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If you had to restart your diary...

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What would you change within it? My one major thing for my USPW diary is that I would turn on Owner Goals and stick to whatever the first set is that Sam gives me, even if it means half or more of my roster cannot be re-signed. I think that would really help me personally because a lot of my diaries seem just like cookie cutters of the other ones I've done.
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Lots of little things I don't like about how my diary kicked off, and has progressed, but they're mainly to do with graphics and formatting and character personalities that I've corrected over time. Would have been nice to have it all figured out to begin with though.


Oh wait. I know. I'd make "FCK Mondays" a 60 minute long show. Currently it's 90 minutes, and it's... It's not "too much" but with 60 minutes I could devote more time to working on each scene, to really make the stories pop. Currently I'm posting skits that I've only rewritten once or twice, and I cringe at some of them.


I keep getting ideas for new diaries at the moment, which is a shame because I always said once would be enough. When I quit FCK, I'm done, and I'm not restarting it, even when TEW09 comes out.

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Ha, a fair few in my case.


Basically, the more time goes on, the better I think 'Worldwide gets... I'm always learning and taking criticism.


Things I'd definitely change, though:


  1. I wish my match write-ups were more engaging in the beginning.
  2. It would be cooler if I had intro videos right from the start of the diary (and the old ones uploaded on bolt hadn't been taken down - but I'm buggered if I'm going back and replacing all of them :p).
  3. The roster in the beginning was pretty dumb with a lot of people I had no major plans for. I was literally using them in-game as a push to get nearer to international. Creatively, though, it made little sense and I think that hurts the early stages of the diary a fair bit.
  4. 'Worldwide has always been more about the stories than the game but it is annoying that, orginally, when I ported the game over to 2k5, the results were so stupidly favourable and I never found the time/effort to change it.


That's it I reckon but those things still annoy the hell out of me!


Quote The Raven


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Lots of little things I don't like about how my diary kicked off, and has progressed, but they're mainly to do with graphics and formatting and character personalities that I've corrected over time. Would have been nice to have it all figured out to begin with though.


Oh wait. I know. I'd make "FCK Mondays" a 60 minute long show. Currently it's 90 minutes, and it's... It's not "too much" but with 60 minutes I could devote more time to working on each scene, to really make the stories pop. Currently I'm posting skits that I've only rewritten once or twice, and I cringe at some of them.


I keep getting ideas for new diaries at the moment, which is a shame because I always said once would be enough. When I quit FCK, I'm done, and I'm not restarting it, even when TEW09 comes out.



My only problem with 60 minute shows is, while you can devote more time to certain segments, you can't give as much attention to more of your roster. Or, alternatively, storylines can have more go down in one show.


My biggest reason for still wanting to do 60 minutes shows is, really, that its a huge timesaver. I tend to give a certain amount of attention to my angles regardless of how long the show is, and cutting down on how many there are saves me time. I shudder to think of 2hr EWA ALPHAS!.


But if I made a change... I would've started the EWA diary closer to the start of the game, and most certainly have not fast forwarded a year into the future like I ended up doing.


Now my only worry is how I'll handle things when the next TEW gets released. Do I stick with EWA? Do I pray Ryland finally figures out a reasonable method for converting saved games? On one hand, I'd hate to leave EWA behind forever. It's like my mentally-challenged-but-loveable puppy, and is easily my favorite game I have EVER played on any EWR/TEW game. On the other hand... if a new TEW comes out, then I will buy it, and I'll probably quickly realize its just as big of an improvement over 08 that 08 was over 07.


And of course the urge to do other diaries. There's about five companies I'd LOVE to do a diary for, but... yeah, I can't even play that many games, let alone write that many diaries. I am but a man (just an awesome one.)


Screw it. Mr T Jobs To Me, get cracking on the TEW10 version of the 1975 C-Verse, so that I may start "Before EWA, Before UCR: David Hasselhoff does WBW" someday.

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Good question.


