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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The Gauges/Keiths are an 'indy darling' signing that i really don't mind as it makes perfect sense. Their dad is there, that's some serious feud potential with either him or whoever he has tension with (Tommy).


All i have a problem with is hoarding the likes of Perez, Bloodstone, Deeley... or worse yet, hoarding them and plastering them all over TV and storylines from the get go :p Roles that could've been filled by original roster members no less.


I guess you feel the need to fulfill ratings demands as well (whereas i eschew that in favour of storytelling accuracy in any of my work), and for that i hold some understanding. All i can ask is, for the love of god, please don't sign American Elemental or Nigel Svensson :p


I don't want to be doing nothing but criticising here, as it is a wonderful piece of work, i'm just pushing my (hopefully constructive) criticisms to the front :)

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The Gauges/Keiths are an 'indy darling' signing that i really don't mind as it makes perfect sense. Their dad is there, that's some serious feud potential with either him or whoever he has tension with (Tommy).


All i have a problem with is hoarding the likes of Perez, Bloodstone, Deeley... or worse yet, hoarding them and plastering them all over TV and storylines from the get go :p Roles that could've been filled by original roster members no less.


I guess you feel the need to fulfill ratings demands as well (whereas i eschew that in favour of storytelling accuracy in any of my work), and for that i hold some understanding. All i can ask is, for the love of god, please don't sign American Elemental or Nigel Svensson :p


I don't want to be doing nothing but criticising here, as it is a wonderful piece of work, i'm just pushing my (hopefully constructive) criticisms to the front :)


No particular interest in Elemental and I always wish Nigel could just stay in the UK and help prop that scene up, so I'm unlikely to sign him. (And Hugh de Aske is crying out for his big break to be the SWF, not TCW).


Kinda surprised that you've included Bloodstone, but mostly in an adjusting-my-assumptions-about 'indy' way. (To be honest, it seems like just another year's indies-raiding for TCW - the DaVE influx is something I keep working hard to not paint as, well, a DaVE influx, but they got plenty of 'em.

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Tuesday August 22nd 2008

I'm sitting in the locker room, and I'm watching the dynamic.


Greg and Matthew Keith – Sam's boys, and for all that Keith isn't their real name it's the one I've got to get used to on commentary – are in here for the first time since – well, actually, since they were about three years old. The nerves are clear in both of them, and they're sticking as close to each other as possible.


As close to each other... and as close to their father.


Me? I'm just sitting, writing... and watching.


Sam is talking business – he and Tommy are already plotting out, to at least some degree, their match for Sunday, and they're both giving Wolf what looks like being a useful critique of his performance earlier tonight.


So Sam's distracted. Folks like Eric Tyler, RDJ – they come over and talk to the twins regardless. Some of the others, Rocky Golden notably – they wait, and they introduce themselves only when they think Sam's looking.


At the moment, Greg and Matt are, to some of the assembled, just a way to get in with Sam Keith. A way to play politics. On Friday, unless plans change on the day, they'll get into the ring for the first time.


I'm looking forward to it, and I've asked Joel to keep an eye on how the boys treat them after that match ends.


When Sam first started pitching me on bringing Matt and Greg in for this program, rather than leaving them with Coastal Zone for a few months to evaluate, one of the first things he did was insist on my seeing them work.


Amid much secrecy, the Keiths and I flew in to Tommy's house in Atlanta. In the virtually-professional-standard gymnasium he's built is a ring – the ring he trained Wolf Hawkins using, the ring that plays an important part in his training whenever he's here.


Matt and Greg stepped into the ring to face Tommy and Wolf, while Sam and I watched.


Now, just about anyone will look good wrestling Tommy – or Wolf, for that matter – but even allowing for that, the twins did well. Maybe it's just being brought up together, or it's simply sensational training from so many of Sam's contacts in the wrestling world. But it doesn't feel like it to my eye.


There are legendary tag teams. Whipper Spencer Marks & George DeColt. The Blazing Flames. The Black Serpent Cult – another pair of twins – and, yes, the Lords of War. There are others, sure, but what I'm talking about here is that difficult-to-define quality that makes it difficult to imagine either tag partner working with a third man rather than their partner.


