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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The Machines vs. Kingman & Alexander Well, if there was ever a time to upset these two, it's now - but I don't think Kingman & Alexander are the pair


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Frankie Perez Should be a heck of a match. Perez seems to be gaining momentum, but I can see Reed edging it through experience


Danny Fonzarelli & RDJ vs. Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins Heck, why not? I can see an argument for Hawkins to be first in line to take a shot at Tornado, but I suspect there's another match yet for TT/TC, so the Syndicate take another bump here


The New Wave vs. Miyazaki & Ota (non-title) Shyeah, TNW aren't losing their first match as champions


Chris Rockwell vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell Tough one to call... Rockwell edges it, as he's your signature character


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell Tough one. Can't see Cornell winning the belt, can't see Ino beating TC any way just yet, so a draw seems likely

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<p>Prediction Key:</p><p>

<strong>The Machines</strong> vs. Kingman & Alexander</p><p>

<em>Jobbers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Frankie Perez</p><p>

<em>P-Dawg is losing his way to the top. His win-loss ratio isn't great, and isn't likely to get any greater as long as he can produce and get more over while jobbing. Art, on the other hand, needs establishing in TCW for later use.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli & RDJ vs. <strong>Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p>

<em>Hmm. Interesting. At some point, RDJ and Fonzie have to win something. How long will it be, though?</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Wave</strong> vs. Miyazaki & Ota (non-title)</p><p>

<em>Miyazaki and Ota will put up a good showing, but the champs carry on their winning ways.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Chris Rockwell vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p>

<em>Can't predict either of these guys taking a hit here - a draw keeps 'em both strong.</em></p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>Ooh, Tommy's kicked down a notch. Not a chance he takes the belt, though. Another DQ win here. Ino will dick Tommy over to keep his belt.</em></p>

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<p><strong>The Machines</strong> vs. Kingman & Alexander</p><p> </p><p>

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli & RDJ vs. <strong>Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Wave</strong> vs. Miyazaki & Ota (non-title)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Rockwell </strong>vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

<strong>Koshiro Ino</strong>* © w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell</p><p> </p><p>

* - Via DQ.</p>

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<p><strong>The Machines</strong> vs. Kingman & Alexander</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed </strong>w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Frankie Perez</p><p> </p><p>

Danny Fonzarelli & RDJ vs. <strong>Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New Wave</strong> vs. Miyazaki & Ota (non-title)</p><p> </p><p>

Chris Rockwell vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p>

TCW International Championship</p><p>

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. <strong>Tommy Cornell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

First time tipster, long time reader...</p>

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 July 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.42)


Held at the Wisconsin Gardens (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 9,839




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes



As the cameras come up and we cut from the credits to the arena feed Painful Procedure are in and around the ring, their instruments at hand. Troy Tornado also wears the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, and they go quickly into the Excessive Force theme.


Meanwhile, clips from the title match on Sunday flick up and pass across the screen, culminating in the final pin, and Azaria, Doakes and Dangerous talk about the consequences this title change is likely to have.


Toward the end of the song, however, Azaria says he's received word that something's happening backstage and the feed switches.



Wolf Hawkins, still limping slightly, is heading through backstage with a baseball bat in hand, obviously on his way to the ring. As he goes, however, someone reaches out and catches his arm, and as Hawkins turns to face the newcomer, Mayhem Midden steps into shot and his head snaps forward, a loud crack from the headbutt echoing for a moment.


Hawkins drops like a stone and Midden nods in satisfaction. In the ring, Painful Procedure wrap up the song without any further interruption.




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Kingman & Alexander vs. The Machines

The Machines continue to show just how much they can do to make for interesting matches, and this time their opponents, smaller names though they are, very nearly topple them on two or three occasions.


Maybe, as Doakes speculates, losing their titles has just thrown the Machines out of line somehow. Maybe – and this is the theory that Dangerous backs – Kingman and Alexander are just beginning to find their feet as a tag team, and that with a few months or so under their belt, they'll be notching up wins regularly. Tag wrestling and singles really shouldn't be compared, after all.


Either way, there are a surprising number of points where Hill and Anderson nearly get beaten here, but in the end it doesn't happen; Brent gets the King of the Hill after ten minutes to put Clark Alexander away.

