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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Saturday 27th January 2009

The TCW creative committee meets regularly. Given my history and everything else, I get a spot at the table. I get to put my opinion forth, and it counts for something. That's a nice feeling. Its also frustrating. I don't always agree with Horatio. Not just individual decisions, but overall vision. Half the time I open my mouth with a suggestion, Horatio or Tommy throw it back at me as "too SWF".




I get called a bitter, cranky, old man quite frequently (I am not old!), but the reality is that wrestling is wrestling. I understand the idea of presenting different products and all that… but at the end of the day, its all just wrestling. You might have to take an idea and adapt it a bit to fit your specific presentation and fans, but that's rarely difficult.


Take Mayhem Midden's "loaded headband" that they finally exposed the other week. Pure old school booking that. It’s the kind of thing we did probably a dozen times through my tenure in Supreme. The first time Bruce the Giant got pinned clean, I used a loaded elbow pad. Corporal Doom used to have the "loaded boots" back in the day. Its not a "sports entertainment" gimmick… its just a gimmick. And it works.


You look at most of the major storylines that the SWF and TCW have run over the past five years. Strip the stories down to their basics, and then try to tell me that they wouldn't work on the opposite promotion. You don't think the "Man Under Pressure" storyline could have worked in Total? Or that a dominant Syndicate-like stable could have made things interesting in the Supreme universe? Hell, you could take a lot of the "extreme" storylines that Vibert ran in DAVE over the years, clean them up just a bit, and have them work in either the SWF or TCW. Its just stories. Its just ideas. Its just wrestling.


Of course, I can't get Horatio to see it. He listens. I'll give the man that - he does listen. He doesn't ignore me, or ignore what I say. But he won't always look to the core of the idea I put forth to see that its not "sports entertainment" or "SWF" but just another wrestling idea. It probably wouldn't bother me if the man was dense or a fool. He's not. He got the book from Tommy for a damned good reason and its been a great decision. Maybe he sees me as a threat, that I'm trying to muscle in on his job. He can have it! I don't want that stress in my life at this point.


Sooner or later, I might get frustrated with it and give up my spot at the table. If my ideas stop counting for anything or I just get tired of it all. But I'll keep plugging away. I'm not trying to change Horatio's vision and I hope he understands that. I'm just trying to add a bit of spice to the recipe. That's it.


Its just wrestling.

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And here we are, finally, at another event a year in the making. What a year it's been - a year ago, Koshiro Ino took the Shot at the Top. A year ago, Ricky Dale Johnson went head to head against Tommy Cornell when the Syndicate was at the height of its power. A year ago, there was no Johnny Bloodstone, no Remo Richardson, no Jeremy Stone, no Sean Deeley.


But Malice in Wonderland was excellent then, and it's on course to be excellent now. We begin, once again, with the Shot at the Top, and with Eddie Peak, Edd Stone, Frankie Perez, Jack Bruce, Rick Law and Wolf Hawkins all involved, all looking keenly for a piece of the action - a guaranteed title shot, to be redeemed whenever the opportunity strikes - this promises to be a dangerous match. Peak's not your typical ladder match competitor, but that could easily be his advantage - no one knows how he'll function in this environment.


The first title defence of the night follows hot on that match's heels. Eric Tyler has made his opinion on John Anderson very clear, and while he had to effectively threaten the Machines to get the match, he's up against one of the best. The International Championship match is likely to remain, as it always has been, a traditional highlight of Malice.


And hot on the heels of that match comes the Tag Team defence. The Easy Riders upset the tag team order last month when they toppled the New Wave with extreme prejudice. Their opponents don't have the same title pedigree - but the Keith Brothers are opponents you discount at your peril. Their father tells us he long ago bet on them ending up with more title reigns than he had.


The Syndicate make their second appearance of the night in the following contest; last month, Jeremy Stone had a chance to enter the unification match tonight. It took Tommy Cornell and the retired title belt to almost get him there, but someone stopped him - Sean Deeley stopped him, and Jeremy Stone has vowed revenge. Tonight, Stone may get it - or Deeley may join the ranks of TCW youngsters proving themselves against the very best.


Last month also, Chris Rockwell interfered in Remo Richardson's match with Ricky Dale Johnson, finally driven to the final straw by the taunts of Richardson's manager. The moment - with Rockwell soaring from the top of the cave to strike Richardson with a flying knee - has been voted as the biggest moment of December according to our fans, and the clip of it is one of the most-watched on the TCW website in early January. Phil Vibert claims that Rockwell's time is over, has been over for some time, and that it'll be proven this month. Rockwell says that as far as he's concerned, he's hit rock bottom - and it's not going to be allowed to get worse.


The Hard-Hitting Championship will be defended next. Sam Keith has held the championship for half a year, and for quite a lot of that time now he's been facing Sammy Bach or Texas Pete. The two men have developed quite a rivalry within that; with Keith having promised to make the belt as wanted as any other title he's held, it's easy to see why he might want to move on and face others. This, he's stated, is the last match he intends to give either man, and as such, with No Holds Barred, they're sure to pull out all the stops.


