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TEW2010 Developer's Journal Discussion

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I can guarantee I never use the dirt sheet on a regular basis if at all after a month of owning the game. haha.


That's mighty big talk considering you haven't even seen the feature in use :D



When I talk about "big" though, Adam is revealing some of the inner workings of TEW. So far we've established the booking faq based on trial and error, with probably more then a few myths and superstitions thrown in.


Revealing how grades are actually generated is a big step towards full visibility.


There isn't much else that I can imagine would be larger in terms of new features. Sure he can introduce new things but he could've done the dirt sheet on any version, heck even back in the EWR saying +this and -that, but he didn't.


I think the only thing that could top this would be editable destiny/chemistry in terms of unexpected features.

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I think the only thing that could top this would be editable destiny/chemistry in terms of unexpected features.


That would sure make A LOT of people happy I'd imagine! :p I probably wouldn't use it because I like how it's 'random' now. It would help mod makers create more realistic databases though, definitely.

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One thing I'm wondering if this automatically pushes back the retirement date of workers with good jobs or does it decrease the odds of them retiring? In a way if a wrestler has already made huge amounts of money maybe being well paid isn't a big incentive for him to continue working - thus making him retire earlier? Don't mean to bash the feature... Just thinking out loud :p


Sound like a good feature if implemented correctly... and I have no reason to believe it hasn't been :)


Kind of an RVD/Goldberg vs Flair/Hogan mentality. Some guys get out early 'coz they've made enough, some just can't stay away.

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Kind of an RVD/Goldberg vs Flair/Hogan mentality. Some guys get out early 'coz they've made enough, some just can't stay away.


I think Hogan and Flair keep coming back because they have nothing to do with there lives. I think RVD has Gym he runs and I don't know what Goldberg does but he played football before he got into wrestling maybe he doing something that.


When wrestling has been your whole life and your over the hill you keep thinking about the good old days and are hoping to have one more good run. HHH HBK know their in-ring career are near there end and are helping out the young guys and getting ready for an on screen character role only.

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That would sure make A LOT of people happy I'd imagine! :p I probably wouldn't use it because I like how it's 'random' now. It would help mod makers create more realistic databases though, definitely.


I hope that day never comes. If nothing but to force people to think outside the box and make real world mods slightly more realistic by not letting people go "The Rock had great chemistry with everyone on the roster!"

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Ultimate Soccer Manager, in the late nineties, got something like five games out of an advertising strategy built around the fact it let you do the dodgy ****.


That worked out well didn't it? :p I'd say the FM games are doing a touch better than that, top of the charts and all that...


Not only that, but 1 gaming series doing it in a field where there have been plenty of attempts is hardly precedence is it?

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One thing I was just thinking of while playing TEW08 was that you can't see the PPV buy rates for all of the years you've played (in PPV summary) - only the current year buy rates. Not sure if this has ever been suggested (not that I'm doing so now, considering it's already in development) but being able to switch through all the years similar to the "History" screen would be cool. :cool:


I hope that day never comes. If nothing but to force people to think outside the box and make real world mods slightly more realistic by not letting people go "The Rock had great chemistry with everyone on the roster!"


You might be able to prove that... The Rock could make any angle involving entertainment skills get over with practically anybody you have on the roster. In the ring it's a different story.

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That worked out well didn't it? :p I'd say the FM games are doing a touch better than that, top of the charts and all that...


They are, but they were already top of the market share.


And selling five years' worth of games... actually is working out pretty well when you have one major selling point versus the top of the market.


I'm just pointing out that, while the market for it is smaller, there is a market.

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The Rock was one of the best if not the best mic guy in wrestling I really loved his short comeback run a few years back when he was doing stuff with the Hurricane. Those two with DX are comdey gold when it comes to wrestling comdey. Add in Jericho and Christen and you have you own comdey tv show with people beating each other up at the end of each show.
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The Rock was one of the best if not the best mic guy in wrestling I really loved his short comeback run a few years back when he was doing stuff with the Hurricane. Those two with DX are comdey gold when it comes to wrestling comdey. Add in Jericho and Christen and you have you own comdey tv show with people beating each other up at the end of each show.


true but chemistry doesnt go for angles, does it? (im pretty serious for an answer)

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They are, but they were already top of the market share.


And selling five years' worth of games... actually is working out pretty well when you have one major selling point versus the top of the market.


I'm just pointing out that, while the market for it is smaller, there is a market.


Perhaps, but at the end of the day, my original point wasn't about sales - moreso that the 'sleaze' of this, or any industry, shouldn't really be part of a game that's meant to highlight said industry.


But hey, to each their own.

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shouldn't really be part of a game that's meant to highlight said industry.


I don't know where you got that idea that I'm trying to highlight the wrestling industry - I think it's one of the sleaziest businesses around, I have no issue with showing that in my games. I'm certainly not going to leave stuff out because it might upset a few purists.

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Perhaps, but at the end of the day, my original point wasn't about sales - moreso that the 'sleaze' of this, or any industry, shouldn't really be part of a game that's meant to highlight said industry.


But hey, to each their own.


Mmm... I dunno, I'm fond of the dirty aspects (the Hornbaker book on the National Wrestling Alliance is fascinating) but I can see where you might not want to have to deal with it often.

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I don't know where you got that idea that I'm trying to highlight the wrestling industry - I think it's one of the sleaziest businesses around, I have no issue with showing that in my games. I'm certainly not going to leave stuff out because it might upset a few purists.


Agreed 100%.


Look at Hogan's career..look at things that go on backstage..there is a lot of human aspects to wrestling that go on behind the scenes.


They're not all saints, and unfortunately things that happen backstage effect the product itself. It should be a integral part of any wrestling simulation.

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I don't know where you got that idea that I'm trying to highlight the wrestling industry - I think it's one of the sleaziest businesses around, I have no issue with showing that in my games. I'm certainly not going to leave stuff out because it might upset a few purists.


Fair enough, perhaps highlight was the wrong word. Besides, it's hardly going to turn me off the game - just a minor 'agree to disagree' is all.


I'm far from a purist mind, New Jack is my favourite for god's sake :p

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Besides, my guess is that the majority of "dirty tricks" will just be stuff you do on your own promotion (mocking their workers, signs that say SWF > TCW, stuff like that).


That happens/ed ALL the time during a war (and even outside of a war).


The bigger stuff (paying people to disrupt other shows, leaking false rumors) that goes on in business ALL the time, so why should wrestling suddenly be put up on a pedastle when even "respectable" businesses like law firms and pharmaceutical companies do that stuff to each other all the time?


Where do you think eco-terrorists get their money from ;)


"Psst, PETA, I hear RIVAL COMPANY is testing on animals. Here's some blueprints and some equipment to help shut them down "



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I don't know where you got that idea that I'm trying to highlight the wrestling industry - I think it's one of the sleaziest businesses around, I have no issue with showing that in my games. I'm certainly not going to leave stuff out because it might upset a few purists.


Agreed. Wrestling is a sleazy business and this will now rightfully be reflected in the game, more so than before.

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I don't know where you got that idea that I'm trying to highlight the wrestling industry - I think it's one of the sleaziest businesses around, I have no issue with showing that in my games. I'm certainly not going to leave stuff out because it might upset a few purists.


This is true. Most pro wrestlers (not all, but most) are really sleazy. In this business, you MUST be at least a little bit sleazy to survive. But to thrive, you must be very sleazy!

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