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IPW Aloha from the Island

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December Week 1 2007


TCW Worker Giant Tana, aka Tana the Mighty, real name Tana Muliaina, has asked for and has been granted his release. Tana himself has had no official comment but TCW management has put forth a statement saying the release was amicable and that they wish the him good luck in his future endeavors.


December Week 2 2007


Rumors have been flying this past week with more Samoan’s leaving their positions at other companies. Rhino Umaga, Samoan Machine, Kanoishi, Kid Toma and Akima Brave have all resigned from their respective companies. This in and off itself is weird but with the copyright of the name Island Pro Wrestling, things are really starting to get interesting.


December Week 3 2007


It is official IPW or Island Pro Wrestling, will be opening its doors in early 2008. All of the extended Samoan family have all signed written contracts with the company and the official paperwork says that Tana Muliaina himself is the president of the company.


In other wrestling news two other workers have jumped ship from big companies to join the Samoans in Hawaii. The manager of Samoan Wildboyz, BJ O’Neil and lower card TCW worker Clark Alexander, both native Hawaiians have gotten their releases from there respective companies and signed with IPW.


December Week 4


Samoan Tribal Warrior and his partner Java from USPW have signed on to IPW with per appearance contracts as have Australian workers Jimmy Stratosphere, a Hawaiian of Japanese decent, and Motty Kuroda and Clark Alexander’s sister the referee for BSC, Heather Halo. And in a surprise signing total unknown just out of training and working on the indy scene in Mexico, Lobo Solitario signed with the small but growing company.


January Week 1


After the slow build over a month of signing people linked with the Hawaiian Islands IPW went on a huge signing spree. It appears they have sewn up pretty much the rest of their roster in one week. In ring talent D.C. Rayne, Eddie Howard, Frankie Dee, Frankie Perez, Mainstream Hernandez, JD Morgan, Jeremy Jazz, Kirk Jameson, Hell’s Bouncer, Remmy Skye, Steve Flash and Ace Youngblood have signed on. Non-competitors Bret Graveson, Crippler Ray Kingman, Alexis Lee Littlefeather, Marty Papin, Sara Silver and Brains McGhee have also all signed on.

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IPW Roster


Bali So'oialo


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Machine

Entrance Music:

Character: Bali is the total wrestling machine of the Samoan family. He doesn’t worry about how he looks to others or being flashy all he wants to do is dismantle his opponents. Probably the most sound in ring performer of his group he matches up well with his partner in Samoan Destruction Inc, Rav Umaga.


Clark Alexander


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Traditionalist

Entrance Music: Forty Six & 2

Character: Clark Alexander is the proud Hawaiian warrior, a credit to the islands and a follower of island tradition. He is respected and loved by the locals as a hero and he always returns that respect. Clark comes to the ring with his girl-next-door sister Heather Alexander.


D.C. Rayne


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Bad Ass

Entrance Music:

Character: D.C. Rayne is a two time MAW Tag Team champion with partner Eddie Howard. Both workers are tough as nails fighters who have never backed down from a fight. Rayne brings the technical aspect to the team and has an impressive amount of powerful suplexes in his arsenal.




Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Martial Artist

Entrance Music: Japanese Music

Character: Dee is a hyper intense martial artist who looks to show that his training in the arts will allow him to defeat all opponents. Also called “The White Angel”, Dee is thought ot have some of the fastest feet in the business. Dee always shows honor to his opponents regardless of their intentions but once battle begins this young man takes no prisoners.


Eddie Howard


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Bad Ass

Entrance Music:

Character: Eddie Howard is a two time MAW Tag Team champion with partner D.C. Rayne. Both workers are tough as nails fighters who have never backed down from a fight. Howard is the larger of the two workers and brings an intense and powerful brawling game to the team.


Frankie Perez


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Extremist

Entrance Music: So What?

Character: “P-Dawg”, Frankie Perez a current holder of the CZCW Tag Team Championship title has come across the ocean with his partner to bring the Coastal Zones own philosophy of ‘extreme’ wrestling to the island. Perez is known to do whatever it takes to win even if it means sacrificing his own body in the process. With Remmy Skye as Future Shock they will look to take IPWs Tag Team division by storm.


James Hernandez


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Blue Chipper

Entrance Music:

Character: James “Mainstream” Hernandez is a fast rising young star who cut his teeth in MAW. Now this future star is looking to prove his worth all over the US. Although Hernandez may be a future star he still has a lot to prove and looks to test his skills against the veterans in IPW as well as on the other island Puerto Rico with FCW.




Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Savage

Entrance Music:

Character: Java is a vicious savage who would sooner eat your heart than talk to you He has been in a long time team with fellow brute Tribal Warrior and they have been multiple time USPW Tag Team champions. Savage Fury are the personal guard to explorer Sir Finneus McGhee and follow the diminutive adventurer wherever he goes.


JD Morgan


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Man On A Mission

Entrance Music: Spiders

Character: Morgan may be getting on in years but he still has shown he has what it takes to keep up with the times. For years he managed to stand out in DaVE with his technical skill and now he comes to IPW with but one mission, to become IPW All-Island Champion. JD Morgan is single minded in his goal and will let nothing stand in his way.


Jeremy Jazz


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Man On A Mission

Entrance Music:

Character: “Free Form” Jeremy Jazz is a young and utterly inexperienced who has but one thing on his mind, prove he can stand with the veterans. Jazz takes a methodical approach to his mission, knowing that it may be awhile before he racks up the wins and eventually show the veterans what he is made of. For now he never gives up, he always gives it his all with the knowledge that one day he will have achieved his goals.


