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Building a Women's Division

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I'm playing an SWF game and I'm wondering if anybody has any tips as far as how to go about creating a women's division. I know the specifics of creating the division, but my question is more about if anybody has any good ideas to justify the division. The last thing I want to do is suddenly have a handful of workers with no previous appearances competing for a new title. I'm thinking about following the WWE route and start off by putting the gold on a hot, over manager with no wrestling skills, but I also have Joanne Rodriguez on contract, but she's not particularly over. Long-term I want J-Ro to be the focus of the division, but I'm stuck as far as where to start, and she's just been under contract and making sporadic appearances for the past 3-4 months. Any ideas or good storyline possibilities?
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It took me months (real time) to get my SWF women's division to 'acceptable'. If I were to do it again?


I'd get a B-show and Brand it to the women. I might even name it something other than SWF - divorce it from the company until it works.


Heavy use of angles and matches designed to help boost every worker's overness, test chemistry, and develop a few womens' tag teams - a solid tag experience can cover for a lot. It'll also, to some degree, boost skills.


Once your initial wave of women are over to, say, a C- or so pop, I'd run an angle where the Eisens start invading the show and threatening to take it over, maybe flanked by a few of the heels. Spme of the women you want to turn heel align with these and it all comes down to a match on PPV - after which you 'fold' that company, kill or repurpose the B-show, and bring the women in.


From there on they can comfortably improve within the SWF without hurting your ratings.

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That would solve overness problems, but between the industry being in a bad place and the fact that I know I'll get burned out booking more than 5 shows a month, I really don't see a completely separate women's promotion happening. My first idea is to hook J-Ro up with an up-and coming face so she can get some overness (a la Lita), then have her feud with a heel worker brought in by a heel opposing the babyface, similar to Sable and Jacqueline. I'm still open to suggestions though.
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I've got a little women's division going in my diary game and I'm really digging it. So far I've concentrated on one woman, Melody Cuthill. Basically I've just given her a segment on each show, either an Eye Candy match against a fellow hot girl, or a regular match against a man. The matches don't do fantastic grades, but it's undercard, so that's fine. She also cameo's in a few angles, using her Sex Appeal. She's currently on the cusp of my Main Event scene, and now with one over Woman, I can concentrate on getting another. The scene will be thriving in no time.


I'd do exactly that with J-Ro. Give her LOTS of matches. Eye Candy. Man Fighting. Appear in promos. Just get her over. Don't try to make a balanced, thriving division too soon. Just get J-Ro over. She'll be the division's backbone.

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Along with J-Ro, you'll want to sign Wanda Fish. Use talent trades to get Alicia Strong as much as is humanly possible. Suzanne Brazzle, Nadia Snow and Agent 69 are good-from-the-start workers as well.


Ultimately, you may want to bring in talent like Fuyuko Higa or my personal favourites, Huntress Makiko and Dragon Assassin, but I recommend that waits for the second go-round.


I'd work J-Ro into whichever feud you have that could use a little spice. Have her become the object of affection for two workers - depsite her objections - which leads to her reffing the blow-off match. She does all this under protest, and when the match is over, she delivers a J-Rocker to one/both of the guys to make her point.


Slowly start feeding workers to her in mixed matches. Have her mixing with the uppercard in her matches to boost her momentum and popularity. If you have any directionless uppercarders of an opposite alignment to her, set them against her in a series of mixed tag matches (you can use talent trades to bring in disposable female workers) where she teams with a variety of over male workers. Gradually start adding talented workers to your company.


Also, I can usually get two or more of 5SSW, AAA and BSC as development feds, so consider going down that route to build up your workers before bringing them in.

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i have a pretty successful women's division but half of them are established names in major companies. For a while usually I stick them in the multi-person tag matches and just set it to automatically pick a winner and hope it builds up momentum for them and gets them a little over. Only time I usually don't use the women wrestlers is for the sex sells stuff, that goes for the divas who have little talent but sex appeal.


I found Awesome Kong and Jazz actually make a really good tag team, the notes said they had good chemistry tagging together. Maybe get a women's tag team thing going on with other women tag teams could help build overness and momentum too.

