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Babes of Sin City - Through the Looking Glass

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BSC Temptation



4th Friday of April 2008: The Piper Casino

Attendance: 245




If felt strange not going down the ramp with Honey when the music hit, but it did allow me to have more leeway in changing the show on the fly. I gave Coco a quick kiss before Hard Candy stepped out wearing matching leather pants and tight white tops. It was an expected start to the show, but a rather good one none the less, with the three of them putting on a nice dance before Roxy slid out of the ring and came back up the ramp.

{Rating: C-}


http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg vs. http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7025/britneyhollywood.jpghttp://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg

Sweet As Candy vs. Hollywood Magic in a Bra & Panties match


All things considered, it was a decent showing. They had enough back and forth to keep it interesting, and when Britney had her clothes ripped off she showed off a bit at ring side while Coco finished stripping Sprite. I had Raven plan the match out, and it probably wasn't quite as perfect as I hoped, but it was still good enough for an opening bout.

{Rating: E ~ Winner: Sweet As Candy}




Honey got out of her chair and slid into the ring. "Now, I've let this new guy run around unchecked for a while, signing contracts and making matches however he has pleased, but as of right now, that stops." She started in on how I was wrecking what BSC was, and how I had to be stopped, and how she was going to bring BSC back to what it really was.


That was my cue. "What BSC really was?" I said stepping out without any fanfare. "You mean some washed up side show? Let me be clear. You may have started BSC some years ago, but in the past few months I have made BSC. I have done nothing besides make BSC a thousand times better than you could ever had hoped to."


We traded a few more lines before Honey stopped and looked over my shoulder. "You remember when you did this?" she asked. "Because I remember. Do you remember how you had already convinced someone to help you when you did? Because I remember that very well."


I frowned then turned right as Alexis came running out and nailed me with a chair. She was dressed in a much darker outfit then normal, with a rather wicked looking tomahawk hanging from her hip.


"Just to be clear, not everyone is happy with your booking. Alexis is one of those that aren't happy." she said as I stumbled to my feet and backstage.

{Rating: D-}


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1817/nursehopedaye.jpg

Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Nurse Hope Daye


Alexis, no longer with Annie to help her, got into the ring as Honey left. Then Hope came out in her standard white outfit. She slid into the ring and offered a hand to Alexis, who swept it away and just started into her. There was only a little resistance from Hope and no really nothing else of note until Alexis knocked her down and pinned her. Alexis then got up and went to leave the ring, but then saw Hope getting up. She then hit her and stripped her down to her underwear, a pair of bright red lace bra and panties.

{(Match) Rating: E ~ Winner: Alexis Lee Littlefeather / (Stripping) Rating: D}


http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8403/dharmagreggalt08.jpg vs. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg

Dharma Gregg vs. Charlize Angelle


Once Heather had helped Hope out of the ring, Dharma came out in a full, rather covering, bright blue cheerleader outfit with stockings and and started to dance. After a little playing around she started to strip off the outfit to show a full set of lingerie just as blue as the cheerleader outfit underneath it. Once she was down the just lingerie,

came out, wearing similar, but bright red, lingerie. While the match itself was a mess, it got a bigger reaction than any of the other matches, not that I could really blame anyone for that. Charlize ended it with an Angelle Delight without any help from the rest of the Kiss Of Death.

{(Stripping) Rating: C- / (Match) Rating: E+}




came out and played to the crowd a bit before her music died.


"Now pay attention Ms. Golightly, because this is how you influence a show." I said, still behind the entrance for effect. "Because you can try to change things all you want, but I still have my hands in a bit of everything." I stepped out with a brief case in my hand. "Raven, would you like to do the honors?"


"Well, since Sean is the one that brought me in here originally, I felt it was best to do what I could for him, and therefore, as of right now, he will be managing all my affairs."


Honey cut in with a few lines, but we just ignored them. "Now, my first act as Ms. Nightfall's manager is to announce, just as last week, an open challenge, with the title on the life, against this unbeatable beauty." I spent a bit longer hyping up Raven before...

{(New Manager) Rating: E+ / (Open Challenge) Rating: D}



http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpg vs. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)

Paige Croft vs. Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe

...Paige stepped out and accepted it. We threw a couple of insults at each other while she made her way down to the ring. She finally got in and I took my place at ring side with the title. It felt strange to be that close and to be cheering on Raven, although I did want her to beat Paige up a little for the grief she had been causing me. In the end though it was an even match that Raven won with her feet up on the ropes. Raven then put on a bit of a celebration for the crowd, which was probably the highlight of the show.

{(Accepted Challenge) Rating: D- / (Match) Rating: D- ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall / (Celebration) Rating: C}


{Show's Final Rating: D-}

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6:21pm, Thursday, Week 2, May 2008: The Piper Casino




"Here's that report you asked for." Buttercup said, laying the small package on my desk. It confirmed that Marilyn was no longer on my roster.


"Now, I don't want you too mention this until after the show, but we're going to be letting Annie go. I want to send her something nice as a going away present." She was the one that really gave me the job, but in the end she wasn't cutting it as a manager anymore. There were only a handful of people that should could really help and I just didn't think it would be nice to keep stringing her along without ever really putting her on the show.


{A Personal Note: Well, term papers are in. You know, waiting for grades to come back on something major feels vaguely like playing the roulette... but waiting for something to come back that decides my final grade feels more like Russian roulette. I should have anouther show up followed by a roster up date soon. Gotta get the show up first though. This post gives two little tidbits of information, but all I can do for now... I've got to get back to classes.}

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BSC Play Hard



2nd Friday of May 2008: The Piper Casino

Attendance: 300




I wanted some leeway in the start of the show because I felt that I was maybe slipping a little, so we started with a long solid hype of Raven's last few matches, starting with her winning the Queen of the Ring title, moving on to her matches with Paige, Nadia and Dharma, then added a few shots of Wanda beating her in their match before ending with a slow motion clip of Raven nailing Wanda with the belt then stripping her.

