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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I, for one, am tired of the fans proverbially taking a dump "on everything". It's no longer about being displeased with the product and has become the "cool" thing to do. If you are going to the shows just to boo, why waste your money or your time? Seriously? It's pathetic. If you don't enjoy the shows any more, don't watch it, it's that simple. I no longer like Agents of SHIELD, I don't sit and watch it just to bitch, I simply stopped watching. Simple solution, you'd imagine, no?


I have to agree. There are more than enough wrestling promotions around to watch besides WWE. I dont get why smarks or adult fans like to hijack the show. They gave the WWE money so they lost whether they cheer or boo Cena or Reigns or anybody else. If WWE stopped getting money from the vocal fanbase then maybe they would make some changes to who they push.


That being said, with all due respect Vince is clueless as a promoter. Zigglers been over for years, Ambrose remains over, Bryan is one of the most over people on the roster but you let Roman Reigns win when he hasnt really even had a proper midcard feud or paid his dues enough. Hes screwing Reigns over by pushing him too far too fast. I can see Vince force pushing Cena again after the Reigns push doesnt work out the way he imagined.


But, the fans wont be smart enough to not give him money and not to watch his shows. We have to hit him where it hurts if we are ever going to see a change in the WWE. I dont think theres a better reality check than having half filled arenas and plummeting ratings/stocks

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When tickets go on sale months beforehand, people book flights, hotels, etc MONTHS in advance. It's not their fault if the show is still terrible and people aren't just going to eat a few thousand bucks to stay at home


And people wouldn't watch if they weren't interested? THEY DON'T


The ratings and viewership is in the toilet compared to last year and it's not even against football season. The show can't even get above 4 million viewers during the peak season, it says something which is that people ARE tuning out.

Obviously Mania is different because as you say all the stuff involved with getting flights, hotels, etc. but a regular Raw? I think my point is valid for that, especially this far into the period of time that people are displeased with the product on a whole. If people are still buying tickets to a show now that they aren't enjoying, well...


I have to agree. There are more than enough wrestling promotions around to watch besides WWE. I dont get why smarks or adult fans like to hijack the show. They gave the WWE money so they lost whether they cheer or boo Cena or Reigns or anybody else. If WWE stopped getting money from the vocal fanbase then maybe they would make some changes to who they push.


That being said, with all due respect Vince is clueless as a promoter. Zigglers been over for years, Ambrose remains over, Bryan is one of the most over people on the roster but you let Roman Reigns win when he hasnt really even had a proper midcard feud or paid his dues enough. Hes screwing Reigns over by pushing him too far too fast. I can see Vince force pushing Cena again after the Reigns push doesnt work out the way he imagined.


But, the fans wont be smart enough to not give him money and not to watch his shows. We have to hit him where it hurts if we are ever going to see a change in the WWE. I dont think theres a better reality check than having half filled arenas and plummeting ratings/stocks

Oh I agree. I'm not saying that the WWE are doing anything right, but just that people do have a choice. I've been watching Lucha Underground and Reality of Wrestling lately, both have been more entertaining than Raw, to be honest.


I'm going to Raw in a couple of weeks in London with some friends, I'd be pissed if they were going just to boo everything. It's different being angry at something on the night, but going with the mentality of just crapping on everything "just because you can" is kind of strange and pathetic. Just my thoughts, though.

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Speaking of Lucha Underground, they just had by far the best (and most brutal) Casket Match I have ever seen between Mil Meurtes and Fenix. Definite MOTY Contender. Lucky for WWE the 2 promotions aren't competing because Taker vs Wyatt probably won't be even half as good aside from the spectacle of their entrances.


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I've never understood the people who beg and whine, wanting to have Casket/Buried Alive/Ambulance matches in WWE games - I've never seen or played one that was any good at all.


Lucha Underground showed me that it's possible to have a great casket match. I still don't think it would translate well to gameplay (much like fighting in the crowd), but man was it fun to watch!

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Quality of wrestling aside, the key to making that casket match work was in the approach. They told a simple story of a weird love triangle turning into a blood feud and culminating in a casket match. The casket match (other than being used as a weapon) was treated as a symbol not a gimmick. The only part I disliked was the multiple bites (real or not) to Fenix's bloody face. I have a high tolerance for violence but it made me cringe.


I'm curious to know if LU aired the match this week on purpose with WWE teasing a Taker/Wyatt casket match. They aired Aztec Warfare before the Royal Rumble and it was a way better match.

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Quality of wrestling aside, the key to making that casket match work was in the approach. They told a simple story of a weird love triangle turning into a blood feud and culminating in a casket match. The casket match (other than being used as a weapon) was treated as a symbol not a gimmick. The only part I disliked was the multiple bites (real or not) to Fenix's bloody face. I have a high tolerance for violence but it made me cringe.


