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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Saturday 19th August 2008

I'm out of touch with the wrestling world for a few hours this morning – I refuse to leave my cell on on planes – and I didn't want to ask last night.


But when I got off the plane at PHL for the last leg, the drive home, I decided to stop off at Steaks on South for lunch – and I couldn't take the wait anymore.


I called head office, and checked in on the web-poll for Edd's opponent.


I'd done this before, once, near the very end of Philly Pro. At the time, nothing had been riding on it. Also, we were catering to a miniscule audience compared to the one TCW commands. This time...


“How are the overnights doing?” I asked. The immediate turnaround was always going to be the biggest part of this, and Badge of Honor isn't huge in terms of audience – but we were getting a lot of hits, thanks – I'm told – to the recap websites making a big thing about it.


We were getting hits from Japan, England, Germany – all places Badge of Honor doesn't air, but where we have PPV.


And most of these people were voting. I jotted down what they could tell me about the early percentages – looked likely to be Art Reed, and I'd have to make sure Steve Gumble didn't get wind of the results if things carried on like this – but the immediate response was beyond expectations.


Which made me relax more than a little. I asked them to pass on a message to Tommy, when he called in, to let me know yes or no, finished my cheesesteak, and headed home to Maggie.



And that was Tommy, calling to check the same thing.


The overnights have done their job – they've proven that the fans will respond. The design crew have been given the go-ahead to start planning a new PPV identity to replace Just Another Day?, a PPV built around giving the fans the power to determine the matches – at least to some degree.



The inaugural design for Fight To The Feedback

Logo courtesy of hakk99


Here, if the production boys are still reading when we get this far, or around here anyway, it'd be cool to get a picture of whatever it ends up being named, and how the logo came out....

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Less than a week to go to Hotter Than Hell and we're starting off with a bang - Ricky Dale Johnson opens Total Wrestling facing off against the American Buffalo in what's sure to be a painful contest for both men.


Speaking of the Buffalo, Kingman & Alexander, who recently pledged to find a way to get the big man off his feet, will also be in action - they'll be taking on the Easy Riders in a match which may foreshadow the future of the tag team division.


The present of the tag team division, however, is the New Wave, and they're also in action tonight taking on the Fly Boys - though their belts are not on the line.


Joey Minnesota will be up next, facing off against Sammy Bach. Will Teddy Powell make his presence known in this match, or do the Disrespected have longer-term plans?


Eric Tyler faces off with Koshiro Ino in another non-title encounter, after Ino requested a warm-up contest before facing John Anderson. Given the health of Rick Law, this warm-up may not be the wisest of ideas...


And two major matches headline the show, as Mayhem Midden has declared that both factions with a say in the Cornell/Keith conflict will send their seconds against the man involved.


So we've got Sam Keith taking on Wolf Hawkins in what promises to be an excellent bout...


...and in the main event, Tommy Cornell goes head to head for the first time with Johnny Bloodstone!


Prediction Key:

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Similarly, if he does get the shot, i'm rioting ;) Boo for indie-favourite megapush :p


Hell Monkey's TCW record: One win, four losses.




...Forty votes thus far (contest will close when I post Total Wrestling, likely on Tuesday) and Hell Monkey's not a front runner, though. With the amount of votes registered, I'm kind of amused that announcing ahead of time (well ahead of time - we're in August, it won't go down until March) that I'll be ripping off Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday has dropped me from five stars to four - but hey, life goes on.


Oh, and for those tuning in on this new page, Total Wrestling's card is up.

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson It's RDJ.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander K&A can't coast on 'that' win indefinitely.


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title) Unlike the other NT match on the show, TFB aren't together enough to be a major threat to TNW


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach Miinesota is a guy I always root for, even if Bach is also a favourite


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title) Non-title? I smell a Tyler victory


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell Not to make either man look weak, but as there's no way to realistically diminish the interest in these matches, the time for a rub for the 'seconds' could be now - a Bloodstone/Hawkins match could be gold.

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Prediction Key:

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Buffalo doesn't have the talent to go over RDJ.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander

The Easy Riders have a programme, while K&A are still not quite there yet.


