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QAW: The Land of Misfit Toys

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Life's too short.


As I sit here watching the still face of one of my best friends, Trenton Caldwell, I can't help but think just that. As many times as I've heard that expression repeated, it isn't until now that its true meaning dawns on me.


I've done everything and I've done nothing.


I'm Mr. Dependable, the one everyone goes to for shelter in any given storm. I was happy with that role, happy to do whatever I could. But...I'm not happy with it anymore....


"Man, this is bull****!", Trent muttered. We had just left another lackluster AAA show and we were both pretty pissed. "Why the hell do we keep coming out here to watch this ****?"


"Because it gets your henpecked ass out of the house and away from a house full of kids?", I jokingly replied. The intended effect was successful and Trent let out one of those odd-sounding guffaws of his.


"You know," he started, suddenly serious, in the car on the way back to our hotel, "you could probably do better."


"I dunno man, wrestling isn't really a good business to start up in. Especially women's wrestling."


"What's this? The Golden Child has doubts?", he replied in a challenging tone. "What happened to all the ideas you threw around like sand at the beach? Those could work and it'd be tons better than the crap these promotions do."


"My plate is full and my cup runneth over, yo. Find me time to do it and it'd get done. You know how we do!"


"Yeah, but I'd love to try it....", ended that line of conversation.


Life's too short.


There's something I've always wanted to do and, damn it to hell, I'm gonna do it. But I'm gonna do it my way, the way we always talked about.


"You know what would be awesome?", Trent asks a roomful of friends watching some cheesy SWF pay per view. "If someone started a promotion and used only the indy workers who couldn't get jobs with the other promotions."


"Nah, that would be lame," replied Milo. "They can't get jobs for a reason. They suck, amirite?"


"Not always, man," Chui piped up. "Sometimes there's just no room for them elsewhere."


"Yeah, I think you could put together a pretty good squad if you used mainly the unemployed people," I said. "Sprinkle in some of the other available workers and it could work."


"Uh oh, he's thinkin' about it...", Trent says with a laugh.


"Not hardly. Don't have the time. I gotta stay focused since yall like to drink up all my Nuvo."


Chui pipes up, "Speaking of which..." and shakes his empty bottle, eliciting laughter from everyone present.


Life's too short.


It's at that moment I look down and get a full measure of everything I've been feeling over the last week.


So, I said goodbye to the man I had known since second grade....and I cried. But not before making a promise that I plan to make good on.


Life's too short, but my road from here on out, won't be.

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- Shrike Group CEO Remianen Valorian seen attending a local independent wrestling show in the company of, among others, two women later identified as joshi wrestling legend Crusher Ichihara and former wrestler Reese Paige. A source informs us that following the sudden death of close friend and company executive vice president Trenton Caldwell, Valorian is considering a venture related to wrestling. A company spokesperson declined comment.

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"Ladies, I offer to you an opportunity..."


As I scanned the various faces gathered in the classroom of our inhouse training center, I couldn't help but feel a charge. There are so many ideas I have to develop each and every one of them, I can only hope half of them accept my proposal. Of course, in the back of my mind is what I'll have to tell our COO Patricia, who is always telling the other employees not to use company facilities for personal use. Best case, I'll sell it as a cross promotional opportunity. Worst case, I'll invoke CEO privilege. Hmm, that last one won't go over well, I don't think.....


"...an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what will amount to nothing short of a revolution. Right now, you all have three places you could possibly work, four tops. You could work for Anne Stardust and make next to nothing and never see the top of the card until somebody dies. Or you could work for Sam "Brother" Strong and lay down for Alicia and never be taken seriously. A few of you could cut your figurative teeth at 5 Star and eventually become highly respected....in Japan."


I paused for effect to let that sink in while taking notice of body language and facial expressions. I was getting through to several, it seemed like.


"My plan is slightly different. I have aggressive, organic growth in mind. I have a rotating roster in mind where, once you get to the top of the midcard ranks, you stand a chance of main eventing for a while. I have the intent of letting the top performers perform and those who aren't yet at the top, develop into top performers with no pressure."


I can actually see the wheels turning in heads. Time to shake the hook....


"As you can see, I have a pretty good team assembled already...."


Nodding at Crusher and Reese, both of whom were instrumental in assembling the best available workers for this presentation, I continued...


"...who will be primarily responsible for your training and putting together your matches. What I need are women who are willing to take a chance. Cast your lot with me and I will make three guarantees. You will work, regularly. You will have the best occupational insurance the industry has ever seen. And, if you work your ass off, you will find yourself wealthy and perhaps even famous, with your dignity intact. We're moving fast on this project so, regrettably, I can only give you 24 hours to make a decision. For those of you who accept our offer, welcome to the family. You made the right choice. For those of you who choose to decline, I respect your decision, even if I don't agree with it. I wish you nothing but success in the future. With that said, each of you have been given a personalized copy of our offer. I'll eagerly await your decisions."


And with that, I gave a traditional bow and flashed a smile and left Crusher and Reese to field any questions that may be asked.




The next day.....


Reese came into my office with an unreadable expression holding a manila folder.


"Well, how'd we do?", I asked.


"See for yourself," was all she would say.


Thumbing through the folder's contents, I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.


"All of them," Reese said with a smirk.


"ALL of them???"


"All of them..."



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Mid South (USA)



ROSTER (blue = face, red = heel, founding worker in bold, finisher in parenthesis)


Main Eventer

April Appleseed (Victoria Driver)

Candy Floss (Candy Cane)

Christy Higgins (Florida Upswing)

Devil's Daughter (Going Down Below)

Golden Delicious (Melbourne Surprise (Leg cradle backdrop suplex))

Helen Bach (Bronx Buster)

Lauren Easter (Easter Seal / Easter Suplex Special / Victory Star Drop)

Miss Mexico (Red Head Press)

Nadia Snow (Snow Ball)

Sara Marie York (Energy Burst)

Steph Blake (Sheer Drop DDT / Slingshot DDT)

Stephanie Wade (Super Kick)

Tamara McFly (McFly Driver (CB4 Driver) / McFly Roll (Rolling Cradle))

Vixxen (Fall of Reason)

Wendy Anderson (Matrix Press)


Upper Midcarder

Agent 69 (Double Cross (Japanese Ocean Queen Bee Bomb))

Amber Allen (Amber Alert (

) / Double A Plex (Northern Lights Suplex))

Ashley Grover (Chicago Hope (High Angle Senton Bomb))

Carol Singer (Singer Stinger (Complete Shot))

Christina Charisma (C-Cutter (Inverted Suplex Cutter))

Debbie Rose (Thorn Cutter)

Eve Grunge (Evenflow (Spinning Inverted Implant DDT/Paroxysm))

Kate Lilly (Lilly Launch Pad)

Lora Washington (Patriot's Creed (Sitout Double Underhook Facebuster))

Mary Beth Chase (MBC Bomb (Splash Mountain))

Melody Cuthill (Melody Maker)

Missy Masterson (Identity Crisis)

Nina the Psycho Ballerina (Nina Hammer (Keene Hammer))

Susan Lee (Exploder Suplex)

Tsuki Kawamata (Flying Leg Lariat)



Alexis Lee Littlefeather (Done Deal)

Angel Takudome (Red Rock Press)

Britney Hollywood (Hollywood Hills)

Carnival Queen Kendra (Soca Stunner)

Dharma Gregg (One for the Road)

Fuyuko Higa (Higa Green Driver (Leg Cradle Inverted Implant DDT aka Witchcraft) / Perfection Sweep)

Ginko Kuroda (Chromatic Clutch)

Jana Marie Bowen (Bowen Technique (Crosslegged Scoop Stunner))

Jen Neptune (Alabama Jam (Jumping Neckbreaker/Reverse RKO))

Junko Hayakawa (Fold Up Powerbomb)

Karen Bilous (Bilous Bomb (Thunderfire Powerbomb) / Kiev Krunch)

Kathy Neptune (Trident Kick (High Impact Shining Apprentice))

Kinuye Mushashibo (Code Blue (Rolling Cutter))

Militia Sister (None)

Miss Information (Excalibur / Lady of the Lake (Dragon Sleeper))

Mitsu Ariwa (Jade Dragonplex (Dragon Suplex))

Nurse Darla Knight (Assisted Suicide (STS))

Olivia Diamond (Diamond Cutter)

Paige Croft (Turn the Paige (Unprettier))

Power Girl (None)

Saeko Hiroyuki (Hiroyuki Bomb)

Yori Toyoshima (Sky Twister Press)


Lower Midcarder

Aud D'Hoffryn (AD Cross (AP Cross))

