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Real World Mod

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Here's a list of things to do on the mod.





WWE - Completed

TNA - Completed

ROH - Completed

FCW - Completed


PWG - Completed

CZW - Completed

Dragon Gate USA

APW - Panix

Chikara - Completed

FIP - Completed

Juggalo CW










NJPW - Paulskln

AJPW - Paulskln


Dragon Gate

Zero 1


Kaientai Dojo


Inoki Genome Federation




CMLL - SasoreGatame

AAA - SasoreGatame

Perros del Mal - SasoreGatame


Puerto Rico





1PW - Completed

FWA - Completed



Nu Wrestling Evolution






PPV Carriers - Completed


Biographies - StealthGD




TV Networks - Completed




Injuries - Completed


Match Types - Completed


Pictures - Panix, Johnny Fenoli, TCP


Banners - Completed


Logos - Completed



Please if anyone would like to help out, post here and I'll update the list and let you know what I'm after. As you can see there's some promotions missing, so please let me know which ones you want to be included and I'll add them too.

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how we doing this, this time? Breaking up each promotion? Then you're leveling the stats?


Well I have extensive knowledge of the big 3 US promotions, so I can do them. The rest are currently up for grabs, once they're completed, they'll be passed to me to level with the remaining stats etc.


I'll also need someone to start working on profile pictures, logos, banners etc.


Also, it'll probably be a good idea to get one guy to write all the profiles so that there's continuity.

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Well I have extensive knowledge of the big 3 US promotions, so I can do them. The rest are currently up for grabs, once they're completed, they'll be passed to me to level with the remaining stats etc.


I'll also need someone to start working on profile pictures, logos, banners etc.


Also, it'll probably be a good idea to get one guy to write all the profiles so that there's continuity.


Well, I know nothing really of anything BUT TNA and WWE... I was going to volunteer to do TNA.


Are you wanting pics cut? Or DOTT style? Do you have a background you want to use? any ideas?

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38 promotions? If what you know is the big 3, stick with the big three!


There's a few discussions in various threads here about mods being too ambitious and/or huge, they make for good reading.


I won't go too in-depth, but for example: NZWPW and KPW. Very few people will have heard of them, even less will be able to do the stats, even less will care to play as them. So what are they contributing by being there? What makes it worth putting the amount of effort in to add them, when in all likelihood they'll be barely used?


Start small and build from there - most people will play mods for just WWE, TNA, and ROH. Most for even just WWE! Stick to the basics.


I'm not telling you off or whatever here, just adding my two cents.

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Well I have extensive knowledge of the big 3 US promotions, so I can do them. The rest are currently up for grabs, once they're completed, they'll be passed to me to level with the remaining stats etc.


I'll also need someone to start working on profile pictures, logos, banners etc.


Also, it'll probably be a good idea to get one guy to write all the profiles so that there's continuity.


I think you should trim a minimum of 10 promotions off this. Keep it smaller. Also your getting one guy to write up bios? That is crazy talk. Writing up bios is the worst part of modding in my opinion. I think you should just come up with a format for everyone to use. Something simple really. I don't know too many people that really need too much detail in the bio. Hell if I see a worker in TEW and they look interesting I will just google them. I say put their height/weight approx. Maybe the companies they have worked for, maybe alternate names they went by. A possibly a career highlight or two. Real simple stuff.

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38 promotions? If what you know is the big 3, stick with the big three!


There's a few discussions in various threads here about mods being too ambitious and/or huge, they make for good reading.


I won't go too in-depth, but for example: NZWPW and KPW. Very few people will have heard of them, even less will be able to do the stats, even less will care to play as them. So what are they contributing by being there? What makes it worth putting the amount of effort in to add them, when in all likelihood they'll be barely used?


Start small and build from there - most people will play mods for just WWE, TNA, and ROH. Most for even just WWE! Stick to the basics.


I'm not telling you off or whatever here, just adding my two cents.


