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WCW 1999: We Three Kings

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The Good Week/Bad Week Report


Another exciting week in the wacky world of wrestling but just who has had a good week, and who has had a bad one? First, an honourable mention goes tol last weeks high flyer X-pac, who followed up three impressive victories last week by,well....doing absolutely nothing. Way to go Pac!



First of all it has been a great week in general for the WWF. Although they are still lagging behind WCW in terms of ratings (WCW Nitro scored a 6.70 to Raw's 5.11) recent surveys have shown that the gap between the two companies is closing and closing fast. Now considered a truly global company, the WWF are looking to capitalise on the increased interest in their product and swell their roster with new talent. So far only Steve "Doctor Death" Williams has signed but expect many more in the coming weeks.




On the flipside, ECW continue to have problems drawing fans to their television shows, drawing a 0.15 rating for this weeks ECW on TNN. With only five shows of their current contract remaining, rumours are that ECW might be dropped at the end of that run.



It's another good week, however, for ECW champion Mike Awesome. Awesome defended his ECW title yet again this week bettering both Lance Storm and Raven in a great three way dance. Will anybody be able to wrestle the strap away from this Awesome individual?



Another Mike hasn't had such an Awesome time this week...Young Mike Quackenbush lost his Revolution Pro Wrestling Lucha Libre title at the End of Days event. His opponent? None other than the most impressive up and coming lucha star in the business today....uh, Marty Jannetty?



Rikishi has been on fine form this week with three impressive victories over WWF's three main shows. It remains to be seen whether this will be another "X-pac push" but for the time being, Rikishi must have put himself in contention for a title.




In wrestling there are always winners and losers but Angle excelled himself this week as he was bested by Rikishi in ALL THREE of their matches this week. Thats a lot of stinkface! Angle has been pushed hard out of the gate in the WWF but are they cooling on the olympic hero?




Scott Steiner has not only had to endure the injuring of his brother and tag partner Scott along with his own ongoing confrontations with Sid Vicious asthis week he was also knocked out of the contender tournament by Bill Goldberg. Definitely one to forget for the Steiner family as a whole




Mitsuharu Misawa capped off an amazing AJPW show this week by retaining the Triple Crown Title against Toshiaki Kawada. The main event of Ancestors Honour Us was a truly epic encounter that has to be seen to be believed. I advise you to go out of your way to import this one.



Oh Bret Hart...He spent all week protesting his innocence in the Jeff Jarrett/Hulk Hogan scandal only to be screwed once again by Kevin Nash. Not only did Bret come out of this with his pride hurt, he also lost his chance to compete for the WCW title at Halloween Havoc.



Finally, its been another great week for "The King of Controversy" Jeff Jarrett, who advanced in the contender tournament, played mind games with Nash and Sting (even if they did prove to be false) screwed Bret Hart and allligned himself with the most powerful players in WCW. The only problem Jarrett has at the moment is how he can possibly top himself next week!


Thats all from the good week/bad week report. Thanks for reading and hope to see you all again next week!

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Is it true... Mean Gene... that the Nature Boy himself is at the top of the tipping competition and could be about to name Mark Jindrak and his colleague the Agatha Christie Book Club Presidents? WOOOOOOOOOOO!!


Mate, I just... just... just... just... LLOOOVVVEEEEEEEEDDDD what you did with your main event. Perfect screw job. In some ways it's a bit Russo-ish, you know, a little bit of crash-TV, but it actually has such good structure to it in terms of why you are doing what you are doing, whereas with Russo I never had a clue and there ultimately was no hook-bait-reveal scenario. Great stuff. I know I should tell you that I looveeee 45 minute technical mat matches, but the truth is the match itself to me is a story, and what you did with Hart-Jarrett-Nash is tell a perfect tale.


Quick Picks


Sting vs La Parka - I feel for La Parka, so... please, at least let him swivel dance on the chair before he gets destroyed.


Booker T vs Chris Kanyon - Well, seeing as you're giving Booker a push towards a Championship match with Sid, I can't say that I think Kanyon will go over. I would send you three years worth of Playboys from 1985-1987 if you did put Kanyon over, but I don't suspect I'll be dusting those bad boys off.


Stevie Ray vs Sid Vicious - I don't think Sid would job to this bloke. If you forced him to job, he would pull out his scissors and scissor screw you Mrs Garrison style as punishment.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs Luger and Hennig - The Agatha Christie Book Club Presidents won't get the rub of the green here, but they will debut their new wide-brimmed hats and tip their hats to Agatha's greatest character ever, Hercule Poirot.

Benoit, Rey and Malenko vs The Wayward Sons and Chavo - Tough one to call, so what I did see was open up WCW v nWo World Tour and sim it, and Benoit always wins.


Kevin Nash vs DDP - The book-man gets the rub of the green here. Dallas will have to suffice knowing that when he goes back he's going to get sympathy loving from Kim.


Chris Daniels vs Perry Saturn - Frustration amongst young Anakin Daniels I sense, a rough decision goes against him.

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Is it true... Mean Gene... that the Nature Boy himself is at the top of the tipping competition and could be about to name Mark Jindrak and his colleague the Agatha Christie Book Club Presidents? WOOOOOOOOOOO!!


Yes, Nature Boy, you are indeed in the lead...but there's still lots to play for. Plus, I'm sure Agatha Christie would not allow her name to be used to name a tag team without some form of compensation...weren't you listening to Bagwell and Jindracks rules??

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This WCW production is brought to you in part by the Power Rangers. Are you ready to take the power promise?

WCW Thunder starts without the usual intro and pyro and instead we head straight to the office of Governor Flair




The camera is focused closely on the face of Flair as he talks to people in his office


Gentlemen...thanks for your time. As I look around this room...the memories, the moments...old friends, better enemies, but one things for sure...i respect each and every one of you. Respect for your achievements, your careers, your physical and mental toughness and the tradition you represent. This industry...this company runs through your blood, and I know you feel the same way I do about Sting, Nash and Jarrett.


Now we've got a lot of talent looking to make a name for themselves around here, and look at the example that that is being set. That to make a name for yourself in WCW you've got to check your morals at the door. Sting uses any means possible to keep hold of the belt, Jarrett has done nothing but cause controversy since he got here! What changed? Huh? What happened to the times we travelled up and down the road paying our dues? What happened to wrestling day in, day out, trying to make enough money to travel to the next town and make a name for yourself?


