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WCW 1999: We Three Kings

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Blame Slim Jim for the rag tags! Im innocent I tells ya!


Forget Bagwell and Jindrak, I won the real competition :p


And a clean sweep on the predictions, to boot.


It was a nice show from top to bottom, not ground-breaking but then that wasn't to be expected from a Thunder show; that's not its purpose.


The creepy message at the start was very Kane-ish. Obviously, very unlikely to be him since he's in WWF but that was the vibe it gave me.


Also think it finally clicked who the CCTV guy is but I'll PM you instead, on the off chance that I'm right. Wouldn't want to ruin the big reveal by spouting my mouth off. Of course, everyone else has probably known for a while and I'm just being dense!

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Thanks for the comments Slim, I appreciate your feedback. I've PM'ed you back regarding your prediction. It would be interesting to see who other people think he might be!


As for the creepy message, well, I guess you will have to wait till Halloween Havoc to find out!


Predictions for Nitro are being wrote as we speak so look out for it very soon.



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This WCW.COM presentation is brought to you by The Power Rangers, who remind you to stay away from the bunnies.




Predictions with the Professor


Hi folks and welcome to your one stop shop for WCW predictions with me, Mike Tenay. We has a great prediction turn out for Saturday Night this week. It seems that things really went to form as many of you scored big. The top two remain unchanged with only one point seperating them, whilst jingo makes a huge powerplay jumping up to third position. Lower down the table, Slim Jim and cmdrsam both made their debut this week and scored 6/6 and 5/6 respectively. Its perhaps too late to move much higher up the league with only three shows before Halloween Havoc, but look for them to make huge strides in the new prediction table starting next month.


tristram 41/53

hyde hill 40/53

jingo 29/41

totti 26/35

pate 24/34

turbinetrigger 19/28

dse 18/24

zeel 14/23


chuck 9/12

olympia 8/12

Slim Jim 6/6

cmdrsam 5/6

huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5




Before we look at the matches lined up for Nitro tonight, here is the updated card so far for Halloween Havoc.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Jarrett or Goldberg or DDP or Benoit

United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers

Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy




Tonight, four will become one, as WCW Nitro hosts the semi final and final matchups of the Number One Contender Tournament. By the end of this epic edition of Nitro we will know who will be going to Halloween Havoc to face World Champion Sting. As announced by Dusty Rhodes on Saturday Night, here are the semi final matches.




Bill Goldberg has made his intentions clear from the start and so far has stood unopposed. He craves a WCW title shot and has been nothing short of impressive thus far. Will all due respect to his opponents so far, none have posed as difficult a proposition as the Canadian Cripper Chris Benoit. Benoit has made a career out of his ruthless and effective wrestling style and a win over Goldberg is not out of the question.




The complexion of this match has changed to say the least! Before the events of last weeks Thunder it would have been a safe bet to assume there would be some sort of mutual shenanigans. Now that DDP has left the bossom of 'The Untouchables' this could go either way. The King Of Controversy Jeff Jarrett has made no secret of the fact that he is willing and able to do anything to make sure the World title stay within the grasp of his new running buddies whilst DDP seems to have turned his back on such dirty tactics. In a clean fight, DDP is a match for anyone, but if Sting, Nash and/or Hall get involved, it could be a short night for Page.


The winners of those two matches will of course meet again in tonights main event, with the winner heading to Halloween Havoc for a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight title.




World Champ Sting continues to defy the authority of Governor Flair by again naming his own number one contender. This time it is young SharkBoy's turn for a world title shot. After the scare he recieved from La Parka last week, will Sting be more wary of the talent of SharkBoy?




With Juvi also confirmed for the Masquerade Brawl match, this is another preview of that exciting match. Juventud Guerrera and Psychosis will be looking to make a statement and bring La Parka back down to earth after an incredible week for the chairman of WCW. Blitzkreig has also shown great potential in previous weeks and will no doubt want to turn that potential into a result.



Under the new management of The Hotrod, the as-yet unamed tandem of Bagwell and Jindrak are shooting straight for the top as they take on Scott Hall and Kevin Nash of the untouchables. Roddy Piper made no bones about his teams losing streak but has promised to turn them into winners. Will they be successful? History says perhaps not, but with the rowdy one in their corner, anything is possible.




With less than a week to go before his United States title shot against Sid Vicious, Booker T will again be in singles competition against a formidable opponent. Hennig is a perfect test for anybody looking to advance here in WCW so the tag team specialist Booker should try and learn all he can from this crafty veteran.


Thats all from me for now, have fun predicting, and enjoy tonights show. It should be a hell of a night!


Mike Tenay




Curt Hennig vs Booker T


Sting vs SharkBoy


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)

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Curt Hennig vs Booker T


Sting vs SharkBoy


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point) - Goldberg with maybe Bret Hart/Hulk Hogan screwing over Jarrett

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Curt Hennig vs Booker T

- Booker has to look strong going into the US Title match, and Hennig isn't really up to much at the moment. I very nearly called this the other way with a Stevie Ray related finish but I think that could happen at the PPV instead.


Sting vs SharkBoy

- Um. Yeah.


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak

- Until they get a name, they aren't beating The Outsiders.


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka

- Blitzkreig is in the match to be the fall guy, in my opinion.


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit

- Don't think Benoit is quite ready to be put up against Sting on PPV, so Goldberg wins here and goes onto win the tournament.


