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TNA's New Beginnings

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Ken Shamrock v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett (C+ heat)



Beer Money v Doug Williams & Frank (D)



'Super' Steve Corino v Spanky (D+)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Tony Mamaluke (E+)



Lou Fisto v Amy Dumas (E-)



Sting v Marc Mero (D)



Psicosis v Super Crazy v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Dragon (D+)



Potter v Abyss (D+)


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Amazing Red v Homicide (D)




Caribbean Cool v Spanish Announce Team v Briscoe Brothers v Sexual Standouts (D-)


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Slyk Wagner Brown (E)

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Bound For Glory 3

Sunday, week 4, June 2004

Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY.


Jeff Jarrett bursts into Ken Shamrock's locker room. Shamrock looks very annoyed, but knows he can't touch Jarrett. Jarrett tells Shamrock he has no chance tonight, that he will not keep his temper like usual, he tells him the Shamrock fighting family are nothing. Shamrock, someway, somehow, refrains from hitting Jarrett. C


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Slyk Wagner Brown

The opening contest of TNA's biggest show of the year is a mediocre affair. With Monty's size, he should be dominating certain opponents, and he finally does so here against Slyk in the battle of the Browns. Monty overpowers Slyk in 9:23 by pinfall with The Pounce. D



Lou Fisto (champion) v Amy Dumas

Lou is still rusty. Has there ever been a good ladies match in TNA? I certainly can't remember one in over two years of TNA. This is much like the others, pretty much a turn off. We have a new champion in 10:53 by pinfall with a Lita Bomb. Amy Dumas wins the TNA Ladies title. E+


A music video is shown to promote Doug Williams & Frank. Another segment not gone well. Not a good start for the biggest show of the year... D-



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Tony Mamaluke

Our first entertaining match of the night comes via the X Division, which seemingly is TNA's most trusted division. The match is reminiscent of the recent match between the two on Explosion which ended in a time limit draw. Again Mamaluke gave Bashir everything he could handle, but Bashir sneaked a victory in 14:42 by pinfall with a handful of tights. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 14 of his TNA X Division title. C-


A feature is shown of AJ Styles training for his four way match tonight. B




Caribbean Cool v Sexual Standouts v Briscoe Brothers v Spanish Announce Team

A second good match, despite poor performances from Mark Briscoe and Joel Maximo. As usual in a match like this, there were many near falls and saves from both partners and opponents. The end came when Caribbean Cool and Briscoe Brothers were fighting in front of the announce table. In the ring, SAT were on top of Mystery, with Seaman Stains lying on the apron having been doubled teams previously by SAT. SAT earn a title shot in 15:57 when Jose Maximo defeated Mystery by pinfall with The Spanish Fly. C-


A music video is shown to promote Homicide. C


AJ Styles v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Amazing Red v Homicide

Despite a lack of psychology on show, this was still a good match. With a proper flow, it would have been very good. High flying, aerial action in spades here. Daniels hits a Last Rites on Red, Homicide hits a Gringo Killer on Daniels. AJ stops Homicide from pinning Homicide and in 19:46 AJ Styles defeated Homicide by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C+



Beer Money (champions, with Midajah) v Doug Williams & Frank

A match that lacked spark. Beer Money did show every inch why they are champions, but Doug and Frank both stepped up to the plate and put in a good performance, overcoming their more experienced rivals to bring home more gold to Jarrett's World Order in 13:42 when Frank defeated 'Cowboy' James Storm by pinfall. Doug & Frank win the NWA TNA Tag Team titles. D+


Sting is deep in the back of the arena, warning Marc Mero that he has a long term and a short term goal. The long term goal is to go through all of Jarrett's World Order so he can face Jarrett one on one and in turn put TNA on the right road to greatness. The short term goal is to defeat Marc Mero tonight. C+