It's about time somebody taught these kids that respect is more important than guitar shots and double crosses! It's about time that we took responsibility for the young stars on this roster and brought them into the business the right way! So, gentlemen, I ask you...will you step up to the plate, take these young men under your wings, and teach them some respect?!



The three guests in Flairs office are finally revealed. The Dream, The Enforcer and The Hotrod. They nod their approval to Flair who smiles and continues



I have a feeling...a feeling that this is only just the start guys. This coalition wants a war, and they wont stop until they get one, and they're the last ones standing. WCW has had internal battles in the past but I honestly don't know if it can survive another one in it's current state. We need to present a united front, rally the troops, and show Sting, Nash and Jarrett that WCW will not go down without a fight. Now if you'll excuse me...I've got some business to attend to in the ring...WHOOOO!


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9UWejiILsM&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9UWejiILsM&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>






TENAY- Welcome to the A.J. Palumbo Center here in the heart of Pittsburgh for WCW Thunder!


BOBBY- Governor Flair sounds like he means business...I mean, he was talking for a full two minutes and only whoooo'ed once!


TENAY- You can't blame Flair for fearing the worst after we saw the allignment of Jarrett and Nash on Nitro.


BOBBY- What a great moment that was! They fooled everybody, including me, and I'm the Brain!




As promised, Flair makes his way to the ring.


TENAY- Well you heard Flair say that he had business to attend to and it looks like he's here to do just that.


FLAIR- I know you're here tonight, Jarrett! You've got a lot of explaining to do, kid, and I suggest you get out here and start, RIGHT NOW!


Four men head out to the ring but Jarrett is not amongst them


FLAIR- I might of known you punks would show your faces! I asked for Jarrett, not his daycare group! Where you hiding him?!?!


STING- It seems that some of you didn't believe me when I said that this sexy, obscene, vulgar, one of a kind, 24 carat slice of pure gold would never leave us. It seems you didn't believe what we were capable of...that we would end the career of one of our own when they became a liability. Jeff Jarrett has done everything we have asked of him and more. He has proved that we made the right decision by terminating the washed up Hulk Hogan in favour of some new blood. Jarrett has played his part to perfection...which is why tonight...I personally gave him the night off.


FLAIR- You gave him the night off? YOU? In case you forgot, Stinger, I'm the only one with the authority to....


NASH- Yeah Yeah, nature boy, we know...you hold all the power around here, and your gonna teach us whippersnappers a lesson, right? You keep talking ,Flair, but it seems to me like things keep going exactly the way we want them to.


STING- You see, Ric...can I call you Ric? On monday night you slapped me right across the face. I could have destroyed you right there in the ring but I know you Ric. I know that pain is fleeting to you but power is absolute. That's what drove you to all those title victories...you craved the power they gave you. Well mark my words Ric...we are going to strip you of all your power, piece by piece, and leave you exposed as the bitter old nobody you really are. So tonight, Jeff Jarrett has the night off and there's not a damn thing you can do about it! Tonight, I name my own number one contender, and you're not going to stand in my way.


FLAIR- And what makes you think I'm going to let you do that Sting? What makes you think I wont fire you on the spot?


STING- Like I said, Ric, I know you. You're so predictable! You still think you can teach us a lesson, that you and your bible club can teach us some "respect." If you fire me then you're admitting defeat and it would kill you inside! You aren't going to fire me or any of us and you know it. Take a look around you...The Icon Sting, Big Sexy Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Diamond Dallas Page...add to that The King of Controversy Jeff Jarrett....seperately we are unstoppable....together...together we are untouchable!


FLAIR- You know what...you might just be right! The only difference is...I don't think I can teach you all some respect....I KNOW I can, whoooooo! So go ahead, Sting, have your title match tonight if you want, but you've still got to face whoever wins the tournament at Halloween Havoc. As for Jarrett, sooner or later he's going to be back, and I'm going to be here waiting for him...


Flair drops the microphone, exits the ring, and heads back to his office.




La Parka makes his way to the ring but is wary that Nash, DDP and Hall are in no rush to leave. Instead, they stay around the ringside area, to cheer on Sting. He enters the ring as the referee raises the world heavyweight title up high for all to see.


Sting took to the match in a half mocking manner, smirking across the ring at his opponent and generally seeming unconcerned by La Parka. His cheerleaders at ringside did their best to get the crowd to chant for Sting but the crowd were clearly behind the underdog. La Parka managed to slip under the first exchange and take Sting down to the canvas with an arm drag. Sting got to his feet and applauded. When La parka did it a second and a third time, Sting was less than enthusiastic. Perhaps this would be more of a match than he had anticipated.


Sting refocused himself and started to go to work on La Parka. He hit the stinger splash in the corner but posed for the crowd before going for the cover. La Parka kicked out at two. Sting gets a chop block and starts to work the legs of La Parka, undoubtedly looking for the scorpion deathlock. Before long, Sting has it applied and cinched in deep! La Parka screams in agony, reaching for the ropes, but Sting has him right in the middle of the ring! Parka has no choice but to...wait! He reverses the hold into a leglock of his own! Sting looks like he might tap...but he gets to the ropes and breaks the hold! La Parka came within moments of claiming the WCW championship!


Sting takes a walk on the outside as Nash and Hall try to shake his cobwebs...and they miss La Parka ascending to the top and hits the LaParkinator on all three men! Everybody but DDP is down on the outside now! He picks Sting up and tries to revive him before rolling him back in the ring. La Parka is also back in the ring and signals for the Skull Bomb! He goes for it...but Sting reverses into a back body drop. Both men back to their feet...and Sting hits the Scorpion Deathdrop! Thats got to be all she wrote! 1...2...3! Sting retains the title!


Here is your winner, and STILL WCW Champion: Sting!




Sting retains the title, but he had to work a lot harder than I think any of us thought!



Are you sure that's La Parka under there Mike? Maybe Hogan snuck back in when we weren't looking!


TENAY- That was La Parka alright, Brain, just one of the many young and exciting talents here in WCW. Ric Flair has already talked about the need for the boys in the locker room to rally together and earn some respect...well I think La Parka just earned Stings respect and then some!


