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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C heat) It's time to get the title on AJ.



Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock & 3 partners) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog & 4 partners) (D+) Guessing you'll give yourself the win.



CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (D-) Give Punk a lengthly title reign.

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I've got another question...


I've advanced book the War Games match as a 5 on 5 with Potter & 4 To Be Announced v Bulldog & 4 TBAs. When I ran the Impact angle where Potter announced Shramrock as his first partner, I didn't get the option to add him to the match. When I try to change the wrestlers in the advance booking screen, I can only change Potter and Bulldog and not any of the TBAs. I can't delete it and set it up again as at least one day has passed since I booked the match.


Is there any way to add the partners to the match as I get closer to Halloween Havoc?

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Wednesday, week 1, October 2003</p><p>

Watson Athletic Center, Magnolia, AR.</p><p> </p><p>

“AN AUTHORITY SHOCKER”</p><p> </p><p>

'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett cuts a promo where he belittles AJ Styles, telling him he is small fry and he will never amount to anything in this business. Styles briefly appears, saying he will let his wrestling do his talking for him. <strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beer Money v Amazing Red & Xavier</strong></p><p>

Beer Money defeated Xavier and Amazing Red in 4:32 when Robert Roode defeated Xavier by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. The crowd's mood was dragged down by this following the very good opening segment. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mystery is backstage, walking towards ringside when SoCal Val stops them, wishes him luck and plants a good luck kiss on his lips. We can't see Mystery's reaction. <strong>D+</strong></p><p>

<strong>Delirious v Mystery</strong></p><p>

Mystery defeated Delirious in 6:37 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. <strong>D+</strong></p><p>

Mystery is recovering from his match in the ring. Jorge Estrada runs in and attacks, beating Mystery down into the mat. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Seaman Stains v Sheik Abdul Bashir</strong></p><p>

Sheik Abdul Bashir defeated Seaman Stains in 6:41 by pinfall with a handful of tights. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

British Bulldog comes out and announces his first two partners for War Games, and introduces the TNA Tag Team champions, Mike Rotundo and Samoa Joe. He goes on to say how he will put together a team so masterful that whoever Potter picks as his other three partners will have no chance at War Games. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Non title match</strong></p><p><strong>

Rey Mysterio Jr v Curry Man</strong></p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Curry Man in 11:35 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. During the match Mike Tenay tells viewers that Curry Man is making a special one off appearance, and also that Tony Schiavone has informed him that he has signed Mystery versus Jorge Estrada for Halloween Havoc. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

During an in-ring promo, Tony Schiavone tells the crowd that the Hardcore Championship match at Halloween Havoc between CM Punk, The Sandman and Axl Rotten will be a TLC match. He then informs the watching public that while he is in such a brutal mood, he also books a street fight on the same card between 'Super' Steve Corino, Seaman Stains and Abyss. He then stuns everybody by quitting on the spot, saying that Jeff Jarrett is impossible to work with and he is treated like he is poo on a shoe! <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Potter and Shamrock take advantage of Schiavone quitting and have an interview where they respond to Bulldog's comments from earlier, and tell him to show he has the balls to back up his words... they want him and Joe in a tag team match... right now! <strong>C</strong></p><p>

After a short wait, Bulldog and Joe come to the ring saying it's on!</p><p>

<strong>Ken Shramrock & Potter v British Bulldog & Samoa Joe</strong></p><p>

Ken Shamrock and Potter drew with British Bulldog and Samoa Joe in 13:53 following a double disqualification when everything broke down and the ref lost control, with all four wrestlers wildly brawling in and around the ring. Shramrock put in an unusually poor performace. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rey Mysterio Jr accepts a challenge made last week by Super Crazy and he'll face him next week on Impact, with his title on the line. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>AJ Styles v Mike Rotundo</strong></p><p>

AJ Styles defeated Mike Rotundo in 14:01 by pinfall with a handful of tights. During the match we also had 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett distract Styles. <strong>B-</strong></p><p>

After the match, with the ring cleared, AJ Styles and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett stare each other down. Neither breaks the stare, and the crowd rumble in anticipation. <strong>B-</strong></p><p>

The crowd, and I, can't seem to get enough of the Jarrett v Styles build up...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C+</strong></p><p>

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)</p><p>

TV Ratings: Sunshine Network 0.04, WLMT-TV 0.01, MSG 0.00, NESN 0.00 and WGN 0.00</p>

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<p><strong>Halloween Havoc featuring War Games</strong></p><p>