One thing's for sure - someone leaves Malice in Wonderland with a title they didn't have when they came in. That person will be either Kate Dangerous or Lauren Easter, the apparent leading lights of TCW's fledgling women's division. With the chance to become the first name on an empty title history, there is no question that this will be a hard-fought match.


Tag team action follows; the Rising Stars, and the Syndicate, represented by Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins. The sheer fury shown in the buildup to this contest has been astonishing, but it's rare that people have had the opportunity to prove themselves that Minnesota and Andrews have earned here. But the question becomes - can they do it?


Last of all comes the biggest match of the night. For the last three months, a strange ending to a match saw two men with equal claim to be World Heavyweight Champion. On Sunday, only one man can be, as the two belts will be unified, either by Troy Tornado or by Johnny Bloodstone. Tornado has been accused of looking past Bloodstone, but at the same time, the Painful Procedure camp may have been making things look that way - that's what seemed to be happening this past Tuesday, and with Bloodstone's legendary temper, that could be all Tornado needs. Could we be seeing a more vicious side to the Triple-Threat Champion?


Prediction Card:

Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

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Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins Because he deserves it after making Badge of Honor a success


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins What would Tyler gain from a reign? What would TCW gain? What would or could he do with the title he can't do without it?


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell This is TCW. Get the belts on the talented ones, pronto ;)


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins In a year, maybe this goes the other way (start your booking now, PS!). Right now? Veteran win.


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert Rockwell comes out of it looking good, but Remo picks up the win. Rockwell may finally go completely tonto, of course...


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete You've talked about taking the belt off Keith, and Pete with a belt would give him some traction on your shows beyond saying how much he's improved. As for Bach, well, like Tyler it's a case of how much does he need the belt right now? Answer: Not at all.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter Nepotism wins


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins) I can't see Tommy lying down for either man, but equally I can't see the Syndicate emerging unscathed. Moral victory for the faces, then, and a mortal blow for the Syndicate


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado © An odd one, this. Can Tornado do more with the belt? Yes - he has more potential feuds than Bloodstone. Could he have those feuds without the belt? Yes - especially in the case of Jack Bruce, a feud in which the title would be secondary. Bloodstone would be all about the athleticism and technical skills that make TCW not SWF, and he'd be a fine champion in his own right... but Tornado is more of a complete package. This could go either way, as Bloodstone benefits more from being champion, but I think it benefits TCW more to have Tornado as champ

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If Kate Dangerous and Lauren Easter are challenging to become the first Women's champion, why does Kate have the champions thing next to her name?


Fill out that many prediction slots with title matches and sticking the © after the first name turns into a reflex. There's enough on this card I had a few other mistakes, too - Sam Keith and Sammy Bach nearly faced Texas Keith, so many times had I typed Keith by that point. I'll edit that away.

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Fill out that many prediction slots with title matches and sticking the © after the first name turns into a reflex. There's enough on this card I had a few other mistakes, too - Sam Keith and Sammy Bach nearly faced Texas Keith, so many times had I typed Keith by that point. I'll edit that away.




Prediction Card:

Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

I mark hard for Edd. So hard. In a non-gay way.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Lauren Easter

Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

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Like the Sam Keith piece.


Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

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Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wolf is young, talented, and when he wins this match only to lose later Tommy's going to go crazy.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

It seems so ridiculous, putting the title on someone so old. But Maybe, just maybe, it's time for a change.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Riders will not fall after so short a time.


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

A strong, competitive showing from the young Deeley.


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

A Draw as this match rapidly gets totally out of control.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete

Sam Keith may well hold this title until he retires.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter

The best of the Dangerous kids gets the belt, especially as it's not Horatio's decision any more.


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)

With Wolf tired out from earlier he won't be able to pull his weight, giving the Stars a massive push.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

Why? Because we won't immediately switch to using the Canadian Belt for the Undisputed TCW Championship, that's why.

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Prediction Card:

Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

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Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Cornell vs. Hawkins seems to be happening on near future and Hawkins winning here would probably not help things on that front


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

I would actually like to see Tyler getting the belt but I doubt it happens here


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Not yet, but Keith Brothers are almost lock as a future champions


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

It isn´t Deeley´s time yet


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Remo have left slightly better impression on me so far so I go with him


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete

It´s time for a change and Bach seems like better option from these two


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter

Dangerous had better match on last show so I assume he will be the face of TCW´s women division for now


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)

DQ or count out win maybe, something that sets that Cornell vs. Hawkins feud on the near future


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

I go with Tornado here

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"Texas Keith"... finally, a gimmick for Keith Vegas!




Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


Everyone else is already tied up in something, too small to see as a legit championship contender, and/or not established. Hawkins having the shot is an interesting wrinkle in the continuing story of the Syndicate.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Horatio has talked more than once about Tyler sacrificing for the younger guys, and wishing he could give Tyler one more run. Anderson's good, but he's not carrying too much story weight right now... maybe he can get interesting if he's not defending the belt.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


This might be premature, but given the ratings they've gotten, I'm okay with the Riders as transitional champions.


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Stone is Deeley only better, and there's no indication that Stone's being booked as aging/unreliable.


