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Diary Preview Thread

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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

A Tale of Two Cities (1859)



Citizen Kane (1941)


It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen...

1984 (1948)


I believe in America...

The Godfather (1971)


All my life, I always wanted to be a gangster...

Goodfellas (1991)


And now...

So I won the lottery, and then my phone rang...

You? (2009)




Welcome to the diary preview thread.


In this thread, enthusiastic and helpful writers and readers can help you bring to life your diary. Whether you're looking to finalise your first post, shape a roster, tidy up your presentations, or even looking for a reason to take on your favourite promotion even with a dozen great diaries out there already, this thread is intended to help you bring to life that must-write idea that's been occupying your thoughts.


This thread is not intended for the bashing and flaming of other people's ideas, but equally if you do post here then constructive criticism may be offered. Please be aware that some comments may be... forthright :p


This thread is also for sharing diary ideas and concepts that you yourself don't have time to get off the ground. If you have a cool new take on the SWF, a plan to bring life to PSW's tag division, or a great idea on how to resurrect DaVE, then please share it here.

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Wexxv Happy Fun Time


This is a diary idea I had but never had time or true desire to run with it. Basically the premise is that a failing WEXXV is bought out by an entertainment company looking to merge reality TV with wrestling (to combine two great trends).


So what you end up with is that you have "contestants" (i.e. foreign workers signed up on touring schedules) who compete against each other and against the WEXXV Warriors (the full time staff) in a series of wacky games and shows, with it all culimnating at a huge tournament for the title at the end of the touring season.


The actual matches would mechanically just be a bunch of handicap matches, but when you convert it to diary form, the matches become more like "obstacle challenges" or something like that.


You might be able to work out warriors vs. warriors, but it would mostly be warriors vs. contestants. For game purposes you could even organize them into stables just like that.


tl;dr Merge WEXXV hardcore action with American Gladiator style games.

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Figured I'd share an idea I had for a Japanese promotion. I've grown quite fond of All Japan Pro Wrestling from the 1990s, which led to me wanting to run a Japan promotion in the CornellVerse. Though this could probably be done with any promotion, the history and current situation of Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods was most appealing. Though I had no intent to abandon my SWF diary, I did put serious thought into turning this into a diary game. Even went so far as write up some of the backstory and do some planning. Figured I throw this idea out here, as it might inspire someone... In part because I'd love to see someone tackle a Japanese C-V diary that sticks around for awhile...


The basic idea was two-fold. Step one was to bring in Eisaku Hoshino. Not so genius - Hoshino to Burning Hammer happens in almost every game I start. But it would probably require editing in the contract as a long-term deal, as Hoshino would serve as a catalyst for the second step! Stable war!


The backstory would be the that BHOTWG management recognized they were losing the battle PGHW and needed to do something. Something to stimulate interest without changing the product. So they come up with the idea of a faction war, but they need a catalyst. So they convince Hoshino to sign long-term to be one of the centerpieces.


At the start of 2008, it would be revealed to the BHOTWG fans that Hoshino was coming to take down Kinnojo Horri... and bringing some friends. This would cause the BHOTWG to fracture into different alliances at the start of the March 2008 tour. Maybe have Burning Hammer do a bunch of Internet vignettes - not entertainment-based, but psuedo-serious - to hype up the splinter.


Hoshino's stable would probably be Shingen Miyazaki. Just the two of them at the start, but they would be made to look dangerous. Eventually, a tag team of KAZ and SUKI would join them, after they develop a bit in Hinote. It would a bit of an invasion angle, but without anything in the way of segments. The entire stable war would be a huge promotion-wide feud told through matches, with the occassional worker defection to drive things along.


I only really started planning out the individual stables when I put the idea aside, but you could base them around almost anything - specific interests for each stable, themes, whatever. Hooded Kudo would lead a stable, with Elemental (original) and Optimus, as the BHOTWG old guard. Taira and Masuno would lead a stable of the BHOTWG guard. Kinnoji Horri would have a small stable of his own. There would be a gaijin stable. A Samoan stable. And so on.


I can't really claim anything in the way of originality for the idea, as it seems to be what Dragon Gate and HUSTLE are built around. I just thought it would make for an interesting element to a puro game.

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OK Well I'm starting this diary about the WWF crippling because of the failure that was WrestleMania and the territoral system running strong. Before I bother with the rest I was wondering if it would be a good idea to do.


So Wrestlemania 1 was a disaster, the WWF is financialy ruined, leading to a host of big names leaving, reviving the territories again? Sounds awesome tbh. I'd be interested in reading that if it was written well.

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I approve of this concept wholeheartedly.