Sunday, week 4, October 2003</p><p>

Current card</p><p> </p><p>


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C+ heat)</p><p> </p><p>

WAR GAMES</p><p>

Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock & 3 partners) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog, Mike Rotundo, Samoa Joe & 2 partners) (D+)</p><p> </p><p>


Champion v Challenger</p><p> </p><p>


TLC match</p><p>

CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (D-)</p><p> </p><p>


'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss (E-)</p><p> </p><p>

Jorge Estrada v Mystery (E-)</p>

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<p><strong>TNA News</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tony Schiavone and Tracy Brooks have left TNA after new contracts could not be agreed. TNA wishes them both well in future endeavours.</p><p> </p><p>

Ken Shramrock and British Bulldog have both signed an 18 month extension to their contracts contract. It is believed he has taken a small but significant pay cut to help with TNA's financial position.</p><p> </p><p>

TNA has signed a wrestler who management believe has a very bright future ahead of him.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nobby_McDonald" data-cite="Nobby_McDonald" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22108" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've got another question...<p> </p><p> I've advanced book the War Games match as a 5 on 5 with Potter & 4 To Be Announced v Bulldog & 4 TBAs. When I ran the Impact angle where Potter announced Shramrock as his first partner, I didn't get the option to add him to the match. When I try to change the wrestlers in the advance booking screen, I can only change Potter and Bulldog and not any of the TBAs. I can't delete it and set it up again as at least one day has passed since I booked the match.</p><p> </p><p> Is there any way to add the partners to the match as I get closer to Halloween Havoc?</p></div></blockquote><p> As far as I know, there's no way to make any alterations to the advance booking once a day has passed, and that includes filling in a TBA position.</p>
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Wednesday, week 2, October 2003</p><p>

Auraria Events Center, Denver, CO.</p><p> </p><p>

“AJ SEETHING”</p><p> </p><p>

'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett had an interview where he again belittles AJ Styles, saying this time he is not fit to polish his boots and doesn't even belong in the same ring as him. Jarrett announces he will have a perfect tune up match tonight, when he defends his title against another wannabe who won't make it. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amazing Red v Psicosis</strong></p><p>

A good opening bout on this week's Impact, Psicosis defeated Amazing Red in 8:05 by pinfall with a Guillotine Leg Drop. <strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Beer Money attack Abyss backstage, and leave him down and out and in a bad way prior to their tag team match later tonight. The crowd look down and out after that too. <strong>E</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hardcore Match</strong></p><p><strong>

Seaman Stains v 'Super' Steve Corino</strong></p><p>

'Super' Steve Corino defeated Seaman Stains in 8:35 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion at ringside. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A music video is shown to promote Christopher Daniels's forthcoming arrival in TNA. Sadly the crowd aren't as excited as I am. <strong>E-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Beer Money v Abyss & 'Wildcat' Chris Harris</strong></p><p>

Beer Money defeated Abyss and 'Wildcat' Chris Harris in 5:53 when Robert Roode defeated Abyss by pinfall after using brass knuckles. <strong>D-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In the ring, Jorge Estrada says that he is no longer going to hold back and watch Mystery abuse women in the way he does. Starting from now, he is going to make Mystery's life a 'living hell' if he doesn't cease his womanising. <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

CM Punk, Axl Rotten and The Sandman are in the ring, and are squaring off, arguing over who will be victorious at Halloween Havoc. The argument soon turns physical, and soon develops into a wild brawl, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other with an assortment of weapons. <strong>D</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>TNA X DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy</strong></p><p>

A good match helped by the two's ability to work well together, Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Super Crazy in 11:27 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. Rey Mysterio Jr makes defence number 3 of his TNA X Division title. <strong>C-</strong></p><p>

Super Crazy then steals the X Division championship belt while Rey is celebrating his win and runs up the ramp and out of the arena! <strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Caribbean Cool v Revolution</strong></p><p>

Caribbean Cool defeated Revolution in 11:08 when Colt Cabana defeated Nova by pinfall with a surprise roll up. At least the matches are mostly of a good quality tonight. <strong>C-</strong></p><p>

Potter and Ken Shramrock then join Caribbean Cool in the ring, and warn Bulldog that they have the perfect counter to his recruitment of the Tag Team Champions for War Games... Caribbean Cool. <strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP</strong></p><p><strong>

'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v Spanky</strong></p><p>

'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett defeated Spanky in 12:33 by pinfall with The Stroke following interference from Samoa Joe. During the match we also had Mike Rotundo run in and attack Spanky. 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett makes defence number 7 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. <strong>C</strong></p><p>