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett

- This could go either way. Either, DDP steals the win and the Untouchables screw him over in the final, or they screw him over here and then DDP stops them helping Jarrett win the final.


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)

- Goldberg. I can't see you putting Jarrett against Sting so soon. DDP has more heat with Nash. Benoit isn't quite there yet. Goldberg vs Sting... that'll put a lot butts in seats.

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Okay, I'm caught up! And it probably comes as no shock that I'm LOVING this! BoomKing, you are officially one of my very favourite writers on here, sir. Loving it.


Curt Hennig vs Booker T

Not seeing much out of Curt and Booker needs the momentum going in to Havoc against Sid


Sting vs SharkBoy

Heh, as if


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak

Call me weird, but I really like Jindrak. But lets face it, without a tag team name (yet) they won't beat the Outsiders


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka

More interesting and useful team


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit

Benoit needs a little bit of building before he's quite ready for the title push I think, whereas Goldberg is one of the last marketable people left in the company. Benoit's time will come though


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett

But with shenanigans


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)

Goooooooooldberg. Like I say, he's marketable. Sting is marketable. It's a match that needs to be booked

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<p>Curt Hennig vs<strong> Booker T</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs SharkBoy</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Outsiders</strong> vs Bagwell/Jindrak</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Psychosis/ Juvi</strong> vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg</strong> vs Chris Benoit</p><p> </p><p>

DDP vs <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)</p><p> </p><p>

Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!</p>

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<p>Curt Hennig vs <strong>Booker T</strong></p><p>

Should be quite close, but Booker has been much more involved in recent shows then Henning has, I have to think he wins this one.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs SharkBoy</p><p>

...Wow. I don't think I've <em>ever</em> predicted a match that was as less in doubt as this one..</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Outsiders</strong> vs Bagwell/Jindrak</p><p>

...but this one's close.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Psychosis/ Juvi</strong> vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka</p><p>

Pyscho-Juice could make an awesome team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Goldberg </strong>vs Chris Benoit</p><p>

Goldberg only lost like 6 times in WCW, so there aren't going to be many occassions where I'd see him as the loser.</p><p> </p><p>

DDP vs <strong>Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p>

While DDP just turned back to Face, (Which is were he was far better suited at this point, in my opinion) Jeff Jarrett's roll as King Of Controversy has given him a lot of momentum, I have to think he beats DDP here, both to continue that and to keep that feud heated.</p><p> </p><p>

Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)</p><p>


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Curt Hennig vs Booker T - Sounds familiar, tastes great.


Sting vs SharkBoy - If Sting loses, I riot. I will deadset grab some cottage cheese and face palm you.


The Outsiders vs Republican Misappropriated Funds Team - We might as well cut to the chase, cut me a cheque and award Bagwell and Jindrak with the above name....


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka - I'm torn like a tugger at the adult book store. I'm going to pick Psychosis for my massive man love for Psychosis. I really do enjoy La Parka too, and I hope he swivels like he's a cat on a hot tin roof for us.


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit - Chris Benoit will be consumed by his overarching love of jelly rolls, and at ringside there will be a big platter of them as Roseanne Arnold at ringside and has demanded them along with Rosie O'Donnell (Roseanna Arquette is eating mini rice snacks instead incase you were wondering), Anyhow, Benoit will get himself counted out when he has a food fight with Roseanne. He should know better, you can never beat Roseanne for food, but what we don't know is that Roseanne wasn't syndicated on CBS so Benoit had never seen Roseanne's eating fascination on the Roseanne Show in Canada. No, they were still watching reruns of Alan Thicke in Growing Pains and were getting amped up this past week as in Canada the syndicated premier pilot show of Tony Danza in Who's the Boss will be playing. As a special feature, the Canadian Prime Minister, along with support from his wrestling minister Chris Benoit, has asked Elton John to come to Canada to play his hit song Hold Me Closer Tony Danza. Should be epic.


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett - Jeff Jarrett wins when a big duel breaks out. DDP will take homage from David Hasselhoff who will give DDP the Knight Rider car, and Jarrett will have his forklift. A forklift has forks and the Knight Rider car talks and plays with itself so I'm backing the forklift to win.


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point) -Easy, Dianna Ross. Now, what do I win? No, I predict... William Alfonso Jebediah Lou Percy Mortimer Randolph Billy-Ray Winthorpe Paul John Ringo George Stuart Monsignor Percival Goldberg III to win

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Guest cmdrsam
I'm torn like a tugger at the adult book store


Perv. ;)




Curt Hennig vs Booker T


Sting vs SharkBoy


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett

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Curt Hennig vs Booker T

I'm not a Booker fan. Curt can still carry a good match and put on some good stories to build up the next wave of talent. So he needs wins over the likes mr T to keep him viable. Book gets some rub just being in the match?


Sting vs SharkBoy


The Outsiders vs Bagwell/Jindrak


Psychosis/ Juvi vs Blitzkreig/ La Parka

going with a bit of an upset. Blitzkreig needs the break-out win. La Parka helps pull him up to the next level.


Goldberg vs Chris Benoit


DDP vs Jeff Jarrett


Who will win the Contender Tournament? (Worth 1 point)


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This WCW production is brought to you by Biz's beat of the day!




Nitro begins with DDP arriving at the arena earlier today. The WCW camera's follow him into the arena where he passes several of his contemporaries. Names such as Dusty Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Billy Kidman clap as he walks the narrow corridors. He is stopped in his tracks by a figure off camera. DDP takes a deep breath as the camera pans round...