Sting exits the ring to the embrace of his cohorts. They start to walk towards the back, but Sting looks back at the ring, and see's La Parka starting to stir in the ring. "No!" he screams. "Tonight we send a message!"


Sting walks back towards La Parka who backs up into the corner begging for mercy. Nash, DDP and Hall also enter the ring and surround La Parka. Despite his protests, Nash picks La Parka up and sets him up for a powerbomb...





...but they are interupted by the Hitman! Bret rushes the ring and takes out everybody! Punches fly and the momentum of Bret Hart catches the four men off guard! On no...low blow by Nash sends Bret to the canvas and the pack surrounds him, taking turns to kick the man whilst he's down...



...but here comes the cavalry! Three men who all have issues with this little group come to even up the numbers! Nash, DDP, Hall and Sting decide to call it a day and exit the ring before their attackers can get there! Benoit, Savage, Bret and Goldberg stand tall in the ring as the self proclaimed 'Untouchable's' scamper up the ramp.


La Parka eventually gets to his feet...only to find himself surrounded by four of the most imposing figures in WCW! He tries to flee the scene but is held back by Savage. Savage tells him to calm down and stop wriggling before grabbing a microphone.


SAVAGE- Wait a cotton pickin minute, there, buddy boy! Now everybody in this ring has their own particular issues,yeah, with the Stinger and his little lapdogs, diggit? I could change my life to better suit your mood...Cause youre so smooth, Stinger, but I'm the smoothest criminal the world of professional wrestling has ever seen! Sting! Nash! DDP! And...oh yeah...YOU SCOTT HALL! Your day is gonna come, yeah, and just like the ocean under the moon...it's gonna be soon! Right now...ooh yeah...right now though guys...I think I speak for this particular group of individuals when I say..right now, we wanna see La Parka dance!


The crowd cheers as La Parka seeks the approval of the others. They nod in agreement! Suddenly his theme music hits the speakers and everybody except La Parka leaves the ring!




Oh boy...that's it! I've officially seen it all! What the hell are they doing encouraging this bozo?




La Parka put up a hell of a fight tonight, maybe he deserves his moment in the sun Brain.


BOBBY- Yeah, well maybe you deserve to take a long walk on a short pier, pal!


TENAY-Would you look at that! La Parka is playing chair guitar and dancing to his music! What a night, and it's only just begining!



Backstage, Sting,Nash,Hall and DDP are still rushing back to their dressing room.


NASH- Way to send a message, champ! We could have took those meatballs out for good if we'd have stayed and fought!

Sting stops everybody in their tracks and looks at Nash


STING- Don't be so naive Kev! We just denied four dangerous men their revenge!


NASH- When we could have denied them their consciousness!?


STING- Sometimes it's better to walk away, Kev, angry men make mistakes.


DDP seperated Sting and Nash.


DDP- Yeah, come on Kev, you know how it is, people make mistakes...like that time you forgot to tell me that Jarrett was one of us!


NASH- Oh man I wondered how long that would take to come up!


STING- Nobody knew Dallas, that was the beauty of the plan. If Bret or anybody else figured it out it would have messed up the plan! Please don't take it personally, it was never our intention to decieve you, you just had to believe we were under threat to pull the whole thing off.


DDP- I know, I know, It's just you made me and Scott look like idiots is all I'm saying...


The group went quiet


DDP- Oh...wait a minute...Scott? You knew didn't you? Didn't you!?


HALL- Hold on there mang, they didn't tell me, I found out....


DDP- Oh man this gets better and better! Screw this!

DDP stormed off whilst Sting looked at Nash


STING- Go after him...you better fix this.



Could there be tension in the ranks of the so called untouchables already?




I wouldn't count on it Mike, if you aint the champ, the best place you can be is right beside him. DDP might be stupid but he aint that stupid


TENAY- Leaving those issues to one side for the time being, our next match will feature the Thunder debut of WCW's newest talent Chris Daniels.


BOBBY- And how impressive was he against Norman Smiley, huh?


TENAY- I think that's very debatable, Brain, Norman clearly won the match only for the decision to be reversed. The official in that matchup was actually given a warning by WCW management because of it! I have a feeling that tonight might be the undoing of Daniels though as Perry Saturn will certainly not stand for any nonsense!



Daniels impressive technical ability shone again as he kept up with Saturn every step of the way. No mean feat. Daniels came close to victory on several occasions but the physical and mental toughness of Perry refused to let him give in. All it took was one mistake from Chris and the Rings of Saturn was applied!


Daniels was in a world of pain and needed to escape fast. Every second the hold was applied felt like a day, a month, a year draining from the life of Daniels...he reached for the ropes, getting nearer and nearer with every grasp, but in the end his attempts at escape proved fruitless as he taps out.



A valiant effort from Chris Daniels but a loss none the less, and perhaps this makes up for...wait a minute...I'm being told to send this one back to the ring!




Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has declared that Chris Daniels had his hand on the ropes before tapping out, therefore this match must continue!


TENAY- What!? Chris Daniels was nowhere near the ropes!


BOBBY- That's not what the ref says!


TENAY- You've got to wonder what Daniels has over the officials here in WCW, both his matches have ended with decisions being overturned, I don't understand this at all


Saturn doesn't take the news well and makes his point to the ref who tries to explain his decision. Daniels recovers enough to catch Saturn unawares and and hit him with the reverse STO into a Koji clutch! The ref says saturn submits and calls for the bell!


Here is your winner: Chris Daniels




I don't know how he did it, but Chris Daniels is still unbeaten in WCW! I wonder if he has a manager!




Has everybody around here lost their minds? This is getting ridiculous! I can't believe what just happened!




Dusty Rhodes makes his way to the ring. Clearly he has seen enough!


Now wait just a minute partnah! I don't know what kindah shennanigans your tryin to pull around here but I can't stand around and watch it no longah! I had a ringside view for your match wid Norman Smileh and I wus watchin evah so closely on the monitah tonight and there's no way you wus anywhere near the ropes brothah! Have you got the referee's in your pocket or something son? Cus The American Dream has seen some despicable acts in his time but you, sir....your taking it to awhole new level partnah! Now you bettah start explaining yourself real quick...


DANIELS- Well if it isn't Dusty Rhodes! Dusty, it is an honour and a privelege to share a ring with you, sir. My own personal hero! Allow me to shake the hand of my idol.