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


It's time for Remo to start getting some signature wins -- he's been around, had some good fights, but not really made any concrete progress. Rockwell's being booked as an unstable mess.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


Eh... other two don't really have the cachet or the momentum. And this is not Sammy's division. Like, at all.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter


The women's division is a shaky proposition to begin with. TCW will need the biggest name and the best wrestler up front.


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


An exhausted Hawkins drops it, incurring the ire of Cornell.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©


This is a tough one... honestly, I wouldn't call either one of these guys a really compelling champion. But I still feel like the Tornado vs. Bruce feud, when it happens, is not going to need a belt to make it crucial. Plus it just doesn't feel like the marquee feud, does it? Painful Procedure as a group is not good enough for that spotlight, and centering the entire promotion on (essentially) one stable's past and present members is just weird. My call is, Bloodstone unifies the title, but drops it to (probably) Hawkins within the next couple months.

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Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Wouldn't be my choice, but he got that A*


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

Tyler's a gateway, I don't see how giving him the title would be of benefit


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

I just don't like the Easy Riders


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Flip a coin


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

He's got to come good again


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete

The man who gets whupped before the PPV often picks up the win


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter

Prepare for the chase, Kate


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)

I refuse to pick Joey Minnesota for a win


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

It's Johnny Bloodstone. Johnny Bloodstone!

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Shot at the Top Ladder Match

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins


I'm in the same camp as quite a few others, in that I feel a Hawkins win adds some fuel to the fire for a possible Cornell-Hawkins feud.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins


Routine defence for the Machine, can't see how putting the belt on an ageing gatekeeper like Tyler is going to be beneficial to anyone. Only reason I could think of is to give Tyler one last title reign before he hangs them up.


TCW Tag Team Championship

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Keith's will win these belts eventually, but I think the Riders retain here, most likely through the use of dirty tactics to keep the feud alive.


Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Deeley gets a huge breakthrough win in this match. Jeremy Stone hasn't been booked as a gatekeeper ala Eric Tyler but he's not been booked as unstoppable either and with Deeley's gradual climb an upset isn't totally unfeasible plus it's also worth noting that this is one of TCW's major PPV's and the sort of event where these 'breakthroughs' happen.


Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Rockwell hasn't quite hit rock bottom yet and Remo could do with picking up some more notable victories.


TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete


This could go any of the three ways but I feel it is time for a change and Pete benefits more from holding this belt than Bach.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter


I see you making the divisions big babyface chase the belt first, it's booking 101..make the face chase the heel not the other way round.


Rising Stars vs. the Syndicate (Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins)


Minnesota and Andrews get put over in a breakout moment, and tensions reach boiling point between Cornell and his protege.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship UNIFICATION

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©


You've done a good job of having both competitors come in with possible weaknesses/distractions for losing the match but looking down the line Tornado has a ready made feud with Jack Bruce, that doesn't really need a belt(s) to be on the line for it to have significance.

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TCW Presents Malice In Wonderland


Sunday Week 4 January 2009


Live on America 1-Select, U-Demand Canada, Jade 237, Rivera Pay Television, V-Corp, UK-1 (5.29)


Held at the Jennifer Cornell Coliseum (South East)


Attendance: 50.000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Mayhem Midden - Horatio Dangerous



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddiePeak.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Eddie Peak vs. Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt8.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg

vs. Jack Bruce vs. Rick Law vs. Wolf Hawkins

Edd Stone and Wolf Hawkins function very much as a team in the early going, and their priority appears to be Rick Law, who fights back as best he can but doesn't have a great deal of say in it. Meanwhile, Eddie Peak and Frankie Perez square off, and Jack Bruce bails for a ladder – but doesn't return right away; he loiters around the side of the ring, waiting for a lull in the combat.


As Edd Stone hurtles over the top rope, taking Law with him crashing to the ground, that opportunity seems to open up. Bruce slides into the ring, keeping hold of the ladder; he waits as Hawkins and Perez force Peak from the ring, then tosses the ladder into the small of their backs, knocking them down. Setting it up, he starts to climb...


And Eddie Peak is back into the ring. Thrusting his arm through the slots of the ladder, he clamps his hold around Bruce's neck and chokeslams both him and the ladder to the mat.


Hawkins goes toe to toe with Eddie Peak. It's not a great idea, but it turns out that all Wolf is doing is stalling him; Edd Stone dumps the ladder into Peak's ear then superkicks it into his head. The Bloody-Handed God reels, then turns on Stone with a vengeance.


Rick Law charges across the ring and Wolf Hawkins ducks the Long Arm of the Law, then catches him from behind with the Full Moon Rising.


Law stays upright, stunningly, but Frankie Perez is back in the ring. Tossing the All Action belt at him, he launches another hook kick, smashing the belt into his head. That puts Law down... but Eddie Peak is back. Specifically, he hurls Edd Stone into Wolf Hawkins, staggers Perez with a punch, then places the P-Dawg on the ladder – and then he hoists both the ladder and Perez onto his shoulders and smashes him into the canvas with a ladder-assisted Peak of Perfection.


Jack Bruce squares off with Eddie Peak, then gets cleaned out with a ladder shot to the back from a determined Hawkins. Wolf turns, seeing Law rising to his feet, and kicks the Total Lawman in the ribs. Law turns and launches himself forward in the Long Arm of the Law – and Wolf Hawkins ducks it, leaving Law to take out Eddie Peak.