Chiyeko Kita (Candy Cane Moonsault)

Dragon Assassin (Assassin's Strike (Uraken))

Dragon Power (Serpent's Sting (Niagara Driver))

Etsuko Arihyoshi (Arihyoshi Lockdown)

Geena the Warrior Princess (Amazon Plunge)

Kuniko Matsura (Wildfire Corkscrew Press)

Lioness Mushashibo (Sky Twister Press)

Namiyo Muro (None)

Nikki Power (None)

Roz Larren (Lionsault)

Sakura Sada (Sada-nara (Firebird Splash))

Speedy Marie (Speed Test (Diamond Dust))

Tai (Tai-phoon (F5))

Umeko Hotta (Hotta Facewrecker (Destiny Hammer))



Gemmei Oonishi (Flying Dagger Legdrop (Somersault Guillotine Legdrop))

Kaede Sugiyama (K'Sugi'Rana)

Ochiyo Iijima (Spiral Tap)

Rebecca Petty (Free Fallin' (High Angle Moonsault))

Sally Anne (Niagara Fall)

Tomoko Saitoh (Saitoh Suplex (Leg hook Saito Suplex))

Yoko Ikina (Tornado Y (Avalanche Tornado DDT))

Yukiko Matsumara (Yuki Tonic (Yoshi Tonic))



Remmington Remus


Color Commentator

Melanie Florence

Wanda Fish





Authority Figure

Remianen Valorian


Road Agent

Crusher Ichihara



Aria Moore


Bethany Hurst

Blonde Bombshell



Cat Jemson


Chloe Dean

Clare South



Eva Berlin

Geri Smith

Jemma Griffiths

Julie Forletta

Kali Fornia


Lady Melissa

Lisa Bowen


Mercedes Gimenez


Nicola Halliwell




Queen Emily

Rachel Dearheart

Reese Paige

Tara Green




Tag Teams

Air Raid Sirens - ??? & ???

Cold War - Karen Bilous & ???

Double Dragon - Dragon Assassin & Dragon Power

Excellence of Execution - Amber Allen & Fuyuko Higa

High Energy - Kuniko Matsura & Tomoko Saitoh

Lilly & Rose - Kate Lilly & Debbie Rose

Rising Sun - ??? & ???

Seekers of Destiny - Ochiyo Iijima & Kaede Sugiyama

Showstoppers - ??? & ???

The Crush Gals - Kit Hatoyama & Megumi Nakajima

The Electrifiers - Jana Marie Bowen & Kinuye Mushashibo

The Experience - Saeko Hiroyuki & Lioness Mushashibo

The Neptune Twins - Jen Neptune & Kathy Neptune

The Royal Guard - Aud D'Hoffryn & Tai

The Super Powers - Nikki Power & Power Girl

Wild Times - Devil's Daughter & Vixxen

Young Guns - Agent 69 & Yoko Ikina

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I've wondered this since I first saw your other diary (I only saw it when you posted that it died :(), but why do you always sign more managers than most feds need wrestlers? :p


Because most of my wrestlers are train wrecks on the stick. :p Plus, those are the workers I tend to be able to develop quickest (because most of my wrestlers are train wrecks on the stick :p). They're also used a whole lot, as you'll see. :)

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Current Champions


QAW World Championship


Sara Marie York



QAW World Tag Team Championship


The Neptune Twins



QAW North American Championship


Fuyuko Higa



QAW Generation Championship


Gemmei Oonishi

(Credit to ReapeR for title belt images and FINisher for personalizing edits)

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Welcome to the re-launched QAWrestling.com. Stick with us here for all the latest news on upcoming shows. With Mel & Reese handling a few other things, you're stuck with The Boss. At the next QAW Showcase, you're guaranteed to have the best three hour wrestling entertainment experience you've experienced to date. We'll have:


The world's pre-eminent little sister Tamara McFly crossing the border when she's pitted against new arrival Miss Mexico.


"Joshi Spice" Gemmei Oonishi defends the QAW Generation title against European women's champion Geena the Warrior Princess.


After a month of talk, Queen Emily sends her Royal Guard against the team of Chiyeko Kita and Rebecca Petty.


Seekers of Destiny face the debut of one of women's wrestling most experienced tag teams in their QAW debut.


"Miss Perfection" Fuyuko Higa tries to hold onto her undefeated streak AND the QAW North American title as she goes one on one with wily joshi legend Junko Hayakawa.


Nadia Snow takes on the American Woman, Lora Washington.


Christy Higgins goes one on one with Alexis Lee Little Feather.


Golden Delicious takes on dancehall Carnival Queen Kendra.


"Superstar" Stephanie Wade graces us with her presence as she tries to harness one-half of The Electrifiers in Jana Marie Bowen.




Sara Marie York defends the QAW World title against the Bronx's own, Helen Bach.


Lauren Easter faces off against the Queen of the DDT, Steph Blake.



AND: An appearance by the QAW World Tag Team champions, the Neptune Twins.


This, along with the usual assortment of surprises, at the next QAW Showcase event.


Doors open at 7:30pm with the normal 90 minute Fan Fest prior to opening.


Quick key:

Tamara McFly vs Miss Mexico

Gemmei Oonishi vs Geena the Warrior Princess

The Royal Guard vs Chiyeko Kita & Rebecca Petty

Seekers of Destiny vs ???

Junko Hayakawa vs Fuyuko Higa © (QAW North American title match)

Nadia Snow vs Lora Washington

Alexis Lee Little Feather vs Christy Higgins

Golden Delicious vs Carnival Queen Kendra

Jana Marie Bowen vs Stephanie Wade

Helen Bach vs Sara Marie York © (QAW World title match)

Steph Blake vs Lauren Easter

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Tamara McFly vs Miss Mexico

Gemmei Oonishi vs Geena the Warrior Princess

The Royal Guard vs Chiyeko Kita & Rebecca Petty

Seekers of Destiny vs ???

Junko Hayakawa vs Fuyuko Higa © (QAW North American title match)

Nadia Snow Gotta pull for my USPW girls. vs Lora Washington

Alexis Lee Little Feather vs Christy Higgins

Golden Delicious vs Carnival Queen Kendra

Jana Marie Bowen vs Stephanie Wade

Helen Bach vs Sara Marie York © (QAW World title match)

Steph Blake vs Lauren Easter

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Tamara McFly vs Miss Mexico

Gemmei Oonishi vs Geena the Warrior Princess

The Royal Guard vs Chiyeko Kita & Rebecca Petty

Seekers of Destiny vs ???

Junko Hayakawa vs Fuyuko Higa © (QAW North American title match)

Nadia Snow vs Lora Washington

Alexis Lee Little Feather vs Christy Higgins

Golden Delicious vs Carnival Queen Kendra

Jana Marie Bowen vs Stephanie Wade

Helen Bach vs Sara Marie York © (QAW World title match)

Steph Blake vs Lauren Easter


Glancing over your roster, I'm a bit surprised at the lack of the usual stars of C-Verse Women's Divisions, but there you go. Let's see how Women's wrestling is supposed to be done.

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Glancing over your roster, I'm a bit surprised at the lack of the usual stars of C-Verse Women's Divisions, but there you go. Let's see how Women's wrestling is supposed to be done.


That's by design. Hopefully, it'll be obvious as to why shortly.

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[OOC Note: The format is going to change. I just wanted to get the first show up ASAP to get some momentum going. Plus, I don't want to sim too far ahead and lose track of the flavor.]


QAW Showcase

Week 4 May, 2008

QAW Garage (Mid South)

Attendance: 127


The show opens with a video

of a pair of little boys mugging for a camera and roughhousing in an urban environment. It then proceeds to pre-teens roller skating in the street before the smaller one falls down and the other stars laughing hysterically. The video then segues to footage of a football game on a textbook sweep play when a kid with the name 'Caldwell' on the back of his jersey lays down a vicious block and the kid running behind him (with the name 'Valorian' on his jersey) flies past and into the end zone then a play, this time on defense, with the smaller boy executing a corner blitz but missing the quarterback who steps right into a vicious hit by the other boy (and the ensuing celebration, with helmet slaps). Then a scene, seemingly at a prom, dancing with two girls and fist bumping at one point. The video then morphs to a package of photographs of the two boys at various stages of life, culminating with the pair, apparently adults now, clasping hands while standing together with a pair of Mercedes Benzs in the background. The video then fades to a black screen with:


In Loving Memory

Trenton Caldwell



Remmington Remus: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of QAW Showcase. I am Remmington Remus, accompanied by the lovely Melanie Florence and wrestling legend Wanda Fish.

