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DOTM: Real World Poll

DOTM: Real World Poll  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. DOTM: Real World Poll

    • Togg's "TNA - No Limitations "Goodbye Russo""
    • Dse81's "The New NWA"
    • FinalCountdown's "Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002)"
    • iMac's "WWE: The Next Generation"
    • Tristram's "WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW""

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I know that this is an old argument but personally I consider it to be a 2-way tie with Togg down one vote since he voted for himself. I always considered that to be a cheap way to get an additional vote, especially in a race this close. That being said, GO TRISTRAM!


Oh didn't notice that. Selfcasted votes do not count to the overall votes.

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Have to agree with Angel. Haven't had chance to read any of the diaries myself but I wouldn't personally want to win a DOTM poll by voting for myself and I think it is a little cheap to vote for yourself.
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I know that this is an old argument but personally I consider it to be a 2-way tie with Togg down one vote since he voted for himself. I always considered that to be a cheap way to get an additional vote, especially in a race this close. That being said, GO TRISTRAM!


Have to agree with Angel. Haven't had chance to read any of the diaries myself but I wouldn't personally want to win a DOTM poll by voting for myself and I think it is a little cheap to vote for yourself.



Defending myself here...

Its the first time i have ever been in a DOTM vote and i expected others to vote for themselfs. It wasnt me playing cheap but me watching my own back:). if ever im nominated again i will know that ppl do play fair:)

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Defending myself here...

Its the first time i have ever been in a DOTM vote and i expected others to vote for themselfs. It wasnt me playing cheap but me watching my own back:). if ever im nominated again i will know that ppl do play fair:)

I completely understand where you're coming from; the first time I was nominated in the Rookie category, I nearly voted for myself, figuring the other nominees would probably do the same. But I waited a bit, and noticed that everyone else who was nominated either didn't vote at all, or voted for someone else, so I did the same. So, speaking for myself, I don't blame you, nor will I be upset if you tie/win.


Just so I understand how this would work: say Togg gets another vote, and Tristram and I both stay at 10. Would that then be considered a 3-way tie?

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Defending myself here... Its the first time i have ever been in a DOTM vote and i expected others to vote for themselfs. It wasnt me playing cheap but me watching my own back


That's generally thought being a bad thing here ;) But yeah, you didn't lose any overness from this segment in my opinion since you've just started. Way to go btw if it's your first DOTM poll!


Just so I understand how this would work: say Togg gets another vote, and Tristram and I both stay at 10. Would that then be considered a 3-way tie?


Yes. Since everyone has 10 legimate votes.

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I know that this is an old argument but personally I consider it to be a 2-way tie with Togg down one vote since he voted for himself. I always considered that to be a cheap way to get an additional vote, especially in a race this close. That being said, GO TRISTRAM!


I am mean like that. It's a grade school thing I guess, but it's the rules I set out the very first month I ran these. You can vote for yourself but it looses you a tie.


Just so I understand how this would work: say Togg gets another vote, and Tristram and I both stay at 10. Would that then be considered a 3-way tie?


Erm. I hope I never have to make this call. Second there will be NO three way tie. I will post a second poll with just you three if it comes to that. :D

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Or I can break the tie! Keep up the good work TFC. Never been an RoH fan in RL but enjoy your writing.

Oh yeah? Check



Thanks; I think it's a pretty high compliment that you're enable to enjoy what I'm doing despite not being a fan of real-life ROH. I must be doing something right :D


Erm. I hope I never have to make this call. Second there will be NO three way tie. I will post a second poll with just you three if it comes to that. :D

Well, if I'm understanding what you're saying, it would be impossible for the 3 of us to wind up tied, since you said that Togg would lose a tiebreaker. So either he passes us both and wins outright, or he doesn't. Whereas if tristram were to tie me, the two of us would actually be tied. Is that right, or am I missing something?

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Oh yeah? Check


Thanks; I think it's a pretty high compliment that you're enable to enjoy what I'm doing despite not being a fan of real-life ROH. I must be doing something right :D



Well, if I'm understanding what you're saying, it would be impossible for the 3 of us to wind up tied, since you said that Togg would lose a tiebreaker. So either he passes us both and wins outright, or he doesn't. Whereas if tristram were to tie me, the two of us would actually be tied. Is that right, or am I missing something?


I mean that I hope I never have to decide what to do because a guy wins by 1 vote having voted for himself.

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Well, if I'm understanding what you're saying, it would be impossible for the 3 of us to wind up tied, since you said that Togg would lose a tiebreaker. So either he passes us both and wins outright, or he doesn't. Whereas if tristram were to tie me, the two of us would actually be tied. Is that right, or am I missing something?


Togg wouldn't lose a tiebreaker if he has a legimate votes the same number as you do. Right now the situation is this:


Togg has 9 official votes (10 but he voted for himself, thus it doesn't count)

FinalCountdown has 11.


Tristram has 10.


If Tristram gets one vote he's of course tied with FinalCountdown, they both would have 11. If Togg has two votes more he would tie with FC (And Tristram, should get one vote which would be the 11th vote).

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Thanks to all who voted for me, and allowed my diary to eke through a ridiculously close month. Before I started, I really didn't comprehend just how time-consuming it would be to run this diary. But the interest that people have shown makes it all worthwhile. Thanks again, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy and support my diary, as well as all the other great diaries to be found around here. The real world scene is really booming right now, and I'm happy to be even a small part of it.
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Thanks to all who voted for me, and allowed my diary to eke through a ridiculously close month. Before I started, I really didn't comprehend just how time-consuming it would be to run this diary. But the interest that people have shown makes it all worthwhile. Thanks again, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy and support my diary, as well as all the other great diaries to be found around here. The real world scene is really booming right now, and I'm happy to be even a small part of it.



It's a great diary man... You've got plenty to be proud of with this thing

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