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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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The history books have their fill, and now the fallout begins.


It seems that following Johnny Bloodstone's failure to capture Sammy Bach's All Action Championship the Syndicate have a continuing interest, as his second test in TCW will be against Syndicate member John Anderson. Whether Mr Cornell has made this match due to displeasure or due to an interest in recruiting is as yet unknown.


What is certain is that the Syndicate interest in the All Action Championship remains. Wolf Hawkins teams with Acid against Chance Fortune and Clark Alexander in another match designed to test the capabilities of the All-Action candidates. Acid has to be considered the favourite of this trio to join the Syndicate, but anything could happen here.


Ricky Dale Johnson can't reach Tommy Cornell, but his issues with the Syndicate are far from done. Johnson finds himself now facing Brent Hill in a match made by Mr Cornell to, no doubt, put his regular rival through a gruelling slog while keeping him far from the World Heavyweight Championship. We're told that the next match was requested moments after this match was confirmed...


Danny Fonzarelli faces the Tag Team Specialists again. This time both men have allies; while Fonzarelli cannot count on RDJ with the other man's obligations - no doubt why the Specialists chose the moment they did to request the match - he will stand alongside the newest members of Painful Procedure, the Young Guns. On the Specialists side is long-standing TCW insurance policy Charlie Thatcher.


In a display of TCW's broadening tag team division, the New Wave will take on Natural Talent. This is thought not to be a number one contendership match following the dubious nature of the Machines' title defence, though a win for either team surely can't hurt their standing - especially in the case of Natural Talent.


Lastly, the night's main event promises to be scorching. A command performance by Troy Tornado, at Mr Cornell's discretion, sees him face off against not only All Action Champion Sammy Bach but the man Mr Cornell will doubtless be hoping beats them both, the Syndicate's 'Contract Killer' Sam Keith.



Prediction Key:

John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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Prediction Key:

John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Bloodstone should do very well in TCW, so I could see him getting a push up the card pretty early.


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

Snap, though call. I'll give the love to Sammy.

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli

Natural Talent vs. New Wave

Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Bloodstone pushes the Machine all the way to a time limit draw.


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


The change of image has done a world of good for the Young Guns who don't have that jobber aura about them anymore and I see them and Fonzarelli going over the old timers and Thatcher


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


New Wave stay strong


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Two pairings on completely another level from one another


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado


Even though Tornado had iffy chemistry against Tommy, I still feel that you want to keep him strong.

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Anderson's pretty much the weakest of The Syndicate, atleast at the start, so him jobbing to Bloodstone doesn't seem impossible. But, as it's still early in the recruiting hunt, I don't see Bloodstone being picked to join. He takes this win to make it seem that way, before eventually being swerved out of the running.


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli

I can't, in all good concious, ever allow myself to pick Charlie Thatcher, soo.. :p


Natural Talent vs. New Wave

NT aren't high enough yet to beat THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY.


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Two of them are main eventers..one of them had to use a good luck charm just to get hired.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill

Sincerely doubt you have the kind of plans for Brent Hill as I do.. (;)) so I don't see a win over RDJ being plausible.


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

Bach's an ME project for sure, but Tornado should probably be taking this. Pinning, and starting a feud, with Sam Keith seems like a natural storyline transition for Tornado.

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Fantastic pick up here. Bloodstone has always been one of my favourites. Back in '05, I had a REALLY lengthy NOTBPW game, that saw Bloodstone become the top heel, and shockingly, the top face in the company, after turning to save his old nemesis, Dan Stone Jr. Anyway, he's going to make an impact tonight.


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli

I've always had a soft spot for the Young Guns, and I always thought they were too easily relegated to enhancement duties, by too many people. They'll go over here, to cement their new-found momentum.


Natural Talent vs. New Wave

As much as you're trying to elevate teams, the New Wave still needs to stay up near the top. Not just so they can elevate contenders, but because they deserve to be there.


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Burning Wolf all the way.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill

RDJ's still a top dog. Tag team guys can lose singles matches, without it hurting them.


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

Coming off such a strong showing (B+ with poor chemistry), Tornado deserves this. I'm loving Sammy Bach right now, and love the ambiguity of the character. He's not a traditional heel, as he hasn't cheated for his victories, and looks like he could easily transition into babyface work, whenever he wants to. That's my favourite kind of heel.

