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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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However, I don't understand why they did the screwy finish. Lesnar broke the undefeated streak, so they could've just had Taker win this one clean and if they wanted a blow off match just call it a rubber match. Say both man has won once against each other, and (I assume they are building to this) have the WM match be the final match with Taker's career on the line. There was no reason for the screwy finish as IMO it just made Undertaker look weak.


They didn't want Lesnar to look weak.


I think the finish was pretty clever. 'Taker got his revenge but had to use some shady tactics so Lesnar is kept strong. They can still have the blow-off match and I assume it will be at WM32 in some sort of No DQ/No Holds Barred match.


I agree it made The Undertaker look weak but I think it was intentional in the sense that he'll no longer be portrayed as The Phenom and instead a mere mortal.

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I was at tSummerslam so my opinion is totally biased. But my verdict... It was awesome! I had so much fun! Barclay's Center is a great building I had never been there before. Though I think most of my fun was just hanging in New York with my friends.


The show itself was a great night of wrestling IMO. Not the strongest of the year or anything but a solid PPV. I paid a hefty price for my ticket and don't feel cheated. The ending was what it was. You folks certainly have the right to be frustrated. But to me, WWE is just an ongoing TV show more than a real sporting event. Sometimes TV shows have "wtf" endings. I think this is clearly the second part of a planned trilogy. I certainly would have booked it differently, but all told it was still a good match (though not a great one) that had me wrapped up in it. And i'm definitely down for a third. I don't see that remotely as a bad thing. I just locve the Undertaker and I'd rather enjoy him while he's still around than over analyze and complain about him.


Cena/Rollins was a killer match. The crowd was on fire for that one. The Divas match was a little underwhelming. Amell had a solid celebrity performance. Cody's been awesome and continued his great heel run further. I know his stuff isn't setting the world on fire. But for me personally, I'm a huge fan of his and I simply love the work he's been doing as this Archvillain type character.


The four man tag match was wonderful IMO. Loved loved loved that match. Titus looked fantastic tonight. He's really very promising it might be time to break that team up and let him have a solo run.


The Rollins/Ambrose match was just dumb fun. Dean, Bray, and Luke killed it. Again though, they have Roman sleep through another huge PPV match just to rally the crowd at the end. Why can't they figure out how to make this guy do cool stuff? They're force feeding us Reigns instead of giving us opportunities to like him. He needs big performances and he's not pulling them out on a consistent basis at all.

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SummerSlam Review:


Orton vs Sheamus - Solid match that picked up near the end but not exciting enough IMO to open the PPV. The pyro smoke was distracting.

New Day vs Lucha Dragons vs Los Matadores vs PTP (Tag Team Championship) - Good match even with the botches. New day deserved to be champs again. Kalisto & Titus got good pops.

Ziggler vs vs Rusev - Solid match let down by a countout finish to setup a mixed tag match at NOC. Lana should turn heel so Rusev can have both women ringside.

Barrett & Stardust vs Neville & Amell - Fun but they treated it like a pre-show match. Amell should have had a better entrance, better ring gear and a stunt bow and arrow to shoot Stardust with after the match.

Show vs Miz vs Ryback (Intercontinental Championship) - OK match. Better than expected but Miz should have won. Ryback and Show are more entertaining on commentary than in the ring.

Wyatt Family vs Ambrose & Reigns - Good match. The Reigns hate is more stale than Cena at this point. Although the way Roman no-sold everything late in the match threatened to undo all the good work he's done the last few months.

Cena vs Rollins (WWE & US Championships) - Great match and result but Rollins carried Cena. And they screwed it up with the cluster**** ref knock down/Jon Stewart heel turn combo finish. Also WTF at the card placement. Seth's White Power Ranger outfit was awesome. Cena's Springboard Stunner was awful.

Team Bella vs Team BAD vs Team PCB - OK match but a letdown after Sasha vs Bayley. Having nothing on the line didn't help. Sasha was clearly being protected by her minimal ring time. Charlotte has the crowd popping but it was good to see Becky get the pin.

Cesaro vs Owens - Great match. It was obvious this was going to be my MOTN in the first 2 minutes. Owens didn't look like he had a ladder match 24 hours ago and he got the win he needed. I hope the feud continues so Cesaro can get a win back.

Taker vs Lesnar - Suprisingly great match. Way better than their last effort. They scripted smartly around Taker's fitness and included a few mark-out spots. And no spamming of suplexes by Lesnar. I'm glad they stuck with Taker as a heel but screw WWE and their overuse of dodgy finishes. How did the timekeeper even see Taker tap out?


Verdict: Solid PPV but not good enough for a 4 hour SummerSlam. Half of the matches were only Raw or pre-show quality at best.





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Honestly I was pretty impressed with Stephen Amell of how well he handled himself out there. Honestly with about a 2 year grind he probably would be able to wrestle in WWE. He showed he wasn't afraid to take bumps and also even though he was really stiff you can tell he "gets it"!
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Honestly I was pretty impressed with Stephen Amell of how well he handled himself out there. Honestly with about a 2 year grind he probably would be able to wrestle in WWE. He showed he wasn't afraid to take bumps and also even though he was really stiff you can tell he "gets it"!