Hawkins sets up the ladder again and starts to climb, but Law gets up too. Edd Stone charges in – Law hits the Squad Car Slam! He starts to climb, and he's gaining on Hawkins – thumb to the eye from Hawkins, who then jumps from the ladder, swinging a punch to low blow Law. He tips the ladder, sending the Total Lawman to the ground, and as Jack Bruce comes in Hawkins picks up his stablemate and throws him at the rock star. Edd's head smashes into Bruce's groin, doubling him over – FULL MOON RISING ON BRUCE!


Wolf Hawkins picks himself up again and scrambles up the ladder to collect the briefcase...

Wolf Hawkins won the Shot at the Top

Rating: B-





Hawkins slowly picks Edd Stone up, a manic grin in his eyes, briefcase securely clutched. He waits a moment for Edd to recover his senses; seeing that it's not immediately happening, he slaps him once, then twice, and once Edd is seeing straight again, seems to tell him something.


Moments later, a groggy Stone raises Wolf's hand in victory.






Sam Keith, his twin sons, Art Reed, Blonde Bombshell and Johnny Bloodstone are shown in their locker room, all but Reed dressed for competition. Reed, only three days after having the All-Action Championship kicked into his head, still sports a nasty cut above his eye, heavily stitched.


“We start out with two championship belts,” Sam Keith says. “We're planning to end with four... just as we'd be starting with three and ending with five if Frankie Perez hadn't cheated on Friday.


“I left the Syndicate because I was ejected. Because it had become all about Tommy Cornell. Soon, it may be all about the Bombshell's boys... but I reckon we can say we actually earned it. We haven't tipped the scales with interference. We haven't cheated.


“And we do respect our opposition. Texas Pete? You've spent a year learning. You're much better than you were when I came here. Hell, you almost beat me twice. Might have, if it hadn't been for Sammy Bach.” He grins. “As for you, Sammy, you remind me of me when I was your age. Mind games and talent to back it up. No question that you're the other voice in Wolf Hawkins' head... although with Jack Bruce around and on your side, I think your time with Wolf is probably limited.


“I'm glad Wolf started listening to someone who wasn't Tommy. But I'm sorry it was you, Sammy.” His face is almost apologetic. “Reminding me of me at that age... it's not an entirely good thing.”


The Bombshell rests her hand on Keith's shoulder, but her smile is all for Bloodstone. After a moment, she turns to the camera and smirks. “Troy Tornado,” she begins, “you are good. You are one of the best wrestlers in the world today, and the belt you wear to the ring with you every time proves that. You prove it every time you step into the ring...


“But you're not the man at my side when I wake up every morning. You don't have his stamina. You don't have his technique.” A smirk. “You're probably also not as good in the sack, but I won't hold that against you.


“I found my love of wrestling when I found my love of the world's greatest wrestler. Like you, he has a belt that proves how good he is. Like you, he proves it every time he steps into the ring.


“Unlike you, he will have that belt tomorrow morning, too, when I wake up...”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

John Anderson © vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins

The pair square off for an old-fashioned match which, despite Tyler's age, isn't a slow bout by any means, though it's slower than the earlier match – no real surprise there. Anderson manages to keep Tyler on the back foot throughout, showing just how good he can be. He's got a counter for everything that the veteran tries, though Tyler has him equally well scouted. The contest continues, but Laura Huggins climbs up onto the apron -


John Anderson cuts off halfway through setting up the Ammo Dump to check for her doing anything, as does Eugene Williams. Tyler promptly kicks him in the crotch then hits the Weight of Tradition, stealing the win.

Eric Tyler defeated John Anderson

Rating: B



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewGauge.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

the Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Riders come out mean, they come out vicious. The Keiths come out with optimism and skill, using their speed to keep ahead as best they can – but this is, essentially, a massive brawl, with the Riders laying into the Keiths and the twins doing the best they can to contain them, turn it around, control the match...


It takes them a long time, but they manage, just about, to weather the storm. Both men seem to have longer gas tanks than the champions, and they use that to the full, always there to save one another.


Always there, that is, until Carl Batch lends a hand. He catches Greg Keith's ankle, and as Greg leaves the ring to deal with him, Batch turns out to have a set of brass knucks in hand to retaliate with – Greg drops from the punch, and in the mean time, Peter Hopper is able to take control on Matthew. The Riders sink him with the Emergency Stop and secure an uninterrupted pin.

Easy Riders defeated the Keith Brothers

Rating: B+





The camera goes backstage again. Standing beside Jasmine Saunders are Sean Deeley and Laura Huggins. “Congratulations to Wolf Hawkins, Eric Tyler and the Easy Riders,” she smiles. “And congratulations to all of tonight's winners. I could have one with me right now... and his manager has already scored one victory tonight. Sean, how are you planning to handle Jeremy Stone?”


Deeley smiles, then nods to one side, indicating Laura, who steps forward to take the microphone. “Jeremy Stone has to be one of the tougher challenges to come out of Canada,” she says. “And I say that with no disrespect intended to my 'client' here... or, I guess, no disrespect to my brother.” Sean rolls his eyes slightly; it looks like this is an argument they've had a few times.