AJ Styles has had enough with Jarrett. He sprints into the ring and amidst a chaotic in-ring scene, AJ Styles and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett finally come face to face on opposite sides of the ring. They both pause, psyche themselves up, and charge. The ring gets flooded by numerous other wrestlers, and the two are pulled away before they can make contact by Abyss, CM Punk, Potter, Spanky, 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and Axl Rotten. <strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Show rating: C-</strong></p><p>

Show notes: Nova was slightly over-used.</p><p>

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)</p><p>

TV Ratings: Sunshine Network 0.04, WLMT-TV 0.01, MSG 0.00, NESN 0.00 and WGN 0.00</p>

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<p><strong>TNA News</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Candido, Awesome Kong and Matt Striker have left TNA after negotiations to extend their contracts broke down. TNA wishes them all well.</p><p> </p><p>

Spank Wang v Revolution has been added to the Halloween Havoc card. Christopher Daniels will also make his in ring TNA debut at the event, against an opponent to be named.</p>

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<p><strong>Halloween Havoc featuring War Games</strong></p><p>

Sunday, week 4, October 2003</p><p>

Current card</p><p> </p><p>


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C+ heat)</p><p> </p><p>

WAR GAMES</p><p>

Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock, Caribbean Cool & partner) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog, Mike Rotundo, Samoa Joe & 2 partners) (D+)</p><p> </p><p>


Champion v Challenger</p><p> </p><p>


TLC match</p><p>

CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (D-)</p><p> </p><p>


'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss (E)</p><p> </p><p>

Jorge Estrada v Mystery (E)</p><p> </p><p>

Spank Wang v Revolution (E-)</p><p> </p><p>

Christopher Daniels' TNA debut match</p>

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Wednesday, week 3, October 2003

John H. Lewis Gym, Atlanta, GA.




Jeff Jarrett walks to the ring and says he intends to take advantage of TNA being a rudderless ship. He doesn't want to wait until Halloween Havoc, he's going to end AJ Styles tonight. AJ comes down the ramp and says "Let's do this" only for Potter enter the ring and stop him before he can lay into Jarrett. He talks to him off mic for a moment when British Bulldog comes down and suggests making it a tag match. He also says he's decided on his final two partners for War Games and they are Ernest Miller and Sheik Abdul Bashir. He continues, saying Miller is going to weaken Shramrock tonight in readyness for War Games. Jarrett speaks and proclaims he is interested in the tag match, and they get their answer when Potter and AJ punch Bulldog and Jarrett square in the face. C-


Hardcore Match

Abyss v Seaman Stains

Abyss comes out for the match when 'Cowboy' James Storm and Robert Roode double-team Abyss on the ramp, ending the beatdown with a brutal Con-Chairto! D+

Abyss is easy pickings and Seaman Stains defeated Abyss in 0:42 by pinfall with a Tidal Wave. D


Revolution cut a promo hyping their Halloween Havoc match with Spank Wang. E+


Mystery and Midajah are in the ring, flirting when Jorge Estrada comes out and lays out Mystery. He then handcuffs Midajah to the ropes and she is forced to watch as Estrada brutalises Mystery. D


Cocky Connection v Spank Wang

Spank Wang defeated Cocky Connection in 12:26 when Jimmy Yang defeated Johnny Devine by pinfall with an Oooo I Say! C-


A video is shown hyping the TLC three way match between CM Punk, Axl Rotten and The Sandman for the Hardcore Championship at Halloween Havoc. E


Shark Boy v Super Crazy

The two don't click which was harmful to the match. Super Crazy defeated Shark Boy in 9:38 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. D-

Rey Mysterio Jr comes out and is within touching distance of his championship belt which lies on the ring apron, only for Super Crazy to whizz by and run off with it again. D


Jerry Lynn v 'Super' Steve Corino

Another pairing that don't click, yet the match was still good. Jerry Lynn defeated 'Super' Steve Corino in 9:32 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. C-


Backstage, 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and Xavier have a tense meeting. While they aren't partners, they agree to form a temporary alliance to take care of their common enemies. D-


Ernest Miller v Ken Shramrock

Ken Shamrock defeated Ernest Miller in 10:59 by submission with an Ankle Lock. C-


Backstage, Potter walks into AJ Styles's locker room. After a short conversation, the two workers shake hands, in a sign of mutual respect. C


AJ Styles & Potter v British Bulldog & 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett

AJ put in a really good performance but British Bulldog and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett defeated AJ Styles and Potter in 14:28 when British Bulldog defeated Potter by pinfall with a Powerslam following interference from Samoa Joe. During the match we also saw Mike Rotundo distract Styles, and also attack Potter. C+


Show rating: C

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV Ratings: Sunshine Network 0.04, WLMT-TV 0.01, MSG 0.00, NESN 0.00 and WGN 0.01

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Halloween Havoc featuring War Games

Sunday, week 4, October 2003

Current card



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C heat)



Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock, Caribbean Cool & partner) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog, Mike Rotundo, Samoa Joe & 2 partners) (D+)



Champion v Challenger



TLC match

CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (E+)



'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss (E)


Jorge Estrada v Mystery (E+)


Spank Wang v Revolution (E)


Christopher Daniels' TNA debut match

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Wednesday, week 4, October 2003

FLC Fieldhouse, Durango, CO.




'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett, Mike Rotundo and Samoa Joe are in ring and talk up how dominant the JWO are, holding both the main titles and will cruise to another two easy wins on Sunday when Jarrett will walk all over AJ and Joe & Rotundo will punish all of Potter's merry men in the War Games match. C


Disco Fury v Mystery

The match was held back by a lack of chemistry and Disco's rustiness. Mystery defeated Disco Fury in 4:47 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. D+


Mike Tenay sit down interviews Potter, hyping the War Games match, his rivalry with British Bulldog and Potter reveals Jerry Lynn has his last partner and comments what a strong team he has assembled. C+


Wildcat and Xavier come to the ring, say how sick they are of Roode and Storm's recent backstage attacks and challenge Beer Money to a match at Halloween Havoc. The challenge is quickly accepted, and the match is set! E+



Gail Kim v Sara Del Ray

An awkward bout, Gail Kim defeated Sara Del Ray in 5:36 by submission with an Octopus Stretch. Gail Kim makes defence number 1 of her TNA Ladies title. E


Super Crazy, in the ring, challenges Rey Mysterio Jr that if he wants his title back (which is actually his anyway) then Rey will have to beat Crazy for it at Halloween Havoc. Mysterio steps onto the entrance ramp, and declares the challenge accepted. D+


Briscoe Brothers v Cocky Connection

Cocky Connection defeated Briscoe Brothers in 9:04 when Johnny Devine defeated Jay Briscoe by pinfall with a handful of tights. D-


AJ Styles and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett share intense looks as they sign the contract for the NWA TNA Championship match at Halloween Havoc. Jarrett again berates AJ, calling him 'small fry' but AJ remains calm and steely eyed. C+


Revolution cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Spank Wang, saying they will revolutionise them. Original eh. D


Amazing Red v Super Crazy

Another awkward bout, Super Crazy defeated Amazing Red in 8:02 by pinfall with a Trifecta Moonsault. D+


Abyss and 'Super' Steve Corino brawl in the ring. Seaman Stains intervenes, but is met with a wayward punch from Abyss, and is knocked out! Abyss and Corino carry on brawling around his prone body. E+


Potter v Sheik Abdul Bashir

Our first decent match of the night, Potter defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir in 12:31 by submission with a Sharpshooter. During the match we also had British Bulldog run in and attack Potter. C


Jorge Estrada is backstage, and comes on to SoCal Val. SoCal Val looks extremely uncomfortable, as Estrada leers over her. It's a mystery where Mystery is. E


Miller and British Bulldog and Sheik Abdul Bashir cut a promo hyping their upcoming War Games match. D+



Samoa Joe & Mike Rotundo v Caribbean Cool

Rotundo was awful tonight as Caribbean Cool defeated Samoa Joe and Mike Rotundo in 12:48 when Colt Cabana defeated Mike Rotundo by pinfall with a quick cradle following a complete miscommunication between he and Joe. Caribbean Cool win the NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. C-

While Mike Rotundo recovers in the ring, Joe starts beating on him, shortly joined by Jarrett. While the two are pounding on Rotundo, Ernest Miller comes down to ringside, presumably to try and calm things down with War Games on the horizon... but no! Miller joins in the beatdown before the three raise each others arms in celebration! C


Show rating: C-

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV Ratings: Sunshine Network 0.04, WLMT-TV 0.01, MSG 0.00, NESN 0.00 and WGN 0.01

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Halloween Havoc featuring War Games

Sunday, week 4, October 2003



'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C heat)



Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock, Caribbean Cool & Jerry Lynn) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog, Mike Rotundo, Samoa Joe, Ernest Miller & Sheik Abdul Bashir) (C-)



Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy (D)



TLC match

CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (E+)



'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss (E)


Jorge Estrada v Mystery (E+)


Spank Wang v Revolution (E+)


Christopher Daniels' TNA debut match (E-)


Amazing Red v Rocky Romero (E)


Beer Money v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris & Xavier (F+)

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'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles (C heat)

It's time to put the title on Styles. Jarrett's had a good run but it's time the title goes to the future of the company.