Its something I've put some serious thought into a few times. Whether it was getting burned out on Gen-S or feeling frustration over looking through what I've done poorly. I've never come that close to starting over, but I have considered what I would be doing differently...


Most of the changes would be booking changes. I would try to keep the roster size under control. I would be more careful with who I would sign. So the likes of Pistol Pete Hall, Rocky Golden, Sean McFly, and Dan Stone Jr would still be yes... Texas Pete Tana and others, no.


Keep the roster size under control would mean no need for the brand split. I've said a few times that while I love how the brand split has worked, its not something I would want to do again in another diary. It just makes for too much work, both as a writer and (I think) as a reader.


As for the writing, I would try to figure out the characterizations a bit more prior to starting. I look back at some early shows and shake my head at how much some of the characters have changed and evolved. That's probably natural in a lot of ways, but it still just annoys me at the same time.

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As for the writing, I would try to figure out the characterizations a bit more prior to starting. I look back at some early shows and shake my head at how much some of the characters have changed and evolved. That's probably natural in a lot of ways, but it still just annoys me at the same time.


Wait... character development is a bad thing?


Not Alpha, bro, totally not Alpha.


But I get your point... you don't want to "over-simplify" characters (though the whole idea of EWA tends to mean most characters ARE overly-simplified, save maybe Manico). But they shouldn't remain the same thing non-stop. Very few gimmicks are entertaining enough to pull that off.

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One thing for me in my diary is that a lot of the characters (a lot) really don't feel like thye have much in the way of a character. Particularly at the start, I was signing anyone half-decent and racing through to the unmasking of Kid Arachnid (#1), so a lot of that first year felt... weak.


At the same time, I was trying to push weaker workers (Huey Cannonball! Curtis Jenkins!) with limited success. On the one hand, I wanted the incoming faces to have a purpose beyond balancing the roster, so I went with matches like Ota/Jenkins and so on. On the other hand, it meant keeping around no-hopers like Findlay O'Farraday who never belonged in MAW in the first place. Trying to stick close to the original roster was something I never quite came to terms with.


I'd also have developed more long-term feuds between workers and teams. Too many people got one chance and then got forgotten about when they deserved more. My quest for ratings and growth could have stood a little more patience in that regard...


Oh, and I should have kept - and pushed - Jefferson Stardust instead of cutting him and then resigning him later. If I had, who knows where he might have been now? I'll make him and Raphael stars somehow...

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Wait... character development is a bad thing?


Not Alpha, bro, totally not Alpha.


But I get your point... you don't want to "over-simplify" characters (though the whole idea of EWA tends to mean most characters ARE overly-simplified, save maybe Manico). But they shouldn't remain the same thing non-stop. Very few gimmicks are entertaining enough to pull that off.


Evolving a character is a good. Necessary even. Rich Money didn't quite start out being so money - that was an evolution. What makes me cringe, though, is looking backing back in my diary and seeing characters that have outright changed. At least in my concept of them - perhaps its not as overt to the readers...


I have a few characters - notably Steve Frehley and Angry Gilmore - who evolved over time because I had so very little for them in terms of character at the onset. I also look back and see character or characterization changes that I never explained - such as Jack Bruce spending several months quoting classic rock lyrics in his promos, then stopping. I actually a storyline explanation for why he stopped... and then forgot about it. D'oh. I guess none of the readers are complaining and pointing out my failings, so I shoudn't worry about it...

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One thing in Comradebot's favor is that there isn't an abrupt "shift" like with most diaries.


It's more like you jumped into an existing storyline and that made it feel more real then having to establish every storyline and every character from scratch on the opening show. Although it's a necessary evil, it usually makes the first show feel a bit odd because it often feels like there were no shows before it, there's no history leading up to this point...

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I've got to say that this thread has great timing for me since I will actually be re-starting my NYCW '97 (well jumping it ahead because of the notes I've lost, but still the same idea). Luckily for me, most of the biggest storylines that I was running ended (or I think they ended :o) or were still running around the time I stopped playing the game. There really is only one major storyline that I ran that I really will need to explain.