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)

Oh, hell no.


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach

Joey Minnesota takes down the rock god, who loves every minute of it.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)

Tyler can challenge Ino at the PPV, keeping them both busy until Law comes back from injury and Ino gets a credible contender.


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins

Whoops! Sorry Wolf, Sam's not retiring yet.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

...But Tommy takes the Syndicate home happy, at least until Johnny develops more of an all-round game.

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

RDJ gets a win here - he needs more than to be Fonzarelli's tag partner


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander

Kingman and Alexander are getting there - but I don't see them beating the Riders here


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)

The New Wave pick up a useful win over a team who aren't good enough at the moment to get a title shot


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach

Interesting match. I'll go with Minnesota to grab a win.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)

Tyler gets a big win via cheating to set up a title match between the two


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins

Keith beats the protege on the way to the big meeting with TC


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

And a great main event sees Cornell gain momentum

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Guest cmdrsam
Similarly, if he does get the shot, i'm rioting ;) Boo for indie-favourite megapush :p


If Nedew gets a title shot I'm rioting. :p


I know his record stinks, but always had a soft spot for the big man.

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Buffalo may have been able to bully around Kingman & Alexander but RDJ's a whole different proposition.


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander


I would have thought Kingman & Alexander would have pushed on a little from their upset win over the Machines but they haven't really progressed. Meanwhile the Easy Riders seem to have a bit of momentum behind.


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)


There's a reason this is non title, that's because The Fly Boys aren't anywhere near being championship worthy.


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach


Minnesota seems to be mostly working in the Tag ranks right now where he has a budding tandem going with Aaron Andrews, so I see Bach who could do with a good win in my opinion pulling out the win here.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)


On the other hand this is a non title match where I see the guy not holding the belt, picking up the win.


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins


One of those matches where I can see the old dog pulling out a few new tricks to beat the young pup.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell


The Syndicate leader however will get the victory here over Bloodstone, in what 'chemistry issues aside' should be a superb match.

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American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)


Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)


Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

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Hell Monkey's TCW record: One win, four losses.




This is the age where TV time trumps win-loss records! I could say the same for Perez really.


I enjoy the diary, you're a good booker too, just not so keen on the signings :) Too much of the 'usual suspects'.

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This is the age where TV time trumps win-loss records! I could say the same for Perez really.


I enjoy the diary, you're a good booker too, just not so keen on the signings :) Too much of the 'usual suspects'.


Heh. Actually, TV time is a point Perez made on screen at one point, so I'll happily cop to that.


Yeah, there are a lot of the guys everyone signs in here - I tried to evade that but for a couple, but it's hard to sustain ratings if you don't bring in talent...


Ah, well. We'll see how things shake out.

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Prediction Key:

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

RDJ is still a main event player, Water Buffalo isnt


Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander

If they can take the Young Guns, they can easily take Kingman and Alexander


The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave (non-title)

The Fly Boys implode



Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach

tough one to call, but Bach seems to be moving up while Minnesota seems to be treading water



Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino (non-title)

Cheat to win and get a title shot



Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins

cheap win


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

don't mess with the boss

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 August 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.86)


Held at Clover Fields (Mid South)


Attendance: 14,024




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmericanBuffalo.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

It's amazing, sometimes, just what the audience's familiarity with a wrestler can do to get them behind a match. RDJ found himself playing the David role, albeit a lot stronger and tougher than David ever looked, against Buffalo's Goliath.


It's a stock wrestling story, and has been for years. But the pair manage to keep it relevant, and some of their sequences draw significant pops – notably a running sequence where RDJ hits a Leaping Lariat from all four corners before the Buffalo finally topples, as well as the point where the Colt Killa is countered with a backdrop.


Neither of these finish it, though; not until RDJ manages to get his knees up to block the Stampede, immediately following up with a Southern Justice.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated American Buffalo

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/karenkillerlosttrem.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Karen Killer vs. Kingman & Alexander

Another good, solid tag contest from the midrange of the tag division. Killer, as ever, comes armed with a tyre iron.