Bret Hart weighs up the man before him. As perhaps the active wrestler who has been most affected by The Untouchables reign of terror, Bret has every right to be angry with Page and he knows it. He looks Page in the eyes....and offers him his hand. The gathered crowd begin to applaud DDP.


DDP- Thanks Bret...you gotta believe I had no idea...


HART- I know. They made fools of us all. Tonight though...tonight we start getting even...tonight, you gotta do what I should have done last week. Kick Jeff Jarretts ass!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

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WCW Nitro officially starts with a brand new, state of the art, intro!




TONY- Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the show that defines Monday Nights, WCW Nitro, and tonight, I promise you not one, not two, but three main events as we finally name our number one contender!


TENAY- That's right, Tony! Jeff Jarrett, Chris Benoit, DDP and Bill Goldberg, all four men want to face Sting at Halloween Havoc this sunday but only one can! Tonight we will see Benoit take on Goldberg and DDP face Jeff Jarrett, and the winners of those matches will compete later in the programme for that honour.


TONY- We come to you live tonight from the sold out Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, deep in the heart of Casinoland, and if I were a betting man, I can't help but feel the odds for DDP have drastically decreased!


BOBBY- DDP is a moron guys! He could have been the one holding all the aces, but he folded! It's a good job that The Untouchables were holding their own King...The King of Controversy that is!



TONY- And here comes the man himself! The one and only Donald Trump!


BOBBY- That's Mr Trump to you, peasant! Finally somebody on this show I can relate to!


Donald Trump enters the ring with a microphone


Welcome, fans, to the House That Trump Built! Are you ready for action? Are you ready for excitement? Are you ready for WCW?! It is my great honour and privelege to welcome the greatest show on earth to The Taj Mahal. As a long time wrestling fan, it gives me great pleasure to be in the same building as some of the greats, such as Randy Savage...Ric Flair....Bret Hart....and of course, BIll Goldberg! In fact, the only person missing is the man who made wrestling what it is today, The Immortal, Hulk Hogan, and he'd be here tonight if it wasn't for Sting and his so called Untouchables...



It isn't long before an outraged Sting and his right hand men make their way to ringside.


HALL- Didn't you get the memo, dude? We didn't screw Hulk Hogan, mang...Hulk Hogan screwed Hulk Hogan! Now...Atlantic City...I think it's time we took a little survey. How many of you came here tonight to hear Toupee Trump flap his gums about how he missed the chance to trade hair plugs with Hulk Hogan?


There is a mixed reaction from the crowd


HALL- Alright, alright, I hear you...and how many of you's came out to the Taj Mahal to watch The Untouchables do what we do best? Cause a little trouble, start a few fires, and burn the roof off this rinky dink casino?


Again, the crowd is mixed.


NASH- Jees...tough crowd, bad guy! Let me ask you something, Trump. Did Hulk Hogan really change the world of wrestling, or was he carried to greatness on the back of men far greater than he could ever be? You see, Hulk Hogan was in the right place at the right time. Me and my good buddy Scott turned Hogan into a star because we felt sorry for him. We watched him stink up arena after arena and tried our best to make him culturally relevant again So we put up with his embarrassing dad dancing routine whilst he tried to get "down with the kids" in our nWo, but when the time came we had to take him out back and shoot him old yeller style. Put him out of his misery.


Which brings me...to DDP. You and Hogan have a lot in common, dude. I mean, we were prepared to carry you on our backs too. We threw you a bone because we felt sorry for you, but you threw it back in our faces. Well now you get to find out what a scary place this world is when you haven't got The Untouchables watching your back. You're going to find out first hand what we do to people we don't like. You had a good run, Page, and you should be proud of the fact that we carried you to the semi finals. Tonight, Jeff Jarrett's going to make an example out of you, and I'm going to be right here at ringside to watch!


JEFF- Thats right DDP! Jeff Jarrett is going all the way tonight baby! I'm on the roll of a lifetime...Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, your just another name to add to the list, Page.


TRUMP- I've been watching you these past few weeks, Jeff, and it's clear to me that you're a no good cheat, and if there's one thing I'm sure of it's that cheaters always get found out in Atlantic City!


JEFF- Is that a fact?! And whose going to stop me Trump? You? You know, there's a reason why they call me The King of Controversy around here... why don't I come and show you first hand?


The Untouchables make their way to the ring and surround Donald Trump...




...Until Governor Flair makes his presence felt and interupts proceedings.


FLAIR- Wait a minute, wait a damn minute! If anybody lays one finger on Donald Trump you will all be banned from the arena immediately! Let him out of the ring!


Trump leaves the ring untouched and retreats up the ramp


FLAIR- You fella's really think you're the first guys to group together and cause a scene? Let me tell ya, I was doing it years ago, and with a lot more style and profile than you'll ever know! I WAS the scene, and you're nothin more than pretenders to the throne! I was told that there's a party going down in Atlantic City tonight, and there's no way I'm letting any of you spoil it, whoooooo! So forget any idea's you have about interfering in Jeff Jarrett's match tonight, Kev! You'll all be a loooooong way from ringside if you know what's good for ya!


Sting, who has silently brooded throughout, finally speaks.


ENOUGH! When will you learn, Ric? What do I have to do to show you that your position of power is a sham? A mockery? Kevin Nash WILL be at ringside supporting Jeff Jarrett, as will Scott Hall and myself.