{Rating: C}


http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7025/britneyhollywood.jpghttp://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpghttp://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Hollywood Magic vs. Officer Goodhead and Vampella w/Sienna DeVille in a Lingerie match


Hollywood Magic came out and put on a bit of a show, dancing around for the crowd in matching bright pink lingerie. While not the stars of the show, they put on a good bit for the crowd before their match started. They didn't look too confident as their opponents walked to the ring (with Sienna carrying Vampella's belt behind her). Vampella stepped up onto the apron, and dropped her cloak to show off her fancy black corset and stockings while Goodhead was still walking to the ring in her blue lingerie with a bright badge pinned to it. Once the match started, Vampella really ruled it the entire time, with Goodhead getting only a little bit of offensive at the beginning before tagging out and staying out until Vampella pinned Britney.

{(Dance) Rating: D+ / (Match) Rating: E- ~ Winner: Officer Goodhead and Vampella}




I gave Coco a quick kiss before Sweet As Candy came out and put on a dance for the crowd wearing their now standard catholic school girl uniforms. I actually liked watching them from behind the curtains a bit. Just as thier dance was ending...

{Rating: C}




I stepped out to a few boos. I actually wasn't completely sure whether it was that they didn't like me, or they didn't like they character. Either way I walked strait up to the ring and took my time getting inside before grabbing a mic and calling Alexis out. She just stood at the enterance, letting her music die before I announced that she would be in a handicap match against Sweet As Candy.

{Rating: E}


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg vs. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg

Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Sweet As Candy


The match unfortunately went worst then I expected. It was less than four minutes, but that was four minutes of actual wrestling, something that they BSC originals should have most defiantly not tried. Lindsay actually got something thrown at her at one point. They did, however, follow my instructions to concentrate on actually wrestling rather than just putting on their standard fair. The match did get the point of Alexis beating both Coco and Lindsay easily across though. It ended with Alexis pinning Coco.

{Rating: F+ ~ Winner Alexis Lee Little Feather ~ Let me clear this up. I know I could/should have imported a handicap Diva match, but I thought 'hey, lets see if we can put on something that is actually akin to wrestling?'. I will not make that mistake again.}


http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg vs. http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6985/alisoncapone.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Roxy Kitten vs. Alison Capone w/Sienna DeVille


I could only be thankful that our next match between Roxy and Alison went better than I thought it well. Some people actually seemed to be following their story and cheered Roxy when she hit Alison with a Backstage Pass and pinned her. Buttercup came up to me in the middle of the match, after I finished telling Coco that I was sorry for setting up ther last match, and thanked me for having her book that match.

{Rating: D- ~ Winner: Roxy Kitten}




came running down at that point and nailed Roxy, before she and Alison stripped her school girl outfit off and tossed her out of the ring. It got a pretty good reaction, and I thought that maybe I should start moving the Hard Candy vs. The Kiss Of Death storyline to the end of the show. It didn't hit me until after the show of how good an idea that actually was.

{Rating: C-}




with me following. I strutted around and went on about how great Raven was for a while before announcing that once again she was holding the title up for anyone to come in and take her on. I thought that maybe Raven could get by without me, but being right in the middle of the show kept me on my feet, or at least made me feel important.

{Rating: D}




To the few people who actually followed what was going on's surprise,

. She announced that she had signed a contract with Honey and that let her take the match we just offered. We shot a few insults at each other before I told her that is she really wanted to get beaten I would let her take on Raven despite her previous losses.

{Rating: D}



http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) vs. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg

Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe vs. Nadia Snow


The match was decent, but not nearly as good as I hoped, getting a worst reaction after the match between Roxy and Alison. Overall it was a pretty back and forth match, putting on some real wrestling, that ended suddenly when...




Wanda came running out, knocked me down, snatched up the title and nailed Raven with it, getting Nadia disqualified. Wanda smacked Raven around a bit taking a long ten minutes to strip her down to her extremely skimpy black thong and bra.

{(Match) Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall by DQ / (Strip) Rating: C-}


{Final Show Rating: E+}


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




While Roxy and Alison were having their match, apparently Buttercup and Lindsay got into a fight. Coco tried to come get me, but by the time she found me I was already out at ringside with Raven. Apparently Lindsay blamed the people hating her during her match on Buttercup, and while I tried to explain that it wasn't anyone's fault, neither of them would get along with the other for the rest of the night.


{No, I'm not dead. I'm just having a hard time with finding the time to do this right now. I'm not going to stop, but my posts aren't going to be nearly as frequent as I liked. This post isn't nearly as good as I would like, but once I've sorted out the problems I have been having, they should improve in quality again.}

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{No, I'm not dead. I'm just having a hard time with finding the time to do this right now. I'm not going to stop, but my posts aren't going to be nearly as frequent as I liked. This post isn't nearly as good as I would like, but once I've sorted out the problems I have been having, they should improve in quality again.}

I thought it was just fine. If you don't have as much time right now and the posts aren't as frequent, that's perfectly OK. Don't rush yourself. Better to delay it than try and force it, and turn it from a fun hobby into something tedious.

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<p>I'm playing BSC right now.</p><p> </p><p>

Sin City Super Soakers are best matches because they have 5 minutes of time so you get more angles.</p><p> </p><p>

You need your workers to have at least B- in sex appeal to do sex appeal matches.</p><p> </p><p>

Honey Golightly and Sara Silver are very good workers. You can use anybody in a 5 minute sex appeal related match(B- sex appeal withstanding) as long as their opponent has C psychology. Just make sure to give your non-wrestlers a match every six months so they don't develop ring rust for when they've developed enough popularity to be in a match.</p><p> </p><p>

Heather Halo is good because she has good sex appeal. You can have her wrestle some matches(you can only have two special guest referees per show without it affecting ratings).</p><p> </p><p>

Lingerie battle royals are good for developing workers skills and not having too many matches that drag crowds mood down.</p><p> </p><p>

IMHO, you have to hold frequent shows because females are like a ticking time bomb. Once they have less than B- sex appeal you have to start using regular matches(of course, regular matches still have use to job momentum/overness from workers with less than B- sex appeal). And if you use regular matches, you might as well be women's entertainment. And women's entertainment is pointless when you should just be integrated.</p><p> </p><p>

You get Golightly, Angelle, and Dharma Gregg for a bargain. You're not going to get that with freshly generated workers and you're not getting to find a ref as multitaskable as Heather Halo.</p><p> </p><p>