Jimmy Stratosphere


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Fun Babyface

Entrance Music: House of the Rising Sun

Character: One half of The Rising Sun, the Australian born Japanese, Jimmy Stratosphere is like his partner, Motty Kuroda, a fun loving, good time guy. Both you workers seem to have not a care for the world and they play to the crowd with their antics and shenanigans.



Kirk Jameson


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Blue Chipper

Entrance Music:

Character: Kirk is the next generation of wrestler and he knows it. Unlike some future star he doesn’t put forth his greatness, or demand his shots. Jameson works hard and gives respect where respect is due. All he asks is a chance to prove him talent to himself and to his peers.


Lobo Solitario


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Loner

Entrance Music: Pistolero

Character: Lobo Solitario is an utter unknown and he prefers to stay that way. He walks the halls of IPW alone, shunning all contact with others for his brooding. The lone wolf looks to carve a name for himself but will not ride anyone coat tales and he outright refuses to work as a tag team with anyone.


Malili Umaga


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Evolution

Entrance Music:

Character: Tama So’oialo with his partner Malili Umaga see themselves as the next wave of wrestling. Where as some live in the traditions of the past and some bask in the glories of the present, they believe they are the future of this sport and of Samoa. Malili matches in impressive aerial game with an intense ground game and brings these talents to The Samoan Wildboyz.





Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Grim Reaper

Entrance Music: Raining Blood

Character: Death has come to IPW and its name is Mortis. Mortis seeks to take the souls of all those who stand in its way. None are safe while death stalks the halls of IPW for even the strongest, the smartest, the biggest and the most experience eventually succumb to the reapers touch.


Mosi Tua


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Sumo

Entrance Music:

Character: Cousin to Tana Muliaina, Mosi Tua is nearly as large as his giant relative. Mosi has not only the height but the girth of a sumo wrestler having fought in that sport before stepping in the ring with The Kings of Samoa. Mosi is the most loyal to his cousin and seemingly the only Samoan King with some moral code learned from his years of sumo.


Motty Kuroda


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Fun Babyface

Entrance Music: House of the Rising Sun

Character: One half of The Rising Sun, the Australian born Japanese, Motty Kuroda is like his partner, Jimmy Stratosphere, a fun loving, good time guy. Both you workers seem to have not a care for the world and they play to the crowd with their antics and shenanigans.


Rav Umaga


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Savage

Entrance Music:

Character: Rav Umaga is the antithesis of his partner and cousin Bali So’oialo. Bali is a systematic wrestler whose moves show forethough, where as Rav is just a raving wild man whose strikes are as unpredictable as they are deadly. Rav is the bruiser of The Kings of Samoa who does the dirty work that Tana sees fit not to do.


Remmy Skye


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Thrill Seeker

Entrance Music: So What?

Character: Remmy Skye never met a height he wouldn’t jump from. Skye is the ultimate thrill seeker moving from one thrill to another and wrestling gives him that thrill. Known as “The King of the Ladder Match” Skye has leapt from some of the tallest ladders in existence just to see if he could. Remmy matches up well with the extreme nature of his partner Frankie Perez and together as Future Shock they will give their bodies over to the sport.


Steve Flash


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed

Entrance Music: Spirit in the Sky

Character: Steve Flash is, was and always has been Steve Flash. When he comes to the ring he is exactly what he claims to be, a well respected veteran of the sport. Flash doesn’t use big words or at over the top gear, he uses pure talent in all aspects of the game and for this he is looked up to by friends and fans and feared by enemies.


Tama So'oialo


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Evolution

Entrance Music:

Character: Tama So’oialo with his partner Malili Umaga see themselves as the next wave of wrestling. Where as some live in the traditions of the past and some bask in the glories of the present, they believe they are the future of this sport and of Samoa. Tama embodies the speed and agility of the modern wrestler and brings these talents to The Samoan Wildboyz.


Tana Muliaina


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Giant

Entrance Music:

Character: Tana Muliana is the leader of The Kings of Samoa and for good reason; he stands heads and shoulder above his relatives. He leads due to his strength and size and the other follow the giant with a sort of reverence. Tana literally throws his weight around in the ring manhandling smaller opponents, which is just about everyone.


Tribal Warrior


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Savage

Entrance Music:

Character: Tribal Warrior is the long time partner of Java. Although of Samoan Heritage he is not a member of the extended Samoan Family that makes up The Kings of Samoa. Warrior is fierce and savage but has been some what tamed by Sir Finneus McGhee who uses Savage Fury as his own personal bodyguard.




Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Native American

Entrance Music:

Character: Youngblood embodies the warrior spirit of his native ancestors, brining honor to their names by meeting others in combat in the ring. He carries himself tall as he comes to the ring with fellow native Littlefeather. Youngblood much like his name says is some what green in the ring but he strives to be the best no matter what his skill level.


Tag Teams


Future Shock

Frankie Perez & Remmy Skye



Natural Storm

D.C. Rayne & Eddie Howard



Samoan Destruction Inc.

Bali So’oialo & Rav Umaga



Savage Fury

Java & Tribal Warrior



The Rising Sun

Jimmy Stratosphere & Motty Kuroda



The Samoan Wildboyz

Malili Umaga & Tama So’oialo





The Kings of Samoa

Leader: Tana Muliaina

Members: Bali So'oialo, Malili Umaga, Mosi Tua, Rav Umaga Tama So'oialo








BJ O’Neil


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Bitch

Clients: The Kings of Samoa

Character: BJ O’Neil came to IPW with her team The Samoan Wildboyz. A native Hawaiian herself BJ believes that she should rule the promotion as a kind of queen of Hawaii. BJ looks down her nose at all others and especially hate the only other Hawaiian born female Heather Alexander.