Team Potter (Potter, Ken Shramrock, Caribbean Cool & Jerry Lynn) v Team Bulldog (British Bulldog, Mike Rotundo, Samoa Joe, Ernest Miller & Sheik Abdul Bashir) (C-) Samoa Joe should not be booked to lose.



Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy (D)

Give Mysterio a really long title reign. I'm not necessarily against Super Crazy, but I think his time has been and gone.



TLC match

CM Punk v The Sandman v Axl Rotten (E+)

Punk shouldn't lose a TLC match to these Hardcore nobodies.



'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss (E)

As hilarious as I'm sure you intended the gimmicks of Corino and Seaman Stains to be Abyss is the better worker here.


Jorge Estrada v Mystery (E+)

If there's one thing I've learnt over the years is to never met against a Mystery worker. Estrada's a decent talent but this Mystery worker looks as though they're in for a big push.


Spank Wang v Revolution (E+)

Spank Wang are both great talents, Jimmy Yang in particular. In terms of tag team greatness in years to come, I think Spank Wang should be heavily invested in.


Christopher Daniels' TNA debut match (E-)

You haven't specifically mentioned a partner for Daniels, however I can definately see Daniels winning here. He could be a great star for TNA for the next ten years if pushed correctly.


Amazing Red v Rocky Romero (E)

Whilst I do believe that Rocky Romero is the better overall worker, I am a huge mark for Amazing Red. He may be just a spot monkey to some but I think he's very entertaining.


Beer Money v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris & Xavier (F+)

I still can't believe they made Xavier the first ever ROH Champion, as personally I never saw anything special in him. Beer Money on the other hand are a great tag team.

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Destiny... it is 2003 remember in my game... I wouldn't say Super Crazy's time has been and gone at this point. It hasn't been long since Sandman and Axl were in ECW... and Beer Money have only just formed as a tag team.


Daniels' opponent isn't going to be anybody major, that's for sure.


I'm glad you're taking an active interest in my TNA dynasty. I notice that a fair few people read it, but hardly anybody comments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Halloween Havoc featuring War Games

Sunday, week 4, October 2003

Prather Coliseum, Natchitoches, LA.


The show begins unusually, with Mike Tenay in the ring, saying he has a couple of things he has to announce to the fans in the absence of any authority in TNA at the moment. Firstly, Mike Rotundo has decided that money talks and he has left TNA to go to WWF, which draws a loud chorus of boos and chants of IRS gets rich. Secondly, TNA management have only earlier today voted on a new authority in TNA, that the offer made to the individual has been accepted and the new authority will be revealed on the next Impact. The crowd cheers. C+


Beer Money v 'Wildcat' Chris Harris & Xavier

Beer Money had most of this match, but Harris finally manages to get a measure of revenge on Storm in 8:46 when 'Wildcat' Chris Harris defeated 'Cowboy' James Storm by pinfall with a Catatonic. Harris looked good tonight, unlike his partner who put in a poor performance. D


A black limo pulls into the arena, and Jeff Jarrett leads out his World Order - Samoa Joe and Ernest Miller. They walk inside without saying a word. C+


Christopher Daniels v Disco Fury

Daniels enters in his preacher attire, although his reception is fairly lukewarm as he isn't that well known yet in the States. He shows some of his ring skills as he dominates the match, beating a rusty Fury in 5:31 by pinfall with a Last Rites. E+


A red pickup truck is parked in the arena and out steps AJ Styles, saying to the camera that "This is my night" as he enters the arena itself. C


Amazing Red v Rocky Romero

Hopes of a good quality, high flying match were dashed when Red put in a poor performance and blew a couple of spots. Rocky Romero defeated Amazing Red in 9:50 by pinfall with a High Speed. D


One of the War Games captains, British Bulldog is backstage, talking about the importance of the match, how his team of five will bury Potter's merry men and how he will not reveal his new, fifth member of his team until the match itself. Despite the segment being acceptable in quality, the crowd seemed to be completely turned off. F+


