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DOTM: October Nominations

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RULES please read I have made a small change

  1. You have 3 votes to either nominate or 2nd, 1 for each category

    (The TigerKinney Rule)

    You may substitute your Real World and Cornellverse nomination or 2nd between the two. The Rookie Vote must go to a Rookie Diary Category or be left unused

  2. you may not nominate or 2nd yourself

  3. All nominations need to be seconded to make the voting round

  4. All nominations must include a reason

  5. Real World & Cornellverse: must have at least
    shows, with at least 2 of those shows this month.

  6. Rookie DOTM:any diary started since the first of the prior month -September 1st- the only post requirement for rookie is one show in the current month. (none diary threads are no longer eligible)

  7. You CAN nominate the the winners from last month's Rookie Category to the full awards regardless of start date ()

  8. You can NOT nominate Zeel 1's "TCW Total Control" or Self's "Frontier Combat Kingdom"

  9. You can NOT nominate Tristam's "Prequel to the Death of the WCW"




2nd* - means that the diary has been seconded so that you do not waste your vote, or fail to 2nd a diary you want to see put up for diary of the month


Real World DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=51187]totti's "WWF 1998: What if Bret had stayed?"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=50981]Sebsy's "WWE: Where It All Begins Again..... Again!"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=46137]Oldschool's "WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T)"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=26405]dse81's "The New NWA"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=39102]The Final Countdown's Ring of Honor "We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002)"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=39699]Nobby_McDonald's "TNA's new beginnings"[/thread]



Cornellverse DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=47928]Phantom Stranger's "TCW: A Quiet Retirement"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=45563]Eisen-verse's "PSW: The Evolution of Greed"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=35958]Mistaken's "Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=51450]angeldelayette 's "USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=32191]James Casey's "MAW 10 Simple Rules"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=33304]Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=41609]Marcel Fromage's "XWA: American Wrestling Just Got Serious"[/thread]



Rookie DOTM nominee's:

  • 2nd* [thread=55126]Booking's "WCW 1999: We Three Kings"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=54133]Save_Us.Necro's "ECW 2006: The Blunder That Changed Wrestling"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=55914]Olympia's "DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=57700]ECW 2.0's "WWE: Puting The E back in WWE"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=57023]FINisher's "The Jobber's Guide to Superstardom: 'The Tutorial'"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=55065]BHK1978's "NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=55545]Purple Cowboy's "UWA: Tri-State Gets Crowded"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=57468]Reaper_ofall's "BSC: Through the Looking Glass"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=58238]Arogue's "WWE The Times They Are A Changin'"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=57082]Karl_Kitsch's "The Blueprint for Success"[/thread]
  • 2nd* [thread=54949]Bigpapa42's "World Wrestling Entertainment: A New Era"[/thread]



Nominations will be open until October 31st (12 pm Eastern)


please note that iMac, Self & Mistaken have the ability to update this thread

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I'll start things off with a C-Verse nod to Phantom Stranger's TCW: A Quiet Retirement. I'm enjoying what's going on in this diary, especially the creation of a Hard Hitting belt for the monsters :D


My rookie nod goes to Reaper_ofall's BSC: Through the Looking Glass. I'm a bit behind, but enjoying it a lot. Keeping the strippers and only slowly building an actual wrestling company seems like the 'correct' way of doing things with BSC.


And just to break with tradition, Booking's WCW 1999: We Three Kings is an actual RW diary I'm actually reading. Miracle, huh? Actually, I've trialled a few RW diaries this month, but Boomking has caught my attention with a strong set-up and some interesting booking (although, again, I'm not 100% up to date...)

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Save_Us.Necro's ECW 2006: The Blunder That Changed Wrestling - I loved everything that was old ECW, and Necro has me hooked on where he is going to take his version of the new ECW.


Olympia's DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way): An entertaining read from old school wrestling, and giving me a little education in the process.

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I'll start things off with a C-Verse nod to Phantom Stranger's TCW: A Quiet Retirement. I'm enjoying what's going on in this diary, especially the creation of a Hard Hitting belt for the monsters :D


My rookie nod goes to Reaper_ofall's BSC: Through the Looking Glass. I'm a bit behind, but enjoying it a lot. Keeping the strippers and only slowly building an actual wrestling company seems like the 'correct' way of doing things with BSC.


And just to break with tradition, Booking's WCW 1999: We Three Kings is an actual RW diary I'm actually reading. Miracle, huh? Actually, I've trialled a few RW diaries this month, but Boomking has caught my attention with a strong set-up and some interesting booking (although, again, I'm not 100% up to date...)