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I've got a little women's division going in my diary game and I'm really digging it. So far I've concentrated on one woman, Melody Cuthill. Basically I've just given her a segment on each show, either an Eye Candy match against a fellow hot girl, or a regular match against a man. The matches don't do fantastic grades, but it's undercard, so that's fine. She also cameo's in a few angles, using her Sex Appeal. She's currently on the cusp of my Main Event scene, and now with one over Woman, I can concentrate on getting another. The scene will be thriving in no time.


I'd do exactly that with J-Ro. Give her LOTS of matches. Eye Candy. Man Fighting. Appear in promos. Just get her over. Don't try to make a balanced, thriving division too soon. Just get J-Ro over. She'll be the division's backbone.


This is pretty much what I think I need to do: put her on TV and get her over. Once she's at least in the C's, it shouldn't be a problem to start having her work a program with someone (unfortunately, when I signed a short term deal with Lauren Easter for a dark match, she had terrible chemistry with J-Ro).


Along with J-Ro, you'll want to sign Wanda Fish. Use talent trades to get Alicia Strong as much as is humanly possible. Suzanne Brazzle, Nadia Snow and Agent 69 are good-from-the-start workers as well.


I want to resist signing every talented woman out there. I want to build the division slowly, since I know if I sign half a dozen workers most of them will have nothing to do except for showing up in dark matches to keep their morale up. And signing up the most talented women's workers might take away from the focus that at least for now, J-Ro is going to be the face of the division. I know Wanda Fish is a hoss, but I don't want somebody that's more talented than Rodriguez. Right now I'm thinking about Emma Bitch or Gorgon as J-Ro's first rival, since both are big tough brawlers that let J-Ro play up the "underdog in peril." Plus I haven't really seen everybody give major pushes to somebody like Gorgon.

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I'm confused. :confused:


This is pretty much what I think I need to do: put her on TV and get her over. Once she's at least in the C's, it shouldn't be a problem to start having her work a program with someone (unfortunately, when I signed a short term deal with Lauren Easter for a dark match, she had terrible chemistry with J-Ro).


I want to resist signing every talented woman out there. I want to build the division slowly, since I know if I sign half a dozen workers most of them will have nothing to do except for showing up in dark matches to keep their morale up. And signing up the most talented women's workers might take away from the focus that at least for now, J-Ro is going to be the face of the division. I know Wanda Fish is a hoss, but I don't want somebody that's more talented than Rodriguez. Right now I'm thinking about Emma Bitch or Gorgon as J-Ro's first rival, since both are big tough brawlers that let J-Ro play up the "underdog in peril." Plus I haven't really seen everybody give major pushes to somebody like Gorgon.


The above seems like you already have a plan. Did you just want outside opinions to refine it?


For what it's worth, Self's method is easily the most sound. It's SWF. Overness counts more than anything else. Hell, you still have Emma Chase, don't you? Have her get into a tiff with J.Ro and use angles to develop the feud. Then have Emma bring in some muscle (the aforementioned Gorgon would be a good choice. Tai, Mary Beth Chase, or Karen Bilous would be as well) to "take care of [her] light work" or "eliminate the pest".


That could easily be done with one segment per show over the course of say 6 months. At the end of the 6 months, both J.Ro and Gorgon should be over enough to anchor a division (with J.Ro most over, with a ~3 month headstart). That gives you your babyface 'face of the division' AND your 'monster heel'. It also gives you the possibility of building a stable or two (with Emma leading the heel stable and J.Ro leading the faces). I'd bring in a talented mouthpiece like Melanie Florence and have her initially set to being Emma's assistant who, after months of mistreatment (gaining overness all the way), she turns at a pivotal time and joins the face stable. This also gives you the option of building up others to add to the division by having them be sidekicks (faces) or flunkies (heels) of J.Ro or Emma, respectively.


But at first, make her Jack Bruce's groupie or something. If you have someone feuding with one of Emma's boys, putting J.Ro with their opposition would fit best.