Tell me, does this opening grab your attention?




Thursday, Week 2, December 1996


"The winner of the match, and STILL SWF World Heavyweight Champion...SAM KEITH!"


The full-throated disapproval of the crowd at Manhattan National Center penetrated the windows of the luxury suite.

"They do love to hate him, don't they, my dear?"


The suite attendant nodded. "They do indeed. Would you like another bottle of San Pellegrino, Mr. Anderson?"


"Thank you, but no. We'll be having company shortly, I expect. But you've taken very good care of me this evening, and I'm most appreciative." He reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved his wallet. He pulled out two $100 bills and a business card. "For you, my dear. The number on the back is to my personal assistant. Call her tomorrow and tell her I've recommended you to manage the rooftop bar at the Coronado Tower Club. She'll take care of all the details for you."


Her eyes widened; the Coronado Tower Club was only a couple of years old, but already known worldwide as one of Manhattan's most elite private clubs. She stared at the gold lettering on the card.



TGA Diversified

Thomas Graham Anderson, CEO/Chairman



"You can do that?"


"Considering that I'm the founding member, I believe I can."


Just then the door chime sounded.


He sighed wistfully. "Unfortunately, we'll have to continue this conversation another time. If that is who I think it is, I now have business to attend to. Please see to our guest."


The attendant nodded and went to the door of the suite and opened it for the waiting visitor. A middle-aged man stepped inside and made his way over to the suite's occupant, who was offering his hand to the visitor in greeting.


"Rich Eisen! A pleasure to finally meet you in person. Congratulations on an excellent performance this evening."


"I trust you enjoyed the show, Mr. Anderson?"


"I did indeed, Rich. And there's no need for such stiff formalities -- please call me Tom. Join me for a drink?"


"Thank you...Tom."


"That's the spirit!" He turned to the suite attendant. "Mr. Eisen strikes me as a scotch man. Laphroaig 15-year, perhaps?"


Eisen's eyebrow raised slightly. "Why yes, that will do quite nicely. I suspect you already knew that, though."


"I do try to get the details right, Rich." Turning to the attendant, he smiled and said, "Two glasses neat, my dear."

"Of course, sir." She retrieved the bottle from the display case, then set two glasses on the bar, pouring a small amount of scotch in each. Anderson took a glass in each hand and proffered one to Eisen.


"To the continued success of Supreme Enterprises," Anderson toasted.


Eisen said nothing in reply, but quietly swirled his glass as he raised it to his nose, inhaled the fruity, smoky aroma of the golden liquid, and took a small sip. His eyes instinctively closed as he rolled the liquor around in his mouth. When his eyes opened, he stared coldly at the man standing before him. An awkward silence enveloped the suite.


"Rich," Anderson began, "I recognize that you aren't happy about the situation you find yourself in, and all things considered, you'd prefer not to have to consider my offer at all. You and I are very similar people; and were our roles reversed, I would feel exactly the same way you do."

"And how, exactly, do I feel...Tom?"


"At minimum, you resent me, and I would lay odds your resentment has already blossomed into hatred. You aren't stupid -- you know the value of what I'm offering you. But you also understand its costs, and you understand your hand is being forced."


"And you're the one forcing it."


"I don't deny that. You need capital, and you need it quickly. I'm a businessman that can provide you the capital you need, and help you navigate the IPO process. But even though you know taking Supreme public will make you a very rich man, it eats at you that you'll actually have to be accountable to others; namely your shareholders, of which I will be one of the largest ones. I assure you, Rich, I'm here for the same reason you are; to make money, and if I'm making money, you're making money."


"You think this is just about money to me? You buy into the crap my so called 'peers' in the business sling about me -- that I care nothing about this industry, that I'm destroying it for personal gain, that I'm a vindictive, egotistical bastard?"


"Rich, you ARE a vindictive, egotistical bastard. I wouldn't bother investing in you if you weren't."


Eisen started to retort, then stopped, realizing what Anderson had actually said, which wasn't what he'd expected.


Anderson continued. "Let's set something straight, Rich. I really don't give a damn what your peers in the industry think of you, and I also don't give a damn what you think of your peers. However, you have a bad habit of creating unnecessary enemies, then being surprised when they cause you difficulties later on. Why do you think this HGC venture came about in the first place? You discard people like Rip Chord and Sam Strong like used toilet paper -- and give them even less respect. They are motivated not merely to compete with you, but to humiliate you. And now, thanks to their benefactor, they have the resources to attempt that very thing."


"That KID is an idiot."