FLAIR- Oh really? Is that a fact? Tell me something, what makes you think I'm going to allow that to happen bucko?


STING- I don't care whether you allow it or not! It's going to happen...just like I'm going to face my own number one contender Sharkboy tonight!


FLAIR- Alright, listen up and listen good, Sting. If you or anybody else decides to step one foot through that curtain during the match, consider your WCW contract terminated with immediate effect!


Flair drops his microphone and stares a hole through Sting. Sting simply smiles and tells everybody to leave the ring as we cut to commercial.




They face off in the center of the ring, neither man capable of backing down from a fierce and hard hitting fight. Each blow landed reverbarates throughout the arena, each chop leaves a welt inprinted into the opponent. We have rarely seen Goldberg attacked with such menace in all his time in WCW. The technically adept Canadian Crippler bends and twists the chiseled body of Goldberg, chopping Da Man down to size.


Benoit had Goldberg in the crossface in the middle of the ring, seemingly at his mercy. Goldberg struggled back and forth, trying to pick the lock, but couldn't find a way out of it! Determined not to tap, he tried the only thing he knew to do, power out. Slowly but surely he found his way to his feet with Benoit clinging on for dear life...Goldberg turns the crossface into a Jackhammer! Goldberg covers for the pin...and gets it! Goldberg wins!


Here is your winner: Goldberg!


Exhausted from competition, both men make their way to their feet. Benoit can see how close he came to victory and has his head in his hands. Goldberg celebrates in the ring and grabs a microphone.


" One to go, Sting...one to go!"

After the commercial break, DDP makes his way to the ring for his match against Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett follows and is accompanied by his fellow untouchables, causing WCW officials to rush to ringside to throw them out. Sting produces several papers from his pocket which seem to cause the officials to back off.




Wait a minute! I want Sting, Nash and Hall removed from ringside! I'll come down there and get rid of themselves if I have to!



Sting waves the papers in the air for Flair to see


I'm afraid that's not going to happen Ric. I told you we were going to be out here and I told you I didn't care what you thought, and these papers are the reason why. You see, once again, your so called power amounts to nothing. These papers are direct from the office of your boss, Eric Bischoff. Come and take a look for yourself if you wish, or even better, give him a call, because tonight...you're looking at the special guest ring announcer, Sting! Not only that...please allow me to welcome two new additions to the announce team...Scott Hall and Kevin Nash!

The officials take the papers off Sting and give them to Flair. Flair seems convinced that they are indeed genuine.




The new commentators and ring announcer take up their positions and the match can officially begin. DDP is distracted by their presence and spends the early exchanges looking over his shoulder. Jarrett is over-confident as ever and parades around the ring knowingly. They lock up and DDP overpowers his opponent. Suddenly Jarretts mood changes...its game time.


What follows is a showcase for the talents of both individuals. Jarrett and DDP mesh together, holds followed by counterholds, and innovative offence aplenty. Despite their non-involvement in the match, DDP is still bothered by them, certain they will strike at any moment. Despite this, DDP gets the better of Jarrett and belly to back suplex.


Hall and Nash stand and remove their headsets. DDP see's them and motions them to come face him...but Nash points for Page to turn around...which he does, straight into DDT! Jarrett points to his head showing everybody just how clever they are, before putting Dallas expertly into a figure four! Even before Jarrett can lock the hold in, Sting rings the bell! Jarrett wins via a dubious submission to say the least!

Here is your winner: Jeff Jarrett




Oh come on! I don't care whether those papers were signed by Eric Bischoff or not, this is ridiculous!




Ridiculous? Come on, T-bird! Everybody could see DDP was going to tap out! Sting was just...saving some time! We must have been close to commercial or something...




Yeah, mang, DDP screwed DDP, not us. So, Big Sexy, you think we should teach this Jaboni not to mess with the untouchables?


HALL- Way ahead of you, bro.


With that, Hall and Nash make their way to ringside and help Jarrett lay a beating on DDP. Sting remains sat at the timekeepers bell, ringing it with mock surprise. With the damage done, Nash picks up a microphone.


NASH- The worlds a big scary place when you gotta go it alone, Page! Oh...and remember, nothing personal...just business.

The four members of the untouchables raise their hands in the ring, safe in the knowledge that Jarrett is one step closer to realising their plan.




What was Bischof thinking, letting these guys down here? He must have known something like this was going to happen?




Ya think? I have a feeling that's not the last we'll see of them either...




They have a right to be out here! If there's one thing I learnt as a manager its to always protect your investment, and nobody does that better than the Untouchables. Bring on Goldberg I say.



After a short commercial break, we joing Bagwell, Jindrak and Piper backstage.


PIPER-Ok, Laverne, Shirley...if those are your real names...? Tonights the night, girls, tonights the night you become real women by knocking Big Sexy and the bad guy off their pedastal...


BUFF- You know...I never got that nickname...I mean, Big Sexy?


JINDRAK- Yeah, more like...little ugly! Am I right!


BUFF-On the nose, Mizzark!


PIPER- OK, cool your jets, hotshots...save the name calling till after you win. Now The Outsiders...


JINDRAK- Yeah, and what's up with the name "Outsiders?" Outside of what?


BUFF- Outside of their tiny little minds! Am I right!?


PIPER- Enough! I don't care if their Outside, Inside, or in the ladies chamber! You guys aint even got a name!


BUFF- Yeah, but when we do, it's gonna be all kinds of awesome!