Hardcore Match

'Super' Steve Corino v Seaman Stains v Abyss

Not the most memorable of matches, although Abyss took a couple of stiff chair shots from Corino and Seaman Stains missed a top rope splash when Corino was on a table. The end came when 'Super' Steve Corino defeated Abyss in 11:51 by pinfall with an Old School Expulsion. D+


Potter seems to do a much better job in capturing the crowd's attention when building up to War Games, saying that his 'merry men' don't feel too merry at the moment, in fact they are in the mood to kick seven shades of shit out of Bulldog, Bashir, Miller, Joe and whomever else Bulldog picks. Good job we're on urban extra eh with phrases like that! C


Spank Wang v Revolution

Standard fare tag team match with nothing particularly noteworthy happening in the match. Revolution defeated Spank Wang in 8:35 when Frankie Kazarian defeated Spanky by pinfall with a Wave Of The Future. D


Prior to the next match, Midajah enters the ring and strips down to her underwear. Surprisingly, the crowd aren't too happy with this. Are they all gay?! E+

Jorge Estrada v Mystery

Estrada is visibly displeased, and gives Midajah dagger eyes. As soon as Mystery rolls in the ring Estrada puts the boots in him before Mystery mounts a comeback after a couple of minutes. The match was a little strange. Estrada was really off his game, and the two don't appear to click in the ring, yet it was still a good quality match. Mystery won in 8:44 by pinfall with a Moonsault Press. C


'Super' Steve Corino comes out to the ring, gets a mic and seemingly bores the crowd, as he wants to meet the winner of the TLC match for the Hardcore Championship. E


TLC Match

CM Punk v Axl Rotten v The Sandman

Punk looks impressive. Needless to say with Axl in the match, there are chairs aplenty, while Sandman does his trademark leap over the ropes, and crashes through Punk who was prone on a table. The end came in 16:35 when Punk toppled the ladder, sending Axl and Sandman through two double stacked tables at ringside, leaving him all the time in the world to retrieve the belt. CM Punk makes defence number 3 of his TNA Hardcore title. D-


A video plays hyping the AJ Styles vs. 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett main event. C+



Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy

A good match, but not the best these two have put on. Plenty of high flying, luchadore style action as expected including an amazing spot where Rey was whipped to the corner, he leapt onto the turnbuckles, jumped across onto the top rope before taking Crazy down with a hurracanrana. Rey Mysterio Jr defeated Super Crazy in 14:11 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. Rey Mysterio Jr makes defence number 4 of his TNA X Division title. C


Potter's team have assembled in the ring, highly motivated and eagerly awaiting Bulldog's team. Carlito briefly speaks, cockily saying that Bulldog's new pick will not be a factor in the match. C-

War Games

Potter, Ken Shramrock, Caribbean Cool & Jerry Lynn v British Bulldog, Samoa Joe, Ernest Miller, Sheik Abdul Bashir & new partner

Shramrock and Bulldog start the match, putting on a brief wrestling show before Joe enters and the numbers game overpowers Shramrock. Lynn enters to even the score. Miller follows, then Potter, Bashir and Carlito. Bulldog's final entrant comes in... Doug Williams. The crowd are a little disappointed, but who could I get at such short notice? Colt then comes in and it's a ten man meleé. Williams was just as disappointing in his performance, but Carlito, Lynn and Joe all put in quality performances although, overall the match just lacked that spark. The end came in 26:58 when Ken Shamrock defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir by submission with an Ankle Lock. D


As we wait for the match between AJ Styles and 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett to commence, Don West and Tenay run us through the Tale Of The Tape. C


'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett v AJ Styles

A little disappointing, as in AJ's first main event, he didn't produce as I had hoped. Nonetheless, the match was back and forth and AJ was just getting on top when Samoa Joe ran in, head stitched up from War Games. Jarrett holds AJ, Joe goes off the ropes for a flying heel kick... AJ ducks, Joe nails Jarrett, AJ rolls up Jarrett from behind, Slick Johnson counts... 1... 2... 3... AJ IS THE NEW CHAMPION! C+

Having picked up the victory, AJ Styles celebrates in the ring as the crowd goes nuts, while Jarrett looks up groggily at Joe who is holding his head in his hands. C


Show rating: C - Considered a success and should increase TNA's popularity.

Attendance: 5000 (sellout)

Buy rate: 0.10

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Wednesday, week 1, November 2003

Pontchatrain Center, Kenner, LA.