Sting v Marc Mero

Sting is dominant this one. When Sting is focused, there are very few who are able to stop him. Mero just doesn't have any answers to Sting's constant offence. Homicide does though, who runs from the back and takes the opportunity when Mero has Mark Johnson distracted to run in and hit Sting with a Gringo Killer. He rolls back out, and Mero can only get a two count. Mero is frustrated and starts arguing with Johnson. Sting slowly gets to his feet, grabs Mero from behind and hits the Scorpion Deathdrop. He wins in 11:48 by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock before pointing at Homicide at ringside who is beside himself. Is Homicide now part of Jarrett's World Order and will he be next for Sting? D+



Psicosis v Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy v Super Dragon

This match is similar to the Lucha Libre tag team matches. Wrestlers can either be tagged into the match or replace somebody who has been thrown out of the ring. With the nature of the rules and the abilities of the wrestlers, this outdid the four way that AJ won in terms of pace of match and aerial action as there was no let up throughout the match. There were plenty of near falls in the match with only Super Dragon not looking likely to win on more than two occasions. The end did come in 23:36 when Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Super Dragon by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. C+


Spanky is in the backstage area. He tells Steve Corino he has trained harder, watched his opponent for longer and mentally prepared himself more for this match than any in his life. Spanky wants Corino's National Championship. C+



Potter v Abyss (with Harley Race)

A brutal, bloody match but not one that was a particular hit with the fans. Weapons were used often in this match, Potter was opened up by a barbed wire shot to the head, while he returned the favour on Abyss with an already dented trashcan. Abyss started to overpower Potter when Harley Race handed Abyss a black bag. He opened the bag and poured it's contents in the ring... thumb tacks! He tries to choke slam Potter into the tacks, but he elbows Abyss in the head to free himself, before hitting a Clayhead. The referee counts until Race pulls Garry Morere out of the ring on the stroke of three. Potter starts to yell at Race. When he turns back round, Abyss grabs him and nails a Black Hole Slam on the tacks. Potter is writhing in pain and looks like a human pin cushion. Abyss makes an academic cover in 18:53. D+


Steve Corino is seen walking towards the ringside area before his match. B


Steve Corino (champion) v Spanky

Considering this match drifted along at times, it was a very good match. Spanky lived up to his promise and put in his best match so far in TNA and emerged from the match with a great deal of credit. However, Corino proved to be just slightly better in what was certainly his most hard fought title defence so far, as he won in 24:45 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. Steve Corino makes defence number 9 of his TNA National title. B-


As we wait for the match between Ken Shamrock and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett to commence, Tenay and Don West run us through the Tale Of The Tape. Major suckage from a segment that has never sucked before. E+

Jeff Jarrett is seen first making his way to the ring, before a short highlight video shows of him. C+

Then it is the turn of Ken Shamrock, walking through the backstage area to the ring, followed by a short highlight package. B



Ken Shamrock (champion) v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett

A good match, though not quite the blockbuster TNA had hoped for. Jarrett made full use of the no disqualification stipulation by having the entire World Order run down when Shamrock looked like he was going to win. Doug Williams, Frank, Homicide, Marc Mero and Steve Corino all ran in and put a five on one beatdown on Shamrock, completely turning the match on it's head. AJ Styles and Sting ran down, and had early success with the element of surprise, before Jarrett's World Order ran them off, leaving Jarrett and Shamrock alone in the ring again. The damage had been done though. Shamrock was a beaten man, despite refusing to give in, eventually succumbing in 33:16 by pinfall to The Stroke. Jeff Jarrett wins the NWA TNA World Heavyweight Championship. C+

Having picked up the victory, 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett celebrates in the ring while the majority of the crowd throw whatever they can lay their hands on at him. Security escort Jarrett away before things get out of hand. B-


Show rating: C

Show is considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 6219

Buy rate: 0.37

Profit: $134,801

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Olympia 8

Boom King 8


BHK, you can now either select a name and gimmick for somebody to adopt, or give a name to one of the following new tag teams...

Ken Anderson & Mike Quackenbush

Matt Cappotelli & Rocky Romero

Jeremy Lopez & Jason Cross


Either PM or post on here. :)

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TNA News


TNA made a healthy profit of $136,266 in June (although this does not include the post Bound For Glory drug testing).


Talking of the drug tests, standard test results were both clean for Ken Shamrock and Seaman Stains. What was especially pleasing was that Rey Mysterio Jr's comprehensive test also came back clean.