So while in theory it might be good to do monthly shows to build up a war chest I don't know if it's good in practice the way the data is set up. If their were more workers generated each month then yes that would be the way to do it. Monthly shows allow for more merchandise and sponsorship income after all.</p>

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<p>I had to redo this... and the first time Sprite got an A on her gimmick... Sucks...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:36px;">BSC Wicked Women</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:18px;">4nd Friday of May 2008: The Piper Casino</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Attendance: 250</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg</span><span>http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/773/honeygolightlyalt1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

To start the show we kicked off with <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FignHorNrAU" rel="external nofollow"><span style="color:#4169E1;">Wanda coming out</span></a> and playing to the crowd a bit. She did a bit of teasing around the ring before grabbing a mic and climbing up one of the turnbuckles.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#4169E1;">"Now, we all know who is the the best out here, but it seems that I just can't catch a break can I?"</span> She turned to Honey. <span style="color:#4169E1;">"Now, I know Raven's been putting on these open challenges, but I don't want to fight her because she let me. I got screwed out of the title just a while back, and now I've proven that I can more than take her. I deserve a title shot, and I want you to make it happen."</span></p><p> </p><p>

She and Honey went back and forth a bit, hyping up Wanda the entire time, till finally Honey said that she already had a surprise in store for the main event of the night, that it would be a first in BSC and that Wanda and Raven would most certainly be a part of it.</p><p>

<strong>{Rating: D+}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> vs. </span></strong><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1817/nursehopedaye.jpg</span><p><strong>

Sprite vs. Nurse Hope Daye in a Bra & Panties match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sprite came running to the ring in a slightly modified version of her normal outfit. We had replaced the top with something a bit tighter and shinier and added a few more frills. She jumped around at ringside for a bit before rolling into the ring and annoncing that <span style="color:#FF00FF;">"...as the great pixie hero Sprite, I've been slacking on my duties, but now I'm here to make sure you all have a great time!"</span> It was a bit more comic bookie, but got a decent response all the same. Her match against Hope went fairly well too and ended with Sprite ripping of the tight white nurses uniform. She then ripped off her own outfit and they both danced a bit for the crowd.</p><p>

<strong>{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Sprite / Celebration rating: D+}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7596/alexisleelittlefeather.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> vs. </span></strong><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg</span><p><strong>

Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Roxy Kitten in a Bra & Panties match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

This match was far beyond what I could have dreamed. Alexis and Roxy just flowed and with Wanda setting up the match it was just slick (at least compared to what BSC normally put on). Roxy had Alexis down to just a leather skirt and was trying to pull it off when Alison Capone came running down. She knocked Heather down and then went after Roxy managing to chase her out of the ring. While she was yelling at Roxy standing at the ropes, Alexis nailed her and threw her out of the ring at the far side before going after Roxy herself. Roxy took advantage of the situation and hit her while she was coming out of the ropes, tying her up in them and ripping off her skirt.</p><p>

<strong>{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Roxy Kitten}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg</span><span>http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6985/alisoncapone.jpg</span><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg</span><span>http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Roxy then rolled out of the ring and was started up the ramp before stopping when she noticed Alison at the top of it. As they stood their Vampella came out from under the ring and nailed Roxy, throwing her back in it. Alison then ran to the ring and helped Vampella strip Roxy before parading her around. At one point Vampella he jumped up on Roxy's back and used her as a horse.</p><p>

<strong>{Strip Rating: D+}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4206/bscgirlpower.jpg</span><span>http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/4206/bscgirlpower.jpg</span><p>

<span>http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6985/alisoncapone.jpg</span><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> (w/</span></strong><span>http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">) vs. </span></strong><span>http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpg</span><span>http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg</span></p><p><strong>

Bad To The Bone vs. Sweet As Candy in a Mud Wrestling match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Sienna was announcing that they they didn't want to bother dealing with more <span style="font-family:'Arial Black';"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Hard Candy</span></span> than they had too, and as they had a title match against Sweet As Candy next they thought it was a good idea to take out Roxy. The end of her last sentence was punctuated by Coco and Lindsay running down to the ring thought, forcing Alison and Vampella back and giving Roxy a chance to run for the entrance. As Lindsay stood at the edge of the ring keeping them out of it, Coco rolled out and grabbed the title off the announcing table where Sienna had put them down. She then walked up to the mud pit that had been sitting next to the entrance and held them up, tossing them to Sienna and then just tossing Alison into the pit when they got close enough. Alison put up most of the fight of the match, which wasn't as good as I thought it would have been. Even Coco and Lindsay getting their outfits half ripped off during the match didn't really make it that great. It sort of put a damper onto the ending, where Roxy ran in, still wearing only her bright red bra and panties, and hit Alison as she was trying to get out to tag Vampella, giving Coco and chance to roll her up.</p><p>

<strong>{Match Rating: E ~ Winner: Sweet As Candy (NEW CHAMPIONS)}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg</span><span>http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpg</span><span>http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The three of them then chased Vampella away, took the titles from Sienna, and loomed over Alison before letting her get away too. Roxy then pulled out a few buckets of watered and they celebrated by cleaning off the mud and dancing for the crowd, all them then down to their tattered underwear, which got a much better reaction than the any match.</p><p>

<strong>{Celebration Rating: C-}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/773/honeygolightlyalt1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I gave Coco a quick kiss as she was headed to take a shower with the girls as Honey got into the ring and strutted around a bit like she owned the place, which, of course, was exactly true. <span style="color:#4B0082;">"Now, things have been changing in BSC. We've been doing things that we've never done before, and brought in people that we would have never considered before. One last thing is left to change. We're having a new type of match here in the Babes of Sin City. And that would be a Ladder Match! And this won't be just any ladder match. This is going to be a three way for the Queen Of The Ring Championship."</span> She turned to the entrance. <span style="color:#4B0082;">"While Wanda was right in that she got screwed out of a title shot because Raven decided to just nail her with a title, Wanda herself has screwed someone else over in her last attempt to prove herself. That would be Nadia Snow!"</span> Honey then continued a bit before finally getting out of the ring and letting the show continue on.</p><p>

<strong>{Announcement Rating: D-}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/2716/bscqueen.jpg</span><p>