'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett is in ring with the still recovering 'Franchise' Shane Douglas and Samoa Joe. They proclaim that the JWO may appear to be getting weaker, but actually, they are getting stronger. They point to the entrance ramp, where Ernest Miller introduces three quarters of The Foreign Legion, as Bulldog, Williams and Bashir come to the ring, where Bulldog says that as their agendas are essentially similar, it makes sense to form one powerful group.

The new NWA TNA Champion AJ Styles then walks out and stays on the ramp, saying he has a surprise for them all. He knows who the new authority figure is in TNA and that he has given him the green light to announce two matches already made. At Pain Game, Jeff Jarrett will get his rematch but tonight, Samoa Joe gets his chance at the NWA TNA title. JWO actually look pleased, and as AJ leaves, he says that while it looks like the deck is stacked against him, it's under those conditions he thrives. C-


Beer Money v Briscoe Brothers

Beer Money defeated Briscoe Brothers in 6:32 when Robert Roode defeated Jay Briscoe by pinfall with a Northern Lariat. Beer Money were on top for the majority of the match. D-


A short video is shown recapping Christopher Daniels' debut at Halloween Havoc. E-


Caribbean Cool come to the ring and proclaim themselves as the top tag team in wrestling today, backed up by the fact they regained the NWA TNA Tag Team Championship. Ernest Miller and Sheik Abdul Bashir appear to take exception to this, as they appear and tell Carlito & Cabana to prove it later tonight. Colt tells them "you're on!" C-



Rey Mysterio Jr v Super Crazy

A rematch from Halloween Havoc, and also an improvement. Rey and Crazy have a back and forth match, again with plenty of high flying lucha libre. style action. Rey wins again in 13:43 by pinfall with a Springboard Hurricanrana. Rey Mysterio Jr makes defence number 5 of his TNA X Division title. C+


Robert Roode is walking backstage with a can of soda, when he bumps into Spanky. The two get into a "my tag team is better than yours" banter before the two agree to decide who is best in a tag team match at Pain Game. D-



Caribbean Cool v Ernest Miller & Sheik Abdul Bashir

Carlito and Colt just about have the edge throughout the match, staying half a step ahead of their opponents who are teaming together for the first time. Caribbean Cool won in 9:51 when Carlito defeated Sheik Abdul Bashir by pinfall with a Coolness Personified. Caribbean Cool make defence number 1 of their NWA TNA World Tag Team titles. A good match. C-


CM Punk appears and says that he accepts the challenge laid down by 'Super' Steve Corino, he'll face him in a match and also tells him he can also name the match type. C-


Ken Shramrock v The Sandman

A complete contrast of styles, and in this regular match it is Shramrock who is primarily on the offensive, as most of Sandman's offense is negated with the threat of disqualification. Ken Shamrock defeated The Sandman in 10:50 by submission with an Ankle Lock. D

Shramrock then gets on the mic, and tells TNA he has had an idea. He has come up with a match for Pain Game. Six wrestlers, one ladder, one briefcase. Inside the briefcase is a contract for a NWA TNA World Championship match at any time within the next twelve months. He then invites tonight's defeated foe The Sandman to be his first opponent, which The Sandman responds with a sinister smile and nod of the head. C



AJ Styles v Samoa Joe

A good match from a pairing who work well together, but seem to lack a little with the psychology. AJ begins to get the upper hand and looks like winning when after 17:43, Jeff Jarrett, British Bulldog and Doug Williams all run in and put the boots on AJ. AJ Styles wins by disqualification and makes defence number 1 of his NWA TNA World Heavyweight title. C+

The JWO are stalking AJ, and are just about to strike when a loud WOAH, WOAH, WOAH is heard from the entrance. It's Potter dressed in a suit. He introduces himself as the new authority in TNA and tells them not to lay one more finger on AJ or Jarrett won't get his rematch at Pain Game. Further more, he announces that Bulldog and Williams will challenge for the Tag Team Championship, Miller will challenge for the X Division Championship and Joe will get to go one on one with Potter on one condition... AJ is the champion and it is no good if the champion can't compete. He knows AJ will be a fighting champion, so there will be plenty of opportunities, however, if any of the JWO get physical with AJ other than in a sanctioned match, they will all lose their title shots at Pain Game. The crowd is beside themselve while the JWO aren't sure whether to be angry or ecstatic. C


Show rating: C- - Potter's switch to an authority figure has been judged a huge success.

