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Hall of Fame: Nomination

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Two step process:-



not so much nomination, but a week to making your case as to who belong in the hall.



Step2:- Voting


  • You get to choose three diary WRITERS that you think are worthy of the Hall Of Fame.
  • Rank them and PM me your choices, with your favourite first, second second etc. Number them so I know for sure who you wanted first.
  • The three writers with the most points will be inducted.
  • You can not vote for yourself.
  • Post on this thread to say you have PM'd. That way the topic can stay near the top without having to say "bump" every few hours.
  • Voting will begin now and end August 31st
  • Nominations can be Cornellverse, real world, or a mixture of both. After all, it's the writers who are being rewarded, not individual dynasties
  • Please take it seriously.
  • Scapino, Monkeypox and Tristram are all ineligble as they were inducted as the Class Of 2007. or Nevermore, Tigerkinney, Keefmoon and J-Silver as they were inducted as the Class of 2008
  • There are no rules on longevity or posts. If you think the most worthy is someone who started their first diary today and have only posted in it once, it's your call.


I give up send them now if you want.

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The best writer ever, no, but he did write a classic piece back on .400 "Welcome to the real world" that prove that he has the skills to hang with any writer in the hall of fame.


But he deserves the to be in the hall as the most anticipated and expected diary of any new release of TEW. the "Welcome to the Coastal Zone Series" has raised Fox mask to a legendary status, and deserves a whole wing to itself in the hall of Records.


And though Infinity may currently be on Hiatus, I expect that when TEW 2010 gets released, the Coastal Zone will return like a bad burrito. :D


This on top of several of the most inventive no starters that mark the unique style of Infinity. VKM, the WWE mafia style, & the plane crash that took most if the WWE Super Stars.

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Nomination: Bri Fidelity


While he only wrote one diary that lasted any length, and that was back in the TEW 2005 days, His New York City Wrestling: Tradition Begins Anew was one of the forerunners in the Cornellverse diaries, the inspiration that started several others writing diaries, including myself, and the standard to which any other NYCW Diary was judged against.


His classic 'Rip Chord is Better than You' segments are still remembered, and could be argued actually prompted changes in gameplay for the '07 edition.




choices pm'd

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James Casey


J.C's "MAW: 10 Simple Rules" is always one of the top vote getting diaries in the Diary Of The Month, and he has been putting on spectacular shows for over a year now and has put on some of the best story lines I have ever read in any diary. I dont think I will ever forget the almost year long feud between Kirk Jameson and Aaron Andrews which defined James' MAW in its push to become an indy powerhouse. In short J.C. has become the top of the class for TEW 2008 diaries.


PM'ed choices.

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For the constant (increasing) quality off his secret of the rings series. Always good storylines and intresting match write ups, good display, nice non match segments and his booking team idea for nominators which he executes well.


Vol 1


Vol 2


Vol 3


I realize vol 2 is his most extensive by far but listed the others as 1 was a good read that ended prematurely and 3 is shaping up to be intresting.


I will wait with pming as I want other people's opinions first.


Also agree with James Casey and Infinity. There are others I like so don't feel left out only that much room and time guys.

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Marcel Fromage


His first diary was Subscribe to the ROF Newsletter. Unlike most first diaries, this one ran and ran. The thread finally ended with 1408 posts over 94 pages.


From January 2007 the Newsletter lasted to December 2014, eight full years. By the end the British promotion had opened a child branch based in Japan, was National, and was receiving strong ratings on its TV show. But all of that is just a record of good ratings within the game.


Within the diary Marcel showed that you can create compelling characters - even to the point of 'sports entertainment'-styled gimmicks like Jack 'Wrath of God' Giedroyc, Rod 'The God' Todd, Seraphym (eventually revealed to be Dark Angel's brother Harry Wilson) - and build feuds even when running a pure wrestling 100% matches product.


He introduced a number of very different matches, notably the annual King of the Ring elimination bout, made Walter 'PPK' Morgan a star on the boards, and did it all by introducing a beautiful presentation style that has yet to be duplicated to anything like the same effect. In the 2007 Diary of the Year he easily carried the Best Presentation category.


While his first two TEW2008 diaries - one of them, 21CW - Style over Substance! an attempt at what has been labelled one of the toughest Cornellverse promotions to succeed with - didn't last long, they maintained this level of presentation, booking and storyline excellence.


There followed a hiatus, and then, three months ago, Marcel returned with XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious.


