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April DOTM nominations

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As good a place as any to put this idea out here: What do we think of a Diary Preview thread?


Basically, it would be a place to put the first posts/concepts/whatever or diaries we're thinking of doing, thought about but would never have time to do/etc.


We've had a few people start multiple diaries of late (and more historically) and this could be a resource for them to put an idea out there and get constructive criticism without getting a whole first page full of flames, deserved or otherwise.


Alternatively, someone could (for example) put up the outline for a diary they wanted to write (like my TCW diary that I have twenty or so pages of but have never got aroudn to progressing) but for whatever reason weren't able to - someone else might like the idea enough to want to run with it.


Or it could just be the place for people to discuss their diary ideas. You might want to run an SWF diary, but want to give people the chance for some input, or to set you challenges, in order that you don't tread the same path as NoNeck, bigpapa42 et al.


Of course, this thread would be likely to disappear off the front page (and therefore into oblivion) fairly quickly, but like the Diary Writing Tips thread it could be a useful resource and, if it proves to be so, the odd bump might not go amiss ;)


Always thought this would be a good idea, but never figured out a good opening post.

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Oh, that's one easy.


It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

A Tale of Two Cities, 1859



Citizen Kane, 1941


It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen...

1984, 1948


I believe in America...

The Godfather, 1971


All my life, I always wanted to be a gangster...

Goodfellas, 1991


And now...

So I won the lottery, and then my phone rang...

???, 2009

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James Casey, if you don't start that thread within a day, I will!


And that OP is hilarious and appropriate, although if I was posting it, I'd replace the ???? with "YOU" to help drive the thread home.


Excellent idea as I've tons to throw up there (Crazy-Mega-Happy-Fun-Time-WEXXV needs a proper home :D)

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And now...

So I won the lottery, and then my phone rang...

???, 2009.


Strangely similar to the basis for my most recent diary. Its my third attempt do to hardware/software issues I lost the games for the first and second saves. So I started the third one. First diary i've ran from the start of a game. I like to think its going good so far. Speaking of which need to get back to that. I've got some new ideas that i'm going to start incorporating, I don't read diaries but i'm going to start since I hear good things about the others veterans and rookies alike.

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This is supposed to read March 1st, right?


I don't know what you are talking about :rolleyes:




thank you for speaking up for me, I am way to busy these days. :)


we are now up to date, Hate to ask but any more RW dairies or is DSE 81 going to win by default this month?

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we are now up to date, Hate to ask but any more RW dairies or is DSE 81 going to win by default this month?

Why not; I'll go ahead and use my last nom to 2nd SasoreGatame - World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 - Let's Do This. dse needs SOMEBODY to compete with, and like the guy who first nominated it said, a mega-push for Evan Bourne can NEVER be a bad thing.

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Where is she! Let me at 'er ::p


Hahaha :D Sorry dude! At first I wrote "praquebride" but then changed the Q to G like it is, didn't even notice that bride thing. I have this thing with certain words, even though I have the right word in my mind I tend to write something else. Like if I write "wrestle" it usually ends up "wrestler" the first time, the same with "altough", it always turns up as "altought" :o

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