Dusty doesn't know how to take Daniels but eventually his ego wins out and he offers his hand to him. Daniels grabs his hand and pulls him close.


DANIELS- Listen carefully Mr Rhodes...I don't think you saw what you think you saw here tonight...in fact, I think you saw my hands clearly brush the bottom rope before the referee called for the bell. Remember?


DUSTY- I...I saw that? I mean, I saw that!


DANIELS- Yes you did Mr Rhodes...you saw it all with your own eyes. In fact, didn't you come out here to ask me something?


DUSTY- I did?


DANIELS- Yeah, don't you remember? You came out here to offer your managerial services to me right?


DUSTY- That's right brothah! The Dream and Daniels sure sounds like a mighty fine partnahship to me!


DANIELS- Well that's a really good offer Mr Rhodes, but maybe you should offer me something to sweeten the deal...


DUSTY- Anything! Name your price!


DANIELS- Well...I'm a little short of cash at the moment, what you got in your wallet?


DUSTY- Take it! Whats mine is yours partnah, take the whole thing!


DANIELS- Why thankyou Mr Rhodes, your too kind...is that a rolex?


DUSTY- One of a kind!


DANIELS- I think I'd like that too, I mean, you never really liked it did you?


DUSTY- Now you mention it...it's all yours!


DANIELS- OK then Dusty...you've got a deal, now all we need to work out is the fee...how does ten percent sound?


DUSTY- It sounds like a match made in heaven to me babeh!


DANIELS- That's what I thought, so every month, you're going to give me ten percent of everything you earn, right?


DUSTY- That's what I just said Chris! Isn't it?


DANIELS- You drive a hard bargain, Mr Rhodes, but I accept your terms and conditions! Now lets get out of this dump so you can buy me a drink.


Daniels and Dusty leave the ring together, Dusty oblivious to the fact he has just been played.




Ok...now I've really seen it all! This night just gets weirder and weirder...




Please, I'm beggin...can we get back to some sort of normality around here? Hopefully our next match should be nothing less than a stellar atheletic encounter...






And Mike Tenay was certainly right! It doesn't get much better in WCW than the six men involved in this match. You want crisp, impactful action? You want technicality, speed, and hard hitting action? Well here it is.


Eddy, in particular, brought his A game which some say has been missing as of late. There was no cheating to win in this one which made a refreshing change. In fact the finish was as clean as a whistle as Eddy locked in the lasso from El Paso on Malenko for the victory.


Here are your winners: Berlyn,Eddy Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero Jnr.

After the match, Benoit applauded the renewed aggression in Eddy. Eddy simply ignored him and walked away victorious with his tag partners.




Meanwhile, backstage, Billy Kidman is arguing with Shane Douglas about Torrie being put into dangerous situations.


'Hey Kidman!'




Torries a big girl, she can look after herself. This is a tough business were in you know that. So, you wanna spend your time here bitching over women, or you wanna make something of yourself whilst you can? It's real simple, Kidman...the lines are being drawn in the sand and it's time to decide which side you you want to be on...I advise you chose wisely...



Alright, joining me now, mere moments before his match with Chris Kanyon, a very motivated, very focused, Booker T. Now, Booker, we've grown accustomed to seeing you along with your brother but your out here on your own tonight...dare we read anything into that, given that you axe kicked him on Monday Nitro?



Hold on a minute dawg! It was more an Axident kick than a axe kick playa! Get your facts straight before you report them, s'up wid you? I apologised with Stevie an everythings cool...as I keep saying we's tighter than tight dawg. Why does the WCW media insist on creating trouble between two brothers, Gene, answer me that! I should be out here talking about my match with Chris Kanyon tonight and my match with Sid Vicious at Halloween Havoc!


So listen up, G, cos this is how it's gonna go down...tonight in Pittsburgh, the whole worlds gonna see Stevie Ray deliver the slapjack to Sid Vicious, but first I'm gonna kick Kanyon's head clean off his shoulders...and it aint gonna be no axident! And when it's all said and done...I'll be the one axing the question, Gene....can you dig that, Suckah?




An encounter that failed to ignite but sizzled just enough to take the crowd along with it. Both men have their moments, but it is perhaps unsurprising that Booker has enough in the way of momentum to put Kanyon away like he promised, with the Axe Kick.

Here is your winner: Booker T




An impressive victory for Booker T against a very game Chris Kanyon




You betcha, Kanyon aint no slouch in there.


TENAY- And it looks like both men will be staying at ringside for the next match!




As mentioned in commentary, Booker has stayed to cheer on Stevie and Kanyon is in Sid's corner for this match. Sid looks like the monster he is throughout, taking Stevie apart like he has everybody else he has faced recently. Booker is determined not to let his brother go down without a fight, shouting encouragement and trying to get the crowd involved at every juncture. Stevie seems to take heart from the response and battles back to his vertical base and actually takes Sid off his feet with a flying clothesline!


Stevie signals for the Slapjack...but Kanyon grabs his leg on the outside and snaps his neck on the top rope! Booker is irate and tries to enter the ring but the ref wont allow him...Kanyon hits Stevie with a Kanyon Cutter behind the refs back! The ref turns round to see Sid get to his feet and deliver the dreaded powerbomb and pick up the academic 1...2...3!

Here is your winner: Sid Vicious


After the match, Booker enters the ring and tries to console Stevie, but Stevie pushes his hand off him and leaves alone.



Meanwhile, backstage, Kevin Nash has caught up with DDP


NASH- Page...listen, about earlier...I'm sorry


DDP- No, wait...everythings cool bro. There's no need for apologies. I get it, man, it was strictly business..nothing personal.


NASH- Really? Everythings cool?


DDP- Don't sweat it Kev. Seriously. Man, you fooled everyone real good! That was sweet on Monday!


NASH- Heh, yeah, we had the whole world fooled, am I right? So...Later tonight...main event, me and you...


DDP- Like I already said Kev, strictly business...nothing personal


NASH- Well, alright, I'm glad we had this talk. I guess I'll seeya in the ring?


DDP- No doubt about it bro. Seeya out there.




See, I knew DDP wasn't stupid enough to turn his back on them! They're untouchable, Mike!




I have a feeling our main event may be a little less than competitive tonight...