Greg and Matt have that in spades. They mesh, it seems to me, beyond what their abilities would suggest, performing better in that tag match than either did in their solo match.


On Friday, they'll go out there as unknowns. And that means that there's a limit to how well the fans will take to them. But they're riding intrigue and momentum, and I strongly suspect that Joel will tell me about the twins being spoken to, befriended, not as a path to Sam but as a way to ensure plenty of matches against whoever talks to them – politics in action.


And I suspect that Joel will tell me about people looking worried for their spot when they come to understand that Greg and Matt aren't Cameron Vessey all over again.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/badgebanner.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23671" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>After the stunning arrival on Total Wrestling of Sam Keith's twin boys, they're plunged straight into action this week! Whatever the question over their contracts may be, they're going to be wrestling - and this week they start by taking on the Syndicate's dissenting tag team, the Machines, by order of Tommy Cornell!<p> </p><p> Art Reed, your runaway winner in the All-Action Contendership poll, will be in action tonight against JD Morgan. We expect that he or his manageress will have a few words to say concerning the title match on Sunday.</p><p> </p><p> The British Lions are back on your screens, too - they're facing off with Kingman & Alexander, who'll be riding high after their recent win.</p><p> </p><p> Jimmy P will also be in action - Mayhem Midden has granted a request by his tag team partner Donnie J for Jimmy to face the famous Johnny Bloodstone. What's going on with this pair?</p><p> </p><p> A Puerto Rican staple comes next. Four men. One pinfall. Aaron Andrews steps into the ring with Freddy Huggins, Shingen Miyazaki and the UK Dragon. There's no question that this grouping contains some very fine young talent - but who's going to win through?</p><p> </p><p> Following that, Badge of Honor plays host to a massive eight-man tag. On the one side, Randall Hopkirk promises to stand alongside his Painful Procedure allies - Billy Jack Shearer and the Young Guns. On the other, the Easy Riders who have given them so much trouble will ally with Frankie Perez and the School of Tradition's Sean Deeley.</p><p> </p><p> And in the main event, Eric Tyler goes one-on-one with Joey Minnesota.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Prediction Key:</p><p> The Keith Brothers vs. The Machines</p><p> </p><p> Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan</p><p> </p><p> British Lions vs. Kingman & Alexander</p><p> </p><p> Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p> </p><p> Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon</p><p> </p><p> Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p> Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota</p>
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<p>Prediction Key:</p><p>

<strong>The Keith Brothers</strong> vs. The Machines</p><p>

<em>Start the sons off strong, and get the Machines into more trouble.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan</p><p>

<em>The younger guy gets the win here, as JD's pretty much there to job and teach.</em></p><p> </p><p>

British Lions vs. <strong>Kingman & Alexander</strong></p><p>

<em>Woo! Go K&A!</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p>

<em>JOBBER!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon</p><p>

<em>Because why not?</em></p><p> </p><p>

Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. <strong>Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley</strong> w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins</p><p>

<em>Sorry, Billy. Sorry, Randall. You're getting sacrificed.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota</p><p>

<em>Tyler will win until Law stops him... I think.</em></p>

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The Keith Brothers vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan


British Lions vs. Kingman & Alexander


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon


Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

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The Keith Brothers vs. The Machines

While it seems like you have plans for the Keith boys (hell, I know you do! You've told me so!), I'm not sure they make this big of a jump this early. Possible, but I'm not counting on it.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan


British Lions vs. Kingman & Alexander


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon


Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

Time for the Joey Freakin Minnesota mega-push!

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<p>First prediction for this excellent diary.</p><p> </p><p>

The Keith Brothers vs. <strong>The Machines</strong></p><p>

<em>The Machines are the established team, and shouldn't lose to the rookies. That said, the Keiths should be debuting strong, even in a loss.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan</p><p>

<em>Art needs to get a real push going if he's going to be a legimate threat to Stone.</em></p><p> </p><p>

British Lions vs. <strong>Kingman & Alexander</strong></p><p>

<em>Morgan and Curle are still unknowns, while Kingman and Alexander have been getting pushed.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell</p><p>

<em>Johnny must be nearing the main event now, if Tommy was willing to split one with him.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Aaron Andrews</strong> vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon</p><p>