<span>http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> (w/</span></strong><span>http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">) vs. </span></strong><span>http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg</span><strong><span style="font-size:18px;"> vs. </span></strong><span>http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg</span></p><p><strong>

Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe vs. Wanda Fish vs. Nadia Snow</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/wKgngrMhplE?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Genitorturers - Lecher Bitch"></iframe></div></div>, giving them a chance to raise the title as the rest of the girls came out. I danced around her a bit trying to hype her up as <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FignHorNrAU" rel="external nofollow"><span style="color:#4169E1;">Wanda came down the ramp</span></a>. Finally, with Wanda wandering around the outside of the ring, kicking the ladders a bit,

<div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/xlkEw6jGem4?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Oxide & Neutrino Devils Nightmare"></iframe></div></div> and I rolled out of the way and let them get on with it. Truthfully, I have to say I spent the entire match worrying about it just tanking, but the crowd actually seemed to be pretty into it. It was pretty open, with Raven and Wanda getting some time, followed by Raven and Nadia until Wanda came back in and started attacking Nadia to only have them team up against Raven as she went for the title. It ended with Wanda hitting Nadia and tossing her out of the ring only to be kicked in the back by Raven who made a beeline strait for the title. I delayed the both of them a bit before Wanda finally tossed me to the side. It was however just enough time and Raven was pulled from the ladder just as she got the title off. We ended the night with Raven celebrating her win with dancing for the crowd as I ran around the ring and hyped her on the mic. It actually ended the show on a pretty high note.<p>

<strong>{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall / Sexy Dance Rating: C}</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>{Final Rating: D-}</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BuddyGarner" data-cite="BuddyGarner" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24876" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So while in theory it might be good to do monthly shows to build up a war chest I don't know if it's good in practice the way the data is set up. If their were more workers generated each month then yes that would be the way to do it. Monthly shows allow for more merchandise and sponsorship income after all.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I know what you mean with the monthly shows. With BSC finding just how much to put on is a huge problem, particularly if you know you have an owner goal that's going to mess you up real bad in a while. I got the "Have to be at a certain place in the promotion rankings at such and such date (#26 that is still, fortunately 19 months off). But considering that I'm down at 29 even after a series of good shows... Also, if you hire 'outside help' like I have, putting them in too many is going to start eating up money, while not putting them in enough means that those shows end up lower anyways. As you can see, I've found running two shows a month to be a pretty healthy compromise. Also I personally try to stick with keeping only the wrestler wrestling because otherwise I know I'll mess it up at some point (I just know that I'll forget something).</p>
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<p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">12:47am, 4nd Saturday of May 2008: The Piper Casino</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6985/alisoncapone.jpg</span><span>http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/7341/ravennightfallalt2.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

I was laughing with Honey a bit over a drink, some kind of wine for her and a coke for me, when Coco came running up. <span style="color:#800080;">"Sean, we need you."</span> She looked nervous, so rather than ask her anything, I just got up and followed her. As we were walking down the hall she said that Alison was claiming that the only reason Raven was had come on the show was because she was sleeping with me. While what she was claiming didn't even make sense, Raven still overheard it and was pissed and apparently they were arguing enough to make Coco think that something was going to happen. Just as we were getting close to the room they were in I heard someone, probably Raven, scream 'Bitch!' and then a lot of stuff getting knocked over.</p><p> </p><p>

I ran the last few steppes and tossed the door open to see Wanda trying to hold Raven back while Alexis and Buttercup kept Alison from going after Raven. A table had been knocked over when Raven leapt at Alison. I stepped in and helped Wanda to force Raven back out the door, telling her to go outside and cool off before anything else.</p><p> </p><p>

I then stepped back in and started shouting at Alison. She didn't smell like alcohol or anything so it was just her being stupid. I basically ran down a list of things I was already pissed about and took them out on her.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#696969;"><strong>"Fine, I'll be more considerate in the future."</strong></span> was all she said. I then told her to go home.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>{Incident with Alison and Raven almost leading to a fist fight ~ I 'Read the Riot Act' ~ Her response was exactly what was above.}</strong></p>

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<p>A (not so) quick overview of my roster, just for me (seriously... no looking...)</p><p> </p><p>

Okay, so some of their gimmicks I haven't been playing too as much as I should. I'm going to be fixing that. I am also 'tweaking' BSC's product to how I have been using it.</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Nadia Snow ~ Heel (Arrogant Heel/B) ~ Momentum: D-</p><p>

Paige Croft ~ Face (Tomboy/B-) ~ Momentum: C</p><p>

Raven Nightfall ~ Heel (Mysterious/B+) ~ Momentum: C ~ Managed by Sean Wolfe</p><p>

Wanda Fish ~ Heel (Bitter Veteran/B-) ~ Momentum: D-</p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard</p><p>

Charlize Angelle ~ Heel (Seductress/B) ~ Momentum: C ~ Managed by Sienna DeVille</p><p>

Jen Neptune ~ Face (Strait Edge/B-) ~ Momentum: C+ ~ Managed by Kathy</p><p>

Kathy Neptune ~ Face (Clubber/B) ~ Momentum: C+ ~ Managed by Jen</p><p>

Roxy Kitten ~ Face (Grunge Rocker/C) ~ Momentum: B</p><p> </p><p>


Alexis Lee Littlefeather ~ Heel (Native American/D) ~ Momentum: B-</p><p>

Alison Capone ~ Heel (Seductress/C+) ~ Momentum: C ~ Managed by Sienna DeVille</p><p>

Coco De La Soleil ~ Face (Fun Babyface/B) ~ Momentum: D+ ~ Managed by Lindsay Sugar</p><p>

Dharma Gregg ~ Face (Girl Next Door/C+) ~ Momentum: C</p><p>

Lindsay Sugar ~ Face (Fun Babyface/B) ~ Momentum: C+ ~ Managed by Coco De La Soleil</p><p>

Sprite ~ Face (Comic Book Hero/B) ~ Momentum: E+</p><p> </p><p>

Lower Midcard</p><p>

Amy Galaxy ~ Face (Changing to Comic Book Hero/Unrated) ~ Momentum: C</p><p>

Britney Hollywood ~ Face (Diva/B-) ~ Momentum: D+</p><p>

Officer Goodhead ~ Heel (Law Enforcer/B+) ~ Momentum: C</p><p>

Vampella ~ Heel (Goth/B+) ~ Momentum: D- ~ Managed by Sienna DeVille</p><p> </p><p>