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solid show! If the main event had delivered like you hoped it might have been B rated.


Corino vs Spanky is worthy of a rematch or 2 along the way. Those two seem to always put on a great show.

JWO has all the gold now (not counting ladies title). Will be interesting to see how long they can hold on to them and who will be coming after them

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Tuesday, week 1, July 2004

Civic Stadium, Eugene, OR.


The ring is decked out ready for a celebration. Jeff Jarrett's music hits and out he comes with all pomp and circumstance. He is lapping it up, saying how marvellous he is and how he is the greatest TNA Champion ever. Jarrett then goes on to welcome Homicide into his World Order and that he made the correct decision to join the most dominant group in wrestling. "Just look where all the gold is". He also makes a three way match for tonight, with the winning receiving a title match next week as he is in such a good mood. Sting will face Rey Mysterio Jr will face Potter. The crowd roar. They roar even louder when Ken Shamrock's music hits and he rushes down the the ring. He gets in Jarrett's face and asks him where his rematch is. Jarrett questions if he deserves one, which prompts Shamrock to lay into Jarrett, leaving him on the mat while he destroys his celebration set. Shamrock then simply says "Slam in the Sun" and walks off. C


Chico & The Man (Matt Cappotelli & Rocky Romero) v Slickers (Scotty Riggs & Slyk Wagner Brown

Two new teams face off as TNA looks to beef up it's tag team division further. Rocky in particular puts in a good display as all four men try to impress. The teams look green together, but they will improve with experience. Rocky's performance helped to get a result to match as in 7:01 when Rocky Romero defeated Scotty Riggs by pinfall with a High Speed. D


Jeff Jarrett appears on the video screen and announces that the winner of the next match will earn a X Division title match at Slam in the Sun.

Ladder Match

Jimmy Yang v Mystery v Amazing Red v Frankie Kazarian v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Super Dragon

Sadly, this match didn't live up to hopes and expectations and was decidely average in standard. Which was more than can be said for the performance Red produced. Mayhem and high spots ensued, but a lot of the time there was the feeling it had been done before. Mystery earns the title shot in 13:19 after slamming Daniels off the top of the ladder and then retrieving the contract hanging above the ring. D


Harley Race is in the ring and talks up his monster, Abyss. It doesn't go down well. Maybe Race is actually holding Abyss back..? E+


No Messing (Keiji Sakoda & Tony Mamaluke) v Ring Wizards (Ken Anderson & Mike Quackenbush)

Two more new teams try to establish themselves amongst the tag team division. Sakoda looked good in the match but it is Mamaluke who is the beaten man when in 7:49 when Mike Quackenbush defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Quackendriver. This show needs a pick me up. D


A music video is shown to promote Psicosis. C-



Sheik Abdul Bashir (champion) v Seaman Stains

This is better, Bashir makes his fifteenth defence against one half of Sexual Standouts. Will Seaman be all over Bashir? Sadly not, but it was still a good match. Seaman looks like he is about to emerge with glory only for Bashir to take a cheap shot with a low blow, allowing him to win in 13:07 by pinfall with a Magic Carpet Ride. Sheik Abdul Bashir makes defence number 15 of his TNA X Division title. C-


Spanky comes to the ring and challenges Steve Corino to a rematch for the title at Slam in the Sun, which Corino appears to accept. Oddly, this is not received well at all. E+



Doug Williams & Frank (champions) v Beer Money (with Midajah)

Jarrett's World Tag Team Champions make their first defence only two days after winning the belts and Beer Money immediately cash in on their rematch clause. Beer Money looked good together here and were a serious threat to take the title back straight away, however Frank in particular put in a really good performance which helped keep his team in the match. He earned his team the victory in 14:20 when Doug Williams defeated Robert Roode by pinfall with a Chaos Theory. Doug & Frank make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA Tag Team titles. D+


A music video is shown to promote Keiji Sakoda. C-


AJ Styles & Ken Shamrock v Steve Corino & Homicide

AJ and Ken may well be two of TNA's most popular wrestlers, but they show zero chemistry together as a tag team, and this made the match suffer somewhat. However, this was one occasion where two individuals proved better than one team, as despite their limitations as a pairing, they managed to prevail against Jarrett's most trusted and newest allies. The finish happened in 15:28 when AJ Styles defeated Homicide by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C-