<em>Aaron's the one that's been getting the push here; Miyakazi and Dragon will be happy just to get the face time on TV.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. <strong>Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley </strong>w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins</p><p>

<em>Painful Procedure's been on job duty, and for good reason.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler</strong> w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota</p><p>

<em>Build him up for Rick Law's return.</em></p>

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<p>The Keith Brothers vs. <strong>The Machines</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>As others have said you clearly have plans for the Keith's, and even though The Machines have been a bit up and down recently, I don't see you putting the Keith's over them straight away.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong> vs. JD Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Reed's got a title match coming up, Morgan isn't really doing much of anything.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

British Lions vs. <strong>Kingman & Alexander</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>After not pushing on from their last big win, I expect Kingman & Alexander to actually push on this time, as loss to the Lions would be one step forward, two steps back.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>Maybe Donnie thinks Jimmy can get an upset win over Bloodstone ? Yeah right and here's me thinking Jimmy's the heel of the two. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews vs. <strong>Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Nice reference there with the 'Puerto Rican staple' </em><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><em> Anyhow I see Freddy Huggins picking up the win here amongst this rag-tag of lower-carders.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. <strong>Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<em>The heel team are A: On the whole more talented and B: Getting more of a push.</em> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Joey Minnesota</p><p> </p><p>

<em>It might be by underhanded tactics, but I expect Tyler to win here to keep him strong for his eventual showdown with Rick Law.</em></p>

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<p>Prediction Key:</p><p>

The Keith Brothers vs. <strong>The Machines</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Art Reed</strong> w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

British Lions vs. <strong>Kingman & Alexander</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. <strong>Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews vs. <strong>Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins</strong> vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon</p><p> </p><p>

Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. <strong>Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley </strong>w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins</p><p> </p><p>

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Joey Minnesota</strong></p>

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Happy new year, everybody.


...Which seems, also, like a good time to say thank you to everyone who's nominated or seconded something I've done in the Diary of the Year thread.


Show will hopefully be up in a day or two - I'm chasing a monster of a work deadline, but I think I'll be past the bulk of it soon.

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Well I enjoyed your 97 diary although I never replied because I came to it late, it took me a while to realize why, it's because the whole diary was premised on not making it. That annoyed me a bit but eventually I got past that and really enjoyed it.


This is similar although again I suspect this might be wrapping up around the time TEW '10 is unleashed.


I enjoy the characters, anyone who knows me realizes that the matches themselves don't really do much for me anymore. It is the characterizations, which is again why I enjoy the CVerse over Real World data since there are a lot of blank slates in the CVerse just begging to be scribbled on. And you've got some very colourful crayons in your toolbox. :)


Mostly just a preamble to why I'm finally posting in the diary.


Also one of my favourite Arn Anderson interviews he doesn't even speak, it's when he and Tully were in WWE/F as the Brainbusters and going into the Royal Rumble as part of Heenan's family. Without saying a word, just with his eyes he lets Tully and everyone else know that if it comes down to it, they'll work together to eliminate Andre the Giant (who was also in Heenan's stable.) Pure brilliance.


Now to the predilications!


Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers vs. The Machines

- Welcome to the show kids. All that training won't save you from the stretching and learning you're about to do at the feet of one of the top teams of recent history.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan

- Since I forgot Morgan was on the roster, I'll go with Reed. Who seems to have a push and a program... and a ring savvy Bombshell.


British Lions vs. Kingman & Alexander

- Because K&A don't have a name. Honestly. I know it's O'Curle and someone... but I think K&A have more cache with the fans.


Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

- One of these wrestlers doesn't have a last name. If it was Jimmy P vs. Johnny B then it would be a toss up, since it isn't then Bloodstone for the win.


Aaron Andrews vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins vs. Shingen Miyazaki vs. UK Dragon

- Simply because I mark for Huggins and I want someone to get the move 'Huggit out Bitch' over. (If I were voting with my head I'd like go with Andrews.)


Painful Procedure & Young Guns vs. Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins

- So I rather like the new look Young Guns but they need a new name. As they aren't cowboys anymore. Hence why I picked the other four to win. Also I'm not a big fan of PP.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

- Because winning on Badge of Honour might mean Tyler actually gets to eventually, maybe, possibly meet up with Rick Law! You know that guy he's allegedly feuding with.