The screen flickers and fades until we are joined by the CCTV camera. Usually seen backstage in the arena, today however, the camera is outside.


VOICE- We interupt the coma inducing ass hats at ring side to bring you this special outside broadcast...live from Detroit, Michigan. Now the eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that Rick and Scott Steiner have not been on tonights episode of Thunder, and thats because Rick is still in the hospital following the brutal attack at the hands of Sid Vicious. Following Scott's dismal performance in the contenders tournament, Scott came home to visit his brother. A noble act, or the act of a coward who wants no part of Sid? Why don't you decide...as we go inside the hospital room of Rick Steiner.




CCTV enters the hospital and peeks through the window of the room to see Rick asleep in bed and Scott fallen asleep in the chair. It quietly enters the room...


VOICE-(whispering) Would you look at this..two so called giants of the wrestling world enjoying a nap! Aint that sweet! Do you realise how easy it would be for me to take out The Steiners for good right now? They're sitting ducks...just like the rest of the WCW roster. It's only a matter of time before I step out from behind this camera and make my mark...until then though, sleep soundly boys...and don't have nightmares. Back to you ass hats.



Now thats just creepy...Rick Steiner is recovering from a very serious attack and deserves the common decency of a little privacy whilst he recouperates! This CCTV guy is really starting to push his luck!




You heard what he said, Mike, he could have ended The Steiners careers but he chose not to...that's pretty noble if you ask me.


TENAY- Come on Bobby! How would you like it if some sicko came and filmed you on your hospital bed? I hope somebody gets hold of that guy one of these days and...


HEENAN- Careful, Mike, remember to stay impartial buddy.


TENAY- Impartial? Don't you dare talk to me about impartiality! It's only a matter of time before he gets found out...and I hope I'm watching when he does!



Eric Bischoff comes to the ring with a microphone and the crowd are still unsure how to react to him but he gets more cheers than jeers.


Good evening Pittsburgh...I hope you are all having a great time tonight. I have an announcement to make, a huge announcement, regarding something that will occur at Halloween Havoc. I, Eric Bischoff, can confirm that I have signed the biggest, dare I say hottest, act in the world to perform live for you! No need to thank me, afterall, I'm just doing my job. This act will perform the official Halloween Havoc theme song as well as their biggest ever hit right before the Masquerade Brawl. So without further ado, I give to you...



<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>




What a blockbuster announcement from Eric Bischoff!




Who the hell are those guys?


TENAY- That's The Prodigy, Bobby! I thought you were down with the kids?


BOBBY- I like tunes I can hum in the shower, Mike, did that noise even have a tune?


TENAY- They've topped both the British and American billboard charts with their album Fat of the Land! They're the biggest band in the world! Get hip to it Brain!


BOBBY- Call that a band? The beatles were a band, The Carpenters were a band...


TENAY- I'm sure The Prodigy will be a huge part of making Halloween Havoc a roaring success this year whatever you think of them Bobby!



Bagwell and Jindrak look more and more accomplished as a partnership with each outing but are still working out some kinks in their reportoire. The vast experience of Henig and The Total Package make them a formidable force for the young unamed tagteam. It looks like they have been working on double team moves and try and keep their opponents isolated.


Hennig in particular looks intent on breaking in the duo the hard way. He dishes out punishment left and right, his trademark offence connecting each time. Luger, however, seems off his game tonight. Perhaps a little ring rusty after several weeks with no competition, he seems sluggish in the ring when compared to the high tempo match.


In the end, experience once again prevailed. Luger managed to keep Jindrak at bay whilst A perfect Hennig-plex finished off the valiant attempt of Buff Bagwell.

Here are your winners: Lex Luger and Curt Hennig


Post match, Bagwell offers his apologies to Jindrak after for once again taking the pinfall, and Jindrak consoled him. Before they could make their leave, they were interupted by some familiar music.




Guys, guys, guys! What have we got here? KC and the sunshine band? Two of the original village people? Weeellllll whatever you are, you sure aint a winning combination, thats for sure! Oh boy.....do you guys suck! But its ok, that's fine, there are winners and losers in every walk of life...speaking of which, are you two....never mind. I think I know. You both got the ruby red slippers under your bed right? Well did you ever think to click those bad boys together because maybe it's time for you 0 fer 4'ers to realise that there's no place like home...and this ring is no place like your home!


BUFF- Alright Piper! That's enough! We didn't come out here to be insulted.


PIPER- Is that a fact? Where do you usually go? No wait, don't tell me, you get insulted everywhere you go, am I right?


MARK- We get it, Roddy, ok? We know we've yet to win a match. We don't need you to rub it in so if you'll kindly get out of our way...


PIPER- Now hold on there...which one are you again? Sweaty or Betty? Neverind...the thing is...as hard as it is to believe, I didn't come out here to insult you both. The fact of the matter is, and it kills me to say this, there's a lot of the Hotrod inside you guys...wait, that came out wrong! What I mean to say is that I would like to put a little bit of Roddy Piper into both of you...goddammit! What I'm trying to say is that you remind me of me when I was starting out, apart from the losing, and seeing as there's currently two spots open in the Hotrod mentor programme...what dya say? I promise I'll make winners out of ya yet!

Jindrak and Bagwell look at each other before turning and shaking hands with Rowdy Roddy.




What an alliance that could prove to be! Jindrak, Bagwell and The Hotrod make for an interesting combination to say the least!




Y'know, I'm getting sick and tired of all these idiots hustleing for clients tonight! Why didn't Governor Flair ask me to manage anybody?


TENAY- Because he said he respected those guys, Brain.


BOBBY- That's cold. Mike, even for you!



DDP makes his way to the ring for his match dressed in his street clothes, accompanied by Scott Hall


TENAY- Now I don't have this match down as a street fight folks. Do you think maybe, just maybe, Nash and DDP are planning something?


HEENAN- How dare you question the character of DDP and Nash?! Maybe he lost his bags at the airport? Maybe his tights shrunk in the wash? You don't know!




Nash is next, also in street clothes, accompanied by Sting


TENAY- Oh come on! What are you gonna tell me now, Brain? That Kevin Nash got a ladder in his tights?


HEENAN- No... maybe he's trying a new look?



Both men enter the ring, and the opening bell rings. DDP picks up a house mic.