The Machines defeated Kingman & Alexander

Rating: C+




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Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Frankie Perez

Another solid ten minutes here, as the newcomer takes on a dangerous man. Reed and Perez keep this one very mat-based, shifting between striking and holds on a regular basis, and the question really is who'll do better out of these exchanges.


The Bombshell's reactions ringside seem to add a whole other level to the fans watching, as she seems to genuinely feel the pain Perez inflicts on Reed. And pain is clear on both men's faces for much of the contest; that said, in the end Reed manages to trap Perez' leg after a kick, take him down, and apply the Dread Lock. Jason Azaria reminds the fans at home that the Dread Lock was invented by Sam Keith and given to Reed as a gesture of respect by the legend, and by the time he's covered that history, Perez has tapped.

Art Reed defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: C+





The camera follows Reed and the Bombshell backstage. As Reed passes through the entrance Johnny Bloodstone is there; he gives Reed a quiet nod with a half-smile, approving and respectful, then opens his arms as the Bombshell literally vaults into them.


Someone else clears their throat. “Can I have a word?”


The camera widens to reveal Sam Keith, and Art Reed looks to him then draws a deep breath. “Go on.”


“It's good to see you here, Art,” Keith says. “I knew you'd make it to the big time sooner or later...” He extends his hand for a shake, and Reed just looks down at it, shaking his head slightly.


“I remember you telling me,” he says softly. “And I'll be honest, Sam, I got offers from TCW and the SWF, and I signed for TCW because you were here.


“But I've been based out in Japan.” A sigh. “I hadn't seen what you've been doing here.


“So for all that I wish I could say it was good to see you, too, I can't.”


He turns away, heading back to the locker room. “Good luck in your match, Sam. I owe you that much, at least.”




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RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Wolf Hawkins & Sam Keith

One of the best quarter hours of TCW television begins when the bell sounds to start this fight. Sam Keith seems to have a fire lit inside him after those comments with Art Reed, and Wolf Hawkins – though limping still – wants to prove something himself.


On the other side, RDJ is his usual unflappable hard fighting self, and Danny Fonzarelli has more to prove than anyone else in the ring if he wants to become a credible top-level player.


This is, pure and simple, a fight, almost all of the way – the finish, however, sees Wolf Hawkins manage to go airborne despite the injuries to his legs, hitting the Full Moon Rising to keep Fonzarelli down

Sam Keith & Wolf Hawkins defeated RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: A





Coming back from commercial we find ourselves, for the third month running, in Dangerous' interview set. This time, the man across the desk from him has been with the company for a little longer; it's the P-Dawg, Frankie Perez.


“I'm here,” Dangerous begins, “with the Syndicate's newest member, Frankie Perez. Chances are you all know what he's been up to in the past couple of months, but – as I've found out, sitting next to Jason Azaria as I usually do – there's a lot more to Frankie Perez than the young man who's come into TCW with... sorry for saying it, Frankie... an attitude problem as big as his talent.”


Perez shrugs. “If Tommy Cornell says there's no problem with my attitude, then you're best off remembering who signs both of our checks.”


“Mm,” Dangerous says committally. “You came into the company on the basis of that talent, of course. In the Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling promotion, you've twice held titles, one the Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship – for those of you who aren't familiar with this promotion, that's the championship commonly held to be slightly below the actual Coastal Zone Championship-”


“Not while I held it,” Perez shoots back.


“Well,” Dangerous compromises, “what's notable, really, about your achievements there is that your approach to wrestling, a very grounded style, is not that most prized by their fans. Your tag-team partner at a later point was much more in the tradition of the Coastal Zone and, to raise the style to a higher level, our own All-Action Division. Nonetheless, you've kept your own style, primarily. Why is that?”


Perez shrugs. “They weren't the men I was interested in when I started watching wrestling,” he says, and begins to count reasons off on his fingers. “Their style involves a lot of stupid risks that don't pan out nearly well enough. They hadn't got a clue how to handle me, which is why I beat 'em. Hell, if I hadn't needed an extra man with me, I'd never have taken Skye when I went for the tag belt.


