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TNA's New Beginnings

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BHK 9/11

Martin C 4/11

Olympia 8/11

Lo-Drew 6/6 (what might he got if he made the other five predictions?!)


BHK prize is to name five out of the ten participants at the first Feast or Fired match at Christmas Feast 2004. You can't pick the following as they are already in title matches at the show

Jeff Jarrett


Scott Steiner

Spanish Announce Team

Juventud Guerrera


Another great show! And I have to agree with Olympia when Olympia said, "Who would have thought Steiner vs Abyss would have been such a good!" match!


As for my five picks do you want me to PM them to you or do you just want me to post them in here?

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Thanks. I'll leave that choice to you BHK. Depends if you want your picks to be public or private knowledge. :)


Why not share?


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Amazing Red, Carlito, and American Dragon.


And if you have any plans for any of these guys just tell me and I will replace them.


I tried to balance this out as best as possible with some X-Division guys, a tag team guy, and two guys who I really enjory in your diary (Monty and Steve.).

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Ken Anderson defeated Trent Acid in 8:58 by pinfall with a Kenton Bomb. D



Tuesday, week 4, November 2004

Cox Arena, San Diego, CA


Sting comes out to the ring to open this week's Explosion. He says how good it feels to go through the entire Jarrett's World Order in order to get to Jarrett. He says how he came to TNA for one reason, and that is to ensure that TNA goes in the right direction and ultimately challenges the WWF. Sting says that by defeating Jeff Jarrett he will be able to embark on that road, and in the process will also win the NWA TNA World Championship.

Sting is about to leave when Teddy Hart's music hits. He is not happy as he walks to the ring, and asks Sting why he did what he did at Pain Game. Sting says in public how he is looking for the best in TNA's future and their future stars, so why did he let Jarrett win at Pain Game? Teddy is demanding answers.

Sting responds. He says he means what he says. There is AJ Styles, who has worked his butt off since arriving TNA and fully deserves his rise to the top, and will get there again in time. There is American Dragon who has stacks of talent and the world is his oyster. There is Christopher Daniels who has honed his skills in Japan and is working hard in TNA to make his way to the top. Then there is Teddy Hart.

Teddy smiles and says there is only one Teddy Hart.

Sting nods and says that's not a good thing. Yes, you have bags of talent, and used correctly, the sky is the limit for you. You have one big problem, your bad attitude. You don't work hard, you antagonise the locker room with your cockyness and you show a total lack of respect for the hands that feed you... the fans. Prove me wrong and you'll reach the top Teddy.

Teddy is enraged, and goes to punch Sting. Sting blocks it and simply says "Don't even think about it Teddy" before leaving. C+


Jimmy Yang v Sheik Abdul Bashir

There was one problem with this match, which brought it down to a level where it shouldn't have been. Nobody cares about these pair any more. Interest in their respective characters has been lost and both need to be repackage. The match itself was won by Yang in 8:24 by pinfall with a Corkscrew 450 Splash. D-


Scott Steiner is backstage with his National Championship belt draped over his shoulder. He says he is the Big Bad Booty Daddy and not only is he supreme with the bitches, he also proved against Abyss that he still is supreme in the ring. He continues by saying he understands that his opponent at Christmas Feast will be announced on tna.com after Explosion and remarks it will take somebody super to even come close to somebody Supreme. C+


Beer Money (with Midajah) v Caribbean Cool

Disappointing match and the crowd made their feelings known. Caribbean Cool's slide continued as Beer Money had the better of most of the match and earned the duke in 10:32 when 'Cowboy' James Storm defeated Colt Cabana by pinfall with a DWI. After the match, again Carlito and Colt were arguing over the defeat. D-


AJ Styles goes backstage into the locker room, only to find a note taped to his bags. He reads it, looks upset, then quickly leaves. C


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v 'Preacher' Christopher Daniels

An improvement, but not much and nothing to write home about. Daniels was nowhere near as good as he was against Ken Shamrock at Pain Game, and struggled to combat Monty's power game, who emerged victorious in 9:41 by pinfall with The Pounce. D+


Backstage, a member of the ring crew is looking for Mystery, saying that his match is up next, but he is nowhere to be found. C

Ron Killings v Mystery

Ron Killings is in the ring, when an official looking man wearing a TNA emblazened suit, never seen before on screen, tells Ron Killings that Mystery is nowhere to be found, but Ron Killings still has an opponent for tonight. Music hits and out walks... D'Lo Brown, only a couple of weeks after being released by WWF!