DDP- Before we do this, Kev, I just wanted to apologise in front of everybody for the way I reacted. Like Sting said earlier, together we are untouchable, and we need to stick together. So...I hope you don't mind, but I got you a little gift, just my way of saying sorry bro!


DDP puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out an envelope. Nash smiles and accepts it. He opens it...and it is full of hundred dollar bills! The exact amount that Nash previously gave to DDP! Before anybody can realise what's going on, Page hits the diamond cutter on Nash and covers for the pin!

Here is your winner: DDP!

Sting and Hall seem rooted to the spot out of shock, allowing DDP to hightail it up the ramp! Hall checks on Kevin whilst Sting sets off in pursuit of DDP! Page still has the mic with him and manages to get a few words out before escaping through the curtain.


' Don't worry guys! This was strictly business! Don't take it personally!'


DDP laughs and takes flight with Sting still in hot pursuit! In the ring, Nash is starting to come to and realise what just happened. Scott Hall tries to help him to his feet but Nash pushes him off. We end with the image of Kevin Nash seething in the ring. You can almost see the steam coming from his ears as he comes to terms with the fact he has just been played at his own game! The camera closes in on the face of Kevin Nash as Thunder...fades...to...black

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OK, so in game, this show tanked pretty hard, but in real life it was perhaps the most fun to write to date. I know that I've just put on two screw job main events in a row...but I really wanted DDP to win here to continue the story, and you try jobbing out Kevin Nash in this game! I had to get a little creative with the finish and hope it doesn't detract too much from the show. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Look for Saturday Night predictions to be up soon!
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Well this is the standings so far. There is still only one point between the top two. Jingo has moved up to third place and destiny has also moved up the rankings



tristram 35/47

hyde hill 34/47

jingo 26/35

pate 24/34

totti 22/29

turbinetrigger 19/28

dse 18/24

zeel 9/11

chuck 9/12

olympia 8/12


huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5


I've decided not to do a full Predictions with the professor for Saturday Night in the future because the matches generally will not have much rhyme or reason in terms of storylines. So instead, here is a quick rundown of the matches that will be on the card. Hope nobody minds!


La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

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Dammit I've fallen behind in the predictions. There was a time when i was top.



La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

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Damn my internet going out, causing me to miss so many shows. There was a time where I had a shot at this..oh well. Maybe next time.



La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy

The more regular members of the roster get the victory.


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno

The team with a name typically wins.


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak

Not sure which one you value more, but my opinion is shown here.


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus

The more useful one is pretty apparant here..


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers

Again, team with the name.


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

I beleive he'd have a slightly bigger name at this point, but I'm not quite sure. Either way, I go for Mysterio.

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Dammit I've fallen behind in the predictions. There was a time when i was top.


Damn my internet going out, causing me to miss so many shows. There was a time where I had a shot at this..oh well. Maybe next time.


Don't worry guys, still four shows to go! Plus there may be some form of runner up prizes on offer

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..Dude, did you add a missed pick for every week I missed? I was 9/11 before, now I'm 9/17.


I mean, it's not going by percentage, so I guess it really doesn't make a differance in the race, but still, 9 out of 17? That makes me look terrible! That's barely even half! :p

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La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak

Always was a big KroniK fan and a Hardcore Hak fan ... Who do i pick!?


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers

Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

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..Dude, did you add a missed pick for every week I missed? I was 9/11 before, now I'm 9/17.


I mean, it's not going by percentage, so I guess it really doesn't make a differance in the race, but still, 9 out of 17? That makes me look terrible! That's barely even half!


Sorry about that Zeel, I'll fix it straight away, complete error on my part.

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I was always more of a WWF fan because it was easier to come across for me as a kid but there was a lot of talent crammed into WCW. Really enjoying how you're using it so far.


Jarrett, as someone I've never really "got", has obviously shone with his entry to the company so that's kind of cool; seeing someone I've not really cared for before actually mean something in my eyes.


I have to say that I'm just waiting for Hogan's return and really hope he gets his moment in all its Hulkamania, mark-pleasing glory. Even if he gets smoked in the long run, I'm a sap for easy pops like that.


Very interested in how you use Benoit, for the longest time after his death I had trouble using him because I was a huge, huge fan and my instinct was always to push him hard to the top but then it felt... wrong probably isn't the right word but different. Have got past that recently and had him as a champion in an 02 "What if WCW survived?" game but still, it is something that catches my interest, how people use him now.


And before I ramble too much, the Masquerade Brawl is a great concept. I'm expecting someone will be unmasked to lead into a bigger feud.


La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy

- La Parka got to dance on the previous show, of course he wins here!


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno

- Malenko tapped on the last show, he has to bounce back.


Brian Clarke vs Hardcore Hak

- Personal bias. I thought KroniK were a solid tag team on their day. Plus I have never been a fan of Sandman.


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus

- He has more going for him at the moment, so unless there's a screwy finish [which is possible, hmm...] Kidman notches up a win here.


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers

- Proper team beat the rag-tags [hmm... there's a possible name for a tag team].


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

- I prefer Juvi but I think Rey will take this one.

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I was always more of a WWF fan because it was easier to come across for me as a kid but there was a lot of talent crammed into WCW. Really enjoying how you're using it so far.


Jarrett, as someone I've never really "got", has obviously shone with his entry to the company so that's kind of cool; seeing someone I've not really cared for before actually mean something in my eyes.


I have to say that I'm just waiting for Hogan's return and really hope he gets his moment in all its Hulkamania, mark-pleasing glory. Even if he gets smoked in the long run, I'm a sap for easy pops like that.


Very interested in how you use Benoit, for the longest time after his death I had trouble using him because I was a huge, huge fan and my instinct was always to push him hard to the top but then it felt... wrong probably isn't the right word but different. Have got past that recently and had him as a champion in an 02 "What if WCW survived?" game but still, it is something that catches my interest, how people use him now.


And before I ramble too much, the Masquerade Brawl is a great concept. I'm expecting someone will be unmasked to lead into a bigger feud.


La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy

- La Parka got to dance on the previous show, of course he wins here!


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno

- Malenko tapped on the last show, he has to bounce back.


Brian Clarke vs Hardcore Hak

- Personal bias. I thought KroniK were a solid tag team on their day. Plus I have never been a fan of Sandman.