Russelrules reporting to you live from my school, and let me just say that I want to see Stephen Amell in a WWE ring by 2017. He's a natural and only in his first match.

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Russelrules reporting to you live from my school, and let me just say that I want to see Stephen Amell in a WWE ring by 2017. He's a natural and only in his first match.


Thats funny!....just got done watching the Family vs. Family and Roman really oversold that suicide dive. They did a knee jerk reaction when the crowd turned on him but it should have never got to that point. Who was the Road Agent for that match because they should have been reprimanded for that for thinking it was a good idea to have him milk it.


Edit:I'm just going to continue to edit this as I'm watching....


Title vs. Title was a fantastic match...really odd ending having John Stewart doing a random heel turn. I would've have actually bought a Seth Rollins face turn until the end.


Diva Revoloution...I think its crap that Nikki is not even defending the belt at all since this kicked off. Apparently Creative thinks that she should just carry it by default until AJ's record is broken? It's great that they did all the call ups but it feels like they are just dragging this out just so she could beat the record by a day before a knee jerk title loss. As far as the match goes I'm surprised Sasha didn't get alot of ring time in this match. I know Naomi is the most talented of that group but Sasha is the all around stand out if you ask me.

As far as victories go Becky was definitively the one who should have gotten it.

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I didn't hate SummerSlam, but I didn't love it. Rollins vs Cena was great until the ending. Same with Lesnar and Taker. Lesnar and Taker was better than their WrestleMania match which regardless of the streak ending, was a pretty poor match to begin with. I enjoyed the tag title match, especially New Day's antics. They're so ridiculously entertaining. Rusev and Dolph was pretty good, but once again, horrible ending. Lana's get up was amazing. I still hate Summer Rae.


Okada was at SummerSlam with Joe.



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I didn't hate SummerSlam, but I didn't love it. Rollins vs Cena was great until the ending. Same with Lesnar and Taker. Lesnar and Taker was better than their WrestleMania match which regardless of the streak ending, was a pretty poor match to begin with. I enjoyed the tag title match, especially New Day's antics. They're so ridiculously entertaining. Rusev and Dolph was pretty good, but once again, horrible ending. Lana's get up was amazing. I still hate Summer Rae.


Okada was at SummerSlam with Joe.




Aiden English looking dapper in the background there.

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I know it's Russo but even he is discrediting this finishes! They make some really great points here. I can see when somebody drops a title at ROH to go to WWE because 99% of your WWE audience does not watch the indies...but when you been showcased on the main show but you go back down to development to drop your title before moving on is pretty questionable.

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I know it's Russo but even he is discrediting this finishes! They make some really great points here. I can see when somebody drops a title at ROH to go to WWE because 99% of your WWE audience does not watch the indies...but when you been showcased on the main show but you go back down to development to drop your title before moving on is pretty questionable.


Well; that does it. Whoever made that finish is even worse at writing that Vince Russo....


Not that the finish was awful to me; it could have been a clever little twist...but yeah, the execution fell through.

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I stopped reviewing Raw but I made an exception for this one beause it was so entertaining.


- Nothing less than an A+ Heyman promo could rescue the overbooked ending of the Brock/Taker match and he didn't disappoint. Bo Dallas cutting a promo on Brock and getting squashed was icing on the cake.

- New Day are hilarious. Looking forward to the 3-way feud with the Dudley Boyz and PTP. I still hope the Lucha Dragons are tag champs by the end of the year.

- Finally a new Wyatt Family member. Straight out of developmental, though, so fingers crossed he's better than Rowen. I wonder if Orton will join Shield 2.0. I'd take that over another match with Sheamus.

- Miz TV with PCB was fun considering the script they had to work with. The match was actually decent but the crowds are going to keep turning on them until they pick a #1 Contender(s) for Nikki's title.

- The Stardust/Neville segment was over too damn quick. It needed Stephen Amell.

- Stewart gets cheered because Cena got screwed and Cena looks like a douche for taking the low road and giving him the AA = LOL. The Stewart/Flair/Cena segment was good but it doesn't change my opinion that it was a stupid, poorly executed angle at SummerSlam.

- The 8-man tag match was solid. Everyone kicking Big Show's ass was good. An Owens vs Ryback feud could get the IC title back on track.

- Rollins looks great in a suit with 2 title belts. Sting appearing was a better swerve than the ones they pulled at SummerSlam.

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I know it's Russo but even he is discrediting this finishes! They make some really great points here. I can see when somebody drops a title at ROH to go to WWE because 99% of your WWE audience does not watch the indies...but when you been showcased on the main show but you go back down to development to drop your title before moving on is pretty questionable.

If Russo was booking SS, John Stewart would be WWE Champion right now.

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Yay! New number one contender! The guy who doesn't even have a single win in his WWE career! He's so deserving.:rolleyes:


They might use this as a catalyst to start a feud between Sting and someone else for the exact reasons you're stating ("You don't deserve a title shot etc") That person, whoever it might be, could even cost Sting the match.

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