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TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!?

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TEW 108

Overview Of The World Of Total Extreme Wrestling

Course Syllabus

Fall, 2009

Instructor: James Heatly

Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday



A. Origins & Concept


Right now you might be wondering what is TEW 108:Overview Of The World Of Total Extreme Wrestling. More or less this diary is a take on J Silver's "C-Verse Explored" diaries. In those diaries, J Silver would play a promotion for a month and then once it was over he would switch to a different promotion. This diary will follow a similar pattern. I will be playing more than one promotion over the course of the diary. The difference comes in how long I will be playing each promotion. Instead of playing for a set period of time, I will be playing for a certain goal. A couple of examples would be: crowning a champion in a tournament, getting the promotion to X size, or even just watching feud from start to finish. And unless otherwise stated each mini-diary or chapter will be played on a different save state to avoid any conflicts.


B. Chapter Layout


As it was stated, the diary will be made up of a number of separate game saves known as chapters. Each chapter will more or less be run in the same fashion. There will be introduction to the promotion and the overall goal of the chapter, while at the end there will be a summary of what happened in throughout the chapter with the promotion in question as well as the rest of the in-game world. In between these bookends of mechanical information is over course the meat and potatoes of the diary, the events and happenings of the promotion. Going with the flavor of the overall theme of the diary, a college classroom, there will be no doubt a lot of "in-game" discussion throughout each chapter, however the lion's share of storytelling will be, well, storytelling. Just because there won't be backstage segments between the booker and the owner doesn't mean that there won't arguments between workers, sadistic beat downs, and feuds based on kayfabe. I might be feuding the top two guys in the company because I know it will get the best ratings, but I'll be damned if they aren't going to be having a real reason for doing so.


C. Supplemental Handouts


Throughout the diary, there will also be what I am calling "supplemental handouts" mixed in and in between chapters. These handouts will serve to support the ideas of the chapter in a different light as well to give a small break from the longer, much more in-depth chapters . You could almost call them micro-diaries. While it isn't set in stone, I would be highly surprised if any of these would last longer than an event or two.


D. Additional Reading


In addition to the chapters and handouts I will be "supplying" links to some diaries that are similar to the chapter and/or the supplemental handout(s). This diary is, in part, about getting new players into diary writing and diaries in general. And one of the best ways of doing this is to give them easy access to as much information as possible. In our case that is the other diaries on the board. As an bonus, some of the more veteran readers/writers will have a chance to go down memory lane and re-discover some of the diaries of the past.


E. Assessments


Like all classes this diary will have assessments throughout each chapter. And by assessments, I mean "school" flavored reader interaction that I am going to be calling quizzes, tests, and surveys. These will range from your typical event predictions to "What would you do" questions that could ask which wrestler a person would hire or which feud would be the main event for a particular show. For the assessments that warrant it (namely the ones that concern predictions) there will also be awards to the best and brightest. For this diary I will be using a combination of Survey Monkey, posts in this thread, and maybe pms too.


F. Course Schedule



Chapter #1: The 0/0/0 Promotion or How I Learn To Love Dusty Bin

- Review and Results of Assessment #1

- Roster Overview

- Tournament Overview & Assessment #2

- Review of Tournament Assessement & Preview of Wrestling For Shoes

- Event #1: WCCW Wrestling For Shoes

- Review of Wrestling for Shoes and Preview of Wrestling For Socks

- Event #2: WCCW Wrestling For Socks

- Review of Wrestling for Socks and Preview of Wrestling For Pants

- Kayfabe Korner #1

- Event #3: WCCW Wrestling For Pants

- Review of Wrestling for Pants and Preview of Wrestling For Shirts

- Kayfabe Korner #2

- Event #4: WCCW Wrestling For Shirts

- Review of Wrestling for Shirts and Preview of Wrestling For Hats

- Event #5: WCCW Wrestling For Hats

- Review of Wrestling for Hats and Preview of Wrestling For Gold

- Event #6: WCCW Wrestling For Gold

- Bonus Update: Reader Responses to "Why did Warren Technique attack Chris Flynn?"