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus

- He has more going for him at the moment, so unless there's a screwy finish [which is possible, hmm...] Kidman notches up a win here.


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers

- Proper team beat the rag-tags [hmm... there's a possible name for a tag team].


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

- I prefer Juvi but I think Rey will take this one.


Thanks for the feedback Slim Jim, really appreciated.


I too was a huge WWF fanboy back in the day and never really watched too much WCW until it was too late.


As for Benoit...yeah, he was/is my all time favourite wrestler but I haven't been able to watch a full match of his since his tragic demise. I toyed with how to use him in the diary to be honest. First I thought about either deleting him or just not using him. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about involving him or how high up the card he's going to get pushed. We'll see.

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Guest cmdrsam

La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.

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La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr.



PS looking at the pic it seems Rick Steiner is suffering from a bad case of Tenayitis.

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La Parka and Psychosis vs Blitzkrieg and Shark Boy - If La Parka and Psychosis don't win, I will officially riot by ripping at your groin tendons...


The Icemen vs Lenny Lane and Disco Inferno - Teams with names are like squiggly question marks, they got the chicks and they get the wins


Brian Clarke vs Harcore Hak - Wrath is someone you book strong as all hell before you let some upstart take his momentum off him by pulling off a good win


Billy Kidman vs Hugh Morrus - Because he's from Allentown, and Billy Joel sung a song about it


Brian Knobbs and Jim Duggan vs Tequila Slammers - we don't need to have issues, do we? You know what you need to do, so do it! Do it!


Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio Jnr. - REy's come off a loss, good chance to regain momentum.


I'm surprised we're not seeing The Vision of Love Mariah Carey Lovers in action. That's not cool for Jindrak and Bagwell. I'm loving the prospect of naming these dudes.

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TONY- Welcome to WCW Saturday night live from the sold out Hammerstein Ballroom! With just over a week to go until Halloween Havoc things are really hotting up around here!


DUSTY- No doubt about it, Toneh, everybodeh in the whole dubya see dubya wants to be a part of the great Paypeh view tradition, Halloween Havoc!


TONY- As you no doubt know there are only four men remaining in the contenders tournament and later tonight we will be revealing the semi final matches that will take place on Nitro this monday!


DUSTY- That's right! The exclusive that everybody wanted! The whole world wants to know whose facing who and they gotsta stay tuned in right here on the mothaship to find out!


TONY- That's later on folks, and we're going to kick things off tonight with four men who will be part of the masquerade brawl match next sunday in tag team competition.



A quick back and forth match designed to showcase some of the lesser known talent in the masquerade brawl. The cult of Sharkboy continues to grow but La Parka is riding the crest of a wave following his exploits on Thunder. La Parka picks up the win with the LaParkanator.


Here are your winners: La Parka and Psychosis


After the match all four men get into a heated argument, arguing and shoving each other. Suddenly, the lights go off in the arena and an ominous message plays on the big screen...


This Halloween...


The Embers Will Glow...


The Sparks Will Ignite...


The Flames Will Engulf You...


This Sunday Night!


TONY- Wow...what was that about?


DUSTY- I don't know, partnah, but I wouldn't be hangin around in the ring to find out, if you weeeeell!


TONY- Certainly a strange and eerie start to this weeks show...and from the bizarre we turn to the shocking events of this weeks Thunder and the seeming defection of DDP from the group lead by Sting and Kevin Nash. Our backstage interviewer Mean Gene Okerlund was able to catch up with the group after the camera's stopped rolling.



Thankyou for joining me guys...





NASH- DDP!...you just signed your own death warrant buddy! You can run as fast and as far as you want but I WILL hunt you down like the dog you are and....


STING- Take it easy Kevin, I'll handle this one...I apologise for that outburst Mr Okerlund...now, Diamond Dallas Page, what exactly posessed you to turn your back on us? We offered you protection, wealth beyond your wildest dreams, and carte blanche to do whatever you want in WCW, safe in the knowledge that we were all in your corner, and you defect because of what? Because we didn't tell you about Jeff Jarrett? You know I really thought better of you old friend... I credited you with more intelligence than you've displayed Dallas. You could have been untouchable but you chose to become dispensable...just another lump of indistinguishable meat that can be chewed up and spit out when it loses it's taste.


HALL- You know what mang? That Jabroni was always the weak link! The survey shows you don't got what it takes to be a team player Page, now the whole world knows what I've known from day one! Well you got your wish mang, your all alone...good luck with that.


JARRETT- Luck? LUCK? Don't talk to Jeff Jarrett about luck! Was it luck that destroyed the career of Hulk Hogan, or was it ME? Was it luck that fooled Bret Hart and the entire world last week...or was it ME? You see, we don't leave anything to chance Page, you might have put a kink in plan A, but your looking at plan J! So you better hope that either Goldberg of Benoit get their hands on you before I do...ore your luck has officially run out!


STING- We might be a man down, but just look at this unit and tell me we aren't stronger without you Dallas. You're going to learn this the hard way, that alone we are unbeatable...but together...we are untouchable!



For weeks now, we have been worried about a potential reformation of the nWo, and the ramifications that would have for WCW...but these four men...these 'untouchables' have the potential to be far worse than...


Perhaps predictably, the image is interupted, and in it's place we once again see the CCTV camera.


VOICE- I think you get the idea by now, fans, those guys are ass hats, and I am here to save you from their coma inducing boredom! It may be another miserable day in Manhattan, and let's face it they all are, but it's always Sunny here on CCTV! I get a lot of fanmail thanking me for the 'expose' work I've been doing on the women here in WCW. Kimberley Page and Torrie Wilson are hot, no doubt about it, but to viewers of a certain age, there's only one lady in professional wrestling.

The camera show's the door of Miss Elizabeth


VOICE- Thaaaats right. The one and only Elizabeth! So strap in, and follow me, as we go through....

Just as he is about to enter, Elizabeth opens the door on her way out! She shouts and chases him down the corridor but cannot catch the unknown voyeur.




Way to go Elizabeth! It's about time somebody got the better of that no good stalker!




I've never seen a woman in high heels run so fast Toneh!




An open match that came down to one factor. One team has a name, the other doesn't.