“And most important, the only bones you break that way are your own.”


“That's important to you?”


Perez snorts. “You oughtta know, Dangerous,” he says. “Like I say, they weren't the men I was interested in. When I grew up, wrestlers fought. Wrestlers mauled. Wrestlers maimed.”


“I was wrestling when you grew up,” Dangerous says. “I don't remember much mauling or maiming.”


“Put it this way,” Frankie Perez says quietly. “Way I see it, I'm following a specific tradition. Screw Barry Kingman, he's not following his poppa's path. You want the real Crippler now Ray Kingman's not in the ring?


“I'm the real Crippler.”


Dangerous lets that remark sit unanswered for a few moments in silence. “Well,” he says at last. “That answers that question, I suppose.”




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The New Wave vs. Miyazaki & Ota

By this stage it was pretty clear that the match coming next couldn't live up to the kind of reactions the show previous had generated, but this is still no bad match.


Quite simply, though, Miyazaki & Ota don't have anything like the chances against the New Wave that Kingman & Alexander had earlier against the machines, and the result is a much more predictable match right up to the Wave of Mutilation to put Miyazaki away.

The New Wave defeated Miyazaki & Ota

Rating: C-




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Chris Rockwell vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Brutal. But that will perhaps come as no surprise.


Bloodstone and Rockwell are perfectly suited to put together vicious matches with each other, and you'd never be able to dispute that after watching this one. With both men very focused on arm-based submission holds, this one sees close to every shoulder-targeted move professional wrestling boasts worked into it somewhere, delivered by both wrestlers with a pace and intensity that's hard to believe.


The ending just continues that kind of nastiness, as Johnny Bloodstone tries to apply the Bloodstone Mutilation from a standing start – and from pretty much exactly the wrong place, as both men tumble over the top rope, wiping out on impact. Eugene Williams is left with no choice but to count the two out – and by the time he hits ten, EMTs are on scene to check how bad the damage was.

Chris Rockwell drew with Johnny Bloodstone

Rating: B+





Tommy Cornell paces up and down in the Syndicate dressing room. Hawkins, Keith and the Machines watch him with more than a little trepidation as the former World Heavyweight Champion works himself up.


“My title,” he growls. “My title, gone...”


“You'll get it back,” Hawkins promises confidently.


“Damn right I will!” Cornell snaps. “As soon as I get my rematch. Brent, John, you haven't got titles either anymore, you're going into helping me win it back duty, get me?” The Machines don't look happy about this.


“Until I get that back around my waist, you don't even think about your own belts.”



“Sounds like a good time for me to drop by,” Mayhem Midden comments, amused, as he enters the room. “Sorry, Tommy – the Board have opted not to allow you an immediate rematch.”


“What? But-”


“Oh, you must have seen it coming. You've got the International championship match tonight, right? And you can't carry both of those belts at once.” Midden smirks. “Now this isn't the crap you pulled on Johnson – who, by the way, is eligible to chase the belt again now you've lost it – you're going to be considered for contendership just like anyone else. It's just that after you had it a year and a half, the Board are kind of interested in World Heavyweight Championship matches not featuring Tommy Cornell.”


Midden pats him sympathetically on the shoulder. “Personally, I thought those matches were pretty great, all the cheating set aside. I'd like to see you go at it again. It just won't happen quite yet.”





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Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily vs. Tommy Cornell

Anyone not predicting Syndicate interference here?


I thought not. Cornell pretty clearly continues his sights as resting above the International belt – but at the same time, it rapidly becomes clear that if you put Tommy Cornell in a match, he's going to try and win it. Ino does his best to match him, which works pretty well for a while – until Sam Sparrow comes off his feet after a right hook is ducked by Cornell.



That means Brent Hill is suddenly in the ring, and that leads to quite the double-team. Ino is battered, Ino is worked over, and when Sparrow comes to it seems likely that things will be over...



...and Sam Keith rolls into the ring, chair in hand, and drops Tommy Cornell with a shot to the back. Sparrow immediately calls for the DQ.

Tommy Cornell defeated Koshiro Ino by DQ

Rating: B+

Show Rating: B

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I LIKE that finish! That was an awesome cliffhanger!