At first glance it appeared that Marcel was merely maintaining his usual excellent standards of presentation. He went on to take diary predictions and comments and incorporate them into the diary itself in an inventive way - and took the whole concept to a new level. It seems highly likely that, once again, Marcel's innovations will be copied and incorporated into other diaries - and my money is, once again, on no one else handling it like the master.


On top of this, XWA - while again an exclusively-match-based fed - has begun to build storylines and develop characters in a way few other diaries achieve.

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The guy I'm advocating for people to acknowledge is BigPapa42. SWF, yep, its glam, its pizzazz, its sports entertainment and BigPapa42 incorporates that perfectly. There's probably 5 or 6 writers on these boards who make you feel their roster, not physically!! But mentally you have an idea of who is doing what, and moreso you almost feel that the way they've positioned their roster that a great percentage of the roster could be soon elevated to an effective position, be it a Champion, or that rare ability to promote a wrestler to constantly be near the belt but never quite good enough, but everytime they're promoted you feel it is now time for them to be given it. IMHO, there's 2 writers who have captured the essence of top quality sports entertainment promotions in the real world - keefmoon, because his rosters are the best dispersed, it doesn't matter if a blokes held a Championship for 5 years you always feel the guy he's putting forward has the ability to take over and its all done to how he promotes the feud and the wrestler. The cards are all simulated to long term gain. The other is nevermore, the king of the surprise where you have a long term feud and there's one hint you've accidentally missed or given no credence to it and its the key that fits the whole story. Its like reading Stephen King, you feel the climax of the main story, the subplots, and when it all gets revealed it all makes sense. BigPapa42 for me captures those two elements extremely well. I'd also say he's perhaps had the best brand split on these boards, the elements make perfect sense and it helps elevate a new breed of superstar.


I'm going to advocate one other, on the basis of longevity, and providing cards that again make sense. His name is iMac. IMO iMac is a long overdue unsung hero on these boards. I hope he starts getting the recognition he thoroughly deserves, the ability to keep being creative and creating prestige around Championships after such a long period of time is terrific.

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I'm jealous because this is the diary I've always wanted to do, bring back the NWA (real world) and make it the best wrestling promotion in todays day and age.. However, with Wildfire on these boards, I'm afraid I'd just be a week knockoff..


Starting with NWA Return to Glory and jumping ahead to NWA Beyond Glory, Wildfire's NWA has been the diary that just keeps me coming back, wanting to read more... The epic battle main events that he writes, have you on the edge of your seat, as the picture he paints with his descriptions translate into images in my head, that have me viewing the most exciting wrestling today.. As the match evolves you begin to think to yourself, "Wow is really going to have wrestler A beat wrestler B"...


His character development is amongst the best, if not the best I've ever read here... His ability to take real world workers, whom we all, already have preconcieved notions of how they should be pushed, and make these guys new characters.. MMA guys like Tito Ortiz, Daniel Puder are believable as wrestlers... Matt Weise or also known as Horshu is one of the most over characters on these boards... Michael Murphy is a no-name independant wrestler who we all care about... Steve Corino comes off as a true legend... Colt Cabana (the real one) should have wildfire write his promos.... The legend of Mr. Wrestling III a masked wrestler, who we've all been wanting to know the identity for a couple of years now, is the most over face he has written for.... Wrestlers he no longer uses like D'Lo Brown, Mark Magnus we're built into true starswhile incorporating Japanese wrestlers like Satoshi Kojima, Takeshi Morishima, Masato Tanaka, Naomuchi Marufuchi and Kenta Kobashi have worked and been truly believable...


Add in the longevity he has kept this diary going and I think you have a true making of a hall-of-famer

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should be the newest addition to the Hall of Fame....his diary Battle lines have been drawn.What if the NWA struck first.... was one of the all-time best on the boards and along with Keefmoon he is one of the best real world diary writers in recent time to have dissapeared from the boards (although they both do pop up from time to time). He also was the first diary writer I have seen to go out of his way to make the diary more enjoyable for his readers either through posts, pm's, or just finding away to manipulate his diary to further there enjoyment. Above any others I believe theoutlaw321 deserves to be in the Hall of Fame

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Phantom Stranger

Yes there have been other great writers on the board, but lest we not forget, Phantom Stranger has had two diaries that have just nearly reached the 1000 mark, Philly Power Pro, ROF, and now TCW. Even if he's had some other ones that weren't as long lasting, they were well written, PPPW was probably one of the best pieces of writing that has graced the boards and that is why I want to nominate Phantom Stranger


Choices being PM'ed now.