Heather Alexander


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Girl-Next-Door

Client: Clark Alexander

Character: Like her brother Heather represents what is best about Hawaii. She has the friendly attitude with an intrinsically Hawaiian flare. Dressed as a traditional hula dancer she playfully hands out leis when accompanying Clark to the ring.




Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Native American

Client: Youngblood

Character: Littlefeather plays off her Native American blood much like her client/boyfriend Youngblood. A little less traditional and a little more sexy but that doesn’t seem to bother the fans. When she does talk she still comes off as a proud native who truly loves her people and culture.


Sir Finneus McGhee


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Adventurer

Clients: Savage Fury

Character: McGhee is the great white hunter, except for his diminutive size. He likes to talk about past adventures cutting through the jungles of Borneo or traveling the savannas in Africa. Savage fury are his native carriers and bodyguards who follow his whim as he attempts to “civilize” them.


Announce Team


Marty Papin


Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Staff Member

Character: Marty is a company man, he knows his job and he does it well without really picking sides. Because his partner Sara Silver usually does pick sides, Marty often finds himself defending the faces of IPW.


Sara Silver


Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Bitch

Character: Sara hates goody two shoes and she takes every opportunity to say so. The only thing she hates more than goody goody guys are any other women. Sara constantly runs down all the faces of IPW and although she touts all the greatness of The Kings of Samoa she has an intrinsic hatred for BJ O’Neil.




IPW All-Island Championship title

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IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship titles

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Monday January Week 2 2008


IPW Proudly Presents… Sharks Infested Waters


Shark filled waters will be the premiere event for IPW and will show case all of our top talent. Both the IPW All-Island Championship title and the IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship titles will find their first homes around the waists of some of our competitors.


IPW All-Island Championship title tournament


Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga


Hawaiian Native and defender of Island tradition goes up against one half of The Samoan Wildboyz, the new evolution in wrestling, Malili Umaga in what could prove to be one of the top matches on the show.


James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina


Hernandez may be young but some one must have some faith in him by putting him in this tournament. The faith in his skill my not be misplaced but his ability to beat the giant that is Tana Muliaina has yet to be seen.


Steve Flash vs Mortis


Veteran Steve Flash has fought all over the US and now brings his talents to bear against the angel of death himself Mortis. Flash give much away in size but the heart of the veteran is not lacking and if anyone can stand against death itself it may be Steve Flash.


Youngblood vs JD Morgan


The native warrior spirit takes on wily veteran tactics as Youngblood seeks to topple former DaVE mainstay JD Morgan. Morgan brings almost a decade more experience but his single minded ambition has blinded him before, will that be enough for Youngblood to find a chink in Morgan’s armor.


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship title match


CZCW Tag Team champions look to add a second belt to their names. They came to IPW a fresh tag team and have chosen their tag team name here. Savage Fury are two time USPW Tag Team champions and no stranger to title matches. Both teams have the experience but Savage Fury comes with diminutive manager Sir Finneus McGhee and that may well be the tipping point.


Quick Pick Sheet


IPW All-Island Championship title tournament

Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga

James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina

Steve Flash vs Mortis

Youngblood vs JD Morgan


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship title match

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IPW All-Island Championship title tournament

Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga

Umaga is the man

James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina

No way Tana is cool jobbing to someone with less overness in his own company!

Steve Flash vs Mortis

Hey, every tournament I've ever had Flash end had he reach the finals

Youngblood vs JD Morgan

Should set up an excellent match between him and Flash


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

Naturally, I feel the talentless monsters should beat the talented small guys

IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship title match

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I am diggin' this diary already!!!


IPW All-Island Championship title tournament

Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga

I gotta funny feeling about this tourney. . .


James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina

As the owner, I assume Tana will push himself quite far.


Steve Flash vs Mortis

You gotta have a bona fide face in the tourney and who betta than Steve Flash?


Youngblood vs JD Morgan

Ace is a bona fide star in my diary and I think you could use him juuuuuuust right. *crosses fingers*


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship title match

I'd like to see FS work towards a great title match down the road.

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Yay Apupunchau@optonline! I'm def. following this diary!


IPW All-Island Championship title tournament

Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga

Malili could be your franchise player if booked right. I've always been a fan of him in the SWF. So, with that being said, I'd go with him in this match.


James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina

James Hernandez can be seen as a great ego-centric youngster... The perfect heel in my eyes to any respectable wrestling fan. With him working as a face, I can see you working out a suave'esque kind of persona for him. If he was a heel, I would say he could lose and still pose as a strong character as it's his ego that would ultimately polarize him. However, as a face, I could see you trying to work him up the ranks. With that being said... Tana has more of the IPW feel to him. Plus, I'd love to see Tana and Malili have to face off against one and other for the title in the end.


Steve Flash vs Mortis


Why? Because it's Steve Flash. He brings a "Legit" sense to your main event. The king of wrestler that every upstart company needs towards the top. For that, I say Flash.


Youngblood vs JD Morgan


Youngblood seems like a promising character, however, JD Morgan is another personal fav. of mine. If he was more of a flier he would probably be in my X-WA diary. With that being said, personally I like JD morgan in this match.


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship title match


My gut is telling me that Future Shock will win since that team has more "star power" (well, atleast future star power)... However, I'd love to see Savage Fury come away with the win. The perfect monster heel team... Tearing through the company until a team can ultimately stand up to them!

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Opening Ceremonies...


