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Diary Preview Thread

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Those interested in contributing, sign up in the thread in the Fan Forum, and I'll add you to the group that can access the Creative Team forum.


Neat idea! I've submitted my request and voiced my fears that my writing won't stack up to the others who've expressed interest.


I'm still willing to help out though...

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Looking for feedback here, guys. Despite the current popularity of SWF diaries, I've got ideas kicking around in my head that I really want to try a dynasty with. My previous diary attempts have usually ended up with burnout and featured crappy formatting, I'd go a lot slower this time around to hopefully try and deal with both problems. I have the first two and a half shows or so written out but would welcome feedback on the formatting, especially. Posting a clip here from show 1.


BTW, if the layout looks familiar, it's close to being a straight lift from BigPapa42 - if he reads this, I hope he takes it as a compliment!


The lack of grades is because I'd rather post them in a separate post a bit later on after each show. (Self, recognise that anywhere? Hey, let's see how many awesome dynasty writers I can rip-off... I mean pay homage to.)






[backstage, we cut to a view of the door to Richard Eisen’s office. The door opens, and Emma Chase comes out with a smug, self-satisfied grin on her face. She adjusts her skirt – which was rolled up to a ridiculously high point on her legs – slightly downwards, and walks off as the cameraman goes into the room.


CM: Mr Eisen, you had a message for the SWF fans?


RE: That’s right. I was looking at tonight’s card, and as much as I hate to say this about any line-up advertised by the Supreme Wrestling Federation, it just doesn’t seem that great to me. It seems like it’s missing some of our biggest stars. And then I realised, one of our biggest stars is set to wrestle in a few minutes, and we still haven’t got round to naming an opponent for him.


So, Lobster Warrior, I’m proud to say you’ll get the chance to take on another massive name here in the SWF – as you go one-on-one with VENGEANCE!


[There’s a shocked pop from the crowd as they acknowledge the big match being added.]



PM: Looks like we know what Emma’s meeting with the boss was about!


AG: Like she said, it was a business meeting.


PM: Yes, I often adjust my skirt at the end of business meetings.


AG: Old man, whatever you do in your private life is your business. But don’t talk about it on air, there’s kids listening.


[The banter between the pair is interrupted by another massive pop from the crowd, as Jack Bruce, the SWF World champion walks out to join them.]


JB: Hey, guys. I’m gonna join you, since you seem to have lost the delightful Miss Chase.


AG: Here to scout out the opposition for next week’s big event, Bruce?


JB: Can’t hurt to keep an eye out. Plus, Lobster Warrior can hold his own in a fair match, but I’ll be keeping an eye out for Chief Two Eagles.


PM: Did anyone ever say a sure sign of madness was naming a steel chair after a retired wrestler?

[bruce laughs.]

JB: No, but they sure should have.


AG: I blame you, Bruce. Vengeance was only MOSTLY crazy until you threw that damned chain of his off the Golden Gate Bridge in that brawl you had.




It’s clear that the lack of preparation Lobster Warrior has had for taking on a much bigger opponent has hurt him, and he’s never in with too much of a chance in this match. It’s certainly no squash on the Eisen/Biggz level, but few in attendance can have any doubt of the result, and Bruce doesn’t need to worry about the famous steel chair Chief Two Eagles being used – there’s never a time when Vengeance needs any help. After a series of big spots, Vengeance finishes it with a Skull Krusher.

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Just hoping to get a little feedback on the backstory, or mainly just drum up interest.


The United States Wrestling Federation


December 12, 2007


It was a humid evening in the south, and I was just finishing up a long day working on fixing up an old house for my family, but my mind was fixated on one thing, what in the world was I thinking getting back into this industry. I left the wrestling industry in late-2003 without much thought. I figured that the industry just wasn't for me, but in the end, while working on this project I realized, I wanted back in. This time I had the resources, the references, and the ability to create a dominate, entertaining force in professional wrestling. Unlike the other big federations I had not burned bridges through the entertainment industry. In fact my company, Altitude Entertainment Group, had grown so rapidly in the past 5 years that I was able to take a risk and start this federation. But I cannot take all the credit, after all, I have a lot of support from those around me. This conglomerate of men have pledged great amounts of funding, and are willing to help in anyway possible.