That's probably a good thing in this case – around six or seven minutes in, with both sides fighting hard and even, the Young Guns and Troy Tornado appear, heading down to ringside.


Killer manages to turn it into a standoff for a few moments, but Tornado points past her to the ring and the Guns dive forward; as she hesitates over which one to go for, Tornado lunges, grabbing the arm with the weapon and twisting it back into a hammerlock...


And he turns. Killer watches as Gumble hops onto the apron, catching Hopper with a Savate Kick to the side of the head as he hits the ropes. In the ring, Kingman surges forward with a sudden lariat to take him down.


Hopper rolls clear and tags in Fonda, but Harry Allen grabs Fonda's leg as he steps in. Kingman tags Alexander in, grabs the distracted Fonda, and lifts him up for a powerbomb – as Alexander leaps up, grabbing Fonda as he comes down for a double-knee backbreaker out of the bomb.


Azaria notes that the duo has used that move on a couple of occasions on the house show circuit and dubs it the Crippler Bomb as Ray Johnson makes the three count.

Kingman & Alexander defeated Easy Riders

Rating: C





Tornado looks satisfied – and then, from out of the crowd, Wolf Hawkins launches himself forward with a chair.



The Young Guns move to help – but coming the other way are Tommy Cornell and Tyson Baine. Quickly, this turns into a six-man brawl.


Hawkins can be heard yelling something about “my title shot,” as the fight continues. Baine grabs both Guns by the throat, chokeslamming each in turn over the crowd barrier to take them out of the fight.


Rescue comes from the unlikeliest of sources.



Thatcher alt by Nachtfalter

Charlie Thatcher, sporting a new look, storms down the entrance ramp to lay Baine out with a big boot. A punch to Hawkins demonstrates that Thatcher's wearing brass knuckles, and the Syndicate's fortunate son goes down after the third such shot.



Meanwhile, as Tornado and Cornell slug it out, Shout At The Devil plays, and Mayhem Midden appears in his usual biker leathers. Thatcher looks back at him; Midden grins and nods approval.


“That's enough, Tommy,” he says into the microphone. “Tommy – TOMMY! Thank you. Your boy's hurting, Tommy, and he's got a match tonight. Get him to the trainers.”


Cornell turns to glare at Midden, then at Thatcher. “I wouldn't,” Midden says again. “Charlie Thatcher is now working as my designated enforcer.


“You forced this one, Tommy. You forced my hand – I need someone to keep order.


“Now Charlie may not be the most proficient technical wrestler around, but he's got my backing, and my encouragement to break the usual rules. He's got blunt instruments – hell, he is a blunt instrument – and all he has to do is mess people up.


“This is your fault, Tommy. If you'd kept order in your company instead of trying to ruin it over your petty grudges, I wouldn't need Charlie.


“Oh, and when Wolf wakes up – tell him I agree, he deserves a title shot. Let's see if he can get past Troy and Brent.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg

The Fly Boys vs. The New Wave

The pace during this contest is astonishing. The Fly Boys are showing some real unity, suddenly, and Guide and Scout try to keep up with their opponents in speed as well as skill.


Which means that the whole thing rapidly becomes frantic action. A sequence of near-falls in the middle of the match goes for nearly a minute, incorporating just about everyone's finishers multiple times.


And then Scout starts to get control. Jimmy P finds himself dropkicked clean out of the ring and the technician goes to work, the pace slowing abruptly. The Special Force is applied and Donnie fights.. and fights... and manages to twist clear, escaping the hold this once.


Scout tags out, and Guide storms across the ring, catching Donnie in an inverted suplex just before he could tag out. Both members of the New Wave mount the top turnbuckles for the Wave of Mutilation...


And Donnie's head is turned to face his tag team partner. He sees, clearly, as Jimmy shrugs, shaking his head, and drops from the apron to walk away.


It's the last thing he sees before the Wave hits.


After the pin count, Donnie still lies there a long while, staring at the turnbuckles his partner had stood beside.

