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NYCW: All Roads...

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January 1st, 2008


New York City, New York





“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise.”

-Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra





With a breath uncharacteristically deep for myself, I stepped through the open doorway. The view presented was that of a modern day gladiatorial arena. People had paid money to witness blood being spilled in here… along with popcorn, hotdogs, and various drinks by their own hands, guessing from the kaleidoscope of filth on the floor. Hard to feel envious of the poor bastard who is eventually hired to try and make this place capable of passing a health inspection. Upon closer inspection, maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the poor lighting. Hell, only the ring has any real light on it, and even it is dulled by a multitude of dust buildin’ up either on the light itself, in the air between it and the ring, or most likely both.


Thankfully I’m not the aforementioned poor bastard… though perhaps still a cleaner of sorts. But my job today was of a far more social nature. A simple meet and greet. Formalization of what is already in effect. At first it appears that the one I’m searching for isn’t here, but a subtle cough (or a loud one muffled by all the damn dust in this joint, sheesh!) gives him away. Near section, second row, back turned to me. Did he not hear me walk in, or is the crazy old bastard playin’ at somethin’? I shrug despite the fact no one sees me and make my way over to where he’s seated. As I go to take my seat next to him a grin flickers in the corner of my eye. Son of a… I knew it! The old man was just trying to dial up the theatrics a bit.


“Tell me that ain’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen.”


Still grinning, he calmly looked over at me. Jesus I forgot how ****in’ ugly he is. Never was a good lookin’ man, and three decades in this business hadn’t done much to help.






“Old man, I think you and I have a vastly different idea of what counts as beauty.”


He chuckled softly, and then proceeded to stare right back at the dusty-lit ring. After a few moments of him enjoying the sight (which meant a few moments of me wondering if it was possible to catch Ebola just by sitting in this joint), the man known throughout the world as Derek “The Stomper” Bradford finally broke the silence again.


“Hard to believe this is happening, isn’t it? New York City Wrestling… all of this planning, all of this building… are we ready?”


For a second, I didn’t think we were. I didn’t think I was. But screw it, life’s too short.


“Probably not… but I for one am tired of hidin’ in the shadows. We can take this company to the top, old man. We can be the reason New Yorker’s justify calling this land the Empire State.”


Following another soft, half-chuckle, the old man added, “You know… you sound like your father,” and instantly he noticed me wince at his mentioning. “How is he, by the way?”


“He ain’t any different... still a miserable prick of a man.”


“I always said you two were just alike.”


Feigning anger, I looked over to see the old school legend laughing at his own abortion of a joke.


The laughter was soon broken by a thunderous, roaring crack from overhead. Instinctively the both of us looked up at the ceiling, expecting the steel structure to collapse on top of us.


“A storm’s a coming.”


I nodded.


“Yeah…Yeah, I saw the clouds rollin’ in on my way from Jersey. Maybe if we’re lucky the rain will wash away some of the trash down there.”


Another half-laugh issued forth in a distorted grunt from Derek’s mouth as he rose from his chair, placing his worn, scarred hand on my shoulder in the process.


“C’mon sonny boy, the rest of the locker room is waiting to meet you. If we get this over with fast enough maybe we can get out of here before the heavens open up above us.”


With a shaky motion, his hand returned to his side as I joined him in the world of the standin’.


“If we don’t, are we having an old fashion lock-in complete with board games and pizza?”


“The Stomper” laughed again… never understood what the old bastard always found so amusin’.


“Follow me.”


“Only if you let me lead next time.”


Quietly, we made our way towards the same doorway I entered this place through. Above the storm was beginning. The metal roof did little to hide the sounds of raindrops striking it. One final look around the arena tonight.... NYCW. Never thought everythin' would come down to this. The feelin' around me, inside of me... somethin' surreal. Like a mad man's dream given blood and form.


And I stepped through the doorway.

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OOC: For those wondering, I'm NOT killing my EWA diary... but I've been dying to actually write a diary as I play along, and just to do something different.