So who are some of these men you ask, well lets just say two of these men have enormous pull in the television industry. One of these men knows wrestling, in fact he knows it really well.Thankfully for me, he was also interested in bringing wrestling back to his empire. As such Ted Turner became the first big donor to the USWF, and USWF Revolution will air every Wednesday at 10 PM EST. The other man is a man widely considered to be a rebel in every since of the word. His NBA Franchise, the Dallas Mavericks, have been extremely successful since he has taken over, and his HDNet television station is the perfect avenue for the secondary show, USWF Fusion which will emanate live Saturday Nights at 11 PM EST on HDNet. Along with these two men offering to help by broadcasting our shows we have also received an immense amounts of help from my friends in the sports and music industries. Rick Rubin and Russell Simmons, the founders of Def Jam Recordings, have both signed on as the official "Music" supplier to the USWF. Along those accords they have also agreed to allow artists from the label appear for the USWF as performers (not wrestlers). As for athletes, upwards of 50 different athletes from all professional sports have pledged their support financially. These donations range from as little as $1,000 to $1,000,000 (pledged by an athlete who for the time being wishes to remain anonymous). With that let us take a look at the vital details behind the company.


VITAL Details:



Two Television Shows (Revolution and Fusion)

Revolution is a 150 Minute show airing on TNT Wednesday Nights.

Fusion is a 90 Minute show airing on HDNet Saturday Nights.

Both shows will air live starting with Revolution on January 17th.



USWF World Championship

USWF Light-Heavyweight Championship (under 220 lbs)

USWF Tag Championship


As for me, well I will remain behind the scenes, pushing paper, and loading the roster with what we hope is amazing talent, that will produce an amazing show, that one day may be able to compete with the big one.


Currently, I am working alone (though I have 10 employees) late into the night, looking over a stack of around 150 wrestlers resumes. We hope to finalize an initial roster of around 20 wrestlers for the first show. All I have to say is, expect the unexpected.




December 26, 2007


Day after Christmas, no rest for the weary, I am in the middle of securing wrestlers, refs, agents, announcers, and a road crew to help us travel. Let me tell you what it is no easy task. Let me tell you what, it is no easy task. In fact, I am panicked that I will not get any of this done in time for the first show on the 17th. That feeling of emptiness is a terrible feeling. I am hopeful that I can secure at least enough wrestlers to put on a show, but quite frankly we may have jumped the gun a little. Definitely nervous. In the past 20 days I have contacted over 70 Wrestlers about joining the promotion. Some of them you will instantly recognize, others, quite frankly even I don't know anything about. I've been watching tapes of a lot of these guys and I am extremely hopeful that we can secure a couple of the guys you will recognize. I will say this, the fans will not be disappointed. I will give you one clue as to a stable we are planning on building...the initials for the group are going to be Y.B.R., bonus points if anyone solves it. The First episode of Revolution will help to clear a lot of things up about the promotion. Most notably we are planning on introducing the three titles, as well as introducing parts of the roster. Hope you are as pumped as I am.




January 1st, 2008


First things first, we officially have an announcer for the first TV shows. Joey Eastman will be on the desk for the debut show. No word on who will join him yet. At the moment it looks like Full Impact Pro Wrestlings Mister Saint Laurent (Jared David) will be joining him on the desk at least initially. We also officially signed the Head Ref Nick Patrick. We are hopefully going to be finalizing some contracts over the next couple days, and then launching with our first show. CANNOT WAIT! Hope you all will tune in.