I've removed the 2 australasian and one of the European promotions (just thought it might be nice to have a diverse mix of promotion). As for sticking to the basics, that's all well and good, but with that kind of mentality you'd only have the option of playing as WWE and maybe TNA. I for one play the game for the little promotions, so I want there to be options for all size promotions in most areas.


Plus, if you look at the Cornellverse (a universe created specifically for the game mechanics) there are 33 active promotions and 15 inactive promotions and that doesn't feel bloated or anything. I'll be ruthless when it comes to cutting inactive workers and the like to streamline the game, but please try to remember I have done this before and I know what's required.


I think you should trim a minimum of 10 promotions off this. Keep it smaller. Also your getting one guy to write up bios? That is crazy talk. Writing up bios is the worst part of modding in my opinion. I think you should just come up with a format for everyone to use. Something simple really. I don't know too many people that really need too much detail in the bio. Hell if I see a worker in TEW and they look interesting I will just google them. I say put their height/weight approx. Maybe the companies they have worked for, maybe alternate names they went by. A possibly a career highlight or two. Real simple stuff.


Couldn't disagree more, I think bios are key to making the game world seem even more rich and enticing, I also won't release until every worker has a decent portrait image of themselves on the background posted below. If worst comes to worst, I'll do the bios, it really doesn't take that long, I once wrote all the bios for T-Zone data.


Are you wanting pics cut? Or DOTT style? Do you have a background you want to use? any ideas?




Johnny I've now got you doing TNA and Woodsmeister you're doing the UK promotions. Panix is doing his baby APW and I'm doing WWE, FCW, ROH and Chikara.

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As Nigel McGuinness / Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus will be in both our data can you give me there stats so i can work out how good you rate them and I can fit the other UK wrestlers around them. Also I aim to do around 80-100 workers/staff that should be enough for 2 promotions in the UK and of there is cause for more I can go from there, is this ok.


Just thought maybe post a couple of bios so I can adapt my bios similar to yours so it won't look out of place.

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As Nigel McGuinness / Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus will be in both our data can you give me there stats so i can work out how good you rate them and I can fit the other UK wrestlers around them. Also I aim to do around 80-100 workers/staff that should be enough for 2 promotions in the UK and of there is cause for more I can go from there, is this ok.


Just thought maybe post a couple of bios so I can adapt my bios similar to yours so it won't look out of place.




Here's a rough estimate for you. :)

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all the pics in this file are on that background..it would be good if you saved it to your pc as my rapidshare account will probablly close soon






Could you re-link this with sendspace or something else free please?

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As Nigel McGuinness / Desmond Wolfe, Doug Williams and Brutus Magnus will be in both our data can you give me there stats so i can work out how good you rate them and I can fit the other UK wrestlers around them. Also I aim to do around 80-100 workers/staff that should be enough for 2 promotions in the UK and of there is cause for more I can go from there, is this ok.


Just thought maybe post a couple of bios so I can adapt my bios similar to yours so it won't look out of place.


Not sure how familiar you are with the UKFF forum but if you worked off their annual UKFF Top 50 in the UK (It doesn't include PAC, Williams, Wolfe, Regal etc just UK workers based in UK) then that should give you a good 50 workers. Then work off the knowledge you have of FWA and 1PW. Could I add that IPW:UK should also be included? I see it as a bigger company than FWA and maybe even 1PW has quite a different roster to the others too and adds up a new 'territory' in the UK.

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so how are we going to go about adding things to this...are we going to make a 2008 data and then convert it to 2010...what gimmick file are we using, the cornelverse one...are we using a blank data base to add things or what


If everyone uses the gimmick file that's in the link I use above then everyone's data will have a standardisation to it. I'm currently working my way through WWE Raw and should have that finished by tomorrow, then it's Smackdown.


My email address is pokergodtcp@yahoo.co.uk if anyone wants to send me anything to look at?

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