The Giant Samoan Tana Muliaina comes to the ring with his personal assistant BJ O'Neil. Tana talks about the beginning of a “New Era” in wrestling. He says “long have the Samoans been a dominant force in wrestling and it is only fitting that their now be a promotion run by and for the Samoan people.” Tana talks up the competitive nature of the island peoples and says that IPW will be no less a competitive place. He talks about this first show and how Shark filled waters represents exactly what IPW is about, IPW is an ocean full of predators where it is eat or be eaten. He also claims that he is the big fish both figuratively and literally due to both his size and the fact that this is his promotion. BJ doesn't say much but she does like quite fetching her very low cut semi-business attire, she does pipe in a few words spurred on by the intensity of Tana's speech.


Rating: C+


Family Ties...


After Tana gets the fans riled up about finally having a promotion the islands can call their own he makes time to introduce what he calls The Kings of Samoa. “These kings, heirs to a throne of wrestling greatness, will rule over IPW,” says Tana. He goes on to claim that they will be the most dominant force in all of wrestling. First he brings out The Samoan Wildboyz, Malili Umaga and Tama So'oialo. The two smaller Samoans play up to the crowd showing off some of their aerial antics by doing assorted flips around the ring. Next he brings out Mosi Tua who lumbers his way down the ramp and shakes the ring as he enters. The giant Samoan dressed in his traditional sumo stares angrily out at the crowd. Finally out come Samoan Destruction Inc., Bali So'oialo and Rav Umaga. The last two Samoan warriors are total contrasts each other. Bali stands in the ring with a stoic almost zen like stillness, while Rav paces back and forth looking ready to pounce on the first thing that makes a sudden move. As each of the “kings” comes out to the ring BJ does her best Vanna White impersonation to showcase the warrior.


Rating: C-


Clark Alexander vs Malili Umaga


The match opened up in a classic collar and elbow tie up but soon went from classic to brutal as these two warriors went %110 all the way. Malili took control of the match first with standing drop kick followed immediately by s standing senton before Clark could react. Daze the Samoan continued to built momentum using his an assortment of kicks, splashes and sentons while Alexander was still on the floor.


The tide turned when Umaga made his first top rope move trying to frog splash Alexande, who rolled out of the way. Still beaten Alexander wasn’t quick to the offense so the two were back in a standing position trading blows for a bit. Malili went for an Irish Whip to give Clark some momentum but it was turned around and Alexander grabbed the flier around the waste and sent him flying with a Release German Suplex. Malili was obviously dazed by this move and left himself open to get taken for a few more rides as Alexander chained two German Suplexes and a Fisherman’s Suplex almost getting the pin but Malili found the will to push out.


The match went back and forth for awhile longer and the fans were on their feet. Clark was down after the Samoan Suplex but Malili wanted to show how great he was and went up for the Suicide Headbutt. Clark found the little bit of strength to roll away and Umaga’s head crashed into the mat. Clark hit the Hawaiian Breaker and pinned Malili for the win.


Winner: Clark Alexander

Rating: B-


A Samoan Rebuttal...


Unhappy with his loss Malili Umaga attacks Clark Alexander from behind. When Clark turns around to defend himself from the attack Tana and Tama come running down the ramp catching him from behind yet again. Clark takes his beating and is left bleeding on the floor as The Kings of Samoa head triumphantly to the back.


Rating: C-


Youngblood vs JD Morgan


JD Morgan obviously dominated this match up right from the beginning. He probably could have put Youngblood away quite a few times but dragged out the attacks so he could showcase his moves. Morgan not only dominated but came out looking really good. Youngblood finally submitted to the Cross Atlantic Stretch while a horrified Littefeather looked on.


Winner: JD Morgan

Rating: D-


James Hernandez vs Tana Muliaina


The boss put James Hernandez away in just under six minutes. The lightweight Hernandez was no match for the super heavyweight Muliaina. The monstrous giant almost ripped the young blue chipper in half at one point during the match. Haggard in the corner James was finally, although not mercifully, hit with the Big Fat Samoan Splash, before falling limply to the floor.


Winner: Tana Muliaina

Rating: C


Steve Flash vs Mortis


Steve Flash put up a hell of a fight against Mortis but the Angel of Death was not to be deterred. The wily veteran strategically kept out of the monsters reach using his superior speed to launch a number of hit and run tactics. All this did though was infuriate the masked super heavyweight who finally unleashed his fury on Flash.


Mortis layed in punch after punch sending Flash for a loop and even got the Remarkable one up into The Reaping. But even after his finisher Mortis wouldn’t stop, he kpt laying the boots into Flash repeatedly. Bret Graveson tried to step in but the ref was pushed aside. Finally Bret called for the bell and announced Steve Flash the winner by DQ.


Winner: Mortis

Rating: D+


Sore Loser…


Mortis stands over the fall Steve Flash staring at the battered veteran. Irate that not only did the ref disqualify him but also now stands between him and his prey Mortis flings Bret Graveson out of the ring. Mortis lifts Flash up clean over his head showing off his power ad lets out a roar. Flash is dropped from the height onto Mortis’ knee in a devastating backbreaker. The masked killer then lays into Flash with boots and fists until security can come out and rescue the veteran. Even the vast numbers don’t intimidate Mortis and a few of the guards are forced to sacrifice their bodies so Flash can be pulled out of the ring, before escaping themselves. As Mortis finally leaves the ring the fans against the guardrail can be seen backing away from the death machine.


Rating: C+


Savage Fury I Presume…


Before their match Java and Tribal Warrior are brought to the ring by Sir Finneus McGhee. The diminutive adventure takes the time to talk about his days in the jungles of Borneo where he found Java and how he hunted for lost treasure. Now he has another treasure in mind, the IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship titles. He expects that as they have in the past his savages will bring him that which he desires. He says he seen his warriors take on jungle cats with their bare hands so the two fleas that make up Future Shock should put up very little fight for the monsters. For their part Java and Tribal Warrior just stand their and look mean, until they start pushing each other and almost break out into a fist fight which McGhee has to break up.


