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Wrestlemania is tonight


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Who's ordering and who's sitting on the sidelines?


I figure we can also use this thread to discuss the show.


Personally, I'm undecided. Right now I'd say it's 55-45 in favor of ordering.


Edit: If I do decide, my primary reason is that after reading more about Steamboat, he seems to think he's got enough in him for a good match tonight. Steamboat is my boyhood idol, so if he really isn't going to embarrass himself, I will be thrilled to death.

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I wasn't planning on it, but I'm watching Smackdown right now and the packages they've put together for Matt vs Jeff... I'm getting into it. Big time.


Trouble is, the ideal way for me to watch the show would be at my parent's place (big TV, with my brothers) but I've probably left it too late to organize it.

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I wasn't planning on it, but I'm watching Smackdown right now and the packages they've put together for Matt vs Jeff... I'm getting into it. Big time.


Trouble is, the ideal way for me to watch the show would be at my parent's place (big TV, with my brothers) but I've probably left it too late to organize it.


Rent a helicopter GO! GO! GO!

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Wrestlemania is tonigh


I already ordered Wrestlemania, I did it on friday, I am a very big fan of Wrestling, not so much for the WWE in general, the reason is that so many superstars have died over the last several years and Vince doesn't seem to care about that. Wrestlemania 25 I believe will be a lot better then the previous ones mostly from the last one that raven, was in she was just terrible out there in the ring, she was so hyper and all, I mean I can't stand people like that, If They wanted someone to be in the event they should have have gotten Miley Cyrus instead of raven. Wrestlemania has always been one of the biggest events of the year. I think It might be a little bigger then watching the super bowl on TV. This year wrestlemania is a little different mostly because Batista is not wrestling in the event but they finally are having other unknown wrestlers wrestle in the big event, which I think is good. The WWE when they put on their monthly events always has the same superstars wrestle and to me it's just stupid, I mean the WWE has a lot more talent then they are using and I believe that this is gonna put them out of business because sooner or later the superstars that have been around for a long time will retire and so they will need to replace them with better superstars. Not really with better superstars but with better talent.

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I'll eat my own spinal column if the WWE goes out of business in the near future. :p


We're watching the show tonight and I think it's gonna be a solid show. There are a few big matches on there, a few toilet breaks but nothing so horribly bad looking that I'd want to change the channel so that's a good start. Past records alone say that HBK/Taker should be a match of the year candidate, Orton/HHH should be fun. Edge/Cena/Show won't be a bad match though I'm not sure about it and MITB will be the usual mess of bodies that sets us up for a great moment at some point over the next 12 months. I've seriously been trying to work out some spots for Mark Henry in that match, but as long as MVP picks up the win I can probably ignore him enough to enjoy it. :)