Wanda Fish: 'Wrestling legend'. Keep it up, Remus. I'm starting to like you.

Melanie Florence: Well it's true, Wanda. We might have, ah, philosophical differences but as you're always quick to point out, you are a five-time, five-time, five-time Triple A champion....

Wanda: Queen of the Ring too....

Melanie: Yeah, that too...

Remus: Your accomplishments are indisputable and we're happy to have you here...

Wanda: As you should be...

Remus: I think the boss is headed into the arena now....


Then an unfamiliar song begins to play as a white car drives in and stops close to ringside. The driver gets out and opens the rear door and Remianen steps out and walks to the ring. Reaching for a mic, he addresses the crowd.


"Welcome to QAW Showcase. As you can probably tell by now, the only reason I decided to start this promotion is my best friend. We used to talk about what we'd do and how we'd do it if we owned a promotion. And while I've had the ability to do this for quite some time, I didn't have the time. I didn't have the time to indulge the dreams of a man I've known since elementary school. Well, now I'm making the time. So you people are going to be witnesses to what happens when a hyperactive workaholic sets his sights on legitimizing a marginalized segment of a market.


Oh wait, were those words too big for you? Let me simplify it: we're going to make lots of money. Almost as much money as the Bob-Mart you all probably shop at, judging by the looks of you. We're going to be doing things my way, the best way. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. I'm going to the back to figure out more ways to separate you from the cash you earned no doubt doing manual labor."



Wanda: I like this guy. He tells it like it is...

Remus: Well, he has apparently offended a large number of fans judging by their reaction.

Melanie: Let's go to the ring for our first match as Tamara McFly takes on Miss Mexico.

Wanda: My money's on Mexi since Tamara can't leech off her brother here.


With Miss Mexico in the ring, Tamara McFly's music hits and she comes down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans as she comes, accompanied by Julie Forletta.


Tamara McFly vs Miss Mexico

Ugh, train wreck. For whatever reason, Mexi was not up to the task. Tamara led her through the scripted encounter as best she could. The two women started with a test of strength that was stopped by a single leg takedown by McFly. After several more exchanges, Miss Mexico scored with a rake to the eyes drawing a warning from referee Elegance and some breathing room. She then hit a snap suplex for a 2 count. Following two elbow drops with a basement dropkick got her another two count. Then she made the fatal error of playing to the crowd. When she turned to her opponent, she was greeted with a boot to the gut followed by a snap DDT. Returning to her feet, she responded with a thumb to the eye and attempted a suplex but lost her opponent and found herself on the receiving end of a McFly Roll that seemed to go on forever. Or rather, long enough to pin her shoulders to the mat for the three count.

Winner: Tamara McFly via pinfall (McFly Roll)

Rating: E+


Melanie: Sorry Wanda...

Wanda: For what?

Melanie: You said your money was on Mexi

Remus: *chuckles*

Wanda: Call the next match!

Remus: Next we have QAW Generation champion Gemmei Oonishi defending the title against the EWA Women's champion, Geena the Warrior Princess! Let's go to the ring!


QAW Generation title match

Geena the Warrior Princess vs Gemmei Oonishi ©


With Geena in the ring, the crowd hushes and in the middle of the lull, the garage is bombarded by Gemmei Oonishi's entrance theme. Geena scowls as the champion does a dance while walking down the ramp making nice with the fans. As soon as the champion slides into the ring, Geena is on her as Elegance calls for the opening bell. Stomping her relentlessly, Geena seems intent on ending this match early. The champion rolls under the bottom rope forcing the ref to back Geena off. While standing on the apron, Geena charges....right into a standing hotshot. Sliding back into the ring, Gemmei hits with a running elbow drop for a 2 count that Geena kicks out of with authority. After a few exchanges, Geena makes an error that proves costly. Attempting an overhead belly to back suplex, she plays to the crowd, not seeing the champion has landed on her feet. She turns around and tries a clothesline which is ducked and countered with a neckbreaker. The champion then begins signaling with a knife-edged hand in a stabbing motion. Ascending to the top rope, she launches into the Flying Dagger Legdrop.....and connects! Cover....1, 2, 3!

Winner: Gemmei Oonishi by pinfall (Flying Dagger Legdrop)

Rating: E


Remus: She is one impressive youngster.

Melanie: Indeed. It's scary to think that she can only get better!

Wanda: Oh please. She beat a tin can from Europe. Yay?

Remus: On that note, it's the much anticipated debut of Queen Emily's Royal Guard. Let's head to the ring!


The Royal Guard vs Chiyeko Kita & Rebecca Petty

Chiyeko Kita and Rebecca Petty make their way to the ring glad-handing the fans and wait for their opponents. Within ten seconds,

starts up and Queen Emily steps out onto the stage. Shortly thereafter, Tai and Aud D'Hoffryn emerge. As the Queen walks down the ramp, she makes a signal and her charges sprint to the ring and the match is underway.


Well, it was supposed to be a match but it turned out to be 'A Day at the Slaughterhouse'. Aud started the match and battered Chiyeko around the ring before throwing her into her corner to make a tag. When Rebecca entered the ring, she was given the same treatment. After an irish whip that was immediately followed by a clothesline that turned Rebecca inside out, she pointed into her corner at Tai who took the tag. At that moment, Queen Emily shouted from ringside "We're done here. Finish this." Tai then lifted Rebecca up effortlessly and with a primal roar......Tai-phoon! The cover was almost academic.

Winners: The Royal Guard via pinfall (Tai-phoon)

Rating: F


Remus: I'm being told the World Tag Team champs are headed to the ring now for an interview with our own Melanie Florence.


As the

starts up, the QueenVision screen fills with video of the twins dancing in a club. After a minute and a half, the camera cuts to the backstage area where the twins are being attacked by two women and being thrown into anything not nailed down (and a few things that are). Before too long, Tamara McFly enters the shot followed shortly thereafter by Dharma Gregg and Britney Hollywood, chasing the attackers off as the paramedics approach to tend to the twins.


Wanda: Now THAT is how you make an impact. I'm quite familiar with those two...

Remus: I thought you would be. That was the tag team you helped train, wasn't it?

Wanda: I only trained one of them. Their collective name is Lilly & Rose. I think they made quite a statement.

Remus: Statement? That they know how to sneak attack people? I see you taught them well...

Wanda: What are you trying to say?

Remus: I think I said what I tried to say. Ladies and gentlemen, we'll let you know the condition of our tag champs as soon as we hear. Let's go to the ring for our next match.


Nurse Darla Knight vs Angel Takudome

Angel comes out first when

hits, followed thereafter by Nurse Darla's theme and entrance. When the bell rings, the two women feel each other out before Nurse Darla throws a left hook that catches Angel completely off guard. Staggered, she's whipped to the ropes but manages to block and reverse Nurse Darla's attempt at a hip toss. She immediately begins working over Nurse Darla's right arm.


(Remus: Smart move. That's Nurse Darla's controlling arm for the Assisted Suicide)


Hammerlock, knee drops onto the arm, before Nurse Darla manages to get to her feet and hit a one-armed jawbreaker. Sliding out of the ring shaking her arm trying to get circulation to it again, she senses Angel coming behind her and hits on a clothesline. As Elegance's count reaches 5, Nurse Darla rolls back into the ring and sets upon her opponent when she attempts to do the same. An attempted irish whip by Angel is reversed, leading to a drop toe hold and the Assisted Suicide, locked in with her left arm! After a minute of struggling, Angel is forced to tap.

Winner: Nurse Darla Knight via submission (Assisted Suicide)

Rating: E


The QueenVision lights up with a scene of a very blonde woman with a grave expression, who turns to the camera to speak.


"My name, is Kali. I watched what occurred to our World Tag Team champs earlier and I have to say.....it was AWESOME!", drawing boos from the crowd.


"I guess it's fitting, given that I plan...." at which point she is flanked by two women: a striking looking tall woman of obvious Eastern European descent and a smaller woman with a dancer's physique.


"Well, I plan to have these two ladies take those pretty belts off your hands. They are, the Cold War and they're coming....."


Remus: Wow, it seems everyone has it out for our tag champs.

Wanda: Heavy is the waist that wears the gold, Remus.

Melanie: I just hope they're okay....

Wanda: What? They got a few bumps and bruises. If they can't handle it, they should just vacate the titles.

Remus: You know that's not what she meant. Our next match has the young team of Ochiyo Iijima and Kaede Sugiyama calling themselves the Seekers of Destiny, taking on....who? This can't be right.....

Wanda: Lemme see that. Hoho, this should be fun....and messy!