Rating: D-


Future Shock vs Savage Fury

For the IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship titles


The first tag team match in IPW saw veteran big brawlers Savage Fury take on young lightweights Future Shock. The match was good but unremarkable for the most part, except for the performance by Frankie Perez. Both Tribal Warrior and Remmy Skye seemed slightly off for the evening, showing their inconsistent talent.


McGhee did a good job of ordering around his giants while also distracting the ref and the opponents. At one point it seemed Graveson was going to eject the adventurer but a savage stare from Java made him think twice. The match had a lot of outside the ring action and Bret seemed to let a lot more slide or at least missed a number of chair shots and hidden weapons.


The match ended in the ring when Tribal Warrior crunched Remmy Skye with the Head Hunter Special. Remmy was pinned easily and Savage Fury awarded the title belts. Java and Tribal Warrior didn’t hold them long as Sir Finneus took them and held on to them like found treasure.


Winner: Savage Fry

Rating: D+


Speak for the Islands…


Clark Alexander comes to the ring with his sister Heather in tow to make a few statements before his match. Clark seems to be favoring his left leg a bit and bruises can be seen on his right arm and chest. Alexander talks about Tana not being te final word for all the Islands. He says that Tana and his Kings of Samoa are naught but savage, whereas the peoples of Hawaiian are a proud and dignified people who would not stoop to the strong arm tactics of the Kings. He promises that his injuries will not keep him down and that he will give Tana his all in their fight for the IPW All-Island Championship title. Clark’s words are a little curt but heartfelt and are helped along by Heather wandering around the ring in her hula girl outfit and motioning for the crowd to cheer at the appropriate moments.


Rating: C


Clark Alexander vs Tana Muliaina


Clark and Tana met up in round two of the IPW All-Island Championship tournament and put on a good show. Tana couldn’t quite dominate the light heavyweight Clark like he did his first round opponent James Hernandez but he still managed to do quite a bit of damage. The match was mainly an old school slugfest with both men trying to keep his balance after a big hit from the other.


A little before six minutes Clark tried to get Tana up to hit the Hawaiian Breaker but had trouble getting the giant off the ground. When it appeared that he was just about to lift Muliaina, Alexander was attack from behind by The Samoan Wildboyz. Tama distracted Bret, while Malili took out Clark at the knees. Malili held Clark in the corner for Tana to hit with the Big Fat Samoan Sqaush and then left ringside followed by Tama. Bret finally got back into reffing the match just in time to see Tana pin Clark.


Winner: Tana Muliaina

Rating: C


Steve Flash vs JD Morgan


Steve Flash and JD Morgan put on a classic, a really clinic in old school technical wrestling. JD Morgan took the early advantage as he came out of the gate with a single minded intensity of a man hunting for gold. Flash was grounded as Morgan rolled through hold after hold. JD even got the first near fall at less the five minutes after a Northern Lights Suplex.


After taking a beating Flash finally got his second wins as the sold out crowd cheered for him to get up. Chants of holy s*#$ rang through the halls as Flash hit three consecutive standing drop kicks, which is damn good at 25 let alone 41. Flash rocked Morgan with a number of open right hands and hit a suplex of his own, a German Suplex. With JD down, Steve hit the top rope and came down with a really nice Flying Elbow.


The match went on like this for over twenty minutes with the momentum switching back and forth throughout. At the end both men were tiring and barely able to stand from the abuse they had been dishing out to each other. Morgan went for a last ditch rush attack but Flash maneuvered himself and caught JD with the Flash Bang, but was barely able to get the pinfall.


Winner: Steve Flash

Rating: B-


Steve Flash vs Tana Muliaina

For the IPW All-Island Championship titles


The main event was a little bit of a let down from the previous JD Morgan/Steve Flash match up. Flash put up one hell of a fight but he just couldn’t stand up to the Giant IPW owner so soon after the beating he received from Morgan. Unlike his first match Tana far from dominated but unlike his match against Clark Alexander he didn’t need to resort to using his family to win. Steve faltered just after six minutes and got whipped in to the corner and then hit with the Big Fat Samoan Squash.


Winner: Tana Muliania

Rating: C


Overall Rating: C-

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Well there's the first show I'd like to spice it up with some graphics or something. I don't know if I should add the theme songs to each match like some others have been doing. I'm not sure if I should put in the worker pics and if I do should I do it for the just the matches or just the angles or both.
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Yay for Tana winning! He's a great starting champion for the IPW! however, I was super shocked to see Malili losing so quickly within the show. It could be good though as you can slowly build him up (despite probably being one of the more over workers) but, in the end, could make for some great "Rising Malili" angles.


Great first show!


Well there's the first show I'd like to spice it up with some graphics or something. I don't know if I should add the theme songs to each match like some others have been doing. I'm not sure if I should put in the worker pics and if I do should I do it for the just the matches or just the angles or both.


If you think the diary needs it then go for it! My problem with adding all of that is it takes a lot of time out of the process and that's ultimately the reason why previous diaries that I've tried never worked (As I spent too much time of that versus the overall story). Either way, go with what you think will ultimately keep you interested more. If you think pictures and music and such will add to your overall writing then go for it... If you think that it will become too much of a hassle to constantly post them within the write-up, then go without!