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God damn it, man! I still haven't finished reading Philly Pro yet and you're storming ahead on this one.


I'm never gonna catch-up at this rate :(.


Seriously, though, technically the wrong thread I know but I've loved what I've read of PPPW so far (I'll comment properly when I finish) and I'm looking forward to checking this out at some point too.


Quote The Raven


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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

I don't see Bloodstone losing this one.


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli

Charlie Thatcher's finisher used on him!


Natural Talent vs. New Wave

New Wave keeps up momentum


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

I like Acid.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill



Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

I'm calling no contest here!

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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God damn it, man! I still haven't finished reading Philly Pro yet and you're storming ahead on this one.


I'm never gonna catch-up at this rate :(.


Seriously, though, technically the wrong thread I know but I've loved what I've read of PPPW so far (I'll comment properly when I finish) and I'm looking forward to checking this out at some point too.


Quote The Raven



Heh... sorry about that.


I think this one runs a little slower than the other, so hopefully that'll allow you to catch up a little...

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli


Natural Talent vs. New Wave


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

I'd imagine Bloodstone will become a major player in TCW down the line


Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Young Guns & Danny Fonzarelli

I think you want to keep the Fonz strong. The other team scream gatekeepers to me


Natural Talent vs. New Wave

More likely at this point, I think


Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

I like Chance and Clark - just not in this match!


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Brent Hill

RDJ continues to look strong


Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

Tornado to win to keep him rolling against the Syndicate

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 1 May 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 3.88)


Held at the Utah Park Reservation (South West US)


Attendance: 15,000 (SOLD OUT!)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal_alt4.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

John Anderson vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell

Down to earth, old-fashioned wrestling. Typically speaking, the TCW crowd will eat it up – and a demonstration that you have it mastered is almost as important to them as name value. While Anderson is near the bottom of the Syndicate's pecking order, while Bloodstone's American following is small and mostly northern, some distance from the Utah Park Reservation, this is still a match that catches the fans' eyes more than two others on their level might.


Transitions are smooth, throws crisp and dangerous, holds applied with a tactician's intensity. Bloodstone's temper, famous in NOTBPW, is entirely absent here, the Bombshell's presence seeming to entirely negate it, and the result is confident and thoughtful, a master of the game operating at the height of his skills. Ultimately, even the self-styled 'Human Arsenal' can't find the move that would beat Bloodstone, and the Canadian finds his way to the Bloodstone Mutilation, picking up a clear victory over the Syndicate member.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated John Anderson

Rating: C





A video clip begins to play, opening with a montage; at a gym somewhere, the walls decorated with a mix of TCW posters and faded concert tour flyers, two young men take to the air, lock up, dropkick, and otherwise take the fight to one another. The Young Guns seem in their element as they train and spar with each other. The montage draws into a standoff between the two men and stays with that shot, the camera pulling out to find Troy Tornado.



“I had a lot of time to think while I was injured,” he begins. “I ended up thinking about Painful Procedure. What we had... what there was when I joined them... What I did when we lost it.


“Like you all already know, that turned me around. I made my peace with Billy and Randall. I don't know whether I'd have reached out to Ronnie – he made it pretty clear he wasn't interested in a reunion tour – but that chance got taken away from me anyway.


“The Syndicate don't take well to people challenging the Man, you know?


“Thing is, the band wasn't a band. And when Tommy Cornell told Hawkins to make sure of Ronnie, he made it pretty clear that it wasn't going to be in anyone's immediate best interests to join us.


“You gotta have balls if you want to stand up to the Syndicate. And you gotta care. You gotta be passionate, ready to take the fight to them. Ready to really stick it to them. Because they'll come for you, and the only way to survive is to for them right back.


“These two young guns behind me – they've got that kind of balls. They've got that kind of passion. And they are more than willing to stick it to the Syndicate. And that means only one thing.


“Painful Procedure is back. And Tommy Cornell is finally in for a very... rough... ride.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RobertOxford.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CharlieThatcher.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HarryAllen_Grunge3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveGumble_Grunge2.jpg

Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher vs. Danny Fonzarelli & the Young Guns

Short, to the point, not particularly sweet. Fonzarelli seems mildly frustrated at the regularly-repeated challenges by the Specialists, but doesn't let it faze him; indeed, he lets the Guns deal with most of the Specialists' in-ring activity, concentrating on preventing Charlie Thatcher from overwhelming his smaller allies.