Here are your winners: The Icemen




And now ladies and gentlemen, it is my great honor to announce the semi-final matches in the number one contender tournament. The draw machine has done another great job, tonight, and I can exclusively reveal that Bill Goldberg will face Chris Benoit...which means, oh my...DDP will go one on one with Jeff Jarrett! Those oughta be two stellah matches right there folks, and they will take place on Monday Nitro! Not only that, but the winners will face off in the final of the tournament in the main event! By the end of Nitro we will know for sure who will be facing Sting at Halloween Havoc! That's one show you can't afford to miss, folks!




Brian Clark and Hak make their first showings here under the new regime. Both men seem game despite having little action recently. Clark inparticular puts on an impressive display with Hak prepared to bounce around the ring for him and make him look a million dollars. Clark picks up the victory with a powerbomb in a rough and ready encounter.


Here is your winner: Brian Clark


After the match the camera cuts backstage where Arn Anderson is seen with his young charge Billy Kidman




AA- OK, tonight we start as we mean to go on, Kid. Morrus has been been around the block and back but he aint no slouch. Stay focused out there and...


KIDMAN- Yeah, I got this one Arn, don't worry!


AA- It's not me who should be worrying kid. I'm not the one stepping into the ring with a man twice my size! Now remember what we've been going through...


KIDMAN- Look, I can beat this chump, 1...2...3, no problems!


Arn stuns Kidman with a hard slap across the face


AA- Don't take anything for granted in this life, Kid...and save the smart talk till after the match.




Kidman is clearly still pissed off with Arn's rough management style but the aggression transfers into the match. The laughin man aint laughing for long as Kidman makes short work of Hugh and finishes things with a shooting star press in short order.

Here is your winner: Billy Kidman


Backstage Jim Duggan marches into the dressing room to find his tag partner for the evening Brian Knobbs.




DUGGAN-Hoooooooo! Hey, Knobbs! Looks like me and you are working together tonight, pal! It's an honor to team up with a real nasty boy!


KNOBBS- Back atcha Jim! The Tequila Bombers wont know what's hit em!


DUGGAN- Tequila Bombers, Wayward Sons, Icemen...it seems to me like everybody around here has a name but us!


Knobbs shrugs and loudly blows his nose on a large cloth in his pocket


DUGGAN- What do you call that thing?


KNOBBS- This? This, my friend, is my snotrag!


DUGGAN- Snotrag eh? You know...I think that gives me an idea!




DUGGAN- Just follow me to the ring, tough guy...USA USA USA!

Knobbs reluctantly follows Jim and rolls his eyes




Hacksaw and Knobbs enter the ring and Jim has a word in the ear of ring announcer David Penzer



'Ladies and Gentlemen, Jim Duggan has just informed me that, from now on, he and Brian Knobbs will be known collectively as...Team RagTag USA!'


The newly christened team go to work on The Slammers and the energy of this newly formed union is enough to see them through the early stages. Unfortunately, time makes fools of us all, and the team with a collective age of eighty struggle to keep up with the pace. Bam Bam picks up the victory with the greetings from Aysbury Park in short order.

Here are you winners: The Tequila Slammers




The Slammers continue their impressive streak as they head into Halloween Havoc and their match against the as yet unamed Bagwell and Jindrak.



And one step closer to the bucket fulla dollah bills at the end of the rainbow partnah! Don't forget the fifty large up for grabs for any new team that can dethrone Harlem Heat!


TONY- Your quite right, Dusty, that victory marks match number four for The Slammers. Six more and they will be eligable for that cash incentive. Before we go to the ring for our main event tonight, Gene Okerlund was able to catch a few words with Goldberg after this weeks Thunder tapings. Here's what da man had to say.



With me at this time, one of only four men remaining in the contenders tournament, I'm talking about Bill Goldberg. Bill, when you look at the talent still involved in this tournament...Chris Benoit, DDP, Jeff Jarrett...do you think you have what it takes to get past them all and become the number one contender?



In a fair fight? Absolutely! But we all know that if Jeff Jarretts involved it aint gonna be a fair fight is it Gene? Up until tonight, I would have said the same thing about DDP...but maybe I underestimated him. The fact of the matter is, Gene, I really don't care who they put in front of me because they've all got to be beaten, by fair means or foul! If Nash, Hall and Sting want to get involved then bring it on! The more the merrier...because one way or another I WILL make my way to Halloween Havoc as the number one contender to the WCW title. I don't know whose next...but I do know whose last on my list...Sting!



Our thanks as always to Gene Okerlund for that exclusive interview. We should point out that it was filmed before Goldberg knew that his next opponent would be Chris Benoit.




Chris Benoit is a very dangerous character to overlook in mah estimation partnah! Goldberg is a physical specimen, no doubt about it, but Benoit is a technical wizard!


TONY- And that could well come into play on Monday. If Goldberg does manage to progress to the final against either DDP or Jeff Jarrett, you've got to wonder what condition he will be in after a bout with the crippler. That's a matter for another night though, folks, tonight however we have one more match, our main event, and it's coming up next!



Tony announced that Juvi would also be competing in the Masquerade Brawl at Halloween Havoc. This was a fast paced and well constructed match that deserved its main event slot. A true testament to the awesome Cruiserweights.




Chavo Guerrero Jnr. decided to grace us with his presence during the match, taking a steel chair seat at ringside, seemingly scouting his PPV opponent. Rey was tossed from the ring on several occasions and each time Chavo backed off and allowed the match to continue. This didn't settle Rey Rey who was suspicious of a sneak attack throughout.


Our new Cruiserweight Champion displayed his many skills, skills that can and have indeed payed the bills, but was constantly wary of Chavo. Guerrero, to his credit, simply studied the action and pleaded innocence. The end came when Rey hit a super Hurricanrana from out of nowhere to pick up the victory! Chavo got out of his seat and simply applauded the victor, no shenanigans tonight.


Here is your winner: Rey Mysterio Jnr.




A deserved but hard fought victory there for our Cruiserweight champion! And I suppose credit where it's due to Chavo who resisted the temptation to interfere in that great match. We're outta time here folks, see you all on monday night, but from all of us here tonight, we wish you goodnight...goodnight.

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Well there you go, perhaps my most throw away card to date. (and in a voting week too!) I hope it was enjoyable none the less. Hopefully the next update won't be too far away, work and social life have been a little hectic this week. but I have a good couple days to write up Nitro which I hope will be my best show to date.
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