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I'm confused. :confused:




The above seems like you already have a plan. Did you just want outside opinions to refine it?


No, it just made so much sense I agreed with him. My current plan has been to occasionally put J-Ro on TV when I remember to, so it's not like this has always been part of amaster plan.


For what it's worth, Self's method is easily the most sound. It's SWF. Overness counts more than anything else. Hell, you still have Emma Chase, don't you? Have her get into a tiff with J.Ro and use angles to develop the feud. Then have Emma bring in some muscle (the aforementioned Gorgon would be a good choice. Tai, Mary Beth Chase, or Karen Bilous would be as well) to "take care of [her] light work" or "eliminate the pest".


All sound choices as far as signings, and I do have Emma sitting there with B- overness and A* charisma. She's managing a stable of midcard brawlers, so it wouldn't be a stretch to match her up with J-Ro.


But at first, make her Jack Bruce's groupie or something. If you have someone feuding with one of Emma's boys, putting J.Ro with their opposition would fit best.


I wouldn't want to step on NoNeck's toes, since that's exactly how he introduced Raven Nightfall/Abby Eisen. But I do have a guy like Valiant to match up with Emma's boys.

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With the SWF, I would do it very gradually. As others have stated, popularity is very important, so it doesn't really matter so much if the women you hire are skilled or not. I would look for Sex Appeal and Entertainment skills over actual talent.


The 6-10 women who are hired to form the core of the division would all start out as valets, managers, or interviewers. You can use them in segments rated on either Sex Appeal or Entertainment, which should see them move up in overness relatively quickly. Not overnight, of course, but you can probably take a worker from E- to the C range in about 5-6 months without going into complete overkill.


To work on their wrestling skills, I would use them on a B show. I would probably concisder making the division inter-gender for the start, so they can job to talented midcard male wrestlers in dark matches or on the B show. That should have help them develop some wrestling skills, too.


The real question, with the SWF, would be whether the division would be a legitimate wrestling division, or just a bunch of bouncing eye candy (as are the Divas, for the most part).

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If you're looking for "monster heels"


Nene Ebina (sp?) the MMA fighter chick has solid stats.

Nikki Power has some decent performance stats as well.

Seiko (something) is a huge monster of a woman. I think she's even classified as a middleweight!!


Sorry praguepride, all those choices are pretty darn bad.


First of all, they're all old (late 30s. Seiko Nanami's like 40!) so severely prone to retiring before the storyline reaches its intended end point. Plus, none of them have any star quality at all (which will count in an SWF).


Nene is a locker room cancer who you wouldn't want to put in the ring with your supposed division trueheart (poor safety, almost no consistency). She doesn't speak English (so every angle she's in would be dragged down by "Nene Ebina had serious problems due to the language barrier"). Plus, her Menace isn't even that good (D?). And she starts the game at 39 years old.


Nikki Power is similar in that she starts at 37, though she has excellent safety and consistency. But her Star Quality is E or something like that. She has better menace (around C) and is a better worker than Nene but her age should disqualify her, given how TEW likes retiring women early.


Seiko Nanami has NEVER lasted long in any game I've played. So if lazorbeak is in 2010 or so, chances are, she's already quit.


Of the ones I suggested, MBC is probably borderline at 29 but she's good otherwise (good safety & consistency, decent star quality, lowish menace). Tai is almost perfect as she's young (26) and a good development prospect (so lots of upside). She also has B-range star quality, which can be huge in SWF. Karen is similar in that she's also 26, has good SQ (and sex appeal), decent to good performance skills and next to nothing in entertainment skills (all the more reason to use Emma). Gorgon is the best of the lot, but if she's not available or whatever, Karen would be a good second choice (with Tai third). Aud D'Hoffryn would even work, in a pinch.


Star Quality can be very important in promotions with Mainstream at heavy or key. Beyond that, you want workers who won't kill your golden girl (safety) or randomly stink up the joint (consistency). You also want younger workers since they tend to have more upside/room to improve and are less prone to retiring in the middle of your heat building storyline.

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