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IPW News


Both titles found their first champions at Shark Infested Waters and unsurprisingly both belts are held by a Samoan. Tana Muliana, leader of The kings of Samoan and acknowledged owner of IPW, won the IPW All-Island Championship title. Tana defeated James Hernandez, Clark Alexander and finally Steve Flash to become the first ever All-Island Champion.


Unlike the All-Island Championship, the All-Island Tag Team Championships were determined in a single one fall match up. Sir Finneus McGhee led his team Savage Fury to a victory over CZCW Tag Team champions Future Shock.


After a severe beatdown and some underhanded tactics during his match with Tana Muliana, Clark Alexander issued a statement. He said that he is doing alright despite his injuries and looks forward to getting another shot at the Samoans, especially Tana for the All-Island Championship.


Steve Flash also took a severe beating after his opening match with Mortis. It was a surprise to most that he even made it through to the final. Rumor is that Mortis himself will be making a statement at the next show.

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Monday Week 1 February


IPW Proudly Presents… Warrior’s Heart


IPW opened its doors by showing you the island’s biggest predators. But Hawaii is also known for its fierce warriors and their passion for battle. They maybe savage and sometimes even brutal but every warrior looks to show his true self in battle, they will show their Warrior’s Heart


James Hernandez vs Lobo Solitario


From out of no where the masked lone wolf ambushes his prey, but James Hernandez will definitely be seeing Lobo Solitario coming from across the ring. Was James’ loss to Tana a sign of further losses to come or will he beat the unknown X factor of the lone wolf?


Dee vs Jeremy Jazz


“The White Angel” Dee bring his martial arts background to bear against young all arounder “Free Form” Jeremy Jazz. It’ll be a battle of stiff kicks versus fluid motion as both these young workers make their IPW debut.


Future Shock vs Samoan Destruction Inc.


Future Shock took a loss in the first All-Island Tag Team title match but look to earn their way back into another title shot by beating Samoan Destruction Inc. in a tag team match. If the actions of Tana and The Samoan Wildboyz are any indication their cousins should be intense opponents, especially with their previous tag tam experience.


Natural Storm vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Natural Storm make their IPW debut and The Samoan Wildboyz make their in ring debut as both teams look to be the number one contender for the All-Island Tag Team Championship titles.


Clark Alexander vs Steve Flash vs JD Morgan vs Mortis

Number One Contender Match for the IPW All-Island Championship title


All four of these men showed passion and intensity in their fight for the All-Island Championship title. This four way match should be pure mayhem, especially with the bad blood brewing between Steve Flash and Mortis.


Also in action Savage Fury and Tana Muliana


Quick Pick Sheet


James Hernandez vs Lobo Solitario


Dee vs Jeremy Jazz


Future Shock vs Samoan Destruction Inc.


Natural Storm vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Clark Alexander vs Steve Flash vs JD Morgan vs Mortis

Number One Contender Match for the IPW All-Island Championship title

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James Hernandez vs Lobo Solitario

Dee vs Jeremy Jazz

Future Shock vs Samoan Destruction Inc.

Natural Storm vs The Samoan Wildboyz

Clark Alexander vs Steve Flash vs JD Morgan vs Mortis


Steve Flash's music rules.

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Yay for Tana winning! He's a great starting champion for the IPW! however, I was super shocked to see Malili losing so quickly within the show. It could be good though as you can slowly build him up (despite probably being one of the more over workers) but, in the end, could make for some great "Rising Malili" angles.


Malili is an upper midcarder right now and for the time being will be teamed with Tama as the Samoan Wildboyz. Untill I get a TV deal and can start spreading overness around the country instead of in just one region Malili will never have more overness than my main eventers as he starts at Just a D and Steve and JD are C- and Tana is a C. Mortis (Hell's Bouncer) and Clark Alexander both have D+s across the board as well.


If you think the diary needs it then go for it! My problem with adding all of that is it takes a lot of time out of the process and that's ultimately the reason why previous diaries that I've tried never worked (As I spent too much time of that versus the overall story). Either way, go with what you think will ultimately keep you interested more. If you think pictures and music and such will add to your overall writing then go for it... If you think that it will become too much of a hassle to constantly post them within the write-up, then go without!


Once I ge the shows written graphics and sound are just incidentals that don't take too long. My biggest issue now is match write ups. I had the angle write ups done two days before I finished the matches so I may play around with that as well. I don't want it to just tell the winner as a lot of the character for workers is displayed in the ring, but I also cna't write up near complee play by plays.


Steve Flash's music rules.


Flash's music had to be one of the easiest to pick and I thought it just went really well for him. Motty and Jimmy are The Rising Suns team so that music was pretty easy too. Picking stuff for all the giant heels not so easy, I wanted intense music but I didn't want to stick to one genre so I have some metal, classical, industrial and techno. Maybe if and when I hire more wrestlers I'll have a fans pick a theme song contest.


Anyway glad people are reading and enjoying. I've already got the next two shows ran and I just need to do the write ups so maybe by end of tomorrow the next show will be up.

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Want to hear your favorite workers theme music then click on their photo of their match.


Death becomes him…



Mortis lumbers his way out to the ring staring out into the crowd from under his mask. After getting in the ring he points out to the announce table at Sara Silver. The super hot commentator nervously gets into the ring with the Angel of Death and nervously holds the microphone up over her head for him to speak. The only words out of his mouth are, “Ask me.”


Sara sees that what the monster want sis to be interviewed and so she begins. She coaxes the answers to the questions everyone one wants to know. Why attack Steve Flash, eEven though he probably deserved it. What are the goals of Mortis in IPW? And where does he except to go from here? In his short curt answers Mortis lets us know that it is just Steve’s time. He wants all of IPW to know that he takes no sides; Mortis is here to collect the souls of those who need to cross over. Before Sara can ask another question Mortis abruptly leaves the ring.