Seekers of Destiny vs Wild Times

Basic match to get Double D & Vixxen some debut momentum in front of our fans and some seasoning for a new, raw team. Quick tags made by both teams, though it was clear who had more experience working together. Before long, Kaede found herself on the wrong side of town and fell victim to a Fall of Reason from Vixxen before Devil's Daughter locked on the Going Down Below, scoring the submission.

Winners: Wild Times via submission (Going Down Below)

Rating: E+


Remus: Quite the impressive debut for the veterans of Wild Times.

Melanie: Wanda, how did they come up with their name, since you seem most familiar with them.

Wanda: Hell if I know. I try to steer clear of the goth, emo freakshows. They might decide to stop cutting themselves and start cutting others. And I've heard rumors that (whispers) Vixxen drinks human blood.

Remus & Melanie: Ewwwwww


The QueenVision lights up again and the arena resonates with a computer voiced countdown in fast-forward. After a few seconds, a booming of a door slamming followed by images of someone sparring in a ring with the words "Lockdown" flashing at various intervals. The arena is then shaken to attention by a man's voice saying, "The word is the future" at which point an uptempo dance track starts playing, followed by Rachel Dearheart emerging from the curtain. As she starts heading down the ramp to the ring, she markedly avoids contact with the fans, turning her nose up and making faces. She gets into the ring with a mic and says...


"As this promotion is new and its fans are.....not discerning, I cannot fault you for not knowing a few things. First, the fact that this promotion as every other, needs women who can come through that curtain, night in and night out, and make their opponent suffer. Also, I can't fault you for not being able to readily identify those who would fit that role best. Luckily for you and this promotion, I represent someone who can do that. As you might have heard if you were listening (or conscious), the word is the future. And right here, right now, I am here to serve notice to you and the management of this promotion, that the future is on lockdown. The future.....is Etsuko Arihyoshi!"


At which point a Japanese woman steps through the curtain as the theme song starts up again and the fans get a good long look at "The Future".


Rachel concludes by saying, "Our first order of business is gold. Gemmei Oonishi, soon enough, you will receive a personal introduction to...the future. Sadly, your future does not include possession of the Generation title. YOU will be the first notable victim.....of the Lockdown. So enjoy it while you can. Your reign now has a time limit attached to it."


Melanie: Wow, looks like things are heating up.

Wanda: As I said, heavy is the....

Remus: Yes yes, we understand, people are always gunning for the champ. Next up we have Kuniko Matsura taking on the formidable challenge of Wendy Anderson.


Kuniko Matsura vs Wendy Anderson

Another tuneup match but one that turned out a bit better than expected. Wendy led the match being the more seasoned competitor but Kuniko showed an ability to add flavor to things. After a spirited contest showcasing both workers' aerial skills, Wendy put her opponent away with the Matrix Press.

Winner: Wendy Anderson via pinfall (Matrix Press)

Rating: D-


The camera cuts backstage to Melanie Florence standing with QAW North American champion, Fuyuko Higa.


"So Fuyuko-chan, how does it feel to be the very first North American champion?"


It is an honor and a privilege and a tribute to my training. But it is not the end. I will continue to defend this title I feel I am ready to move on to bigger things.


"And your challenger tonight is quite accomplished. In fact, she has competed with and against your mentor in years past..."


I do not doubt Junko-san is very capable. But I hold myself to a very high standard. She will be yet another opportunity to test myself. She will be another opportunity to prove myself. I am going to go out there and only perfection will be tolerated.


Wanda: Who the hell is this little sprout, disrespecting a decorated veteran like that!

Remus: ??!?


QAW North American title match

Junko Hayakawa vs Fuyuko Higa©

With Junko in the ring, the North American champion's theme hits to a thunderous reaction from the assembled crowd. Standing for a moment at the top of the ramp, she stares daggers into her opponent before walking to the ring, slapping hands as she comes. Stepping into the ring, she confronts her opponent, gives a respectful bow (which Junko sneers at), hands her belt to the referee who takes it and calls for the bell.


Formalities done, these two tore it up and put on a show uncommon for a promotion our size at this card level. Moves and countermoves, back and forth. Seven minutes into the match, it became apparent that the veteran was losing ground to her sprightly opponent. It was one of those occasions when she made a fatal error. Holding onto an armbar for too long, giving her younger opponent a chance to rest, she took two forearms to the side of the head, forcing her to release the armbar. Charging in for a clothesline to regain momentum, it's ducked and she finds herself on the receiving end of the Higa Green Driver, sealing the match.

Winner: Fuyuko Higa via pinfall (Higa Green Driver)

Rating: D-


The QueenVision comes to life again showing a locker room with three women laughing about something. As the shot gets tighter it becomes apparent the three women are Tara Green, Debbie Rose, and Kate Lilly and their conversation is overheard as they laugh about the assault on the Neptune Twins. Tara notices the camera first and turns to it and says, "This is just the beginning. Whoever thought it a good bloody idea to put championships on backwater country whores needs to be fired. No, let me tell you what's going to happen. You twin trollops are going to give us a title match or, every time you open your eyes, one of these women's fists is going to be applied to them. Repeatedly. Besides, a title match is in both our best interest. You get to slink back to the hick town you came from and maybe show them the wonders of electricity and indoor plumbing and this promotion gets capable tag team champions. It's win/win!" as Kate and Debbie stare menacingly into the camera.


Lora Washington vs Nadia Snow

Ugh, the dreaded bathroom break. Bell rang, two women fought, Snow Ball, the end.

Winner: Nadia Snow via pinfall (Snow Ball)

Rating: F+ :(


Dharma Gregg and Britney Hollywood are in the interview area, clearly upset.


Dharma: Those two chicks sent Jen and Kathy to the hospital.

Britney: Yeah, that sucked!

Dharma: You didn't have to do that, it wasn't cool.

Britney: Yeah, not cool at all.

Dharma: If you wanted a title match, all you had to do was ask for it.

Britney: Yeah, ask and you'll receive or something.

Dharma: So I have a little proposition for you.

Britney: Yup, makin' an offer.

Dharma: Next week, you two against me and Brit...

Britney: Yeah, you two and......WHAT?!

Dharma: If you beat us, you'll make a good case for a title shot.

Britney: Wait Dharma, I thought you said...

Dharma: I know the boss isn't just going to give you what you want. You haven't beaten anyone.

Britney: Dharma, those girls are nuts...

Dharma: You can change that next week. Think about it.

Britney: Dharma, can we talk about this, please?


Remus: Whoa! Heady challenge from those two.

Wanda: Though it seems to me that challenge was ill-advised.

Melanie: I dunno, Lilly & Rose really haven't done anything but attack the champs from behind.

Wanda: If you want to be a champion, you've gotta learn to have eyes in the back of your head and your head on a swivel. Comes with the territory.

Remus: Well, our next match features Alexis Lee Little Feather taking on Christy Higgins. Let's head to the ring!


With Alexis in the ring, the arena hushes waiting for her opponent. The speakers start up blaring

and she comes out, accompanied by Bethany Hurst, wearing green wrestling pants and an orange and white color blocked sports bra.


Alexis Lee Little Feather vs Christy Higgins

While not as good as expected, this was a good warmup match for both competitors. Christy picks up the win just short of the 11 minute mark with the Florida Upswing (


Winner: Christy Higgins via pinfall (Florida Upswing)

Rating: E-


The ring is cleared and Beautiful plays, heralding the arrival of Carnival Queen Kendra. Upon entering the ring, she starts winding in the ring until her music is interrupted by

and Golden Delicious steps out from the curtain and stares daggers in her direction.


Golden Delicious vs Carnival Queen Kendra

Both of these ladies are potential future champions and they put on a match that placed heavy emphasis on the words potential and future. Golden picks up the win with the Melbourne Surprise after a very ill-advised charging clothesline attempt.

Winner: Golden Delicious by pinfall (Melbourne Surprise)

Rating: E


A video plays highlighting the no Shinjutsu workers of the promotion.


Stephanie Wade vs Jana Marie Bowen

Validation for me bringing her in, Stephanie led JMB through a very convincing match, ended when Jana Marie stepped into a VERY stiff looking Superkick.

Winner: Stephanie Wade via pinfall (Superkick)

Rating: D-


Lauren Easter is backstage and cuts a promo hyping herself and the quality of the other main eventers. She says that today starts the long journey to the world title and it's a journey she's willing and able to see to the end.