And for some reason NYCW struck me as the catalyst for that something. Please, I'd love some feedback/criticism/whatever.


Edit: Also, my image shrunk for an unknown reason. I didn't make the text THAT small on purpose!

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NYCW Title Holders


NYCW Empire



Holder: Steve Flash

Won: November 2007



NYCW Tri-State Regional



Holder: Lee Wright

Won: December 2007



NYCW Tag Team



Holders: Old School Prinicipals (Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler)

Won: October 2007



Tag Teams


American Made Men (Occaisonal): D-



Old School Prinicipals: D-



The Mysterious Strangers: ??



The Sting: D-



Wiley Coyote: B

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Quick Picks:

Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Honest Frank vs. Whistler

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW?

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Quick Picks:

Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion - Every promotion needs a dominant lard arse.

Honest Frank vs. Whistler - He'll win using sheer pluck and patriotism.

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley Sean's a popular one for pushes.

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright - Too soon to lose

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting - Mysteries usually turn out pretty well.

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals - Best name wins

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk - I'm pro-gimmick

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: Flash is a popular one


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW? Roger Rogers. Make sure the arenas are wheelchair accessible.

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Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Honest Frank vs. Whistler

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW? Weird Crazy Spitball Theory: Jerry Eisen!

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Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion - Debut win

Honest Frank vs. Whistler - Whistler is just a little more past his prime than Frank

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley - Debut win

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title - Wright is a good champ and won't lose it right away

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting - Debut win

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles - Coyote are past their prime and you have two younger teams coming in.

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk - We want the Phunk, gotta have that Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title - 2 year reign for Steve Flash

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Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Honest Frank vs. Whistler

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW?

Nemesis or Phil Vibert. Or your user character, lol :p

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NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW?

Nemesis or Phil Vibert. Or your user character, lol :p


Just wanted to clarify that since the user character is ALWAYS the head booker when you play, that it is a user character.


Though the character in question does have a pre-existing tie to the C-Verse and is not a random person that I created for the hell of it.


In other words, it is possible to figure out more or less who the user character is.

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Sry shoulda read the whole thing first.


Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion

Honest Frank vs. Whistler

The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting

Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles

American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk

Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title


NYCW Question Of The Day:

Who do you think is the new Head Booker of NYCW? Hmmm as Jerry Eisen is taken i'll take Jay Chord.

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NYCW Rush Hour 2008

January 2008 Week 2

From The Ministry in front of 988 fans!Theme Song: "YYZ" by Rush



Sprinting at full speed with the American flag fluttering like the wings of a mighty bald eagle behind him, Whistler makes his way to the ring… and makes a couple of laps around it, the flag fluttering along the whole way. Finally, Whistler rolls into the ring… followed by him waving the American flag in a high arc above his head.


Whistler: My… fellow… AMERICAAAAANS!!! Isn’t it great to live here, in this sweet land of liberty, the home of the brave? Where else in the world can you enjoy apple buy, drink a six pack, support your local Republican candidates, watch football, go to a good Christian church, and tell anyone who doesn’t do any of those to get the HELL OUT all on the same day? Nowhere, America, nowhere else is as free as our great land! But the damned Commies and self-hatin’ liberals, they want to take our freedoms away! Well I say they’re FREE to get the HELL OUT! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!!


Whistler again waves the American flag high above his head as the crowd continues his USA chant. Unfortunately, this great patriotic display is soon interrupted…





Honest Frank: Honestly, what is wrong with you?


Whistler keeps waving the flag, only stopping when he realizes Honest Frank is talking.


Honest Frank: Yes, the inbred hillbilly waving a flag around in the middle of the ring.


Whistler points at himself.


Honest Frank: Oh, you figured out I’m talking to you! Congratulations, maybe there’s still hope you’ll “gadg-ee-ate” to the fourth grade.


Whistler: You sayin’ it’s wrong to love America, boy?