Rating: D+


Future Shock vs Samoan Destruction Inc. w/ BJ O'Neil




Standing in the ring next to each other Future Shhock appear to be at a definite size disadvantage. The two team circle to start but even with the difference Future Shock gives no quarter. The battle is fierce and brutal with both teams giving their all to take the other out. Some people's all is just a little to much as Rav Umaga gets Frankie Perez in the corner and won't stop stomping on him. Bali tries to make it across the ring to stop his partner but the Bret Graveson calls for the disqualification before he can make it even half way.


Winner: Future Shock

Rating: D


Kirk Jameson vs Tana Muliaina w BJ O'Neil



Kirk Jameson proved to be nothing more than a flea to Tana Muliaina, who tossed him around like a rag doll. The match last for all of six minutes and most of it was Tana pounding on Jameson and proving he could lift Jameson up over his head. A hard whip into the corner that shook the ring was the end for Kirk who was engulfed ina Big Fat Samoan Splash


Winner: Tana Muliaina

Rating: C-


No More Chances…




After winning the match Tana makes BJ O’Neil go and grab him a mic, which she does quickly. Sara Silver exchanges dirty looks with BJ at the announce table before Tana’s personal assistant makes it back into the ring.


When Tana does get the mic he goes on a rant about Clark Alexander. How he feels the native Hawaiian insult his family and his people and for that there will assuredly be no more chances at the title. He says he knows Clark will not win tonight’s match anyway so there isn’t really anything to worry about.


After his rant about Clark he goes on to claim the superiority of the Samoans. He claims this as his promotion and his belt and his fans. No one will ever topple the rule Tana. There will be no David and Goliath story here just total domination.


Rating: C-


Dee vs Jeremy Jazz



For two workers so young and so unknown in the US Dee and Jazz put on a hell of the match. The crowd was very vocal in their hatred of Jazz and Dee put on a rather inconsistent performance but the great chemistry between the two really shined through. Dee laid out Jazz with the Shinanju Kick and got the pin a bit after seven minutes in.


Winner: Dee

Rating: D-


James Hernandez vs Lobo Solitario



Hernandez may have had a hard time against the giant owner of IPW but he proved that he himself can really put the screws to some one. Hernandez really showed why he could be a future star of the company by totally dominating the masked Lobo Solitario. Hernandez put down the luchador with a Super Kick that nearly took off Lobo's head.


Winner: James Hernandez

Rating: D


The Rising Sun vs Savage Fury w/ Sir Fineeus McGhee




The Rising Suns were no match for Savage Fury who took the young fliers to task quickly. Finneus screamed orders at his monsters egging the savages on to victory over the much smaller workers. Java nearly broke Motty Kuroda in two with the Head Hunter Special before getting the quick pin.


Winner: Savage Fury

Rating: E


Death comes for a Flash…



Steve Flash comes out of the backstage area but doesn’t even make it to the ring before Mortis attacks him from behind. The beating is intense with Flash being thrown around on the unprotected entrance ramp making sickening thud after sickening thud. While he attacks Mortis keeps yelling “Your time is now.” And “No one can escape the eternal rest”. Staff members run from the back only to be thrown to the side by Mortis like rag dolls. Finally the faces in the locker room rush the ramp and cover Flash as Mortis points to all of them and mouths, “Your time will come soon enough.”


Rating: C


Interview of the Future…



The Samaon Wildboyz, Malili Umaga and Tama So’oialo come out to the ring a little before their match and meet with Sara Silver. Sara does a quick interview with smallest of The Kings of Samoa, who still stand at least a head taller than her. She asks them about the All-Island Tag Team Championship titles and their chances of becoming the next champions.


For their part the two Samoans talk about being the next big thing in wrestling. They say that holding a title in IPW is their destiny and nothing can stand between them and their birthright. They claim to be the next evolution in wrestlers and they will run through their next opponents to get their shot at the titles that rightfully belong to them. Tama claims the only reason they were not the first champions was because his partner, Malili was involved in the race for the All-Island Championship title.


Rating: D


Natural Storm vs The Samoan Wildboyz



Natural Storm really had a fight on their hands as they tried to take on the Samoan Wildboyz. Malili Umaga, the obvious standout of the match, took the early advantage against D.C. Rayne. The two battled back and forth in strings of suplexes and lcoks. Rayne was trapped in the Samoan Wildboyz corner for nearly the first ten mintues of the match as Malili and Tama took turns on the assult with quick tags.


D.C. Escaped Tama after a desperation German Suplex laid out the Samoan long enough for Rayne to tag in Eddie Howard. Howard came in and cleared house even when Malili came running to his cousins aid. Tama took a beating for awhile but finally tagged in Malili and that's when the slugfest started. Malili may be a few inches shy of the heavyweight Eddie in size but his puroresu style attacks made Howard take notice.


The match went on a bit more, almost twenty-five minutes but The Samoan Wildboyz finally took the win, or more accurately stole the win. A double attack sent Eddie Howard down on the floor on the outside of the ring leaving D.C. Rayne all alone. Tama So'oialo held Rayne down so Malili Umaga could hit the Suicide Headbutt and then get the pin when the ref reentered the ring from checking on Howard.


Winner: The Samoan Wildboyz

Rating: D+


Clark Alexander vs Steve Flash vs JD Morgan vs Mortis

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/IPW/ClarkAlexander.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/IPW/SteveFlash.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/IPW/JDMorgan.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/Apupunchau/IPW/Mortis.jpg


This was a hell of an intense match even for its short length. It basically broke down into two warring pairs, when Mortis made a beeline for Steve Flash. Being a single fall match if Mortis could have pinned Flash he would have been the number one contender, but Mortis seemed more like he wanted to injure Flash than win the match.


