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There haven't been any major promotions in the UK for a very, very, very long time so no-one has been able to develop their skills much beyond their natural talents while working in the UK. The guys that have gone on to become major stars elsewhere have generally been working weekly shows with top notch talent from around the world so obviously they have improved way beyond most UK stars.


That said though... the UK still does have some excellent workersin guys like Walter Morgan, the US trained Merle O'Curle, international star UK Dragon, homegrown Jeffrey McPeterson, Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes, Daniel Black Francis, Arthur T. Turtle, Danny Patterson, DJ Reason, Stevie Stoat, the retired Donny Damage and some others. For having almost no cultural wrestling the UK is actually doing pretty well. :p

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There haven't been any major promotions in the UK for a very, very, very long time so no-one has been able to develop their skills much beyond their natural talents while working in the UK. The guys that have gone on to become major stars elsewhere have generally been working weekly shows with top notch talent from around the world so obviously they have improved way beyond most UK stars.


That said though... the UK still does have some excellent workersin guys like Walter Morgan, the US trained Merle O'Curle, international star UK Dragon, homegrown Jeffrey McPeterson, Adam Matravers, Petey Barnes, Daniel Black Francis, Arthur T. Turtle, Danny Patterson, DJ Reason, Stevie Stoat, the retired Donny Damage and some others. For having almost no cultural wrestling the UK is actually doing pretty well. :p


Of course, you are right. But it's really annoying. Also, Stevie doesn't count as he always gets booed in my game. Apparently he's a bad wrestler.


I took that to mean as he's C- in performance skills, they think he's bad. Chuck Frisby was a C, he never got booed.

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Depends on the crowd... the main factors for getting jeered out the house are basics and intensity. Too low in either of those and some fans just ain't gonna like you.


Can't psychology also factor in? Blackjack Robbins was getting booed in my SWF game until his psychology ceased to suck.


The best was Boris Kiriyakin being bad enough to get booed by the EWA crowd when I first brought him in. Do you have any idea what those morons (er, loyal fans) consider acceptable in ring?

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I only know from my own observations that guys who get booed out the house tend to have either low basics and/or low intensity. I still remember Eric Eisen getting booed til her hit C level basics then it stopped, and guys like Brett Biggz getting booed at the same time.... while others with low basics weren't getting booed and the only trait I could see they had in common was intensity.


I think promotion size factors into it somehow too, but I don't know the full answer. Yet. :)

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The only thing that gets to me about the uk is that there aren't many wrestlers from other countries willing to come over and work in the uk. I'd have thought some of the american workers on the independent scene would be willing to come over and work in the uk.


The lack of overness of SWF stars in the uk also frustrates. Logic dictates that with the overness that the swf have in the uk some of their top stars would be over here as well but none of them have more overness than maybe E+. Its not like you'd be able to talent trade with them but if you did you'd hope to get something more in return than an E- Christian Faith (even if he would put on better matches than the rest o your roster)

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The only thing that gets to me about the uk is that there aren't many wrestlers from other countries willing to come over and work in the uk. I'd have thought some of the american workers on the independent scene would be willing to come over and work in the uk.


The lack of overness of SWF stars in the uk also frustrates. Logic dictates that with the overness that the swf have in the uk some of their top stars would be over here as well but none of them have more overness than maybe E+. Its not like you'd be able to talent trade with them but if you did you'd hope to get something more in return than an E- Christian Faith (even if he would put on better matches than the rest o your roster)


Well, in the C-V, Britain isn't particularly important and it doesn't seem like wrestling is particularly important there. What's the motivation for American workers to go there to work regularly? In real life, it seems like indy workers will go there for a show or two, but it doesn't seem like most are regulars.

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How come, people like Tommy Cornell and Jack Giedroyc and Barry Griffin and Dark Angel and JD Morgan come from Britain, yet there aren't any real talents back on the isles? The only mainstream talent in the U.K have all gone abroad.


Yeah! I mean, it's not like PAC takes most of his bookings abroad...




Oh, well, Nigel McGuinness doesn't do the bulk of his work overs...




Well, OK. Doug 'The Anarchist' Williams...


Really? Man...


Oooh! Ooh!


William Regal! He...


Wow. You don't say?


Ooh! Ooh! British wrestling legend Johnny Saint!


Really? Most recent work for CHIKARA? Huh.


Honestly, man, C-Verse imitates life. I haven't seen the 75 mod, and I'll be disappointed if there isn't a strong British scene there to mirror World of Sport, but the way things are, the UK is some way from being built back up.


It is, I can assure you, doable and very satisfying.

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I know that the reason is they all went away. But since most wrestlers in the U.K scene are bound to have second jobs, surely some talented people would stay, as they think that they won't get anywhere proffesionally, so stay. I think there is a british road agent with that down, though I am not sure.


Keith Adams is a cop.


Thing is, Keith Adams is talented. The kind of talent you're talking about won't need a second job - they'll be able to make the money.


IF they get out of Britain and go somewhere where there's enough cash in it.


Can't tommy come back to Britain like Pablo went to Mexico?


Well, he's got more popularity here, unfortunately he owns a massive company called TCW to run...


Also? Even with Tommy in 21CW, the crowds would be smaller and each person paying less, he'd shift less merch, he moved to the States in 1996 and has been dug in there 12 years by the time we get to the TEW08 database.


He probably has more friends in the US than he does the UK these days.


I get that it's frustrating - of course I do, I've played enough UK companies.


But it's also what happens. Wanna change that? Turn British wrestling around. I've a load of overseas names on my roster these days, in no small part because Britain is now somewhere they can go and make serious money.

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That's the thing I find. None on my stars in 21CW even have a D rating in popularity, and considering 21CW's position in prestige, it makes it very hard to please the fans when playing a realistic game.


yup, such is the frustration of playing 21CW. There's a thread doing the rounds involving how to survive playing as 21CW. The trick is to have a hell of a lot of patience ;)


You never know, maybe Giedroyc or Dark Angel will be sacked and come back home...

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Yeah, patience is the key. There's some good workers coming up from the training camp over the years starting in 2011 iirc. Also around that time, the long-time unemployed Australian workers expand their working horizons to UK and there's a couple of worthy material there. Nothing ground breaking, but some valuable assets to work with and kick the likes of Gob Narfi out of your roster. I've been playing RoF too much and Narfi never improves. ;)
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