"That KID has a personal net worth larger than the GDP of half the world's nations. 'Idiot' is not the word I would use to describe him. Stallings is a dot-com Ritchie Rich with a new toy. Hollyweird isn't an investment to him -- and THAT is what makes him dangerous. He's throwing fifty million of his own money into this -- and that's spare change to him. If they blow it all in a year, he'll throw a hundred million after it without a thought. It's not a business to him, it's a hobby. That being said, if his marketing folks are worth anything, you'll be seeing StallingSoft branding all over the place in this venture. The demographics of the fan base are definitely worth targeting, and I have a number of interests that would benefit from such a vehicle, and those interests, in turn, can help provide SWF the additional exposure needed to counteract Stalling's millions. This need not be antagonistic, Rich. I'd much rather you considered me your partner."


"So how exactly do you propose this 'partnership' work?"


"For the most part I will be a silent partner; I don't pretend to know how to manage your company better than you. You will continue to be CEO of Supreme Enterprises, and you will be put on the slate to join the board of TGA Diversified, mostly to help introduce you to my network. We'll need to put together Supreme's new board of directors as well, which you and I will both naturally sit on."


"I'm okay with everything I heard, except for that first bit. What exactly do you mean by 'for the most part?'"


"It means exactly what I said. I expect you to continue to build Supreme as you have been. I will help you take the brand you've built and give it unprecedented levels of exposure in markets you haven't even dreamed of penetrating. I do this not out of charity or goodwill, but because I intend to leverage that brand to the benefit of my business interests, and for that to work the brand must be carefully managed, and that privilege is what I'm paying for. In those hopefully infrequent times when we disagree, it's ultimately my call."


Eisen glared at Anderson. "What the hell do you think you know about my business? You come here riding on your white horse and act like you're saving me from something -- from what? I OWN this industry. NO ONE does this better. You think I'm scared of Stallings -- or his money? I'm not; and I don't need YOUR money to fight HIS. Truth be told, you're no better than Stallings."


Tom calmly took another sip of scotch. "While your response isn't surprising, it's disappointing nonetheless. You may indeed be a king, but your kingdom is tiny in the grand scheme of things. Let me use just one example. Your current US television contract is with America-Sports-1, correct? It so happens that most of their C-level execs belong to my Coronado Tower Club; in fact, I'm pretty good friends with their VP of Programming. He used to be the head of my media division, and he still comes to me for advice. And if I happened to share my thoughts about the long term value of AS-One's relationship with Supreme, he'd listen. I can leverage similar relationships with the movers and shakers of your insurers, your advertisers, your suppliers, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera..."


"Is that a threat?"


"No. It is a statement of fact, one that you need to understand clearly in order to define our relationship. Wrestling may be your realm, but BUSINESS is mine, and I can be as ruthless in my realm as you are in yours. Would you not prefer to have such ruthlessness aligned with you rather than at cross purposes?"


Eisen's face betrayed no visible sign of emotion. "That's just it. If you are as ruthless as you boast, then I can't trust you to remain aligned with me when such alignment is no longer to your advantage."


Anderson chuckled. "Very good. You shouldn't trust me, certainly not yet. It may seem like a Faustian bargain I'm offering you, with some unspeakable price to be paid down the road, but that isn't the case. While our motivations are different, we share a goal; the humiliation of JK Stallings."


"What's your issue with Stallings?"


"For now, that will remain my concern. YOUR concern is to continue as you have with SWF, and prevent HGC from becoming a REAL threat to you rather than a potential one. Do we have a deal, Mr. Eisen?"

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OK Well I'm starting this diary about the WWF crippling because of the failure that was WrestleMania and the territoral system running strong. Before I bother with the rest I was wondering if it would be a good idea to do.


You should look at any of the NWA Domination scenarios. Not sure if there's one out for this current version but I mean even a converted one would take a little less work then doing it all by hand.

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Just a little thought I had this morning: Rather than the boringly overdone "oh hey look Nemesis is back! and he's made the next DaVE!", how about him instead, say, dying?


Vibert could still come back, and as a 'tribute', set-up a new company anyway, but this time his head booker is one of his lesser known connections - and quite possibly the next best thing to Nemesis anyway - Larry Wood.


Somewhat less tedious?

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I approve of this concept wholeheartedly.


Tell me, does this opening grab your attention?





This has great potential, especially considering the high quality of your "off-screen" storylines. (Still have Generations bookmarked!).


This reminds me of Mark Cuban does DaVE but from the OTHER point of view. Richard Eisen being forced to play ball with someone who is essentially a more powerful version of him...priceless!