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Just throwing this out there to see what people think of it. I'm playing an NYCW game, and been having a good enough time of it that I felt like kicking off a dynasty with it, starting in Jan 2010. Only thing is, I'm not sure how to start things off- instinct says the first post should be some kind of a story so far, but that's quite a lot of story and I'm not sure how to do it without bogging things down in miles of exposition.
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Just throwing this out there to see what people think of it. I'm playing an NYCW game, and been having a good enough time of it that I felt like kicking off a dynasty with it, starting in Jan 2010. Only thing is, I'm not sure how to start things off- instinct says the first post should be some kind of a story so far, but that's quite a lot of story and I'm not sure how to do it without bogging things down in miles of exposition.


I'd go for a 'Start in progress' type thing, with no exposition to begin with. As you get further in the diary, start explaining some of the stuff which has happened so far.


Example: Say you've turned Steve Flash into a Bob Backlund type heel, fed up with a lack of respect, and he's put Big Face 1 (sorry, no NYCW knowledge worth speaking of!) on the shelf with his feared Boston crab, then on your first show, have Flash win a match with the crab and the announcers sell how devastating it is. Second show, have him attack someone backstage and trap them in the move, with commentators mentioning that's the 4th or 5th time he's done that in a few months. A few shows later, have Big Face 1 return, having not been mentioned so far, and challenge Flash to a match as revenge for injuring him.


Obviously, that's just an example, because no-one in their right mind would boo STEVE FREAKIN' FLASH! But hopefully you get the idea.

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Hey D, forum seems to be down. Just a heads up.


Yeah, the host decided it was taking up too many resources so deleted it without even informing me. So I lost all the prep work I did :mad:


I still like the overall idea, but I can't be arsed with all the setup work again. So if someone else wants to do it, I'd be happy to contribute, but...

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A few posts back now, I posted a brief intro post for a future TCW diary. As, since then, I've been looking at getting preparations in order for it (starting early, as Philly Pro is in that early-cult-might-bleed-money-to-death phase), I can now present a second peek, as we move on from Cornell's foreword to Dangerous' first words:


If this book is a diary, consider these pages my attempt to use the pointless blank section at the front, writing over next of kin slots, empty space, and the obligatory map of the London Underground.


I wrote what you are going to read over the space of a couple of years in what I'd intended to be my retirement, very aware that if I did anything worth noting in my new job Tommy Cornell was going to ask me, one day, to write an autobiography – or let someone write it, anyway – to go out in TCW colours. I had other ideas.


I've got my study* just the way I like it these days (don't worry, this is going somewhere) and there's a bookshelf just to the side of my desk, in easy reach. Most of what's on it are autobiographies from people I've known in the business, and frankly, the good stories I was involved in have all been taken before I even thought about starting. Since I think anyone interested in my story is interested in the story of the territories, I don't see the point in asking you to pay for it again.


(For those wondering: Dread neatly covered my time in Japan as we overlapped almost exactly, during my SWF time I went drinking with Sam and Rip so either one has the stories you want and more besides, Mike Nero's book is THE definitive story of the TWL and gets in most of the PPPW stuff that wasn't just on TV.


(Preston Holt's book has all the good stuff from CPW and tops it off by pointing out exactly how much I screwed him over when I walked out, and Jackson Andrews covered my time with George and Dan in Canada pretty well. Heidi Brooks has known Maggie for years, and my home life shows up in her book from time to time, including how we met..


(Mexico? Nothing happened in Mexico I can legally admit to.)


So, knowing Tommy, I wanted something different. Most of the rest of my shelves are sports books of one kind or another, and there are a few really good reads out there where one journo or another has shadowed a coach over a playoff season, and you really get a sense of what matters to their decisions.


Everyone admits wrestling's faked these days, and while I'm not exactly alone in thinking that's a shame, I'm also not alone in thinking it was inevitable. It occurred to me that the booker (in wrestler-speak, the guy who puts the shows together and determines where the feuds are going) could benefit from something similar, but as our storylines often take a lot longer than a playoff to play out, there was no way a journalist would spend the time they needed.