PIPER- Do you think I really care about what your name is, sweetcheeks? You could be the side by siders, the Sideboarders, the westside stories, the outdoorsmen, the out and abouters....hell, for all I care, you can take your little top hat, shine it up real nice....turn that sumbitch sideways......oh wait, thats the other guys, right? Sorry Vince...the point of the matter is that you guys still suck! So go out there and win a god damn match will ya?





Another match scheduled to highlight the competitors of the Masquerade Brawl which Tony and Tenay hyped on commentary throughout. La Parka was his usual energetic self, gyrating his hips to all and sundry. The experience of Juvi and Psychosis won the day, as they isolated the young Blitzkrieg and made him pay with a Juvi Driver.


Here are your winners: Psychosis and Juventud Guerrera


Post match, with all four men still in the ring, the lights dimmed and were replaced with a red spotlight that centered on each man. Flames flickered around the big screen and a brief message was shown.

No hope without pyre


No Smoke without fire


No need to deny


No fire without I




Another disturbing message from whoever this is...I can only assume we will find out more at Halloween Havoc.




You may be right, Mike, all I know is that I get goosebumps from these things!



Please...what a wuss! Anyway, we've got more important things coming up...Our World Champion Sting is set to face the REAL number one contender...Sharkboy!


TENAY- No offence to Sharkboy, who is a hell of a competitor, but I have to question Stings motives here.


TONY- Boy, is that an understatement! Sting is hellbent on showing Governor Flair up!


BOBBY- Oh ye of little faith! Am I the only one who thinks Sharkboy has a chance here? Sting has given him a great opportunity! Look how close La Parka came.




Before the match, Sharkboy picks up a microphone to the amusement of Sting.


SHARK- Hey Sting, before we do this, I just wanted to say what an honour it is to challenge for you title right here, in my home city of Atlantis! I didn't even know you humans knew where this place was! Anyway, I just wanted to say, thanks for the opportunity, and that I'm dedicating this match to my dad, John Tenta. I just hope I can grow to be half the SharkMan he is....



Sting cuts his off with a quick kick to the gut. Sting clearly isnt messing around in this one after the La Parka scare. A quick flurry and a stinger splash later and Sharky is tapping to the Scorpion deathlock.


Here is your winner, and STILL Heavyweight Champion, Sting


Meanwhile, backstage, Gene Okerlund is in the interview area




Joining me at this time, two of the biggest, meanest competitors in WCW, and two men who will face Bagwell and Jindrak at Halloween Havoc...I'm talking about Konnan, and of course, Bam Bam Bigelow. Now guys, we all know that Bagwell and Jindrak are yet to pick up a victory in the tag team division, but they are perhaps a different proposition under the tutilage of Roddy Piper/ My question to you is simply this, do you two feel that you are qualified to win not only this match but to go on and claim the tag team bounty?



BAM- Wow! What a question Gene! It's no wonder they're paying you the big bucks!


GENE- Thanks, I appreciate....


BAM- Ah, shut your mouth! Do you really need to ask us that, Gene? You're insulting us man! Me and the K-Dawg don't sweat nothing, especially two meatballs like Bagwell and Jindrak!


KONNAN- Órale! Arriba La Raza! Mean Gene, tonight, Atlantic City will witness first hand what losers Bagwell and Jindrak are when The Outsiders destroy them! If there's anything left of them come Halloween Havoc, me and B-Triple will finish them off! La Suerte De La Fea, La Bonita La Desea! We may be two ugly Cabrón's but we get it done, esse!


GENE- Ok, thanks guys, back to you Tony.




Thankyou Gene, we've got to take a short break now, but be sure to stay tuned, as The Outsiders will do battle with Bagwell and Jindrak next!



It was another case of close but not close enough for the perennial bridesmaids Bagwell and Jindrak. They really seem to have clicked as a tandem and looked like they might have had enough at several points in this one, but The Outsiders ring presence and experience won the day. Nash hit The Outsiders Edge on Bagwell for the victory.


Here are you winners, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall


Rey Mysterio is shown backstage sharing a joke with Chris Benoit




EDDY- Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's nice of you to keep the title warm for Chavito, holmes!


BENOIT- Keep walking Eddy...


EDDY- Or what, esse? I'm sick and tired of you thinking your better than me! All your so called honour and work ethic and what have you got to show for it Chris?


BENOIT- I've got my pride.


EDDY- Pride doesn't put food on the table, pride doesn't attract the mammacita's! Why don't you put your pride on the line on sunday esse? Me and Berlyn against you and anybody loco enough to team with you?


BENOIT- Your on, "esse."


Chavo steps between the two men to avoid a confrontation and looks Rey Rey in the face.


Rey...good luck on Sunday. May the best man win.

He offers his hand which Rey reluctantly accepts. To everyones surprise, Chavo simply shakes and leaves, leaving Mysterio confused




Hennig is more than game here, turning back the years and having his best match in recent history. Booker, for his part, is also on top form, showing he has the talent to be more than a tag team wrestler. The commentators mention that Stevie is nowhere to be seen tonight, alluding to further troubles between the two. Booker hits the ace kick to finish Hennig off in an impressive display leading into Halloween Havoc.

Here is your winner: Booker T

As Booker celebrates in the ring, big Sid Vicious storms down to ringside, intent on destroying his competition before Sunday. Sid goes face to face with Booker who refuses to back down. Sid smiles and wrings his hands at the prospect of dishing out some sweet Sid Justice...