QAW World Championship match

Helen Bach vs Sara Marie York ©

Spirited contest that saw Helen try to batter the champion and Sara Marie trying to keep her distance and wear the challenger down. Match ended abruptly near the 15 minute mark after the champion caught Helen rising a bit too slowly, with the Energy Burst, for the successful defense.

Winner: Sara Marie York via pinfall (Energy Burst)

Rating: D-


Steph Blake comes down to the ring to an apathetic crowd reaction. A minute after she enters, a simple acoustic guitar starts up leading into the entrance theme for Lauren Easter and a surprisingly brisk crowd response.


Lauren Easter vs Steph Blake

Bad chemistry strikes at the wrong time. While the two women made a valiant effort, it was obvious throughout that these two just did not click. After taking a total of six DDTs of various flavors and kicking out of every one of them, Lauren caught a charging Steph in the Easter Suplex Special (Mima Driver) for the pinfall victory.

Winner: Lauren Easter via pinfall (Easter Suplex Special)

Rating: E


Final show rating: E+

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Post-show, I was going over the preliminary income statement for the event when Crusher knocks on my office door.


"Girls want to see you" she says, in her halting English.


Thinking it unusual, I grabbed by suit jacket and put it on as I headed out to the garage arena. What I saw when I stepped through the curtain gave me pause. My entire roster, spread out around the first few rows of seats surrounding the now-empty space where the ring was earlier. The one thing that struck me was just how many people were there. Jeez, is my roster THAT big?!?


Grabbing a folding chair on the way down the ramp, I set it up and sit where I guess I'm supposed to, where the ring was.


Reese pipes up, "Thanks for coming, Remi. Several of the girls have concerns they'd like addressed."


At this, I abruptly stand, drawing concerned looks from several eyes.


"Before you voice your concerns, I think I can tell you a few things that might answer some questions and create others. First off, pushes right now are set in stone and aren't up for discussion. However, they won't remain static. Some of you will prove that you're capable of doing more and will thus rise up the card. Others will prove they're in over their heads and will go down the card until such time as that changes. I'm all about performance. Don't tell me what you can do, show me. Crusher will script most of your matches but no one's going to script your promos. In short, don't talk about it, be about it.


Next, I have rough plans for the next 12 months of shows. But if you have an idea, my door's always open. Just make sure that it's not a blatant attempt to elevate yourself. Some of you are going to be champions, either because you've shown me something or because you've been champions before and have flourished in that role. For everyone else, show me you can handle carrying your card level (on your back if necessary) and I have no problems putting a title on you and giving you your due.


Lastly, some of you are really raw. Extremely talented but unpolished. That's okay. You signed up for a unique opportunity to learn your craft in front of live crowds while making a decent living at the same time. If you work with me, we'll make this promotion great and at the same time, your hard work will lead to your name being uttered in the same sentence as your Crusher Ichiharas and Wanda Fishes of the industry. But all of that is up to you. Okay, questions?"


A long pause ensues before Wanda raises her hand and says, "What if I don't want other peoples' names being uttered along with mine?", drawing laughter from the entire assembly. With no questions presented, everyone filed out. I sidled up to Crusher and told her there were some people I needed her to work with, to which she nodded and smirked.

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Fans of QAW, once again it's Mel bringing you the scoop on the next show! With a month before QAW Solstice, we're expecting to hear from our World Tag Team champs in response to the vicious attack by Lilly & Rose.


Lilly & Rose will be in action against The Electrifiers, as both teams try to earn a shot at the World tag team titles.


April Appleseed takes on Candy Floss, in a battle of former best friends.


Wendy Anderson goes one-on-one with Ashley Grover.


Two of Canada's best collide as Eve Grunge goes head to head with Melody Cuthill.


QAW World champion Sara Marie York faces "Superstar" Stephanie Wade in non-title action.


PLUS: We'll see the debut of our first talk show, The Dish, hosted by none other than the illustrious Wanda Fish! Wanda's first guest will be chosen at the show, as she desires.


That, plus a myriad of surprises. Join us Thursday for QAW Showcase, live from the QAW Garage!


Quick key:

Lilly & Rose vs The Electrifiers

April Appleseed vs. Candy Floss

Wendy Anderson vs Ashley Grover

Eve Grunge vs. Melody Cuthill

Sara Marie York vs Stephanie Wade (non-title)

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Lilly & Rose vs The Electrifiers - Personal preference, although it could go either way. If ever there's a team young and green enough to benefit from being jobbed to high-heaven, it's the Delicate Flowers, Kate & Debbie.

April Appleseed vs. Candy Floss - Coin Toss for me.

Wendy Anderson vs Ashley Grover - Win-Streak for the underated Ms Anderson?

Eve Grunge vs. Melody Cuthill - I'm a Melody-mark

Sara Marie York vs Stephanie Wade (non-title) - Non-title? No-matter. Gotta put my money on the champ


Just glanced at Stephanie Wade's stats. How haven't I noticed her before??? I'd better pick her up for my NOTBPW game post-haste. I need more wimmin!

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Very nice, Remi. Glad to see you're still in it!


Some nice gems there, as well. Instant classic!


Dharma: Those two chicks sent Jen and Kathy to the hospital.

Britney: Yeah, that sucked!

Dharma: You didn't have to do that, it wasn't cool.

Britney: Yeah, not cool at all.

Dharma: If you wanted a title match, all you had to do was ask for it.

Britney: Yeah, ask and you'll receive or something.

Dharma: So I have a little proposition for you.

Britney: Yup, makin' an offer.

Dharma: Next week, you two against me and Brit...

Britney: Yeah, you two and......WHAT?!



Also, the intro of the show, with the montage of "you and your friend", a friend who had died... That got to me. Very emotional. Nicely done.



And Wanda Fish is a great idea for a Heel Color Commentator. And "The Dish"!? Fab idea! And here am I, never thought of Wanda as anything other than in-the-ring. Can't wait to see this!




And now, for my picks:

Lilly & Rose vs The Electrifiers

Aw, man! I wanted to see Dharma and Brit! Ah well. We'll go with two of my long-time favs here. Besides, it sets them up as a credible threat down the road, and I know Lily & Rose are a couple of your favs too.

April Appleseed vs. Candy Floss

Always been hard for me to take Floss seriously, for some reason...

Wendy Anderson vs Ashley Grover

Gotta go with one of AAA's vets. You know how that goes with me... ;)

Eve Grunge vs. Melody Cuthill

I always favor the rocker chicks. Go figure...

Sara Marie York vs Stephanie Wade (non-title)

Got to go with York, as Wade is just off the indy circuit and needs to "show (Remi) you can handle carrying your card level (on your back if necessary)..."


Yes, some of my pick reasoning is shallow as all get-out. Go figure... :D


I'll definitely be back to see how my picks went!

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QAW Showcase

Week 1 June, 2008

QAW Garage (Mid South)

Attendance: 64


Remus: Good evening everyone and welcome to another QAW Showcase. I am of course Remmington Remus, joined by the lovely Melanie Florence....

Melanie: You know, a girl could get used to being introduced like that...

Remus: It's all true! Our esteemed colleague Wanda Fish is putting the finishing touches on the debut episode of 'The Dish'. Tonight we have...


Remus is cut off by the speakers starting up, playing another unfamiliar song. After a few moments, a striking blonde steps out, microphone in hand.


"Good evening, QAW fans! My name is Aurora and I am Mr. Valorian's Executive Assistant. I'm afraid Mr. Valorian has yet to arrive, however he has given me instructions on how things should go and I've been given full power to make it happen. Expect the unexpected, as I, much like many of our workers, am eager to make an impression with the boss. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the best women's wrestling on the planet!"


Remus: Well, she's, um...

Melanie: Put your tongue back in your mouth, Remus. The show....?

Remus: Oh, sorry. Ladies & Gentlemen stay with us as our World Tag Team Champions will have something to say later in the show. But right now, our first match will see Eve Grunge take on Melody Cuthill!


Melody Cuthill vs Eve Grunge

The match starts out even with both competitors being respectfully cautious. After a couple of minutes of hold-counterhold-standoff, they tie up and things get interesting. While mainly a technical contest, Eve shows she can fly a little bit with a standing moonsault for a long two count. Picking up her opponent, she gets a thumb to the eye for her efforts (which the crowd clearly disapproves of) followed by a stiff standing dropkick. But when Melody goes to cover, Eve rolls her up for another near fall. And then...Helen Bach walks purposefully down the ramp staring daggers at both downed women before sliding in the ring, grabbing a handful of Eve's hair and lifting her for an emphatic Bronx Buster, drawing the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Eve Grunge


Remus: What the heck was that about?

Melanie: I haven't the slightest idea but I'm going to try to find out.