Must say, I agree. Really interested to see where this is going. Good show, PS. Good show.


Thanks, guys. We're coming up on one of the storylines I originally had in mind when I started planning this diary - although I can safely say it'll go differently, as things have already changed from what I was expecting.


Still, here we go... there's a bit more positioning to do before everything's ready, but it should make for an interesting little while.

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Friday July 5th 2008

The thing I don't think I'm ever going to get used to is the scale TCW runs on. I'm not massively involved, as I've said, in the business side – there's a bit of coordination, as I try and make sure that our next few months' arena bookings cover areas where the people we're getting behind have good support, but as far as the financials go I pretty much just forge on ahead and people have orders to shout at me if I cross any lines.


I haven't – yet. Just yesterday – this is the joy of knowing this won't see publication for years – I called a former TCW worker about returning to us. The situation was pretty much perfect; he's his company's champion, or was up until the point he left them. He had, as I say, just left them, and the only other American company big enough to interest him is us.


Add in a natural rivalry with our own new champion and Jack Bruce could have been a really useful addition to the lineup.


Now, to be fair to him, I'm expecting most of our top names to look for significant raises when their contracts come due, and for the work they've done I feel that most of them deserve it. The company's more popular than it's ever been and a number of them are turning into household names – in point of fact, with Jack Bruce gone there are actually pretty few who compare, and if the Internet's anything to go by, even their top names aren't getting as many searches as Tommy, Troy, or even Chris.


Jack Bruce is a big name, who deserves big name handling.


What he doesn't deserve is a paycheck nearly twice the size of Tommy Cornell's, plus options, plus creative control. (I'd rather pay over the odds than give out control, to be perfectly honest. I saw what happened to the early HGC years with that.)


But I'm getting away from myself. Believe it or not, I didn't actually intend this entry to be about the Painful Procedure feud that never was. The point is, I try and stay inside the lines I'm given; I didn't have to clear what Jack demanded with Accounts, I knew it was ridiculous, and when he wouldn't budge, I knew it wasn't going to work. So I guess Jack'll take a few months' sabbatical or maybe do a quick stint with George DeColt to prove a point. (Side note: If he does that, I'll watch.)


Sometimes I get the impression I'm actually being a little too tight with resources. Today was one of those times.



Golden Glory: Pistol Pete Hall dethrones Hiroyasu Gakusha in front of a packed crowd, February 2007


Pistol Pete Hall, who in 2007 finally climbed to the top of his particular professional arc aged 45 by winning the GCG World Heavyweight Championship, has given notice to GCG. (My money's on this being entirely due to having to drop the belt to, of all people, Kiminobu Kuroki. Hardly their best worker.)


Pete Hall is still a hell of a fighter. A Hall/Tyler match would be a brawl to watch; a Hall/Peak showdown could be fantastic. .But that's not why I want him; Pete Hall has a lot of experience and is the perfect man to teach some of our students. Today, talking the idea over with Tommy, I told him that my one reservation was that I wasn't sure I could sell him on it over the phone. Tommy shrugged.


“Fly out to Japan next Wednesday, then,” he said. “Give your booking notes for next Friday to Sam and we'll muddle through Badge of Honor. Make a holiday of it. Get him to take you to that steak place he loves. See if we can come to terms.”


The idea that this is a valid business expense still kind of surprises me.

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Yep Pistol Pete is my fav still active brawling/puro teacher by a mile as well plus he still gives a good rub as well.


PS when Tommy and Wolf's contracts come up you can be sure they will ask for around the same money as Bruce. The starting contracts are always low.

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Yep Pistol Pete is my fav still active brawling/puro teacher by a mile as well plus he still gives a good rub as well.


PS when Tommy and Wolf's contracts come up you can be sure they will ask for around the same money as Bruce. The starting contracts are always low.


You know, I think I comment along those lines in the diary entry itself, or at least that there'll be raises involved. I'm well aware; on the other hand, let's face it, if Jack's already drawing that much the contracts will be even worse.


As for Pete, those who did read PPPW will know how often he carried the company there. I've got nothing but affection for the big guy, though I doubt I'd be bringing him up to the main roster.