I'd read. I'd subscribe. I'd comment like the mark that I am. Plus it's '97, and everyone knows that the past > the present :D

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Just a little thought I had this morning: Rather than the boringly overdone "oh hey look Nemesis is back! and he's made the next DaVE!", how about him instead, say, dying?


Vibert could still come back, and as a 'tribute', set-up a new company anyway, but this time his head booker is one of his lesser known connections - and quite possibly the next best thing to Nemesis anyway - Larry Wood.


Somewhat less tedious?


Hey!! Nemesis coming back to start his own company is a great idea :p


I'm sure it's been done countless times before. I understand. ha. Your idea could be a great diary read.

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Hey!! Nemesis coming back to start his own company is a great idea :p


I'm sure it's been done countless times before. I understand. ha. Your idea could be a great diary read.


It was no affront on your X-WA, honest... Merely the idea behind it instead :p

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It was no affront on your X-WA, honest... Merely the idea behind it instead :p


I should take a different approach to that ol' NEMESIS IS BACK!!! Dealyo...


By having Scheming Behemoth run his own European company!


Which I imagine would soon evolve into EWA 2.0.

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It was no affront on your X-WA, honest... Merely the idea behind it instead :p


As a joke I noticed in my CCW diary universe that Nemesis and Vibert just recently returned to the wrestilng world. I sent them an offer but they wouldn't even bother to listen to me :(


Stupid local size...

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Figured I'd share an idea I had for a Japanese promotion. I've grown quite fond of All Japan Pro Wrestling from the 1990s, which led to me wanting to run a Japan promotion in the CornellVerse.


I would definitely read this diary if you were to do it. :)

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It was no affront on your X-WA, honest... Merely the idea behind it instead :p


Oh i know! :) Nemesis is an intriguing character in the Cornellverse that just screams "I will open my own company". I'm guessing next year's game will have something to that aspect.


Now I'm back to read up on this Hippocrates guy... :p ha

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Okay... So i have this really really bad idea for WWE right?


Its bad... I mean... Its just stupid... Really... It is. But bear over with me:



WWE Rawr: Vince's on a vacation, HBK is on drugs, Hornswoggle is a main eventer and Randy Orton is... being Randy Orton as usually...


Ladies and gentlemen, i recently had a brilliant idea... - And this is like that old guy in the suit with the money talking - Some friendly mafia people convinced me to go sleep with the fishes. In Bermuda. So for no good reason AT ALL. I hereby break WWE into three pieces.


And yeah, you can all see where this is going. I suspect.


So yeah, ill just cherrypick the guys i like into Raw. Make the brands individual companies. And something something something. (note to self: its going to fail horribly because its probably going to take ages to actually make all the changes.)


So (yeah i use the word "so" a lot), for reasons that no one understands, Shawn Michaels somehow becomes the owner/head booker of Raw (hmm, coming to think of it, is he even on Raw in the first place?). Thats a smart move right? He's smart, know the business and is generally respected by anyone. Yeah, so he reforms DX and that leaves Triple H sucking all good thoughts and idea's out of the Showstopper's brain. I suspect, through a wire in his ear.


So stuff goes very very wrong. As mentioned earlier, Hornswoggle gets a very pretty title. DX reforms and... Stuff... More stuff... Feuds... Wierd feuds. Horrible jokes about that man we cant see. Just generally larking about being a terrible waste of time and words. You know what? Its a stupid idea. That said, it wouldnt all be comedy, there would be some actual attempts at good booking... You know... Occasionally...


As for an actual way of presenting the diary, i would go with the "hey, im watching this as a TV show" direction. I cant really think of a way to justify this from a backstage perspective as its absurd.


And what about Smackdaaaawn and ECW? I suppose we could McMahon Diet-Light-Zero-Cal-Edition take over SD! But ECW... I dont know... And for the PPV's? Let Raw have their cake and eat it. Afterall, its the focus of the diary... No, story... No, tragic comedy kinda thing this would be if i actually wrote it!


And well, ive kinda run out of words now. But a final question, nay two final questions... One: Can i do a diary without having to show pictures of the workers, because frankly it seems like quite the hassle to first obtain pictures, and then to actually copy and paste them in constantly... So hmm?


And finally: Have i lost my mind or should i starting writing this masterpiece already?


This is Waghlon (dont bother pronouncing it), and i have made a post. Good night! Ill be here all week!


(oh yeah ninja edit: is this a place to peddle ideas?)

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Eastern European World Wrestling (imported from the old forms of TEW, and using it rather than something terrible of my own creation sorta like alll the XWAs). A hardcore company filled with all kinds of ca-razy chaos, formed by Scheming Behemoth as a means to cure his boredom.


The head booker?


A 55 year old Manol Sirakov!!!!

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