I'm curious to know if LU aired the match this week on purpose with WWE teasing a Taker/Wyatt casket match. They aired Aztec Warfare before the Royal Rumble and it was a way better match.


I loved that. It made Mil Muertes look like a monster and showed how much he hated Fenix. Plus it went from Catrina licking then kissing and finally biting...from Muertes.


Hell I even loss my hatred of Mil's pajama tights.

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I've been watching WWE Network since the UK launch, and now that I've caught up on all the original content and watched a few of the Beyond the Ring documentaries, I started to watch a few of the PPV events, randomly. I've now decided that I'm going to watch the WWE, WCW and eventually ECW through in chronological order from 1985. The events I'll be including are anything classed as a 'PPV' and all WWF SNME and NWA/WCW COTC events, until I get to 1993 and I'll start including WWF Raw. I'm hoping that by the time I get to 1993 (should take me a while, I'll probably only watch one event every couple of days) that WCW Saturday Night will be uploaded, also.


Looking forward to watching them in order, I've never really seen much of anything pre-1995, so I'm hoping to get a much better appreciation of certain legends like Steamboat, Funk, Piper, etc. who I've only ever really seen in 'classic' match ups and compilation videos.

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I've been watching WWE Network since the UK launch, and now that I've caught up on all the original content and watched a few of the Beyond the Ring documentaries, I started to watch a few of the PPV events, randomly. I've now decided that I'm going to watch the WWE, WCW and eventually ECW through in chronological order from 1985. The events I'll be including are anything classed as a 'PPV' and all WWF SNME and NWA/WCW COTC events, until I get to 1993 and I'll start including WWF Raw. I'm hoping that by the time I get to 1993 (should take me a while, I'll probably only watch one event every couple of days) that WCW Saturday Night will be uploaded, also.


Looking forward to watching them in order, I've never really seen much of anything pre-1995, so I'm hoping to get a much better appreciation of certain legends like Steamboat, Funk, Piper, etc. who I've only ever really seen in 'classic' match ups and compilation videos.


I started doing this about 6 months ago and it really brought back my love for wrestling. One thing I hate about the WWE network though is that they don't have all the Raws or Nitros. They have most of them (if not all by now) during the Monday Night wars but then it gets pretty sporadic. Once you get into the new millennium there are a few years that don't have any or literally just have 3 or 4 for the entire year. I'm really hoping they improve on this.

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That's weird. you'd think the older eps are harder to keep in the archives. Maybe they knew it just wasn't worth it. :p


The ability to watch the archives was the thing that sold me to the network at first. Then I found out I had to have a credit card (even for paypal), so I had to cancel.

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I started doing this about 6 months ago and it really brought back my love for wrestling. One thing I hate about the WWE network though is that they don't have all the Raws or Nitros. They have most of them (if not all by now) during the Monday Night wars but then it gets pretty sporadic. Once you get into the new millennium there are a few years that don't have any or literally just have 3 or 4 for the entire year. I'm really hoping they improve on this.


That's weird. you'd think the older eps are harder to keep in the archives. Maybe they knew it just wasn't worth it. :p


The ability to watch the archives was the thing that sold me to the network at first. Then I found out I had to have a credit card (even for paypal), so I had to cancel.


They haven't uploaded all the Raw's, Nitro's, etc yet. They have pretty much the entire Raw collection from 1993-1996 and Nitro of 1995-1996, and I'm assuming they're going to upload the majority in order (so 1997 next). I believe I read somewhere that the 'random' episodes that are up are because they are episodes featured in original programming like the Monday Night Wars and Rivals. I may be wrong though.


But this is also why I opted to go back to 1985 and start from there. By the time I get through to the Monday Night Wars I'm hoping they'll be at least up to 1998/1999. And if you imagine, watching 1996 in chronological order (without mentioning ECW) would be 152+ hours of viewing alone. It'll take me a good while to get through just a year of that haha

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My brother and I started watching all the Nitros hoping that by the time we're done with the current content they'd at least have '97 up. Right now we're in April of '96 and no sign of an update, but hopefully soon. I don't really get why they wouldn't just upload all the vault stuff. It would be a huge selling point, no? Are they trying to be Netflix?
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My brother and I started watching all the Nitros hoping that by the time we're done with the current content they'd at least have '97 up. Right now we're in April of '96 and no sign of an update, but hopefully soon. I don't really get why they wouldn't just upload all the vault stuff. It would be a huge selling point, no? Are they trying to be Netflix?


I imagine the reason they don't have all the vault stuff has to do with legal matters, like music rights and such. Have to go through everything and make sure it's all legal, don't want any law suits from music companies, other wrestlers, etc.


From what I understand, not the entire back catalogue is currently digitised, and what is still needs to be thoroughly 'seeked' through to remove any music or items they no longer have a licence for, as Chris said.