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This week Badge of Honor comes from the famous West Texas Coliseum. A slice of history from TCW - but that's hardly all.


After the astonishing events that closed off this week's Total Wrestling our cameras were backstage and caught the initial confrontation between Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith. To reduce the wait, we're going to broadcast what we have during Badge of Honor rather than hold off until next Tuesday - so you don't want to miss that; it's coming up at some point in the show.


Meanwhile, some of the best, brightest, and the most promising will be locking up in the ring! We begin with the Tag Team Specialists in action against current tag team championship contenders the Young Guns in a match that's very much age and guile against youth and endurance.


Next up is a match that at least one participant will be taking very personally. On Tuesday, Frankie Perez proclaimed himself 'the real Crippler' and the son of Crippler Ray Kingman, Barry Kingman, came in for some criticism as he did it. On Badge of Honor, we'll see the pair go at it over this issue.


More of the School of Tradition are in action this week, as Eric Tyler and Freddy Huggins step into the ring against the Fly Boys. Tyler's been talking of late about, once his issues with Andrews and Law are officially closed, entering the tag team division and winning gold; with the titles in the hands of people who've opposed him, that seems even more likely. How will this quest start?


Wolf Hawkins will face off with another of the young All-Action hopefuls, going back to his roots against the Cannonball Kid.


Lastly, two matches featuring tag team performers in singles action, as Scout of the tag team champions takes on Shingen Miyazaki. Guide and Scout have been almost exclusively working as a unit for the past ten years - just how good is he in singles competition?


And in the main event, Rick Law has requested a match against Brent Hill of the Syndicate. No word has as yet been received on why.


Prediction Key:

The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns


Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez


The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins


Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Brent Hill vs. Rick Law

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Prediction Key:

The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns

Oxford is on his way out. Let the kids take it!


Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez

Seriously, P-Dawg is producing on a higher level.


The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins



The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins



Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki

Don't make the tag champ lose.


Brent Hill vs. Rick Law

Because it's his show, and Brent can lose in singles competition.

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The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns

The Guns are contenders. TTTS are not.


Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez

Was tempted to vote Kingman, 'cause everyone else has Frankie winning. But Frankie has a real push. And Kingman, well doesn't.


The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Not even close.


The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf takes the 'w'.


Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki

I don't think Shingen is over enough to take this one.


Brent Hill vs. Rick Law

It's Rick's Show.


- Sonfaro

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The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns

The Young Guns have positioned themselves as th #3 team in the division, and the #2 faces. That means they get to win these kinds of matches. They've got to looks strong to put over the next challengers for the champions. The Specialists aren't those challengers.


Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez

Great tie in with familial history. That's always a nice spark. Could this be the first signs of Barry actually having a character?


The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

As you said yourself, the SoT already have a feud going with the tag champs. No need to wait.


The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins

Hawkins took the fall on Tuesday. Time to get it back.


Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki

As much as I love seeing tag team wrestlers struggle in singles, Miyazaki isn't the guy to go over Scout. Not on this continent.


Brent Hill vs. Rick Law

And I'll finish off my zero-surprises predictions. It's Rick's show, and Brent Hill isn't likely moving onto singles competition; at least not at this point.



In all this talk about Keith & Cornell, I'm surprised that nobody has refered to this as a Cornell face turn. With all the strife in the Syndicate, everything points to Cornell getting kicked out of the group.



Tommy Cornell: The saviour of TCW?

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The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns


The repackaged Guns are getting a push right now as part of the re-jigged Painful Procedure, TTTS look like they'll be putting others over prior to Bob Oxford hanging up the boots.


Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez


Perez is getting a relatively strong push right now, Kingman's just a little above a jobber at this stage.


The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


Fly Boys are basically job fodder and this is the sort of matches the School of Tradition should win to keep themselves as a threat.


The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins




Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki


Miyazaki will put up a good effort, but singles or not Scout isn't going to lose this one.