Will be a late night but luckily I'm not working in the morning. Yay! :D

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I was a bit iffy about buying WrestleMania this year. Previous years' disappointments are fresh in my mind. But looking at how awesome this card is, I figure I'll buy this PPV, just to encourage the WWE to book more good cards.
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Me and my brother are stopping up until 4am to watch it. Im not as pumped as previous Wrestlemania's i just feel they sort of ruined the Orton/Triple H fued which started off awesome, I got a bit sick of HBK coming out on top all the time in the angles as now im expecting and hoping for Taker to win rather than just hoping. MITB should be quality as usual, hoping for another Punk win but doubt it so expecting MVP to take this one. Edge should retain to keep a title on the SmackDown! brand. The rest im kind of hoping for something special, curious of what JBL's thing will be hope its not something that really doesnt matter like just him retiring with the belt, him as GM would be great though. Kind of hoping Jericho comes out looking like a total a-hole and does something really shocking or Austin comes down and stuns him lol
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I always get Mania, but I'm especially excited for this one. Orton/HHH has an immense buildup and should be a good match, there's so many possibilities with the Legacy and McMahons involvement as well. Then the World Title match, the feud has been lacklustre but it should still be entertaining and I haven't got a clue who's gonna walk out the winner, though I think Big Show is a good shout. Taker/HBK...as obvious as it seems that Taker will of course win, I am sure there'll be moments in the match that lead me to believe the opposite, it has to be a classic. Hardy/Hardy I'm really getting into as well and hope they pull off something truly memorable, I even have high hopes for the Legends match as Jericho is just that good and as far as "Wrestlemania moments" go it could work out, with the potential for Rourke involvement or Austin coming down as well. Good to hear about Steamboat too, he looks in much better shape than the other two. MITB...well what can you say, I would have much rather R-Truth or Evan Bourne than Henry, but hopefully he can pull something worthwhile off (splash off ladder through table please, haha). Really interested in who wins that as well, MVP would be cool but I'll definitely be rooting for Christian. Then there's the divas, shouldn't take too much time and hopefully Santino involvement or some blasts from the past make it entertaining enough, and frankly I'm looking forward to the tag match, I love Carlito and Morrison and Miz has really grown on me. Kinda surprised they didn't just put Swagger vs. Bourne on the card, but it should serve to leave more room for quality as far as the rest of the show goes. Really looking forward to it.
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Wrestlemania is tonight


You wanted to know about the cost of tonight's PPV HD is $64.99

If you order it for SD then you pay around $54.99


All the rest of their PPV's are around $39.95 + tax


I know because I watch every monday night raw and every friday night smackdown and I order everyone of their PPV events not just Wrestlemania

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You wanted to know about the cost of tonight's PPV HD is $64.99

If you order it for SD then you pay around $54.99


All the rest of their PPV's are around $39.95 + tax


I know because I watch every monday night raw and every friday night smackdown and I order everyone of their PPV events not just Wrestlemania


K, Thanx, will probably wait and possibly order the replay. Love wrestling, but really love MLB and am a Braves fan and they open the season tonight on ESPN for free. I am such a tight wad.:D

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I'll eat my own spinal column if the WWE goes out of business in the near future. :p


Derek, not saying you're wrong here. But you know what? I was saying the same thing in 99 and 2000 about WCW. The only way I could believe a company the size of WCW that had been around as long as they had would go under was to see it happen. If what happened in WCW could happen, then I see no reason to doubt Fredreed's scenario if the issue he raised persists long enough. Like WCW, I'd probably have to see it happen to believe it will. But I'm much better equipped to consider the possibility that I would have been ten years ago.

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Derek, not saying you're wrong here. But you know what? I was saying the same thing in 99 and 2000 about WCW. The only way I could believe a company the size of WCW that had been around as long as they had would go under was to see it happen. If what happened in WCW could happen, then I see no reason to doubt Fredreed's scenario if the issue he raised persists long enough. Like WCW, I'd probably have to see it happen to believe it will. But I'm much better equipped to consider the possibility that I would have been ten years ago.


Normally I'd agree, but WCW wasn't a shock. Fans were tuning out in droves because the on screen product was a mess. While the WWE isn't exactly doing big business, they are not only making money but they are still expanding globally. They're still a successful company, while WCW was on a downward spiral for years leading to the buyout.


So as I said, spinal column sandwich for me if WWE goes out of business in the near future. The internet exaggerates everything based on their own personal opinion, including me. I hate seeing Mark Henry in the ring, but i'm sure there are hundreds of blobby, lazy big men out there that are worse than him. But seriously, WWE aren't going out of business any time soon and for someone to suggest that is crazy.

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The biggest reason WCW went under is because the higher ups at Turner post-merger didn't want to be associated with wrestling. WWE doesn't have that problem, since they aren't part of a huge corporation or anything like that.


WWE isn't going anywhere any time soon. If the Benoit tragedy didn't kill them, I can't imagine what could.