“I'm not scared,” Sean says suddenly. “I guess I probably should be, but I'm not. I'm excited – this is not like every match I have here. It's... I don't want to just... I didn't get TCW when I was growing up,” he tries at last. “It's come to Canada since. And I've watched it every show until I actually signed up, but I grew up watching Jeremy Stone. He was already a champion the first time I saw him, you know?”


Saunders nods, smiling. “This is a chance to wrestle a childhood hero,” she says.


“Right,” Deeley says, clearly relieved. “Which... Tommy Cornell isn't. Troy Tornado isn't. Those guys are my professional rivals, first and foremost. People who can teach me things. People who can beat me, people I can beat. Jeremy Stone was the reason I got into wrestling... and he's got the ego to match, now, but that wasn't the case when I first saw him.”


Laura Huggins takes over smoothly. “Sean's been hailed as the next Dan Stone Junior by some,” she says. “The man to bring technical wrestling back to the forefront of people's attention. Jeremy Stone and Sean Deeley, together in one match? That could be what does it. Or part of it – but whatever it is, Sean has the right to an ego that Jeremy had at the start of his career. He just doesn't have that ego. Like used to be the case with Jeremy. And that might be the edge we need.”




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Jeremy Stone vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Laura's claims for this match are a little overblown, but the announce team have a blast watching Deeley and Stone do their level best to live up to it, and you can hear Azaria getting massively into it.


From the outset Sean Deeley is presented as every bit the mat tactician that Jeremy Stone has earned the nickname Canadian Wrestling Machine by being, and the contest seems even throughout the twenty-plus minutes involved.


By the finish almost everything in Deeley's arsenal has been tried and exhausted, but Jeremy Stone has had serious trouble in locking in the Stone Hold – Sean clearly has the move fully scouted, and he has a wide range of counters.


Eventually, though, he's a hair too slow. Stone applies the Stone Hold...


And Deeley rolls it through! Overexcited, Azaria calls his counter perfectly. “STONE ANKLE STRETCH!”


Stone counters back to the Stone Hold, Deeley rolls it through again, and Jeremy Stone is forced to lunge for the bottom rope to break the hold. Deeley takes a moment to grin his appreciation at Laura Huggins – the Canadian Wrestling Machine hammers him with a European Uppercut, dropping on him to apply the Stone Hold again.


Deeley manages to roll through once, but Stone counters through to the Stone Hold – and this time, he's able to block Deeley's roll, anchoring himself against the canvas with a different position for his legs to prevent the transition. Sean Deeley fights as long as he can, but there's no way out.


Laura Huggins throws in the towel.

Jeremy Stone defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B+




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Chris Rockwell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

The two former Supreme talent face off here, and the contest is... good, but not what it was promised to be. Rockwell is hindered by his current fury, and the mix is a little hurt by that. Nonetheless, this one feels like a war, jumpy and edgy, with a lot of fighting back, countering, the occasional fallback.


Rockwell's temper nearly boils over on a couple of occasions. Ironically, it's Remo's power that seems to check it; a spurt of fury from Rockwell leads to a punch or a boot to the head that dazes him, and the rage is halted by the impact, only to rekindle later.


Remo has the power advantage, for certain. Rockwell's old talent is resurgent, but it tails off when he gets too angry. The result is a stop-start pace with a few major moments intermingled, but in the end, it's not as big a match for the crowds as it might be.


At the finish, Remo hoists Chris Rockwell for the Destroyer. Groggy, Rockwell manages a thumb to the eye to halt it, then pitches forward, rolling down Remo and gathering him into a schoolboy pin. Remo stays down to exactly the count of three, popping the shoulder a hair too late to prevent Chris Rockwell from handing him a loss.

Chris Rockwell defeated Remo Richardson

Rating: B-





Chris rolls to his knees, eyes clenched tightly shut, a range of emotions playing across his face. Remo, meanwhile, hits the ropes behind him and steamrollers forward, springing into a diving shoulderblock that pitches Rockwell forward onto his face. He yanks him up by his hair to follow up with an unorthodox flavour of short-arm clothesline, then a Lumbar Puncture on the bruised back of Rockwell. Finally, he delivers the Destroyer twice – then stalks off, red fury burning in his eyes.


Phil Vibert sketches a bow toward Rockwell and follows his client, grinning broadly.




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Sam Keith © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete

There's no question here that this was going to be nasty. Keith is in an awkward position, and while it's Midden who spells that out on commentary, it's clear that the champion knows it; he's always depended upon his submissions, and a third man in the match makes that much tougher to really use.


Pete, meanwhile, acts like a man possessed, using the size and strength advantage he has on both opponents to his best advantage, while Sammy Bach moves like a dervish, always hitting someone, always ducking and dodging.


Pete gets the situation under control, after a while; he downs Bach with a big boot, turns to Keith – who has a rake of the eye waiting to stagger the big man, and tries for the Neutron Plex – but Pete blocks it, elbows free, and scoops Keith up.


The Lone Star Drop hits home not long afterward, sinking Sam Keith. Pete sits for a moment before going for the pin – and Bach slides in from behind, securing the Bach on your Back. He holds it, and holds it, and Texas Pete is forced to submit.