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the ismailite


This man's D.O.T.T. Black Saturday diaries were simply awe-inspiring. Right here being possibly the best of the bunch. He was always a creative writer and though I'm not entirely sure that he comes around anymore, I think he definitely deserves some consideration. He was one of my top inspirations when I first got into the diary writing game.

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His epic MAW diary for 2007 had me hooked and led to me - and, I'm sure, countless others - starting a game with that promotion. He made the best out of some of the least-used talents in the game (Nigerian Hit Squad, anyone?) and ran the first Rip/Jay feud.


He then moved onto reviving Championship Wrestling from Boston for both 2007 and 2008, and while those diaries were shorter, they made use of some of the 'lesser' stars of the Cverse, and seemed incredibly fresh and retro at the same time. Where else could Ash Campbell main event?


Plus, as well, he did those fantastic retro posters for his shows which really made a differrence in terms of making the diary stand out when I was starting reading.

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Big Papa 42


His SWF Generation Supreme diary...has become one of THE must read Cornellverse diaries for TEW 2008.


Reasons why it's such a good read ?...


Smart booking (even when it's controversial you don't ever feel he booked stuff in his shows for the sake of it being 'shocking')


Great presentation with a style that has begun to influence other diaries, I'm not sure if someone else begun to put music/entrance themes in their diary first but he helped popularize the idea of using it.


The PPV's feel like an event- The TV shows are good but he rightfully steps things up a notch for the PPV's...just how it should be.


He has also handled the challenge of a brand split, and he's made it work...with the two brands subtly unique enough to co-exist under the SWF umbrella, yet different enough to be easily recognisible from the other brand.


BigPapa42 may have only one diary under his belt and it may well be a little early for him to go into the Hall ahead of others who have been 'paying their dues' a little longer but SWF Generation Supreme is for me one of the 'masterworks' of the TEW 2008 diaries and for me that makes him deserving of a nomination.



Have just PM'd my Noms

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The best writer ever, no, but he did write a classic piece back on .400 "Welcome to the real world" that prove that he has the skills to hang with any writer in the hall of fame.


But he deserves the to be in the hall as the most anticipated and expected diary of any new release of TEW. the "Welcome to the Coastal Zone Series" has raised Fox mask to a legendary status, and deserves a whole wing to itself in the hall of Records.


And though Infinity may currently be on Hiatus, I expect that when TEW 2010 gets released, the Coastal Zone will return like a bad burrito. :D


This on top of several of the most inventive no starters that mark the unique style of Infinity. VKM, the WWE mafia style, & the plane crash that took most if the WWE Super Stars.


I want to "second" this, as Infinity's "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" was my first introduction to the Cornellverse. Back at .400, this gem hooked me to a diary, without me having ever played the game. It had a game world that I'd never encountered, and spoke of game mechanics of which I had no other knowledge. Truly, his work was trancendencial, and for this he is deserving of the Hall of Fame.

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I want to "second" this, as Infinity's "Welcome to the Coastal Zone" was my first introduction to the Cornellverse. Back at .400, this gem hooked me to a diary, without me having ever played the game. It had a game world that I'd never encountered, and spoke of game mechanics of which I had no other knowledge. Truly, his work was trancendencial, and for this he is deserving of the Hall of Fame.


Like you style. No hurry, you have until the end of the month, just make sure you send in your Vote PM.


(this goes everyone who might be setting on the fence)

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I wanted to put forth another name, as well as give it the old bump treatment, as I've PMed my vote now.




His Generations diary, for '07, was quite possibly the best thought out story that's ever been on these boards. The shows actually took a bit of a backseat to the brilliant, and legitimately moving love story that played out between Banger's character (Jeremy Stone's daughter), and a Heidenreich character. The fact that Wallbanger, a man, wrote from the perspective of his female character further illustrated his mastery of the story, the medium, and the characters.


Generations wasn't simply a great TEW dynasty; it was a great piece of writing. For this, Wallbanger is very deserving of induction to the Hall of Fame.

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Sent in my vote.


I have to give a big "second" for Wallbanger as well. HIs was the only diary I've read where the "out of ring" action was as interesting, if not more so, then the kayfabe stuff. Lies, betrayel, manipulation, love, romance...all of that out of the ring.


Now take that exciting backstage mystery and throw in some pretty driving NOTBPW action in the ring and you've got an excellent piece of work.


I also had the pleasure of reading through his earlier work, the "Wall Banging Hour"


It's interesting to say the least :D

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