Nurse Hope Daye ~ Face (Nurse/B-) ~ Momentum: E+</p>

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<p>Product Change</p><p> </p><p>

Now, I've tweaked the product to what I think is closer to what I've been playing. I would do this in character, but I can't think of how to make what exactly I did clear. First, I changed Match Intensity to 10% (from 5%), and I dropped Comedy to Low and raised Cult to Medium. I'm doubtful that this will go over well, but it is (from my understanding) more of how I've been playing it.</p><p> </p><p>

Oh yea, lets not forget to mention that this brings in a Vocal Crowd, so I might just end up switching right back...</p><p> </p><p>

Also, show of hands, who thinks I've jumped the shark, and who thinks I should be doing something different? Any advice is always welcome.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Reaper_ofall" data-cite="Reaper_ofall" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24876" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Now, I've tweaked the product to what I think is closer to what I've been playing. I would do this in character, but I can't think of how to make what exactly I did clear. First, I changed Match Intensity to 10% (from 5%), and I dropped Comedy to Low and raised Cult to Medium. I'm doubtful that this will go over well, but it is (from my understanding) more of how I've been playing it.<p> </p><p> Oh yea, lets not forget to mention that this brings in a Vocal Crowd, so I might just end up switching right back...</p><p> </p><p> Also, show of hands, who thinks I've jumped the shark, and who thinks I should be doing something different? Any advice is always welcome.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Given the company you have, a Vocal Crowd would probably be more realistic, don't you think? There would atleast be a good bit of catcalls.. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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Seriously... Anyone want to step in and tell me what I'm doing wrong?


BSC Hot Nights

2nd Friday of Jun 2008: The Piper Casino





We started the show with a very solid and respected featured of BSC. Namely, we had some girls go out there and put on a mild striptease. Coco and Lindsay spent a while showing of their new belts, licking them and just generally teasing each other and the crowd, followed by some actually choreographed dancing and some more teasing before Coco and Lindsay grabbed a mic, said that they were sorry that they weren't in a match tonight, and left back up the ramp. Roxy, however, stayed in the ring. When Coco and Lindsay were gone she started going off a bit, saying how she was on a roll. She had won her last five matches and wasn't afraid to take on anyone.


"So I want one of the new girls that have taken over to come out here. Wanda, Nadia, one of you better..."


, cutting her short, but rather than Raven coming outing out...




I did. I walked out just enough for everyone to see me and said, "Don't worry little Kitten. You haven't gone unnoticed by us, even if Honey," I paused to throw a glance at her, "hasn't seen how good you've been doing. And I still have the power to make matches..." I continued on for a while, making, what I thought, was a pretty good 'deal with the devil' speech followed by some mandatory insults before I finally told her that she would get a chance at the belt in the main event.

{Dancing and Teasing Rating: C- / Match Request Rating: D}


http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/7313/vampella.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

Alexis Lee Littlefeather vs. Vampella w/Sienna DeVille


We left, giving Vampella and Alexis a chance to come out and put on their match. I decided to open with this because, looking back at TEW.com, I noticed that out highest rated match was between these two back in February. Unfortunately it wasn't the huge success it was the first time around, but it was still a decent match, dominated by Alexis from start to pinfall.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Alexis Lee Littlefeather}




Just as Alexis was rolling out of the ring, Alison nailed her from behind and rolled her right back in. She and Vampella then proceed to strip her down to her underwear, not that it was much of a change from her normal ring wear, and prance her around the place, before Vampella lead her back up the ramp.

{Rating: D+}


http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/6985/alisoncapone.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) vs. http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg

Alison Capone w/Sienna DeVille vs. Sprite


Sprite danced down the ring right into Alison, who hit her while still outside and threw her in. Alison then dominated most of the match, giving Sprite a bit of offense in the middle so it wouldn't look as one sided as Vampella's and Alexis' did earlier. Alison nailed Sprite with The Big Hit and finally pinned her after a few minutes.

{Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Alison Capone}


http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2228/kathyneptune.jpghttp://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1162/jenneptune.jpg vs. http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8403/dharmagreggalt08.jpghttp://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg)

The Neptune Twins vs. Dharma Gregg and Charlize Angelle w/Sienna DeVille in a Bra & Panties match


and started right in with playing with the crowd. It was as much as a hit as I thought it was going to be. Looking through the curtain from backstage, I don't know why I didn't use them as much as any of the other girls. The crowd just seemed to love them.



with Dharma and the match actually started, I nearly kicked myself for my underused talent. I thought this was only going to be a decent match at best and did it just as much to keep Jen from asking when it was until her next match as I did it to keep Dharma in the light, but it turned out to be as good as some of my main events for the last few months, even if it was a complete mess. In the end, Charlize stripped Jen, and while celebrating was rolled up and stripped down to a little red thong and bra by Kathy, who was finally beaten by Dharma.


Then, while the twins were headed back up the stage, Charlize got back into the ring while Dharma celebrated. Charlize then got right up to Dharma and they got into an argument, with Charlize claiming that she did all the work and all Dharma did was forget to have her back and then claim all the credit when they won. Dharma did try to hold Charlize hand up too, but Charlize just yanked it away and said she didn't need her pity. They argued a bit back and forth before Charlize finally got upset and left.

{Neptunes Dancing Rating: C- / Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Dharma Gregg and Charlize Angelle / Argument Rating: D+}



http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg) vs. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg

Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe vs. Roxy Kitten for the BSC Queen of the Ring championship


, but surprisingly Roxy got booed a bit whe she did. I think it was because our crowd had so many more wrestling fans than it used too, that when we put on an actual match, it wasn't just a side show effort anymore, it was an something that they actually expected. Either way, the match was good enough for me though, with some good offense from both sides ended when Raven hit the Night Faller and pinned Roxy. However, that wasn't the end of it. As Roxy when to stand, Raven hit her, tossed her out onto the announcers' table, and then proceeded to strip her, as I made reference to our earlier conversation, talking about how we had noticed her and knew that she was going to ask for a match, but also that she should have known that she just wasn't good enough for one and should keep her head down or she might just end up in an awkward situation. We finally let her go before leaving back up the ramp ourselves.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall / Strip Rating: C-}


{Final Rating: D-}

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I think you're doing just fine...a D- overall seems perfectly acceptable for BSC.


