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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I haven't watched the product in years now, but I was wondering if there were any websites out there that actually posted "quick" results. Just a who beat who type of thing. Basically everywhere I've looked they want to go into super detail of every show.


I usually check out Bleacher Report's recap of the Raw's and PPVs, they usually have quick synopsis of the segment/match and usually include a short YouTube clip of the segment of match. You just have to get past the slideshow presentation.


I usually ignore the grade but the writer's opinion is usually fair and doesn't sound like a Fanboy.

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I loved watching Owens kick Neville's and Ambrose's ass. The first segment went on too long (same old s*** at this point) but Vince's classic I own everything line gets me every time! Solid Raw. I'm glad Slater got tv time. I'd like to see him get more of a push. He's super entertaining.


On a side note, the profanity seems to be on an uptick these last couple weeks. Surely they're not heading away from G rating?

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Now I may be wrong but I believe if WWE is a publicly traded company then all polls they make they have to announce the legitimate winners. Which makes sense because the majority of the audience is not voting for Owens or Paige or even New Day. So don't blame the WWE blame the six year old fan clicking on The Usos.


Of course the polls are legit. If WWE had been rigging their polls then Evan Bourne wouldn't have been so shocked at Mason Ryan accidentally winning the votes over Sin Cara due a to technical glitch several years back.


Caught last week's NXT.....now that was an main event where the crowd is actually into the characters. A match between a returning top face and a midcarder, with predictable results, but the crowd reaction alone was enough to make it more entertaining than the Balor/Joe title match. I know they were getting ready to promote Zayn to the main roster before he got injured, but I hope he sticks around on NXT a bit more until they build up another top face I can care about. It says something about the lack of personality in your champion when a midcard heel is getting better reactions.


The Sasha/Becky match on RAW illustrates the WWE's major problem at their "Divas Revolution". 5 minutes into the match and the crowd found it boring. It certainly wasn't because they didn't care about the competitors, because they were red-hot during the first 5 minutes. They were certainly more into Sasha than they were into the League of Nations. :rolleyes: Great ending sequence woke them up again, but a crowd like that probably isn't going to react well to 30 minute Iron Women matches.

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Raw was OK. Par for the course early on the Road to Wrestlemania.


Owens/Neville/Ambrose - WWE are booking this 3 man feud to perfection and everyone is getting over.

Charlotte vs Becky - Good match. Charlotte finally turned heel to ramp up the feud. She needs to learn how to spear, though.

Social Outcasts - Terrible gimmick, terrible promos. I hope Lesnar destroys them next week.

New Day vs Kalisto & Dudleyz - Fun match. It sucks Sin Cara is out but Kalisto is quickly turning into a fan favorite.

Sheamus vs Reigns - Typical overbooked title match. Interesting twist at the end, though.



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I think Meltzer was first to leak it and it's doing the rounds now. Would be a massive coup if it happens.


Fantasy booking: Balor gets called up after Wrestlemania and wins a feud as a babyface. He introduces AJ Styles, Anderson & Gallows to form the babyface Balor Club. After getting the pin to win their first feud, AJ thinks he's the best wrestler in the world and should be the leader so he turns on Balor and takes charge.


Nakamura wins the Intercontinental Title early after his call up.

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So long as they don't call it Balor Club, I would love to see Balor introduce these guys as a stable. He could get called up to the main roster, cut a promo on how Dallas, Neville and Owens (former NXT Champions) are being kept down or just not good enough, but that won't happen to him as not only is he the best wrestler in the world, even a Demon has some "friends" to watch his back, and then later Anderson & Gallows come down and help during Balors match against lets say Ziggler (it could be anyone half decent the crowd likes).


Ziggler gets beaten down and the 3 former Bullet Club members stand tall. AJ Styles & Nakamura could join a few weeks later as run ins during a 6 man tag match.


I have other ideas but the one I posted would be the more "WWE style" option. Plus it was the shortest and least complicated idea I liked.

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If true, it's big and going to force some changes in New Japan that have been needed for some time.


Interesting if true though given that Nakamura's body is pretty broken down from the Inoki MMA years & the general New Japan nature.


It's true. Spoilers in white.


Omega now leads the Bullet Club. He kicked AJ Styles out and Styles Clashed him. He's challenging Nakamura.

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Interesting if true though given that Nakamura's body is pretty broken down from the Inoki MMA years & the general New Japan nature.


I think WWE's style is much lower impact though. It's like the NFL vs high school football. Well, kinda. The NFL's gotten really powder puff in recent years.


So long as they don't call it Balor Club, I would love to see Balor introduce these guys as a stable. He could get called up to the main roster, cut a promo on how Dallas, Neville and Owens (former NXT Champions) are being kept down or just not good enough, but that won't happen to him as not only is he the best wrestler in the world, even a Demon has some "friends" to watch his back, and then later Anderson & Gallows come down and help during Balors match against lets say Ziggler (it could be anyone half decent the crowd likes).