Sting comes out prior to the night's main event where he says he has overcome the first obstacle Jarrett has placed in front of him. He is suspicious of tonight's match as there is no way on Earth that Jarrett would present an opportunity so achieveable that Sting can face him so soon. Sting recognises that Rey and Potter are tough opponents, but the chance to face Jarrett next week..? Sting smells a rat. He wonders if that rat is the new boy, Homicide, given that he decided to stick his nose in Sting's business at Bound For Glory 3, despite having no business to. "We will wait and see..." B-

Winner gets a NWA TNA World Championship match on next Explosion

Potter v Rey Mysterio Jr v Sting

This is comfortably the best match of the night and a good way to close this week's Explosion. All three men show their wares and come close to getting the victory, only for the other man to break things up. The fun then started. Homicide came to ringside and distracted Sting, doing so to such an extent that Sting leapt from the ring and started to chase him through the arena. With Mark Johnson's attention on Sting and trying to get him back into the ring, Harley Race led out Abyss to the ring. However, instead of going after Potter, whom he defeated in Monster's Ball at Bound For Glory 3, he instead grabbed Rey, gave him a chokeslam and a Black Hole Slam and left what was left of Rey to Potter. Potter was reluctant at first, but with no other real alternative, locked on the Sharpshoot and Rey was quick to tap in 17:45. Potter got a mixed response as the show ended. C+


Show rating: C

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.08

Profit: $21,602

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Following Bound For Glory 3, after each Explosion I will post the history of each title in TNA, starting with...


TNA Ladies Championship


Mickie James - Week 3, May 2002 to week 3, April 2003 (16 defences)

Awesome Kong - to week 3, August 2003 (6 defences)

Tracy Brooks - to week 3, September 2003 (0 defences)

Gail Kim - to week 3, April 2004 (4 defences)

Lou Fisto - to week 4, June 2004 (5 defences)

Amy Dumas - current champion (0 defences)

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Current Slam in the Sun card

Sunday, week 3, July 2004



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C+ heat)



Steve Corino v Spanky (D+)



Doug Williams & Frank v Spanish Announce Team (E+)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery (D-)



Sting v Homicide (D)


AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss (D+)


Potter v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)


Chico & The Man v Beer Money (E+)


Ring Wizards v Briscoe Brothers (E-)

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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C+ heat) Has to win.



Steve Corino v Spanky (D+) Spanky is the future.



Doug Williams & Frank v Spanish Announce Team (E+) Great team



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery (D-) Bahir should have a long reign.



Sting v Homicide (D) It's time to phase out Sting.


AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)

Styles should be heading straight for the main event.


Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss (D+)

Abyss should crush Mysterio using his strength.


Potter v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)

Not so bothered about your user character, and Daniels is great.


Chico & The Man v Beer Money (E+)

Beer Money are a much better tag team and are destined for greatness.


Ring Wizards v Briscoe Brothers (E-)

The Briscoes are the better tag team here.

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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C+ heat)


That's Je double F Ja double r e double t that's JJ Jeff Jarrett for the victory!



Steve Corino v Spanky (D+)



Doug Williams & Frank v Spanish Announce Team (E+)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery (D-)



Sting v Homicide (D)


I know Homicide was big in ROH and has had a nice run in the real world TNA but there is no way shape or form that he is going to beat Sting.


AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss (D+)


Potter v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)


Chico & The Man v Beer Money (E+)


Ring Wizards v Briscoe Brothers (E-)


I love the Ring Wizards name.

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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C+ heat)


As much as I'd like to see Shamrock win, I have a feeling Jarrett isn't losing just yet



Steve Corino v Spanky (D+)


Corino has to be your MVP at the moment. I can't remember a bad match he's had



Doug Williams & Frank v Spanish Announce Team (E+)


I was hoping for Williams to get a bit of a singles push after he had a great match the other week but I'll take a nice long tag title reign instead



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery (D-)


Bashir has been the standard bearer of the X Division and dropping the belt here would seem to be counter productive



Sting v Homicide (D)


Glad to see Homicide get a nice push and he should learn a lot from Sting now his rustyness is finally over.

AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)


Should be good, Styles wins a competitive matchup


Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss (D+)


Abyss is coming off the back of a victory against Potter and should be kept strong.


Potter v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)


Potter is in a bit of a slump lately but I like the idea of him putting over the future superstars of TNA


Chico & The Man v Beer Money (E+)


Ring Wizards v Briscoe Brothers (E-)

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Tuesday, week 2, July 2004

Detrick Gym, New Britain, CT.


Ken Shamrock comes down to interrupt a Jeff Jarrett promo where he again states that he is the greatest TNA Champion ever. Shamrock repeats his request from Explosion last week for his rematch at Slam in the Sun. Jarrett, seemingly not wanting to be on the receiving end of another Shamrock beating, tells Shamrock he accepts on one condition. If Shamrock fails to win the championship back at Slam in the Sun, he does not receive another opportunity while Jarrett remains the champion. Shamrock agrees, visibly chomping at the bit to regain the title. C


Caribbean Cool v The Goths (American Wild Child & Chance Prophet)

Poor match to start things off. The Goths may not be a team for long if this is what they can produce, as we know Caribbean Cool can do much better. Mercifully it is fairly short, the end coming in 6:02 when Carlito defeated American Wild Child by pinfall with a Coolness Personified. E+



Amy Dumas (champion) v Lou Fisto

The standard doesn't improve any here, but this is what I've come to expect with the ladies in TNA. Having them compete every now and again stops any sexual discrimination charges being brought against TNA management though. The champion retains here in 9:23 by pinfall with a Lita Bomb. Amy Dumas makes defence number 1 of her TNA Ladies title. E+


A music video is shown to promote Mike Quackenbush. He's as popular in New England as Sting... yet this went down as well as a fart in an elevator. E+


Cocky Connection v Ring Wizards

Some improvement here. Ring Wizards have the making of a very promising tag team, with Quackenbush standing out in this match. After defeating No Messing last week, they make fairly easy work out of one of TNA's original tag teams, although one that has never reached the heights that they have potential for. As if by magic, the win comes in 6:46 when Mike Quackenbush defeated Johnny Devine by pinfall with a Quackendriver. Hmmm... that could be an idea for the name of their finisher... D


Potter is in the back, cutting a promo for tonight's main event, a World Championship shot earned last week. He acknowledges that circumstances were very much in his favour last week, and he isn't happy with how the match was won. However, Rey, Sting and himself were put in that situation last week and somebody had to emerge as the winner. He has a golden chance tonight, and he intends to make the most of it. C+


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Rocky Romero

Argh, it's going horribly in the ring so far tonight. Daniels and Romero didn't click at all and the match really suffered for it. The less said about the action the better, so we'll leave it at Daniels winning in 9:48 by pinfall with a Last Rites. E+


A music video is shown to promote Psicosis. He's only marginally more popular than Quackenbush in this region, yet this was received well. Is Quackenbush on the funny stuff? C


Ken Shamrock v Frankie Kazarian

Jarrett's idea of a warm up for Shamrock is to put him in the ring with somebody who hasn't had much ring time since his partner in Revolution, Nova, left TNA. Shamrock dominated from the outset and won quickly in 1:45 by submission with an Ankle Lock. Best match so far and it lasted less than two minutes! D+


Sting comes to the ring prior to his tag team match. He tells Homicide he has made a big mistake both in joining with Jarrett's World Order and by crossing Sting's path. Twice in a week Homicide has interfered in Sting's matches, on the second occasion it cost him a World Championship match with Jarrett, but then Sting had an idea Jarrett would be up to something. He finishes by telling Homicide tonight will be a small taste of what he will get at Slam in the Sun. C-