Brent Hill vs. Rick Law


Hill's a capable singles wrestler, but right now he's being pushed as a Tag wrestler and at this stage Law needs to be kept more as a threat in singles competition.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 June 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.30)


Held at the West Texas Coliseum (Mid South)


Attendance: 2000




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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The Tag Team Specialists vs. The Young Guns

Not the greatest opener TCW has seen, but that's not really its job. The Specialists take it to the Young Guns with their usual array of dirty tricks, but the Guns don't seem interested in it, just outpacing them and generally coming at them with moves that, for all the Specialists' experience, are new to them – as to many people.


Nonetheless, sheer determination sees the Specialists turn the tide for a while, and Joel Bryant hits Harry Allen with the One Shot Drop. Before he can cover, Robert Oxford tags himself in and goes to the top rope for his famous kneedrop; problem is, Allen manages to roll out of the way and Oxford appears to hurt his knee, grabbing at it.


Harry tags out and Steve Gumble cleans house, bundling Bryant out of the ring and snapping a Savate Kick off on Oxford's head with precision. That takes it...

The Young Guns defeated The Tag Team Specialists

Rating: D+




What seems like a very familiar video begins.


The video screen bursts into life. Motorcycles roar into life and pull out, racing forward, racing for the horizon. Their riders are indistinct.



Where the image of Karen's horror makeup would normally emerge, though, we see Karen Killer in some sort of self-defence class. The teacher points at her target; she nods, takes a step forward, and punts them in the balls.


The main image of the bikers dissolves; leather-gloved fists wrap chains around them for emphasis.


Heavy, buckled leather boots are strapped on. In the background, Karen Killer tests what might be a riding crop or similar for swing thoughtfully.


The two bikers step into a bar and, intercut, Karen throws back her face and begins to laugh in primal satisfaction..


The bar becomes a brawl. At this point, the combatants can finally be seen:



The brawl dissolves out into Karen Killer's face.


“The bitch is back. And the bitch is coming for you.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

Barry Kingman vs. Frankie Perez

This singles competition is better received than the opening match as the crowd show real signs of waking up here. Kingman seems motivated by finally being given an angle, even a short one like this, and Perez plays it to perfection, chopping the second generation man down whenever he gets his feet back under him.


Barry still has plenty of rope to play with, though, and he plays the underdog well here, fighting for the longest time as Azaria and Dangerous sell his father's reputation, hype his family name, explain what he's fighting for.


And in the end, it's not enough. In the end comes a kick to the head and the P-Clutch, and Barry Kingman, try as he might, submits.

Frankie Perez defeated Barry Kingman

Rating: C-





Once again Bad To The Bone hits and once again Eric Tyler makes his way to the ring, microphone in hand, accompanied by Laura Huggins.


“As I'm sure you all saw on Sunday,” Tyler begins, “I beat Aaron Andrews, again. Beat him til he passed out from the pain.”


A quiet murmur from Kyle Rhodes reminds us that Andrews never submitted.


“I don't think there's any question in anyone's mind which of us deserves respect,” he continues. “Not now, not after that. And I'm prepared to be fair – no, I'm prepared to be more than fair, I'm prepared to be generous if Aaron is willing to come out here and pay his respects. After all, I got other people to deal with.”


The music ends, and the crowd falls silent. And once again, Aaron Andrews doesn't emerge.


Tyler's face is a mask of fury; Laura Huggins whispers something in his ear, and a moment later he bursts out laughing.


“Yeah, right,” he says.


“No one's seen Aaron around since. So maybe he can't. OK, Aaron, I accept your respect in absentia, but you don't get the generosity.


“You don't get a chance to join the School staff.”


“You ask me,” Jasmine Saunders comments, “that's the mark of respect right there.”


“So,” Tyler continues. “One name is done with. Another comes into my sights – Rick Law, you're going to detention. You should never have helped Andrews.”


And we go to commercial...




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

The Fly Boys vs. Tyler & Huggins w/ Laura Huggins

Donnie and Jimmy soar, so does Freddy, and Tyler just grabs people, almost at random, out of the air to clamp them into holds. So it goes.


Actually, that's an unfair assessment of the match; Freddy Huggins seems to be enjoying brawling these days, and the Boys hit moments, usually when Jimmy's actually listening as Donnie calls for things, where they look like the team they once were, there are also points where that all goes to hell, and that's how it ends; Jimmy ignores a call, Donnie gets the Huggins Kiss, and Jimmy finds himself clamped into the Tradition Lift and forced to submit for good measure.