Ziggler gets beaten down and the 3 former Bullet Club members stand tall. AJ Styles & Nakamura could join a few weeks later as run ins during a 6 man tag match.


I have other ideas but the one I posted would be the more "WWE style" option. Plus it was the shortest and least complicated idea I liked.


My only problem with your idea is the fact that WWE doesn't really do stables well (or for long periods). I expect the League of Nations to fade away by Mania, especially since one of them (Barrett) is hurt and only on TV for visual purposes. Also, they have a tendency to lose sight of new call ups, unless they make a big splash. Wherefore art though Tyler Breeze? Waving in the wind with seemingly no direction. Right now, they have three operating stables (Wyatts, the New Day, League of Nations) and only one of them is a long term fixture. I think the Heath Slater thing is basically 3MB v2.0 (his character is destroyed and can never be rebuilt into anything more than a jobber, in my view). But I'm pretty sure they didn't sign for peanuts and they were given some assurances.

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If true, it's big and going to force some changes in New Japan that have been needed for some time.


Interesting if true though given that Nakamura's body is pretty broken down from the Inoki MMA years & the general New Japan nature.


This is what I'm curious about. Same with AJ. The actual wrestling is obviously a lot less stressful, but the touring schedule is what I'm interested about. Especially with house shows. I've got to imagine Nakamura and Styles will have to be doing less house shows if the WWE wants to keep the guys from disintegrating.

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Ziggler gets beaten down and the 3 former Bullet Club members stand tall. AJ Styles & Nakamura could join a few weeks later as run ins during a 6 man tag match.

The rest of your idea sounds like it could be interesting, but I'd keep AJ and especially Nakamura on their own.


I'm kind of torn about this. I'll miss seeing AJ and Nakamura, but good on AJ for finally getting this chance. Shinsuke leaving is a bigger surprise, but it seemed like he was just going to keep losing and regaining the IC title for the rest of time.

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Hopefully they don't just job AJ Styles to Reigns and Cena.


AJ Styles age kind of worries me about how many miles they will get out of him. I'm really hoping he has a TV and above contract to protect him because I would really hate to see him get hurt within the first few months getting there.



WWE's mentality on not caring how big of a star they are but "earning" their way should not need to apply to him because of the guy's long time exposure but stranger things have happen KENTA Kobyashi (Hideo Itami) baffled me when they started him on NXT given he is probably Japan's John Cena (Meaning from a popularity standpoint and not a stale over used standpoint).


I think it is a perfectly acceptable to be skeptical to see how WWE's Bullet Club will be booked. I really hope they don't try to change his name because him being anything but AJ Styles is pretty dumb at this point.

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I'm most curious of how they use Nakamura. Due to his age he probably won't get a run at the top of the card. I think the best position for him would probably be to boost the WWE's version of the IC strap with a super long reign where he doesn't lose matches every week.


The first thought I had with AJ, Doc and MG was Balor Club. They've been doing offhand promoting in a way. It seems every entrance now has the Balor Club graphic on the video biard, but they've never addressed it. To me that says that they've had this planned for a while but didn't start promoting it on tv tapings until they knew for sure that they'd sign.


If they do go that route I'm very curious to see how they turn Finn heel and how they do that demon aspect of his character as a heel. Definitely a great way to start the new year. WWE appears to be picking up their tv booking going towards Mania like they do every year. I'm finally looking forward to a Raw episode for the first time in months. Love the twist on the Rumble, and I love me some Vinnie Mack!

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Didnt Gallows learn from his first 2 runs in WWE never go to back...


WWE can and will ruin this...


You mean the run that got his name out there nationally and most likely paid him more than he ever made elsewhere, and is now looking to hire him back at a higher rate? The poor guy!

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This is what I'm curious about. Same with AJ. The actual wrestling is obviously a lot less stressful, but the touring schedule is what I'm interested about. Especially with house shows. I've got to imagine Nakamura and Styles will have to be doing less house shows if the WWE wants to keep the guys from disintegrating.


Based on AJ's past comments, style, and age, I kinda expect him to get the Joe treatment. M/E NXT, don't do most of the NXT house shows.


Works for both sides, AJ gets a "WWE" run and a steady check but doesn't have to do the 250+ days of travel, WWE gets to use AJ as a trainer for guys coming through, a unique draw for NXT, and if they need him to fill in on the main roster, I'm sure there are pay escalators for that.

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Based on AJ's past comments, style, and age, I kinda expect him to get the Joe treatment. M/E NXT, don't do most of the NXT house shows.


Works for both sides, AJ gets a "WWE" run and a steady check but doesn't have to do the 250+ days of travel, WWE gets to use AJ as a trainer for guys coming through, a unique draw for NXT, and if they need him to fill in on the main roster, I'm sure there are pay escalators for that.





According to this AJ and Nakumora are going straight to the main roster. It's scary that both me and Brian Zane had the same mindset on AJ....

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