The Guns, long-time irregular rivals of the Specialists, display a solid knowledge of their tricks and rely on speed and teamwork to keep themselves from being overwhelmed by the veterans. Toward the end it comes down, once again, to Fonzarelli and Joel Bryant; this time, following the One Shot Drop to Bryant, Robert Oxford's attempt to break up the pin is cut off by a missile dropkick from Steve Gumble.

Danny Fonzarelli & the Young Guns defeated the Tag Team Specialists & Charlie Thatcher

Rating: D




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddieHoward.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DCRayne.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Guide.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Scout.jpg

Natural Talent vs. New Wave

Even shorter, this match, but the crowd perk up for it; what some call the best tag team active today facing off with the not-exactly-unknown Natural Talent, who've been getting some steady recognition and support.


It'd be hard to say that anyone present didn't know which way this match was going to end, but Scout shows himself stymied by the Naturals' work on a few occasions early on before knuckling down to it. He and Guide cut Natural #2 off from his partner and begin to work him over. A Guided Missile to set up the Special Force submission by Scout follows, and Natural #2 quickly taps.

The New Wave defeated Natural Talent

Rating: C-





Jason Azaria quickly introduces a pre-taped video interview and the big screen cuts to show a set somewhere between the traditional image of a bookers' office and a cosy bar. On one side of the big desk: Horatio Dangerous. On the other: Koshiro Ino.


“What you're about to see is what we hope will be the first of a series of Spotlight Interviews on the rising stars of TCW,” Dangerous tells the camera. “Over the next few weeks, the Kobra and I will be talking about his career to date, his plans for TCW, and wrestling in general...”


Dangerous turns to Ino and glances down at his notes. “So,” he begins. “For those of our fans who don't know, the Kobra was trained by one of the best. Our older viewers might remember a man called Hooded Kudo fighting Sam Keith and others for, ah, a rival promotion, fifteen or sixteen years ago. Canadian viewers will remember him besting Jeremy Stone – in my opinion, then one of the best men at mat and submission wrestling in the world – on two occasions for the NOTBPW Championship.


“What you might not know is that this is not Kudo's greatest accomplishment. In over forty years, the most renowned wrestling federation in Japan, Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, has crowned just eleven World Champions. It's an elite club; it includes TCW founding figures Sam Strong and Dread, not to mention current TCW competitor Sam Keith.” Ino inclines his head slightly.


“Only seven of those champions have had more than one reign. Both Dread and Sam Keith achieved it – but you have to understand that this accolade is one that escapes even Sam Strong.” He pauses.


“Still fewer have secured the Burning Hammer World Championship on more than two occasions. Only three have done it, and no man has captured the belt more than three times. Haruki Kudo, known as Hooded Kudo, is one of these, and sitting opposite me is his protege.” Dangerous offers a respectful nod, as close to a bow as he can at the desk “The parallel to our own company is, I think, obvious.”


Ino nods. “Wolf Hawkins, I assume, is who you speak of,” he says. “His support from Tommy Cornell... But I think that we are not quite parallel.


“One thing my teacher never did was to arrange for me to win matches,” he continues. “He never arranged to help me secure championships. He was secure enough in his own renown not to feel a need to add unearned reflected glory to his own.”


Horatio seems almost to wince. “Strong words...”


“I actually feel sympathy for Hawkins,” Ino says. “Despite his antics in keeping me from the International Championship – or rather, because of them. I know that I earned my time with the Burning Hammer tag team championship.” He shrugs. “But we're now talking simply of what I am doing at this moment,” he says. “And the fans know this.”


“Right,”Dangerous says, collecting his notes and his thoughts. “Japan is, like the USA, somewhere that brings far more wrestlers in than it sends out to other places. It's unusual to see someone like yourself – successful with a major company – go elsewhere. Could you tell us a little about why you decided to expand your horizons.”


Ino nods again, decisively. “As you stated earlier, my teacher had done something similar,” he says.


“He was not the only one. Eisaku Kunomasu, who I watched as I was training – he was just beginning in Japan – left before he attained a pinnacle in Japan that seemed all but certain. He came here, to Phil Vibert.”


“The 'Lord of Strong Style',” Dangerous nods. “One of the men who decided the course of the East Coast War.” There's a certain tightness to his voice, mingled with respect for Kunomasu's work.