The New Wave defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: C+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg

Joey Minnesota vs. Sammy Bach

The hectic pace of the previous match continues here. If anything, with no need to tag out, it picks up. Minnesota and Bach seem evenly matched for much of the match, but there's one crucial difference.


Sammy Bach gets off on pain.


It doesn't faze him the same way. It doesn't make him hesitate. He can take risks knowing that, for him, there's a payoff either way.


And sometimes, that's all the edge you need. Minnesota finds himself locked in the warm embrace that is the Back on Your Back and taps just before the fifteen minute mark.

Sammy Bach defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: B+





As Sammy rises, his eyes suddenly dead, a supercilious expression on his face as he surveys the crowd, his music cuts off, replaced by a different track.



Atop the ramp stand Stevie Grayson and Teddy Powell, glowering furiously at Bach.


Sammy's eyes spring back to life, smiling, half-lidded. His tongue snakes out, wetting his upper lip, and he grins. Leaping out of the ring, he charges...


...and Total Wrestling goes to commercial.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KoshiroIno.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/QueenEmily_FS2.jpg

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino w/ Baroness Emily

It seems, for whatever reason, that Tyler and Ino get each other as few wrestlers can. The result is typically excellent.


Tyler stalls for the first couple of minutes, waiting for Ino to snap, presenting an opening – and when it happens he goes right to it, rapidly and efficiently dismantling the Kobra until Ino manages to fight back.


During the rally, Ino works Tyler over even more efficiently than he managed. Sam Sparrow gets sucked into an argument with Laura Huggins at ringside, and Tyler rolls out of the ring...



Sean Deeley blindsides Ino, sweeping his legs out from under him and stomping away. The Kobra manages to squirm clear, blocks the next attack and catches Deeley with a European uppercut. As his new target reels, the Kobra backs up for momentum on the Kobra's Bite -


A concerned look on her face, Laura Huggins pops up, grabbing the top rope and yanking it down. Rather than bouncing off the ropes, consequently, Ino topples to the outside.


By the time Sparrow is aware of proceedings, Tyler is stomping away at the International Champion on the outside, while Laura Huggins checks on Deeley.


As the ten count continues, Tyler rolls Ino into the ring and covers, but Ino kicks out at the count of two. Deeley reaches into the ring and Sparrow sends him to the back...



...And while he's occupied that way, Rockwell rolls into the ring and clotheslines the hell out of the Kobra, then literally spits on his downed body.


Tyler hoists the battered Ino up for the Tradition Lift and, after all his injuries, Ino eventually has to submit.

Eric Tyler defeated Koshiro Ino

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Wolf Hawkins

For the two men involved, this contest is a short one – but then, Hawkins comes to the ring with a plaster on his forehead, blatantly injured.


He puts up a good fight – a very good fight – nonetheless, but Sam Keith has him scouted. For everything Hawkins pulls out, Keith has a counter, and Wolf's slowed down just enough that there's time for Keith to apply them.


As Wolf starts to get more and more inventive, he begins to score hits – but he's also flagging, and an attempt to duplicate Hell Monkey's Hell Fire Kick gets caught, turned into a Neutron Plex, and followed up with the Proton Lock. Hawkins taps quickly to save himself from further damage.

Sam Keith defeated Wolf Hawkins

Rating: B






Baine and Cornell are in the ring moments later – but coming out almost on their tail is Johnny Bloodstone, accompanied by the Bombshell; it seems that Keith's entreaties to the Bombshell's faction have been answered.



There's a brief moment of standoff – and then two others slide under the ropes and stand alongside Keith and Bloodstone. Young, they're still recognisable...


Sam Keith's sons have arrived.


Cornell and Sam Keith look at each other for a long moment. Eventually, Cornell nods, just slightly.


Slowly, Baine retreats, supporting Hawkins. After he's done so, the three Keiths leave in turn.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TommyCornell_alt5.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell

The main event begins, and the fans are clearly hyped for it right from the start.


It's difficult to recount everything that happened here – certainly there were clear moments where Jason Azaria was scrabbling for the words to describe sequences, and moments where he didn't get there in time.