Not exactly what I meant. While you're positive encouragement is great I like to be told what people dislike about my work too. I always feel that there is something that I can improve, and like having them pointed out too me so I keep improving my writing. (I am still an amateur writer first and foremost.)

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Not exactly what I meant. While you're positive encouragement is great I like to be told what people dislike about my work too. I always feel that there is something that I can improve, and like having them pointed out too me so I keep improving my writing. (I am still an amateur writer first and foremost.)

Oh, I totally get it. There's no doubt that constructive criticism is a very valuable thing for a writer, assuming the writer is willing to listen to it. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents, is all. When I have a bit of time, I'll reread some of the recent shows and look for things that could be improved that I may have missed my first time through.

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BSC White Wedding


BSC White Wedding

4th Friday of June 2008: The Piper Casino





The show started with Wanda coming down to the stage and going on a bit about how a month ago she was screwed out of a good title shot because some young flake wanted to come in and ruin everything for her.


In the middle of her rant,

and told Wanda where she could shove her speech. "Everyone here knows it was you who screwed me over. Not just the ladder match, but the before that you messed with the match between me and Raven just to get yourself the little match."


They continued like that, back and forth, before Wanda finally said, "If you think you're so good, prove it. Me verse you, tonight, in the main event. Raven doesn't need to defend her title on every show." Nadia agreed before storming off.

{Rating: D}


http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/1060/spriteb.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6250/officergoodheadalt2.jpg

Sprite vs. Officer Goodhead


, then got into the ring to wait as Sprite came out with a new song to match her new appearance and danced right into Goodhead, who just grabbed her and whipped her into a corner post, kicking the match right off. I picked the match because of the great chemistry between the two, but was somewhat disappointed by Goodhead, who didn't seem to put a lot of effort into the match. Goodhead ruled most most it and was about to pin Sprite when...




Vampella came running down the ramp carrying a chair, to help Goodhead. Goodhead then got up and when to whip Sprite towards Vampella, only to have Sprite reverse it, and throw Goodhead right into the chair. Sprite then rolled her up and pinned her, leaving before either of them could realize what just happened. Once they did, Goodhead just started ripping into Vampella, saying how the Kiss of Death didn't deserve her. Vampella then got defense, and, with help from Sienna, started to rip into how badly Goodhead was doing herself. They argued back and forth for a while before Goodhead got fed up, said that she wasn't a part of the Kiss of Death anymore and didn't care what they did, just as long as they stayed out of her way.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Sprite / Argument Rating: D-}



Lingerie Battle Royal


Including: Alexis Lee Littlefeather, Alison Capone, Amy Galaxy, Britney Hollywood, Charlize Angelle,

Coco De La Soleil, Dharma Gregg, Lindsay Sugar, Nurse Hope Daye and Vampella


Vampella just stood there looking confused while the other nine girls made their way down to the ring wearing lingerie. It took Heather a while to get all the girls to stop shoving and showing off and finally start the match. Overall I do have to say that it was a good bit better than I thought it would have been. Apparently the guys in the audience liked a bunch of girls in underwear all shoved together, and Amy Galaxy's new, more comic like, look got over pretty well, even if Annie did suggest that we keep her of the show so long to get it over. We had singled out Dharma, Charlize, and Alexis to do most of the actual offense. When each of the girls were thrown out, they danced back up to the entrance, until just Alexis, Alison, Charlize and Lindsay were left. Charlize and Alison both went for Alexis at the same time, only to have Lindsay catch Alison and toss her back into the rope. Alexis then threw Charlize over and went after Alison and Lindsay, only to miss that Charlize never actually went all the way out of the ring. Alexis nailed Alison and Lindsay, taking them both out and once, only to be hit in the back from Charlize and tossed herself. Charlize then danced around and celebrated her win by striping off what little she could until she was down to just a thong and skimpy bra for nearly ten minutes. She may also have given a bit of a lap dance to Honey.

{Match Rating: D- ~ Winner: Charlize Angelle / Stripping Rating: C}


http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3687/paigecroft.jpghttp://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg vs. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/1162/jenneptune.jpghttp://img190.imageshack.us/img190/2228/kathyneptune.jpg

Paige Croft and Roxy Kitten vs. The Neptune Twins in a Bra & Panties match


Roxy and Paige came out together, dressed very much alike, although where Roxy wore a plaid skirt, Paige wore torn jeans.

in flashy sequined bell-bottoms and tops. I do have to say that I was simply amazed at how well this match went over, even though Roxy had a few faults, which threw the psychology out the window at times, although it was difficult to tell if the weird pace threw Roxy off, or Roxy being off gave the match a strange pace. Either way, I was really hyped by how hyped the crowd was. Paige was the first gone, getting her pants and top stripped at the same time by both Jen and Kathy after they had thrown Roxy to the outside. Roxy got revenge by yanking off both of their tops, only to have them rip off her skirt. Jen was the second out when Roxy yanked her pants right off, only to have Kathy toss Roxy into the ropes and finish the match by tearing her top right off her. With the match over, Jen rolled right into the ring and ripped Kathy's pants off, and the four of them celebrated their match, putting on a good show for the crowd.

{Match Rating: D ~ Winner: The Neptune Twins / Celebration Rating: D+}


http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg vs. http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/4381/wandafish.jpg

Nadia Snow vs. Wanda Fish


With the match prior to this one being so great in comparison to where it normally would have been, Nadia and Wanda's match really didn't matter to the crowd. They came out, put on their match, which had nowhere near the same amount of flesh as the other matches, and ended it with Wanda hitting Nadia with the Dish Of The Day, pinning her. Wanda then jumped up and started celebrating as Nadia rolled out of the ring. She, however, missed how Nadia stopped once she was out of the ring and started walking around the sides, getting up close to Wanda and waiting for her to turn her back before jumping up into the ring and knocking her down, stripping her and generally just beating on her. Once Wanda was down to a pair of white bra and panties, they started fighting, only to have Nadia toss her into the ropes and stretch her into very revealing poses. We ended the show on that spot, which, while nowhere near where I had hoped it to be, was still fairly decent.