“Yes,” Ino nods. “There are many Japanese wrestlers who have visited Canada, also, but typically at the start of their career. Shingen Miyazaki is one such.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins_alt3.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChanceFortune.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ClarkAlexander.jpg

Acid & Wolf Hawkins vs. Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Acid not performing at his best, this time, and Hawaiian Thunder C.A. in particular is clearly looking to take advantage of that. Chance and Hawkins reprise a number of the greatest hits from their All-Action feud of yore.


Unlike the Edd Stone contest, there are no particularly big spots here, and the contest seems closer as a result – no one really stands out as a potential new Syndicate member, despite Doakes' speculation on Acid in a suit – but Wolf Hawkins makes his presence felt as the match plays out, going to town on both Fortune and Alexander.



Unfortunately for him, that's when someone else makes their presence felt; Ino rolling into the ring to blast Hawkins with the Kobra's Bite in full view of Eugene Williams.


Hawkins and Acid pick up the win, but it's likely Hawkins in particular won't be happy with how.

Acid & Wolf Hawkins defeated Chance Fortune & Clark Alexander

Rating: C





Bad to the Bone plays again. Flanked by Laura Huggins, Eric Tyler struts down to the ring.


“Well, the results are in,” Tyler smirks. “Aaron Andrews still can't win. He can wrestle – but I never said he couldn't. And Joey Minnesota – I hope you, too, understand now. Just because you already paid your dues doesn't mean the new kids don't have to.


“So with that – Andrews, I want you out here, and I want you to show me and this smart girl some respect.”


There's a pause.


The pause lengthens.


“Freddy!” Laura Huggins offers. “Get him out here!”




After nearly a minute Freddy Huggins emerges empty-handed, offering a shrug.


Tyler's face is set in cold fury. “Next week, Andrews,” he promises, “you pay for this.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BrentHill_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Ricky Dale Johnson

Suddenly, the show picks up. All it takes is one of the most underrated wrestlers on the roster squaring off with a man who will always be one of the biggest faces of TCW.


Hill starts off cautious, mindful of RDJ's hitting power. After ducking a couple of punches he begins to step his own pace up, a couple of armlocks, a takedown, some smooth impacts off the ropes as Hill begins to use his superior speed.


RDJ takes the punishment, returning it with some of his own offence – particularly the more brutal throws and slams.


His big problem is simply the breadth of Hill's skill; the man has a counter to so much, and even stunned by a big more, there's a pretty good chance he'll be able to pull it out.


Hill's own assault doesn't seem to be focusing in the usual scientific style, appearing more like a total assault; some injury to the arm, then to the ribs, a leg gets torqued hard, a few shots to the head, and so on... Maybe it's just a change in strategy, or maybe – as Azaria speculates – Hill's job here is simply to put a hurting on RDJ.



That seems a lot likelier when Hill's stablemate Sam Keith, dubbed the 'Contract Killer' of the Syndicate, arrives in the ring. Around his fingers is a brass knuckleduster; a punch to the base of RDJ's spine staggers him, dropping him to his knees. Hill dropkicks RDJ in the face and Keith sets on him as he drops, bloodying the former champion. For the second match running, the referee has to call a DQ.

Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Brent Hill

Rating: B






The assault continues and Breakin' the Law begins to play. On the entrance ramp, Tommy Cornell shows his face, remaining near the entrance with a microphone in hand.


“What's this all about, Sam?” Cornell says softly. “I booked the match when you asked it, but RDJ's no threat now. We've got him covered. He can't challenge me for ages.”


“And he's still been getting inside Wolf's head,” Keith returns. “He's still been winning matches. Making cases.


“I just took care of the angle, Tommy. Like I always do.”


“That's not how the Bloodstone match worked out.”


“Yeah, well...” Keith shrugs. “If he'd taken the belt, tonight wouldn't have been needed, would it?


“You brought me in to have someone watch your back, Tommy. You brought me in to ensure a smooth ride. That's why this, that's why John had his match earlier. That's why I asked for the final match.


“So let me do that.” He turns and nods to Hill, who at this point is perched on the top turnbuckle and who, at the signal, launches into a King of the Hill splash on RDJ. The Complete Package locks in as TCW goes to commercial...




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Sam Keith vs. Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

Two thorns in the Syndicate's side. Two rock stars on either side of the artiste divide. Three dangerous men, as the Contract Killer continues to look out for his boss.