"Greatness plus greatness equals great greatness" booms through the garage, which can only mean the World Tag Team champions are on their way to the ring.
, the Neptune Twins come out looking much more serious than their usual happy-go-lucky manner. All business as they walk to the ring, they still take time to interact with the fans. As the get into the ring, they raise their title belts over their heads before grabbing microphones. As they raise the mics to their lips, a chant of "NEP-TUNE, NEP-TUNE" begins to rise from the crowd, drawing a smile from the twins.


Jen: "We're gonna make this short and sweet. Lilly & Rose, you got us last week. We came to hang out with the girls and these awesome fans, even though we weren't scheduled to be wrestling and you blindsided us. That's cool, we're the champs and you want what we have."

Kathy: "But ladies, if the term actually fits, you made one very very costly error."

Jen: "You beat us down..."

Jen & Kathy, in unison: "....where it doesn't count."

Kathy: "Y'see, the only way you take these belts from us is if you beat us right here..."

Jen: "....in the middle of this ring. And as the champs, we get a say..."

Kathy: "...just a little one..."

Jen: "...in who we face. You girls come to QAW thinking you're hot sh*t because you jerk the curtain in some other promotion..."

Kathy: "...but that don't fly here, as I'm sure the Boss will tell you."

Jen: "So if you want these titles, you're going to have to earn your shot."

Kathy: "And I know you have some people in your corner. But you should probably know that we have some in ours...."


A song familiar to the younger fans plays as Dharma Gregg and Britney Hollywood step through the curtain and down the ramp. Dharma grabs a mic and, staring into the camera with as intense a look as she can muster, says, slowly...


"We told you last week and we'll tell you again. The road to the tag titles stops...at the corner of Hollywood & Gregg."


Remus: Wow, I'm not used to seeing the champs so serious.


The Electrifiers w/Lisa Bowen vs Lilly & Rose w/Tara Green

Obviously angered by the Neptunes' comments, Lilly & Rose come out fired up, taking it to their opponents. After a few minutes, momentum reverses as Kate Lilly finds canvas after a moonsault attempt on Kinuye. Debbie takes a missile dropkick from JMB trying to make the save and the two non-legal participants take the action outside the ring. With Kate slowly rising to her feet, Kinuye signals for the Code Blue....and never sees Militia run down the ramp until she's spinned around and DDT'd as Elegance is distracted by the brawl outside. With a wry grin, Kate ascends the turnbuckle and hits a picture perfect Lilly Launch Pad for the win.

Winners: Lilly & Rose


After the bell rings, Lilly & Rose and Militia begin a 3-on-2 beatdown of their erstwhile opponents. Things get worse before they get better as Karen Bilous comes streaking down the ramp with Kali Fornia in tow, to assist in the beatdown. Before long, officials fill the ring to break up the fracas, but the damage has been done. The four women and their managers stand tall in the ring, obviously pleased with their handiwork.


The QueenVision lights up showing Melanie Florence backstage with an irate looking Helen Bach.


Melanie: "Helen, earlier tonight, you viciously attacked Eve Grunge for seemingly no reason. Or did you have a reason?"


Helen Bach: "You're goddamned right I had a reason. Look, I've been in this business for a long, long time. How many title shots have I gotten? I can count them on one hand. Five. FIVE in almost 25 years. I've been at the top of the women's game but do I get the opportunities due a person of my stature? Of my skill level? Hell no! But then you have these hos come in here and get title shot after title shot, taking them for granted. You get this promotion hyping some 'battle of Canadian stars' match like it means something. You know what? F*ck Canada! And f*ck these people in this hole in the wall "garage". These girls here are going to respect me. They're going to fear me. I'm going to start with the wannabe rock star and one by one, I am going to eliminate everyone who stands between me and the world title. I'm going to make it impossible to give anyone else a shot at that title, because there will be no one left. Little Evie, you'd better prepare yourself. No, actually, make sure your insurance is paid up. I am going to beat you until you quit, until you walk out of this promotion and go back to Canada ey, and do whatever the hell it is you people do there."


Remus: Um, I have to apologize to our fans since I appear to be having trouble with my memory. Didn't Helen Bach face our World champion Sara Marie York just last week? Wait, I'm being told that in the first of three matches made by Aurora, our acting "person in charge", the new team of Cloud Nine consisting of Yori Toyoshima and Ginko Kuroda, have their debut against....Wild Times!


Cloud Nine vs Wild Times

Debuting against strong competition is a double-edged sword, something Cloud Nine became intimately aware of. The new team meshed beautifully but couldn't match the sheer experience of the goth duo. Fall of Reason on Ginko gets Wild Times the W.

Winners: Wild Times


The QueenVision lights up with a shot of the parking lot as a silver Maybach 62 Landaulet pulls up to the rear entrance of the garage and the driver gets out and walks around to the back door of the car. He opens it and out steps QAW owner, Remianen Valorian. He gives a half-smile to the camera and proceeds into the garage.


Ashley Grover vs Wendy Anderson

Promising matchup that pits two very similar workers together. Wendy's edge in experience proves the difference as she reverses a suplex attempt into an inverted DDT, setting up the Matrix Press for the win.

Winner: Wendy Anderson


The camera cuts backstage to QAW North American champion Fuyuko Higa standing by with Melanie Florence. But before Melanie can say anything, the champion is taken down by a vicious spear. The camera shot fades showing Mary Beth Chase standing over the fallen champion, staring down at her with a crazed, furious expression on her face and Monique tugging on her shoulder.


Remus: "Oh no! Can we get some paramedics back there? Well, it looks like we're going to the ring for the debut of The Dish, hosted by the legendary Wanda Fish. Hopefully, we'll have word on Fuyuko Higa shortly afterward."


The Dish

As the camera swoops around the garage and 'B*tch' blares through the speakers, the spotlight finally settles on the ring as Wanda Fish stands in the middle of her elaborate set.


"Welcome to The Dish. I am, of course, five-time World champion and Queen of the Ring, Wanda Fish. Y'know, I spent the last couple of days wondering who would be a suitable guest for the debut of my show. I really couldn't narrow it down to one person. So, I decided on two. My first guest...."


An uneven acoustic guitar begins to play, soon accompanied by a vocal "Sent from heaven...", which immediately gets the crowd on its feet. Lauren Easter steps through the curtain and visibly basks in the admiration of the fans before making her way down the ramp and into the ring.


"Well, apparently some people don't need a proper introduction. Welcome, uh, Lauren is it? Sorry, I'm not familiar. Moving on, my next guest came to the States from down unda Australia. After arriving on these shores, she showed immense promise and earned the moniker of the Aussie Assassin and only due to the shortsightedness of a rather limited creative team was she made available on the open market. To his credit, our esteemed owner, Remianen Valorian, pursued her relentlessly, finally granting her the 2nd most lucrative free agent contract in women's wrestling history. Ladies and gentlemen...and the rest of you, please join me in welcoming, the Aussie Assassin, Golden Delicious!"



fires up throughout the garage and she comes through the curtain, the fans give a lukewarm reaction to Golden Delicious as she makes her way down the ramp.


"Welcome to The Dish. Now, by some people's estimation, you two ladies are considered future contenders for the world title. Golden, do you think this is warranted and if so, why?"


"It's warranted because I've wrestled the champion before. I've beaten the champion before. What more proof do you need that I'm the next world champion?"


"Well, strong words but very true. Lauren is it? Why would anyone consider you a contender for the world title?"


"Well, while I haven't wrestled Sara Marie one-on-one, I respect her accomplishments. I believe I could prevail if ever we should meet but I won't know that for sure until it happens. One thing I do know is no one is going to outwork me and...."


"Yes yes, but in order to get that shot, you'll have to beat at least a few people. One of which is probably, this young lady here."


"With all due respect, I believe I can do that."


The crowd pops.


"Words. What this drongo doesn't understand is that I have been trained by the best. I have faced the best. In several cases, I have beaten the best."


"Actually Golden, you've never beaten me....."


"Soz, I didn't meant to imply...."


"No problem. I just had to make that point clear."


Taking a threatening stance and getting into Lauren's face, "An avalanche in hell is more likely than you beating me. How does the expression go? Don't let your mouth write a check..."


Visibly gritting her teeth, Lauren meets Golden's intense gaze and says simply, "Well, I'm always willing to find out for sure..." After a tense minute, Golden begins to crack up. Stepping back in exaggerated laughter, she finally composes herself and says, "You and me? That's funny, really. And you even said it with a straight face." Taking a step forward, she says, "What makes you think you're in my league? You have done nothing, you have beaten no one. I am the future of this promotion, of this business. I am so far out of your league, you....can't....see.....me."