{Match Rating: E+ ~ Winner: Wanda Fish / Stripping Rating: D


Final Rating: D-

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Oh, I totally get it. There's no doubt that constructive criticism is a very valuable thing for a writer, assuming the writer is willing to listen to it. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents, is all. When I have a bit of time, I'll reread some of the recent shows and look for things that could be improved that I may have missed my first time through.


Thank you, any little bit will help. This is my first Diary (as should be fairly obvious from my post count), so it took me a long while to really get into the grove, so I know I've made a lot of mistakes. I'm just not sure what all of them are, nor know quite how to fix most of them.

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Well... at least the colors are cheery... It's not xmas yet though...



I really hated doing this, but it was, in truth, better than stringing her along and letting her keep straining herself doing work around the place without getting paid. I took her out to lunch and everything, much to Coco's chagrin, before telling her that she was fired.

I secretly like crushing dreams...

"It's not that you don't do great work and that I don't really appreciate it, but we just don't have a place for you anymore."

It's just so amazingly fun...

"It's okay. I've been getting bored wandering around the place knowing I can't really get back on any stage, ever, anyways."

Most of the time they cry...

"I swear, really wanted to find somewhere for you to go, but it just seems that there is nothing I can do to fit you in. I promise that if I do find some way to I'll come right away though."

She didn't though, which makes it less fun...

"Don't worry about it. I've been thinking about finding other work anyways. However, firing me does mean that you aren't going to have someone to watch your ass all the time. Keep that in mind."

Oh, and to all you who found this, I'm only kidding...

"I know, but whats really is depressing is I won't get a chance to watch your ass anymore."

Somewhat kidding at least...

She just laughed as I dropped her off. I swear I could still hear the clicking of her cane all the way to my home.

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Not exactly what I meant. While you're positive encouragement is great I like to be told what people dislike about my work too. I always feel that there is something that I can improve, and like having them pointed out too me so I keep improving my writing. (I am still an amateur writer first and foremost.)


What I dislike you've already acknowledged. Jen & Kathy are two of your best workers. In my view, they should be on every show. BSC is about sex appeal, yes, but star quality and charisma also factor in. With Wanda, Raven, and Nadia in the mix, there's no real danger of either of them rising into the main event in the short term. I'd put the tag titles on them and have them elevate the belts before passing them off onto someone else (someone you plan to build), though honestly I don't think the Neptunes need belts.


I like the feud you have going, though I would've used different workers (the Neptunes & Roxy or Britney for Hard Candy). Someone has to be able to carry the feud and Jen & Kathy seem to connect with the fans better.


You're doing fine though. I'm really interested in seeing if you can make something of Sweet as Candy (I never could).

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I felt awful when I fired Annie Hitch****. Her story is kinda tragic, and she was so cheap that I didn't really need to do it, but in the early days it was a case of 'every little helps' in terms of my finances, so there you go.


As for the Neptunes, I'll admit to not being a huge fan of them either. They've never been my tag champions, and are rarely involved with any serious storylines. Again, my reasoning was financial. Both of their contracts came up fast, prompting a pay rise. Even though it only went to $150 a show, that still made them more expensive than the majority of the roster, so I used them sparingly at first. So I didn't grow as attached to them as I have Britney, Charlize, Vampella et al.

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Self, we've always been in different camps. :)


You're a storyteller (as a primary focus), I'm a developer of talent. I tend to get better results out of Jen & Kathy because there's more there than there is for say, Coco & Lindsay (talent wise). The stories I tell tend to be slanted heavily to developing the talent into what I want them to become.


It's just different focuses. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) you're more interested in the question of 'How do I get the story to this point?' whereas I'm more interested in 'How do I get the worker to this point?'. An advantage of your approach is that the workers used don't tend to matter very much (they're interchangeable parts, in a way) as long as they fit the story you're looking to tell. An advantage of my approach is that the story used doesn't tend to matter very much, as long as it fits the workers I'm concentrating on.


Then again, one disadvantage of my approach is becoming fixated on 'projects' and overpaying for poor performance. Doesn't happen too often nowadays (since I tend to keep several projects going in parallel) but it does happen.

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To Remianen: I know what you're saying about the Neptune Twins. I really keep trying to use them but they just keep getting lost in the shuffle. As for the different approaches you mentioned to Self, I think I end up more in his camp. Most of what I think about goes into 'how do I make this show better and more interesting.'


To Self: I know what you mean about firing Annie. The back story just made it that much more difficult too, but in the end I realize 'hey, as much as I want too, I'm probably never going to find a place for her.' I was thinking about adding her to the announcers or making her a bit more of a talker and having a short 'injury' storyline followed by having her lead interview segments, but she just didn't really have the skills to start out and really wouldn't have helped the show enough to make it worth while.


As to the both of you: Thank you, you've given me a bit more to think about, and while the next show is already done and just waiting its write up, I think it might effect the next few shows.

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Self, we've always been in different camps. :)


You're a storyteller (as a primary focus), I'm a developer of talent. I tend to get better results out of Jen & Kathy because there's more there than there is for say, Coco & Lindsay (talent wise). The stories I tell tend to be slanted heavily to developing the talent into what I want them to become.


It's just different focuses. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) you're more interested in the question of 'How do I get the story to this point?' whereas I'm more interested in 'How do I get the worker to this point?'.


Usually that's a spot-on evaluation, but in my BSC game I'm not as focussed on story as I usually am. My main goal here is financial. Pure and simple. Spending the least amount of money on a show that increases my Pop. With one of my Owner Goals, I had to make $500,000 profit in two years. It seemed insurmountable at first, so I fired every non-essential employee (including the colour commentator... which got me some heat) and if someone cost me more than $100, I used them VERY sparingly.


Otherwise, yes. I'm a story guy, albeit a more lazy one when it isn't a diary.