I know boom king has done quite a Job, but he is still a rookie. :rolleyes:

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I'll second Olympia's DOTT Mid South (The Watts Way)... Although not 100% of the rules.. I think this is considered a rookie diary... But whatever category this is placed in I'll second it... Like Nobby stated its a true history lesson just to read along and the shows/set-up are very easy to read, I also enjoy his kayfabe breaking segments lettiing us inside the goings on of Mid South
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My first nomination is going to go to Eisen-verse's PSW: The Evolution of Greed for his continued success with a smaller company despite losing guys like Khoklov.

I second this. PSW is consistently booked with the underground verve we've come to expect from E-V.


Thank you both for your nominations. :) You're both writers that I truly respect, and enjoy your work, therefore, your "nods" mean a lot. Honestly.





I'm going to have to mull over my nominations for the month as I haven't had much chance to really give many diaries a consistent read. That being said, I should have mine sometime in a few days. Just wanted to say thank you to both Nedew and Angel.



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For RW I'd like to nominate totti's WWF 1998: What if Bret had stayed?. A very nice read, that wasted little time in giving some big-time twists and turns to it's angles. Gotta admire someone who's not afraid to give up big turns early.


For Rookie, I'm giving the nod to BHK's NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition. Very interesting so far, and I admire that he's been willing to listen to advice, and improve on his shows.

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For Rookie, I'm giving the nod to BHK's NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition. Very interesting so far, and I admire that he's been willing to listen to advice, and improve on his shows.


First off thank you Zeel1 for the nod.


I came in here wanting to nominate one of three rookie diaries which were Save_Us.Necro's ECW 2006: The Blunder That Changed Wrestling and Olympia's DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way) they have both been nominated and 2nd.


So I will go with another great rookie diary:


Purple Cowboy's UWA: Tri-State Gets Crowded: Purple Cowboy is really doing good stuff in this diary and the diary makes you feel like you are watching a low rent indy wrestling promotion.


For my C-verse:


angeldelayette 's USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult: This is truly a great read! Their is great humor in this diary and he has managed to make me care about Anger. So much so that Anger might replace Joe Sexy as my favorite C-verse character!


For my real world:


Oldschool's WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T): Like I said last month, Oldschool's writing brings me back to the wrestling of my youth. And it is a very good read.

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For RW I'd like to nominate totti's WWF 1998: What if Bret had stayed?. A very nice read, that wasted little time in giving some big-time twists and turns to it's angles. Gotta admire someone who's not afraid to give up big turns early.


For Rookie, I'm giving the nod to BHK's NYCW: Extreme Makeover Edition. Very interesting so far, and I admire that he's been willing to listen to advice, and improve on his shows.


I second totti's diary. Splendid read.

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I will second Angeldaleyette's UPSW for my C-Verse.


For my rookie vote, I'd go BigPapa42 but I would suggest he will get more votes than Jesus had disciples so I will put a seconding vote in for BoomKing. The guy is a legend in the making, if not already... love it. The best moment I've seen in a long time is his literal use of a forklift to make Jeff JArrett relevant to me.


Congratulations to all nominees and good luck. May the best man win, and if it's not decided, may a bloodthirsty joust off happen in a pit of lions at the Coliseum.

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I'll put in a second for FINishers GCG/WEXVV 'Tutorial' diary in the rookie category. I've said it in his thread, that I'm not normally into diaries that concentrate more on the game mechanics, but he's presented it in such a way that he's made it very interesting.


As for my Cornellverse pick I'll nominate James Casey's- MAW 10 Simple Rules...yeah, yeah.. I know 'old guard' been there before but to me the quality of his work is still as good as ever and besides it had the return of the Kid Arachnid character !

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I'd like to use my other two votes to second two more rookie Nom's


I've never been a huge fan of C-Verse, and no-offense to the many great C-Verse writers, I've always just found it hard to get into... But I've recently figured that perhaps if I follow along with a couple of new C-Verse diaries that would be easier for me to become introduced into this world, before I try nd tackle one of the hall-of-fame heavyweight C-Verse diaries..


So I'll use my noms to second


BHK1978's NYCW Extreme Makeover addition...

As a fan of Old-school wrestling,I just get a very "old-school" vibe to this diary, while trying to develop new talent that fits the same mold... However it was to bad you lost the Bulldozer, as he seemed like a definite youngster you could groom for the future


Purple Cowboy's UWA: Tri State gets crowded... Like BHK stated it has that super low rent indy feel to it... Althought the "dermot" character with the cucumbers on his eyes is annoying, his pantomine gimmick got a good laugh from me, as I could see this in a chikara like fed

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