I figured I'd do it myself. What's coming was written from the start with the idea it'd make a book, which is why I often go quiet on upcoming story details where if I were doing this level of detail just for me I'd put them in.


I've gotta thank Tommy, Joel (Bryant, the booker before me and still part of the creative team) Cliff Anderson and the guys at Coastal Zone, and the rest of TCW Creative; Sam Sparrow, Jason Azaria, and my old buddy Floyd Goldworthy. Without them, this book would be very different.


* - Study, noun, a place you can hide when your wife has been right too many times already today. Maggie's smarter than me, so mine gets a lot of use.

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  • 2 weeks later...
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SeanMcFly" data-cite="SeanMcFly" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Any Feedback on how I'm doing with NOTBPW, any suggestions on potential storylines ?</div></blockquote><p> That should probably go in your own thread.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="G-Prime" data-cite="G-Prime" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="22618" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That should probably go in your own thread.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Maybe he wants to keep his thread strictly kayfabe, and free of discussion. Bit cheeky, but I can understand it.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> For NOTBPW, I'd keep storylines as simple as possible, and focussed on matches. Old school.</p><p> 1) Young buck fights crafty veteran. Loses, but looks good. Fights him again. Loses, but this time comes within a hair of victory. Young buck fights him a third time at a PPV. This time he wins. You can throw in some tag matches in there, but the story is that the rookie can't beat the veteran until the PPV, after he learns some tricks from the vet.</p><p> 2) Two babyfaces fight. One flash wins the first. Other flash wins the second. Rubber match at the PPV, maybe 2/3 falls.</p><p> 3) Babyface fights member of a tag team. Loses due to interference. Fights the other member. Loses due to interference. Finds a tag partner. Tag match at the PPV.</p><p> 4) Gold-berg... Gold-berg.... Gold-berg...</p><p> </p><p> You then need a catchy, more involved storyline at the top of your card, which drives your Main Event. This is the one that gets the few promo segments. A particularly dangerous heel alliance, perhaps. Or a rift between brothers. I'm not going to help you on this one, because if I have an idea I think is gonna sell PPV's, I'm gonna use it in my own diary <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> It's also really difficult to find something unique and fresh, that will hook in viewers and get people talking.</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...

The impossible has happened:


I, a stalwart lover of the C-Verse... have come up with an idea for a Real World diary.


How truly glorious would it be if USPW existed in OUR 2002? Think about it: King Kong Bundy, Nathan Jones, and Viscera not only all in the same company... but possibly its stars?


It'd be legendary on a level never before seen.

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I am thinking of doing a TNA diary but with my first two failed diary attempts I am kind of unsure if there would be any intrest. I have the storylines planned out going into Bound for Glory, will be doing graphics altough not as much or good as Togg, have a slow reveal planned on the backstory, and think have finally managed to get a match across while not making it too long. Would there be any intrest or other tips from people who have read my previous work?
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Lol go for it bot, you could base it of the legends of wrestling ppv being a smash hit instead of the stinker it was and becoming a company or something.


Eh, I started a game with the premise of using the USPW product (ended up getting bought by Eric Bischoff), and have since signed a debut roster. Still tweaking it a bit, to try and find the right level for a Regional, 80s throwback promotion run by Eric Bischoff.


If it ever does become a diary, it won't be for a long time, as I'm quite fond of my EWA diary (which the storylines are about ready for the next month's shows, so I'll be able to update that soon!). However, there's something amusing about having a company containing King Kong Bundy, LOD, Viscera, Nathan Jones, I.R.S., Heidenreich, and even a handful of talented guys like Rey Mysterio, Jr. and CM Punk.


The only problem will be when those TNA jerks open up shop. Guess I could always use a little creative editing, eh?

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I have more ideas than I do time... not to mention a diary I already love.


Anywho... I've toyed with the idea of Dread realizing his final days are being somewhat wasted in Japan (because, c'mon, when was the last time YOU saw him actually win a title in PGHW?), and that he'd instead like to create his own legacy.