- Review of Wrestling for Gold

- Supplemental Handout #1: Preview of The 3rd Annual Rip Chord Invitational

- Supplemental Handout #1:The 3rd Annual Rip Chord Invitational

- Review of Supplemental Handout #1 and End of Chapter Review

- Additional Readings: Local and MAW diaries



Chapter #2:Empire State Of Mind

- Initial Roster Overview

- Extra Info: Championship Lineage

- Preview Of NYCW Rush Hour 2008

- Event #1: NYCW Rush Hour 2008

- Review of NYCW Rush Hour and Preview of NYCW Blue Streak

- Event #2: NYCW Blue Streak

- Review of NYCW Blue Streak and Preview of NYCW Point Break

- Event #3: NYCW Point Break

- Review of NYCW Point Break and Preview of NYCW Hot Fuzz

- Event #4: NYCW Hot Fuzz

- Review of Hot Fuzz and the Preview of Brooklyn's Finest


- Event #5: NYCW Brooklyn's Finest

- Event #6: NYCW Shakedown

- Event #7: NYCW The Rundown

- Event #8: NYCW Live Free or Die Hard

- Event #9: NYCW 48 Hrs.

- Event #10: NYCW Bad Boys

- Event #11: NYCW Bullet Proof

- Event #12: NYCW Collision Course

- Event #13: NYCW Gang Wars 2008


Note: Since the announcement of TEW 2010 just was announced, I guess I should make a note that I will be jumping to the new version when it comes out. Depends when it comes out but I'm guessing I'll be able to get either two or three chapters of TEW08 before switching over to TEW10.

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Chapter #1

The 0/0/0 Promotion or How I Learn To Love Dusty Bin

Promotion Overview


You might be wondering why I would start the exploration of the C-Verse by starting a new company. The reason for this is pretty simple. I want to start small and work my way up as each chapter so what better way than to start with nothing? I also think that it is a good idea that everyone who plays this game for an extended period of time understands how important it is to run your promotion on a budget. And unless you seeing your promotion fail at Cult level or you like getting fired for not being able to reach one of the owners' insane financial goals, the best way to do this is to run a local promotion. A local promotion is very much budget centric, however is much more forgiving in it's ability to dig yourself out of debt by either running a skeleton show with your cheaper workers or skipping a month all together and collecting the sponsorship money (skipping a month in a larger promotion is usually a really bad idea since you will probably have a regional battle to worry about and in a Cult promotion, the monthly expenses outweigh the monthly income).


When starting a new company of any size the first thing that you need to do is figure out which region you want to place your new promotion as well as what product you are going to run. Let's get the home region out of the why first since it's a lot simpler. It's really a matter of preference on where you are going to set up shop, though easiest place to start out in is the US since it has the biggest pool of workers. That said, I decided for this diary to go to a place I've never done a 0/0/0 promotion, Canada. As for a the region, I went with The Prairies since there isn't a current wrestling company in the region and because Kamchatka and ReapeR have created a logo and titles for a promotion in that location. On to the product.





Promotion Name: Traditional Grab Bag

Match Ratio: 80%


Key Feature: Traditional

Heavy: Mainstream

Medium: Modern, Realism, Lucha Libre

Low: Comedy, Hardcore, Pure

Very Low: Cult


Match Intensity: 40%

Danger: 40%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face / Heel Divide: Medium


Product Definition

... will mean that the wrestlers are rated more on performance than popularity.

... will mean that fans will expect all wrestlers to be packaged with a proper gimmick.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

... will attract fans who like their gimmicks to be simple.

... will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on high risk matches.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on highly risky angles.

... is quite favorable towards getting sponsorships.

... will allow the promotion to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

... will mean that the 'young lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.


Product Overview

When starting a game with a promotion, you have to know what you are getting yourself into. This is true for even promotions that start from scratch. The only difference is that unlike established promotions, you have a blank slate to fill out your roster. This of course comes with it's own problems, but that's usually in the storyline department and not so much roster building.


Taking a look at the product, you will find that it is a very user friendly for people familiar with North American wrestling. The product favors the NA staples (Brawlers, Technicians, and Regular Workers), but really as long as the worker isn't a spot monkey they shouldn't have too much trouble getting over with the crowd. This product is also really nice for newer players looking start their own promotion because there really aren't a lot of major handicaps for the product. Granted someone like T-Rex is going to have a hard time getting over because of his relative lack of in ring skill, but the crowd isn't going to be openly ripping him a new one every time he gets into the ring like in a product that bring in a 'vocal crowd.' Speaking of the fans, they also aren't going to be crapping on tainted and cheap finishes which help extends feuds. Finally, the product bring in a good amount of sponsorships and isn't going to be hurting too much when the wrestling scene in waning.