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BSC Summer Sizzle

2nd Friday of July 2008: The Piper Casino





to a decent round of applause, with Sienna following her around as always. She strutted around the ring while Sienna got up and started in about how Charlize, a former BSC Champion, was about to take back the title and cement herself as the top start in the BSC. She said how Raven was just a shadowy flake who didn't care about the audience, and how Charlize actually cared (right as Charlize blew off some guy asking for an autograph) and in general just went on about how Charlize was going to mop the floor with Raven.

{Rating: D+}




Sienna's hype continued until a new song hit, Jimi Hendrix's Voodoo Child, and out stepped Alison Capone. She wore a much lighter gray suit than before and we had added highlights to her hair to make her much 'lighter' looking. Once she reached the bottom of the ramp, she stopped, with the music still going, grabbed her hat and tossed it into the crowd and pointed strait at Charlize. She kept pointing at her the entire time she walked around the ring to the announcers' table and grabbed mic. She then rolled into the ring and stepped right up to Charlize.


"You know babe, I'm really tired of playing second fiddle to you, I'm tired off having to deal with a screw like Goodhead, and I'm tired of always ending up as your enforcer, running around doing your bidding, when it's plain to anyone that I'm the best thing here. So of Kiss of Death is over."


With that, she kicked Charlize and stripped her down to her underwear. Overall Alison overplayed the whole bit, acting less like a Prima Donna and more like a Don, combined with her changing her gimmick again meant that it only barely got off the ground.

{Stripping Rating: C- ~ Alison Capone New Gimmick: Prima Donna: C}



http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/5776/cocodelasoleilalt.jpghttp://img16.imageshack.us/img16/1207/lindsaysugaralt.jpg vs. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/1492/amygalaxy.jpghttp://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1817/nursehopedaye.jpg

Sweet As Candy vs. Amy Galaxy and Nurse Hope Daye in a Bra & Panties match


wearing their normal plaid skirts, but instead of their button up tops, they wore sparkling red shirts with 'Rock on Roxy' splattered on them in black. They threw a couple more shirts into the crowd, hyped up Roxy a bit, then put on a dance which got a large pop from the crowd. Overall, their new gimmicks as Sidekicks of Roxy went over fairly well.


After a few minutes of their dancing, Amy and Daye came out as the first challengers to Sweet As Candy's title. It was a fairly obvious match from the get go, with, after some playing around, Nurse Daye and Amy striped one right after the other. Sweet As Candy then took a few moments to celebrate their win before heading back up the ramp.

{Dance Rating: C ~ Coco De La Soleil and Lindsay Sugar New Gimmick: Sidekick: B+ and B- respectively / Match Rating: E ~ Winner: Sweet As Candy}


http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8403/dharmagreggalt08.jpg vs. http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/4885/alexisleelittlefeathera.jpg

Dharma Gregg vs. Alexis Lee Littlefeather


Dharma walked down to the ring in a full jacket, pants, glasses and hat, but as soon as she was in the ring began striping down. Underneath her outfit she wore a set of lacy white lingerie. After dragging out the strip tease for the crowd, which seemed to get Coco who was watching the show beside me from the back very excited, Dharma finally peeled off the last of what she could without getting completely naked.


As soon as she was done, Alexis came strait down to the ring, wearing her own form of ragged leather underwear, and went strait after Dharma. Like the match before it, there was little in the way of proper psychology and the match drifted through most of it, not than many people really cared. After some back and forth girl on girl action, Dharma hit Alexis with a One for the Road and pinned her.


Dharma put on a bit more of a show dancing around the entire ring before covering herself with her arms and pulling her bra off. She then danced all the way up to the entrance like that, only dropping her arm once she was safely behind the curtain. I swear the Coco stared more than I did then.

{Strip Rating: C / Match Rating: D ~ Winner: Dharma Gregg / Dance Rating: C}


http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/5072/roxykittenalt3.jpg vs. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/9383/nadiasnow.jpg

Roxy Kitten vs. Nadia Snow


to the ring and looked like she was going to say something before Roxy's music hit, interrupting her. Roxy took her time getting down to the ring, but once she was right at the bottom of the ramp, Nadia took a running leap over the top rope strait at her. It was a strait forward match with some good work from both of them, ending when Roxy hit Nadia with a Backstage Pass, pinning her.

{Rating: D ~ Winner: Roxy Kitten}



http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/2489/charlizeangelle.jpg (w/http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8554/siennadeville.jpg) vs. http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/8443/ravennightfall.jpg (w/http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/6682/jackavatarc.jpg)

Charlize Angelle w/Sienna DeVille vs. Raven Nightfall w/Sean Wolfe for the BSC Queen of the Ring championship


and put on a nice dance to get the crowd hyped. Overall I think that it made this show feel more like a series of exhibition matches than anything else, but the crowd seemed to really like it.



and their match actually started, well, to put it simply, I felt like I was being as stupid as I could be for the past half of a year. I constantly stressed for Raven not to let the main event degrade into flesh matches, but when I wanted them to take a break and told her that a simple thing would be okay to put on, not only did she put on a great match, the crowd just seemed to love it (at least compared to the normally either overly lecherous or completely subdued responses we normally got). Even with the couple of flubs Charlize made, the match was easily the best BSC ever had. Raven ended her seventh defense of the Queen of the Ring title by hitting Charlize with a Night Faller, pinning her, and just walking away.


As we were walking away, Charlize called out to us. Raven stopped, then waved me on as she took a few steppes back towards the ring. I hesitated, whispered something into her ear ('Been a great show so far?') which she nodded to, before I headed back up. Once I was out of sight I handed the belt over to Nadia, and waited for Coco, who took my spot as the controller of the show while I was down at the ring,

before trying to take a flying leap out of the entrance backwards. Raven turned just in time to be laid out flat by a belt shot to the face and Charlize and Sienna both took advantage of the situation to bail.




Nadia then threw Raven into the ring and started to strip her. After a few moment I got up, looked at the ring, and ran, jumping up onto the apron, only to be met with Nadia nailing me with the belt. I do have to say that I was disappointed in myself for setting up a situation in which Raven got stripped only feet away and I was stuck staring at the inside of my eye lids until nearly ten minutes later, when Nadia finally stopped messing with her and Raven came around and helped me up so we could go back up the ramp.

{Dancing Rating: C / Match Rating: C ~ Winner: Raven Nightfall / Striping Rating: D+}


{Final Rating: C-}

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