Tyler & Huggins defeated The Fly Boys

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TheCannonballKid.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

The Cannonball Kid vs. Wolf Hawkins

The pace of the show abruptly picks up. You could well describe this as a chance for Wolf Hawkins to remind himself what it was like to be in the old Cruiserweight division, and you wouldn't be far wrong; it seems like every time Hawkins is about to use a big throw, huge boot, or take it to the mat he halts for a moment and goes airborne instead. He's clearly proving a point, and it's a very simple point; Wolf Hawkins has become bigger than the All-Action division, still winning easily despite not bothering with most of his modern repertoire.


The Full Moon Rising finishes the match in style.

Wolf Hawkins defeated The Cannonball Kid

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShingenMiyazaki_alt1.jpg

Scout vs. Shingen Miyazaki

It's not quite the same pace as the prior match, but it's a lot closer. Both of these men are mat technicians, and the two men work a fast, hard pace throughout, at the very least keeping the crowd interested and enthusiastic.


Still, Scout makes short work of his opponent, eventually forcing him to submit to the Special Force.

Scout defeated Shingen Miyazaki

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Rick Law

And here's a hell of a match.


If anything, it's made better by the complete lack of any Syndicate interference. That's right, none of the Suited Six other than Brent come anywhere near the ring. Which would give this space to really, really build...


If not for Eric Tyler.



Tyler hits the ring the moment a cross-body goes awry (Brent leaps, Law catches, Law spins it into a slam, Brent's feet catch Ray Johnson) and the ref goes down, and he goes straight for Law, who does what he can but faces a two-on-one beatdown for almost a minute.


What changes this isn't the referee recovering, either – it's reinforcements.



There's a massive metal crack as Aaron Andrews folds a chair over Eric Tyler's head from behind, and Tyler drops. Andrews hits him with a couple more and shoves him outside of the ring, leaving Law to recover from the assault, counter out of the Complete Package, and hit the Long Arm of the Law to take out Brent Hill.

Rick Law defeated Brent Hill

Rating: B



Finally, what the fans had been waiting for comes; after a ten-second recap of the closing moments of the Ino/Cornell main event from Tuesday, the camera cuts to footage identified by a tag as coming from the same day, just inside the Crippler Position away from the fans.



Sam Keith, chair in hand, is in mid-shouting-match with Tommy Cornell.


“THE BACK IS THE LEAST PAINFUL PLACE FOR A CHAIRSHOT!” he roars. “What the hell did you want? Straight in the head?”


“I didn't want to be hit with a ****in' chair in the first place!” Cornell snaps. “I didn't want to be attacked, least of all by the man I hired to watch my back!”


“What the **** did you THINK I was doing, brother?” Keith retorts hotly. “I did that to protect you!”


That halts the former champion in his tracks. He stares at Keith, eyes cold. “You've got to be ****ing kidding me.”


“You won that match,” Keith continues, “and then what happens? You can't hold two titles at once, Tommy. You think Midden's going to let you just go back after yours and drop the International strap?”


Cornell is silent.


“**** no,” Keith continues. “He wanted to lock you into that title, man. He wanted to keep you the hell away from the main event where you belong.


“I had to stop that. I had to get you out the match before you won. And I had to do it before I got thrown out – so I used a chair to make sure of it.”


Cornell's still staring, silent. Keith waits.


“You brought me in to watch your back,” Sam says, as if trying to placate an emperor. “There's no dodge I haven't seen used, Tommy. You have to let me do my thing. You've got to let me help you.”


Cornell, still silent, turns and leaves.


Sam watches him go, edgy, and shakes his head – then his face curls into a mask of rage and he hurls the chair away, storming off in the other direction.


Show Rating: B

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An almost unanimous sweep of perfect predictions (so, it was one of 'those' Badge of Honors) means that the latest new piece of merchandise gets a wide free distribution.


Self, Regis, Sonfaro, Candyman, Greg McNeish and Tigerkinney - you all get the new Frankie Perez shirt:



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