As she takes two steps back, Lauren raises the mic to her mouth and says, "Just as I thought. You know, the only thing worse than a blowhard......is a coward.". She exits the ring as the crowd pops with "Ooooooooooo" and a "LAU-REN" chant erupts. Golden, fuming, starts appealing to Wanda as Lauren walks backward up the ramp, her eyes never leaving Golden Delicious.


Lora Washington vs Agent 69

American Woman Lora Washington came out in her Uncle Sam-esque getup, gladhanding with the fans until

and the Russian Federation's flag blowing in the wind, appears in QueenVision. The fans boo lustily as Agent 69 smirks and walks down the ramp. She slides in the ring and immediately lunges for her opponent. Sadly, that was probably the most exciting part of the match as the alleged KGB agent took the fight to Lora. Sporadically, Lora would grab hold of the momentum and attempt a comeback (much to the delight of the crowd) but would always be thwarted either by illegal tactics or just outright superior skill and experience. Mercifully, after toying with her opponent, Agent 69 hit the Double Cross and ended the affair. After the three count, she made sure to spit on the beaten Lora's body.

Winner: Agent 69


After the win, Agent 69 calls for a microphone. Staring out at the jeering crowd, she mutters a few choice phrases in Russian before launching into a diatribe.


"You see, that is the problem with you Americans. While once you were the second greatest nation on the planet, now you are fat, lazy, and full of, how do you say, sloth? You are a nation of quitters except when it comes to overeating, smoking, and when you are obviously outwitted invading someone else's country. It is sad really, bec......."


Just then, the garage sound system erupts with a gruff voice singing, "American girls and American guys...." before exploding into the theme song of April Appleseed who steps through the curtain, clearly offended. The QueenVision screen fills with images of an American flag blowing in the wind and a bald eagle flying through a clear blue sky. Climbing into the ring and staring daggers through Agent 69, she ascends each turnbuckle in turn and salutes the crowd. At last, she faces the QueenVision and crisply salutes the image of the flag flapping in the wind.


"You come out here, on American soil, talking sh*t about the greatest nation to exist on planet Earth and what's funny is, here, you have every right to say what you think...." The crowd boos, as April paces the ring like a caged hunting cat. "....just like I have every right to break my foot off in your commie ass!" which gets the crowd on their feet.


"Typical of an American. Someone says something you do not like and you respond with violence."


"No, you misunderstand. Tonight, I'm going to teach my former best friend a very valuable lesson. But next week, I want you in this ring. One on one." The crowd pops, obviously wanting to see the confrontation.


"No." Agent 69 responds simply. "What?" "So you are deaf as well as stupid. I said, no."


Clearly upset, April turns and tries to compose herself. With her back to her adversary, she never sees the standing dropkick coming until she's splayed out on the floor outside the ring. Agent 69 bails from the ring and begins backing up the ramp as an irate April Appleseed mouths obscenities in her direction.


Candy Floss vs. April Appleseed

As Agent 69 walks through the curtain, the theme song of Candy Floss plays and she steps through the curtain. A hard scowl marring her face, she sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring and we're treated to what would seem to be a fight between two rabid polecats. The match continues as a brawl for the first five minutes before things slow down. With momentum swinging back and forth, the match turned when Candy hit a splash from the top rope....onto the raised knees of April. With April on her feet faster than her opponent, she waited for her to turn around then kicked her in the gut. Hoisting her up, she connected with the Victoria Driver to pick up the hard fought win.

Winner: April Appleseed


Stephanie Wade vs Sara Marie York

Very competitive match that went back and forth throughout. Wade looked desperate at several points while the champion kept her cool. After a missed Energy Burst attempt, Wade popped off a Super Kick seemingly out of nowhere and pinned the champion with TWO Hands full of tights for the upset.

Winner: Stephanie Wade


Final Show Rating: D

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QAW fans, can you believe that last Showcase? Things are heating up major in the Incubator of Awesome! With just three weeks left until Solstice, it seems apparent QAW owner Remianen intends to have us blaze into that event with a handful of hot matches the fans have been clamoring for. Just look at the lineup for the next QAW Showcase:


The Electrifiers try to get back on the winning track as they clash with The Experience!


In a North-South confrontation, "Dade County's Finest" Christy Higgins goes one-on-one with Miss Mexico!


By order of the Boss himself, we'll have a #1 Contender's match for the World Tag Team titles as Lilly & Rose step in the ring against Hollywood Gregg!


Nina, the "emotionally disturbed" Ballerina stands in the way of a successful debut of young joshi worker, Tsuki Kawamata.


Helen Bach continues her crusade for respect when she takes on young high flyer Ashley Grover!


And our main event of the evening finds "Heaven Sent" Lauren Easter teaming with "The Angry American" April Appleseed to take on Agent 69 and the Aussie Assassin, Golden Delicious! On the heels of the explosive debut of The Dish, we saw what could be an incendiary rivalry develop.


We're also expected to hear from our North American champion, regarding the vicious attack by Mary Beth Chase. Plus, the QAW World Tag Team champions have an announcement that they say will shake things up quite a bit.


And our fans know to expect the unexpected and there's never a dull moment in a QAW Showcase! Call and get your tickets NOW! For our fans outside the area, make sure to be logged in and online to guarantee you don't miss a second of exciting QAW action!


Quick key:

The Electrifiers vs The Experience

Christy Higgins vs Miss Mexico

Lilly & Rose vs Hollywood Gregg

Nina the Psycho Ballerina vs Tsuki Kawamata

Helen Bach vs Ashley Grover

Lauren Easter & April Appleseed vs Agent 69 & Golden Delicious

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Rumors out of Overland Park indicate QAW is interested in expanding its already unusually large roster. While it is known the promotion has existing working agreements in place with other women's wrestling promotions, it is not yet known whether these new additions will be borrowed talent or officially signed to become full time members of the roster.


When reached for comment, the promotion issued the following statement:


"Queens of American Wrestling, despite our size, is always looking for ways to improve the quality of product for our fans. To that end, we have always been open to agreements that further this goal. While we are not at liberty to confirm or deny specific signings, our fans will be happy to know that if there is a means to improve the product for their consumption, it is at a minimum being considered by ownership, with advice and direction provided by our creative team."


Next: Time to play 'guess who Remi signed after looking through his short list and finding them available in the US'

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The Electrifiers vs The Experience

Christy Higgins vs Miss Mexico

Lilly & Rose vs Hollywood Gregg

Nina the Psycho Ballerina vs Tsuki Kawamata

Helen Bach vs Ashley Grover

Lauren Easter & April Appleseed vs Agent 69 & Golden Delicious

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The Electrifiers vs The Experience

Christy Higgins vs Miss Mexico

Lilly & Rose vs Hollywood Gregg

Nina the Psycho Ballerina vs Tsuki Kawamata

Helen Bach vs Ashley Grover

Lauren Easter & April Appleseed vs Agent 69 & Golden Delicious


Going to second FIN's picks.

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  • 2 weeks later...



QAW Showcase

Week 3 June 2009

QAW Garage (Mid South)

Attendance: 79


Remus: Good evening to our fans around the world, watching us via the World Wide Web.

Wanda: It's the internet, Remus. No one calls it the World Wide Web anymore.

Remus: Well, hello to you too, Wanda. Enjoy your week off?

Wanda: Maybe. But I was working.

Melanie: Yeah, several of us were.

Remus: Oh? Doing what?

Wanda: Scouting

Remus: Oh, up in Seattle?

Wanda & Melanie: Puerto Rico

Remus: What the....


The cameras cut to the parking lot where a steel grey car pulls up. The driver gets out and walks around the back and opens the door and QAW owner Remianen Valorian steps out with his assistant Aurora. Just then, a production assistant runs up and hands him a clipboard which he peruses while the PA says something the mics don't quite pick up. He shoots an annoyed look at the camera, says something to Aurora and enters the building.


Remus: Well, it looks like the boss is here...

Wanda: How very observant of you. Did you figure that out all by yourself?

Melanie: *stifles a giggle*

Remus: So, Puerto Rico? That was the business trip the boss asked for volunteers for?

Wanda: Yes, it was. And it was grueling.

Melanie: Yeah, all that sun...I mean, scouting was harsh.

Wanda: FCW does have some talent though. Like...

Wanda & Melanie: Kirk

Remus: *groans* Well, our first match has The Electrifiers taking on the veteran team of The Experience. Let's head down to the ring...