Keep posting guys so I can keeping getting ideas. ;)

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The one thing that I would change would be to do a brief synopsis of the characters in PSW much like I did with X-WA. It really really helped me to understand my own roster and made it extremely easy to write segments as I knew how one would act/react already.


With that being said, I think I'm going to do a roster layout post sometime after the turn of the year (I'm in October 2008). So, that way, I can start 2009 off with everyone, myself included, the ups and downs of each character and their PSW specific persona.

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Evolving a character is a good. Necessary even. Rich Money didn't quite start out being so money - that was an evolution. What makes me cringe, though, is looking backing back in my diary and seeing characters that have outright changed. At least in my concept of them - perhaps its not as overt to the readers...


I have a few characters - notably Steve Frehley and Angry Gilmore - who evolved over time because I had so very little for them in terms of character at the onset. I also look back and see character or characterization changes that I never explained - such as Jack Bruce spending several months quoting classic rock lyrics in his promos, then stopping. I actually a storyline explanation for why he stopped... and then forgot about it. D'oh. I guess none of the readers are complaining and pointing out my failings, so I shoudn't worry about it...


Similar issues here. Characters debuted one way and turned into something else... but it wasn't an evolution. It was me suddenly thinking "Hang on a mo" and changing things, almost retconning in places. Johnny Blood wasn't initially the raging ball of constant fury I quickly decided he should be. Jeremy Stone was initially more of a foil to Blood & Edd than a person in his own right. Catherine Quine maybe should have been a Heel from the get-go.


But that's weekly storytelling I guess. One day I'll be driving along and something will click and "Holy FCK, I just figured out Haru Kurofuji!" and I'll get really pissed that I didn't come up with it a couple of months ago before he lost to everyone on the roster.


Actually, something clicked like that on the way home from work today. It wasn't Haru, it was someone else... I'm excited... Should be interesting when I get to that point of the story.

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But that's weekly storytelling I guess. One day I'll be driving along and something will click and "Holy FCK, I just figured out Haru Kurofuji!" and I'll get really pissed that I didn't come up with it a couple of months ago before he lost to everyone on the roster.


Yes, this. If you look in Philly Pro (I know, it's huge) just after we get on TV, there's a promo Chris Rockwell does at a riverside hydroplane place (I googled like crazy to find something awesome and active for him to be at that was near the venue at the right time) where he goes from being a bland face with a catchphrase to a character in one speech, and I remember being really happy with people's reaction to the promo when it was posted.


And that happened because, as I was writing it, he became a distinct person.

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But that's weekly storytelling I guess. One day I'll be driving along and something will click and "Holy FCK, I just figured out Haru Kurofuji!" and I'll get really pissed that I didn't come up with it a couple of months ago before he lost to everyone on the roster.


Yeah, good luck with that... The only good thing about Haru is Koji. :p Why, if he wasn't the head booker...!

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Yeah, good luck with that... The only good thing about Haru is Koji. :p Why, if he wasn't the head booker...!


I actually hired Haru, Koji and Nichiren Amagawa (who I believe is Koji's protege or something) at the same time. Wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but on the very first show I booked them on (winning a dark tag match) Koji got into a fight with one of my top guys. I forget who, but he was major enough for me to fire Koji on the spot.


I like Haru. Solid hand. Decent flyer. Good performance skills. Debuted with really good momentum. The problem with him is the same as with Ed Monton or Boo Smithson; the readership have no faith in him. Once people know he's just a job guy, I might as well replace him for someone cheaper, with a bit of mystery.

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I like Haru. Solid hand. Decent flyer. Good performance skills. Debuted with really good momentum. The problem with him is the same as with Ed Monton or Boo Smithson; the readership have no faith in him. Once people know he's just a job guy, I might as well replace him for someone cheaper, with a bit of mystery.


Honestly, my attitude with Haru in your diary is identical to Boo; I don't expect him to win yet. Sooner or later I expect him to be established enough in Canada to earn his wins.

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