stage dive unscathed. However, his contract was running out, and Eisen wouldn’t let me renegotiate with anyone below C- Athleticism, and ‘Creative had nothing for him’ so I let him go.




I love Maverick. He’s fantastically boring and very easy to write. No dialogue, gets the heat in the same way in every single match, and his repetitiveness is a clear weakness for babyfaces can exploit. Plus, his wrestling skills make him a perfect gatekeeper heel for TV Main Events and undercard PPV matches. In game, Maverick had some Popularity issues. Probably because of the losing, but I suspect some kind of Overness Cap was also at work.


Maverick would never have been pushed hard, but I think I’d always keep him around, especially if he could find a suitable new tag partner.




I totally ripped the gimmick off from Sandman. The crowd entrance. The beer. The hot girl. The only thing I did was double it. It’s a team I’ve done in countless times in private games, so I knew it would work mechanically. They suited the FCK name more than anyone else on the roster, but I wasn’t really that into them. They were meant to be fun filler, nothing more, and their storylines had a tendency to fizzle out because of that.


No future plans for them. Probably do the job to some DeColts in TV Main Events. Lead Belly was being pushed as a replacement for DaLay as the resident Giant, so might have gotten a singles push, but I wouldn’t have broken the team.




I loved the gimmick, but... well... The Frontier Combat Kingdom was hemorrhaging money, and he was very expensive. Plus, I felt I was overloading the show with pre-existing stars and ‘usual suspects’ when I wanted to make my own stars. If I’d taken a cheap no-name with average skills and given him the exact same gimmick, he would have been pushed a lot harder. Fun fact, he was originally going to be Edd Stone’s tag team partner in the tournament. In many ways, a drug-addled rock star would have been better to worry Jeremy with, and lead to the overdose. His fall-from-favour and the DeColt idea sealed his fate though.


If I was continuing, I would have fired Troy a few months ago. The only reason I kept him was because I didn’t see the point of hiring a brand new job guy when I had one laying around.

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