Getting back on topic, I will not be ordering Mania. I haven't ordered Mania since 2004; it's too damn expensive. I'd much rather spend that cash on something else, and just get the DVD of Mania from Netflix in a few months.

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Decision made. I'm giving it a miss. Too expensive. Not that I can't afford it, I just can't justify spending £30 on a TV show. I don't even buy DVD's any more unless they cost less than £5. More than that and it doesn't seem worth it. Plus I've got work tomorrow. Staying up until 4am doesn't sound like fun.
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Decision made. I'm giving it a miss. Too expensive. Not that I can't afford it, I just can't justify spending £30 on a TV show. I don't even buy DVD's any more unless they cost less than £5. More than that and it doesn't seem worth it. Plus I've got work tomorrow. Staying up until 4am doesn't sound like fun.


on sky-box office, at least in England, it's only £14.97.


but it might differ in Wales.

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Weird list, Vlad gets this big push not to be in there biggest show?


Swagger I can see because of the fact that the ECW title in the eyes of McMahon is seen as a midcard title


Legacy (Dibiase and Rhodes) will be at the show and in it some way or form


Marella I see being in it some how


But man, no Bourne, Khali, and Umaga


So now I guess the only other thing is prediction time



I see it like this



Orton vs HHH; this one is hard because HHH just won the belt back but I think Orton wins


Edge vs Show vs Cena; I see Edge winning, he is an 8 time world champ and has never held the title for a turn long run


MITB: Christian Cage


Taker vs HBK; Taker


Tag Titles; Miz and Morrison


JBL vs Rey; JBL then he retires


Jeff vs Matt; Jeff Hardy


25 diva; Santino Marella


Jericho vs Legends; I think Jericho wins but the legends leave standing tall

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Derek, not saying you're wrong here. But you know what? I was saying the same thing in 99 and 2000 about WCW. The only way I could believe a company the size of WCW that had been around as long as they had would go under was to see it happen. If what happened in WCW could happen, then I see no reason to doubt Fredreed's scenario if the issue he raised persists long enough. Like WCW, I'd probably have to see it happen to believe it will. But I'm much better equipped to consider the possibility that I would have been ten years ago.


There's too many differences between 09 WWE and 99 WCW but I'll give you the two main ones: First, by the end WCW was owned by people who didn't care about wrestling. In fact, they looked down on it. The people at the top weren't making wrestling decisions, they were making business decisions. Some might say they were making anti-wrestling decisions. Obviously this is never going to be the case in WWE. And second, as bad as we like to think WWE is right now they were never anything close to what WCW was in that time frame. Both on screen and off. WCW was losing more money than they could track, they had no stability on creative, etc. etc. None of these apply to WWE and they never will. Vince knows how to run a wrestling company, both as a business and as a form of entertainment. As much as the IWC likes to rip of WWE's "terrible" product and claim they could do better...with all due respect, they really have no f'ing idea what they're talking about.


And that leads me to my other point, which is the issue Fredreed raised doesn't even persist now. People have been using the same old "they need to make new stars" argument for my entire wrestling-watching life (roughly 20 years) and probably a lot longer. Who are the WWE's top stars right now? John Cena and Randy Orton. John Cena is 31 years old and has been in the main event for FOUR YEARS. I know it seems like he's been around for forever, but this Wrestlemania is the four year anniversary of his first world championship. He's got another decade on top, easy. Randy Orton is 28 years old. He was firmly established as a main eventer like last year. He's going to be around at least another 15 years. Guys like Edge and Jericho are still in their prime and have quite a few years left. And for every Triple H, HBK, and Undertaker that's near the end there's three or four guys being groomed to replace them. CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, John Morrison, The Miz, the Colons, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, Tyson Kidd, MVP, Mr Kennedy, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, Shelton Benjamin, etc. Obviously not all of those guys will be stars, but any of them could and you only need a few of them to be. The WWE's midcard is as young and talented and full of potential as it's been since I started watching 20 years ago.



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