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Did... Did Beeker just... make logical predictions?


I'm in shock!




As for this diary ending... No, I don't think so.


The current game plan is to take the diary to the end of 2008 in TEW08, do a year-end wrap-up with the awards, etc, and then begin the process of porting the database over to TEW2010, which'll take a fair while, admittedly. If I was coming up on 2010 in game, I'd end it, rather than do that - but a year is handlable.


At that point, new beginning!


There are a couple of things I've been pondering, as features have been listed, with regard to that - do I take a chunk of TCW's finances away and start 2009 with a TCW-only purpose built arena? How do I spend the points for Dangerous' management profile? Given the SWF's fall to Cult, do I cut them a break and let their written contracts that won't have expired by December but are close get randomised and possibly last a lot longer?


But I'll either figure them out at the time or take on input.

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Did... Did Beeker just... make logical predictions?


I'm in shock!



I happen to think all my predictions perfectly logical. I even give reasons for my picks every time. It just happens my logic happens to be rife with humour and booking for my own entertainment. Or as Marcel says, I book with my heart not my head. When I do book with my head, it's for spinning out feuds or taking things in different directions.


But the logic is always there!

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 August 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.34)


Held at the North Carolina Biker Museum (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 2000 (Sold Out!)




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes



Cornell stands in a corner of the studio, besuited, alongside Wolf Hawkins. He's holding a clipboard, discussing the upcoming show with someone wearing a Total Sports polo shirt.



Mayhem Midden suddenly appears, and the show flunky heads off hurriedly.


Hawkins steps forward, squaring off, and Midden shrugs.


“I hear,” he says quietly, “that the Machines aren't changing in the Syndicate locker room anymore.”


Cornell shrugs. “After the crap Hill's pulled lately, you blame me?”


“Didn't say that,” Midden shrugs. “Just remarking on it. As I had to find them a locker room five minutes ago.”


Hawkins snickers. “You think they'll be ready for their match?”


Midden glares. “If they can't go on first, I'll reschedule,” he says. “Even if I'm just doing your dirty work, Tommy...”


Cornell places a hand on his chest, mock-shocked by the accusation.


Midden continues, smirking. “I let this match go to show because I believe it'll be worth watching,” he says. “But Brent's pissed you off – hell, they both have, but Brent more – and all of a sudden he's locked out of your locker room and facing the golden boys you have reason to want hurt, days before he has a World Championship shot... that your boy here also has.” A nod to Hawkins.


“I think you want Sam Keith's kids hurt,” he says. “I think you want them scared out of the business. And you know the Machines have a chance to do that.


“But you also want the Machines hurting. And I think you believe that the Keith Brothers have a chance to do that.”


Cornell just smirks. “So long as you let the match through,” he says.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg

The Keith Brothers vs. The Machines

Yes, Virginia, there is a Wrestling Gene. The Keith twins prove it without any question here, as they keep the outcome in question against the new-look Machines for quite some time. The fans are as avid for this match as they are for virtually any tag team match excluding the highest reaches of the company, and while after eight minutes Brent Hill successfully pins Greg Keith, there's no question that the Keith Brothers have arrived.

The Machines defeated the Keith Brothers

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JDMorgan.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. JD Morgan

By contrast, this match sees something of a rush to the concession stand. Reed and Morgan do their best, but ultimately, neither man has the crowd's support to a major degree right now. Reed makes it comparatively quick, though, bringing him down and clamping on the Dread Lock fast.

Art Reed defeated JD Morgan

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MerleOCurle_alt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WalterMorgan.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BarryKingman.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg

British Lions vs. Kingman & Alexander

This provided a nice break for everyone who didn't go in the prior match.


Kingman & Alexander are looking more and more cohesive as time goes on, really beginning to mesh as the great tag teams should – and while the British Lions do their best, they find themselves overcome by that teamwork.


Individually, Walter Morgan is a better submission wrestler than either opponent – hell, than much of the roster. Individually, Merle O'Curle is a heck of an all-rounder. But it's the teamwork that keeps Kingman & Alexander doing well...


Though the main talking point of this match is outside the ring.



