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DOTM: October Nominations

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I'll use one nom to second James Casey and the other for TigerKinney. Regardless of how many times they've been nominated or won, or long they've been running for, the quality is still there. Simple as that.


Tut tut tut. The Old Guard sticking together to protect their spots. THIS IS WHY NO ONE NEW GETS OVER!!!

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I'll second Reaper_ofall's "BSC: Through the Looking Glass" for rookie diary


I'm glad someone else Seconded this. I was torn between giving the rookie nod to this or the project I'm actually officially going to second right now.


Arogue's WWE The Times They Are A Changin'


I really dig the style. It's less smarky than most real world diaries I've glanced at.

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RW: DSE81's "the new NWA", another huge PPV and a build to the next. I wish I could get my prediction skills back on track though.


RW: Sebsy's "WWE: Where It All Begins Again..... Again!"




Rookie I will second fin's tutorial.




Thanks both, I wasn't even aware you read my diary, Mistaken.


And Lexa who is of course my most ardent reader. :D

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For Rookie: I'm going to throw in Karl_Kitsch's The Blueprint for Success. He is only into his second show, but I really got into it through the backstory.


For C-Verse: angeldelayette's USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult. I can honestly say that it is one of the few C-Verse diaries that I don't get behind on.


For Real World: The Final Countdown's Ring of Honor-We Don't Imitate...We Innovate (2002). There isn't much love in real world diaries for anything other than WWF/E, WCW, or ECW.

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I have no idea if this is against the rules or not, but I nominate Reaper_ofall's "BSC: Through the Looking Glass" for the Cornellverse DOTM, because of its good initial quality of writing, and being something different and interesting.

It's in Rookie. It can't be nominated for the C-Verse until it is no longer eligible for Rookie (either by enough time passing, or if it wins the Rookie poll this month.) Great diary, BTW. One of the few C-Verse diaries that has been able to really suck me in.

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I have no idea if this is against the rules or not, but I nominate Reaper_ofall's "BSC: Through the Looking Glass" for the Cornellverse DOTM, because of its good initial quality of writing, and being something different and interesting.


He has already been nominated and seconded in the rookie category.



Front page updated. If there are any mistakes please notify a member of The Curator squad. :D

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So I will go with another great rookie diary:


Purple Cowboy's UWA: Tri-State Gets Crowded: Purple Cowboy is really doing good stuff in this diary and the diary makes you feel like you are watching a low rent indy wrestling promotion.


Purple Cowboy's UWA: Tri State gets crowded... Like BHK stated it has that super low rent indy feel to it... Althought the "derot" character with the cucumbers on his eyes is annoying, his pantomine gimmick got a good laugh from me, as I could see this in a chikara like fed


Thank you both for the nod.


I've been so swamped at work lately I haven't been as active as I'd like commenting in other dynasties, but I've certainly been reading and catching up with some of the long-running threads.


I'll easily second Oldschool's "WWWF: Re-writing History: No Hulk/No Vince (D.O.T.T)" and Tigerkinney's "Puerto Rican Self Preservation Society: Version 2.0" by two of my favorite writers. Between Oldschool and olympia there are two great dynasties going right now about an era in pro wrestling that I really like. And I love the show write-ups in Tigerkinney's diary. Just been top notch to me lately and a great model for us rookie writers.

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For my C-verse:


angeldelayette 's USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult: This is truly a great read! Their is great humor in this diary and he has managed to make me care about Anger. So much so that Anger might replace Joe Sexy as my favorite C-verse character!


I will second Angeldaleyette's UPSW for my C-Verse.


For C-Verse: angeldelayette's USPW: Long Hard Road From Cult. I can honestly say that it is one of the few C-Verse diaries that I don't get behind on.


Thanks for the acknowledgements guys! I truly do appreciate it. Just getting this far is an honour in and of itself.

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Hey everybody.



I really appreciate the nominations for my diary. Like The Curator said the Rookie category is really stacked (as is every other category) and it's an honour to be in their company. I doubt I'll be voting for myself with the calibre of competition!


Anyways, I vote for TNA's new beginnings by Nobby_McDonald for my real world nomination. It really is an excellent read and deserves more recognition.


I'll second Karl_Kitsch's "The Blueprint for Success" in the rookie category


And finally, in the rookie category, I vote for Destiny's WWE: Please Dont Try This!

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I really appreciate the nominations for my diary. Like The Curator said the Rookie category is really stacked (as is every other category) and it's an honour to be in their company. I doubt I'll be voting for myself with the calibre of competition!


That and you aren't allowed to vote for yourself! ;)

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BHK1978's NYCW Extreme Makeover addition...

As a fan of Old-school wrestling,I just get a very "old-school" vibe to this diary, while trying to develop new talent that fits the same mold... However it was to bad you lost the Bulldozer, as he seemed like a definite youngster you could groom for the future.


Thank you Oldschool, your check is in the mail...:D

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For RW I'd like to nominate totti's WWF 1998: What if Bret had stayed?. A very nice read, that wasted little time in giving some big-time twists and turns to it's angles. Gotta admire someone who's not afraid to give up big turns early.


I second totti's diary. Splendid read.


Thanks a lot for getting this nominated guys. I really appreciate your continued support and the feedback you give.

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