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TEW 07/08 Kamchatka's Logo Thread

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Congratulations on getting sticky'd Kam, you earned it!


Wow! Just.. wow. thank you to all, this was not expected and Im sincerely very grateful for the honour. Its a really warming thing to come home to. I shall try my best to meet the standards that it merits.


On a serious note, I do hope you save these in PNG format, since I'm sure I'll need to ask for them in the near future for title requests.


Yep all are saved in layered format so can be converted quickly for PNG use or later reworking. All you need to do is ask.


2) Awesome Max Wrestling Banner (from the C-verse '97 mod.) I saw your Awesome Max logo and thought a banner to go alongside it would be nice.


Just to note, requesting a banner for one of the logos that I have previously done does not really count towards the two logo request limit (Of course requesting 30 banners at a go might be a bit excessive). But on the whole they are quick and easy to do as the design work is mostly over. So to all that have requested them as part of the logo limit feel free to edit your posts if you want to have another logo done.


So what's the polite amount of time to wait inbetween receiving one set of requests and making another set of requests? That's what the fans are all wanting to know :p


I guess as long as your previous request has been completed then its no trouble to me for you to make a new one.


Anyway yes, more logos to follow and thank you all (and to the powers that be) again for the sticky. It has warmed my heart. :)

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Hey Kam, congrats on the sticky! Figure I should put my requests in now.


Can I get a TV logo for FCW? The name of the show is Super Estrellas de la Lucha Libre (Superstars of Wrestling).


Can I also get a TV logo for MPWF? The name of the show is Evento Principal de la Lucha Libre (Main Event Wrestling).


Thanks in advance Kam.

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Well technically, I always have company up here in Stickyland. You guys are always hangin' out, drinkin all my Kool-Aid and stuff.



Do I always ramble when I'm in a small creative block???



this has to be the best thing I've heard today, 1 up for Reaper :)


also Congrats on the sticky Kam, you deserve it :)

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Babes of New Sin City (BNSC) - A promotion for my 9000-verse mod which is basically an alternate universe version of c-verse's BSC. Naturally it's the same sort of glitzy, las vegas sex-appeal heavy product as the original one. You can either focus the logo on either the full promotion name or the BNSC acronym (or both), whichever works better.


I love it when a plan comes together..







EDIT: And for those that want to use it as an alt for the C-verse version..


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Yes!!! Stickied. I now have company up here. Sooooooo Swweeeeeeettt!!!!.


Congrats. :D


Thank you for saying so Captain! (For you are certainly the Captain of the Stickyship)


Back to quaffing Kool-aid then..


Dang, I really love that logo there A LOT! Not trying to step on anyone's toes here, not trying to overstep my bounds in any way, but I took the liberty of editing the color of that just a little bit in GIMP. Think I'll use it as a sort of logo for my own personal universe over here.




Looks pretty spanky with white on black. No toes stepped on at all! For future reference all my work is totally open for anyone to edit or do whatever with. Id love to see more people trying their hand at logo work.


1. Can I get a banner for the the RGE logo you made for me ( the one in my avatar )




My apologies for forgetting to do this one for so long. If you want to edit your request and use that slot for another logo please do. (Note to all again banners do not count towards the 2 logo request limit)

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ArcFight - Short for "Pro Arcade Fighting" (maybe "Professional Arcade Fighting".. haven't quite decided which one looks better in text yet). It's an MMA/Street Fighting promotion consisting of arcade style fighters (King Of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Tekken, etc). Bare knuckled fighting in an otherwise ridiculous gameworld.


For ArcFight I guess I'm looking for a logo that's badassed and over-the-top. Not subtle, but not too cartoony either.

(Special note: I love the crest style stuff you do, but if they work better with three and four letter acronyms I'm happy to wait for a second request round to get one :p)





Im guessing this is the sort of idea you had when you said Crest.. I know the colours are close to the previous logo too but thats down to the StreetFighter colours really.

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/\ Mhhh...Vector-rrific


Yeah nothing like a good crest vector with lots of feathers, a star burst and some leaves.. Though no professional vector artist would be caught dead using Gimp like I am. (Especially the bit where I trace and redraw the vector using the paths tool)


Requests! Awesome. Reaper made me some belts, so if I can get a logo by Kam my TEW life will be complete.


High Impact Wrestling - It's a sports entertainment fed using lightweight workers in modern, fast-paced matches.


I'll post the logo I'm currently using. All I ask is you incorporate the crosshairs and the blue/black color scheme.


Thanks in advance.





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