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TEW 07/08 Kamchatka's Logo Thread

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And for anyone keeping score, thats all the tv networks done (pending reworking)




If anyone thinks any of them dont fit or need changing for whatever reason plese feel free to say. Im interested for input and thoughts.



EDIT: Just noticed I missed a few. Hold that celebration!

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Ok 49 TV Network Logos present and accounted for.




Stick a fork in it, TV Networks are done.


They can all now be downloaded in proper quality format here

They should all be named correctly so that when you place them into /GDS/Pictures/Networks theyll overwrite the originals and the game will immediately begin using them.

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Hate to pile it on, but more updated logos for the C-verse 1975 data would be awesome.


I know it's a lot, but considering the C-verse '75 database is so loved, it'd be nice to add that little bit of polish that logos bring.


Now that ive got C-verse TV Networks out the way I need a big project on the books and I feel getting the C-verse '75 logos in order might be what is called for.



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So this was one that Ive been looking forward to doing since I saw it posted.


and now..






*Mad neon sign also available in handy compact size.



Yes so I may have gone a bit too far with this but hey It's Vegas. You have to stand out from the crowd. It took a good 4 hours to do. Had to draw the cowgirl twice (thank you windows update) and get the neon just right. But as always, feel free to say if youd like something more.. calm?


Wow, that actually looks awsome.Thanks man. Ill save it for when 2010 comes out :)

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Now that ive got C-verse TV Networks out the way I need a big project on the books and I feel getting the C-verse '75 logos in order might be what is called for.


OH, Please say you'll do a CWB one please! I use CWB in both the CV75 and CV08 so it'd count for both *thumbs up*

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OH, Please say you'll do a CWB one please! I use CWB in both the CV75 and CV08 so it'd count for both *thumbs up*




I know ive been doing a lot of diamond designs lately but considering CWB's original logo was a ring, its kind of hard not to for this one.

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Do you think you could make me a logo and banner for my created fed; Ultimate Championship Wrestling. Looking at the logos you've done already I won't give you much direction as i trust your skills. Its a modern/hardcore promotion if you need some inspiration. Thank you in advance.






As ever, how hardcore to make the logo is a tricky call I find. Whether to go simplified and vicious like the ECW logo was or to go for something more c-verse style. If you wanted something more simple like the old ECW then let me know and I can whip an alternative up.

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I got a request for you if you don't mind.



New Steel Wrestling


Would like it to have the style of PSW logo makes babies with NYCW logo. I'm thinkin' maybe the PSW shield with the wings from that NYCW logo popping out the sides... donno, having trouble picturing it.


Color, would like to see some gold, blue, and some gray.


Thank you for what you do.


Ok loved playing around with this one but so far Im having a lot of trouble getting blue into it. I guessed you meant to stick really close to the PSW and NYCW logos (I also figured you meant the new NYCW logo that I did with the eagle as the old one doesnt have wings).




At the moment I guess it might be a bit too PSW and not enough NYCW yet, but yeah blue doesnt seem to work. The other trouble of course is that a winged shield reduces the amount of size you can work with. Any thoughts?

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As ever, how hardcore to make the logo is a tricky call I find. Whether to go simplified and vicious like the ECW logo was or to go for something more c-verse style. If you wanted something more simple like the old ECW then let me know and I can whip an alternative up.


Oh my God do I love these.

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Oh my God do I love these.


Glad you like it!


In other logo news..


Still no blue but I think this moves it much more closer to the New York Eagle modern feel.





For reference.. these are the two logos being combined.



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Glad you like it!


Still no blue but I think this moves it much more closer to the New York Eagle modern feel.




Kam you know more about this stuff than I likely ever will but have you tried seeing what the white around the logo would look like as new york blue? Does it not blend well with the background?

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Kam you know more about this stuff than I likely ever will but have you tried seeing what the white around the logo would look like as new york blue? Does it not blend well with the background?




Its more the yellow/gold that doesnt fit with the blue in this sense. And no, I know very little about anything but I like to mess around ;)


But.. this is an alternate possibility..




Added some extra detail to the shield and the last one is much further towards the NYCW colours.. which I think is probably the best of the options. Considering the detail and design is closer to PSW then it seems fitting that the colours lean the other way.

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Its more the yellow/gold that doesnt fit with the blue in this sense. And no, I know very little about anything but I like to mess around ;)


But.. this is an alternate possibility..




Added some extra detail to the shield and the last one is much further towards the NYCW colours.. which I think is probably the best of the options. Considering the detail and design is closer to PSW then it seems fitting that the colours lean the other way.


I really like the last one the best.

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Once again excellent work, I love it. Nice use of colours, one doesn't jump to that shade of blue when I think hardcore but it works with the theme you've gone for.




Very good work, very sharp but perhaps a little more character could be added somehow? Firstly I think a bit of gold or a yellow could add to one. Also maybe the incorporation of something like a Shamrock to represent Boston itself could improve it. There still excellent I'm just giving you my own perspective.





My pick for the winner, except I think you should brighten this one's font a little more to highlight the letters.

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Very good work, very sharp but perhaps a little more character could be added somehow? Firstly I think a bit of gold or a yellow could add to one. Also maybe the incorporation of something like a Shamrock to represent Boston itself could improve it. There still excellent I'm just giving you my own perspective.




I wasn't sure if the shamrock would have been going too far


My pick for the winner, except I think you should brighten this one's font a little more to highlight the letters.



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I wasn't sure if the shamrock would have been going too far


Niiice. Yeah being Irish myself I'm probably biased but I just prefer this one myself. But then again two of CWB's Magic Three had Irish last names (Iron Mike Mulligan and Wild Man Sullivan) so there is some kayfabe logic to it. Anyways thanks for doing this.




Boom, the perfect merger of the two logos. I think the impact shapes around the font and logo are what definitely make the image what it needs to be, good job.

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I'd like to request a TCW Total Wrestling banner…


Can you make me a banner for the following…


Would I be able to get a banner with the TCW logo on each side and in the middle the text TOTAL WRESTLER…


Ok this is something ive been mulling over for a little bit, as I said a few pages back Im not going to be doing ppv banners as theyre one shots for diaries rather than being of use in game for everyone (They likely dont take long to do but id prefer to spend that time looking out the window at butterflies and clouds). Note: In game promotion Banners (of the 500x40px variety are a very different kettle of fish, I will still be doing these.)


However of course these requests were made before I made that rule so I feel bad to let people down so I will instead treat them as placeholders each for a single logo request. Zeel, Astil and jwoodson if you each have a logo request in mind I will happily honour them as soon as possible.


Oh and while im on such subjects, I will also add that Im going to be sticking to doing C-verse style logos. Creating a real world logo from scratch is something that really should be left to paid designers. I can of course mimick real world logos in C-verse style which is something I believe is coming up in the requests.

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This lovely company now has a TV show, "JPGC Blaze of Glory".


Wouldn't mind a logo for it.




Older style to stick with original logo and fire based logo..

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Hi Kam,


Would it be possible to un-UK the 21CW logo? Take the UK flag off and put something else (equally as cool) in it's place?




21st Century Wrestling

We're Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!


I have to admit, I enjoyed this one. Though it took a lot of jumping between 300x300 and 150x150.. *Prays to the gods that he might get his hands on the C-verse logos in larger scale*

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Older style to stick with original logo and fire based logo..


Totally going with the fire one, thank you.


JPGC is all but complete...


Someone go poke Reaper for me, I have one more belt he needs to render!

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