Honest Frank: Honestly, I do find it a bit ridiculous to love a country just because you happened to be born there. However, that isn’t my real problem with this… display. If I may be frank, which I literally am, it looks like Uncle Sam got wasted on Budweiser and threw up in the ring. So again I ask, what is wrong with you?


Whistler doesn’t respond… just sniffing the air.


Honest Frank: Now what-


Whistler: Which one of them are you?


Honest Frank: One of what?


Whistler: Are you a Commie, or a liberal?


Honest Frank: This is absurd, I-




Whistler: That’s what I thought… ya damned Red! You think you can come in here spreadin’ your lies, ya dirty Commie!? Well how about I beat you until you’re one with Lenin’s ghost!


Honest Frank: A match? Fine, if it’ll shut you up then I have no qualms with resorting to physical violence. Tonight, after the first match!




Land Mass vs. Zeus Maxmillion


“The Bronzed God” definitely had Land Mass beat in terms of better physiques, but struggled in the “being physically capable of moving my opponent” department. Zeus found himself lost the Mass’s blubbery mass and quickly tired from exhaustion trying to grapple with his corpulent opponent. Instantly breaking into a sweat in the process, Land Mass hit the exhausted Zeus Maxmillion with the Jelly Belly Suplex and then smothered him under his rolls for the pin.


Land Mass defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 6:05 by pinfall with a Jelly Belly Suplex.




Honest Frank vs. Whistler


The match started off with both men firing off flurries of punches, and that set the tone for the rest of the match. They seemed to be an equal match, brawling all across and around the ring. Fueled by a rousing “USA!!” chant, Whistler finally took full control of the match before finishing Honest Frank with the Rebel Yell. Honestly, Frank should’ve just let Whistler continue his speech about how much he loves America.


Whistler defeated Honest Frank in 5:54 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell.





The New York Doll vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

It didn’t take too many suplexes and submission holds for The New York Doll to realize he was simply outclassed technically in his match against Deeley. The dirty punk started using a variety of dirty tactics to try and even the odds, but mostly only succeeded in making the already deadly Shooter Sean angry. Deeley snapped him into a surprise Front Choke Lock, forcing NYD to submit.


Shooter Sean Deeley defeated The New York Doll in 5:46 by submission with a Front Choke Lock.




And we now go to ringside with Herb Staley and Rock Downpour.


Rock Downpour: Quite the display from these… *gasp, gasp* these two young superstars, don’t you think Herb?


Herb Staley: Well, Deeley isn’t the first professional athlete to leave America for Canada, hoping to return with the experience required to compete in a real environment. However, I’m not sure how impressed I am that his first victory here in NYCW was over a member of Blink-182.


Rock Downpour: As… *gasp* good as that was, we have quite the… *gasp* quite the main event lined up tonight, right Herb?


Herb Staley: That’s right, Stay-Puff.


Rock Downpour: Tonight, “The… *gasp*… Remarkable” Steve Flash takes on Black… *gasp*… Black *gasp*…


Downpour grabs a cheeseburger out of a large bag in front of him and begins to devour it while wiping the sweat pouring off his face.


Herb Staley: So… you’re just gonna eat the burger, then? Right. Tonight folks “The Remarkable” Steve Flash will defend his Empire title against Black Hat Bailey. Two of the most talented and experienced workers in NYCW today, it’s a match you’d regret to miss! Stay tuned!






Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright: NYCW Tri-State Regional title


Another match that quickly turned into a slugfest, with DDD and Wright simply pummeling each other around the ring and only displaying a few, rare examples of “wrestling”. The veteran’s vast experience was the deciding factor, with him countering a wayward haymaker of Dave’s with the Wright Stuff, ending the match.


Lee Wright defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 6:12 by pinfall with a Wright Stuff. Lee Wright makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.




We head backstage, where Marv Earnest is with The Sting!


Marv Earnest: Tonight Rodger Dodger, you and your partner get to be the first to take on The Mysterious Strangers. What are your thoughts on your opponents?