Looking Ahead & Assessment #1

With the location and the product set up it's time to start looking at who is going to make up your roster and more importantly who is going to carry your roster as your headliners. A local promotion's budget is pretty minimal, so your headliners are going to be workers that are basing themselves in the same country of your new promotion and will cost around $500 per appearance. Usually these guys will have a national overness of F+, but sometimes you can get a worker or two that are a bit more popular. The rest of your roster will be filled with guy that have a national pop of F overness and below.


After looking through the wrestler pool there are 16 candidates for a local Canadian promotion. Using the link below please select the four wrestlers you would choose to be the base of a Canadian local promotion with the product above.


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I've been a good student M. Heatley, I justified all my picks.


Excellent, cant wait to see where this is going, I cant put my finger on it but that logo looks familiar :D


Ive been a good student too. Ive justfied, quantified and financiallyfied my picks.


Mr. Heatley, Could I use the washroom ? :D


Made all my picks, excited to see where this is going.


Sorry I'm late Mr. Heatly. I had to walk to class today. The bus up and left me.


I made all my picks though :).


This looks like it will be fun.


- Sonfaro


*Huffing and puffing*


Sorry I'm late. My boss at the title shop wouldn't let me leave.


My first assignment is turned in.


I'm very excited by this, and have turned in my picks.


I just want to thank you guys for all the great feedback I've gotten with diary so far. I've been blown away with the amount of people that have "enrolled" in the class and hope that I am able to keep you all entertained. I think I might have just set myself up to fail! ;)


I'm going to be posting the results tomorrow (trying to keep a nice and easy schedule of Mon/Wed/Fri with this diary), but I will say this. All 16 workers in the poll were picked at least once. Kind of cool to see just how different everybodies' tastes are.


Till tomorrow, cheers.

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All 16 workers in the poll were picked at least once. Kind of cool to see just how different everybodies' tastes are.


I have to say I am a little surprised that all the workers were picked. That being said now I do not feel stupid for the guys that I picked.:D

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I'll follow along as best I can, given the weather. Looks good so far.


My assignment's turned in. :)


Awesome. This is gonna be a good ride =).


Thanks for the encouragement. Hopefully I can live up to all this praise. :o


I copied my assignment off of some nerd, but there's no way Teach' will figure it out. Off to smoke behind the bike sheds. Someone take notes for me.


/Self high five


Is it sad that I copied off you? Am I the Skull to your Bulk?


Never stop being you. :D These two post now make me want to sign up for the next mafia game that comes around.


I'd also like to say that it warms my heart to know that "Wrestling For Shoes" somehow caught on.


You gotta feel for the wrestlers without socks and the people that clean their boots..


So you were the one that started Wrestling For Shoes? I know I got the idea from Tommy's TEW'07 mod, but I didn't know that he didn't come up with it. Cool.


I have to say I am a little surprised that all the workers were picked. That being said now I do not feel stupid for the guys that I picked.:D


Really? All of them? Who picked Ron Greenhorn :D


Better yet--Huey Cannonball?


To be honest I am more concerned with the man love going for 35 year old Calvin Dark right now. :eek: Of course that's the charm of TEW. As long as you don't get fired or close out of business you are never wrong. :)

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So you were the one that started Wrestling For Shoes? I know I got the idea from Tommy's TEW'07 mod, but I didn't know that he didn't come up with it. Cool.


I did the New Promotions file and testing on both The Fall and After The Fall. I'm pretty sure he changed it into a "real" promotion in After The Fall.


It's kind of weird, though. I sort of thought Excitement, Violence and Diversions (EVaD) would have caught on instead.

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I did the New Promotions file and testing on both The Fall and After The Fall. I'm pretty sure he changed it into a "real" promotion in After The Fall.


It's kind of weird, though. I sort of thought Excitement, Violence and Diversions (EVaD) would have caught on instead.


Oh, so that's what happened.




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