Ron Killings v D'Lo Brown

Another disappointing match though as the two don't click. It's been a forgetable night of wrestling so far tonight. D'Lo definately has the surprise element in this one and wins in 9:27 by pinfall with a Low Down. D


A music video is shown to promote Spanky. C



Juventud Guerrera (champion) v Amazing Red

Finally a decent match, one that was boosted by the two working very well together yet suffering as the two lack psychology. Red hits Code Red after twelve and a half minutes but Juvi is able to roll under the ropes onto the apron, which buys him vital time. He mounts an awesome aerial comeback two minutes later which builds up to a good win in 16:15 by pinfall with a Juvi Driver. Juventud Guerrera makes defence number 3 of his TNA X Division title. C+


Ken Shamrock is in the ring ready for his match with Teddy Hart when a masked attacker runs in and attacks him from behind, leaving Shamrock face down on the mat as he runs away through the crowd. C+

Ken Shamrock v Teddy Hart

Much better. Shamrock is well known for his ability in ring, and so is Hart despite his bad attitude that Sting referred to at the start of the show. Whatever Hart's attitude might be backstage, he certainly knows how to wrestle. He did this from the get go, fully taking advantage of the mystery sneak attack on Shamrock prior to the start of the match. Shamrock comes back with a ferocious assault, but he is ultimately stopped in his tracks by a blatant piece of cheating from Hart, missed by Mark Johnson. Hart wins in 15:53 by pinfall after using a foreign object. C+


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Jerry Lynn participate in TNA's first ever Feast or Fired match at Christmas Feast, and explain the rules. Ten men will compete and there will be four briefcases hanging above the corners of the ring. Three will contain title matches for the World, Tag Team and X Division Championship while one will contain a pink slip. C+


Abyss (with Harley Race) v AJ Styles

A match that had little drama did at least have action which made it an acceptable but certainly not noteworthy main event. AJ was able to withstand all of Abyss' power game and gained a significant victory in 20:37 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. C-


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett is shown backstage walking around, looking very unhappy, bemoaning Corino's defeat to Sting and that he now has to face Sting with everything on the line at Christmas Feast. He is almost crying as Explosion goes off air. B-


Show rating: C-

Attendance: 4735

Buy rate: 0.09

Profit: $8176

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Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 4, December 2004

Current card



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Sting (B- heat)



Scott Steiner v Super Crazy (C-)



'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Amazing Red, Carlito, American Dragon, Jerry Lynn plus four more competitors (D)


AJ Styles v Teddy Hart (C+)


Ken Shamrock v Masked Attacker (C-)


More matches to be announced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holiday was excellent, plenty of beer drunk especially on the last night where we watched a band in one of the main bars who were very good. Skiing was great for 4 days before the last 2 days the weather closed in with low cloud and snow.

One dampener was one of the group having a serious crash and breaking his pelvis.

Another, relatively minor, irritation was the staff at the small Chambéry airport being terrible. Our flight was 2 hours late through their disorganisation and we overheard cabin crew saying they closed the check in desk and as many as 40 people missed the flight as a result.


Regarding 2010... I know databases can be converted... BHK's comment implies that save games can be too. Is this the case? If so, I almost certainly will bring it over to 2010.

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Rocky Romero defeated Petey Williams in 7:58 by submission with a Diablo Armbar. D-



Tuesday, week 1, December 2004

Convocation Center, De Kalb, IL.


Sting is in the ring and is reiterating how at Christmas Feast he will dislodge Jeff Jarrett as TNA World Champion and start on his path to take TNA in the right direction and into a position to challenge WWF for wrestling supremecy.