Sammy Bach defeated Sam Keith and Texas Pete

Rating: B






The camera goes back to take in Painful Procedure's locker room, Troy Tornado psyching himself up, Randall Hopkirk and the Balcony Express jamming. Steve Gumble is offering a running stream of commentary on Bloodstone's biggest moves; Harry Allen is wearing kickboxing training pads while Tornado rains down blows, feigning a Star Maker before rolling into a Savate Kick, spinning to catch Harry for a faked Gunslinger's Revenge off the kick – then he halts.


“Not sure,” he says quietly. “Guys, you've got a better view of this than me. I go for the Gunslinger's Revenge here or does the Rhythm and Bruise make more sense?”


“Hate to say it, but Bloodstone would counter the ol' R & B,” Hopkirk offers. “Save that switch for Jack Bruce. For Bloodstone, you need something fast. Something he doesn't have time to catch and turn.”


Troy grins. “Think you're right,” he says. “OK, Harry, you up for another go-round now we have it down?”


Allen nods, clapping the pads together.



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Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter

The bell rings, and Lauren Easter goes straight for the Hellcat Pounce. It's an audacious move, and that may be why it works; unfortunately for her, the Pounce hits Dangerous hard enough that her feet tangle into the ropes. The ref breaks the pin, starts to back Easter up, and Kate Dangerous superkicks Easter over Eugene Williams' shoulder.


That sets the tone for this match, with both women throwing everything they have at the contest, a number of close pins and tough submissions busted out at one time or another, only for one woman or the other to twist free and clear and escape. In the ten minutes of this match there are almost as many big moments as there were in the opening ladder match, as both women try to prove the division right.


Easter finally goes for another Hellcat Pounce, but Kate Dangerous half-sidesteps. Her father's old finisher, the half-nelson suplex, is a hard one to hit while your target's moving in the other direction – but if you can, it looks brutal. Dangerous rolls over into the pin and picks up the victory.

Kate Dangerous defeated Lauren Easter

Rating: B-




A pre-recorded interview comes next. The Rising Stars are working out in, the caption tells us, “Jennifer Cornell Coliseum's professional gymnasium”, with Aaron Andrews spotting Joey Minnesota as he works the weight machine. Horatio Dangerous, carefully suited, is also in shot.


“This is the only match,” Dangerous begins, “that you'll see tonight which could have happened at last year's Malice in Wonderland. Every other contest involves one or more wrestlers who weren't with TCW twelve months ago.


“And it's not a match that anyone would have predicted twelve months ago. Maybe not even six months ago. But Aaron... Joey...” Horatio bursts out in a broad grin. “You guys have a genuine shot at this one.”


Minnesota nods, calling a halt to his workout, sitting up. “Always,” he says. “Aaron Andrews is today what Wolf Hawkins was a year ago, what I was the year before that...


“The hottest prospect in wrestling. Wolf Hawkins was the can't miss prospect of TCW. But right now, that title is taken by the man stood right next to me. I know where Wolf is – I've been there. Aaron can see it ahead of him. But we have something the Syndicate cannot duplicate right now – we trust each other. We're willing to watch each other's backs.


“And we've got the talent to put up against them. Tonight, we're going to break through. Tonight, the stars rise.”




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Rising Stars vs. The Syndicate

One hell of a grudge here, and one hell of a grudge match. But Joey Minnesota is right; the Rising Stars are much, much better about coming to each others' rescue. Wolf is generally capable of kicking out on his own, and Tommy Cornell is savvy enough to be able to reach the ropes from just about any situation.


Andrews and Cornell wrestle their usual blinder of a match, with the emphasis starting on one-upsmanship and slowly shifting to Cornell driven to rage, with Andrews able to control at that point. Minnesota and Hawkins, by contrast, both play to their own strengths rather than trying to trump their opponent. The result is fast, furious, and excellently done, with all four men looking fantastic for twenty minutes of action.


And at the end of that, Aaron Andrews gets the Game Breaker on Tommy Cornell. The crowd abruptly fall silent as Andrews scrambles into the cover, and while Wolf Hawkins tries to come to his aid, after close to forty minutes of wrestling over the course of the night he's just too slow.

Rising Stars defeated Cornell & Hawkins

Rating: B+





Ecstatic, Aaron Andrews begs for the microphone, and it's handed to him. “I can't believe that just happened,” he begins his remarks. “I can't believe I just...


“Anyway. It's... what, four months since my first match with Tommy Cornell? Four months... and I finally got the win... but it isn't over.


“This whole Syndicate thing, Tommy... you tried to force me into joining. You threatened to break me, break Joey, stop us ever wrestling anywhere again.


“And that's just out of ****ing line.” The crowd pop well for that show of spirit.


“So listen up, Tommy...” He turns to face the locker room. “Sam, your offer – me and Joey are in.


“You and the two of us make three. Find the others; it's on.”




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Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Troy Tornado ©

And wouldn't you know it... At the height of the night, Troy Tornado steps into the ring against Johnny Bloodstone and the two display the kind of fluency together that's remembered for years afterward.


It's not a Match of the Year candidate, but a lot of the reason it isn't, ultimately, is that TCW fans aren't too keen on seeing someone they support squaring off against another – it makes for divided loyalties. What unfolds in the ring, however, is excellent.