She appears, two minutes or so in, sauntering down to ringside, and watches. Azaria recognises her, but refuses to identify her for a while, citing copyright again.


Eventually, he exclaims “That's it! I'd been trying to remember... she debuted as Alanis Springsteen.”


In the ring, Kingman & Alexander land the Crippler Bomb on Walter Morgan, subsequently scoring a pin in short order. The woman enters the ring and raises both their hands in victory, much to the evident confusion the the team.

Kingman & Alexander defeated British Lions

Rating: D+





In the interview area backstage, Art Reed stands, the Bombshell near him. He gives a quick nod and half a smile.


“I trained with Edd's oldest brother,” he says.


The Bombshell nods. “They know each other,” she says. “Jeremy Stone has always done well against his brothers, any of them, in tag or singles. And Jeremy Stone taught Art.


“But it's more than that.”


Reed smiles quietly. “Yeah,” he says. “Back when I was first in training, I hit a "blind" dropkick. That's where you do a dropkick without looking first, and is something you shouldn't do. I mis-timed it, and ended up hitting Jeremy Stone in the face, giving him a black eye. Man, he wasn't happy, he had to do a month of shows with this shiner.” He laughs.


“He got up, and spent the next three hours showing the rest of the class a range of submission holds...using me as the victim. It was the longest three hours of my life, it was agony.


“And that's the point. Edd, you're good, no two ways about it. But I've come through just as much as you. I've marked your family, when I was calm about it.


“There's a belt on the line, Edd, and it seems like your boss is messing with my other mentor.


“It's going to be mine.”


The Bombshell smiles, then nods approvingly.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Jimmy P w/ Donnie J vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Speculation is rife, as the wrestlers make their entrances, as to why Donnie J asked for this match.


Jimmy decidedly doesn't look happy about it himself, as they arrive at ringside; climbing into the ring, Jimmy talks with Donnie a little about what appears to be strategy, Donnie standing on the apron.


Referee Sam Sparrow turns to signal to the timekeeper for the match to begin and, as his back is turned, Donnie J punches Jimmy in the back of the head, hard.


Jimmy staggers forward as the bell rings. Bloodstone, acting virtually on instinct, snapmares him down and transitions to the Bloodstone Mutilation immediately. Jimmy fights it for a few moments as the camera catches Donnie's regretful expression, but Jimmy taps fast.


Short, barely a match, but the crowd in the Biker Museum took to it.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Jimmy P

Rating: B-





Aaron Andrews

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

vs. Freddy Huggins w/ Laura Huggins


vs. Shingen Miyazaki


vs. UK Dragon

Short, sweet, and fairly entertaining. Andrews and Huggins spend a lot of the time facing off, born out of their rivalry early on, and Miyazaki uses that to take his time on the outside, watching and waiting for an opportunity.


The same is not true for the UK Dragon. Eager to make his mark, he bides his time in the ring. Huggins misses an early Huggins Kiss and Andrews floors him with a discus backhand; the Dragon promptly drops Andrews in turn with an enzuigiri. The subsequent pin sees Andrews kick out fast, but still; the Dragon has made an impact.


He rolls clear, and as Aaron follows him, Huggins cuts him off with a dropkick – and the two go right back to it.


Dragon ascends the top turnbuckle, waiting for an opportunity, and Miyazaki takes that as his; rolling into the ring, he grabs Dragon off his perch and plants him with a Death Valley Driver. Andrews breaks the cover up and Huggins rolls out of the ring, letting Miyazaki take over in battering his rival.


Ultimately, that's his problem; assaulted by Miyazaki and the UK Dragon, Andrews manages to break clear, backdropping Draogn out of the ring – and on his way, the masked Brit splashes down on Freddy, leaving Andrews clear to hit Miyazaki with the spinebuster and score a quick pinfall.

Aaron Andrews defeated Freddy Huggins, Shingen Miyazaki and UK Dragon

Rating: C-




Painful Procedure & the Young Guns


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/karenkillerlosttrem.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley w/ Karen Killer & Laura Huggins

Something, it should be said, of an overbooked mess; there's talent in this ring but little of it really has a chance to shine. Two things will stand out over time...