Jeff Jarrett's music interrupts and he walks out with a stern look on his face. Sting tells him he is glad that he finally has shown the courage to meet Sting face to face. Jarrett tells Sting not to get so confident, as not only does Sting still have to defeat Jarrett at Christmas Feast to get anything resembling any sort of control in TNA, he will also have to get by some tough matches beforehand. This starts next week, where Sting will have to face Teddy Hart as Hart has some business to attend to with Sting. Sting looks annoyed as Jarrett leaves. C+


Briscoe Brothers v Doug & Frank

A lacklustre match mainly thanks to poor performances from both Jay Briscoe and from Frank. The former champions are a shadow of what they once where when Jarrett's World Order was in it's full pomp, and questions have to be asked what the future holds for them. The Briscoes are on a slow and continuous rise and this continued in 7:35 when Mark Briscoe defeated Frank by pinfall with a Briscoe Bashed. D


A package plays previewing the first ever Feast or Fired match, highlighting the entrants of Jerry Lynn, Monty Brown and American Dragon, and also announcing the four remaining participants - Colt Cabana, Mystery, Seaman Stains and Abyss. C


Mystery v Super Crazy

A good match between two very capable X Division wrestlers. The former X Division champion failed to overcome the more experienced Mexican who has a shot at the National Championship at Christmas Feast. Both men looked good here and this win will boost Crazy's confidence as he hasn't seen a lot of action of late. Crazy was victorious in 10:47 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. C


A music video is shown to promote Homicide. C+

Caribbean Cool v Death Dealers

Despite their recent problems, Carlito and Colt teamed well together and showed none of their recent disagreement. Death Dealers however were equally as good and as the match swung in their favour they were able to earn the win in 10:53 when Homicide defeated Carlito by pinfall with a Cop Killa. Again after the match Carlito was complaining at Colt Cabana, moaning that Colt hadn't done enough to try and save him at the end of the match. C-


Mike Quackenbush is in the ring prior to his match. He gets the mic and says with the Superbowl coming up, he wants to let TNA fans know that he was once a Line Quacker for the Norman Nitro. The crowd fail to see the funny side. E+


Scott Steiner (champion) v Mike Quackenbush

Neither it appears does Scott Steiner, who demolishes Quackenbush quite quickly in 4:33 with a Steiner Recliner. Scott Steiner makes defence number 3 of his TNA National Championship. C


Ken Shamrock is in the ring for a scheduled match when for the second straight week he is attacked by a masked man. He is stretchered out of the arena and the match never takes place. C


'Alpha Male' Monty Brown v Jerry Lynn

Two combatants in the Feast or Fired match square off in an entertaining match. Brown uses his power game to the full, but the wily veteran absorbs everything Brown has and Lynn turns the match round to his advantage, prevailing in 13:34 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. C+


Scott Steiner is backstage and remarks that Crazy is anything but Super, and he has no chance competing with The Big Bad Booty Daddy at Christmas Feast. C+


Abyss (with Harley Race) v American Dragon

Another two of the Feast or Fired meet in another good match, and one that has a surprising outcome. Like Monty earlier, Abyss uses his power to get control, but Dragon mounts a strong fightback and surprises Abyss in 14:58 by pinfall with a quick roll up before rolling out of the ring and running up the ramp while Abyss goes berserk in the ring. C


AJ Styles is walking to the ring for his match against Juventud Guerrera. He talks to the camera while walking, saying that he hopes to God that Sting defeats Jeff Jarrett at Christmas Feast so that TNA can indeed change for the better. He has been held back by Jarrett ever since losing the World Championship... heck, even tonight is a non title match. "Things need to change in TNA..." B

Non title match

AJ Styles v Juventud Guerrera (X Division champion)

A very good match despite the fact neither had the psychology to create a proper flow. Had they been able to, this could have been an aerial classic. Both men had numerous near falls before AJ gets the duke in 26:50 by pinfall with a Styles Clash. Somehow one suspects Jeff Jarrett will conveniently ignore the win and not grant AJ a title shot... B-


Show rating: C

Attendance: 7907

Buy rate: 0.16

Profit: $72,927

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Christmas Feast

Sunday, week 4, December 2004

Current card



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Sting (C+ heat)



Spanish Announce Team v Beer Money (D)



Scott Steiner v Super Crazy ©



Juventud Guerrera v Jimmy Yang (D+)



'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Amazing Red, Carlito, American Dragon, Jerry Lynn, Colt Cabana, Mystery, Seaman Stains and Abyss (C-)


AJ Styles v Teddy Hart (C+)


Ken Shamrock v Masked Attacker (C-)


Briscoe Brothers v Death Dealers (D)


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D)


More matches to be announced.