Fifteen minutes in the Syndicate arrive, Jeremy Stone going for Bloodstone, Cornell going for Tornado. Tornado immediately unloads on Cornell, blocking the Rough Ride and not needing much time against the exhausted, dazed multi-time champion to create an opening for the Tornado Driver.


Bloodstone has more trouble; the two men get into a stalemate of hold and counter, but in the end, Troy comes to his opponent's rescue, pulling Stone off him. Stone fires back – Tornado hits a Savate Kick, then twists, scoring with the Gunslinger's Revenge cutter to lay out Jeremy Stone, the plan he'd made for Johnny Bloodstone. As he rises, however, Bloodstone tries something of his own; the Neutron Plex of Sam Keith into the Dread Lock of Art Reed.


Tornado fights, and fights, and manages, after a long moment, to elbow free. Rhythm and Bruise follows on Bloodstone, but Bloodstone kicks out at two. Troy goes for the Tornado Driver, but Bloodstone counters it – into the Gunslinger's Revenge! That, too, gets only two. The two champions fight on.


Eventually, at the half-hour mark, Troy Tornado launches himself in a Star Maker, and Johnny Bloodstone ducks. As Tornado crashes to earth, Bloodstone scrambles, hooking his arms under Troy's, flipping himself forward...


The Bloodstone Mutilation is locked in!


Troy Tornado has nowhere to go!



Johnny Bloodstone defeated Troy Tornado

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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I actually did pretty well on this one. I called most of the matches -- missed Sammy Bach for the title (and still don't agree with it: in my mind, Bach's neither a gifted worker nor a compelling character), Rockwell over Remo, and... well, I kind of knew I was wrong about the Keith brothers taking the tag title. Oh, well.
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I did terrible on predictions, but great show, PS. Cool to see Bloodstone with the title.


Thanks - and yes, I'm glad to finally have it on him. Admittedly, the job now is to make sure he doesn't "Maverick" it with his promos... although at this point, B- Microphone and B Charisma mean I probably shouldn't worry about giving him the chance to say things from time to time. Shows what putting him with Sam Keith and a (now vocally talented) Blonde Bombshell can do, i guess.


(For those playing the home game, Blonde Bombshell is now also on the list of People Who Would Make A Better Colour Commentator Than Kyle Rhodes.)


Somewhat terrifyingly, he's also now at 49% of the way to Hall of Immortals status.


Wolf Hawkins got the briefcase, but Edd helped, and I think we all know that's the most important bit. Good stuff.


Poor old Edd, he did get rather ill-used during that match. Edd is someone I consistently want to push more strongly than I do, though I've never been as keen on pushing him as when FCK was on the air. Still, his Consistency is one of a number of skills to have recently shown improvements, so that's going to help.


I actually did pretty well on this one. I called most of the matches -- missed Sammy Bach for the title (and still don't agree with it: in my mind, Bach's neither a gifted worker nor a compelling character), Rockwell over Remo, and... well, I kind of knew I was wrong about the Keith brothers taking the tag title. Oh, well.


Sammy's getting pretty good, but I can understand not picking him for that championship. His HHC run will be a test of whether he can hang with the big dogs a bit, while he appears to have a partnership developing with Jack Bruce that might help both of them somewhat.


And yeah, the Keiths really would be the better duo to hold the tag titles, and probably will unless they explode despite careful management. For those of you who remember diary entries which have been followed up by irregular bitching from right near the start, the Easy Riders are the team I mentioned as planned to replace Painful Procedure - hence their initial feud, although to be fair that was always the plan.


My sporadic comments about the Painful Procedure/Natural Talent E+ match, plus the fact they never pulled above a C even with the Machines, has led to Horatio playing a bit of politics by hammering home their replacements' push somewhat. Which is not to say that the Riders are invulnerable up in their current position; with the British Lions and Elite Express both slowly gaining overness, the time will soon be ripe for face champions as the tag scene shifts again.


Great show, PS.




Nice and simple, this one; thanks, man. I aimed for a Starrcade level of build; I'm not sure that came off, but I know I had a blast writing it.


The trick is going to be setting up a card that creates that feeling again next time around...

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Monday 1st February

Ten months booking for TCW now and we've closed out the first chapter that I had much to do with; apart from the final two months of Joel's work, the past year between Malices was mine.


But the closure of the chapter, with wrestling, is always... not really closing the book. The seeds have to be laid for the next chapter long before it finishes, because no company can really afford for its fans to say “and with that, it's all wrapped up – and I'm done.” Wrestling is about selling people on a story that never quite ends. Which is one of the reasons we've worked so hard this year to establish people like Aaron Andrews and Troy Tornado – RDJ and Sam Keith won't last forever. Aaron in particular still has much to learn, but at 22, he has years to do it – and he now has a reason to be working with the best, to learn faster.


Aaron Andrews. Joey Minnesota. Edd Stone. Troy Tornado. These aren't the kind of wrestlers who were on top when I started out – far from it.


Wild Man Sullivan, Crippler Ray Kingman, Whipper Spencer Marks, Mike Nero, Pat Deacon, Mark “the Lariat” Krogan – these are the men I learned from. Completely different attitudes, styles, gimmicks, and very different finishes.