With Bloodstone's loyalties now confirmed, Cornell seems furious with him, and Bloodstone stays calm – just barely – only thanks to repeated glances to the Bombshell.


But it's a little over fifteen minutes before it becomes clear that the ring can't contain this one. The countout comes as both men crash over the crowd barrier into the crowds...

Johnny Bloodstone and Tommy Cornell went to a double count out

Rating: A






The theme tune for Hotter Than Hell begins to play. As it does, a highlight video begins to roll, focusing primarily on Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith, with appearances by Troy Tornado, Brent Hill, Wolf Hawkins, Koshiro Ino and John Anderson.


Over the music, over the in-ring competition, soundbites play...


“For that, Tommy – for that I owe you big time. Payback begins now.”


“Didn't you get it? The free ride is over, Sam."


“Koshiro, I want to be the man who takes you on at Hotter Than Hell. For the title.”


“I know that you've got issues with Rockwell, but, well, nothing's been signed yet, and...”


“The job of a champion – the duty of a champion – is to make his championship mean something."


“And Troy, I want to see about your belt, same time.”


“Brent Hill is not going to be in the championship match.”


“You and I are going to butt heads, Tommy, and you're going to find out my head is a lot harder than yours.”


“Didn't you get it? The free ride is over, Sam."


“For that, Tommy – for that I owe you big time. Payback begins now.”


Show Rating: A

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- Best. Show. So far. And it had Charlie Thatcher on it.


I'm as confused as you are.


- 43 votes and the leader in the field (Art Reed) had nine. Close runners up were Sammy Bach, Guide, and Harry Allen, followed by Hell Monkey. The contest is closed now, but wow - what a response.


As noted in a 'diary' entry, this was in some ways a test to see whether this diary could support a Taboo Tuesday/Cyber Sunday style deal around March 2009 game-time, and with 43 votes I'm happy to say I think it can. Said vote may come in on the TEW2010 data update I'm planning to do - my current thinking is to reach the end of the game year, then update, but depending on TEW2010's release date that may not happen.


- Thanks to whoever nominated this diary for the DOTY awards. Even a single nomination means a lot to me.


- Yep, I signed the Gauges. This does actually herald the end, for the foreseeable future, of my signing C-Verse indy favourites (though admittedly others are currently in dev for one reason or another.) The original kernel for this diary revolved around the Keith/Cornell feud, and back in late May when it was just an idea and I was still doing Philly Pro, I had a PM conversation with Bigpapa discussing ideas. To quote from my earliest PM regarding the 'new Anti-Syndicate':


Well. Some clues that you may put that stable together from:

One is currently a Syndicate member.

Two have yet to enter professional wrestling.

One is currently touring in Japan.

There is a logical reason for all four men to side together.


Obviously enough, Johnny Bloodstone's contract came up relatively early in the actual diary and I jumped at the chance for another addition. (On which note, there may be another, similar opportunistic addition in about one game month - watch this space.)


I did sign more of the indy favourites outside that list than I'd planned - I grabbed Acid chiefly because I was bringing in Art Reed and touching on that feud struck me as a good idea, I grabbed Sean Deeley, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] to stop SWF getting them when they started getting over in portions of the US - neither [REDACTED] will appear any time soon, by the way - I wanted Perez but visualised him playing a much smaller role, and I love Marc Speed and will sign him for any promotion. (I'd be 50/50 on signing him for AAA, even, where it would be moronic.) Which is not so much to justify myself as to explain.


- Seriously. Charlie Thatcher. Blame the Philly Pro diary.

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And until the 28th, TCW: A Quiet Retirement is going on hiatus - I'm well away from my usual machine, visiting family for Christmas.


Any heckling or questions you may have, this is the time.


Man, a whole four days of a hiatus? Sure hope this diary can survive that.. :p

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Man, a whole four days of a hiatus? Sure hope this diary can survive that.. :p


Yeah, it's horrendous!


More seriously, I've kept up a reasonably consistent quick-fire schedule, so I'm just putting the word out and inviting discussion.


If you really need a dose of Horatio Dangerous, why not check out the Philly Pro diary while you're waiting?

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