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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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With the name I was thinking the Internet had been substantially upgraded to take on a more proper "Wrestlingnewz" style, with more fluff/fake stories to pad it out (which wouldn't be too bad an upgrade, really). :p As for what the feature actually is, I like it. I've received the occasional strange rating in my time, so having something break down how the world a match starring Mad Dog Mortimer as a drug dealing babyface managed to draw a C+ in a local sized promotion would be nice to have.


I like the addition as well, but was thinking before reading it was going to be an Internet addition.


The only downfall to this (in my mind), is when modding, I don't think I can Mod something without "testing" this, and figuring out how to get it more to my expectations.... Bassically, although it's probably not a necessity, I think it will create me some more work before I play any mod (to satisfy my own thoughts on how character's should interact in certain match's catered to their styles).

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I can't say I have a great interest in modding tools, except as they are used to influence the default data. I have not found a real world mod that I really like - the levels of popularity and skill applied to the same wrestlers varies so greatly between mods that they are clearly unbalanced in some sense. I think it's less a fault of the mod makers, and more that the game is designed for its own universe, not the real world one. As long as the core game is good, I am happy to use the default data.


I think the problem is that real life mods are done by people who have no interest in playing the Cornellverse, so they're unlikely to see how the stat ratings are supposed to work in the context of a game. There are exceptions, of course, but taking a look at something like popularity ratings it can sometimes be pretty easy to tell whether a particular modder has looked at the default database.

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This exact feature is in the historical strategy game Europa Universalis III. Pick a date, any date, within the game's almost five hundred year timeline and you can then play as any nation from that period. It's amazing stuff, and I almost put it down as a long shot "suggestion," but with the number of variables involved it's well and truly impossible.


Paradox Interactive has produced some of my favorite war games. Heart of Iron & Crusader Kings :D


One neat thing they have is that the events have choices. So for example as Germany circa WW2, at the right time period an option pops up and is like "Do you want to try and annex Austria?"


Then it gives you the options and tells you what the possible consequences might be.


That would be neat too, if it's like random event: Do you want to do a radio interview? Y/N


The possible benefit is more popularity, perhaps you can even push a worker on air. The downside might be lower morale for all the workers you didn't push as well as if the interview goes sour you could lose popularity/presitge.


Similar to how backstage incidents are run now, but with things not just backstage incidents.

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Man, love this dirt sheet idea. I always advocating for the newer and more casual player on the Suggestions forum. Trying to get stuff that either makes the game more digestable and/or provides more mental reminders for getting you back up to speed. This Dirt Sheet will be excellent for that. And the fact you can set whether you feel like you need it or not is wonderful. Lowers the learning curve for rookies without nerfing anything for the veterans. Bravura once again, Brother Ryland.
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The Dirt Sheet:


Once again, I like this feature too. I got to be honest, and that I never owned TEW2008. Not that I didn't want to get it, but I spent 99% of the time working on my own created universe in the editor. I had always planned to get it once I finished it, but there were times I'd get extremely lazy and put off TEW for weeks and stuff. Never got the database done. Looking to start it up again when TEW2010 comes around.


Anyways, the point of that was that I hardly booked a single show in TEW2008. So I'm sure I've got a lot to learn (again) and this feature will help me get an idea of what mistakes I made so I can soak in all that wisdom.



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That would be neat too, if it's like random event: Do you want to do a radio interview? Y/N


The possible benefit is more popularity, perhaps you can even push a worker on air. The downside might be lower morale for all the workers you didn't push as well as if the interview goes sour you could lose popularity/presitge.


Similar to how backstage incidents are run now, but with things not just backstage incidents.


Radio and TV interviews were in TEW 2004, and were a lot of fun. You'd pick someone to send to an interview, and depending on the particular show's bias and the worker's stats you'd get a positive or negative reception in the media.

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Radio and TV interviews were in TEW 2004, and were a lot of fun. You'd pick someone to send to an interview, and depending on the particular show's bias and the worker's stats you'd get a positive or negative reception in the media.


Oh TEW04, how I miss thee. :( So many people have negative comments about TEW04 but it was an awesome game. TEW08 is obviously the best-to-date (until '10 comes out, of course) but '04 had something about it that just screamed out awesomeness. :cool:

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I like that we can turn off the perfect show theory, it's gotten to the point where I'm hoping for bad chemistry, so I can have some matches between my great Opener and my great Main Events without burning out the crowds.


Unfortunately, that's the awesomeness of my product...



(the processes of me realising both the downs, then the ups of my awesome product)

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I want to turn off the perfect show theory just to mix it up. How many of us are all trapped doing the same exact set up show to show. Opening promo, hot match, then good semi, great main and some sort of show ending high rated angle. It would be nice to switch it up but before we couldn't we were prisoners to the perfect show for fear of the show bombing.
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I want to turn off the perfect show theory just to mix it up. How many of us are all trapped doing the same exact set up show to show. Opening promo, hot match, then good semi, great main and some sort of show ending high rated angle. It would be nice to switch it up but before we couldn't we were prisoners to the perfect show for fear of the show bombing.


You can always switch things around a bit if you've gotten board of booking awesome shows :D

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'04 is the one game I never got to play. I really don't care so much for the "game part" but I really want to see what the '04 C-verse looked like.


I honestly don't remember much of it, but I think I can at least say that it was pretty vague. It was nowhere near as much detail as TEW07 and '08. That's expected considering it was the first crack of the bat. I just remember being so amped for it... it was EWR x 10, in my opinion. EWR still has a 'cult' following, many whom never wanted to make the jump to '04 (which surprised me at the time)... hopefully they've all jumped on-board by now with '08 or will with '10.

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'04 is the one game I never got to play. I really don't care so much for the "game part" but I really want to see what the '04 C-verse looked like.


For me, at least, it was barely recognizable. A lot of prominent workers had different names and backgrounds, the game shipped with no profile pictures, and some workers who seemed like kind of a big deal in 2004 no longer existed in 2005. The Cornellverse didn't really develop its character until 2005.

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For me, at least, it was barely recognizable. A lot of prominent workers had different names and backgrounds, the game shipped with no profile pictures, and some workers who seemed like kind of a big deal in 2004 no longer existed in 2005. The Cornellverse didn't really develop its character until 2005.


Who? :confused:

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Not that I've tried, but a friend of mine can't even get it illegally anymore :D


'04 is the one game I never got to play. I really don't care so much for the "game part" but I really want to see what the '04 C-verse looked like.


As much as a trip down memory lane would be fun, all I want is to be able to check the home towns/states of the wrestlers.


As for the "Dirt Sheet," I'll say it's a really nice feature that I'll hopefully be using in my diary.

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For me, at least, it was barely recognizable. A lot of prominent workers had different names and backgrounds, the game shipped with no profile pictures, and some workers who seemed like kind of a big deal in 2004 no longer existed in 2005. The Cornellverse didn't really develop its character until 2005.


Who? :confused:


I'm with Adam there. I can't think if anyone who has been removed from the database at all since the first edition of the Cornellverse, it's just that a LOT of people have changed names. There were a lot of similar names in the first batch since many of them were randomly generated from a small names generator... but no-one has ever been removed. And if you ever take a look, a lot of guys in the Cornellverse97 have their old 04 names... or at least reference them. :)


But as for looking at the 04 data, it's not really that fun. There were very few characters back then so it was a lot like playing a spreadsheet in some ways. But thanks to some hard working mods guys the entire universe was filled out and inspired some other hard working mod guys (like me) to do even more with it. :D

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