That generation won mine over to wrestling. And the greats of my generation – Sam Keith, Sam Strong, the Vesseys, Luis Montero, Rip Chord, Marcus McKing, George DeColt and the rest – won Aaron and the rest over. But Sam, Rip and Luis had to find a way to put our time's stamp on their gimmicks, on their styles, on the rest.


Edd and Troy, in particular, seem to have found wats to differentiate themselves. Troy is pretty certain to make it, and Edd seems to be improving a lot. I think being kicked out of his father's company was the wakeup call he needed.


This is why I'm worried about Sean Deeley. At this point, the path everyons seems determined to make him walk leads back a generation, arguably two. He's got the talent... the question is whether the cycle's come round again yet.

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Former Tag Team Champions the New Wave will start February off in style; their opponents are Tommy Cornell's most recent recruits, the Enforcers. The Wave still boast some of the best win-loss records in TCW, and they have to be considered a constant threat to the championships when they don't own them. The Enforcers, by contrast, are Cornell's hand-picked successors to the Machines - while they haven't shown their worth in matches yet, their brutality and skill has been shown whenever they interfere, and many feel that a run of dominance can only be a matter of time.


On the subject of the Machines, they have the second match, requested by Brent Hill to be against the British Lions. Hill says that the Lions deserve a chance to showcase their skills at any opportunity, and that he believes they could become true champions soon enough - but that the Machines want a chance to wrestle them before their third man is added and they move further from their tag team roots.


The young man who's taken Rick Law and Koshiro Ino both to their limit, Champagne Lover, has another target in his sights; Rocky Golden. In a short interview with TCW.com, the Champagne Lover dismissed Golden as an "overpaid, oversized prima donna" and has vowed to better him in every respect. Mayhem Midden happily made a match for Total Wrestling between the two on hearing that.


Unified champion Johnny Bloodstone's old friend Art Reed finds himself one on one with Phil Vibert's 'supreme specimen' directly after that. Reed is the definite underdog, but as he says, he's been an underdog all his life - and he expects to be able to change that, one match at a time.


Eddie Peak renews an old rivalry after that - he's going after Tyson Baine. Peak has said that he needs "to prove a point to someone before The War To Settle The Score". It's not confirmed what he means by this, but we can't help think about the traditional Cage Wars match at The War To Settle The Score, and about what Aaron Andrews told Sam Keith on Sunday night...


Another on/off rivalry looks to be rekindled, quite possible through no fault of either participant; Mr Cornell has ordered that Ricky Dale Johnson face off against Frankie Perez. His reasons are as yet unknown, though they may have to do with the fact RDJ's presence prevented any Syndicate interference in Mr Cornell's match Sunday.


In the main event, defeated champion Troy Tornado looks to get back to winning ways, teamed with Rick Law to face the odd team of Tommy Cornell and Eric Tyler, leaders of the two biggest groups in TCW today.


Prediction Key:

Enforcers vs. New Wave


British Lions vs. Machines


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eric Tyler & Tommy Cornell w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Troy Tornado

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Enforcers vs.New Wave

I would like to see Enforcers winning some matches but it won´t happen here


British Lions vs. Machines

Pretty much same story here, Lions won´t win against one of the better teams until they have taken some wins from lesser teams


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

I´m guessing Lover is jobbing himself up to the card right now so Golden should take this one


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

I don´t see Remo losing here though it will be hard fought victory


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

This is probably hardest match for me to predict. I go against my own preference here and pick Peak since he seems to be doing little bit more right now.


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

This one will be interesting since RDJ looks like a safe bet to me but I do have a feeling that I´m deadly wrong


Eric Tyler & Tommy Cornell w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Troy Tornado

Hard to say here but I would guess that face team works better together than leaders of two biggest heel stables.

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Enforcers vs. New Wave


British Lions vs. Machines


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Eric Tyler & Tommy Cornell w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Troy Tornado

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Enforcers vs. New Wave


British Lions vs. Machines


What the previous guy said -- there's a difference in class here, and no reason to believe either lower team will step up so drastically. (Especially considering the New Wave and the Machines are actually good.)


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden


This one, though... eh. CL needs to move up sooner or later, and with Rocky being an obvious gatekeeper, now may be the time.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Probably wishful thinking. Still, how many times have I chosen Richardson only to see him lose? That guy has been disappointing.


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Largely a formality.


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Something tells me Perez takes this. RDJ hasn't exactly been booked as a main eventer so far.


Eric Tyler & Tommy Cornell w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Troy Tornado


Cornell's the best (and biggest) guy in this match, and Tyler just won a belt. I have no clue here, but Law gets enough wins on his own show.

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Prediction Key:

Enforcers vs. New Wave


British Lions vs. Machines

easy wins for your top teams


Champagne Lover vs. Rocky Golden

Lover can be a star, but he needs more build for a global TCW


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Remo is a level above Reed


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

This is just marking for the Great White Shark


Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

If Perez is ready to step up , here is where it will happen


Eric Tyler & Tommy Cornell w/ Laura Huggins vs. Rick Law & Troy Tornado

Tyler takes the fall

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