The Electrifiers vs The Experience

Quick match to get the show started. Very fast pace, given the workers involved. Very well put together by the vets, who led their less seasoned opponents through a very crisp affair with lots of tags, near falls, and high spots interspersed well. The end comes when JMB fights her way out of an attempted tornado DDT and plants the Lioness with a sit-out facebuster. When Hiroyuki tries to interfere, she gets a second rope dropkick from Kin, knocking her clear out of the ring. From there, it's the High Tension Line and the pinfall.

Winners: The Electrifiers


The cameras cut to backstage where Queen Emily is in Remi's office with her Court (Tai, Aud D'Hoffryn, and Sakura Sada). She implores Remi to consider giving her girls title shots, the Court for the tag titles and Sada for the Generation title. He says he'll take it under consideration and, when they appear to hesitate to leave, he looks pointedly at them and then looks at the door. Taking the hint, the women leave as Remi shakes his head.


Remus: As you can see ladies & gentlemen, everyone wants the distinction of being a champion here in QAW. As my bronzed colleagues will attest to, there are few honors greater.

Melanie: So Remus, what did you do with your time off?

Remus: I went fishing with my twin brother.

Wanda: Fishing. How....exciting.

Remus: Yes well, I'm sure you two didn't have much fun getting to and from your little junket. Kansas City airport is notorious for...

Melanie: Private jet.

Remus: What?

Wanda: We flew to Puerto Rico on the boss's private jet.

Remus: ...


Nina the Psycho Ballerina vs Tsuki Kawamata

Oops! Note to self: Never put Nina in a longish match. While Tsuki was a lot craftier than Nina gave her credit for, it was only a matter of time before her hit & run tactics were foiled. By the 15th minute, it was obvious that Nina was blown up so after a few restholds, they took it home. Managing to counter a suplex attempt, Nina scores the win with the Nina Hammer.

Winner: Nina the Psycho Ballerina


Steph Blake comes to the ring and grabs a mic.


"Well, we're two weeks away from Solstice and I don't have a match. So, I'm challenging anyone in the back who is in the same situation, to meet me in the ring at Solstice. Anyone at all who desires a loss in front of hundreds."


After a pause, Aurora's music hits and she proceeds through the curtain, mic in hand, stopping at the top of the ramp.


"You know, not 10 minutes ago, someone came into my office asking for the same thing you are. How opportune. So, how 'bout I just put you two together? At QAW Solstice in just two short weeks, we're gonna have Steph Blake versus...."


Pregnant pause.


"....Double A, Amber Allen!"


The small crowd pops as Steph's face blanches for just a moment before her confident veneer re-settles on her features.


Remus: So how many people went to Puerto Rico?

Melanie: Let's see, me, Wanda, the boss, Aurora of course, Reese, Crusher...

Wanda: Buttercup, a few others

Remus: How'd all of you fit in the private jet?

Wanda & Melanie: G550

Remus: ???

Wanda: Seats over a dozen people, Remus.

Remus: grrrr


Ashley Grover vs Helen Bach

The match started as expected, with Helen battering around Ashley for most of the match. It seemed every time Ashley managed to mount a comeback, Helen would counter it with a power move that stopped her in her tracks. As the 18th minute came and went, it seemed obvious the end was near. That is, until........


....another unfamiliar song blares through the speakers. After a few moments, Eve Grunge steps through the curtain with a determined look on her face. As Helen Bach stands in the ring, beckoning Eve to come down, Ashley rolls her up in a schoolgirl and scores the pinfall before quickly rolling out of the ring. Helen pops back up incensed at the loss, glaring and mouthing rather profane things at Eve who stands there smirking.

Winner: Ashley Grover


Remus: Our next match is to determine the number one contender for the QAW World tag team championship.

Melanie: Hollywood Gregg...

Wanda: versus Lilly & Rose


Lilly & Rose vs Hollywood Gregg

Fast paced match that went a little longer than it should have. While the crowd heckled Dharma every time she was in the ring (with chants like "You can't wrestle" and "Show us your tits"), it was obvious which team they were firmly behind. As the match wore on, exchanges started to get sloppy until the 17th minute when, after a blind tag, Debbie hits the Thorn Cutter on Britney and scores the pinfall with a big assist from the ropes.

Winners: Lilly & Rose


Wanda: And that is how you become a champion!

Remus: If you say so. You're the legend, right?

Wanda: You're damn right.


Miss Mexico vs Christy Higgins w/Bethany Hurst

Match of somewhat clashing styles gets underway when Miss Mexico interrupts Christy's four turnbuckle fan interaction with a German Suplex rolled through into a bridge that gets her a 1 count and an emphatic kickout. From there, it turns into Christy angrily stalking Mexi and being thwarted on occasion by various underhanded tricks. At the 15 minute mark, the crowd reacts as someone runs through the crowd. Mexi takes issue with Elegance and while the ref is distracted, Melody Cuthill slides into the ring and hits Christy with the Melody Maker before sliding out of the ring and hiding under the apron. Mexi takes the opportunity and makes the cover for the 1...2.....no, Christy kicks out barely. Red Head Press for the 1...2.......no, kickout. Mexi tries for the Red Head Press again and eats canvas as Christy rolls away. With the crowd really getting into it now, both women slowly rise to their feet and Mexi charges and eats a leg lariat as Christy wearily starts to signal for the end. Stalking Mexi as she slowly gets to her feet.....Florida Upswing! Cover, 1....2............3.

Winner: Christy Higgins


As Elegance raises Christy's arms, Bethany yells something that gets drowned out by the crowd noise. Christy turns too late to prevent a second Melody Maker which leaves her lying.


Remus: Seems Melody has issues with Christy.

Wanda: You think?

Melanie: I think it's main event time!

Remus: Indeed it is Mel. Let's go to the ring! By the way, where did you all stay in Puerto Rico?

Melanie: Let it go, Remus.


Lauren Easter & April Appleseed vs Agent 69 & Golden Delicious

Oh chemistry you cruel, fickle mistress. This was so far below expectation, description would just make it worse. Short version: Wild brawl as the women paired off with their adversaries. Elegance let it go on for as long as she could before finally giving up after 25 minutes and throwing it out.

Winner: No one (Draw)


Maybach Music hits the speakers soon after the four competitors are split up and leave the ring area. After a few seconds, QAW owner Remianen walks through the curtain and down the ramp to a mixed reaction, Aurora in tow. As he climbs into the ring, He raises the mic as the catcalls for his assistant start up.


"I'm only here to give you and some of those workers in the back some info on how things are going to go down in two weeks. First off, we're going to see Lilly & Rose square off against the Neptune Twins for the QAW World Tag Team championship..."


The crowd pops.


"...next, the match Aurora made earlier, featuring Steph Blake going one-on-one with Double A, Amber Allen. Plus, as requested by both ladies, we'll also have Melody Cuthill going one-on-one with a very irate Christy Higgins."


A chant of "Christy! Christy! Christy!" rises through the crowd.


"I'm not done yet. Y'see, I'm also going to order a Flag match between the Angry American, April Appleseed and "alleged KGB" Agent 69. Oh yes, and there's also the issues between Helen Bach & Eve Grunge that will be settled at Solstice. And the Fuyuko Higa faces her recent tormentor, Mary Beth Chase, in the middle of the ring, for her QAW North American title, by her own request. I don't know how wise that was but we'll see. I may be forgetting something but I'll fix that next week. Right now, there is the issue of the World title match."


The crowd begins to murmur audibly.


"There are three women who make very strong cases for title shots. You have Stephanie Wade, who owns a non-title victory against the champion. You have "Heaven Sent" Lauren Easter, who has beaten everyone in her path. You also have the Aussie Assassin, Golden Delicious, who has multiple victories against the champion. But I'm the Decider, I call the shots. So at QAW Solstice, you're going to see the champion Sara Marie York versus Stephanie Wade...."


The crowd pops.


"...versus Lauren Easter...."


The reaction is easily apparent.


"....versus Golden Delicious..."


They seem to like that.


"...for the QAW World title. Danny, give us a tight shot..."


The camera zooms in so the shot is filled by Remi & Aurora.


"I suggest you find a way to be in attendance. Good night everyone!"


Final Show Rating: E+

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In another 'You Heard It Here First', sources tell us that a meeting took place at the XV Beacon hotel in Boston between QAW owner Remianen Valorian and former DaVE legend and current SWF superstar Eric Tyler, at the latter's request. Exactly what was discussed is unknown but what we do know is that the lunch lasted well over two hours. We think it interesting that Tyler has a teenage daughter, Brooke, who recently began training at her father's School of Tradition facility. Coincidence? We'll let you decide!
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