Sting & Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss and Homicide

Talk about an odd couple... Abyss and Homicide are pretty much polar opposities. They do OK here though as the four put on a good match of which has become the norm now for TNA. Sting and Rey show greater cohesion together. The match wasn't quite as expected, as the Slam in the Sun opponents didn't cross paths that often. On one occasion they did, it turned out to be decisive as the match concluded in 13:46 when Sting defeated Homicide by submission with a Scorpion Death Lock. C-


Steve Corino is seen on a baseball field. He says to the camera that he is not only skilled at wrestling, but also other sports. He then proceeds to hit a number of home runs. C



Steve Corino (champion) v AJ Styles

AJ is back on the glory trail and it looked like he never left it. If Corino thought he had a hard title defence against Spanky at Bound For Glory 3, AJ Styles took him to the next level in this one. Corino did manage to get AJ and hit Old School Expulsion on around 14 minutes, but AJ kicked out at the last split second. This infuriated Corino, who almost fell to a schoolboy while he argued with Mark Johnson. AJ gets back on top and hits a Styles Clash, however Corino was next to the ropes so got the rope break in the pin attempt. He then rolled out of the ring and scurries back up the ramp, saving his title by the cheapest means possible. AJ is not happy. Good match. C+



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Potter

This was a technical masterclass for almost the entire match, with both men being proficient in mat and chain wrestling which led to a very good match and probably saved the show from being average. Potter had trapped Jarrett in the Sharpshooter after 16 minutes, but Jarrett was able to get to the ropes. Two minutes later, he hit a Clayhead, however Garry Morere was knocked out from a bump moments earlier and was unable to count the fall. Mark Johnson came running out to make the count, but Jarrett kicked out after what was probably a 12 count. Potter becomes a little frustrated and must wonder if it his night, as his golden chance just isn't happening. Jarrett resorts to cheap shots to regain the upperhand and this helps him to make his first title defence of his fourth reign in 25:27 by pinfall with The Stroke. 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 1 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. B-


Show rating: C

Can be considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.10 (new Explosion record)

Profit: $40,388

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Current Slam in the Sun card

Sunday, week 3, July 2004



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Ken Shamrock (C+ heat)



Steve Corino v Spanky (D+)



Doug Williams & Frank v Spanish Announce Team (E+)



Sheik Abdul Bashir v Mystery (D-)



Sting v Homicide (D+)


AJ Styles v Psicosis (D+)


Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss (D+)


Potter v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels (E+)


Chico & The Man v Beer Money (E+)


Ring Wizards v Briscoe Brothers (E-)





Three sets of predictions already. :)

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On the next Explosion...


It's terror amongst the tag teams as every match is a tag team match, and the majority of them feature competitors who will square off at Slam in the Sun.


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett & Steve Corino v Ken Shamrock & Spanky

AJ Styles & Sting v Psicosis & Homicide

Potter & Rey Mysterio Jr v Abyss & 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

Doug Williams, Frank & Sheik Abdul Bashir v Spanish Announce Team & Mystery

Beer Money v Briscoe Brothers

Ring Wizards v Chico & The Man

No Messing v Slickers v Trouble Shooters

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TNA National Championship

(Formerly Hardcore Championship & Hardcore TV Championship)


Sabu - week 2, July 2002 to week 3, November 2002 (11 defences)

Jerry Lynn - week 3, November 2002 to week 4, December 2002 (1 defence)

AJ Styles - week 4, December 2002 to week 3, January 2003 (0 defences)

Abyss - week 3, January 2003 to week 2, February 2003 (2 defences)

Sabu (2) - week 2, February 2003 to week 3, April 2003 (3 defences)

Psicosis - week 3, April 2003 to week 1, June 2003 (5 defences)

Sabu (3) - week 1, June 2003 to week 3, July 2003 (4 defences)

Carlito - week 3, July 2003 to week 3, August 2003 (2 defences)

CM Punk - week 3, August 2003 to week 3, November 2003 (4 defences)

Steve Corino - week 3, November 2003 to week 4, December 2003 (2 defences)

CM Punk (2) - week 4, December 2003 to week 2, January 2004 (1 defence)

The Sandman - week 2, January 2004 to week 3, March 2004 (6 defences)

Steve Corino (2) - week 3, March 2004 (current champion, 9 defences)

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