Rodger Dodger: My thoughts? What am I suppose to think about a couple of guys we’ve never seen before, don’t the know the real name of, don’t know the history of, and to top it all off they call themselves The Mysterious Strangers? The only thing I do know is that they wear masks, and not the “the safe word is platypus” kind either. Meaning they’re hiding… something. Definitely not a decision I’d ever make, Marv, as it’d be ludicrous to keep this beautiful face of mine hidden from the ladies out there! You, on the other hand…


Marv Earnest: Hey, my mom said I’m the handsomest man she knows!


Rodger Dodger lifts a hand to respond… but after forcing his mouth back shut, he simply pats Earnest on the shoulder and walks away.




The Mysterious Strangers vs. The Sting


It seems the first mystery The Sting managed to solve about The Strangers was whether or not they were bigger and stronger than they are. Turns out, the Strangers are. Both members of The Sting were simply overwhelmed by their opponents physical strength, Stranger #1’s in particular. Stranger #1 eventually ended the match after hitting Rodger Dodger with the Conundrum Suplex (a leaping side suplex.)


The Mysterious Strangers defeated The Sting in 5:59 when Mysterious Stranger #1 defeated Roger Dodger by pinfall with a Conundrum Suplex.





Once again, backstage! Now with the tandem of Wiley Coyote! Wiley Steinway talks, while Coyote Dynamites stands behind him looking as scary as he can.


Wiley Steinway: HoooooYEEEAAH, baby! Wiley Coyote can’t be stopped, we can’t be! We’re like a diamond plated freight train from heeeeeeeellllllYEAAAAAHHH! Tonight, Old School Principals are getting put into detentiOOOOOON! HooooooYEEAAAH, they’re goin’ down baby! They don’t know, you don’t know, WWEEEEEEE don’t know because BOOM goes the-


Wiley and Coyote fist bump, releasing it in a mock explosion.


Coyote Dynamite: DYN-O-MIIIIIIIITE!






Wiley Coyote vs. Old School Principals: NYCW Tag Team titles


Boom goes the dynamite, indeed. Both halves of Wiley Coyote came out firing, taking turns bludgeoning The Masked Mauler around the ring. It wasn’t until Rick Sanders came into the ring and tied up Wiley Steinway with some mat work that the explosive duo were slowed down a bit. Sanders went to work, using his surgical precision to dismantle Steinway… until Steinway knocked him down with a desperation clothesline. Both crawled to their corners, leading to a hot tag for Coyote Dynamite! Coyote beat both members of OSP senseless, but the referee ended up getting distracted while trying to force Sanders to the apron. The Mauler took advantage by kicking Coyote below the belt, leading to him easily locking in the Iron Claw. Stunned from the cheap shot, Coyote Dynamite was forced to submit.


Old School Principals defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:13 when The Masked Mauler defeated Coyote Dynamite by submission with an Iron Claw after blatantly cheating. Old School Principals make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.




Amazing how many times you end up going backstage when you have a two hour show, isn’t it? Well, here we go again! Somewhere in a galaxy far, far away, Grandmaster Phunk is in Jabba’s Palace, pleading for him to release Han Solo from the carbonite.




Or he’s just in Land Mass’s locker room, right here in New York.


Land Mass: Me Land Mass not have much patience for weak man… but me Land Mass shall listen.


Grandmaster Phunk: Well, here’s the down-lo, daddy-O. What I need is the coolest of the cold cats. A real man who can watch my back in exchange for the Grandmaster’s… services.


On cue, a bevy of nameless, scantily clad girls walk into the camera shot and start rubbing on the corpulent form that is Land Mass.


Land Mass: Me Land Mass think he could watch back.


Grandmaster Phunk: Right on brotha, right on! Now if we’re gonna commensurate to collaborate, then my brotha… I’d like to ask you to kindly remove these gentlemen with the cameras from your most eloquent of establishments.