...But here come The Steiner Brothers! The Steiners are clearly in an ass kicking mood tonight but Sid has other ideas and bails before they get there! The crowd cheer the returning heroes as they hold Bookers hand high as a show of defiance to the US champion Sid.




Whoa! Can you believe The Steiners are back in town!? I thought Rick Steiner could have been out for good!




They're lucky Sid left the ring or they could have been!



I'm not sure about that, Bobby, I think The Steiners had his number! And as exciting as all that is...next up is the moment we've all been waiting for...its the big one, Jarrett vs Goldberg, and it's gonna be live afer the break!




Jarrett is accompanied to the ring by his fellow untouchables who again take up their positions of commentators and timekeeper with everybody powerless to intervene. Just as the ref is about to reluctantly start the match...



...Ric Flair comes down to the ramp and begins to beckon people to follow him...




...A host of WCW's finest come down and surround the ring! Looks like we have ourselves an impromptu lumberjack match! Bret Hart stands by Sting as a warning not to even think about ending the match prematurely. Benoit and DDP stand, arms folded, next to the announce booth. This match is on!


A shell shocked Jarrett and Goldberg circle each other, not sure how to react. They eventually get down to business, Goldberg just powering out of Jarretts offence with ease! Jarrett collects himself in the corner, seemingly changing his gameplan on the fly. Jarrett charges but runs right into a big boot! Jarrett begs off Goldberg but he's not having any of it, he goes to pick Jarrett up...but he gets poked in the eye for his troubles!


Jarrett senses the blood in the water and begins to lay the boot into Goldberg. He punches and Kicks the downed Goldberg...but Da Man is just too strong and works his way back to his vertical base with a primal scream! They lock up...but Jarrett goes for a low blow! He's lucky the ref didn't see it or it could have been all over! Jarrett is clearly resorting to desperation moves already!


Jarrett changes his gameplan once again and decides to work the legs of Goldberg. The battle with Benoit earlier in the night has clearly taken its toll on Da Man, but he had hidden it well up until this point. Jarrett has Goldberg down and applies his patented Figure Four!


In the center of the ring, Goldberg is shouting and screaming as Jarrett cinches backwards! Jarrett is looking straight at Sting...as are twelve other angry men! Fearing his life, Sting dare not ring the bell. At this rate, Jarrett won't need him to, as Goldberg is close to tapping legitimately. He raises his hand...but refuses to give in! Goldberg slowly but surely turns Jarrett over, reversing the hold, and it is now Jarretts turn to scream in pain.


Jarrett inches his way towards the ropes, breaking the hold. A brief respite for both men. They get to their feet and trade blows, which goldberg clearly gets the better of. A wild swing by Jarrett misses its target by quite a margin, allowing Goldberg to grab him and set him up for the Jackhammer! After an eternity in the air...Goldberg finally slams him to the mat and looks for a cover...but Goldberg hasn't dished out enough pain today, so backs off into the corner.


Jarrett finally gets back to his feet as Goldberg stalks his prey....and hits the spear! Goldberg covers...1....2....3! He's done it!


Here is your winner, and Number One Contender, Goldberg!


Everybody rushes the ring and holds Goldberg high above their heads! The people and the wrestlers choice has done it and heads to Halloween Havoc! Somebody passes a mic up to Da Man who has three simple words...




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Hope that was an enjoyable show. I know it took me a lot longer than usual to get out but i've been having second and third thoughts on where to go from here and wanted to get things straight in my mind before progressing, hope the wait was worth it! Predictions with the professor will be up shortly.
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Predictions With The Professor


Hi everybody and welcome once again to Predictions with the Professor! What a great night Monday Nitro proved to be, and things don't look like stopping any time soon! It seems the formbook was right once again as there were a lot of clean sweeps this week. No real movers or shakers, as Tristram holds onto the top spot again by a 1 point margin.

tristram 48/60

hyde hill 47/60

jingo 36/48

totti 26/35

pate 24/34

zeel 21/30

turbinetrigger 19/28

dse 18/24

olympia 13/19

Slim Jim 13/13

cmdrsam 12/13


chuck 9/12



huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5




Well, we finally know who the number one contender is and another match was made official on Monday night, so lets take another look at the updated Halloween Havoc Card.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg

United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©

Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and a partner of his chosing.


The october tradition is shaping up to be a doozy, and with several days to go before the big event, who knows if any more matches will be added?




Onto Thunder now, which will eminate out of The Trump Taj Mahal once more. To commemerate the great Altlantic City area, Governor Flair has indicated that all matches will be contested under "Spin The Wheel, Make The Deal," rules. We don't know what stipulations will be involved, but previous spins have thrown up some interesting matches to say the least!




Once again, Sting has defied the authority of Governor Flair and named his own number one contenders, El Dandy and Norman Smiley! Sting has vowed that anything Goldberg can do, he can do better, which is why he has stated he can beat two men on one night, at the same time! Could Sting finally have bitten off more than he can chew so close to Halloween Havoc?




In a preview of Halloween Havoc, Chris Benoit will take on Wayward Son Berlyn in one on one competition. Benoit has yet to name his partner for sunday night but will be looking to make a statement of intent tonight. Eddy is sure to be close by, but will Benoits partner be also?





Following the shock return of The Steiners on Monday, the brothers wasted little time in making their intentions known, taking the US title away from Sid Vicious. If their actions on Nitro are anything to go by, they have officially endorsed Booker T's number one contender status, and will team up with him tonight. Their opponents are the notorious Tequila Slammers and the champ himself Sid Vicious. After backing down from The Steiners on Monday, Sid has brought the heavy artillery to Thunder and surely wont back down tonight!