First, the continuing tale throughout the match of the assault on Randall Hopkirk's head. It's brutal – the Easy Riders have power and fury, Deeley and Perez have an array of vicious techniques, and the four seem to have one focus. After all, if the opposition's a man down – and it is, before too long, with Hopkirk bailing to the back with the support of his team to ensure he makes it – the match is that much easier to win.


From that point on, TCW's rock band is in serious trouble, but they do fight back as best they can.


Leading to the biggest moment of the match; with Peter Hopper in the ring, Harry Allen bulldogs him onto the top rope, snapping his neck back and staggering him. Shearer is behind him to capitalise, ducking down and standing up to hoist Hopper into the Doomsday position, and Steve Gumble is already on the turnbuckle waiting.


Perez scrambles to intercept, but Allen manages to score with the Gunslinger's Revenge, and Gumble leaps, aiming for a Doomsday Crossbody.


And Hopper catches him and twists in midair, pivoting, and Gumble hits the mat first, powerslammed from the top of Shearer's massive shoulders!


Shearer turns into a boot from Fonda, and as Hopper covers an unconscious Gumble, Sean Deeley prevents Harry Allen from breaking it up.

Easy Riders, Frankie Perez & Sean Deeley defeated Painful Procedure & the Young Guns

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg

Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

And the pace picks back up with this DaVE reunion. It's a long match, and the pair seem to be pretty much evenly matched.



And no doubt that's why Acid appears, getting to the top rope before Sam Sparrow spots him and cuts him off, threatening to kick him back to the locker room.


Behind his back, Eric Tyler goes to thumb Minnesota's eye; the younger man slaps his hand away, smirks, and kicks Tyler in the balls.



Eric staggers back and Aaron Andrews, sliding under the ropes behind him, hits a front Russian leg sweep to put him down.


Evidently frustrated, Acid launches himself at Andrews, dropkicking the youngster so hard that he rolls out of the ring.


The masked man promptly hits the far ropes and launches himself out of the ring in a running no-hands suicide Acid Rain Bomb, wiping Andrews out at his own expense.


Tyler kicks out of Minnesota's cover a moment later and the two get back into it.


And then, in the eighteenth minute...



Acid slides back into the ring, roused by Laura Huggins, and he's met with a surprise – a Long Arm of the Law. Rick Law's presence unnerves Tyler, who bails and grabs a chair before getting back into the ring, and Sam Sparrow, furious, declares the match a no contest.


Tyler charges for Law, chair ****ed, and Minnesota grabs it as it goes past, yanking it from the veteran's hands. Rick Law promptly hits the Squad Car Slam.

Eric Tyler & Joey Minnesota went to a no contest

Rating: B-





Law stands over Tyler's downed form and smiles, politely – though in context, politely looks creepy as hell – at Laura Huggins. Minnesota bails to check on a slowly-recovering Aaron Andrews, and Law raises a microphone to his lips.


“I can do what I like to make main events on Fridays,” he says. “But this isn't enough, right now.


“Eric, you put me in hospital. You've been going against everything that Badge of Honor is supposed to stand for.


“It's not enough to try to counter you on the show. I want to show everyone what happens if you try that.


“But I can't make that official.”



Shout At The Devil begins to play, and Mayhem Midden emerges, backed by Charlie Thatcher.


“I can,” he says. “Seems to me, Rick, you want Eric Tyler on Sunday, at Hotter than Hell?”


Law nods eagerly.


Midden grins. “Then you've got it, Rick,” he says. “I'm not allowed to show favouritism, mind.


“But kick his ass.”


Show Rating: C+

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Sunday August 28th 2008

The big one tonight. We've expanded the PPV format somewhat, as the booking team now feel we have enough talent sufficiently exposed to cover three and a half hours.


Or, to put it another way, enough fans now recognise the great wrestlers we have that we can afford to run longer shows once a month. (I hate corporatespeak in these things.)


Hotter Than Hell is the big test case. I'm not sure, really, whether I'd say that it's the test case because we've got Sam and Tommy on it, or whether part of the reason we've got Sam and Tommy on it is because it's the test case.


Pay-Per-View has to be where we put our best foot forward or we can't ask people to pay for it. At the same time, the two hours and change we usually use for our PPVs isn't much longer than Total Wrestling, and I get the feeling that we lose some buys because it just feels like a slightly bigger TV episode. We need to distinguish them. That means bigger matches, less fat with the lean, and where there are youngsters, there needs to be something to make it special that they're there.