Land Mass: Hey, skinny cameraman (it should be noted the cameraman is 30 pounds overweight… anorexic by Land Mass standards)! Me Land Mass say leave before me Land Mass eat camera!


Without hesitation, the cameraman complies and shuts the door before Land Mass is forced to stand up (and possibly sparing him a stroke.) Behind the closed door, Grandmaster Phunk and Land Mass continue to discuss a new matter in muffled words.





Grandmaster Phunk vs. American Machine

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d12/JodoKastTRL/NYCW/play.jpg

American Machine waited patiently for Grandmaster Phunk to finish his conversation, and finally we were under way. The ever ****y Phunk found out the hard way that strutting around the ring and playing to the crowd wasn’t cool in the Machine’s book, as American Machine proceeded to use his overwhelming strength to pitch Phunk around like a ragdoll. Significantly smaller than his opponent, Phunk managed to use his superior agility to keep American Machine off balance. Phunk finally slipped up and got caught by American Machine who set him up for a Powerbomb, but Phunk drove a pair of fists back down in Machine’s face, stunning him long enough for Grandmaster Phunk to counter into the Phunkensteiner, putting away the powerhouse.


Grandmaster Phunk defeated American Machine in 9:56 by pinfall with a Phunkensteiner.






Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash: NYCW Empire title


Both men started trying to grapple with one another, testing each other with neither really gaining any long term advantage. Bailey eventually managed to isolate Flash’s arm and worked on it for a good two minutes before Flash struck back by spring boarding off the second rope and using his caught arm to toss Black Hat Bailey across the ring. The match descended into Flash using high risk moves while Bailey tried to keep him grounded… only to find Flash was about an equal match there as well. Growing annoyed with the slippery Steve, Black Hat Bailey eventually lost his cool and outright charged Flash… only to get caught with the Flash Bang, leading to Steve Flash remaining the NYCW Empire champion.


Steve Flash defeated Black Hat Bailey in 12:01 by pinfall with a Flash Bang. Steve Flash makes defence number 1 of his NYCW Empire title.






Steve Flash is “celebrating” (see standing around with a vacant look on your face while holding the a belt) his successful title defense, when some funky music plays, signaling the arrival of Grandmaster Phunk.


Grandmaster Phunk: Out of sight my brotha, out of sight.


Flash looks at him.


Grandmaster Phunk: Ya know, the Grandmaster confesses a most envious feeling when I lay eyes upon that golden strap, my funky soul brotha. Perhaps we could work out an arrangement for a little competive engagement over that shiny gold belt of yours, ya dig?


Flash looks to the crowd, then back at Grandmaster Phunk. He shrugs and shakes his head signaling “sure”.


Grandmaster Phunk: Good to see we are in agreement. And here I was thinkin’ this whole situation was getting’ kinda quirky…




Gasp! Somehow, Land Mass has appeared in the ring right behind Steve Flash! Surely Flash would’ve felt him enter the ring?


Grandmaster Phunk: Too bad you ain’t nothin’ but a jive turkey!


On cue, Land Mass throws a flabby forearm across Steve Flash’s back, sending him tumbling to the mat! Grandmaster Phunk struts around in celebration as Land Mass lays his massive boots to the back of Flash (it’s A LOT of weight coming down) before lifting him up and tossing him into the corner. Phunk yells at Land Mass while pointing at Flash. The 400 plus pounder complies, and OBLITERATES Steve Flash by charging in and connecting with the Ten Ton Avalanche, shaking the ring and causing a sick cracking noise to emit from Flash’s body! Phunk rolls into the ring and kneels down next to broken Steve Flash.


Grandmaster Phunk: C’mon brotha, you know that right there was straight up cold blooded. You ain’t never seen that Mass comin’ to whoop yo’ ass! See ya at the next show, turkey.


Grandmaster Phunk drops the microphone on Flash’s back, leaving the ring alongside Land Mass. They casually stroll past the medics who filter into the arena, attending to a completely unmoving Steve Flash.