Two men directly affected by the shenanigans of The Untouchables team up tonight to take on Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett. Sources suggest that Sting was less than happy with the way things went down on Nitro and has sent Jarrett out to prove he is worthy of untouchable status. How The King of Controversy will respond is anybodies guess but expect this to be a tag match filled with issues.




Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio will be in non title competition against Psychosis as he prepares to put his new title on the line at Halloween Havoc. Psychosis will also be looking for a strong performance going into the Masquerade brawl match, plus a win here would do his title aspirations a world of good. Hopefully Chavo's recent respectfulness will stick and he will not interfere in this sure to be stellar matchup.




The innovator of offence has been embroiled in the ongoing Booker T/ Sid Vicious feud of late, but tonight he looks to make a name for himself, and who betta than Kanyon to do just that? Even at this late stage in his career, Savage is not a man to look easily past though, yet his recent dealings with Scott Hall have lead to several niggling injuries.



Finally, The Icemen look to get on a winning streak against the experienced duo of Regal and Taylor, the bluebloods. The Icemen have often been overlooked in favour of more glamourous and obnoxious teams in the chase for the tag team bounty, but make no mistake, both men can go in the ring as The Bluebloods know only too well. Will The Icemen be able to take out their biggest scalp to date?


All this plus much much more, live tonight on WCW Thunder. Make sure not to miss an action packed minute. See you there!





The Bluebloods vs The Icemen


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers

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Excellent show mate and I really like what you are doing so far. One tends to forget how much starpower WCW still had around those days, the problem was they where not using it right.


Thanks a lot Hyde...did I tell you your my favourite to win the predictions!? WCW sure does have a lot of talent and I hope I'm using most of it. It's so hard to keep everyone happy!

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Great show mate and i'm really looking forward to Halloween Havoc. Hoping to make a late surge in the predictions now.



The Bluebloods vs The Icemen

Icemen look good for a push here.


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon

Savage is more established, but I could definitely see Kanyon getting an upset.


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

Two men still ain't good enough to beat the Stinger.


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis

Even in non title action i'll go with the champ to come out stronger.


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit

Benoit destroys him. I think we could find out his partner aswell as he nullifies the threat of Eddy.


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett

DDP lost last week to Jarrett so I think he could do with the rub here. Plus Bret is ALOT better than Hall.


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers

Not too sure here, but I think this is a safe bet.

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The Bluebloods vs The Icemen


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers


Thanks man here's hoping Tristram makes a mistake but I am glad to bow down to the local WCW king hehe.

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The Good Week/Bad Week Report


Hello and welcome to the only report that brings you the ups and downs from all the major wrestling promotions around the world. It's been a great week for some, and a tragically bad one for others, so lets get right down to business shall we?




It's not exactly been a stellar week for the creative departments of the big two, WWF and WCW. The F have been catching up to WCW in terms of popularity recently and as such have been looking to expand their roster. This week has seen the likes of The Rock, Steve Austin and Mankind joined by amazing up and coming talent...The Road Warriors, One Man Gang and John Tenta? No offence to any of those guys but the WWF has become well known for pushing underutilised and disenfranchised young talent with exciting and edgy new gimmicks. Correct me if I'm wrong but the 45 year old One Man Gang doesn't exactly scream WWF attitude to me. Could this be a sign of the burn out that Vince Russo spoke of before he jumped to WCW?


Speaking of WCW, for all the promises made by the new creative team...I can't help but feel that not much has really changed. Sure, there's a few new faces in the mix, but is anything really different? Lets see...overbooked main event? Check! Swerves for swerves sake? Check! Music acts taking up valuable PPV time? Check! Tag team partners who hate each other? Check! Its a little too early to judge the new regimes booking too harshly. and there are signs of a more logical process, but the early signs don't exactly fill me with hope that the new WCW will be any different to the old one.



Somebody in the WWF sure likes D'von Dudley, as he was awarded the newly created WWF TV title at No Mercy this past Sunday. D'von won a hard fought match against Bob Holly at the PPV to become the champ. At the moment it is unclear what this means for the Dudley Boyz as a tag team but kudos to D'von.




A bad week ensued for the controversial Kid Kash. Not only did he suffer two defeats in ECW, (one against heavyweight champion Mike Awesome at Hot in the Shade, and one against Jerry Lynn on TNN,) but word Toryumon in Japan is that the bragadocious one has been trying to polotic his way to the top, causing the majority of his colleagues to turn on him. A word to the wise, Kash, if you want to make it big in Japan, don't piss off Ultimo Dragon and Tiger Mask, eh?



In another great week for Awesome, he once again retained his ECW title, this time on PPV at Hot in the Shade. Awesome is on the roll of a lifetime, and it shows no signs of stopping. Surely it't only a matter of time before this dead cert plies his trade in one of the big two.




At the NJPW Super Grade Tag League Show, Mr Gannosuke missed his opportunity to gain the Top Contender Title. Hiromichi Fuyuki bested Gannosuke in front of 15,000 at The Tokyo Dome this past monday.




On Monday's Nitro, Goldberg finally claimed the number one contender position for Halloween Havoc, beating both Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett in one night. Next Stop Halloween Havoc against World Champion Sting this sunday. Da Man has really been kept strong by the new regime in WCW and a world title victory would be the icing on the cake.