JD Morgan and Clark Alexander tied it up in the ring for awhile in a great technical battle. Clark had a slight size advantage over Morgan and for once he was able to throw his weight around like Tana had been doing to him. JD used his wily veteran technique to really give Clark a run for his money.


The match may have gone longer but Flash managed to battle his way back into the ring and Mortis was soon to follow. JD Morgan had just locked in the Cross Atlantic Strettch when Mortis lifted up Flash and hurled himacross the ring landing right on Morgan's head. Instead of going in for a pin Mortis went after Flash who quickly stood up. This gave Clark Alexander the perfect opportunity to hit the Hawaiian Breaker on a stunned JD Morgan and get the pin himself.


Winner Clark Alexander

Rating: D+


Winnings Consequences…



Clark Alexander doesn’t even have a chance to begin celebrating as and incensed Tana Muliaina rushes the ring. Alexander is laid out quickly with the All-Island Championship title belt but the one strike is not the end of this attack. Tana lays into Clark for a good six or seven minutes and no one comes out to stop him. Maybe because he’s the boss, maybe because he’s a giant or maybe because the other Samoans are stopping them backstage but Clark’s beating goes on abated. When Tana’s rage finally sees itself through he leaves a bloodied and beaten Clark Alexander in the ring to be tended by the staff that cautiously makes its way to the ring.


Rating: C


Overall Rating: C-

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I think I like this company based purely on the fact that you're having a tendency to push the big guys at the moment. Giant Samoans aren't quite as amusing as giant Russians, but they still rock.


A pretty good show, but you might wanna run a spell check in the future. You've got a few typos scattered about the entire show. I do really love how you're booking Tana right now. Grade A monster stuff, and as the sel-proclaimed master of pushing guys on Menace I approve :D

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I think I like this company based purely on the fact that you're having a tendency to push the big guys at the moment. Giant Samoans aren't quite as amusing as giant Russians, but they still rock.


A pretty good show, but you might wanna run a spell check in the future. You've got a few typos scattered about the entire show. I do really love how you're booking Tana right now. Grade A monster stuff, and as the sel-proclaimed master of pushing guys on Menace I approve :D


I'll work on the typos.


As for Monster heels my whole gimmick for this fed was Samoans and most of them have high menace. This is really my first time pushing monsters but I think so far I'm doing well. 90% of the heels are heavyweight and above and 90% of the babyfaces are middleweight or below.

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IPW News


Mortis shocked IPW fans by saying that Steve Flash had reached his end. “The Angel of Death” has promised that before the year is out the veteran well be worm food. Flash sustained a terrible beating later in the evening and may not wrestle for a bit, but Flash has said he will make a statement at the next IPW event.


Both The Samoan Wildboyz and Future Shock won their matches at Warrior’s Heart so a clear number one contender hasn’t surfaced. The Samoans have said that Future Shock has had their chance but management hasn’t made a clear ruling on this matter.


Clark Alexander one the four way match up to become the number one contender for the All-Island Championship title despite Tana Muliaina’s claim the native Hawaiian would never get a shot. Tana seemed very upset and issued one hell of a beating on Clark who at most has a month to heal up before he gets his title shot.


JD Morgan was seen stomping around backstage clearly irate over his 1-2 record in IPW.

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Monday Week 1 March


IPW Proudly Presents… Killer Instinct 2008


The warriors of IPW have shown their heart and they swam with the shark. Now the island fighters need to show they have the killer instinct, that natural drive to destroy their opponent. The IPW All-Island Championship title will be on the line and only one person will have prove they have the animalist nature and take it.


Future Shock vs The Samoan Wildboyz


Still with no clear number one contender for the IPW All-Island Tag Team Championship titles apparent Future Shock and The Samoan Wildboyz face of to decide the next contender.


James Hernandez vs JD Morgan


James Hernandez has broken his losing streak can JD Morgan break his. The young star is on the rise but the veteran has years of experience under his belt.


Clark Alexander vs Tana Muliaina

For the IPW All-Island Championship title


Tana is seriously pissed that Clark Alexander has become #1 Contender. He promises that this will be the last time, but could this be the only time the Hawaiian Hero needs to take the title from Tana.


Also featuring Samoan Destruction Inc., Mortis, Steve Flash and Mosi Tua


Quick Pick Sheet


Future Shock vs The Samoan WIldboyz

James Hernandez vs JD Morgan

Clark Alexander vs Tana Muliaina

For the IPW All-Island Championship title

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Future Shock vs The Samoan WIldboyz

Future Shock is a good young tandem, however, The Somoan Wildboys pick up the win!


James Hernandez vs JD Morgan

James Hernandez could be a great character for the IPW, however, I see JD Morgan breaking is 0-2 record. Mostly because to have JD go 0-3 would make him look more like a jobber than a true threat to any championship... And you may want JD for a transitional champ/challenger at some point.


Clark Alexander vs Tana Muliaina

For the IPW All-Island Championship title

I can't see Tana losing his title so quickly after he won. In the end, I'm guessing Tana will win by some dubious means.

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Future Shock vs The Samoan WIldboyz

Future Shock are gonna get built up, I can feel it.

James Hernandez vs JD Morgan

I believe JD is more over, meaning Hernandez is better off getting popularity in a losing effort, but a great match

Clark Alexander vs Tana Muliaina

For the IPW All-Island Championship title

I predict a painful night for Clark Alexander... he'll get beat down at some point, I'm sure of it

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