And that legacy would be him returning to America to do for Southern Brawling that Tommy Cornell did for Traditional Wrestling: Take the old formula, but update it for the modern day.


I created the promotion awhile back (Juggernaut Pro Grappling Company, for which Kamchatka created an EXCELLENT logo for), and decided that if the super famous Dread were to start up his own company that it'd instantly draw attention, and combined with the massive fanbase for a good ol' Southern style company in America that it'd only makes sense for the company be Cult. A small Cult, but Cult sized never-the-less. Not only that, but to help be viewed as the next step past TWL and SCCW, it'd bring in a number of former SCCW stars who also happen to already know the style.


While Dread may be the face of the company and its undisputed number one draw, he's still 46 years old, and most of the quickly signed SCCW guys are either old, forgotten, lacking in talent, or any combination there-of. So, naturally, good ol' Dread would have to look to other avenues to fill out the roster. Like convincing Ox Kreviazuk (aka Ox Mastadon) to leave FCW and work for his mentor, bringing in men who may not be a perfect fit for the company but are too popular or talented to ignore (Acid, The Nation of Filth, Fumihiro Ota), and of course a few guys who'd simply just work well in the company (Sgt. Bubba Lee West, Madman Boone, Kirk Jameson).


Finally, in order to prevent further competition while they already have to worry about TCW/SWF talent raids, Dread and Sam Strong agree to only share T-Rex, and that all other workers are exclusive from one another. Admittingly, I kinda just wanted to have T-Rex.


With all that in mind, I soon at this as the debut roster for JPGC:


Main Event:



Lumberjack Jeff (Grunt)

Lumberjack Terry (Stink)

Madman Boone



Upper Midcard:

Fumihiro Ota

Jack Griffith

Paul Steadyfast

Rick Sanders

The Big Problem

The Idaho Punisher (Because I can't play a game in America without him!)



Grease Hogg

Kirk Jameson

Larry Wood

Lead Belly

Ox Mastadon (Next Big Thing lister!)

Sgt. Bubba Lee West

Tom Angelus (See The Idaho Punisher)

Whisky Jack


Lower Midcard:

Blackjack Robbins (Think he's achieved TIP/Angelus status)

Bob Casey

Elijah Harris

King Kong Kennedy



Bill Lewis (Little Bill Lebowski)

Crash Lewis

Warren Technique


Enhancement Talent:

Lobo Blanco (Next Big Thing lister!)



Bret Graveson

Crippler Ray Kingman

Duke Hazzard

Herb Staley

Jez McArthuer

Kristen Pierce

Playboy Jake Sawyer

Rob L. Miskovsky




Obviously, I did start the game already, and I'm on the eve of my first show (which will feature a tournament for the main event title and a battle royale for the midcard title). I am pleased that the product I designed for JPGC is actually semi-favorable towards psychopaths, as I'd very much like to bring in Henry Lee for his name value at some point. At the moment, though, his lack of Basics upsets Dread, who for the same reason I haven't brought in my beloved Doug Peak yet (but he's 1.0% away from being good enough, so I figure I'll wait for WEXXV to develop him for me!)


Lastly, this has resulted in the best owner goal ever. In 17 months, Ox Mastadon MUST have atleast B+ momentum. Lord help me.

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A little add-on, I did what I could not to min/max the company. Like I went out of my way to resist signing Jungle Jack and Rhino Umaga, though I can't quite remember why Whistler is still not in my employ.


And there's probably a couple workers who would be GREAT fits that I haven't brought in. I mean, The Darkness Warrior, Primal Rage, and Gareth Wayne would probably all make more sense than Warren Technique. Meh.

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Man you do get lucky with your next big things sometimes.


In a game I played back when the 97 mod was first released, I had Pigeon Mask as a next big thing. True story. Heck, I think I have a picture linked in the Strange Events thread.


Honestly, I'm ecstatic about Ox being on the list. And Lobo Blanco? I honestly didn't even know the character existed until I spotted him resting at #1 on my Hidden Gems list.

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