To a degree, PPVs need gimmick matches, but I'm not sure that this is as big an aspect as people make out. You look at CGC's big cage event, and how well it does – of course it's a drop off the Wrestlefestival the month before, but it doesn't tend to do much better than the rest of their shows. TCW's own War to Settle the Score is, Joel assures me, pure murder to book a run-up to that isn't identical to last year's with the names changed.


It's all a balancing act. Things have changed since the days when Micky Starr sold arenas out on his name alone. TV was a minor thing, then, and the stars of the indies got many more chances to appear on TV – in three- or four- minute bursts, being utterly destroyed to establish company men.


Now, we don't squander TV time on people who aren't company men – we can't afford the time. The people Tyson Baine, Johnny Bloodstone, and Rocky Golden bulldoze through are people who've either failed the cut to rise but warrant the paycheck, or they're people we plan to build afterward.


And many more TV matches are competitive, which means that house shows and PPVs need to be more special. Which, speaking as someone who spent most of the past decade just watching wrestling on TV, is a good thing – but it does change the business in other ways.


In the old days, for example, Rocky could get by on his ability to woo the crowd alone – the man is phenomenal at that side of the business, face or heel. As it is, we're counting on that to keep him... well, known, I already can't say relevant, I've likely killed the next year of his career even if I turn it around tomorrow... while he refines his ability. At the same time, there's pressure to make stars now – which makes it damn difficult for someone like Rocky, but even worse for someone like Clark Alexander. Time to redress that balance.

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For the first time in TCW history we come to the Alderbrook Grounds for what looks to be an astonishing show, very literally Hotter Than Hell at the close of August.


Every title will be on the line and, on top of that, you can expect to see a grudge match and a clash of titans. Since the announcement shortly after Badge of Honor that Eddie Peak had challenged Tyson Baine, we can now confirm that the Syndicate's biggest member has accepted the challenge and that battle will take place tonight.


At the time of writing that looks like being the introductory match and we go from there to the Tag Team Championship match between the New Wave and the School of Tradition, who hold a victory over the New Wave. Both teams have been on a tear lately - who'll win out.


The fans have voted, and Edd Stone's All Action Championship defence is scheduled to be against their choice, Art Reed. With Sam Keith's recent alliance with the Bombshell's boys, this becomes another shot in the Syndicate's war with them - but will Edd's challenge get the better of him?


Another war, recently, has been waged between Rick Law and the School of Tradition, and following his return to action on Friday, Law is ready to face Eric Tyler tonight in what promises to be quite the grudge match.


More championship action immediately following - Koshiro Ino, the Kobra, accepted John Anderson's challenge. Anderson, like his tag partner, have cut ties with the Syndicate and some questions have been asked about whether this heralds a change of heart - or whether they just see a shot at gold and have taken it. Regardless, they've got their shots tonight, and despite Ino's preoccupation with Chris Rockwell (who is without a match tonight, despite his complaints, after refusing to give Ino a rematch) the Kobra cannot afford to look past Anderson.


And next we come to the dual main event. Up first, Troy Tornado defends his World Heavyweight Championship for the second month running in a three-man match, facing the Syndicate's fortunate son, Wolf Hawkins, and Brent Hill. Tornado squeaked clear in similar circumstances last month - will lightning strike twice for the champion?


Last, and decidedly not least... Sam Keith. Tommy Cornell. No Holds Barred for the Hard Hitting Championship and for a question of pride and fury all wrapped together. The fuse on this one has burned for months, and tonight the home of the Montana Maxs looks set to erupt!


Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Becoming the Syndicates enforcer has given Baine a new lease of life, so I think he goes over here.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


The Best Tag In The World TM aren't going to be dropping the belts here.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Just get this inkling that Edd almost screws up, but somehow keeps hold of the belts. Perhaps he gets some 'help' at just the right time.


