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I have been reading in places they are going to keep them around till probably the end of the year, so I was wondering


Shawn has stated he wants to help the younger wrestlers and Hunter always seems to make stars (okay at least with Evolution with help from Flair) so does anyone think maybe D-X should add younger guys to it to help build it up?



A couple of guys I could think of are


John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger (have to turn him), Dolph Ziggler (same), MVP (would finally put him into M.E status) Paul Burchill, Tyler Reks, Sheamus, Curt Hawkins or Zach Ryder, Shad or JTG, Low-Ki or others from FCW

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I don't think so. I think their best bet would be to win the tag team titles from Jericho and Big Show at the next ppv. Then you can have Shawn and Hunter on all the brands defending the titles. Hell they can feud with a different set of young guys on each show.
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I have been reading in places they are going to keep them around till probably the end of the year, so I was wondering


Shawn has stated he wants to help the younger wrestlers and Hunter always seems to make stars (okay at least with Evolution with help from Flair) so does anyone think maybe D-X should add younger guys to it to help build it up?



A couple of guys I could think of are


John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger (have to turn him), Dolph Ziggler (same), MVP (would finally put him into M.E status) Paul Burchill, Tyler Reks, Sheamus, Curt Hawkins or Zach Ryder, Shad or JTG, Low-Ki or others from FCW


I really like the Idea of some no names from FCW. I mean it is almost a straight jump to the mid card, and if the guys are ready for it, could be a great way to start thier carreres.


To be honest though, a major turn by DX to the dark side with Dolf and swagger would be interesting.

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Kofi Kingston would be a good fit as he is the US Champion


err, no. Would make no sense. They'd have to whitewash him. You don't go from Thunderclap'n one day to hooking up Triple H & Michaels. Kofi has an appeal (I saw someone wearing a 'Here Comes The Boom' t-shirt in Flatbush last weekend. FLATBUSH, Brooklyn. Probably the largest concentration of Jamaicans and Trinidadians in the US. I haven't seen WWE merch worn in this particular area since The Rock) and I don't think that appeal would be bolstered or improved upon by attaching him to DX. If anything, you'd be trading one for the other (which could be an improvement, I dunno).


Kofi has a unique (well, to WWE) character that I don't think would hold up if he had to conform to DX v3.0. Bring Sheamus up! He could be the Batista of the group (but better on the mic). Hell, bring Burchill and Katie Lea back and put them in it. Burchill's talented enough already to hold his own. The rub from Trips and Hunter could be just the thing he needs to stick around.

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Im with leaving Kofi out and adding Burchill/Katie. Burchill reminds me of a younger HHH for some reason,and Katie Lea is great too. Kofi is good by himself, hes been very successful for a 1 year WWE run so far. IMO though DX should stay as those 2 maybe bring X-Pac back and get him back in shape, but i dont see anyone with that "degenerate" look who needs to benefit from a rub by DX right now.


But i saw worse DX suggestions. I remember back in 06, some people wanted MNM and Bobby frickin Lashley in DX.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24233" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I always thought Morrison in D-X would shoot him into the m.e scene </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with you, Morrison would be a great fit for DX.</p>
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<p>Morrison's A-lister gimmick doesn't exactly scream "Degenerate" to me. Plus, he's already making great headway to the Main Event scene on his own. He's competing in good matches, going toe-to-toe with the top stars. He's getting over that inexplicable face turn and the fans are beginning to see him as a big deal. He just needs a hot feud with a current, bonafide Main Eventer, a memorable storyline that establishes character.</p><p> </p><p>

6 months ago, CM Punk was in the same position, but now since his feud with Jeff, he's Main Eventing PPV's and showing depth of character that Main Eventers need. One year ago, Jeff was in the same position himself, until his feud with Edge.</p><p> </p><p>

Shame there aren't many guys on Smackdown with the cred to carry him to the top. Jericho would rule, but seems busy carrying the tag division. Edge is out. Jeff is all but gone so I hear. Kane isn't a big enough deal. Punk is a bit too new to the true Main Event scene. What would be great I think is The Undertaker. Babyface vs Babyface, sure, but 'taker coming back and battling this young buck in a series of hard-fought matches, culminating at Wrestlemania... Win, lose or draw, going toe-to-toe with the dead man for 20+ minutes on the biggest stage of them all could really make him a big deal.</p><p> </p><p>

I love Morrison, but he's got to find his own character, not become a DX-sidekick, which make no mistake, is what he'd become under Trips & Shawn. DX were great a decade ago, and their reunion act is fun (the RAW scripts were amusing for a midcard comedy act) but I can't see it doing anything to make new Main Eventers. However, it could make for some interesting midcarders. Having Trips and Shawn "looking for new members" with wacky auditions and degenerate boot camps, or taking certain guys under their less-than-responsible wing... Could be fun.</p><p> </p><p>

My Morrison man-crush sorta took over there... Sorry.</p>

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Nobody in DX would shoot them into the main event scene. Nobody else should join. The whole idea of DX and it being done by two 40+ year old guys is ridiculous but they can still be entertaining, but adding anyone would destroy the chemistry. They should just have a decent run, put over some heels then have HBK turn, have a Mania match and be done with it for good.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Shape" data-cite="The Shape" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24233" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Nobody in DX would shoot them into the main event scene. Nobody else should join. The whole idea of DX and it being done by two 40+ year old guys is ridiculous but they can still be entertaining, but adding anyone would destroy the chemistry. They should just have a decent run, put over some heels then have HBK turn, have a Mania match and be done with it for good.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> /nod. If they aren't there to give the rub to Legacy (and in turn to all the tag team's), then what's the point of them being there?</p><p> </p><p> Legacy, Big Show and Jericho Vs. DX, and Cryme Time... is all I see out of this. DX is there doing the same as Jericho and Big Show are doing.. Anything else will be a let down for me.</p><p> </p><p> They could easily work this into an eventual Legacy Split up, leaving Orton to look for another crew perhaps. At the same time, DX splits back up, there doesn't even have to be a story for them to split, just a goal for one or the other (Single's title belt). Get HHH and HBK back into the Main event, and the ex-Member's of Legacy, Dibiase vs. HHH, and Rhodes vs. HBK as two seperate storylines could be brought back as an extension of this feud (later).</p><p> </p><p> A reuniting Legacy in the future could potentially also be fun.... and so on and so on.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> EDIT: What I am actually hoping for is Legacy to go over clean on DX. Big Show and Jericho losing against Cryme Time (questionable... Not clean). A DX, Jericho/Big Show, Legacy three-way for the next in line for the title's, having Legacy win, then taking the title's off of Cryme Time.</p><p> </p><p> This can also be achieved with a questionable win from Big Show/Jericho, and Legacy coming for the belts from them... then an ultimate showdown with Cryme Time in the end.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="djthefunkchris" data-cite="djthefunkchris" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24233" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>EDIT: What I am actually hoping for is Legacy to go over clean on DX.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You honestly believe a couple of egos as big as Triple H and Shawn Michaels, with a direct line to the people in power, will want to put over a couple of heel rookies cleanly - when faces themselves? If they lose to Legacy, it surely will be a tainted loss...</p>
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