Oh boy, what a bad week for Jado! News broke out of Japan this week that he had been involved in some kind of altercation at a show. It later turned out that Jado had been arrested on assault charges, and was later imprisoned for six months! Jado will be available to wrestle straight away after that period, but sources suggest he could be black balled from all major Japanese promotions.



Mexican Grappler Universo 2000 not only won the CMLL heavyweight title against Dr. Wagner Jnr. this week, he went on to defend the title against Vampiro Canadiense on CMLL TV. The 36 year old is one of the most popular Lucha's in the whole of Mexico at the moment and is putting in some amazing displays.




Terrence Ladd, better known by his ring name Mustafa Saed, sadly passed away this week at the age of 35. Saed was best known as one half of the gangsta's with New Jack in ECW. No word as yet the cause of the death, but our condolences go out to his friends and relatives. He was 35.




Finally, best week...of the week...goes to Triple H, who successfully defended his WWF championship against three men at No Mercy. Hunter bested Christian, The Big Show and Steve Austin in a match garnering MOTY level hype. HHH was not present on this weeks Raw, supposedly due to minor injuries suffered in the match, but expect the cerebral assassin to be back in action and defending his title sooner rather than later.


Thats all for this week, be sure to check out Thunder and Smackdown later in the week, and join us same time next week for more good weeks and bad weeks!

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The Bluebloods vs The Icemen


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers

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Great show mate. The booking for Sting is fantastic as people weren't sure whether to buy him at the time as a heel so this is great subtle yet strong booking to turn him fully in the fans eyes. And the tag team of Jindrak and Buff is as awesome as anything I've ever seen. Ever. It is perfect for Buff with his personality but great training and exposure for Mindrak. Quality. I'm playing the same game as you at the moment and I know in the data Buff is pretty darn over, but Jindrak is very green, so it works.


Really enjoyed the Good Week report, was a nice way to introduce what is going on in your game world. And I'll tells ye this, if something big happens in the data, say, Christian takes off and becomes the biggest thing in wrestling, then if you sign him or whatever it'll mean something more than "here is... Christian! He has become something important, promise!"

Anyway, predictions.


The Bluebloods vs The Icemen

Think they have the more appropriate people to go over at this time


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon

Savage needs to keep staying strong for his name value but I would love to see Kanyon go places. The Kanyon Kutter thing he did on people backstage in the old WCW was genius. So funny.


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

Not sure about why you would bury two people to continue this story when it was working with one, as Sting stayed strong but no one person could be blamed for losing to the champion. However, it will certainly help keep Sting strong as he turns heel. And if someone young were to beat him in one of these types of matches, even by fluke, that would be tooo sweeet.


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis

Rey Rey has the potential to be one of those big names that really draw people in to shows (Tritram really did this with DOWCW) whereas this is the role for Psicosis, having great midcard matches.


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit

Alex Wright was always a decent hand in the ring and perfect in the jobber to the stars role, but this is Benoit we're talking about.


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett

But this is just a stab on the dark, because there is no real right or wrong answer


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers

I like the Slammers and Sid is uesful, but the other team have more going for them


Should be another quality show.

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Thanks for all the predictions so far guys.


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

Not sure about why you would bury two people to continue this story when it was working with one, as Sting stayed strong but no one person could be blamed for losing to the champion. However, it will certainly help keep Sting strong as he turns heel. And if someone young were to beat him in one of these types of matches, even by fluke, that would be tooo sweeet.


Well, Keef, I appreciate your comments here because they kind of echo my sentiments a little bit. I generally hate when tag teams are jobbed to one man and even here I had reservations. What I will say is that I think it makes sense in Stings distorted reality for him to try and duplicate and better Goldberg before Halloween Havoc. Also, without giving too much away, I think the handicap nature of the match will make more sense once read in context with the show. All I can say is remember all matches will be contested under spin the wheel conditions....



Just wanted to say also that I fully intend to continue this diary despite starting up the Grey Dog Community Project thread. I see that as much more of a side project that hopefully many of you will participate in, making it a fun diary to dip into when it's my turn!


Will hopefully be writing most of the evening , (if I can wrestle the computer away from my family...) so look for Thunder to be up in the next day or so.


Thanks again.

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Slim Jim 13/13





The Bluebloods vs The Icemen

They just seem to have more upside. While I love Regal, he's so much better than this tag team so I'm hoping they lose and it sparks a rift in the team and he ditches Taylor.


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon

I really, really, really want to go for Savage but Kanyon would benefit more from a win, and Savage can easily recover from a loss here.


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

Because otherwise you aren't allowed to post again ever.


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis

He's the cruiser poster boy and is heading into a title defense, while Psych is heading into a multi-man match that he likely won't win. Though Chavo could throw a spanner in the works, I doubt what happened on the last show was a one-show moment of [perhaps phony] sportsmanship.


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit

...Because he's awesome and Berlyn's not.


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett

Or it'll get thrown out by the ref. The Untouchables have had a little wobble on the last show, it'll happen again here, then they'll re-group with a Sting victory.


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers

The Steiners are fresh back into action so have all the momentum. The Slammers are losing to Jindrak/Bagwell at HH in my opinion so a loss here gives a reason for them being thrown off their stride before that, and Booker going over Sid in a multi-man match [though Sid won't get pinned] will give Booker the momentum to take the belt or set Sid up to bounce back and retain; a Sid victory here doesn't work as well in my mind.

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