Attendance: 2000 (sellout)

TV Ratings: Sunshine Network 0.04, WLMT-TV 0.01, MSG 0.00, NESN 0.00 and WGN 0.01

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Current Pain Game card

Sunday, week 3, November 2003



AJ Styles v 'The Ring King' Jeff Jarrett (C heat)



Caribbean Cool v England's Glory (British Bulldog & Doug Williams) (E+)



Rey Mysterio Jr v Ernest Miller (D+)



Match type to be announced

CM Punk v 'Super' Steve Corino (D-)



Ken Shramrock v The Sandman v ??? v ??? v ??? v ??? (D-)


Beer Money v Spank Wang (E+)

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I'm glad you're taking an active interest in my TNA dynasty. I notice that a fair few people read it, but hardly anybody comments.


I am new to all this, but am enjoying your TNA journey so far.


random thoughts: shocked that their mainstay team AMW broke up so soon. BUT, hopefully you can give Wildcat Chris Harris a singles push - maybe an X division or hardcore tv title for him.


Seaman Stains looks to be an entertaining character. He gave some good quality matches early on (and nice to see him get a win AND over Abyss at that). Hopefully he will catch on and build up to something on the midcard.


as for Jarrett - good luck getting the title off of him anytime soon. I ran into the same thing in my trial run in DOTT's -- Dusty Rhodes and Blackjack Mulligan both refused to lose in any match for any reason.


finances: what does the balance sheet show? Just curious how much you are losing each month (show). Notice most of your tv shows are drawing 0.00 ratings (no one watching?). Have you taken your tour to any of the areas where the new tv shows are? Don't know if that will help boost ratings any or not.

anything of interest going on in the other promotions in your wrestling world?

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I'm glad you're enjoying it Olympia. :)


I did wonder if I had done the right thing breaking up AMW so soon, and I still do now. Maybe there could be a three man AMW sometime in the future..?


I hope Seaman Stains develops too. He came in for comedy value initially but is showing some promise so I'll see how he does.


Jarrett steadfastly refused to job to anybody, so to get the title off him, I had to have him lose it to AJ as the two are good friends (at least in my save, don't know if that is normally the case) and he was the only person he seemed to be willing to lose it to. The last three pay per views I didn't select a winner in the hope the AI would have Jarrett lose, but that didn't work either.


I have just dropped below $1million (started at $5million), thanks to me being too generous with contracts in the early days and being too greedy signing recognised talent. We were losing over $200,000 per month but I've managed to cut that to $150,000 now, and other wrestlers are going to be leaving who want too much money in their contracts.

To give credit to Shramrock and Bulldog, they have taken pay cuts and lost their travel expenses clause in their contracts, so I've kept them on.

I haven't toured anywhere where the TV shows are, simply because I've been losing so much money and need every dollar I can get at the moment. The TV contracts expire at the end of this month, so I'm hoping I can lose all bar the Canadian deal and sign a new deal with a US wide station. There are four that might be feasible, but Sunshine Network are blocking all negotiations as they don't want to share TV time with a rival. It's down to whether I risk letting all the contracts expire in the hope one of the four take me on, or whether I play safe and renew all the current deals. Decisions eh!


As for other promotions... have to wait until I next play the game I'm afraid.

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Here are the other promotions and their champions as of Wednesday, week 2, November 2003




All Asia Tag Team (C prestige) - Brian Adams & Bryan Clark (22 defences)

Real World Tag (B) - Tournament won last December by Toshiaki Kawada & Satoshi Kojima

Triple Crown (A*) - Keiji Mutoh (9)

Unified World Tag Team (A*) - Kazuyuki Fujita & Bill Goldberg (13)

World Junior Heavyweight (C+) - Mitsuya Nagai (3rd reign, 4 defences)



ALL PRO WRESTLING (13th, regional)

Internet Title © - Tony Jones (6)

King of the Indies (C+) - Tournament won by Scoot Andrews in October

Tag Team (D-) - Inactive

Universal Heavyweight (B-) - Spanky (4)




Americas Trios (C+) - Inactive

Campéon de Campeones (A*) - Hector Garza (16)

Rey de Reyes (A) - Tournament won in March by Heavy Metal



BORDER CITY WRESTLING (19th, regional)

Can-Am Heavyweight (B+) - Johnny Swinger (18)

Can-Am Tag (C-) - Lanny Destiny & El Tornado (1)

Unified Television (D-) - Inactive



CHIKARA (24th, small)

International (B-) - Konnan (12, only champion to date)

World Tag Team (D) - Evan Karagias & Shark Boy (0)

Wrestling Spirit (D+) - Shark Boy (8)

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