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


One of those matches that could swing either way, so I'll go the opposite to Foolinc on this one.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


Tyler's role is to give stars working their way into a main event spot a rub.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson


I just have this inkling that one of the Machines will be leaving tonights show with a belt round their waist.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins


Tornado will hold onto the belt here, especially when the World Title match isn't the main event


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell


Tommy C's no longer World Champion yet he still finds himself in the main event. I see Cornell winning here and possibly 'dropping' the title at the next Total Wrestling because it's 'beneath' him. He will have accomplished his 'mission' by costing Keith the title.

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

No one. Some sort of double-DQ finish, setting up a wild no-DQ brawl down the road.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

Cornell wins, but doesn't win the belt. Somehow.

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

Agree with TK on Baine being in the Syndicate given him newfound momentum. As well as this, I don't really get the feeling that Peak's heading for the Main Event anytime soon, and a win over Baine would start that, in my mind.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY will not lose these belts. Period.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

I'm semi-surprised by this choice..I forget who I voted for, I think it was Guide. But anyway, Reed's not much of a fit for this belt, I can't really see him beating Stone here.


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

Yeah, almost a coinflip here, but I'll say Fonzarelli takes the fall here.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

Tyler wins by dubious means here to further the feud. You've been foreshadowing this match for quite some time, so I don't see it ending this quickly. Tyler has more than enough back-up for a shady finish..


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson

Anderson's a good fit for the belt, but I don't really think he has the right momentum for this win. Plus, the Syndicate having so many belts gets kinda tired for me anyway..


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins

Semi-Main? I can't quite tell if that makes him losing the belt more likely or less likely..but I see Tornado's run with the belt going a pretty good bit past this.


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

This pick is almost purely because I see Cornell winning the blowoff. Therefore, Keith wins here, and keeps his job secure until further notice. I feel like the end of this feud would come in a bigger stipulation then this, maybe something like a Hell In A Cell..

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Prediction Key:

Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

- The Syndicate's new Hiring Manager continues to show his mean streak.


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

- TNW are likely the best in the business (especially with the Machines doing solo gigs.) But they don't need to belts. The School becomes a legitimate threat by cheating the win. That furthers the this rivalry and helps Deely become seen as a rival in the fans eyes, also I needed some titles to change hands.


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell

- The Syndicate's representative in charge of festivities retains.


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

- Because Fonzarelli doesn't know how to properly perform the Perfect Parity? Sure, I'll go with that and not the fact that Rockwell was made in PS's previous diary.


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law

- Tyler picks up the duke for a few reasons; the chance at gold (more on that below,) it furthers the feud and it'll piss off Midden.


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson

- What the...! A Machine with solo gold!


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins

- But he's the only one as Hawkins and Hill cancel each other out and Tornado Makes a Star out of one or both of them.


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell

- So here's the trouble with this match-up. The title is pretty much superfluous, but because of their being a title and it being a new title, I don't see it being hotshotted. Besides, Keith is nearly above this belt so Cornell HAS to be above this belt. It's a good title but it might be bandied about above its value.


Also, Keith knows one more move than the CEO of the Syndicate... I expect something like a Proton Lock around a ringpost.

Plus this is the belt Tyler should be targeting. If Cornell costs Keith the belt, then they have their big blowoff without a forgotten title while Tyler and Law battle over the Hard Hitting Championship. That's how I'd book it at least.


Also, why the hell has Johnny Bloodstone been left off this card?

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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine Eddie!


TCW Tag Team Championship

The New Wave © vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins I can't see TNW dropping this, although it's the call I'm least confident of


TCW All Action Championship

Edd Stone © vs. Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell Although I voted for Art, I think Edd with the belt is a good thing


Chris Rockwell & Frankie Perez vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law It may not be Badge of Honor, but this is one for Law to take


TCW International Championship

Koshiro Ino © w/ Baroness Emily vs. John Anderson Tempting to go for the switch. However, Ino has been quietly dominant here, and a singles-rusty Anderson may have too much on his plate with the Japanese superstar


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Troy Tornado © vs. Brent Hill vs. Wolf Hawkins Seems like too much going on to result in a title switch. If and when Hawkins gets Tornado one on one again, then maybe...


TCW Hard Hitting Championship - No Holds Barred

Sam Keith © vs. Tommy Cornell I'd say that Tommy is above this belt, but let's be honest, a Tommy who loses occasionally is a lot more interesting that one who dominates continually

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