The result is a beautiful match; the two younger men showboat and showcast, Tornado bringing the powerhouse with his stocky, energetic style, Bach soaring, and Keith retaliating with surgically-precise strikes and takedowns, every inch the great technician.


It's good stuff, great even, as the pace changes up and down on a regular basis, highlights being Bach's coast-to-coast bulldog on Tornado, Keith and Bach working a Proton Lock – Back on your Bach – Proton Lock transition before Tornado breaks it up, the return of the long-ignored Tornado Driver (a tilt-a-whirl into a tombstone piledriver) on Bach and an attempt at a second on Keith that somehow flows into Keith hitting a DDT – though Tornado kicks out, and a few moments later, so does Bach, the delay having bought him time to recover.


Just... not enough time. While he covers well enough to slip out of the Neutron Plex and superkick Keith out of the ring, what follows is a Star Maker and Bach is left without enough in the tank to escape this time.

Troy Tornado defeated Sam Keith and Sammy Bach

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B

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Zeel1, Greg McNeish, Marcel Fromage, foolinc and WrestlingGeek all got six from six.


Another man got a clean sweep, though without the RDJ/Hill match I initially forgot to include in the predictions page. Accordingly, Tigerkinney is accounted an additional winner as missing that match was my fault.


You'll all be receiving the New Wave's most popular shirt:


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Friggin nice shirt. You had me a bit worried with the match grades for the undercard - I was a bit surprised that Bloodstone didn't produce a bit better. Nice to see the last two matches deliver, especially the three-way main event.


Pure and simple, Johnny's not that over yet. He was D+ when I signed him, he's C+ now (and actually has gone from B+ to A in Canada) following that match, the other match, and the vignettes.


The Machines, meanwhile, have consistently stayed around the C- to C area, and TCW is split evenly on performance and popularity. Bloodstone will, I'm sure, get where he's going, but it may take a little while.


I'm glad people dug the Koshiro bit, because those interviews are likely to become regulars. Heck, Koshiro's isn't even done yet.

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Friday 5th May 2008

The real pleasure of being with TCW rather than Philly Pro? TCW means more to people who aren't wrestling fans themselves.


Getting Philly Pro a TV show involved leaving a show, driving to the airport, and flying all night because there was only one time the network were prepared to talk to us.


GNN Total Sports was more than happy to schedule a meeting whenever we could get there. 'We' in this case being me, Tommy, and the man RDJ insists is legally named 'Lenny From Accounts'. Tommy's wife caught the jet into Miami, too, but promptly disappeared off to go shopping.


Lenny is here on my own insistence. I still can't help but think the deal Philly Pro struck was part of what killed the company, and the net result is that I don't trust myself around this kind of thing without a moneyman.


But then, if anyone was going to not be here, it'd be me. Except that extending Total Wrestling wasn't the only job here.


Since the deal with CZCW went through there've been discussions at every level – camera crews, the locker room, Creative, the finance department, the transport office – about something inherent to the problem of signing talented but unknown wrestlers to a company that relies as much as we do on name recognition.


Two hours a week of programming isn't enough time. Look at my first month in charge; Rocky Golden's an afterthought, which is just about understandable. Eddie Peak and Rick Law, two of the big men who show the best balance between achievement so far and potential to achieve more – they've been close to the same.



Together, they could add up as the future of the company. Who do you choose?


I could have done what one of these three deserves if I hadn't been doing my best for Aaron.




Or Total Wrestling can showcase the unknowns much less frequently. But if we do that, we still need to showcase them.


I'm on the plane back following the discussion with GNN. A second show has been agreed. We've told them that we're going to focus it on those guys who need development, one way or another – talent or exposure or both – and they've accepted that. But I had to be there.


I had to pitch them the big storylines that the show will run with. I had to explain to them how we could package the show so that even if it doesn't do Total Wrestling numbers it won't upset their advertisers.


Thankfully, we had an ace in the hole. Joel told me after his attempts in February that we were going to need a hook like this, and sometime in April I figured it out. (There'd be a diary entry, except I don't like spoiling things for people.)


One of our production boys whipped up a logo and a credit reel based off the concept. Based off the idea of a show protected by a Rick Law who's taken it as his own. From June onward, Fridays are going to see the launch of...


Logo by Kamchatka

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