Overall Rating: C-


OOC: Still trying to get my feel for NYCW, and how to format everything... I took some influence from the Generation Supreme Diary, though I admittingly found adding in all the music links and quotes and such a bit weird.

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Is... Honest Frank's theme song "The Man Who Sold The World"? Because I can almost see that for the New York Doll, but Frank?




I have a hard time seeing anything for The New York Doll that isn't some form of punk rock.


I dunno... for some reason in my head I just saw Frank coming out to that song.


Edit: Crap, I see what you mean. The New York Doll currently has the wrong music... lemme fix that.

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Also the names of American Machine and Phunk should be reversed, for easier acces to the names, pictures, music do a roster review witht ehm included so you can copy paste for future reference.


Also NYCW ain't EWA my brother unless you change the settings the fans actually care if people can wrestle as it is 50/50.

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Also the names of American Machine and Phunk should be reversed, for easier acces to the names, pictures, music do a roster review witht ehm included so you can copy paste for future reference.


Also NYCW ain't EWA my brother unless you change the settings the fans actually care if people can wrestle as it is 50/50.


Oh, I know. Big part of why two of the first guys I signed were Zeus Maxmillion and Shooter Sean Deeley. Thankfully the 50/50 means I can also use the occaisonal talentless monster that I'm ever so found of.


In this case, Land Mass... who like LFM before him is in his mid 40s and showing no signs of age. Here's to hoping the Mass stays until he's 60!

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Oh, I know. Big part of why two of the first guys I signed were Zeus Maxmillion and Shooter Sean Deeley. Thankfully the 50/50 means I can also use the occaisonal talentless monster that I'm ever so found of.


In this case, Land Mass... who like LFM before him is in his mid 40s and showing no signs of age. Here's to hoping the Mass stays until he's 60!


That would be wonderful.


Almost as wonderful as Grunt uniting the SWF and TCW titles.

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Bring back Massive Problem then! Ok so I am a Big Problem mark sue me hehe.


That would be wonderful.


Almost as wonderful as Grunt uniting the SWF and TCW titles.




Massive Problem...


Nation of Filth...


At this rate, Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright better hurry up and retire so I can have some more roster space! I'm already running slightly heavier than I normally do.

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A Wanderer No More?


NEW YORK CITY, New York- Following a stellar show last night with NYCW Rush Hour, NYCW.com is proud to report that while the superstars of the Tri-State area’s number one traditional promotion rest after their performance, the rest of the company continues to function at full capacity. Early reports say that the still unidentified head booker’s early signings of Zeus Maxmillion and Shooter Sean Deeley may only be the beginning of a company wide effort to re-energize NYCW and build for the future. Either that, or those are desperation moves to replace the slews of men on social security they both employ and focus their shows on. No matter the case, NYCW.com is proud to report that the small rash of new signings in recent weeks continues, as NYCW has successfully completed negotiations with former 4C star, Nomad (aka Shane D. Pain). It is unknown in what capacity the young Canadian will be used in, but may show up as early as the very next NYCW show.





Nomad has joined NYCW!

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Quick Picks:

Sammy The Shark vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Lee Wright ©: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. Old School Principals ©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title



NYCW Question Of The Day:


Will you be buying the new “Land Mass, Too Sexy For His Shirt” 12 month calendar from the NYCW.com store?


  • Yes, for myself
  • Yes, for someone else
  • I’m not sure yet
  • No
  • I want to, but can’t afford it

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Quick Picks:

Sammy The Shark vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Zeus Maxmillion vs. Lee Wright ©: NYCW Tri-State Regional title

The Mysterious Strangers vs. Old School Principals ©: NYCW Tag Team titles

Land Mass vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

American Machine vs. Black Hat Bailey

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Steve Flash ©: NYCW Empire title



NYCW Question Of The Day:


Will you be buying the new “Land Mass, Too Sexy For His Shirt” 12 month calendar from the NYCW.com store?


* Yes, for myself

* Yes, for someone else

* I’m not sure yet

* No

* I want to, but can’t afford it

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