Name the challenger for the National Championship at the following pay per view and also the stipulation for the match.

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Well what you could do is convert the data that you have and just add the stuff that is new. However, this would take a lot of work and then you have to decide if you just want to do it for TNA or every other promotion in the world. It is not a very easy choice to make.
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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Sting (C+ heat)

I know months have been building to this, but I think Jarrett will retain.



Spanish Announce Team v Beer Money (D)

Beer Money are a terrific tag team who can carry your entire division.



Scott Steiner v Super Crazy ©

I can't see Super Crazy being able to beat Steiner.



Juventud Guerrera v Jimmy Yang (D+)

Jimmy Wang will be a great champion, and is more charismatic, for sure.



'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Amazing Red, Carlito, American Dragon, Jerry Lynn, Colt Cabana, Mystery, Seaman Stains and Abyss (C-)


AJ Styles v Teddy Hart (C+)

AJ Styles has the capability to carry your entire promotion, and a win over Teddy Hart will help to cement him as one of the greats.


Ken Shamrock v Masked Attacker (C-)

I'm still not sure as to the identity of the Masked Attacker but I have a feeling Shamrock will win here, getting the revenge he deserves.


Briscoe Brothers v Death Dealers (D)

Briscoe Brothers are a terrific tag team, probably at least twice as good as the Death Dealers on their best day. Briscoes should look strong here.


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D)

I know you were at one point struggling to build Daniels' popularity and momentum, but he seems to be on the right track now.


More matches to be announced.



Name the challenger for the National Championship and also the stipulation for the match.

Super Crazy, Tables Match

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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Sting (C+ heat)

it's been a long hard road for Sting and this has shaped up to be one of the top feuds of the year. In the end, I think Sting gets the payoff (if Jarrett will agree to lose - always a torment)



Spanish Announce Team v Beer Money (D)



Scott Steiner v Super Crazy ©

Steiner continues to shine



Juventud Guerrera v Jimmy Yang (D+)

not a fan, but think he comes up with the win.



'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown, Steve Corino, Amazing Red, Carlito, American Dragon, Jerry Lynn, Colt Cabana, Mystery, Seaman Stains and Abyss (C-)

Fired: Amazing Red

World title: Steve Corino

Tag: Seaman Stains

American Dragon


AJ Styles v Teddy Hart (C+)

actually can see this one going to a no-contest, but either way expect to see a few rematches as this could be your next big feud.


Ken Shamrock v Masked Attacker (C-)

World's most dangerous man takes out some aggression


Briscoe Brothers v Death Dealers (D)


'Preacher' Christopher Daniels v Spanky (D)


Ron Killings v Slyk Wagner Brown (E)


Doug & Frank v Ring Wizards (D-)

they are the rising stars of TNA


Petey Williams v Sheik Abdul Bashir v Rocky Romero v Trent Acid (E)

Sheik was a hot commodity a while back, but fell on hard times. Hope he has enough gumption left to climb back up the ladder. He was one of the longest running champions and brought some credibility to the belt - not to mention quite a few very good matches. Ptey and Acid both are on the bottom rung still and maybe Bashir can help give them a leg up.

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Well what you could do is convert the data that you have and just add the stuff that is new. However, this would take a lot of work and then you have to decide if you just want to do it for TNA or every other promotion in the world. It is not a very easy choice to make.



That sounds quite complicated and requires some accurate input for realism. I think I shall have to either continue with 08 or start afresh with 10 (which would mean the final round of predictions is for pride only).

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