Also, it's a strategic thing at the moment. They won't add anything exciting now until after 'Mania, so as to try and keep those extra users subscribed. They've slowly got the Raw's ahead of the Nitro's now, so I'd imagine we can expect a bundle of WCW content some time soon.

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I was reading Gleed's blog over on dotnet and this had me rolling.


What is WrestleMania going to be in the future without an Undertaker entrance? Will they shorten the show to three hours because they will no longer need two hours for the druids to light their torches and lead the slow walking Undertaker down to the ring?
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That's weird. you'd think the older eps are harder to keep in the archives. Maybe they knew it just wasn't worth it. :p


The ability to watch the archives was the thing that sold me to the network at first. Then I found out I had to have a credit card (even for paypal), so I had to cancel.


You can link a bank account to your PayPal account. No credit card needed.

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From what I understand, not the entire back catalogue is currently digitised, and what is still needs to be thoroughly 'seeked' through to remove any music or items they no longer have a licence for, as Chris said.


Also, it's a strategic thing at the moment. They won't add anything exciting now until after 'Mania, so as to try and keep those extra users subscribed. They've slowly got the Raw's ahead of the Nitro's now, so I'd imagine we can expect a bundle of WCW content some time soon.


Yeah, I wasn't trying to criticize them just so everyone knows, I just honestly didn't know why. Thanks for shedding some light haha. That makes total sense if it is the case.

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I still do not get how Sting vs. HHH is thought of as a "Dream Match".


Undertaker vs. Sting, yes that would be a dream match even if neither man is able to do much nowadays.


HBK vs. Sting, yes that is a dream match if HBK would come out of retirement for one more match.


HHH vs. Sting, yeah not so much.

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I've been watching WWE Network since the UK launch, and now that I've caught up on all the original content and watched a few of the Beyond the Ring documentaries, I started to watch a few of the PPV events, randomly. I've now decided that I'm going to watch the WWE, WCW and eventually ECW through in chronological order from 1985. The events I'll be including are anything classed as a 'PPV' and all WWF SNME and NWA/WCW COTC events, until I get to 1993 and I'll start including WWF Raw. I'm hoping that by the time I get to 1993 (should take me a while, I'll probably only watch one event every couple of days) that WCW Saturday Night will be uploaded, also.


Looking forward to watching them in order, I've never really seen much of anything pre-1995, so I'm hoping to get a much better appreciation of certain legends like Steamboat, Funk, Piper, etc. who I've only ever really seen in 'classic' match ups and compilation videos.


I'd recommend watching some of the WWE Old Schools as well. They're basically house shows that were televised on the MSG network back in the day, and were rarely seen by the public at large, (far as I know). There's one from 1991 that features what may have actually been the first Hogan-Flair WWE match.


They're usually pretty high quality shows.


I keep hoping they'll upload that special, Internet-only Friday Nitro WCW did once upon a time, (back when watching wrestling on the internet was new). I've wanted to see that show for years, but so far I haven't ever had the chance.

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I still do not get how Sting vs. HHH is thought of as a "Dream Match".


Undertaker vs. Sting, yes that would be a dream match even if neither man is able to do much nowadays.


HBK vs. Sting, yes that is a dream match if HBK would come out of retirement for one more match.


HHH vs. Sting, yeah not so much.


Any match Sting would be in at WrestleMania is a dream match in my opinion. He could fight Zack Ryder but just the fact that he's in a WWE ring at Mania makes it a dream match :p


Plus I'd personally rather see HHH face him than 'Taker at this point. Hunter is the perfect guy for him to fight right now because he's gonna be able to do most of the work while making Sting's signature moves and finisher(s) look really good, and he carries the necessary star power to be Sting's first WWE feud/match.

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I still do not get how Sting vs. HHH is thought of as a "Dream Match".


Undertaker vs. Sting, yes that would be a dream match even if neither man is able to do much nowadays.


HBK vs. Sting, yes that is a dream match if HBK would come out of retirement for one more match.


HHH vs. Sting, yeah not so much.


Sting vs Triple H is a dream match in the way that they are two icons/legends of their respective companies in the same era finally fighting each other for the first time, but not necessarily something everybody have been asking for.


That being said, I would've loved to see Sting destroy the McMahon-Helmsley Faction back in 2000.

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I liked RAW (a lot actually; only the ending was kinda retarded), but there's things I don't get:


- How they use Wade Barrett.


- How Miz vs Mizdow isn't a match at Mania: sure, it could be a 'moment', but they'd be crazy in the head to just leave them out.


And the Rhodes Brothers should at least have a moment somewhere. I get that the match is not on Mania, but there should be some reference, right?


Here's wondering if Lana will somehow backstab Rusev at Mania. If would be awesome if she somehow attained American citizenship now. I don't know if she has been trained for in-ring action, but that'd be the ideal gimmick-shift.

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